STATIC mp_obj_t socket_setblocking(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_t flag_in) {
    // Currently supports only blocking mode
    if (!mp_obj_is_true(flag_in)) {
    return mp_const_none;
Beispiel #2
STATIC mp_obj_t jobject_subscr(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_t index, mp_obj_t value) {
    mp_obj_jobject_t *self = self_in;
    mp_uint_t idx = mp_obj_get_int(index);
    char class_name[64];
    get_jclass_name(self->obj, class_name);
    //printf("class: %s\n", class_name);

    if (class_name[0] == '[') {
        if (class_name[1] == 'L' || class_name[1] == '[') {
            if (value == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
                // delete
            } else if (value == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
                // load
                jobject el = JJ(GetObjectArrayElement, self->obj, idx);
                return new_jobject(el);
            } else {
                // store
                jvalue jval;
                const char *t = class_name + 1;
                py2jvalue(&t, value, &jval);
                JJ(SetObjectArrayElement, self->obj, idx, jval.l);
                return mp_const_none;

    if (!JJ(IsInstanceOf, self->obj, List_class)) {
        return MP_OBJ_NULL;

    if (value == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
        // delete
    } else if (value == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
        // load
        jobject el = JJ(CallObjectMethod, self->obj, List_get_mid, idx);
        return new_jobject(el);
    } else {
        // store

    return MP_OBJ_NULL;
Beispiel #3
 * Remove given empty directory path.
 * def rmdir(path)
static mp_obj_t os_rmdir(mp_obj_t path_in)
    const char *path_p;
    int res;

    path_p = mp_obj_str_get_str(path_in);
    res = -1;

    if (res != 0) {
                                                "Error removing directory '%s'",

    return (mp_const_none);
Beispiel #4
STATIC mp_obj_t str_subscr(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_t index, mp_obj_t value) {
    mp_obj_type_t *type = mp_obj_get_type(self_in);
    assert(type == &mp_type_str);
    GET_STR_DATA_LEN(self_in, self_data, self_len);
    if (value == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
        // load
        if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(index, &mp_type_slice)) {
            mp_obj_t ostart, ostop, ostep;
            mp_obj_slice_get(index, &ostart, &ostop, &ostep);
            if (ostep != mp_const_none && ostep != MP_OBJ_NEW_SMALL_INT(1)) {
                mp_not_implemented("only slices with step=1 (aka None) are supported");

            const byte *pstart, *pstop;
            if (ostart != mp_const_none) {
                pstart = str_index_to_ptr(type, self_data, self_len, ostart, true);
            } else {
                pstart = self_data;
            if (ostop != mp_const_none) {
                // pstop will point just after the stop character. This depends on
                // the \0 at the end of the string.
                pstop = str_index_to_ptr(type, self_data, self_len, ostop, true);
            } else {
                pstop = self_data + self_len;
            if (pstop < pstart) {
                return MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(MP_QSTR_);
            return mp_obj_new_str_of_type(type, (const byte *)pstart, pstop - pstart);
        const byte *s = str_index_to_ptr(type, self_data, self_len, index, false);
        int len = 1;
        if (UTF8_IS_NONASCII(*s)) {
            // Count the number of 1 bits (after the first)
            for (char mask = 0x40; *s & mask; mask >>= 1) {
        return mp_obj_new_str((const char*)s, len, true); // This will create a one-character string
    } else {
        return MP_OBJ_NULL; // op not supported
Beispiel #5
 * Remove given empty directory.
 * def rename(src, dst)
static mp_obj_t os_rename(mp_obj_t path_src_in, mp_obj_t path_dst_in)
    const char *src_path_p;
    const char *dst_path_p;
    int res;

    src_path_p = mp_obj_str_get_str(path_src_in);
    dst_path_p = mp_obj_str_get_str(path_dst_in);
    res = -1;

    if (res != 0) {
                                                "Error renaming file '%s' to '%s'",

    return (mp_const_none);
Beispiel #6
STATIC mp_obj_t re_split(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    mp_obj_re_t *self = MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(args[0]);
    Subject subj;
    mp_uint_t len;
    subj.begin = mp_obj_str_get_data(args[1], &len);
    subj.end = subj.begin + len;
    int caps_num = (self->re.sub + 1) * 2;

    int maxsplit = 0;
    if (n_args > 2) {
        maxsplit = mp_obj_get_int(args[2]);

    mp_obj_t retval = mp_obj_new_list(0, NULL);
    const char **caps = alloca(caps_num * sizeof(char*));
    while (true) {
        // cast is a workaround for a bug in msvc: it treats const char** as a const pointer instead of a pointer to pointer to const char
        memset((char**)caps, 0, caps_num * sizeof(char*));
        int res = re1_5_recursiveloopprog(&self->re, &subj, caps, caps_num, false);

