Beispiel #1
int model_xy2fij(model* m, int vid, double x, double y, double* fi, double* fj)
    void* grid = m->grids[m->vars[vid].gridid];
    int** numlevels = grid_getnumlevels(grid);
    int lontype = grid_getlontype(grid);
    int ni, nj;
    int i1, i2, j1, j2;

    if (lontype == LONTYPE_180) {
        if (x > 180.0)
            x -= 360.0;
    } else if (lontype == LONTYPE_360) {
        if (x < 0.0)
            x += 360.0;

    grid_xy2fij(grid, x, y, fi, fj);

    if (isnan(*fi + *fj))
        return STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID;

     * Note that this section should be consistent with similar sections in
     * interpolate2d() and interpolate3d().
    i1 = floor(*fi);
    i2 = ceil(*fi);
    j1 = floor(*fj);
    j2 = ceil(*fj);

    model_getvardims(m, vid, &ni, &nj, NULL);
    if (i1 == -1)
        i1 = (grid_isperiodic_x(model_getvargrid(m, vid))) ? ni - 1 : i2;
    if (i2 == ni)
        i2 = (grid_isperiodic_x(model_getvargrid(m, vid))) ? 0 : i1;
    if (j1 == -1)
        j1 = (grid_isperiodic_y(model_getvargrid(m, vid))) ? nj - 1 : j2;
    if (i2 == nj)
        j2 = (grid_isperiodic_y(model_getvargrid(m, vid))) ? 0 : j1;

    if (numlevels[j1][i1] == 0 && numlevels[j1][i2] == 0 && numlevels[j2][i1] == 0 && numlevels[j2][i2] == 0) {
        *fi = NaN;
        *fj = NaN;
        return STATUS_LAND;
    return STATUS_OK;
Beispiel #2
/** For files of the form ?? They are assumed to have "time" 
 * variable.
void reader_rads_standard(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, model* m, observations* obs)
    double mindepth = MINDEPTH_DEF;
    char* addname = NULL;
    int ncid;
    int dimid_nobs;
    size_t nobs_local;
    int varid_lon, varid_lat, varid_pass, varid_sla, varid_time, varid_add;
    double* lon;
    double* lat;
    int* pass;
    double* sla;
    double* time;
    double error_std;
    double* add = NULL;
    size_t tunits_len;
    char* tunits;
    double tunits_multiple, tunits_offset;
    char* basename;
    char instname[3];
    int mvid;
    float** depth;
    int i, ktop;

    for (i = 0; i < meta->npars; ++i) {
        if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "MINDEPTH") == 0) {
            if (!str2double(meta->pars[i].value, &mindepth))
                enkf_quit("observation prm file: can not convert MINDEPTH = \"%s\" to double\n", meta->pars[i].value);
        } else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "ADD") == 0) {
            addname = meta->pars[i].value;
            enkf_printf("        ADDING \"%s\"\n", addname);
        } else
            enkf_quit("unknown PARAMETER \"%s\"\n", meta->pars[i].name);
    enkf_printf("        MINDEPTH = %.0f\n", mindepth);

    ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid);

    ncw_inq_dimid(ncid, "nobs", &dimid_nobs);
    ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid_nobs, &nobs_local);
    enkf_printf("        nobs = %u\n", (unsigned int) nobs_local);

    if (nobs_local == 0) {

    ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &varid_lon);
    lon = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lon, lon);

    ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &varid_lat);
    lat = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lat, lat);

    ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "pass", &varid_pass);
    pass = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(int));
    ncw_get_var_int(ncid, varid_pass, pass);

    ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "sla", &varid_sla);
    sla = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_sla, sla);
    ncw_get_att_double(ncid, varid_sla, "error_std", &error_std);
    enkf_printf("        error_std = %3g\n", error_std);

    if (addname != NULL) {
        ncw_inq_varid(ncid, addname, &varid_add);
        add = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
        ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_add, add);

    ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "time", &varid_time);
    time = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_time, time);
    ncw_inq_attlen(ncid, varid_time, "units", &tunits_len);
    tunits = calloc(tunits_len + 1, 1);
    ncw_get_att_text(ncid, varid_time, "units", tunits);


    tunits_convert(tunits, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset);

    basename = strrchr(fname, '/');
    if (basename == NULL)
        basename = fname;
        basename += 1;
    strncpy(instname, basename, 2);
    instname[2] = 0;

    mvid = model_getvarid(m, obs->obstypes[obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type, 1)].varnames[0], 1);
    ktop = grid_gettoplayerid(model_getvargrid(m, mvid));
    depth = model_getdepth(m, mvid, 1);

    for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i) {
        observation* o;
        obstype* ot;

        o = &obs->data[obs->nobs];

        o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product);
        assert(o->product >= 0);
        o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type, 1);
        ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type];
        o->instrument = st_add_ifabscent(obs->instruments, instname, -1);
        o->id = obs->nobs;
        o->fid = fid;
        o->batch = pass[i];
        o->value = sla[i];
        if (add != NULL)
            o->value += add[i];
        o->std = error_std;
        o->lon = lon[i];
        o->lat = lat[i];
        o->depth = 0.0;
        o->status = model_xy2fij(m, mvid, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj);
        if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID)
        o->fk = (double) ktop;
        o->model_depth = (isnan(o->fi + o->fj)) ? NaN : depth[(int) (o->fj + 0.5)][(int) (o->fi + 0.5)];
        o->date = time[i] * tunits_multiple + tunits_offset;
        if (o->status == STATUS_OK && o->model_depth < mindepth)
            o->status = STATUS_SHALLOW;
        if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax))
            o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN;

        o->aux = -1;


    if (add != NULL)
Beispiel #3
void reader_windsat_standard(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, model* m, observations* obs)
    int ncid;
    int dimid_nobs;
    size_t nobs_local;
    int varid_lon, varid_lat, varid_sst, varid_error, varid_time;
    double* lon;
    double* lat;
    double* sst;
    double* error_std;
    double* time;
    int year, month, day;
    char tunits[MAXSTRLEN];
    size_t tunits_len;
    double tunits_multiple, tunits_offset;
    char* basename;
    int mvid;
    float** depth;
    int ktop;
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < meta->npars; ++i)
        enkf_quit("unknown PARAMETER \"%s\"\n", meta->pars[i].name);

    basename = strrchr(fname, '/');
    if (basename == NULL)
        basename = fname;
        basename += 1;

    ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid);

    ncw_inq_dimid(ncid, "nobs", &dimid_nobs);
    ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid_nobs, &nobs_local);
    enkf_printf("        nobs = %u\n", (unsigned int) nobs_local);

    if (nobs_local == 0) {

    ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &varid_lon);
    lon = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lon, lon);

    ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &varid_lat);
    lat = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lat, lat);

    ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "sst", &varid_sst);
    sst = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_sst, sst);

    ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "error", &varid_error);
    error_std = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_error, error_std);

    ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "age", &varid_time);
    time = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_time, time);
    ncw_inq_attlen(ncid, varid_time, "units", &tunits_len);
    ncw_get_att_text(ncid, varid_time, "units", tunits);
    basename[16] = 0;
    if (!str2int(&basename[14], &day))
        enkf_quit("WindSat reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname);
    basename[14] = 0;
    if (!str2int(&basename[12], &month))
        enkf_quit("WindSat reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname);
    basename[12] = 0;
    if (!str2int(&basename[8], &year))
        enkf_quit("WindSat reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname);
    snprintf(&tunits[tunits_len], MAXSTRLEN - tunits_len, " since %4d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day);


    tunits_convert(tunits, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset);

    mvid = model_getvarid(m, obs->obstypes[obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type, 1)].varnames[0], 1);
    ktop = grid_gettoplayerid(model_getvargrid(m, mvid));
    depth = model_getdepth(m, mvid, 0);

    for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i)
        if (time[i] != 0.0)
    if (i == (int) nobs_local)
        for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i)
            time[i] = 0.5;

    for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i) {
        observation* o;
        obstype* ot;

        o = &obs->data[obs->nobs];

        o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product);
        assert(o->product >= 0);
        o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type, 1);
        ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type];
        o->instrument = st_add_ifabscent(obs->instruments, "WindSat", -1);
        o->id = obs->nobs;
        o->fid = fid;
        o->batch = 0;
        o->value = sst[i];
        o->std = error_std[i];
        o->lon = lon[i];
        o->lat = lat[i];
        o->depth = 0.0;
        o->fk = (double) ktop;
        o->status = model_xy2fij(m, mvid, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj);
        if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID)
        if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax || o->depth <= ot->zmin || o->depth >= ot->zmax))
            o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN;
        o->model_depth = (depth == NULL || isnan(o->fi + o->fj)) ? NaN : depth[(int) (o->fj + 0.5)][(int) (o->fi + 0.5)];
        o->date = time[i] * tunits_multiple + tunits_offset;
        o->aux = -1;


