Beispiel #1
    Parse the CGI output headers. Sample CGI program output:
        Content-type: text/html

static bool parseCgiHeaders(Cgi *cgi, HttpPacket *packet)
    HttpConn    *conn;
    MprBuf      *buf;
    char        *endHeaders, *headers, *key, *value;
    ssize       blen;
    int         len;

    conn = cgi->conn;
    value = 0;
    buf = packet->content;
    headers = mprGetBufStart(buf);
    blen = mprGetBufLength(buf);
        Split the headers from the body. Add null to ensure we can search for line terminators.
    len = 0;
    if ((endHeaders = sncontains(headers, "\r\n\r\n", blen)) == NULL) {
        if ((endHeaders = sncontains(headers, "\n\n", blen)) == NULL) {
            if (mprGetCmdFd(cgi->cmd, MPR_CMD_STDOUT) >= 0 && strlen(headers) < ME_MAX_HEADERS) {
                /* Not EOF and less than max headers and have not yet seen an end of headers delimiter */
                return 0;
        len = 2;
    } else {
        len = 4;
    if (endHeaders > buf->end) {
        assert(endHeaders <= buf->end);
        return 0;
    if (endHeaders) {
        endHeaders[len - 1] = '\0';
        endHeaders += len;
        Want to be tolerant of CGI programs that omit the status line.
    if (strncmp((char*) buf->start, "HTTP/1.", 7) == 0) {
        if (!parseFirstCgiResponse(cgi, packet)) {
            /* httpError already called */
            return 0;
    if (endHeaders && strchr(mprGetBufStart(buf), ':')) {
        while (mprGetBufLength(buf) > 0 && buf->start[0] && (buf->start[0] != '\r' && buf->start[0] != '\n')) {
            if ((key = getCgiToken(buf, ":")) == 0) {
                key = "Bad Header";
            value = getCgiToken(buf, "\n");
            while (isspace((uchar) *value)) {
            len = (int) strlen(value);
            while (len > 0 && (value[len - 1] == '\r' || value[len - 1] == '\n')) {
                value[len - 1] = '\0';
            key = slower(key);

            if (strcmp(key, "location") == 0) {
                cgi->location = value;

            } else if (strcmp(key, "status") == 0) {
                httpSetStatus(conn, atoi(value));

            } else if (strcmp(key, "content-type") == 0) {
                httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Content-Type", value);

            } else if (strcmp(key, "content-length") == 0) {
                httpSetContentLength(conn, (MprOff) stoi(value));
                httpSetChunkSize(conn, 0);

            } else {
                    Now pass all other headers back to the client
                key = ssplit(key, ":\r\n\t ", NULL);
                httpSetHeaderString(conn, key, value);
        buf->start = endHeaders;
    return 1;
Beispiel #2
static void readFromCgi(Cgi *cgi, int channel)
    HttpConn    *conn;
    HttpPacket  *packet;
    HttpTx      *tx;
    HttpQueue   *q, *writeq;
    MprCmd      *cmd;
    ssize       nbytes;
    int         err;

    cmd = cgi->cmd;
    conn = cgi->conn;
    tx = conn->tx;
    q = cgi->readq;
    writeq = conn->writeq;
    assert(conn->state > HTTP_STATE_BEGIN);

    if (tx->finalized) {
        mprCloseCmdFd(cmd, channel);
    while (mprGetCmdFd(cmd, channel) >= 0 && !tx->finalized && writeq->count < writeq->max) {
        if ((packet = cgi->headers) != 0) {
            if (mprGetBufSpace(packet->content) < ME_MAX_BUFFER && mprGrowBuf(packet->content, ME_MAX_BUFFER) < 0) {
        } else if ((packet = httpCreateDataPacket(ME_MAX_BUFFER)) == 0) {
        nbytes = mprReadCmd(cmd, channel, mprGetBufEnd(packet->content), ME_MAX_BUFFER);
        if (nbytes < 0) {
            err = mprGetError();
            if (err == EINTR) {
            } else if (err == EAGAIN || err == EWOULDBLOCK) {
            mprCloseCmdFd(cmd, channel);
        } else if (nbytes == 0) {
            mprCloseCmdFd(cmd, channel);