        // if we didn't have a match, or had an empty match, it's time to stop
        if (!res || caps[0] == caps[1]) {

        mp_obj_t s = mp_obj_new_str(subj.begin, caps[0] - subj.begin, false);
        mp_obj_list_append(retval, s);
        if (self->re.sub > 0) {
            mp_not_implemented("Splitting with sub-captures");
        subj.begin = caps[1];
        if (maxsplit > 0 && --maxsplit == 0) {

    mp_obj_t s = mp_obj_new_str(subj.begin, subj.end - subj.begin, false);
    mp_obj_list_append(retval, s);
    return retval;
Beispiel #7
STATIC mp_obj_t lwip_socket_sendall(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_t buf_in) {
    lwip_socket_obj_t *socket = self_in;

    int _errno;
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    mp_get_buffer_raise(buf_in, &bufinfo, MP_BUFFER_READ);

    mp_uint_t ret = 0;
    switch (socket->type) {
        if (socket->timeout == 0) {
            // Behavior of sendall() for non-blocking sockets isn't explicitly specified.
            // But it's specified that "On error, an exception is raised, there is no
            // way to determine how much data, if any, was successfully sent." Then, the
            // most useful behavior is: check whether we will be able to send all of input
            // data without EAGAIN, and if won't be, raise it without sending any.
            if (bufinfo.len > tcp_sndbuf(socket->pcb.tcp)) {
                nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_arg1(&mp_type_OSError, MP_OBJ_NEW_SMALL_INT(MP_EAGAIN)));
        // TODO: In CPython3.5, socket timeout should apply to the
        // entire sendall() operation, not to individual send() chunks.
        while (bufinfo.len != 0) {
            ret = lwip_tcp_send(socket, bufinfo.buf, bufinfo.len, &_errno);
            if (ret == -1) {
                nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_arg1(&mp_type_OSError, MP_OBJ_NEW_SMALL_INT(_errno)));
            bufinfo.len -= ret;
            bufinfo.buf = (char*)bufinfo.buf + ret;

    return mp_const_none;
Beispiel #8
STATIC mp_obj_t re_split(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    mp_obj_re_t *self = args[0];
    Subject subj;
    mp_uint_t len;
    subj.begin = mp_obj_str_get_data(args[1], &len);
    subj.end = subj.begin + len;
    int caps_num = (self->re.sub + 1) * 2;

    int maxsplit = 0;
    if (n_args > 2) {
        maxsplit = mp_obj_int_get_truncated(args[2]);

    mp_obj_t retval = mp_obj_new_list(0, NULL);
    const char **caps = alloca(caps_num * sizeof(char*));
    while (true) {
        int res = re1_5_recursiveloopprog(&self->re, &subj, caps, caps_num, false);

        // if we didn't have a match, or had an empty match, it's time to stop
        if (!res || caps[0] == caps[1]) {

        mp_obj_t s = mp_obj_new_str(subj.begin, caps[0] - subj.begin, false);
        mp_obj_list_append(retval, s);
        if (self->re.sub > 0) {
            mp_not_implemented("Splitting with sub-captures");
        subj.begin = caps[1];
        if (maxsplit > 0 && --maxsplit == 0) {

    mp_obj_t s = mp_obj_new_str(subj.begin, subj.end - subj.begin, false);
    mp_obj_list_append(retval, s);
    return retval;
Beispiel #9
STATIC mp_obj_t stream_read(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    struct _mp_obj_base_t *o = (struct _mp_obj_base_t *)args[0];
    if (o->type->stream_p == NULL || o->type->stream_p->read == NULL) {
        // CPython: io.UnsupportedOperation, OSError subclass
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_OSError, "Operation not supported"));

    mp_int_t sz;
    if (n_args == 1 || ((sz = mp_obj_get_int(args[1])) == -1)) {
        return stream_readall(args[0]);

    if (!o->type->stream_p->is_bytes) {
        mp_not_implemented("Reading from unicode text streams by character count");

