int main(char argc,char ** argv) { if(argc < 2) { printf("Incorrect Arguments \n"); printf("Correct Format - Enter 1 for Regular Round Robin Scheduling 2 for priority Round Robin Scheduling\n"); exit(0); } PROC* readyQueue[50]; //queqe containing the list of all processess PROC* ProcessList[50]; //processess in the ready queue int terminated=0; //number of terminated processess int type = atoi(argv[1]); //type of the scheduler pid_t main_PID = getpid(); //PID of the scheduler int mid,read,rc,num_msg,k; key_t key; MESSAGE msg; struct msqid_ds msglist; struct sigaction action; action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; action.sa_sigaction = &toIO; sigaction(SIGUSR1,&action,NULL); signal(SIGTERM,terminate); key = ftok(".",'V'); if((mid = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT | 0660))<0) { printf("Error Creating message queue\n"); exit(-1); } msgctl(mid, IPC_RMID, NULL); if((mid = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT | 0660))<0){ printf("Error Creating Message Queue\n"); exit(-1); } while(1) { //printf("Entered outer while loop"); rc = msgctl(mid,IPC_STAT,&msglist); //sense the message queue num_msg = msglist.msg_qnum; //get the number of message if(num_msg > 0) { for(k=0;k<num_msg;++k) { if(msgrcv(mid,&msg, sizeof(msg.message),FROMPROCESS,0) < 0) { error("msgrcv"); } if(strcmp(msg.message,"BEGI") == 0) { //if the process is coming for the first time PROC * P = malloc (sizeof(PROC)); P->index = count; //store the index of the process count++; P->PID = msg.PID; //set the PID of process //if its RRR then set the priority to 1 for all process if(type == 1) P->priority=1; else P->priority = msg.priority; msg.from = FROMSCHEDULER; msg.PID=main_PID; strcpy(msg.message,"REC"); if(msgsnd(mid, &msg, sizeof(msg.message), 0)<0) { error("msgsnd"); } P->arrival_time=time(NULL); P->waiting_time=0; P->turnaround_time=0; P->response_time=0; P->has_response=0; printf("Process P %d , PID = %d arrived\n",P->index,P->PID); P->inRQ=timenow(); ProcessList[P->index]=P; push(P,readyQueue); } else if(!strcmp(msg.message,"IO")) { PROC * P = malloc (sizeof(PROC)); int j=0; for(j=0;j<count;j++) { if (ProcessList[j]->PID==msg.PID) { P=ProcessList[j]; break; } } printf("%d : Process P%d , PID = %d returned from IO\n",(int)time(NULL),P->index,P->PID); P->inRQ=timenow(); push(P,readyQueue); } } } if(empty(readyQueue) == 0) { //printf("RQ not empty condition\n"); int in_io=0; int q=0; PROC * P = pop(readyQueue); struct timeval cur=timenow(); struct timeval rqt=(P->inRQ); unsigned long tv= (cur.tv_sec-rqt.tv_sec) + 1000000*(cur.tv_usec-rqt.tv_usec); P->waiting_time += tv; if(P->has_response==0) //setting the response flag to 1 after first IO operation { P->response_time=P->waiting_time; P->has_response=1; } kill(P->PID,SIGCONT); //printf("Process P %d is running\n",P->index); for(q=0;q<TIME_QUANTA;q++) { if(ioPID==P->PID) { ProcessList[P->index]=P; printf("%d : Process P%d , PID = %d requesting I/O\n",(int)time(NULL),P->index,ioPID); ioPID=-1; in_io=1; break; } if(term_flag==1) { ProcessList[P->index]=P; P->turnaround_time=time(NULL)-(P->arrival_time); printf("%d : Process P%d , PID = %d Terminated\n",(int)time(NULL),P->index,P->PID); term_flag=0; terminated++; break; } } if(terminated==count) break; } } FILE * fp; int file=atoi(argv[1]); if(file==1) fp=fopen("RR_Stats","w"); else fp=fopen("P_RR_Stats","w"); time_t avg_w=0,avg_t=0,avg_r=0; int l=0; for(l=0;l<count;l++) { fprintf(fp,"Process P%d\n Waiting Time(microsec): %lu\nTurnaround Time (s): %d Response Time(microsec): %d\n\n",l,ProcessList[l]->waiting_time,(int)ProcessList[l]->turnaround_time,(int)ProcessList[l]->response_time); avg_w += ProcessList[l]->waiting_time; avg_t += ProcessList[l]->turnaround_time; avg_r += ProcessList[l]->response_time; } avg_w/=count; avg_t/=count; avg_r/=count; fprintf(fp,"Average\n Avg Waiting Time(microsec): %lu\nTurnaround Time (s): %d\nResponse Time(microsec): %d\n",avg_w,(int)avg_t,(int)avg_r); printf("\nFinished\n"); fclose(fp); return 0; }
int main(){ int i, found, tested, exist; //tested to record the total amount of tested number of terminated computing processes struct shmid_ds ds; msg_t snd, rcv; sigset_t mask; struct sigaction action; sigemptyset(&mask); sigaddset(&mask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&mask, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&mask, SIGQUIT); action.sa_mask= mask; action.sa_flags= 0; action.sa_handler= handler; sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGHUP, &action, NULL); found= 0; tested= 0; bit[0]=1; for(i=1; i<8; i++){ bit[i]= bit[i-1]<<1; } printf("**********************************\nmanage process %d begins:\n", getpid()); // create and attach shared memory if((shmid= shmget(KEY, sizeof(seg_t), IPC_CREAT|0666))==-1){ perror("shmget"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("shmid: %d size: %ld\n", shmid, sizeof(seg_t)); if((seg= (seg_t*)shmat(shmid, 0, 0))==(seg_t*)-1){ perror("shmat"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } shmctl(shmid, IPC_STAT, &ds); printf("nattch: %d\n", (int)ds.shm_nattch); memset(seg, 0, sizeof(seg_t)); // get message queue, create if not exists if((msqid= msgget(KEY, IPC_CREAT|0666))== -1){ perror("msgget"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("message queue %d created\n*******************************\n", msqid); while(1){ if(msgrcv(msqid, &rcv, sizeof(msg_content), MANAGE_PORT, 0)==-1){ perror("msgrcv"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(rcv.mtext.type== getent){ printf("get a msg for entry number\n"); for(i=0; i<NUM_PROC; i++){ if(seg->proc[i].pid== 0){ seg->proc[i].pid= snd.mtarget= rcv.mtext.sender; snd.mtext.type= getent; i; snd.mtext.sender= getpid(); printf("%dth entry pid: %d\n", i, seg->proc[i].pid); if(msgsnd(msqid, &snd, sizeof(msg_content), 0)==-1){ perror("msgsnd"); exit(1); } break; } } if(i== NUM_PROC){ perror("number of computing processes more than limit"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("----------------------------------\n"); }else if(rcv.mtext.type== pfnum){ //manage update perfect numbers exist= 0; for(i=0; i< found; i++){ if(seg->pf[i]{ exist= 1; break; } } if(exist==0){ seg->pf[found++]=; } printf("get a msg for perfect number: %d\n",; printf("total found %d\n----------------------------------\n", found); }else if(rcv.mtext.type== mng_pid ){ printf("get a msg for manage pid\n"); snd.mtarget= rcv.mtext.sender; snd.mtext.type= mng_pid; getpid(); snd.mtext.sender= getpid(); if(msgsnd(msqid, &snd, sizeof(msg_content), 0)==-1){ perror("msgsnd"); exit(1); } printf("----------------------------------\n"); }else if (rcv.mtext.type== end){ /* replace these three lines with following commented if requiring manage to clear pid printf("get a msg for termination from compute process %d that tested %d numbers\n", rcv.mtext.sender, seg->proc[].tested); tested+= seg->proc[].tested; memset(&seg->proc[], 0, sizeof(proc_t));*/ printf("get a msg for termination from compute process %d that tested %d numbers\n", rcv.mtext.sender,; tested+=; for(i=0; i<NUM_PROC;i++){ if(rcv.mtext.sender==seg->proc[i].pid){ seg->proc[i].pid= 0; break; } } /**/ printf("----------------------------------\n"); }else if(rcv.mtext.type== report_test){ printf("get a msg for reporting tested number\n"); snd.mtarget= rcv.mtext.sender; snd.mtext.type= report_test; snd.mtext.sender= getpid(); int t=0; for(i=0; i<NUM_PROC; i++){ if(seg->proc[i].pid!=0){ t+= seg->proc[i].tested; } } tested + t; printf("tested:%d\n",; if(msgsnd(msqid, &snd, sizeof(msg_content), 0)==-1){ perror("msgsnd"); exit(1); } printf("----------------------------------\n"); }else{ fprintf(stderr, "unexpected message type\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } return 0; }