        } else {
            traceData(cmd, mprGetBufEnd(packet->content), nbytes);
            mprAdjustBufEnd(packet->content, nbytes);
        if (channel == MPR_CMD_STDERR) {
            mprLog("error cgi", 0, "CGI failed uri=\"%s\", details: %s", conn->rx->uri, mprGetBufStart(packet->content));
            httpSetStatus(conn, HTTP_CODE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
            cgi->seenHeader = 1;
        if (!cgi->seenHeader) {
            if (!parseCgiHeaders(cgi, packet)) {
                cgi->headers = packet;
            cgi->headers = 0;
            cgi->seenHeader = 1;
        if (!tx->finalizedOutput && httpGetPacketLength(packet) > 0) {
            /* Put the data to the CGI readq, then cgiToBrowserService will take care of it */
            httpPutPacket(q, packet);
Beispiel #3
static void cgiEvent(MaQueue *q, MprCmd *cmd, int channel)
    MaConn      *conn;
    MaResponse  *resp;
    MprBuf      *buf;
    int         space, nbytes, err;

    mprLog(cmd, 6, "CGI callback channel %d", channel);
    buf = 0;
    conn = q->conn;
    resp = conn->response;

    cmd->lastActivity = mprGetTime(cmd);

    switch (channel) {
    case MPR_CMD_STDIN:

    case MPR_CMD_STDOUT:
        buf = cmd->stdoutBuf;

    case MPR_CMD_STDERR:
        buf = cmd->stderrBuf;

        Come here for CGI stdout, stderr events. ie. reading data from the CGI program.
    while (mprGetCmdFd(cmd, channel) >= 0) {
            Read as much data from the CGI as possible
        do {
            if ((space = mprGetBufSpace(buf)) == 0) {
                mprGrowBuf(buf, MA_BUFSIZE);
                if ((space = mprGetBufSpace(buf)) == 0) {
            nbytes = mprReadCmdPipe(cmd, channel, mprGetBufEnd(buf), space);
            mprLog(q, 5, "CGI: read from gateway %d on channel %d. errno %d", nbytes, channel, 
                    nbytes >= 0 ? 0 : mprGetOsError());
            if (nbytes < 0) {
                err = mprGetError();
                if (err == EINTR) {
                } else if (err == EAGAIN || err == EWOULDBLOCK) {
                mprLog(cmd, 5, "CGI read error %d for %", mprGetError(), (channel == MPR_CMD_STDOUT) ? "stdout" : "stderr");
                mprCloseCmdFd(cmd, channel);
            } else if (nbytes == 0) {
                    This may reap the terminated child and thus clear cmd->process if both stderr and stdout are closed.
                mprLog(cmd, 5, "CGI EOF for %s", (channel == MPR_CMD_STDOUT) ? "stdout" : "stderr");
                mprCloseCmdFd(cmd, channel);

            } else {
                mprLog(cmd, 5, "CGI read %d bytes from %s", nbytes, (channel == MPR_CMD_STDOUT) ? "stdout" : "stderr");
                mprAdjustBufEnd(buf, nbytes);
                traceData(cmd, mprGetBufStart(buf), nbytes);
        } while ((space = mprGetBufSpace(buf)) > 0);

        if (mprGetBufLength(buf) == 0) {
        if (channel == MPR_CMD_STDERR) {
                If we have an error message, send that to the client
            if (mprGetBufLength(buf) > 0) {
                mprLog(conn, 4, mprGetBufStart(buf));
                if (writeToClient(q, cmd, buf, channel) < 0) {
                maSetResponseCode(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
                cmd->userFlags |= MA_CGI_SEEN_HEADER;
                cmd->status = 0;
        } else {
            if (!(cmd->userFlags & MA_CGI_SEEN_HEADER) && !parseHeader(conn, cmd)) {
            if (cmd->userFlags & MA_CGI_SEEN_HEADER) {
                if (writeToClient(q, cmd, buf, channel) < 0) {
Beispiel #4
    Parse the CGI output headers. 
    Sample CGI program:

    Content-type: text/html
static bool parseHeader(MaConn *conn, MprCmd *cmd)
    MaResponse      *resp;
    MaQueue         *q;
    MprBuf          *buf;
    char            *endHeaders, *headers, *key, *value, *location;
    int             fd, len;

    resp = conn->response;
    location = 0;
    value = 0;

    buf = mprGetCmdBuf(cmd, MPR_CMD_STDOUT);
    headers = mprGetBufStart(buf);

        Split the headers from the body.
    len = 0;
    fd = mprGetCmdFd(cmd, MPR_CMD_STDOUT);
    if ((endHeaders = strstr(headers, "\r\n\r\n")) == NULL) {
        if ((endHeaders = strstr(headers, "\n\n")) == NULL) {
            if (fd >= 0 && strlen(headers) < MA_MAX_HEADERS) {
                /* Not EOF and less than max headers and have not yet seen an end of headers delimiter */
                return 0;
        } else len = 2;
    } else {
        len = 4;
    if (endHeaders) {
        endHeaders[len - 1] = '\0';
        endHeaders += len;