    byte *buf = m_new(byte, sz);
    int error;
    mp_int_t out_sz = o->type->stream_p->read(o, buf, sz, &error);
    if (out_sz == -1) {
        if (is_nonblocking_error(error)) {
            // "If the object is in non-blocking mode and no bytes are available,
            // None is returned."
            // This is actually very weird, as naive truth check will treat
            // this as EOF.
            return mp_const_none;
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_OSError, "[Errno %d]", error));
    } else {
        mp_obj_t s = mp_obj_new_str_of_type(STREAM_CONTENT_TYPE(o->type->stream_p), buf, out_sz); // will reallocate to use exact size
        m_free(buf, sz);
        return s;
Beispiel #10
static mp_obj_t module_thrd_set_name(mp_obj_t name_in)

    return (mp_const_none);
Beispiel #11
static mp_obj_t module_thrd_join(mp_obj_t thrd_in)

    return (mp_const_none);
Beispiel #12
static mp_obj_t module_thrd_set_env(mp_obj_t name_in, mp_obj_t value_in)

    return (mp_const_none);
Beispiel #13
STATIC mp_obj_t array_subscr(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_t index_in, mp_obj_t value) {
    if (value == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
        // delete item
        // TODO implement
        // TODO: confirmed that both bytearray and array.array support
        // slice deletion
        return MP_OBJ_NULL; // op not supported
    } else {
        mp_obj_array_t *o = self_in;
        if (0) {
        } else if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(index_in, &mp_type_slice)) {
            mp_bound_slice_t slice;
            if (!mp_seq_get_fast_slice_indexes(o->len, index_in, &slice)) {
                mp_not_implemented("only slices with step=1 (aka None) are supported");
            if (value != MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
                // Assign
                mp_uint_t src_len;
                void *src_items;
                size_t item_sz = mp_binary_get_size('@', o->typecode & TYPECODE_MASK, NULL);
                if (MP_OBJ_IS_OBJ(value) && ((mp_obj_base_t*)value)->type->subscr == array_subscr) {
                    // value is array, bytearray or memoryview
                    mp_obj_array_t *src_slice = value;
                    if (item_sz != mp_binary_get_size('@', src_slice->typecode & TYPECODE_MASK, NULL)) {
                        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "lhs and rhs should be compatible"));
                    src_len = src_slice->len;
                    src_items = src_slice->items;
                    #if MICROPY_PY_BUILTINS_MEMORYVIEW
                    if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(value, &mp_type_memoryview)) {
                        src_items = (uint8_t*)src_items + (src_slice->free * item_sz);
                } else if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(value, &mp_type_bytes)) {
                    if (item_sz != 1) {
                        goto compat_error;
                    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
                    mp_get_buffer_raise(value, &bufinfo, MP_BUFFER_READ);
                    src_len = bufinfo.len;
                    src_items = bufinfo.buf;
                } else {
                    mp_not_implemented("array/bytes required on right side");

                // TODO: check src/dst compat
                mp_int_t len_adj = src_len - (slice.stop - slice.start);
                uint8_t* dest_items = o->items;
                if (o->base.type == &mp_type_memoryview) {
                    if (len_adj != 0) {
                        goto compat_error;
                    dest_items += o->free * item_sz;
                if (len_adj > 0) {
                    if (len_adj > o->free) {
                        // TODO: alloc policy; at the moment we go conservative
                        o->items = m_renew(byte, o->items, (o->len + o->free) * item_sz, (o->len + len_adj) * item_sz);
                        o->free = 0;
                    mp_seq_replace_slice_grow_inplace(dest_items, o->len,
                        slice.start, slice.stop, src_items, src_len, len_adj, item_sz);
                } else {
                    mp_seq_replace_slice_no_grow(dest_items, o->len,
                        slice.start, slice.stop, src_items, src_len, item_sz);
                    // Clear "freed" elements at the end of list
                    // TODO: This is actually only needed for typecode=='O'
                    mp_seq_clear(dest_items, o->len + len_adj, o->len, item_sz);
                    // TODO: alloc policy after shrinking
                o->len += len_adj;
                return mp_const_none;
                return MP_OBJ_NULL; // op not supported

