int mrp_attribute_copy_definitions(mrp_attr_def_t *from, mrp_attr_def_t *to) { mrp_attr_def_t *s, *d; MRP_ASSERT(to,"invalid argument"); if (from) { for (s = from, d = to; s->name; s++, d++) { if (!(d->name = mrp_strdup(s->name))) goto no_memory; d->access = s->access; if ((d->type = s->type) != mqi_string) d->value = s->value; else { if (!(d->value.string = mrp_strdup(s->value.string))) { mrp_free((void *)d->name); memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d)); goto no_memory; } } } } return 0; no_memory: mrp_log_error("Memory alloc failure. Can't copy attribute definition"); return -1; }
int clients_register_player(context_t *ctx, const char *name, const char *service, const char *object) { clients_t *clients; player_t *player; if (!ctx || !name || !(clients = ctx->clients)) return -1; if (!(player = mrp_allocz(sizeof(player_t)))) return -1; player->ctx = ctx; player->name = mrp_strdup(name); player->service = service ? mrp_strdup(service) : NULL; player->object = object ? mrp_strdup(object) : NULL; mrp_htbl_insert(clients->, (void*)player->name, (void*)player); mrp_log_info("Mpris2 player '%s' (service '%s' object '%s') registered", player->name, player->service ? player->service : "none", player->object ? player->object : "none"); if (!clients->deflt) { clients->current = clients->deflt = player; mrp_log_info("'%s' become the default player", player->name); } return 0; }
mrp_res_attribute_t *mrp_attribute_array_dup(uint32_t dim, mrp_res_attribute_t *arr) { size_t size; uint32_t i; mrp_res_attribute_t *sattr, *dattr; mrp_res_attribute_t *dup; int err; size = (sizeof(mrp_res_attribute_t) * (dim + 1)); if (!(dup = mrp_allocz(size))) { err = ENOMEM; goto failed; } for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { sattr = arr + i; dattr = dup + i; if (!(dattr->name = mrp_strdup(sattr->name))) { err = ENOMEM; goto failed; } switch ((dattr->type = sattr->type)) { case mrp_string: if (!(dattr->string = mrp_strdup(sattr->string))) { err = ENOMEM; goto failed; } break; case mrp_int32: dattr->integer = sattr->integer; break; case mrp_uint32: dattr->type = mrp_uint32; dattr->unsignd = sattr->unsignd; break; case mrp_double: dattr->type = mrp_double; dattr->floating = sattr->floating; break; default: err = EINVAL; goto failed; } } return dup; failed: mrp_attribute_array_free(dup, dim); errno = err; return NULL; }
mrp_res_string_array_t * mrp_res_list_attribute_names(mrp_res_context_t *cx, const mrp_res_resource_t *res) { int i; mrp_res_string_array_t *ret; if (!cx || !res) return NULL; ret = mrp_allocz(sizeof(mrp_res_string_array_t)); if (!ret) return NULL; ret->num_strings = res->priv->num_attributes; ret->strings = mrp_allocz_array(const char *, res->priv->num_attributes); if (!ret->strings) { mrp_free(ret); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < res->priv->num_attributes; i++) { ret->strings[i] = mrp_strdup(res->priv->attrs[i].name); if (!ret->strings[i]) { ret->num_strings = i; mrp_res_free_string_array(ret); return NULL; } } return ret; }
static playlist_t *playlist_dup(size_t nlist, playlist_t *lists) { playlist_t *dup = mrp_allocz(sizeof(playlist_t) * (nlist + 1)); playlist_t *src, *dst; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++) { src = lists + i; dst = dup + i; dst->id = mrp_strdup(src->id); dst->name = mrp_strdup(src->name); } return dup; }