Beispiel #4
void reader_navo_standard(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, model* m, observations* obs)
    int addbias = ADDBIAS_DEF;
    int ncid;
    int dimid_nobs;
    size_t nobs_local;
    int varid_lon, varid_lat, varid_sst, varid_sstb, varid_error, varid_time;
    double* lon = NULL;
    double* lat = NULL;
    double* sst = NULL;
    double* sstb = NULL;
    double* error_std = NULL;
    double* time = NULL;
    int year, month, day;
    char tunits[MAXSTRLEN];
    size_t tunits_len;
    double tunits_multiple, tunits_offset;
    char* basename;
    int model_vid;
    int k, i;

    for (i = 0; i < meta->npars; ++i) {
        if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "ADDBIAS") == 0)
            addbias = (istrue(meta->pars[i].value)) ? 1 : 0;
            enkf_quit("unknown PARAMETER \"%s\"\n", meta->pars[i].name);
    enkf_printf("        ADDBIAS = %s\n", (addbias) ? "YES" : "NO");

    basename = strrchr(fname, '/');
    if (basename == NULL)
        basename = fname;
        basename += 1;

    ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid);
    ncw_inq_dimid(fname, ncid, (ncw_dim_exists(ncid, "nobs")) ? "nobs" : "length", &dimid_nobs);
    ncw_inq_dimlen(fname, ncid, dimid_nobs, &nobs_local);
    enkf_printf("        nobs = %u\n", (unsigned int) nobs_local);

    if (nobs_local == 0) {
        ncw_close(fname, ncid);

    ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "lon", &varid_lon);
    lon = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_lon, lon);

    ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "lat", &varid_lat);
    lat = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_lat, lat);

    ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "sst", &varid_sst);
    sst = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_sst, sst);

    if (addbias) {
        ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "SST_bias", &varid_sstb);
        sstb = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
        ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_sstb, sstb);

    ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "error", &varid_error);
    error_std = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_error, error_std);

    ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "GMT_time", &varid_time);
    time = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double));
    ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_time, time);
    ncw_inq_attlen(fname, ncid, varid_time, "units", &tunits_len);
    ncw_get_att_text(fname, ncid, varid_time, "units", tunits);
    basename[13] = 0;
    if (!str2int(&basename[11], &day))
        enkf_quit("NAVO reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname);
    basename[11] = 0;
    if (!str2int(&basename[9], &month))
        enkf_quit("NAVO reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname);
    basename[9] = 0;
    if (!str2int(&basename[5], &year))
        enkf_quit("NAVO reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname);
    snprintf(&tunits[tunits_len], MAXSTRLEN - tunits_len, " since %4d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day);

    ncw_close(fname, ncid);

    tunits_convert(tunits, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset);

    model_vid = model_getvarid(m, obs->obstypes[obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type)].varname, 1);
    k = grid_gettoplayerid(model_getvargrid(m, model_vid));

    for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i) {
        observation* o;
        obstype* ot;

        o = &obs->data[obs->nobs];

        o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product);
        assert(o->product >= 0);
        o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type);
        assert(o->type >= 0);
        ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type];
        o->instrument = st_add_ifabscent(obs->instruments, "AVHRR", -1);
        o->id = obs->nobs;
        o->fid = fid;
        o->batch = 0;
        o->value = (addbias) ? sst[i] + sstb[i] : sst[i];
        o->std = error_std[i];
        o->lon = lon[i];
        o->lat = lat[i];
        o->depth = 0.0;
        o->status = model_xy2fij(m, model_vid, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj);
        if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID)
        if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax || o->depth <= ot->zmin || o->depth >= ot->zmax))
            o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN;
        o->fk = (double) k;
        o->date = time[i] * tunits_multiple + tunits_offset;
        o->aux = -1;


    if (addbias)