Beispiel #1
// Replacement for sleep
// dwMilliseconds  - the number of milliseconds to sleep
void Sleep(long dwMilliseconds)
   long limit;

   // setup the limit
   limit = msGettick() + dwMilliseconds;

   // do the delay
   while (limit >= msGettick())
      // yield this process
      //??? Yield here does bad things, Yield();
Beispiel #2
// Read an array of bytes to the COM port, verify that it was
// sent out.  Assume that baud rate has been set and the buffers have
// been flushed.
//  portnum    - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number is provided to
//                 indicate the symbolic port number.
//  inlen      - the length of the data that was read
//  outbuf     - the input data
// Returns number of characters read
int ReadCOM(int portnum, int inlen, uchar *inbuf)
   COMSTAT ComStat;
   short result;
   ulong m;
   ulong more;
   // declare and set the default timeout
   int timeout = 20 * inlen + 60;

   #ifdef DODEBUG
   short i;

   m = (ulong)msGettick() + (ulong)timeout;
      if ((short)ComStat.cbInQue >= inlen)
         result = ReadComm(ComID[portnum],inbuf,inlen);

         if (result == (int)inlen)
            more = ComStat.cbInQue;

            #ifdef DODEBUG
               for (i = 0; i < inlen; i++)
                  printf("%02X ",inbuf[i]);
            return result;
            return FALSE;
         // yield this process

   while ((ulong)msGettick() <= m);

   return FALSE;
Beispiel #3
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 'temp'  - The temperature from the DS1820 in F
// 'dir'   - The wind direction from 0-15
// 'revol' - The wind speed in revolutions per second
// Returns:  TRUE, if the reads were successfull and FALSE if they were not.
int ReadWet(int portnum, WeatherStruct *wet, float *temp, int *dir, double *revol)
   int ret = TRUE;
   unsigned long start_count=0, end_count=0, start_time, end_time;
   float current_temp;

   // read the current counter
   // use this reference to calculate wind speed later
   if (!ReadCounter(portnum, &wet->ds2423[0], 15, &start_count))
      printf("\nError reading counter, verify device present:%d\n",
              (int)owVerify(portnum, FALSE));
      ret = FALSE;

   // get a time stamp (mS)
   start_time = msGettick();

   // read the temperature and print in F
   if (ReadTemperature(portnum, &wet->ds1820[0],&current_temp))
      *temp = current_temp * 9 / 5 + 32;
      printf("\nError reading temperature, verify device present:%d\n",
              (int)owVerify(portnum, FALSE));
      ret = FALSE;

   // read the wind direction
   *dir = TrueDir(portnum, wet);

   // read the counter again
   if (!ReadCounter(portnum, &wet->ds2423[0], 15, &end_count))
      printf("Error reading counter, verify device present:%d\n",
              (int)owVerify(portnum, FALSE));
      ret = FALSE;

   // get a time stamp (mS)
   end_time = msGettick();

   // calculate the wind speed based on the revolutions per second
   *revol = (((end_count - start_count) * 1000.0) /
              (end_time - start_time)) / 2.0;

   return ret;
Beispiel #4
// Add a page to the hash table.  If the page is already in the hash table
// it is updated and a new time stamp is given.  If the page is new then
// it is added to the table. The data in buf is put in the page and the 
// Space location number is returned.
// portnum  the port number of the port being used for the
//          1-Wire Network.
// SNum     the serial number for the part that the read is
//          to be done on.
// pg       the page to add
// buf      the buffer of the page data
// len      len of data for the page
// return the space number for the new page
uchar AddPage(int portnum, uchar *SNum, PAGE_TYPE pg, uchar *buf, int len)        
   uchar hs,p=0xFF; 
   short i=0,m;
   PAGE_TYPE page;
   int tlen;
   uchar cache_page[32];

   page = pg;
   // attempt to see if page already there                           
   if(!FindPage(portnum,SNum,&page,(uchar)(len & 0x80),FALSE,
      return FALSE;
   if (p == 0xFF)
      // page not found so add one
      hs = HashFunction(SNum,page);
      p = FindNew(hs);
      // attach the device to the chain (if there is one)
      // no other page in hash location
      if (Hash[hs] == 0xFF)   
         Hash[hs] = p;             // hash p to new page
         Space[p].Fptr = 0xFF;     // np front p to nothing
         Space[p].Bptr = 0xFF;     // np back p to nothing
         Space[p].Hptr = hs;       // np hash p to hash location
      // some other page already there                
         // insert as first page
         Space[p].Fptr = Hash[hs]; // np front p to old first page
         Space[Hash[hs]].Bptr = p; // old first page back p to np
         Hash[hs] = p;             // hash p to np 
         Space[p].Hptr = hs;       // np hash p to hash location