static void add_command(client_t *c, int ntoken, char **tokens) { char command[1024]; size_t osize, nsize; if (c->registered) { print(c, "You need to unregister first to modify commands."); return; } if (concat_tokens(command, sizeof(command), ntoken, tokens) == NULL) { print(c, "Command too long."); return; } osize = sizeof(*c->commands) * c->ncommand; nsize = sizeof(*c->commands) * (c->ncommand + 1); if (!mrp_reallocz(c->commands, osize, nsize)) { print(c, "Failed to add new command."); return; } c->commands[c->ncommand] = mrp_strdup(command); if (c->commands[c->ncommand] != NULL) { c->ncommand++; print(c, "Command '%s' added to command set.", command); } else print(c, "Failed to register new command."); }
int mrp_attribute_set_values(mrp_attr_t *values, uint32_t nattr, mrp_attr_def_t *defs, mrp_attr_value_t *attrs) { mrp_attr_def_t *adef; mrp_attr_value_t *vsrc; mrp_attr_value_t *vdst; uint32_t i; MRP_ASSERT(!nattr || (nattr > 0 && defs && attrs), "invalid arguments"); for (i = 0; i < nattr; i++) { adef = defs + i; vdst = attrs + i; if (!(adef->access & MRP_RESOURCE_WRITE) || !(vsrc = get_attr_value_from_list(values, adef->name, adef->type))) vsrc = &adef->value; /* default value */ if (adef->type != mqi_string) *vdst = *vsrc; else if (vdst->string != vsrc->string) { /* if the string is not the same, change it */ mrp_free((void *)vdst->string); if (!(vdst->string = mrp_strdup(vsrc->string))) return -1; } } return 0; }
static int basic_tests(int n) { void **ptrs; char buf[1024], *p; int i; mrp_mm_config(MRP_MM_DEBUG); ptrs = mrp_allocz(n * sizeof(*ptrs)); if (ptrs == NULL) fatal("Failed to allocate pointer table."); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#%d: message number %d (0x%x)", i, i, i); p = ptrs[i] = mrp_strdup(buf); if (p != NULL) { if (!strcmp(buf, p)) { printf("'%s' was duplicated as '%s'\n", buf, p); } else { printf("'%s' was incorrectly duplicated as '%s'\n", buf, p); return FALSE; } } else { printf("failed to duplicate '%s'\n", buf); return FALSE; } } mrp_mm_check(stdout); for (i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { mrp_free(ptrs[i]); ptrs[i] = NULL; } mrp_mm_check(stdout); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { mrp_free(ptrs[i]); ptrs[i] = NULL; } mrp_mm_check(stdout); mrp_free(ptrs); mrp_mm_check(stdout); return TRUE; }
static int add_rule(const char *func, const char *file, int line, int off) { mrp_htbl_t *ht; char *rule, *r, buf[PATH_MAX * 2]; if (rules_on == NULL) if (!init_rules()) return FALSE; r = rule = NULL; if (!off) ht = rules_on; else ht = rules_off; if (func != NULL && file == NULL && line == 0) { r = mrp_htbl_lookup(ht, (void *)func); rule = (char *)func; } else if (func != NULL && file != NULL && line == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s@%s", func, file); r = mrp_htbl_lookup(ht, (void *)buf); rule = buf; } else if (func == NULL && file != NULL && line == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "@%s", file); r = mrp_htbl_lookup(ht, (void *)buf); rule = buf; } else if (func == NULL && file != NULL && line > 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%d", file, line); r = mrp_htbl_lookup(ht, (void *)buf); rule = buf; } if (r != NULL) return FALSE; rule = mrp_strdup(rule); if (rule == NULL) return FALSE; if (mrp_htbl_insert(ht, rule, rule)) { mrp_debug_stamp++; return TRUE; } else { mrp_free(rule); return FALSE; } }