int main(){ printf("Serwer uruchomiony pomyslnie!\n"); buf = malloc(sizeof(struct mybuf)); stolik = malloc(TBLS * sizeof(struct stoliki)); gracz = malloc(MAX_PLYRS * sizeof(struct gracze)); czyscPoczatek(gracz, stolik); int k; for(k=0;k<TBLS;k++){ stolik[k].zajete=0; } for(k=0;k<MAX_PLYRS;k++){ gracz[k].stolik=0; } int N = MAX_PLYRS; int msgSend = msgget(1234, IPC_CREAT|0600); if(msgSend==-1){ perror("Utworzenie kol. kom. wych."); exit(1); } int msgRcv = msgget(4321, IPC_CREAT|0600); if(msgRcv==-1){ perror("Utworzenie kol. kom. przych."); exit(1); } int quit=0; while(1) { //dodawanie uzytkownika do tymczasowej bazy danych if(msgrcv(msgRcv, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), LOGIN ,IPC_NOWAIT) != -1){ //dodawanie graczy; IPC_NOWAIT sprawia ze nie nie ma zawiechy na komunikat buf->mtype = P_INFO; if(liczG < N){ int pom = getSize(buf->val); if(pom>30){ printf("%s ma wiecej niz 30 znakow\n"); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); strcpy(buf->val, "Login ma miec max 30 znakow!\n"); } else{ strcpy(gracz[liczG].login, buf->val); gracz[liczG].stolik = 0; printf("%s dopisany do bazy banych\n", buf->val); liczG++; clearTab(buf->val, MAX); strcpy(buf->val, "Witamy na serwerze!\n"); if(liczS == 0) strcat(buf->val, "Nie ma jeszcze stolikow, jezeli chcesz go utworzyc wpisz \"nowy\"\n"); else{ int i = 0; for(i;i<liczS;i++){ char str[3]; strcat(buf->val, "Stolik "); if((i+1)<10)strcat(buf->val, "0"); sprintf(str, "%d", (i+1)); strcat(buf->val, str); strcat(buf->val, ":\tzajete "); sprintf(str, "%d", stolik[i].zajete); strcat(buf->val, str); strcat(buf->val, "\n"); } } } if(msgsnd(msgSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ perror("Wyslanie odp na login"); exit(1); } usleep(10); } else{ printf("Nie ma juz miejsca na serwerze dla %s.\n", buf->val); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); strcpy(buf->val, "Serwer zapelniony. Przepraszamy.\n"); buf->nr = -1; if(msgsnd(msgSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ perror("Wyslanie odp na login"); } } } //wykonywanie komend else if(msgrcv(msgRcv, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), CMD, IPC_NOWAIT) != -1){ printf("Wykonuje polecenie:%s\n", buf->val); buf->mtype = INFO; //wyslanie info o statusie serwera (stanie pokoi) if(checkToN(buf->val, "ping", 4)==1){ updateDb(gracz, stolik, msgSend); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); strcat(buf->val, "Dolacz/stworz nowy pokoj"); int i = 0; for(i;i<liczS;i++){ char str[3]; strcat(buf->val, "\nStolik "); if((i+1)<10)strcat(buf->val, "0"); sprintf(str, "%d", (i+1)); strcat(buf->val, str); strcat(buf->val, ":\tzajete "); sprintf(str, "%d", stolik[i].zajete); strcat(buf->val, str); strcat(buf->val, "\n"); buf->st=0; } } //tworzenie nowego pokoju else if(checkToN(buf->val, "nowy", 4)==1){ char* tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * 30); copyFromPoint(tmp, buf->val, 6, 36); printf("\nLogin:%s\n",tmp); int id = getId(gracz, liczG, tmp); if(gracz[id].stolik != 0){ printf("Operacja niedozwolona\n"); clearTab(buf->val,MAX); strcpy(buf->val,"Nie mozesz utworzyc nowego pokoju bedac juz w jednym!"); } else{ if(liczS<TBLS){ if(id==-1){ printf("Nie znaleziono %s w bazie danych\n",tmp); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); strcat(buf->val,"Nie ma cie w bazie danych, zaloguj sie ponownie."); } else{ stolik[liczS].zajete = 1; stolik[liczS].gracze[0] = tmp; liczS++; printf("nowy Id: %d\n",id+1); gracz[id].stolik = liczS; clearTab(buf->val, MAX); if(liczS<10){ strcpy(buf->val,"Utworzono pokoj nr 0"); } else{ strcpy(buf->val, "Utworzono pokoj nr "); } char str[3]; sprintf(str, "%d", (liczS)); strcat(buf->val, str); strcat(buf->val, " i dolaczono do niego."); buf->st=liczS; } } else{ clearTab(buf->val,MAX); strcpy(buf->val, "Istnieje juz maksymalna liczba pokoi!"); } } free(tmp); } //dolaczanie do istniejacego pokoju else if(checkToN(buf->val, "dolacz ", 7)==1){ char* tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * 30); copyFromPoint(tmp, buf->val, 7, 10); //wyciecie numeru pokoju int st = atoi(tmp); printf("Pokoj %d\n", st); if(liczS<st){ printf("Nie istnieje pokoj %s\n", tmp); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); strcpy(buf->val, "Nie istnieje taki pokoj"); } else{ if(stolik[st-1].zajete==3){ printf("Pokoj %d jest zajety\n", st); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); strcpy(buf->val, "Ten pokoj jest juz zapelniony"); } else{ copyFromPoint(tmp, buf->val, 11, 42); printf("Login:%s\n",tmp); int id = getId(gracz, liczG, tmp); if(id==-1)printf("Nie znaleziono %s w bazie danych\n",tmp); else{ printf("Id: %d\n",id+1); gracz[id].stolik = st; stolik[st-1].zajete++; clearTab(buf->val,MAX); if(st<10){ strcpy(buf->val,"Dolaczono do pokoju nr 0"); } else{ strcpy(buf->val, "Dolaczono do pokoju nr "); } int pom=0; char str[11]; sprintf(str, "%d", (st)); strcat(buf->val, str); buf->st=st; printf("Status pokoju %d\n", st); strcpy(buf->val, "Gracze w twoim pokoju"); clearTab(str, 11); sprintf(str, "(%d):\n", stolik[st-1].zajete); strcat(buf->val, str); while(pom<stolik[st-1].zajete){ strcat(buf->val, stolik[st-1].gracze[pom++]); strcat(buf->val, "\n"); } } } } free(tmp); } //wychodzenie z aktualnego pokoju else if(checkToN(buf->val, "wyjdz", 5)==1){ char* tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * 30); copyFromPoint(tmp, buf->val, 7, 37); printf("\nLogin:%s\n",tmp); int id = getId(gracz, liczG, tmp); if(id==-1) printf("Nie znaleziono %s w bazie danych\n",tmp); else{ int stol = gracz[id].stolik; gracz[id].stolik = 0; stolik[stol-1].zajete--; updateDb(gracz, stolik, msgSend); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); printf("Wychodze z pokoju\n"); int i = 0; for(i;i<liczS;i++){ char str[3]; strcat(buf->val, "Stolik "); if((i+1)<10)strcat(buf->val, "0"); sprintf(str, "%d", (i+1)); strcat(buf->val, str); strcat(buf->val, ":\tzajete "); sprintf(str, "%d", stolik[i].zajete); strcat(buf->val, str); strcat(buf->val, "\n"); buf->st=0; } } printf("Id: %d\n",id+1); free(tmp); } else if(checkToN(buf->val, "status", 6)==1){ char* tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * 30); copyFromPoint(tmp, buf->val, 7, 37); printf("\nLogin:%s\n",tmp); int id = getId(gracz, liczG, tmp); if(id==-1) printf("Nie znaleziono %s w bazie danych\n",tmp); else{ int stol = gracz[id].stolik; clearTab(buf->val, MAX); updateDb(gracz, stolik, msgSend); if(stol>0){ int pom=0; printf("Status pokoju %d\n", stol); strcpy(buf->val, "Gracze w twoim pokoju"); char str[11]; sprintf(str, "(%d):\n", stolik[stol-1].zajete); strcat(buf->val, str); while(pom<stolik[stol-1].zajete){ strcat(buf->val, stolik[stol-1].gracze[pom++]); strcat(buf->val, "\n"); } } else{ strcpy(buf->val, "Jestes w lobby, przejdz do jednego z pokojow (np. \"dolacz 01\")\n"); buf->st=0; } } free(tmp); } else if(checkToN(buf->val, "shutdown", 8)==1){ char* tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * 30); copyFromPoint(tmp, buf->val, 10, 37); printf("\nLogin:%s\n",tmp); int id = getId(gracz, liczG, tmp); if(id==-1) printf("Nie znaleziono %s w bazie danych\n",tmp); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); if(checkToN(tmp, "serv_admin", 10)==1){ strcat(buf->val, "Koncze dzialanie serwera"); printf("WYLACZAM SERWER(rozpoczete gry bd przesylac komunikaty, az sie nie skoncza)\n"); if(msgsnd(msgSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ perror("Wyslanie odp na komende"); } clearTab(buf->val, MAX); buf->st=-1; strcat(buf->val,"SERWER ZOSTAL WYLACZONY!!!"); int pl=liczG-1; while(pl>0){ if(msgsnd(msgSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ perror("Wyslanie odp na komende"); } pl--; } //zwalnianie struktur przed zakonczeniem free(buf); free(stolik); free(gracze); exit(0); } else{ strcat(buf->val, "Nie posiadasz uprawnien administratora!"); } } else{ printf("NIE MA TAKIEJ KOMENDY!\n"); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); strcpy(buf->val, "NIE MA TAKIEJ KOMENDY!"); } if(msgsnd(msgSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ perror("Wyslanie odp na komende"); } updateDb(gracz, stolik, msgSend); } } return 0; }
void sendDayContent(int msgid, int msgrcv_size, int pid_registration, int pid_patient, struct msgbuf appointment) { struct tm appointmentDate = *localtime(&appointment.date_of_visit); time_t chosen_date = appointment.date_of_visit; //printf("%s", asctime( & appointmentDate )); msgrcv_size = 0; int i; // SENDING REQUEST TO PARENT REGISTRATION appointment.typ = getppid(); = pid_registration; msgsnd(msgid, &appointment, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); appointments_list_size = 0; while (1) { msgrcv(msgid, &appointment, MSGBUF_SIZE, pid_registration, 0); if (appointment.index == 1000) { break; } appointments_list[appointments_list_size] = appointment; if (appointment.time_of_visit > 0) appointments_list_size++; } // SENDING INFO ABOUT APPOINTMENTS THAT DAY if (appointments_list_size > 0) { for (i = 0; i < APPOINTMENTS_LIST_SIZE; i++) { struct tm currentDate; currentDate = *localtime(&appointments_list[i].date_of_visit); if ((currentDate.tm_year == appointmentDate.tm_year) && (currentDate.tm_mon == appointmentDate.tm_mon) && (currentDate.tm_mday == appointmentDate.tm_mday) && appointments_list[i].time_of_visit > 0) { appointment = appointments_list[i]; = pid_registration; //APPOINTMENT_ANSWER; appointment.typ = pid_patient; msgsnd(msgid, &appointment, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); } } } = pid_registration; appointment.typ = pid_patient; appointment.index = 1000; msgsnd(msgid, &appointment, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); // SENDING INFO ABOUT VACATION THAT DAY for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (vacation_list[i].index == i) { time_t start = vacation_list[i].date_of_visit; time_t end = vacation_list[i].date_of_visit + (vacation_list[i].time_of_visit * 86400); if (chosen_date >= start && chosen_date < end) { appointment = vacation_list[i]; appointment.time_of_visit = 13; = pid_registration; appointment.typ = pid_patient; msgsnd(msgid, &appointment, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); } } } = pid_registration; appointment.typ = pid_patient; appointment.index = 1000; msgsnd(msgid, &appointment, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); return; }