      // set the page number
      Space[p].Page = page;
      // set the rom
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
         Space[p].ROM[i] = SNum[i];            
   // set the data
   Space[p].Data[0] = (uchar)len;
   m = ((len & 0x1F) <= 0x1D) ? (len & 0x1F) : 0;
   for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
      Space[p].Data[i+1] = buf[i];   

   // set the time stamp limit of X seconds
   Space[p].Tstamp = msGettick() + CACHE_TIMEOUT; // (3.10)
   // return the Space number of the new page         
   return p;
Beispiel #5
// Write an array of bytes to the COM port, verify that it was
// sent out.  Assume that baud rate has been set and the buffers have
// been flushed.
//  portnum    - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number is provided to
//                 indicate the symbolic port number.
//  outlen     - the length of the data to be written
//  outbuf     - the output data
// Returns TRUE for success and FALSE for failure
int WriteCOM(int portnum, int outlen, uchar *outbuf)
   short result;
   COMSTAT ComStat;
   ulong m;
   // declare and set the default timeout
   int timeout = 20 * outlen + 60;

   #ifdef DODEBUG
   short i;
      for (i = 0; i < outlen; i++)
         printf("%02X ",outbuf[i]);

   // Send data to write buffer
   result = WriteComm(ComID[portnum],outbuf,outlen);

   #ifdef DODEBUG
   // loop to wait for the write to complete
   if (result == outlen)
      m = (ulong)msGettick() + (ulong)timeout;
         // yield this process
         if ((short)ComStat.cbOutQue == 0)
            return result;
      while ((ulong)msGettick() <= m);
      return FALSE;
Beispiel #6
// Search the hash cache to find the page discribed by the rom and page.
// If it is found and it has not expired, then return its Space number
// or 0xFF if it can not be found. 'mflag' is the memory section flag 
// where 0x00 is normal memory space and 0x80 is status memory space.
// portnum   the port number of the port being used for the
//           1-Wire Network.
// SNum      the serial number for the part that the read is
//           to be done on.
// page      the page to start looking
// mflag     the flag to compare in looking for the right page
// time      the expired time to check
// buf       the buffer of the page data
// len       the length of the data on the page
// space_num the space number in the table for the data of the page
// return true if the page data was found 
SMALLINT FindPage(int portnum, uchar *SNum, PAGE_TYPE *page, uchar mflag, 
                  uchar time, uchar *buf, int *len, uchar *space_num)
   static uchar DidInit=0;
   uchar hs,ptr=0xFF; 
   short i=0;                    
   ulong tm;
   // initialize the file page cache (DSS 3.11) automatically
   if (!DidInit)
      DidInit = 1;   
   hs = HashFunction(SNum,*page);
   // if not empty
   if (Hash[hs] != 0xFF)
      // get the current time
      tm = msGettick();
      ptr = Hash[hs];  // point to first at hash spot
         // check to see if this record is expired
         if (time)
            if (tm > Space[ptr].Tstamp)
               ptr = FreePage(ptr);
               continue; // skip to loop check
         // check to see if this page is the correct one (and correct mem space)
         if ((Space[ptr].Page == *page) && (mflag == (Space[ptr].Data[0] & 0x80)))
            for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
               if (Space[ptr].ROM[i] != SNum[i])
            if (i == 8)
          // point to next page at hash location
          ptr = Space[ptr].Fptr;
      while (ptr != 0xFF);

   // check if need to copy over the data
   if (ptr != 0xFF)
      if ((Space[ptr].Data[0] & 0x1F) <= 0x1D)
         *len = Space[ptr].Data[0];
         for (i = 1; i <= (*len & 0x1F); i++)
            buf[i-1] = Space[ptr].Data[i];        
         ptr = 0xFF;
   // check result
   if(ptr == 0xFF)
      return FALSE;