static int obj_setup(void *ptr) { static int idx = 0; obj_t *obj = ptr; snprintf(obj->name, sizeof(obj->name), NAME_FORMAT, idx); obj->i = idx; obj->d = 2.0 * idx; obj->s = mrp_strdup(obj->name); obj->p = ptr; return TRUE; }
static int priv_res_to_mrp_res(uint32_t id, resource_def_t *src, mrp_res_resource_t *dst) { dst->name = mrp_strdup(src->name); dst->state = MRP_RES_RESOURCE_LOST; dst->priv->mandatory = false; dst->priv->shared = false; dst->priv->server_id = id; dst->priv->num_attributes = src->num_attrs; dst->priv->attrs = src->attrs; return 0; }
static int cdpa_open(rnc_dev_t *dev, const char *device) { cdpa_t *cdpa; char *msg; mrp_debug("opening device '%s' with cdparanoia", device); msg = NULL; cdpa = dev->data = mrp_allocz(sizeof(*cdpa)); if (cdpa == NULL) goto fail; cdpa->cdio = cdio_open(device, DRIVER_LINUX); if (cdpa->cdio == NULL) { msg = "failed open device"; goto fail; } cdpa->cdda = cdio_cddap_identify_cdio(cdpa->cdio, CDDA_MESSAGE_LOGIT, &msg); if (cdpa->cdda == NULL) goto fail; cdio_cddap_free_messages(msg); msg = NULL; if (cdio_cddap_open(cdpa->cdda) < 0) { msg = "failed to CDDAP-open device"; goto fail; } cdpa->cdpa = cdio_paranoia_init(cdpa->cdda); if (cdpa->cdpa == NULL) { msg = "failed to initialize cd-paranoia"; goto fail; } cdpa->ctrack = -1; return 0; fail: if (cdpa != NULL && msg != NULL) cdpa->errmsg = mrp_strdup(msg); return -1; }
void utterance_start(context_t *ctx) { decoder_set_t *decset; decoder_t *dec; char utid[256]; if (ctx && (decset = ctx->decset) && (dec = decset->curdec)) { if (!dec->utter) { snprintf(utid, sizeof(utid), "%07u-%s", dec->utid++, dec->name); ps_start_utt(dec->ps, mrp_strdup(utid)); dec->utter = true; } } }
static rnc_buf_t *buf_alloc(const char *name, buf_api_t *api, size_t size) { rnc_buf_t *b; if ((b = mrp_allocz(size)) == NULL || (b->name = mrp_strdup(name)) == NULL) goto nomem; b->api = api; return b; nomem: mrp_free(b); return NULL; }
static rnc_meta_t *tracklist_lookup(rnc_metadb_t *db, int track) { tracklist_t *t = (tracklist_t *)db->data; rnc_meta_t *m; if (t == NULL) goto invalid; track--; if (track < 0 || track >= t->ntrack) goto noentry; m = mrp_allocz(sizeof(*m)); if (m == NULL) goto nomem; m->track = track; m->title = mrp_strdup(t->tracks[track]); m->album = mrp_strdup(t->album); m->artist = mrp_strdup(t->artist); m->genre = mrp_strdup(t->genre); m->date.tm_year = t->year; return m; invalid: errno = EINVAL; return NULL; noentry: errno = ENOENT; nomem: return NULL; }
static int set_address(transport_lua_t *t, const char *address, char *err, size_t elen, int overwrite) { MRP_LUA_ERRUSE(err, elen); if (t->address != NULL) { if (t->address == address) { if (t->alen > 0 && t->atype != NULL) return 1; } else { if (!overwrite) return mrp_lua_error(-1, t->L, "address already set ('%s')", t->address); } } if (t->address != address) { mrp_free(t->address); t->address = NULL; } t->atype = NULL; t->alen = 0; if (address == NULL) return 1; if ((t->address = mrp_strdup(address)) == NULL) return mrp_lua_error(-1, t->L, "failed to store address '%s'", address); t->alen = mrp_transport_resolve(NULL, t->address, &t->addr, sizeof(t->addr), &t->atype); if (t->alen <= 0) { if (address != t->address) mrp_free(t->address); t->atype = NULL; t->alen = 0; return mrp_lua_error(-1, t->L, "failed to resolve '%s'", address); } return 0; }