            mp_obj_array_t *res;
            size_t sz = mp_binary_get_size('@', o->typecode & TYPECODE_MASK, NULL);
            assert(sz > 0);
            if (0) {
                // dummy
            } else if (o->base.type == &mp_type_memoryview) {
                res = m_new_obj(mp_obj_array_t);
                *res = *o;
                res->free += slice.start;
                res->len = slice.stop - slice.start;
            } else {
                res = array_new(o->typecode, slice.stop - slice.start);
                memcpy(res->items, (uint8_t*)o->items + slice.start * sz, (slice.stop - slice.start) * sz);
            return res;
        } else {
            mp_uint_t index = mp_get_index(o->base.type, o->len, index_in, false);
            if (o->base.type == &mp_type_memoryview) {
                index += o->free;
                if (value != MP_OBJ_SENTINEL && (o->typecode & 0x80) == 0) {
                    // store to read-only memoryview
                    return MP_OBJ_NULL;
            if (value == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
                // load
                return mp_binary_get_val_array(o->typecode & TYPECODE_MASK, o->items, index);
            } else {
                // store
                mp_binary_set_val_array(o->typecode & TYPECODE_MASK, o->items, index, value);
                return mp_const_none;
Beispiel #14
STATIC void parse_string_literal(mp_lexer_t *lex, bool is_raw) {
    // get first quoting character
    char quote_char = '\'';
    if (is_char(lex, '\"')) {
        quote_char = '\"';

    // work out if it's a single or triple quoted literal
    size_t num_quotes;
    if (is_char_and(lex, quote_char, quote_char)) {
        // triple quotes
        num_quotes = 3;
    } else {
        // single quotes
        num_quotes = 1;

    size_t n_closing = 0;
    while (!is_end(lex) && (num_quotes > 1 || !is_char(lex, '\n')) && n_closing < num_quotes) {
        if (is_char(lex, quote_char)) {
            n_closing += 1;
            vstr_add_char(&lex->vstr, CUR_CHAR(lex));
        } else {
            n_closing = 0;
            if (is_char(lex, '\\')) {
                unichar c = CUR_CHAR(lex);
                if (is_raw) {
                    // raw strings allow escaping of quotes, but the backslash is also emitted
                    vstr_add_char(&lex->vstr, '\\');
                } else {
                    switch (c) {
                        // note: "c" can never be MP_LEXER_EOF because next_char
                        // always inserts a newline at the end of the input stream
                        case '\n': c = MP_LEXER_EOF; break; // backslash escape the newline, just ignore it
                        case '\\': break;
                        case '\'': break;
                        case '"': break;
                        case 'a': c = 0x07; break;
                        case 'b': c = 0x08; break;
                        case 't': c = 0x09; break;
                        case 'n': c = 0x0a; break;
                        case 'v': c = 0x0b; break;
                        case 'f': c = 0x0c; break;
                        case 'r': c = 0x0d; break;
                        case 'u':
                        case 'U':
                            if (lex->tok_kind == MP_TOKEN_BYTES) {
                                // b'\u1234' == b'\\u1234'
                                vstr_add_char(&lex->vstr, '\\');
                            // Otherwise fall through.
                        case 'x':
                            mp_uint_t num = 0;
                            if (!get_hex(lex, (c == 'x' ? 2 : c == 'u' ? 4 : 8), &num)) {
                                // not enough hex chars for escape sequence
                                lex->tok_kind = MP_TOKEN_INVALID;
                            c = num;
                        case 'N':
                            // Supporting '\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A}' == 'a' would require keeping the
                            // entire Unicode name table in the core. As of Unicode 6.3.0, that's nearly
                            // 3MB of text; even gzip-compressed and with minimal structure, it'll take
                            // roughly half a meg of storage. This form of Unicode escape may be added
                            // later on, but it's definitely not a priority right now. -- CJA 20140607
                            mp_not_implemented("unicode name escapes");
                            if (c >= '0' && c <= '7') {
                                // Octal sequence, 1-3 chars
                                size_t digits = 3;
                                mp_uint_t num = c - '0';
                                while (is_following_odigit(lex) && --digits != 0) {
                                    num = num * 8 + (CUR_CHAR(lex) - '0');
                                c = num;
                            } else {
                                // unrecognised escape character; CPython lets this through verbatim as '\' and then the character
                                vstr_add_char(&lex->vstr, '\\');
                if (c != MP_LEXER_EOF) {
                        if (c < 0x110000 && lex->tok_kind == MP_TOKEN_STRING) {
                            vstr_add_char(&lex->vstr, c);
                        } else if (c < 0x100 && lex->tok_kind == MP_TOKEN_BYTES) {
                            vstr_add_byte(&lex->vstr, c);
                        } else {
                            // unicode character out of range
                            // this raises a generic SyntaxError; could provide more info
                            lex->tok_kind = MP_TOKEN_INVALID;
                    } else {
                        // without unicode everything is just added as an 8-bit byte
                        if (c < 0x100) {
                            vstr_add_byte(&lex->vstr, c);
                        } else {
                            // 8-bit character out of range
                            // this raises a generic SyntaxError; could provide more info
                            lex->tok_kind = MP_TOKEN_INVALID;
            } else {
                // Add the "character" as a byte so that we remain 8-bit clean.
                // This way, strings are parsed correctly whether or not they contain utf-8 chars.
                vstr_add_byte(&lex->vstr, CUR_CHAR(lex));