        Want to be tolerant of CGI programs that omit the status line.
    if (strncmp((char*) buf->start, "HTTP/1.", 7) == 0) {
        if (!parseFirstCgiResponse(conn, cmd)) {
            /* maFailConnection already called */
            return 0;
    if (endHeaders && strchr(mprGetBufStart(buf), ':')) {
        mprLog(conn, 4, "CGI: parseHeader: header\n%s", headers);

        while (mprGetBufLength(buf) > 0 && buf->start[0] && (buf->start[0] != '\r' && buf->start[0] != '\n')) {

            if ((key = getCgiToken(buf, ":")) == 0) {
                maFailConnection(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad header format");
                return 0;
            value = getCgiToken(buf, "\n");
            while (isspace((int) *value)) {
            len = (int) strlen(value);
            while (len > 0 && (value[len - 1] == '\r' || value[len - 1] == '\n')) {
                value[len - 1] = '\0';

            if (strcmp(key, "location") == 0) {
                location = value;

            } else if (strcmp(key, "status") == 0) {
                maSetResponseCode(conn, atoi(value));

            } else if (strcmp(key, "content-type") == 0) {
                maSetResponseMimeType(conn, value);

            } else if (strcmp(key, "content-length") == 0) {
                maSetEntityLength(conn, (MprOff) mprAtoi(value, 10));
                resp->chunkSize = 0;

            } else {
                    Now pass all other headers back to the client
                maSetHeader(conn, 0, key, "%s", value);
        buf->start = endHeaders;
    if (location) {
        maRedirect(conn, resp->code, location);
        q = resp->queue[MA_QUEUE_SEND].nextQ;
        maPutForService(q, maCreateEndPacket(q), 1);
    cmd->userFlags |= MA_CGI_SEEN_HEADER;
    return 1;
Beispiel #5
static void readFromCgi(Cgi *cgi, int channel)
    HttpConn    *conn;
    HttpPacket  *packet;
    HttpTx      *tx;
    HttpQueue   *q, *writeq;
    MprCmd      *cmd;
    ssize       nbytes;
    int         err;

    cmd = cgi->cmd;
    conn = cgi->conn;
    tx = conn->tx;
    q = cgi->readq;
    writeq = conn->writeq;
    assert(conn->state > HTTP_STATE_BEGIN);

    if (tx->finalized) {
        mprCloseCmdFd(cmd, channel);
    while (mprGetCmdFd(cmd, channel) >= 0 && !tx->finalized && writeq->count < writeq->max) {
        if ((packet = cgi->headers) != 0) {
            if (mprGetBufSpace(packet->content) < ME_MAX_BUFFER && mprGrowBuf(packet->content, ME_MAX_BUFFER) < 0) {
        } else if ((packet = httpCreateDataPacket(ME_MAX_BUFFER)) == 0) {
        nbytes = mprReadCmd(cmd, channel, mprGetBufEnd(packet->content), ME_MAX_BUFFER);
        if (nbytes < 0) {
            err = mprGetError();
            if (err == EINTR) {
            } else if (err == EAGAIN || err == EWOULDBLOCK) {
            mprTrace(6, "CGI: Gateway read error %d for %s", err, (channel == MPR_CMD_STDOUT) ? "stdout" : "stderr");
            mprCloseCmdFd(cmd, channel);
        } else if (nbytes == 0) {
            mprTrace(6, "CGI: Gateway EOF for %s, pid %d", (channel == MPR_CMD_STDOUT) ? "stdout" : "stderr", cmd->pid);
            mprCloseCmdFd(cmd, channel);

        } else {
            mprTrace(6, "CGI: Gateway read %d bytes from %s", nbytes, (channel == MPR_CMD_STDOUT) ? "stdout" : "stderr");
            traceData(cmd, mprGetBufEnd(packet->content), nbytes);
            mprAdjustBufEnd(packet->content, nbytes);
        if (channel == MPR_CMD_STDERR) {
            //  FUTURE - should be an option to keep going despite stderr output
            mprError("CGI: Error for \"%s\"\n\n%s", conn->rx->uri, mprGetBufStart(packet->content));
            httpSetStatus(conn, HTTP_CODE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
            cgi->seenHeader = 1;
        if (!cgi->seenHeader) {
            if (!parseCgiHeaders(cgi, packet)) {
                cgi->headers = packet;
            cgi->headers = 0;
            cgi->seenHeader = 1;
        if (!tx->finalizedOutput && httpGetPacketLength(packet) > 0) {
            /* Put the data to the CGI readq, then cgiToBrowserService will take care of it */
            httpPutPacket(q, packet);