int dbusif_create(context_t *ctx, mrp_mainloop_t *ml) { dbusif_t *dbusif = NULL; if (!(dbusif = mrp_allocz(sizeof(dbusif_t)))) return -1; dbusif->bustype = mrp_strdup("session"); dbusif->dbus = mrp_dbus_get(ml, dbusif->bustype, NULL); if (!dbusif->dbus) { mrp_log_error("mpris2 plugin: failed to obtain DBus"); mrp_free(dbusif); return -1; } ctx->dbusif = dbusif; return 0; }
void clients_player_appeared(context_t *ctx, const char *name, const char *address) { clients_t *clients; player_t *player; if (ctx && (clients = ctx->clients) && clients-> { if ((player = mrp_htbl_lookup(clients->, (void *)name))) { mrp_free((void *)player->address); player->address = mrp_strdup(address); mrp_htbl_insert(clients->player.addr, (void *)player->address, player); mrp_log_info("mrpis2 client '%s' appeared (address %s)", name, address); dbusif_query_player_properties(player); } } }
int mrp_res_set_attribute_string(mrp_res_context_t *cx, mrp_res_attribute_t *attr, const char *value) { char *str; if (!cx || !attr) return -1; /* check the attribute type */ if (attr->type != mrp_string) return -1; str = mrp_strdup(value); if (!str) return -1; mrp_free((void *) attr->string); attr->string = str; return 0; }
static void set_client_defaults(client_t *c, const char *argv0) { int i; c->app_class = "player"; c->app_name = strrchr(argv0, '/'); if (c->app_name != NULL) c->app_name++; else c->app_name = argv0; c->commands = mrp_allocz(sizeof(default_commands)); c->ncommand = MRP_ARRAY_SIZE(default_commands); for (i = 0; i < c->ncommand; i++) { c->commands[i] = mrp_strdup(default_commands[i]); if (c->commands[i] == NULL) { print(c, "Failed to initialize default command set."); exit(1); } } }
static uint32_t synth_load(const char *path, int cache, void *api_data) { synth_t *synth = (synth_t *)api_data; sound_t *snd; if (mrp_reallocz(synth->sounds, synth->nsound, synth->nsound + 1) != NULL) { snd = synth->sounds + synth->nsound; snd->path = mrp_strdup(path); snd->cache = cache ? 1 : 0; snd->id = SYNTH_TYPE_SOUND | synth->nsound; if (snd->path != NULL) { synth->nsound++; return snd->id; } mrp_reallocz(synth->sounds, synth->nsound + 1, synth->nsound); } return SRS_VOICE_INVALID; }
static tracklist_t *tracklist_parse(const char *path) { #define CHECK_STRTAG(_tag, _member) \ if (!strcasecmp(tag, _tag)) { \ mrp_free(t->_member); \ t->_member = mrp_strdup(value); \ continue; \ } #define CHECK_INTTAG(_tag, _member) \ if (!strcasecmp(tag, _tag)) { \ t->_member = (int)strtoul(value, &e, 10); \ if (e && *e) \ goto invalid; \ continue; \ } tracklist_t *t; char buf[16 * 1024], *tag, *sep, *value, *p, *e; int fd, n; fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) goto failed; n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); close(fd); if (n < 0) goto failed; if (n >= (int)sizeof(buf) - 1) goto nospace; buf[n] = '\0'; t = mrp_allocz(sizeof(*t)); if (t == NULL) goto nomem; p = buf; while (p && *p) { while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; if (*p == '\n') { p++; continue; } tag = p; while (*p && *p != ':' && *p != '.' && *p != '\n') p++; if (*p == '\n') goto invalid; sep = p; p++; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; value = p; while (*p && *p != '\n') p++; if (p != '\0') *p++ = '\0'; e = p - 1; while (e > value && (*e == ' ' || *e == '\t')) *e-- = '\0'; if (*sep == ':') { *sep = '\0'; CHECK_STRTAG("Album" , album); CHECK_STRTAG("Artist", artist); CHECK_STRTAG("Genre" , genre); CHECK_INTTAG("Year" , year); mrp_log_warning("Ignoring unknown tag '%s'...", tag); continue; } if (*sep == '.') { *sep = '\0'; n = strtoul(tag, &e, 10); if (e && *e) goto invalid; if (n < 1 || n > 99) /* max. CDDA tracks */ goto invalid; if (n > t->ntrack) { if (!mrp_reallocz(t->tracks, t->ntrack, n)) goto nomem; t->ntrack = n; } mrp_free(t->tracks[n - 1]); t->tracks[n - 1] = mrp_strdup(value); } } return t; nospace: errno = ENOBUFS; failed: nomem: return NULL; invalid: errno = EINVAL; tracklist_free(t); return NULL; }