   *space_num = ptr;
   return TRUE;                          
Beispiel #7
// Find a empty page in Space and return its pointer. First look at the 
// expected spot.  If an empty or expired page is not found then search
// thru the pages.  If one cannot be found then void the oldest one. 
// hashnum  the number of the page that might be empty.
// return the space location
uchar FindNew(uchar hashnum) 
   ulong tm,otm;
   static uchar spot = 0;  // spot pointer
   uchar t = 0xFF;     
   uchar oldest,i;   
   uchar freepg;
   // if current spot is empty then use that 
   if (BitMap[spot] == 0xFF)
      t = spot;
   // not empty so first try and find an empty spot in bitmap
      // get the current time
      tm = msGettick();        
      // set the oldest time to the current spot
      otm = Space[spot].Tstamp;              
      oldest = spot;
      // check to see if spot is void
      if (tm > Space[spot].Tstamp)
         freepg = FreePage(spot);
         t = spot;
         // loop through all of the bitmap
         for (i = 0; i < DEPTH; i++)
            if (BitMap[i] == 0xFF)  // check for empty
               t = i;
            else if (tm > Space[i].Tstamp) // check for expired
               freepg = FreePage((uchar)i);
               t = i;
            else if (Space[i].Tstamp < otm) // find oldest
               otm = Space[i].Tstamp;
               oldest = i;
         // check to see if not found one
         if (i == DEPTH)
            // free the current spot            
            freepg = FreePage(oldest);
            t = oldest;   
   // set next spot to the current spot + 1                                          
   spot = (spot == (DEPTH-1)) ? 0 : spot + 1; 
   // set the bitmap to say where the page is going
   BitMap[t] = hashnum;                            
   // return the space location
   return t;
Beispiel #8
// Stop any on-going pulses
// Returns:  TRUE  - pulse stopped
//           FALSE - Could not stop pulse
SMALLINT DS2490HaltPulse(usb_dev_handle *hDevice)
   STATUS_PACKET status;
   uchar nResultRegisters;
   SETUP_PACKET setup;
   SMALLINT ret;
   long limit;

   // set a time limit
   limit = msGettick() + 300;
   // loop until confirm pulse has ended or timeout
      // HalExecWhenIdle, Resume Execution to stop an infinite pulse
      // HalExecWhenIdle
      setup.RequestTypeReservedBits = 0x40;
      setup.Request = CONTROL_CMD;
      setup.Value = CTL_HALT_EXE_IDLE;
      setup.Index = 0x00;
      setup.Length = 0x00;
      setup.DataOut = FALSE;

      // call the libusb driver
      ret = usb_control_msg(hDevice, 
      if (ret < 0)
         // failure

      // Resume Execution   
      setup.RequestTypeReservedBits = 0x40;
      setup.Request = CONTROL_CMD;
      setup.Value = CTL_RESUME_EXE;
      setup.Index = 0x00;
      setup.Length = 0x00;
      setup.DataOut = FALSE;

      // call the libusb driver
      ret = usb_control_msg(hDevice, 
      if (ret < 0)
         // failure

      // read the status to see if the pulse has been stopped
      if (!DS2490GetStatus(hDevice, &status, &nResultRegisters))
         // failure
         // check the SPU flag
         if ((status.StatusFlags & STATUSFLAGS_SPUA) == 0)
            // success
            // disable both pulse types
            setup.RequestTypeReservedBits = 0x40;
            setup.Request = MODE_CMD;
            setup.Value = MOD_PULSE_EN;
            setup.Index = 0;
            setup.Length = 0x00;
            setup.DataOut = FALSE;
            // call the libusb driver
            ret = usb_control_msg(hDevice, 

            return TRUE;
   while (limit > msGettick());

   return FALSE;
Beispiel #9
// Check if timelimit number of ms have elapse from the call to MarkTime
// timelimit  - the time limit for the elapsed time
// Return TRUE if the time has elapse else FALSE.
SMALLINT ElapsedTime(long timelimit)
   // check if time elapsed
   return ((TimeStamp + timelimit) < msGettick());
Beispiel #10
// Mark time stamp for later comparison
void MarkTime(void)
   // get the timestamp
   TimeStamp = msGettick();
Beispiel #11
// The 'owNext' function does a general search.  This function
// continues from the previos search state. The search state
// can be reset by using the 'owFirst' function.
// This function contains one parameter 'alarm_only'.
// When 'alarm_only' is TRUE (1) the find alarm command
// 0xEC is sent instead of the normal search command 0xF0.
// Using the find alarm command 0xEC will limit the search to only
// 1-Wire devices that are in an 'alarm' state.
// 'portnum'    - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number is provided to
//                indicate the symbolic port number.
// 'do_reset'   - TRUE (1) perform reset before search, FALSE (0) do not
//                perform reset before search.
// 'alarm_only' - TRUE (1) the find alarm command 0xEC is
//                sent instead of the normal search command 0xF0
// Returns:   TRUE (1) : when a 1-Wire device was found and it's
//                       Serial Number placed in the global SerialNum[portnum]
//            FALSE (0): when no new device was found.  Either the
//                       last search was the last device or there
//                       are no devices on the 1-Wire Net.
SMALLINT owNext(int portnum, SMALLINT do_reset, SMALLINT alarm_only)
   SETUP_PACKET setup;
   short rt=FALSE,i,ResetSearch=FALSE;
   BYTE rom_buf[16];
   BYTE ret_buf[16];
   WORD buf_len;
   uchar lastcrc8;
   WORD  nBytes = 8;
   ULONG nOutput = 0;
   long limit;
   STATUS_PACKET status;
   BYTE  nResult;