    // check we got the required end quotes
    if (n_closing < num_quotes) {
        lex->tok_kind = MP_TOKEN_LONELY_STRING_OPEN;

    // cut off the end quotes from the token text
    vstr_cut_tail_bytes(&lex->vstr, n_closing);
Beispiel #15
STATIC mp_obj_t list_subscr(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_t index, mp_obj_t value) {
    if (value == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
        // delete
        if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(index, &mp_type_slice)) {
            mp_obj_list_t *self = MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(self_in);
            mp_bound_slice_t slice;
            if (!mp_seq_get_fast_slice_indexes(self->len, index, &slice)) {

            mp_int_t len_adj = slice.start - slice.stop;
            //printf("Len adj: %d\n", len_adj);
            assert(len_adj <= 0);
            mp_seq_replace_slice_no_grow(self->items, self->len, slice.start, slice.stop, self->items/*NULL*/, 0, sizeof(*self->items));
            // Clear "freed" elements at the end of list
            mp_seq_clear(self->items, self->len + len_adj, self->len, sizeof(*self->items));
            self->len += len_adj;
            return mp_const_none;
        mp_obj_t args[2] = {self_in, index};
        list_pop(2, args);
        return mp_const_none;
    } else if (value == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
        // load
        mp_obj_list_t *self = MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(self_in);
        if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(index, &mp_type_slice)) {
            mp_bound_slice_t slice;
            if (!mp_seq_get_fast_slice_indexes(self->len, index, &slice)) {
                return mp_seq_extract_slice(self->len, self->items, &slice);
            mp_obj_list_t *res = list_new(slice.stop - slice.start);
            mp_seq_copy(res->items, self->items + slice.start, res->len, mp_obj_t);
            return MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR(res);
        size_t index_val = mp_get_index(self->base.type, self->len, index, false);
        return self->items[index_val];
    } else {
        if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(index, &mp_type_slice)) {
            mp_obj_list_t *self = MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(self_in);
            size_t value_len; mp_obj_t *value_items;
            mp_obj_get_array(value, &value_len, &value_items);
            mp_bound_slice_t slice_out;
            if (!mp_seq_get_fast_slice_indexes(self->len, index, &slice_out)) {
            mp_int_t len_adj = value_len - (slice_out.stop - slice_out.start);
            //printf("Len adj: %d\n", len_adj);
            if (len_adj > 0) {
                if (self->len + len_adj > self->alloc) {
                    // TODO: Might optimize memory copies here by checking if block can
                    // be grown inplace or not
                    self->items = m_renew(mp_obj_t, self->items, self->alloc, self->len + len_adj);
                    self->alloc = self->len + len_adj;
                mp_seq_replace_slice_grow_inplace(self->items, self->len,
                    slice_out.start, slice_out.stop, value_items, value_len, len_adj, sizeof(*self->items));
            } else {
                mp_seq_replace_slice_no_grow(self->items, self->len,
                    slice_out.start, slice_out.stop, value_items, value_len, sizeof(*self->items));
                // Clear "freed" elements at the end of list
                mp_seq_clear(self->items, self->len + len_adj, self->len, sizeof(*self->items));
                // TODO: apply allocation policy re: alloc_size
            self->len += len_adj;
            return mp_const_none;
        mp_obj_list_store(self_in, index, value);
        return mp_const_none;
Beispiel #16
NORETURN void mp_arg_error_unimpl_kw(void) {
    mp_not_implemented("keyword argument(s) not yet implemented - use normal args instead");