static int resource_set_add_resource(lua_State *L) { int narg; resource_set_lua_t *rset; resource_lua_t *resource; const char *resource_name; bool shared = FALSE; bool mandatory = TRUE; mrp_attr_t attribute_list[MAX_ATTRS], *attrs; mrp_debug("> add_resource"); narg = lua_gettop(L); if (narg != 2) return luaL_error(L, "expecting one argument"); rset = resource_set_lua_check(L, 1); if (!rset) goto error; /* the argument should be a table with at least "resource_name" index */ if (!lua_istable(L, -1)) return luaL_error(L, "argument error -- not a table"); lua_pushstring(L, "resource_name"); lua_gettable(L, -2); if (!lua_isstring(L, -1)) return luaL_error(L, "'resource_name' is a mandatory field"); resource_name = lua_tostring(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, "mandatory"); lua_gettable(L, -2); if (lua_isboolean(L, -1)) { mandatory = lua_toboolean(L, -1); } lua_pop(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, "shared"); lua_gettable(L, -2); if (lua_isboolean(L, -1)) { shared = lua_toboolean(L, -1); } lua_pop(L, 1); /* create resource object and add it to the resource table in the resource * set object */ resource = (resource_lua_t *) mrp_lua_create_object(L, RESOURCE_LUA_CLASS, NULL, 0); if (!resource) goto error; /* mrp_lua_object_ref_value(resource, L, 0); */ resource->mandatory = mandatory; resource->shared = shared; resource->acquired = FALSE; resource->available = FALSE; resource->resource_name = mrp_strdup(resource_name); if (!resource->resource_name) goto error; resource->parent = rset; resource->L = L; resource->real_attributes = (attribute_lua_t *) mrp_lua_create_object(L, ATTRIBUTE_LUA_CLASS, NULL, 0); if (!resource->real_attributes) goto error; /* mrp_lua_object_ref_value(resource->real_attributes, L, 0); */ resource->real_attributes->L = L; resource->real_attributes->parent = resource; resource->real_attributes->resource_set = rset; resource->real_attributes->initialized = TRUE; attrs = mrp_resource_set_read_all_attributes(rset->resource_set, resource->resource_name, MAX_ATTRS-1, attribute_list); if (mrp_resource_set_add_resource(rset->resource_set, resource->resource_name, shared, attrs, mandatory) < 0) goto error; /* add to resource map */ mrp_debug("inserted resource %s to %p", resource->resource_name, rset); mrp_htbl_insert(rset->resources, resource->resource_name, resource); return 0; error: /* TODO: clean up the already allocated objects */ return luaL_error(L, "internal resource library error"); }
static int add_decoder(int ncfg, srs_cfg_t *cfgs, const char *name, size_t *pndec, options_decoder_t **pdecs) { int i; srs_cfg_t *cfg; const char *key; const char *value; size_t pfxlen; char pfx[1024]; options_decoder_t *decs, *dec; size_t ndec, size; const char *hmm = NULL; const char *lm = NULL; const char *dict = NULL; const char *fsg = NULL; pfxlen = snprintf(pfx, sizeof(pfx), SPHINX_PREFIX "%s.", name); for (i = 0; i < ncfg; i++) { cfg = cfgs + i; key = cfg->key + pfxlen; value = cfg->value; if (!strncmp(cfg->key, pfx, pfxlen)) { switch (key[0]) { case 'd': if (!strcmp(key, "dict")) dict = value; break; case 'f': if (!strcmp(key, "fsg")) fsg = value; break; case 'h': if (!strcmp(key, "hmm")) hmm = value; break; case 'l': if (!strcmp(key, "lm")) lm = value; break; } } } ndec = *pndec; size = sizeof(options_decoder_t) * (ndec + 1); if (lm && dict && (decs = mrp_realloc(*pdecs, size))) { dec = decs + ndec++; dec->name = mrp_strdup(name); dec->hmm = hmm ? mrp_strdup(hmm) : NULL; dec->lm = mrp_strdup(lm); dec->dict = mrp_strdup(dict); dec->fsg = fsg ? mrp_strdup(fsg) : NULL; *pndec = ndec; *pdecs = decs; return 0; } return -1; }
int options_create(context_t *ctx, int ncfg, srs_cfg_t *cfgs) { options_t *opts; srs_cfg_t *cfg; const char *key; const char *value; char *e; bool verbose; int i; int sts; size_t pfxlen; size_t ndec; options_decoder_t *decs; char buf[65536]; if (!ctx) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } pfxlen = strlen(SPHINX_PREFIX); if (!(opts = mrp_allocz(sizeof(options_t))) || !(decs = mrp_allocz(sizeof(options_decoder_t)))) return -1; ndec = 1; decs->name = mrp_strdup("default"); decs->hmm = mrp_strdup(DEFAULT_HMM); decs->lm = mrp_strdup(DEFAULT_LM); decs->dict = mrp_strdup(DEFAULT_DICT); decs->fsg = NULL; opts->srcnam = NULL; opts->audio = NULL; opts->logfn = mrp_strdup("/dev/null"); opts->topn = 12; opts->rate = 16000; opts->silen = 1.0; verbose = false; sts = 0; for (i = 0; i < ncfg; i++) { cfg = cfgs + i; key = cfg->key + pfxlen; value = cfg->value; if (!strncmp(cfg->key, SPHINX_PREFIX, pfxlen)) { switch (key[0]) { case 'd': if (!strcmp(key, "dict")) { mrp_free((void *)decs->dict); decs->dict = mrp_strdup(value); } else if (!strncmp(key, "decoder", 7)) { add_decoder(ncfg, cfgs, value, &ndec, &decs); } break; case 'f': if (!strcmp(key, "fsg")) { mrp_free((void *)decs->fsg); decs->fsg = mrp_strdup(value); } break; case 'h': if (!strcmp(key, "hmm")) { mrp_free((void *)decs->hmm); decs->hmm = mrp_strdup(value); } break; case 'l': if (!strcmp(key, "lm")) { mrp_free((void *)decs->lm); decs->lm = mrp_strdup(value); } break; case 'p': if (!strcmp(key, "pulsesrc")) { mrp_free((void *)opts->srcnam); opts->srcnam = mrp_strdup(value); } break; case 'r': if (!strcmp(key, "record")) { mrp_free((void *)opts->audio); opts->audio = mrp_strdup(value); } break; case 's': if (!strcmp(key, "samplerate")) { opts->rate = strtoul(value, &e, 10); if (e[0] || e == value || opts->rate < 8000 || opts->rate > 4800) { mrp_log_error("invalid value %s for samplerate",value); sts = -1; } } break; case 't': if (!strcmp(key, "topn")) { opts->topn = strtoul(value, &e, 10); if (e[0] || e == value || opts->topn < 1 || opts->topn > 100) { mrp_log_error("invalid value %s for topn", value); sts = -1; } } break; default: // cfg->used = FALSE; break; } /* switch key */ } } /* for cfg */ opts->ndec = ndec; opts->decs = decs; if (sts == 0) { print_decoders(opts->ndec, opts->decs, sizeof(buf), buf); mrp_log_info("topn: %u\n" " pulseaudio source name: %s\n" " sample rate: %.1lf KHz\n" " audio recording file: %s\n" "%s", opts->topn, opts->srcnam ? opts->srcnam : "<default-source>", (double)opts->rate / 1000.0, opts->audio, buf); } ctx->opts = opts; ctx->verbose = verbose; return sts; }