void answerForChangeDateOfVisit(int msgid) { struct msgbuf new_date; int msgrcv_size = msgrcv(msgid, &new_date, MSGBUF_SIZE, CHANGE_VISIT, IPC_NOWAIT); if (msgrcv_size > 0) { //printf("%s", ctime( & new_date.date_of_visit)); if (fork() == 0) { // choose doctor int i; int meetings[5]; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { meetings[i] = 0;} // if (appointments_list_size > 0) for (i = 0; i < APPOINTMENTS_LIST_SIZE; i++) { if (appointments_list[i].time_of_visit <= 0) continue; int index = atoi(appointments_list[i].password); meetings[index] += appointments_list[i].time_of_visit; } int min_meetings_index = meetings[0]; for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { if (meetings[i] < meetings[i-1]) min_meetings_index = i; } // CHOOSING TIME // set tomorrow's date struct tm tomorrow_date; const int one_day = 86400; time_t tomorrow = today; while (true) { // cannot be saturday or sunday tomorrow = tomorrow + one_day; tomorrow_date = *localtime(&tomorrow); if (tomorrow_date.tm_wday != 6 && tomorrow_date.tm_wday != 0) break; } tomorrow_date.tm_hour = 9; tomorrow_date.tm_min = 0; tomorrow_date.tm_sec = 0; tomorrow = mktime(&tomorrow_date); int time_difference = (int)difftime(last_date,tomorrow); bool founded_date; time_t rand_date; srand(time(NULL)); while (!founded_date) { founded_date = true; int rand_add = rand() % time_difference + 1; rand_date = tomorrow + rand_add; tomorrow_date = *localtime(&rand_date); rand_add = rand() % 13 - new_date.time_of_visit; tomorrow_date.tm_hour = 9 + rand_add; tomorrow_date.tm_min = 0; tomorrow_date.tm_sec = 0; rand_date = mktime(&tomorrow_date); if (tomorrow_date.tm_wday != 6 && tomorrow_date.tm_wday != 0) { for(i = 0; i < APPOINTMENTS_LIST_SIZE; i++) { int j; bool the_same_pesel = true; for (j = 0; j < 11; j++) { if (appointments_list[i].pesel[j] != new_date.pesel[j]) { the_same_pesel = false; break; } } if (appointments_list[i].index == min_meetings_index || the_same_pesel) { if (rand_date >= appointments_list[i].date_of_visit && rand_date <= appointments_list[i].date_of_visit + (86400*appointments_list[i].time_of_visit)) { founded_date = false; break; } if (vacation_list[min_meetings_index].index == min_meetings_index && rand_date >= vacation_list[min_meetings_index].date_of_visit && rand_date <= vacation_list[min_meetings_index].date_of_visit + (86400*vacation_list[min_meetings_index].time_of_visit)) { founded_date = false; break; } } } } } // SENDING INFO TO PATIENT new_date.date_of_visit = rand_date; sprintf(new_date.password,"%d", min_meetings_index); strcpy(, doctors_list[min_meetings_index].name); strcpy(new_date.surname, doctors_list[min_meetings_index].surname); new_date.typ =; msgsnd(msgid, &new_date, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); exit(getpid()); } } return; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret, use_clone = T_NONE, id, n; char *tsttype = NONESTR; char buf[7]; setup(); if (argc != 2) { tst_resm(TFAIL, "Usage: %s <clone|unshare|none>", argv[0]); tst_resm(TFAIL, " where clone, unshare, or fork specifies" " unshare method."); tst_exit(); } /* Using PIPE's to sync between container and Parent */ if (pipe(p1) == -1) { perror("pipe"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (pipe(p2) == -1) { perror("pipe"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tsttype = NONESTR; if (strcmp(argv[1], "clone") == 0) { use_clone = T_CLONE; tsttype = CLONESTR; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "unshare") == 0) { use_clone = T_UNSHARE; tsttype = UNSHARESTR; } id = msgget(KEY_VAL, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0600); if (id == -1) { perror("msgget"); /* Retry without attempting to create the MQ */ id = msgget(KEY_VAL, 0); if (id == -1) perror("msgget failure"), exit(1); } msg.mtype = 5; strcpy(msg.mtext, "Message of type 5!"); n = msgsnd(id, &msg, strlen(msg.mtext), 0); if (n == -1) perror("msgsnd"), tst_exit(); tst_resm(TINFO, "mesgq namespaces test : %s", tsttype); /* fire off the test */ ret = do_clone_unshare_test(use_clone, CLONE_NEWIPC, check_mesgq, NULL); if (ret < 0) { tst_resm(TFAIL, "%s failed", tsttype); tst_exit(); } close(p1[0]); close(p2[1]); write(p1[1], "go", 3); read(p2[0], buf, 7); if (strcmp(buf, "exists") == 0) { if (use_clone == T_NONE) tst_resm(TPASS, "Plain cloned process found mesgq " "inside container"); else tst_resm(TFAIL, "%s: Container init process found mesgq", tsttype); } else { if (use_clone == T_NONE) tst_resm(TFAIL, "Plain cloned process didn't find mesgq"); else tst_resm(TPASS, "%s: Container didn't find mesgq", tsttype); } /* Delete the mesgQ */ id = msgget(KEY_VAL, 0); msgctl(id, IPC_RMID, NULL); tst_exit(); tst_exit(); }
//定时器执行任务的循环线程 static void* thread_timer(void* p) { struct timespec tn; S_TIMER_MSG_BUF buf; const UCHAR sizeSend = sizeof(; buf.type = MSG_TYPE_FOR_TIMER; while (1) { sem_wait(&g_sem); if (list_end(&g_listTimerWork) == list_begin(&g_listTimerWork)) { sem_post(&g_sem); sem_wait(&g_sem_new); continue; } st_timer* timer_t = (st_timer*)list_begin(&g_listTimerWork); struct timeval tv={0, 0}; gettimeofday (&tv , NULL); if (timer_t->state == 0) { list_pop_front(&g_listTimerWork); list_push_back(&g_listTimerFree, &timer_t->list); printf_debug3("KillTimer id=%d\n", timer_t->id); sem_post(&g_sem); continue; } if(cmptime(&tv, &timer_t->tv)) { timer_t->tv.tv_usec = (timer_t->tv.tv_usec + timer_t->interval.tv_usec); timer_t->tv.tv_sec = (timer_t->tv.tv_sec + timer_t->interval.tv_sec) + timer_t->tv.tv_usec / 1000000; timer_t->tv.tv_usec %= 1000000; list_pop_front(&g_listTimerWork); if (timer_t->func != NULL) { pFuncTimer func = (pFuncTimer)timer_t->func; insertTimer(timer_t->id); sem_post(&g_sem); func(timer_t->parameter); }else if (timer_t->msgid >= 0) { = timer_t->id; msgsnd(timer_t->msgid, &buf, sizeSend, 0); if (timer_t->times > 0) { timer_t->times--; if (timer_t->times <= 0) { timer_t->state = 0; list_push_back(&g_listTimerFree, &timer_t->list); printf_debug3("KillTimer id=%d\n", timer_t->id); sem_post(&g_sem); continue; } } insertTimer(timer_t->id); sem_post(&g_sem); }else { timer_t->state = 0; list_push_back(&g_listTimerFree, &timer_t->list); sem_post(&g_sem); LOG_WRITE_POS(LOG_ERR, "id=%d, msgid=%d, func=%x\n", timer_t->id, timer_t->msgid, timer_t->func); } }else { printf_debug3("Head time: %ld, %ld\r\n", timer_t->tv.tv_sec, timer_t->tv.tv_usec); printf_debug3("Cur time: %ld, %ld\r\n", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec); sem_post(&g_sem); tn.tv_sec = timer_t->tv.tv_sec;//timer_t->tv.tv_sec - tv.tv_sec; tn.tv_nsec = timer_t->tv.tv_usec * 1000;//(timer_t->tv.tv_usec - tv.tv_usec) * 1000; sem_timedwait(&g_sem_new, &tn); } } return NULL; };
int main(int ac, char **av) { int lc; char *msg; void check_functionality(void); int status, e_code; if ((msg = parse_opts(ac, av, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { tst_brkm(TBROK, NULL, "OPTION PARSING ERROR - %s", msg); } #ifdef UCLINUX maybe_run_child(&do_child, "d", &msg_q_1); #endif setup(); /* global setup */ /* The following loop checks looping state if -i option given */ for (lc = 0; TEST_LOOPING(lc); lc++) { /* reset tst_count in case we are looping */ tst_count = 0; /* * fork a child to read from the queue while the parent * enqueues the message to be read. */ if ((c_pid = FORK_OR_VFORK()) == -1) { tst_brkm(TBROK, cleanup, "could not fork"); } if (c_pid == 0) { /* child */ #ifdef UCLINUX if (self_exec(av[0], "d", msg_q_1) < 0) { tst_brkm(TBROK, cleanup, "could not self_exec"); } #else do_child(); #endif } else { /* parent */ /* put the message on the queue */ if (msgsnd(msg_q_1, &snd_buf, MSGSIZE, 0) == -1) { tst_brkm(TBROK, cleanup, "Couldn't enqueue" " message"); } /* wait for the child to finish */ wait(&status); /* make sure the child returned a good exit status */ e_code = status >> 8; if (e_code != 0) { tst_resm(TFAIL, "Failures reported above"); } } } cleanup(); tst_exit(); /** NOT REACHED **/ }
