Beispiel #1
arma::rowvec asympt_calc(const arma::vec& theta,
                         const std::vector<std::string>& desc, const arma::field<arma::vec>& objdesc, 
                         std::string model_type, const arma::vec& scales, const arma::mat& V, const arma::mat& omega,
                         const arma::vec& wv_empir, const arma::vec& theo, double obj_value){
  // Take derivatives
  arma::mat A = derivative_first_matrix(theta, desc, objdesc, scales);

  /* A note to someone in the future...
  * Yes, there is a difference in order between the diff (wv_empir-theo) for D_matrix
  *  and the model_score diff (theo-wv_empir).
  // Create the D Matrix (note this is in the analytical_matrix_derivaties.cpp file)
  arma::mat D = D_matrix(theta, desc, objdesc, scales, omega*(theo - wv_empir));
  arma::rowvec temp(4);
  arma::vec result = model_score(A, D, omega, V,  obj_value);
  temp(0) = obj_value;
  temp(1) = arma::as_scalar(result.row(1));
  temp(2) = arma::as_scalar(result.row(0));
  temp(3) = arma::as_scalar( gof_test(theta, desc, objdesc, model_type, scales, V, wv_empir).row(1) ); // GoF
  return temp;
// Update the training data with aligned events from a read
void add_aligned_events(const Fast5Map& name_map,
                        const faidx_t* fai,
                        const bam_hdr_t* hdr,
                        const bam1_t* record,
                        size_t read_idx,
                        int region_start,
                        int region_end,
                        size_t round,
                        ModelTrainingMap& training)
    // Load a squiggle read for the mapped read
    std::string read_name = bam_get_qname(record);
    std::string fast5_path = name_map.get_path(read_name);

    // load read
    SquiggleRead sr(read_name, fast5_path);

    // replace the models that are built into the read with the current trained model

    for(size_t strand_idx = 0; strand_idx < NUM_STRANDS; ++strand_idx) {

        // skip if 1D reads and this is the wrong strand
        if(!sr.has_events_for_strand(strand_idx)) {

        // set k
        uint32_t k = sr.pore_model[strand_idx].k;

        // Align to the new model
        EventAlignmentParameters params; = &sr;
        params.fai = fai;
        params.hdr = hdr;
        params.record = record;
        params.strand_idx = strand_idx;

        params.alphabet = mtrain_alphabet;
        params.read_idx = read_idx;
        params.region_start = region_start;
        params.region_end = region_end;
        std::vector<EventAlignment> alignment_output = align_read_to_ref(params);
        if (alignment_output.size() == 0)

        // Update pore model based on alignment
        std::string curr_model = sr.pore_model[strand_idx].metadata.get_short_name();
        double orig_score = -INFINITY;

        if (opt::output_scores) {
            orig_score = model_score(sr, strand_idx, fai, alignment_output, 500, NULL);

            #pragma omp critical(print)
            std::cout << round << " " << curr_model << " " << read_idx << " " << strand_idx << " Original " << orig_score << std::endl;

        if ( opt::calibrate ) {
            double resid = 0.;
            recalibrate_model(sr, strand_idx, alignment_output, mtrain_alphabet, resid, true);

            if (opt::output_scores) {
                double rescaled_score = model_score(sr, strand_idx, fai, alignment_output, 500, NULL);
                #pragma omp critical(print)
                    std::cout << round << " " << curr_model << " " << read_idx << " " << strand_idx << " Rescaled " << rescaled_score << std::endl;
                    std::cout << round << " " << curr_model << " " << read_idx << " " << strand_idx << " Delta " << rescaled_score-orig_score << std::endl;

        // Get the training data for this model
        auto& emission_map = training[curr_model];

        for(size_t i = 0; i < alignment_output.size(); ++i) {
            const EventAlignment& ea = alignment_output[i];
            std::string model_kmer = ea.model_kmer;

            // Grab the previous/next model kmer from the alignment_output table.
            // If the read is from the same strand as the reference
            // the next kmer comes from the next alignment_output (and vice-versa)
            // other the indices are swapped
            int next_stride = ea.rc ? -1 : 1;

            std::string prev_kmer = "";
            std::string next_kmer = "";

            if(i > 0 && i < alignment_output.size() - 1) {

                // check that the event indices are correct for the next expected position
                assert(alignment_output[i + next_stride].event_idx - ea.event_idx == 1);
                assert(alignment_output[i - next_stride].event_idx - ea.event_idx == -1);

                // only set the previous/next when there was exactly one base of movement along the referenc
                if( std::abs(alignment_output[i + next_stride].ref_position - ea.ref_position) == 1) {
                    next_kmer = alignment_output[i + next_stride].model_kmer;

                if( std::abs(alignment_output[i - next_stride].ref_position - ea.ref_position) == 1) {
                    prev_kmer = alignment_output[i - next_stride].model_kmer;