   // if the last call was the last one
   if (LastDevice[portnum])
      // reset the search
      LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
      LastDevice[portnum] = FALSE;
      LastFamilyDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
      return FALSE;

   // check if reset first is requested
   if (do_reset)
      // reset the 1-wire
      // extra reset if last part was a DS1994/DS2404 (due to alarm)
      if ((SerialNum[portnum][0] & 0x7F) == 0x04)
      // if there are no parts on 1-wire, return FALSE
      if (!owTouchReset(portnum))
         // reset the search
         LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
         LastFamilyDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
         return FALSE;

   // build the rom number to put to the USB chip
   for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      rom_buf[i] = SerialNum[portnum][i];

   // take into account LastDiscrepancy
   if (LastDiscrepancy[portnum] != 0xFF)
      if (LastDiscrepancy[portnum] > 0)
         bitacc(WRITE_FUNCTION,1,(short)(LastDiscrepancy[portnum] - 1),rom_buf);

      for (i = LastDiscrepancy[portnum]; i < 64; i++)

   // put the ROM ID in EP2
   nBytes = 8;
   if (!DS2490Write(usbhnd[portnum], rom_buf, &nBytes))
      return FALSE;

   // setup for search command call
   setup.RequestTypeReservedBits = 0x40;
   setup.Request = COMM_CMD;
   // the number of devices to read (1) with the search command
   setup.Index = 0x0100 | (((alarm_only) ? 0xEC : 0xF0) & 0x00FF);  
   setup.Length = 0;
   setup.DataOut = FALSE;
   // call the driver
   if (!DeviceIoControl(usbhnd[portnum],
      // failure
      return FALSE;

   // set a time limit
   limit = msGettick() + 200;
   // loop to wait on EP3 ready (device will go idle)   
      // read the status to see if the pulse has been stopped
      if (!DS2490GetStatus(usbhnd[portnum], &status, &nResult))
         // failure
	      // look for any fail conditions
	      for (i = 0; i < nResult; i++)
	        // only check for error conditions when the condition is not a ONEWIREDEVICEDETECT
	        if (status.CommResultCodes[i] != ONEWIREDEVICEDETECT)
               // failure
   while (((status.StatusFlags & STATUSFLAGS_IDLE) == 0) && 
          (limit > msGettick()));

   // check results of the waite for idel
   if ((status.StatusFlags & STATUSFLAGS_IDLE) == 0) 
      return FALSE;

   // check for data 
   if (status.ReadBufferStatus > 0)
      // read the load 
      buf_len = 16;
	   if(!DS2490Read(usbhnd[portnum], ret_buf, &buf_len))
		   return FALSE;

      // success, get rom and desrepancy
      LastDevice[portnum] = (buf_len == 8); 
      // extract the ROM (and check crc)
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
         SerialNum[portnum][i] = ret_buf[i];
         lastcrc8 = docrc8(portnum,ret_buf[i]);
      // crc OK and family code is not 0
      if (!lastcrc8 && SerialNum[portnum][0])
         // loop through the descrepancy to get the pointers
         for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
            // if descrepancy
            if (bitacc(READ_FUNCTION,0,i,&ret_buf[8]) &&
                (bitacc(READ_FUNCTION,0,i,&ret_buf[0]) == 0))
               LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = i + 1;  
         rt = TRUE;
         ResetSearch = TRUE;
         rt = FALSE;

   // check if need to reset search
   if (ResetSearch)
      LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0xFF;
      LastDevice[portnum] = FALSE;
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
         SerialNum[portnum][i] = 0;

   return rt;