void handle_server_heartbeat(void* received, int msg_type){ MSG_SERVER2SERVER ping = *(MSG_SERVER2SERVER*)(received); int receiver = ping.server_ipc_num; ping.server_ipc_num = MSG_RECEIVER; msgsnd(receiver, &ping, _size(MSG_SERVER2SERVER), 0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int b, k; int arg = atoi(argv[1]); if (arg == -1){ closeserver(); } if (arg == 0){ printf("Please give the number of clients\n"); exit(0); } arg = arg-2; b = fork(); if (b != 0){ for (k = 0; k < arg; k++){ if (b == 0){ continue; }else{ b = fork(); } } } Table *table = malloc(sizeof(Table)); int i, j; int key = 9999; int key2 = 8888; table->mtype = getpid(); table->complete = 0; table->matrix[0][0] = 'a'; table->matrix[0][1] = 'b'; table->matrix[0][2] = 'c'; table->matrix[1][0] = 'd'; table->matrix[1][1] = 'e'; table->matrix[1][2] = 'f'; table->matrix[2][0] = 'g'; table->matrix[2][1] = 'h'; table->matrix[2][2] = 'i'; srand(time(NULL)); int id = msgget(key, 0666); int id2 = msgget(key2, 0666); if (id < 0 || id2 < 0){ perror("Something went wrong!"); } while (!table->complete){ msgsnd(id, table, sizeof(Table), 0); msgrcv(id2, table, sizeof(Table), getpid(), 0); if (b == 0){sleep(0.001);} //printf("\n-------|%d|-------\n", getpid()); //displaygame(table->matrix); //printf("\n---------------\n"); table->complete = gamestatus(table->matrix); if (table->complete == 1){ //displaygame(table->matrix); printf("In game: %d, server won!\n", getpid()); break; } if (table->complete == 2){ //displaygame(table->matrix); printf("In game: %d. client %d won!\n", getpid(), getpid()); break; } if (table->complete == 3){ //displaygame(table->matrix); printf("In game: %d, it's draw!\n", getpid()); break; } int Oed = 0; while (!Oed){ i = rand() % 3; j = rand() % 3; if ((table->matrix[i][j] != 'X') && (table->matrix[i][j] != 'O')){ table->matrix[i][j] = 'O'; Oed = 1; } } } if (b != 0){ for (k = 0; k < arg; k++){ wait(0); } }else{ exit(0); } return 0; }
int main() { printf("sizeof(msg_struct) : %ld", sizeof(MSG_STRUCT)); // utworzenie klucza key_t key = ftok("./../..", 'L'); if (key == -1) { perror("\nSERWER: Blad utworzenia klucza"); printf("\tERRNO = %d", errno); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("\nSERWER: Utworzylem klucz: %d", key); // utworzenie kolejki komunikatów queue_id = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL|0600); if (queue_id == -1) { perror("\nSERWER: Blad utworzenia kolejki komunikatow"); printf("\tERRNO = %d", errno); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("\nSERWER: Utworzylem kolejke komunikatow o id: %d", queue_id); signal(SIGINT, the_end); MSG_STRUCT msg; int msg_recieve; int msg_send; while(1) { printf("\nSERWER: Czekam na wiadomosc\n"); // odbieranie komunikatu msg_recieve = msgrcv(queue_id, &msg, sizeof(MSG_STRUCT) - sizeof(long int) + 1, 1, 0); if (msg_recieve == -1) { perror("\nSERWER: Blad odbioru wiadomosc"); printf("\tERRNO = %d", errno); msg_rem(queue_id); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("\nSERWER: Odebralem wiadomosc od %ld\n\tTresc: %s", msg.sender, msg.message); msg.reciever = msg.sender; // powiększanie otrzymanego tekstu char* i = msg.message; for (i; *i != '\0'; i++) *i = toupper(*i); // wysyłanie komunikatu zwrotnego msg_send = msgsnd(queue_id, &msg, sizeof(MSG_STRUCT) - sizeof(long int) + 1, IPC_NOWAIT); if (msg_send == -1) { perror("\nSERWER: Blad wyslania wiadomosci"); printf("\tERRNO = %d", errno); msg_rem(queue_id); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("\nSERWER: Wyslalem wiadomosc zwrotna do %ld", msg.sender); } exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ if(argc != 1){ printf("Benutzung ./server\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } //Setup für SignalHandler bei Ctrl+C (SIGINT) struct sigaction action = {}; action.sa_handler = &SIGINThandler; sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL); key_t key; struct msg{ long mtype; char mtext[BUFLEN]; }msg1; int fileSize; int erg = -1; // Erg ist für writevorgang und do-while schleife int anzahl; //Anzahl an zu empfangenden Packeten int rest; //Größe des letzten zu senden Packets //vorbereitung für rcv von namen (mtype = 10) und Erstellung der MsgQ while(1){ msg1.mtype = 10; key = ftok("server.c", 10); // 10 ist Projektid if (key < 0) { perror("Fehler bei KeyErzeugung"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } id = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT | 0666); if (id < 0) { perror("Fehler bei MsgQ Erstellung"); if(atexit(closeQ) != 0){ perror("Fehler beim atexit(closeQ) call"); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(msgrcv(id, &msg1, sizeof(msg1.mtext), msg1.mtype, 0) < 0){ perror("Fehler beim recieven"); if(atexit(closeQ) != 0){ perror("Fehler beim atexit(closeQ) call"); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Name der Zieldatei: %s \n", msg1.mtext); //DEbug Ausgabe der Nachricht char *pathZiel = msg1.mtext; int fd = open(pathZiel, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); msg1.mtype = 20; if(fd < 0){ if(errno == EEXIST){ //Datei existiert bereits //Sende Ablehnung an Client strcpy(msg1.mtext, "NAK"); //Ablehnung bei Datei vorhanden if(msgsnd(id, &msg1, sizeof(msg1.mtext), 0) < 0){ perror("Fehler beim Senden der Ablehnung"); if(atexit(closeQ) != 0){ perror("Fehler beim atexit(closeQ) call"); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } else { //Datei vorhanden, weiterer Ablauf unter else strcpy(msg1.mtext, "ACK"); //Bestätigung bei Datei nicht vorhanden; if(msgsnd(id, &msg1, sizeof(msg1.mtext), 0) < 0){ perror("Fehler beim senden der Bestätigung"); if(atexit(closeQ) != 0){ perror("Fehler beim atexit(closeQ) call"); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } //Vorbereitung fürs Empfangen der Dateilänge msg1.mtype = 30; if(msgrcv(id, &msg1, sizeof(msg1.mtext), msg1.mtype, 0) < 0){ perror("Fehler beim empfangen der Dateigröße"); if(atexit(closeQ) != 0){ perror("Fehler beim atexit(closeQ) call"); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } fileSize = atoi(msg1.mtext); printf("Dateigröße: %d Bytes\n", fileSize); //Vorbereitung zum empfangen der Daten msg1.mtype = 40; anzahl = fileSize / sizeof(msg1.mtext); rest = fileSize % sizeof(msg1.mtext); printf("Anzahl 100%% gefüllter Blöcke: %d, Groesse des Rest/Letzten Blocks: %d Byte\n",anzahl, rest); int i; for (i = 1; i <= anzahl ; i++) { //x-malige durchläufe von vollen Packeten, abhängig von anzahl if(msgrcv(id, &msg1, sizeof(msg1.mtext), msg1.mtype, 0) < 0){ perror("Fehler beim empfangen der Daten"); if(atexit(closeQ) != 0){ perror("Fehler beim atexit(closeQ) call"); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Block %d empfangen\n", i); erg = write(fd, msg1.mtext, sizeof(msg1.mtext)); if (erg < 0) { perror("Fehler beim Schreiben der Daten"); if(atexit(closeQ) != 0){ perror("Fehler beim atexit(closeQ) call"); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } } //Abschließendes Senden des Rest-Packetes if(msgrcv(id, &msg1, sizeof(msg1.mtext), msg1.mtype, 0) < 0){ perror("Fehler beim empfangen der Daten"); if(atexit(closeQ) != 0){ perror("Fehler beim atexit(closeQ) call"); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Rest Block empfangen\n"); printf("---------------------------------------------\n"); erg = write(fd, msg1.mtext, rest); if (erg < 0) { perror("Fehler beim Schreiben der Daten"); if(atexit(closeQ) != 0){ perror("Fehler beim atexit(closeQ) call"); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Ende vom Datei vorhanden Ablauf //closeQ(); } atexit(closeQ); //LÖschen der Q, nach beendigung von allen Vorgängen return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main() { int request; reqReservation_t reservation; reqConsultation_t consultation; ansReservation_t ansRes; ansConsultation_t ansCons; int msqid; pid_t monPid = getpid(); startingMessage(); while(1) { printf("Veuillez sélectionner le type de requête que vous souhaitez effectuer :\n"); printf(" 1 pour une consultation, 2 pour une réservation ou un autre chiffre pour quitter\n"); scanf("%d", &request); switch(request) { case CONS: consultation.client = monPid; = saisiDate(CONS); consultation.mtype = mtype_demandeConsultation; if ((msqid = msgget(CONSULTATION_KEY, 0)) < 0) { perror("ERROR msgget consultation"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (msgsnd(msqid, &consultation, sizeof(reqConsultation_t) - sizeof(long), 0) < 0) { perror("ERROR msgsnd consultation"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (msgrcv(msqid, &ansCons, sizeof(ansConsultation_t) - sizeof(long), monPid, 0) == -1) { perror("ERROR msgrcv consultation"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Il reste/restait %d places pour le %04d-%02d-%02d\n", ansCons.nbplace,,,; break; case RES: reservation.client = monPid; = saisiDate(RES); reservation.nbPlace = saisiNbPlace(); reservation.mtype = mtype_demandeReservation; if ((msqid = msgget(RESERVATION_KEY, 0)) < 0) { perror("ERROR msgget réservation"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (msgsnd(msqid, &reservation, sizeof(reqReservation_t) - sizeof(long), 0) < 0) { perror("ERROR msgsnd réservation"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (msgrcv(msqid, &ansRes, sizeof(ansReservation_t) - sizeof(long), monPid, 0) < 0) { perror("ERROR msgrcv réservation"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("%s\n", ansRes.message); break; default: printf("Vous avez choisi de quitter\n"); printf("Exit\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; } } return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *file; struct msgbuf *msg1, *msg2; unsigned char *ptr1, *ptr2; int id1, id2; int i, j, k; msg1 = malloc(sizeof(*msg1) + 1024); msg2 = malloc(sizeof(*msg2) + 1024); if (!msg1 || !msg2) { perror("malloc"); exit(1); } ptr1 = (unsigned char *) msg1->mtext; ptr2 = (unsigned char *) msg2->mtext; for (i = 0, k = 