            // Get the rank of the kmer that we aligned to (on the sequencing strand, = model_kmer)
            uint32_t rank = mtrain_alphabet->kmer_rank(model_kmer.c_str(), k);
            assert(rank < emission_map.size());
            auto& kmer_summary = emission_map[rank];

            // We only use this event for training if its not at the end of the alignment
            // (to avoid bad alignments around the read edges) and if its not too short (to
            // avoid bad measurements from effecting the levels too much)
            bool use_for_training = i > opt::min_distance_from_alignment_end &&
                i + opt::min_distance_from_alignment_end < alignment_output.size() &&
                alignment_output[i].hmm_state == 'M' &&
                sr.get_duration( alignment_output[i].event_idx, strand_idx) >= opt::min_event_duration &&
                sr.get_fully_scaled_level(alignment_output[i].event_idx, strand_idx) >= 1.0;

            if(use_for_training) {
                StateTrainingData std(sr, ea, rank, prev_kmer, next_kmer);
                #pragma omp critical(kmer)

            if(ea.hmm_state == 'M')  {
                #pragma omp atomic
                kmer_summary.num_matches += 1;
            } else if(ea.hmm_state == 'E') {
                #pragma omp atomic
                kmer_summary.num_stays += 1;
    } // for strands
int scorereads_main(int argc, char** argv)
    parse_scorereads_options(argc, argv);

    Fast5Map name_map(opt::reads_file);
    ModelMap models;
    if (!opt::models_fofn.empty())
        models = read_models_fofn(opt::models_fofn);
    // Open the BAM and iterate over reads

    // load bam file
    htsFile* bam_fh = sam_open(opt::bam_file.c_str(), "r");
    assert(bam_fh != NULL);

    // load bam index file
    std::string index_filename = opt::bam_file + ".bai";
    hts_idx_t* bam_idx = bam_index_load(index_filename.c_str());
    assert(bam_idx != NULL);

    // read the bam header
    bam_hdr_t* hdr = sam_hdr_read(bam_fh);
    // load reference fai file
    faidx_t *fai = fai_load(opt::genome_file.c_str());

    hts_itr_t* itr;

    // If processing a region of the genome, only emit events aligned to this window
    int clip_start = -1;
    int clip_end = -1;

    if(opt::region.empty()) {
        // TODO: is this valid?
        itr = sam_itr_queryi(bam_idx, HTS_IDX_START, 0, 0);
    } else {

        fprintf(stderr, "Region: %s\n", opt::region.c_str());
        itr = sam_itr_querys(bam_idx, hdr, opt::region.c_str());
        hts_parse_reg(opt::region.c_str(), &clip_start, &clip_end);

    if(opt::num_threads > 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "You enabled multi-threading but you do not have a threadsafe HDF5\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Please recompile nanopolish's built-in libhdf5 or run with -t 1\n");

    // Initialize iteration
    std::vector<bam1_t*> records(opt::batch_size, NULL);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i) {
        records[i] = bam_init1();

    int result;
    size_t num_reads_realigned = 0;
    size_t num_records_buffered = 0;

    do {
        assert(num_records_buffered < records.size());
        // read a record into the next slot in the buffer
        result = sam_itr_next(bam_fh, itr, records[num_records_buffered]);
        num_records_buffered += result >= 0;

        // realign if we've hit the max buffer size or reached the end of file
        if(num_records_buffered == records.size() || result < 0) {
            #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
            for(size_t i = 0; i < num_records_buffered; ++i) {
                bam1_t* record = records[i];
                size_t read_idx = num_reads_realigned + i;
                if( (record->core.flag & BAM_FUNMAP) == 0) {

                    //load read
                    std::string read_name = bam_get_qname(record);
                    std::string fast5_path = name_map.get_path(read_name);
                    SquiggleRead sr(read_name, fast5_path);

                    // TODO: early exit when have processed all of the reads in readnames
                    if (!opt::readnames.empty() && 
                         std::find(opt::readnames.begin(), opt::readnames.end(), read_name) == opt::readnames.end() )

                    for(size_t strand_idx = 0; strand_idx < NUM_STRANDS; ++strand_idx) {
                        std::vector<EventAlignment> ao = alignment_from_read(sr, strand_idx, read_idx,
                                                                             models, fai, hdr,
                                                                             record, clip_start, clip_end);
                        if (ao.size() == 0)

                        // Update pore model based on alignment
                        if ( opt::calibrate ) 
                            recalibrate_model(sr, strand_idx, ao, false);

                        double score = model_score(sr, strand_idx, fai, ao, 500);
                        if (score > 0) 
                        #pragma omp critical(print)
                        std::cout << read_name << " " << ( strand_idx ? "complement" : "template" ) 
                                  << " " << sr.pore_model[strand_idx].name << " " << score << std::endl;

            num_reads_realigned += num_records_buffered;
            num_records_buffered = 0;

    } while(result >= 0);
    // cleanup records
    for(size_t i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i) {

    // cleanup
    return 0;