bool HogmanSlamInterface::printVertex(PoseGraph2D::Vertex* v)
  char* s = buffer;
  memcpy(s, "VERTEX_XYT ", 11);
  s += 11;
  s += modp_itoa10(v->id(), s);
  *s++ = ' ';
  s += modp_dtoa(v->transformation.translation().x(), s, 6);
  *s++ = ' ';
  s += modp_dtoa(v->transformation.translation().y(), s, 6);
  *s++ = ' ';
  s += modp_dtoa(v->transformation.rotation().angle(), s, 6);
  *s++ = '\n';
  cout.write(buffer, s - buffer);
  return true;
bool G2oSlamInterface::printVertex(OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v)
  static char buffer[10000]; // that should be more than enough
  int vdim = v->dimension();
  if (vdim == 3) {
    char* s = buffer;
    OnlineVertexSE2* v2 = static_cast<OnlineVertexSE2*>(v);
    memcpy(s, "VERTEX_XYT ", 11);
    s += 11;
    s += modp_itoa10(v->id(), s);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v2->updatedEstimate.translation().x(), s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v2->updatedEstimate.translation().y(), s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v2->updatedEstimate.rotation().angle(), s, 6);
    *s++ = '\n';
    cout.write(buffer, s - buffer);
    return true;
  else if (vdim == 6) {
    char* s = buffer;
    OnlineVertexSE3* v3 = static_cast<OnlineVertexSE3*>(v);
    Vector3d eulerAngles = internal::toEuler(v3->updatedEstimate.matrix().topLeftCorner<3,3>());
    const double& roll = eulerAngles(0);
    const double& pitch = eulerAngles(1);
    const double& yaw = eulerAngles(2);
    memcpy(s, "VERTEX_XYZRPY ", 14);
    s += 14;
    s += modp_itoa10(v->id(), s);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v3->updatedEstimate.translation().x(), s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v3->updatedEstimate.translation().y(), s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v3->updatedEstimate.translation().z(), s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(roll, s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(pitch, s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(yaw, s, 6);
    *s++ = '\n';
    cout.write(buffer, s - buffer);
    return true;
  return false;
bool HogmanSlamInterface::printVertex(PoseGraph3D::Vertex* v)
  char* s = buffer;
  memcpy(s, "VERTEX_XYZRPY ", 14);
  s += 14;
  s += modp_itoa10(v->id(), s);
  *s++ = ' ';
  // TODO verify that our conversion from Euler angles is the same as given in the example code on the webpage
  Vector6 p = v->transformation.toVector();
  for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) {
    s += modp_dtoa(p[i], s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
  *s++ = '\n';
  cout.write(buffer, s - buffer);
  return true;
static void appendDouble(double num, int precision)
    char buf[30];
    modp_dtoa(num, buf, precision);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	const size_t max_num = 1000000000;
	const int buffer_element_count = 100000;
	const int max_float_digits = 8;
	// Init critical section;
	g_write_queue_has_more_data_event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
	g_write_queue_accepts_more_data_event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);

	HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile(L"output.txt", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);

	// Launch a writer thread.
	HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &WriteThreadProc, hFile,0, 0);

	// std::ofstream output();
	for (size_t i=0; i < max_num / buffer_element_count; ++i) 
		// Prepare a block of numbers for writing.
		WriteBuffer* write_buffer = new WriteBuffer(buffer_element_count, max_float_digits);
		char* write_ptr = write_buffer->ptr_;
		for (int k = 0; k < buffer_element_count; ++k)
			// Format each float to string and append to buffer.
			float random = float(rand()) / RAND_MAX;			
			write_ptr += modp_dtoa(random, write_ptr, max_float_digits);
			*(write_ptr++) = '\r';
			*(write_ptr++) = '\n';
		// Compute how many bytes to write.
		write_buffer->useful_data_size_ = write_ptr - write_buffer->ptr_;

		// Enqueue for writing.
		while (write_buffer) {
			if (g_write_queue.size() < kMaxQueue) 
				// ops.
				write_buffer = NULL;
			if (write_buffer) {
				// slow down writing, queue is full
				WaitForSingleObject(g_write_queue_accepts_more_data_event, 200);

	// Let the writing thread know we are done.
	g_done = true;

	// Wait for writing thread to finish.
	WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);

	return 0;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	const size_t max_num = 100000000;
	const int buffer_element_count = 10000;
	const int max_float_digits = 8;
	// Init critical section;
	g_write_queue_has_more_data_event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
	g_write_queue_accepts_more_data_event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);

	HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile(L"output.txt", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);

	// Launch a writer thread.
	HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &WriteThreadProc, hFile,0, 0);

	sfmt_t sfmt;
	sfmt_init_gen_rand(&sfmt, 1234);
	uint32_t* randoms = (uint32_t*) _aligned_malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*buffer_element_count, 32);

	g_begin_ticks = GetTickCount64();

	// std::ofstream output();
	int finish = max_num / buffer_element_count;
	for (size_t i=0; i < finish; ++i) 
		// Prepare a block of numbers for writing.
		WriteBuffer* write_buffer = new WriteBuffer(buffer_element_count, max_float_digits);
		char* write_ptr = write_buffer->ptr_;

		sfmt_fill_array32(&sfmt, randoms, buffer_element_count);

		for (int k = 0; k < buffer_element_count; ++k)
			// Format each float to string and append to buffer.
			// float random = float(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
			float random = float(randoms[k]) / 4294967296.0f;
			write_ptr += modp_dtoa(random, write_ptr, max_float_digits);
			*(write_ptr++) = '\r';
			*(write_ptr++) = '\n';
		// Compute how many bytes to write.
		write_buffer->useful_data_size_ =  write_ptr - write_buffer->ptr_;

		// Enqueue for writing.
		while (write_buffer) {
			if (g_write_queue.size() < kMaxQueue) 
				// ops.
				write_buffer = NULL;
			if (write_buffer) {
				// slow down writing, queue is full
				WaitForSingleObject(g_write_queue_accepts_more_data_event, 200);

	g_end_ticks = GetTickCount64();

	// Let the writing thread know we are done.
	g_done = true;
	// Wait for writing thread to finish.
	WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);


	__int64 delta = g_end_ticks - g_begin_ticks;

	printf("Speed %f Mb per sec\n", (g_total_bytes_written * 1000.0) / (1024.0 * 1024 * delta));

	char c;
	scanf("%c", &c);
	return 0;