0; i < 1024; i++, k = (k + 1) % 256) { ptr1[i] = k; ptr2[i] = 255 - k; } close(0); close(1); close(2); unlink(OUTFILE); file = fopen(OUTFILE, "w+"); if (!file) { perror("open"); exit(1); } if (dup2(0,2) < 0) { perror("dup2"); exit(1); } id1 = msgget(MSG_KEY, 0700|IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL); if (id1 < 0) { perror("msgget1"); exit(1); } id2 = msgget(IPC_PRIVATE, 0700|IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL); if (id2 < 0) { perror("msgget2"); exit(1); } for (j = 0; j < MSG_NUM; j++) { msg1->mtype = j+1; msg2->mtype = (j+1) * 10; if (msgsnd(id1, msg1, 1024, 0) < 0) { perror("msgsnd1"); exit(1); } if (msgsnd(id2, msg2, 1024, 0) < 0) { perror("msgsnd2"); exit(1); } } fprintf(file, "sent messages, sleeping 20\n"); fflush(file); sleep(15); fprintf(file, "waking up\n"); fflush(file); for (j = 0; j < MSG_NUM; j++) { memset(ptr1, 0, 1024); memset(ptr2, 0, 1024); if (msgrcv(id1, msg1, 1024, j+1, 0) < 0) { perror("msgrcv1"); exit(1); } if (msgrcv(id2, msg2, 1024, (j+1)*10, 0) < 0) { perror("msgrcv2"); exit(1); } for (i = 0, k = 0; i < 1024; i++, k = (k + 1) % 256) { if (ptr1[i] != k || ptr2[i] != 255 - k) { fprintf(file, "mismatch at %d\n", i); fflush(file); break; } } } if (msgctl(id1, IPC_RMID, NULL) < 0) perror("rmid1 again"); if (msgctl(id2, IPC_RMID, NULL) < 0) perror("rmid2 again"); fprintf(file, "completed\n"); fflush(file); fclose(file); return 0; }
void BorneReservation::Selectionner() { Trace("BorneReservation::Selectionner()"); char choixBuff[80]; char placesBuff[80]; int choix, nPlaces; strcpy(choixBuff, lineChoix->text()); choix = atoi(choixBuff); strcpy(placesBuff, lineNbPlaces->text()); nPlaces = atoi(placesBuff); if (choix) { MESSAGE msg; msg.sender = getpid(); if (nPlaces <= 0) { // Consultation des événements disponibles d'un type MENU menu = { choix, 0 }; // Annule une consultation en cours if (ProcessReservation != 0) this->Annuler(); // Demande la liste d'un type d'événement msg.dest = SERVER_RECV; msg.type = CONSULTER_EVENTS; = menu; if (msgsnd(IdQueue, &msg, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0) != 0) { TraceErreur("Erreur de msgsnd()..."); exit(1); } Trace("Message de listage des événements emis\n"); // Reçoit la liste des événements if (msgrcv(IdQueue, &msg, MESSAGE_SIZE, getpid(), 0) == -1) { TraceErreur("Erreur de msgrcv()..."); exit(1); } // Affiche la liste des événements textMenu->clear(); ProcessReservation = msg.sender; char buff[1000]; buff[0] = '\0'; Trace("Evénements reçus de %d", ProcessReservation); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++) { if ([i].nom[0] != '\0') { char tempBuff[1000]; sprintf(tempBuff, "%2d - %-20s%s %-20s %3d\n", i + 1,[i].nom,[i].date,[i].localisation,[i].libre); strcat(buff, tempBuff); } } AffichageMenu(buff); } else { // Réservation des places Trace("Emission à %d", (int) ProcessReservation); msg.dest = ProcessReservation; msg.type = RESERVATION; = choix; = nPlaces; if (msgsnd(IdQueue, &msg, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0) != 0) { TraceErreur("Erreur de msgsnd()..."); exit(1); } AffichageMenu("En attente de la réponse du serveur ...\n" // FIXME "Cela peut prendre une vingtaine de secondes"); // Valide la réservation if (msgrcv(IdQueue, &msg, MESSAGE_SIZE, getpid(), 0) == -1) { TraceErreur("Erreur de msgrcv()..."); exit(1); } if (msg.type == OK) AffichageMenu("Comfirmez la réservation, vous avez 20 secondes"); else if (msg.type == STOCK_INSUFFISANT) { TraceErreur("Il n'y a plus assez de place pour l'événement"); AfficherMenuPrincipal(0); } } } }
void handle_message(void* received, int msg_type){ MSG_CHAT_MESSAGE msg = *(MSG_CHAT_MESSAGE*)(received); MSG_RESPONSE rsp; rsp.type = RESPONSE; if (msg.msg_type == PUBLIC) { if (is_local_user(msg.sender)) { // if sender send msg to its parent server int servers_to_removed[REPO_SIZE]; int servers_to_send[REPO_SIZE]; int i; for (i=0; i<REPO_SIZE; ++i) { servers_to_send[i] = 0; servers_to_removed[i] = 0; } lock_repo(); int j,k; int all_servers_exists = TRUE; for (i=0, j=0, k=0; i<REPO_SIZE; ++i) { if ( !strcmp(SHM_ROOM_SERVER_ADRESS[i].room_name, msg.receiver) && SHM_ROOM_SERVER_ADRESS[i].server_id != MSG_RECEIVER && SHM_ROOM_SERVER_ADRESS[i].server_id != -1 ) { if (!await_server_response(SHM_ROOM_SERVER_ADRESS[i].server_id)) { all_servers_exists = FALSE; servers_to_removed[j] = SHM_ROOM_SERVER_ADRESS[i].server_id; ++j; } else { servers_to_send[k] = SHM_ROOM_SERVER_ADRESS[i].server_id; ++k; } } } unlock_repo(); if (all_servers_exists) { for (i=0; i<REPO_SIZE; ++i) { if (servers_to_send[i]) { msgsnd(servers_to_send[i], &msg, _size(MSG_CHAT_MESSAGE), 0); } } } else { for (i=0; i<REPO_SIZE; ++i) { if(servers_to_removed[i]) { remove_server(servers_to_removed[i]); } } rsp.response_type = MSG_NOT_SEND; strcpy(rsp.content, "NOT EVERY SERVER RESPONDED"); } for (i=0; i<MAX_USERS_NUMBER; ++i) { if( !strcmp(LOCAL_REPO[i].room_name, msg.receiver) ) { msgsnd(LOCAL_REPO[i].client_id, &msg, _size(MSG_CHAT_MESSAGE), 0); } } } else { // if we are the second server and we send msg to users int i; for (i=0; i<MAX_USERS_NUMBER; ++i) { if( !strcmp(LOCAL_REPO[i].room_name, msg.receiver) ) { msgsnd(LOCAL_REPO[i].client_id, &msg, _size(MSG_CHAT_MESSAGE), 0); } } } } else if (msg.msg_type == PRIVATE) { int node_server_id = check_if_user_exists(msg.receiver); if(node_server_id == MSG_RECEIVER) { msgsnd(get_user_id(msg.receiver), &msg, _size(MSG_CHAT_MESSAGE), 0); } else if (node_server_id != FALSE) { if (await_server_response(node_server_id)) { msgsnd(node_server_id, &msg, _size(MSG_CHAT_MESSAGE), 0); } else { rsp.response_type = MSG_NOT_SEND; strcpy(rsp.content, "SERVER DID NOT RESPOND"); remove_server(node_server_id); } } else if (node_server_id == FALSE) { rsp.response_type = MSG_NOT_SEND; strcpy(rsp.content, "USER DOESNT EXIST!"); } } msgsnd(get_user_id(msg.sender), &rsp, _size(MSG_RESPONSE), 0); }
// if(args[siz-1][strlen(args[siz-1])-1] == '&') // { // args[siz-1][strlen(args[siz-1])-1] = '\0'; // BG = 1; // } // if((pidc = fork()) < 0) // perror(""); // else if(pidc == 0) // { // // printf("%s\n",args[0] ); // if(execvp(args[0], args) < 0) // printf("Cannot execute"); // else // printf("Successfully Executed\n"); // exit(1); // } // else // { // if(BG==0) // pid1 = waitpid(pidc, &status, 0); // } // } int main(void) { struct my_msgbuf buf; int msqid; key_t key; pid_t pid; int dir[2]; pipe2(dir,O_NONBLOCK); pid=fork(); if ((key = ftok("server.c", 'H')) == -1) { perror("ftok"); exit(1); } if ((msqid = msgget(key, 0644 )) == -1) { perror("msgget"); exit(1); } if(!pid) { for(;;) { /* Spock never quits! */ if (msgrcv(msqid, &buf, sizeof (struct my_msgbuf), getppid(), 0) == -1) { perror("msgrcv"); exit(1); } char hist_loc[100]; printf("%s\n",buf.mtext ); getcwd(hist_loc, 100); char directory[200]; memset(directory,0,200); int reads=read(dir[0],directory,200); if(reads>0) fprintf(stderr,"%s $ ",directory ); else fprintf(stderr,"%s $ ",hist_loc ); if(strcmp(buf.mtext,"couple")==0) { //pidarray[clients++];; } } } else { close(dir[0]); char hist_loc[100]; getcwd(hist_loc, 100); printf("%s $ ",hist_loc ); buf.mtype = 10; /* we don't really care in this case */; while(fgets(buf.mtext, sizeof buf.mtext, stdin) != NULL) { int len = strlen(buf.mtext); char hist_loc[100]; /* ditch newline at end, if it exists */ if (buf.mtext[len-1] == '\n') buf.mtext[len-1] = '\0'; if(strcmp(buf.mtext,"decouple")==0) return; else if(strcmp(buf.mtext,"couple")==0); else { int pipes[2]; pipe2(pipes,O_NONBLOCK); // pipe2(err,O_NONBLOCK); // printf("lol\n"); // printf("%d\n",STDERR_FILENO ); int saved_state_out=redirect(1,pipes[1]); // int error_state=redirect(STDERR_FILENO,err[1]); char* tokens[100]; tokens[0] = (char*)malloc(1000*sizeof(char)); char temp[1000]; strcpy(temp,buf.mtext); tokens[0] = strtok(temp, " "); int i=1; while(tokens[i-1] != NULL) { tokens[i] = (char *)malloc(100*sizeof(char)); tokens[i] = strtok(NULL, " "); i++; } if(!strcmp(tokens[0],"history")) { //history ka code copy paste fprintf(stderr, "not here"); } else if(!strcmp(tokens[0],"cd")) { if(tokens[1]!=NULL) { int status=chdir(tokens[1]); if(status==-1) perror("cd "); } else chdir(getenv("HOME")); char tempdir[200]; getcwd(tempdir, 200); write(dir[1], tempdir, 200); /* Write data on pipe */ } else { system(buf.mtext); } memset(tokens[0],'\0',100); close(pipes[1]); // close(err[1]); // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf.mtext); int readit=read(pipes[0],tokens[0],2000); int flag=0; // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",tokens[0] ); if(readit>0) { if(strcmp(tokens[0],"\0")) { strcat(buf.mtext,"\n"); strcat(buf.mtext,tokens[0]); flag=1; // int errd=read(err[0],tokens[0],2000); // if(errd>0) // { // if(strcmp(tokens[0],"\0")) // { // strcat(buf.mtext,tokens[0]); // } // } } } close(pipes[0]); // close(err[0]); restore(saved_state_out,1); // printf("%s\n",tokens[0] ); // restore(error_state,STDERR_FILENO); if(flag) fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", tokens[0]); } if (msgsnd(msqid, &buf, sizeof(struct my_msgbuf), 0) == -1) /* +1 for '\0' */ perror("msgsnd"); getcwd(hist_loc, 100); fprintf(stderr,"%s $ ",hist_loc ); } // close(dir[1]); if (msgctl(msqid, IPC_RMID, NULL) == -1) { perror("msgctl"); exit(1); } } return 0; }