static int resource_set_lua_create(lua_State *L) { char e[128] = ""; resource_set_lua_t *rset; int narg; mrp_htbl_config_t conf; mrp_debug("create"); narg = lua_gettop(L); rset = (resource_set_lua_t *) mrp_lua_create_object(L, RESOURCE_SET_LUA_CLASS, NULL, 0); if (!rset) return luaL_error(L, "could not create Lua object"); rset->L = L; /* user can affect these values */ rset->zone = mrp_strdup("default"); rset->application_class = NULL; rset->autorelease = FALSE; rset->dont_wait = FALSE; rset->priority = 0; rset->committed = FALSE; rset->initialized = FALSE; switch (narg) { case 2: /* argument table */ if (mrp_lua_init_members(rset, L, -2, e, sizeof(e)) != 1) return luaL_error(L, "failed to initialize resource members (%s)", e); break; default: return luaL_error(L, "expecting a constructor argument, " "got %d", narg); } if (rset->application_class == NULL) return luaL_error(L, "application_class is a mandatory parameter"); if (rset->priority < 0) rset->priority = 0; /* initial state, these cannot be set by user */ rset->available = FALSE; rset->acquired = FALSE; /* initialize resource map */ conf.nbucket = 0; conf.nentry = 10; conf.comp = mrp_string_comp; conf.hash = mrp_string_hash; = htbl_free_resource; rset->resources = mrp_htbl_create(&conf); if (!rset->resources) goto error; /* do the actual resource work */ if (!client) { /* create the resource client */ client = mrp_resource_client_create("lua", NULL); if (!client) goto error; } rset->resource_set = mrp_resource_set_create(client, rset->autorelease, rset->dont_wait, rset->priority, event_cb, rset); if (rset->resource_set) n_sets++; else goto error; rset->initialized = TRUE; mrp_lua_push_object(L, rset); return 1; error: return luaL_error(L, "internal resource library error"); }
bool mrp_funcbridge_call_from_c(lua_State *L, mrp_funcbridge_t *fb, const char *signature, mrp_funcbridge_value_t *args, char *ret_type, mrp_funcbridge_value_t *ret_value) { char t; int i; int sp; mrp_funcbridge_value_t *a; int sts; bool success; if (!fb) success = false; else { switch (fb->type) { case MRP_C_FUNCTION: if (!strcmp(signature, fb->c.signature)) success = fb->c.func(L, fb->, signature, args, ret_type, ret_value); else { *ret_type = MRP_FUNCBRIDGE_STRING; ret_value->string = mrp_strdup("mismatching signature " "@ C invocation"); success = false; } break; case MRP_LUA_FUNCTION: sp = lua_gettop(L); mrp_funcbridge_push(L, fb); lua_rawgeti(L, -1, 1); luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TFUNCTION); for (i = 0; (t = signature[i]); i++) { a = args + i; switch (t) { case MRP_FUNCBRIDGE_STRING: lua_pushstring(L, a->string); break; case MRP_FUNCBRIDGE_INTEGER: lua_pushinteger(L, a->integer); break; case MRP_FUNCBRIDGE_FLOATING: lua_pushnumber(L, a->floating); break; case MRP_FUNCBRIDGE_BOOLEAN: lua_pushboolean(L, a->boolean); break; case MRP_FUNCBRIDGE_OBJECT: mrp_lua_push_object(L, a->pointer); break; default: success = false; goto done; } } sts = lua_pcall(L, i, 1, 0); MRP_ASSERT(!sts || (sts && lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING), "lua pcall did not return error string when failed"); switch (lua_type(L, -1)) { case LUA_TSTRING: *ret_type = MRP_FUNCBRIDGE_STRING; ret_value->string = mrp_strdup(lua_tolstring(L, -1, NULL)); break; case LUA_TNUMBER: *ret_type = MRP_FUNCBRIDGE_FLOATING; ret_value->floating = lua_tonumber(L, -1); break; case LUA_TBOOLEAN: *ret_type = MRP_FUNCBRIDGE_BOOLEAN; ret_value->boolean = lua_toboolean(L, -1); break; default: *ret_type = MRP_FUNCBRIDGE_NO_DATA; memset(ret_value, 0, sizeof(*ret_value)); break; } success = !sts; done: lua_settop(L, sp); break; default: success = false; break; } } return success; }