int main(int args, char* argv[]){ signal(SIGINT,interrupt); printf("OCZEKIWANIE NA DRUGIEGO GRACZA\n"); /* SPRAWDZANIE POPRAWNOSCI ARGUMENTOW */ if(args<4){ printf("NIEWLASCIWA LICZBA ARGUMENTOW\n"); exit(1); } int init_queue_key=atoi(argv[1]); int id_gracza=atoi(argv[2]); int init_queue_id=msgget(init_queue_key,IPC_CREAT|0664); if(init_queue_id==-1){ perror("BLAD STWORZENIA KOLEJKI INIT"); exit(1); } Init_message init_message; init_message.mtype=ROZPOCZNIJ; init_message.init_data.id_gracza=id_gracza; msgsnd(init_queue_id,&init_message,sizeof(init_message.init_data),0); msgrcv(init_queue_id,&init_message, sizeof(init_message.init_data),AKCEPTUJ,0); int game_queue_key=init_message.init_data.id_kolejki_kom; game_queue_id=msgget(game_queue_key,IPC_CREAT|0664); if(game_queue_id==-1){ perror("Blad przy otwarciu kolejki do komunikacji"); exit(1); } int output_queue_key=atoi(argv[3]); output_queue_id=msgget(output_queue_key,IPC_CREAT|0664); if(output_queue_id==-1){ perror("Blad przy tworzeniu kolejki output"); exit(1); } init_message.mtype=ID; init_message.init_data.id_gracza=id_gracza; msgsnd(output_queue_id,&init_message, sizeof(init_message.init_data),0); if(fork()==0){ Game_message train_message; train_message.mtype=TWORZ; Game_message battle_message; battle_message.mtype=ATAK; Game_message surrender_message; surrender_message.mtype=PODDAJSIE; Game_data_struct train_list; Game_data_struct battle_list; char decyzja; char buffer[MAX]=""; while(1){ printf("\033[2J\033[1;1H"); printf("ID GRACZA TO: %d\n",id_gracza); printf("WYBIERZ AKCJE:\n1-trening jednostek\n2-atak\n3-poddaj sie\n\n"); /* Pobranie komendy */ decyzja=fgetc (stdin); /* Usuniecie pozostalosci w stdin */ flush_input(stdin); if(decyzja=='1') { printf("Wybierz liczbe jednostek lekkiej piechoty\n"); fgets (buffer, MAX, stdin); train_list.light_infantry=(int)strtol(buffer,NULL,0); printf("Wybierz liczbe jednostek ciezkiej piechoty\n"); fgets (buffer, MAX, stdin); train_list.heavy_infantry=(int)strtol(buffer,NULL,0); printf("Wybierz liczbe jednostek jazdy\n"); fgets (buffer, MAX, stdin); train_list.cavalry=(int)strtol(buffer,NULL,0); printf("Wybierz liczbe robotnikow\n"); fgets (buffer, MAX, stdin); train_list.workers=(int)strtol(buffer,NULL,0); train_message.game_data=train_list; msgsnd(game_queue_id,&train_message, sizeof(train_message.game_data),0); printf("WYSLANO POLECENIE TRENINGU\n"); } else if(decyzja=='2') { printf("Wybierz liczbe jednostek lekkiej piechoty\n"); fgets (buffer, MAX, stdin); battle_list.light_infantry=(int)strtol(buffer,NULL,0); printf("Wybierz liczbe jednostek ciezkiej piechoty\n"); fgets (buffer, MAX, stdin); battle_list.heavy_infantry=(int)strtol(buffer,NULL,0); printf("Wybierz liczbe jednostek jazdy\n"); fgets (buffer, MAX, stdin); battle_list.cavalry=(int)strtol(buffer,NULL,0); battle_message.game_data=battle_list; msgsnd(game_queue_id,&battle_message, sizeof(battle_message.game_data),0); printf("WYSLANO POLECENIE ATAKU\n"); } else if(decyzja=='3'){ printf("Poddales sie\n"); msgsnd(game_queue_id,&surrender_message, sizeof(surrender_message.game_data),0); msgsnd(output_queue_id,&surrender_message,sizeof(surrender_message.game_data),0); kill(0,SIGKILL); } else { printf("NIE MA TAKIEJ KOMENDY\n"); } } } else { Game_message message; Game_message response_message; response_message.mtype=ODPOWIEDZ; msgsnd(output_queue_id, &message, sizeof(message.game_data), 0); while (1) { msgrcv(game_queue_id, &message, sizeof(message.game_data), 0, 0); if (message.mtype == KONIEC || message.mtype == ZAKONCZ) { msgsnd(output_queue_id, &message, sizeof(message.game_data), 0); sleep(1); msgctl(game_queue_id,IPC_RMID,0); msgctl(output_queue_id,IPC_RMID,0); kill(0, SIGKILL); } else if (message.mtype == ATAK || message.mtype == TWORZ || message.mtype == PODDAJSIE) { msgsnd(game_queue_id, &message, sizeof(message.game_data), 0); } else if(message.mtype==ZAPYTANIE){ msgsnd(game_queue_id,&response_message, sizeof(response_message.game_data),0); } else { msgsnd(output_queue_id, &message, sizeof(message.game_data), 0); } } } }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int lc; /* loop counter */ char *msg; /* message returned from parse_opts */ /* parse standard options */ if ((msg = parse_opts(ac, av, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { tst_brkm(TBROK, NULL, "OPTION PARSING ERROR - %s", msg); } setup(); /* global setup */ /* The following loop checks looping state if -i option given */ for (lc = 0; TEST_LOOPING(lc); lc++) { /* reset Tst_count in case we are looping */ Tst_count = 0; /* * Use TEST macro to make the call */ TEST(msgsnd(msg_q_1, &msg_buf, MSGSIZE, 0)); if (TEST_RETURN == -1) { tst_resm(TFAIL, "%s call failed - errno = %d : %s", TCID, TEST_ERRNO, strerror(TEST_ERRNO)); continue; } if (STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST) { /* get the queue status */ if (msgctl(msg_q_1, IPC_STAT, &qs_buf) == -1) { tst_brkm(TBROK, cleanup, "Could not " "get queue status"); } if (qs_buf.msg_cbytes != MSGSIZE) { tst_resm(TFAIL, "queue bytes != MSGSIZE"); } if (qs_buf.msg_qnum != 1) { tst_resm(TFAIL, "queue message != 1"); } tst_resm(TPASS, "queue bytes = MSGSIZE and " "queue messages = 1"); } else { tst_resm(TPASS, "call succeeded"); } /* * remove the message by reading from the queue */ if (msgrcv(msg_q_1, &rd_buf, MSGSIZE, 1, 0) == -1) { tst_brkm(TBROK, cleanup, "Could not read from queue"); } } cleanup(); tst_exit(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n = argc - 1;//size of the array int *array1 = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*n);//part 1 int *array2=(int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*n);//part 2 int *array=(int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { array[i] = atoi(argv[i+1]); } //DIVIDE IT INTO TWO PARTS: int sizeOfAr1, sizeOfAr2, i = sizeOfAr1 = sizeOfAr2 = 0; int middle_elt = array[n / 2]; while (i < n) { if (array[i] < middle_elt) { array1[sizeOfAr1] = array[i]; sizeOfAr1++; } else { array2[sizeOfAr2] = array[i]; sizeOfAr2++; } i++; } struct msg_buf myMsg; myMsg.mtype = 0; int msqid = msgget(IPC_PRIVATE, IPC_CREAT|0666); //STARTING TO PARALLELIZE int frk = fork(); if (!frk) // CHILD { my_sort(array1, sizeOfAr1, 0, sizeOfAr1); myMsg.mtype = MAGIC_NUMBER; for(int i = 0; i<sizeOfAr1;i++) { myMsg.array_element = array1[i]; msgsnd(msqid, &myMsg, sizeof(int), 0); } return 0; } else { my_sort(array2, sizeOfAr2, 0, sizeOfAr2); for(int j =0; j<sizeOfAr1;j++) { msgrcv(msqid, &myMsg, sizeof(int), MAGIC_NUMBER, 0); printf("%d ",myMsg.array_element); } for(int j =0; j<sizeOfAr2;j++) { printf("%d ",array2[j]); } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
int main( int nb_arg , char * tab_arg[] ) { char nomprog[128] ; int file_id = 0; int i; message_t message; struct timeval temps ; double temps_debut; double temps_fin; /*-----*/ if( nb_arg !=1 ) { fprintf( stderr , "%s - Emetteur dans la communication par paquet\n\n" , tab_arg[0] ); fprintf( stderr , "usage : %s \n" , tab_arg[0] ); exit(-1); } strcpy( nomprog , tab_arg[0] ); /* Creation de la file de messages */ if( ( file_id = msgget( CLE_BAL, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0666 )) == -1 ) { perror("Probleme durant la creation de la file de messages"); exit(-2); } /* Creation du message a envoyer */ message.type = MSG_TYPE_RECEPTEUR; fprintf(stderr, "\n---------- Debut emission %s ----------\n" , nomprog ) ; /* Recuperation de l'heure actuelle avec precision de l’ordre de la microseconde */ gettimeofday(&temps, NULL); temps_debut = temps.tv_sec+(temps.tv_usec/1000000.0); /* Remplissage du message avec des Z */ msg_remplir( &message , 'Z') ; /* Envoi de MESSAGES_NB messages dans la file de messages */ for(i=0; i<MESSAGES_NB; i++) { if( msgsnd( file_id, &message, sizeof(corps_t), 0) == -1) { perror ("Erreur durant l'envoi du message"); exit(-3); } } /* Recuperation de l'heure actuelle avec precision de l’ordre de la microseconde */ gettimeofday(&temps, NULL); temps_fin = temps.tv_sec+(temps.tv_usec/1000000.0); fprintf(stderr, "\nTemps d'emission = %.6lf secondes", temps_fin - temps_debut); fprintf(stderr, "\nTemps d'emission / message = %.6lf secondes\n", (temps_fin - temps_debut) / MESSAGES_NB); fprintf(stderr, "\n----------- Fin emission %s -----------\n\n" , nomprog ) ; exit(0); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | main | | ==================================================================== | | | | Function: Main program (see prolog for more details) | | | | Returns: (0) Successful completion | | (-1) Error occurred | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct msqid_ds info; /* Message queue info */ struct msgbuf buf; /* Message queue buffer */ int mode = 0777; /* Default mode bits */ int msqid; /* Message queue identifier */ size_t max_bytes; /* Num bytes sent to message queue */ size_t msg_size; /* Num bytes sent to message queue */ unsigned long bytes_sent; /* Num bytes sent to message queue */ /* * Parse command line options */ parse_args (argc, argv); if (logit) { if ((logfile = fopen (log_filename, "w")) == NULL) sys_error ("msgget failed", __LINE__); } /* * Print out program header */ printf ("%s: IPC Message Queue TestSuite program\n\n", *argv); if (logit) fprintf (logfile, "%s: IPC Message Queue TestSuite program\n\n", *argv); /* * Obtain a unique message queue identifier using msgget() */ if ((msqid = msgget (IPC_PRIVATE, IPC_CREAT|mode)) < 0) sys_error ("msgget failed", __LINE__); if (verbose) printf ("\tCreated message queue: %d\n\n", msqid); if (logit) fprintf (logfile, "\tCreated message queue: %d\n\n", msqid); /* * Determine message queue limits * * Determine the maximum number of bytes that the message * queue will hold. Then determine the message size * (Max num of bytes per queue / maximum num of messages per queue) */ if (msgctl (msqid, IPC_STAT, &info) < 0) sys_error ("msgctl (IPC_STAT) failed", __LINE__); max_bytes = info.msg_qbytes; /* * this has been changed because of defect 227707 related to floating point * problem, but here is not the right place to test floating point... * msg_size = (size_t) (0.5 + ((float) max_bytes / MAX_MSGS)); */ msg_size = (size_t)((max_bytes + MAX_MSGS - 1) / MAX_MSGS); if (verbose) { printf ("\tMax num of bytes per queue: %ld\n", (long)max_bytes); printf ("\tMax messages per queue: %d\n", MAX_MSGS); printf ("\tCorresponding message size: %ld\n\n", (long)msg_size); } if (logit) { fprintf (logfile, "\tMax num of bytes per queue: %ld\n", (long)max_bytes); fprintf (logfile, "\tMax messages per queue: %d\n", MAX_MSGS); fprintf (logfile, "\tCorresponding message size: %ld\n\n", (long)msg_size); } /* * Fill up the message queue * * Send bytes to the message queue until it fills up */ // buf = (struct msgbuf *) calloc (msg_size + sizeof(struct msgbuf), sizeof (char)); buf.mtype = 1L; bytes_sent = 0; while (bytes_sent < max_bytes - msg_size) { if (msgsnd (msqid, &buf, msg_size, 0) < 0) sys_error ("msgsnd failed", __LINE__); bytes_sent += msg_size; //usleep(5000); if (verbose) { printf ("\r\tBytes sent: %ld", (long)bytes_sent); fflush(stdout); } } if (verbose) puts ("\n"); if (logit) fprintf (logfile, "\tBytes sent: %ld\n", (long)bytes_sent); //free (buf); /* * Remove the message queue */ if (msgctl (msqid, IPC_RMID, 0) < 0) sys_error ("msgctl (IPC_RMID) failed", __LINE__); if (verbose) printf ("\n\tRemoved message queue: %d\n", msqid); if (logit) fprintf (logfile, "\n\tRemoved message queue: %d\n", msqid); /* Program completed successfully -- exit */ printf ("\nsuccessful!\n"); if (logit) { fprintf (logfile, "\nsuccessful!\n"); fclose (logfile); } return (0); }
void answerForDoctorLoginRequest(int msgid, int msgrcv_size) { struct msgbuf doctor; msgrcv_size = msgrcv(msgid, &doctor, MSGBUF_SIZE , D_LOGIN_REQUEST, IPC_NOWAIT); if (msgrcv_size > 0) { if (fork() == 0) { int pid_registration = getpid(); int pid_doctor =; doctor.typ = pid_doctor; = pid_registration; if (doctors_list_size > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < doctors_list_size; i++) { bool appropriate = true; int j; // checking name int name_size = strlen(doctors_list[i].name); int name_size2 = strlen(; if (name_size != name_size2) appropriate = false; if (!appropriate) continue; for (j = 0; j < name_size; j++) { if ([j] != doctors_list[i].name[j]) { appropriate = false; break; } } if (!appropriate) continue; // checking surname int surname_size = strlen(doctors_list[i].surname); int surname_size2 = strlen(doctor.surname); if (surname_size != surname_size2) appropriate = false; if (!appropriate) continue; for (j = 0; j < surname_size; j++) { if (doctor.surname[j] != doctors_list[i].surname[j]) { appropriate = false; break; } } if (!appropriate) continue; // good name and surname: int password_size = strlen(doctors_list[i].password); int password_size2 = strlen(doctor.password); if (password_size != password_size2) appropriate = false; if (!appropriate) continue; for (j = 0; j < password_size; j++) { if (doctor.password[j] != doctors_list[i].password[j]) { // wrong password doctor.index = 1000; msgsnd(msgid, &doctor, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); exit(pid_registration); return; } } // good name, surname and password doctor = doctors_list[i]; doctor.typ = pid_doctor; msgsnd(msgid, &doctor, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); exit(pid_registration); return; } } // wrong pesel doctor.index = 1000; msgsnd(msgid, &doctor, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); exit(pid_registration); } } return; }
void testaccess_ipc (int ipc_id, char opt, int mode, int expected, char *outbuf) { int actual, semval, rc; int myerror = 0; char *chPtr; struct sembuf sop; uid_t tmpuid; gid_t tmpgid; struct msqbuf { long mtype; char mtext[80]; } s_message, r_message; /* If we are root, we expect to succeed event * without explicit permission. */ strcat (outbuf, (expected == -1) ? "expected: fail " : "expected: pass "); switch (opt) { /* Shared Memory */ case 'm': /* Try to get (mode) access * There is no notion of a write-only shared memory * segment. We are testing READ ONLY and READWRITE access. */ chPtr = shmat (ipc_id, NULL, (mode == O_RDONLY) ? SHM_RDONLY : 0); if (chPtr != (void *) -1) { strcat (outbuf, "actual: pass "); actual = 0; if (shmdt (chPtr) == -1) { perror ("Warning: Could not dettach memory segment"); } } else { myerror = errno; strcat (outbuf, "actual: fail "); actual = -1; } break; /* Semaphores */ case 's': tmpuid = geteuid (); tmpgid = getegid (); semval = semctl (ipc_id, 0, GETVAL); /* Need semaphore value == 0 to execute read permission test */ if ((mode == O_RDONLY) && (semval > 0)) { setids (0, 0); if ((semctl (ipc_id, 0, SETVAL, 0)) == -1) { printf ("Unable to set semaphore value: %d\n", errno); } setids (tmpuid, tmpgid); } /* Try to get mode access */ sop.sem_num = 0; sop.sem_op = mode; sop.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; actual = semop (ipc_id, &sop, 1); myerror = errno; if (actual != -1) { strcat (outbuf, "actual: pass "); /* back to semaphore original value */ if (mode != O_RDONLY) { sop.sem_op = -1;/* decrement semaphore */ rc = semop (ipc_id, &sop, 1); } } else { /* Back to semaphore original value */ if ((mode == O_RDONLY) && (semval > 0)) { setids (0, 0); if ((semctl (ipc_id, 0, SETVAL, semval)) == -1) { printf ("Unable to set semaphore " "value: %d\n", errno); } setids (tmpuid, tmpgid); } strcat (outbuf, "actual: fail "); } break; /* Message Queues */ case 'q': tmpuid = geteuid (); tmpgid = getegid (); if (mode == O_RDONLY) { setids (0, 0); /* Send a message to test msgrcv function */ s_message.mtype = 1; memset (s_message.mtext, '\0', sizeof (s_message.mtext)); strcpy (s_message.mtext, "First Message\0"); if ((rc = msgsnd (ipc_id, &s_message, strlen (s_message.mtext), 0)) == -1) { printf ("Error sending first message: %d\n", errno); } setids (tmpuid, tmpgid); } s_message.mtype = 1; memset (s_message.mtext, '\0', sizeof (s_message.mtext)); strcpy (s_message.mtext, "Write Test\0"); /* Try to get WRITE access */ if (mode == O_WRONLY) { actual = msgsnd (ipc_id, &s_message, strlen (s_message.mtext), 0); } else { /* Try to get READ access */ actual = msgrcv (ipc_id, &r_message, sizeof (r_message.mtext), 0, IPC_NOWAIT); } myerror = errno; if (actual != -1) { strcat (outbuf, "actual: pass "); } else { strcat (outbuf, "actual: fail "); } if (((mode == O_RDONLY) && (actual == -1)) || ((mode == O_WRONLY) && (actual != -1))) { setids (0, 0); /* discard the message send */ rc = msgrcv (ipc_id, &r_message, sizeof (r_message.mtext), 0, IPC_NOWAIT); setids (tmpuid, tmpgid); } break; } if ((actual == expected) || ((expected == 0) && (actual != -1))) { strcat (outbuf, "\tresult: PASS\n"); totalpass++; } else { errno = myerror;// restore errno from correct error code sprintf (&(outbuf[strlen (outbuf)]), "\tresult: FAIL : " "errno = %d\n", errno); totalfail++; } printf ("%s", outbuf); return; }
void answerForListOfVisits(int msgid, int msgrcv_size) { struct msgbuf visit, appointment; msgrcv_size = msgrcv(msgid, &visit, MSGBUF_SIZE , VISITS_REQUEST, IPC_NOWAIT); if (msgrcv_size > 0) { if (fork() == 0) { int pid_registration = getpid(); int pid_patient =; // SENDING ALL APPOINTMENTS int i; bool appropriate = false; for (i = 0; i < APPOINTMENTS_LIST_SIZE; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < 11; j++) { if (appointments_list[i].pesel[j] != visit.pesel[j]) { appropriate = false; break; } appropriate = true; } if (appropriate && appointments_list[i].time_of_visit > 0) { appointment = appointments_list[i]; appointment.typ = pid_patient; msgsnd(msgid, &appointment, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); } } appointment.index = 1000; = pid_registration; appointment.typ = pid_patient; msgsnd(msgid, &appointment, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); // INFORMATION ABOUT ONE CHOSEN APPOINTMENT msgrcv(msgid, &visit, MSGBUF_SIZE , pid_registration, 0); pid_patient =; if (visit.index == 1000) { // resignation exit(pid_registration); return; } // choosing visit int number = visit.index; // number of visit int counter = 0; for (i = 0; i < APPOINTMENTS_LIST_SIZE; i++) { appropriate = true; int j; for (j = 0; j < 11; j++) { if (appointments_list[i].pesel[j] != visit.pesel[j]) { appropriate = false; break; } } if (appropriate) { //printf("//znalazłem ale nie wysłałem\n"); counter++; } if (appropriate && appointments_list[i].time_of_visit > 0 && counter == number) { appointment = appointments_list[i]; appointment.typ = pid_patient; msgsnd(msgid, &appointment, MSGBUF_SIZE, 0); //printf("//wysłałem\n"); exit(pid_registration); return; } } exit(pid_registration); } } return; }
void try_msq() { key_t key; int msqid; int childpid; char* message = "What the devil is this"; struct msqdata md; struct msqid_ds msqinfo; get_key('q', &key); printf("------------ message queue------------\n"); printf("creating message queue with key 0x%x\n", key); if((msqid = msgget(key, DEFAULT_FLAGS)) == -1) { perror("msgget"); exit(1); } printf("created message queue of id %d\n\n", msqid); printf("sending message: [%s] of type [%d]\n", message, DEFAULT_MSG_TYPE); md.mtype = DEFAULT_MSG_TYPE; strcpy(md.mtext, message); if(msgsnd(msqid, &md, strlen(md.mtext)+1, 0) == -1) { perror("msgsnd"); msgctl(msqid, IPC_RMID, 0); exit(1); } printf("sent message\n\n"); if((childpid = fork()) == -1) { perror("fork"); msgctl(msqid, IPC_RMID, 0); exit(1); } else if (!childpid) { printf("childpid [%d] in %d\n", getpid(), getppid()); printf("reading message in child process\n"); msgrcv(msqid, &md, MAX_MSG_SIZE, DEFAULT_MSG_TYPE, 0); printf("read message type: [%ld]\n" "read message data: [%s]\n\n", md.mtype, md.mtext); if((msqid = msgctl(msqid, MSG_STAT, &msqinfo)) == -1) { perror("msgctl"); msgctl(msqid, IPC_RMID, 0); exit(1); } printf("current permissions %o\n", msqinfo.msg_perm.mode); printf("changing permissions\n"); msqinfo.msg_perm.mode = 0664; msgctl(msqid, IPC_SET, &msqinfo); printf("current permissions %o\n\n", msqinfo.msg_perm.mode); message = "Hollowing is comming"; printf("child sending message: [%s] of type [%d]\n", message, DEFAULT_MSG_TYPE); md.mtype = DEFAULT_MSG_TYPE; strcpy(md.mtext, message); if(msgsnd(msqid, &md, strlen(md.mtext)+1, 0) == -1) { perror("msgsnd"); msgctl(msqid, IPC_RMID, 0); exit(1); } printf("sent message in child process\n\n"); } else { wait(NULL); printf("This's parent process speaking\n"); msgrcv(msqid, &md, MAX_MSG_SIZE, DEFAULT_MSG_TYPE, 0); printf("read message type: [%ld]\n" "read message data: [%s]\n\n", md.mtype, md.mtext); printf("removing message queue %d\n", msqid); if (msgctl(msqid, IPC_RMID, 0) == -1) perror("msgctl, IPC_RMID"); else printf("removed message queue %d\n\n", msqid); } }
void gra(int pokoj){ int gameSend = msgget(pokoj*100, IPC_CREAT|0600); if(gameSend==-1){ perror("Utworzenie kol. kom. wych. dla gry"); exit(1); } int gameRcv = msgget(pokoj*100+10, IPC_CREAT|0600); if(gameRcv==-1){ perror("Utworzenie kol. kom. przych. dla gry"); exit(1); } srand(getpid()); //seedowanie liczb losowych wg id procesu int koniec=0; int tab[25]; int gr[3][25]; //jakie karty ma jaki gracz int zdobyte[3][25]; //karty wygrane int kg[3]; //ile kart ma ktory gracz int i=0; int j=0; int pkty[3]; for(i=0;i<3;i++) pkty[i]=0; int oferty[3]; int pierwszy=0; while(!koniec){ int koniecRozd=0; //rozdanie kart for(i=0;i<25;i++)tab[i]=1; for(i=0;i<25;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++){ zdobyte[j][i]=0; gr[j][i]=0; } for(i=0;i<3;i++) kg[i]=0; int rozdane=0; while(!koniecRozd){ int karta=rand()%24 + 1; while(tab[karta]==0)karta=rand()%24 + 1; int ktory=rand()%3; if(kg[ktory]<7){ gr[ktory][karta]=1; kg[ktory]+=1; tab[karta]=0; rozdane++; } if(rozdane==21)koniecRozd=1; } int musik[3]; j=0; for(i=1;i<25;i++){ if(tab[i]==1)musik[j++]=i; } //przesłanie info do graczy for(i=0;i<3;i++){ buf->mtype=10+i+1; clearTab(buf->val, MAX); strcat(buf->val, "****************************************************************************************\nRozklad pkt:\nGracz 1: "); char* tmpS = malloc(sizeof(char)*4); clearTab(tmpS,4); sprintf(tmpS, "%d", pkty[0]); strcat(buf->val, tmpS); strcat(buf->val, "\nGracz 2: "); clearTab(tmpS,4); sprintf(tmpS, "%d", pkty[1]); strcat(buf->val, tmpS); strcat(buf->val, "\nGracz 3: "); clearTab(tmpS,4); sprintf(tmpS, "%d", pkty[2]); strcat(buf->val, tmpS); free(tmpS); char* tmp = malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX); jakieKarty(tmp,gr[i]); strcat(buf->val,"\n\nTwoje karty: "); strcat(buf->val, tmp); free(tmp); if(i==pierwszy)strcat(buf->val, "\nRozpoczynam licytacje, jako gracz na musiku, licytujesz 100"); else strcat(buf->val,"\nRozpoczynam licytacje, czekam na oferty innych graczy..."); buf->nr=buf->mtype-10; if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } } //licytacja----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- printf("Pokoj %d: Licytacja\n",pokoj); oferty[0]=1; oferty[1]=1; oferty[2]=1; if(oferty[pierwszy]==1){ char str[2]; clearTab(str, 2); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); buf->mtype=11+(pierwszy+1)%3; buf->nr=buf->mtype-10; oferty[pierwszy]=100; strcat(buf->val, "\nRozpoczynam licytacje, podaj ilosc pktow. (0 == pas)\n\tGracz "); sprintf(str, "%d", (pierwszy+1)); strcat(buf->val, str); strcat(buf->val, ": 100"); if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ //wysłanie oferty do drugiego gracza perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } } if(msgrcv(gameRcv, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 101+(pierwszy+1)%3, 0) != -1){ //odebranie od drugiego gracza char str[4]; char str2[4]; strcpy(str, buf->val); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); oferty[(pierwszy+1)%3]=atoi(str); if(oferty[(pierwszy+1)%3] > 360){ oferty[(pierwszy+1)%3]=360; } buf->mtype=11+(pierwszy+2)%3; buf->nr=buf->mtype-10; strcat(buf->val, "\nRozpoczynam licytacje, podaj ilosc pktow. (0 == pas)\n\tGracz "); sprintf(str2, "%d", (pierwszy+1)); strcat(buf->val, str2); strcat(buf->val, ": 100"); strcat(buf->val, "\n\tGracz "); sprintf(str2, "%d", (pierwszy+1)%3 + 1); strcat(buf->val, str2); strcat(buf->val, ": "); strcat(buf->val, str); if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ //wysłanie ofert do ostatneigo gracza perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } } if(msgrcv(gameRcv, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 101+(pierwszy+2)%3, 0) != -1){ //odebranie od ostatniego gracza char str[4]; strcpy(str, buf->val); oferty[(pierwszy+2)%3]=atoi(str); if(oferty[(pierwszy+2)%3] > 360){ oferty[(pierwszy+2)%3]=0; } } int wygryw=0; for(i=1;i<3;i++){ if(oferty[i]>oferty[wygryw])wygryw=i; } int koniecLic=0; if(oferty[(wygryw+1)%3]<=0 && oferty[(wygryw+2)%3]<=0)koniecLic=1; //jezeli tylko jedna osoba nie spasowala int kto=pierwszy; while(!koniecLic){ clearTab(buf->val, MAX); if(oferty[kto]!=0){ char str[4]; sprintf(str, "%d",oferty[wygryw]); strcat(buf->val,"Max oferta: "); strcat(buf->val, str); strcat(buf->val, " (Gracz "); clearTab(str,4); sprintf(str, "%d", (wygryw+1)); strcat(buf->val, str); strcat(buf->val, ")\nPodaj wyzsza oferte (lub 0 by spasowac): "); buf->mtype=10+kto+1; buf->nr=buf->mtype-10; if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ //wysłanie informacji perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } if(msgrcv(gameRcv, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), (100+kto+1), 0) != -1){ //odebranie od trzeciego gracza char str[4]; strcpy(str, buf->val); oferty[kto]=atoi(str); if(oferty[kto] > 360 || oferty[kto] == oferty[wygryw]){ oferty[kto]=0; } if(oferty[kto]>oferty[wygryw])wygryw=kto; else if(oferty[(wygryw+1)%3]<=0 && oferty[(wygryw+2)%3]<=0)koniecLic=1; } } kto=(kto+1)%3; } printf("Pokoj %d: Licytacje wygral Gracz %d\n",pokoj, (wygryw+1)); for(i=0;i<3;i++) //dodanie kart z musika do puli gracza, kt wygral licytacje gr[wygryw][musik[i]]=1; clearTab(buf->val, MAX); buf->mtype=11+wygryw; buf->nr=buf->mtype-10; strcat(buf->val, "Wygrales licytacje! Musik: "); char str[11]; sprintf(str, "%d %d %d", musik[0], musik[1], musik[2]); strcat(buf->val, str); char* tmp = malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX); jakieKarty(tmp,gr[wygryw]); strcat(buf->val,"\nTwoje karty: "); strcat(buf->val, tmp); free(tmp);// strcat(buf->val, "\nPodaj dwie karty do oddania i ostateczna kwote ktora planujesz ugrac(x y z): "); if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ //wysłanie informacji do wygranego perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } if(msgrcv(gameRcv, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), (101+wygryw), 0) != -1){ char str2[4]; char str3[10]; char str4[4]; clearTab(str2,4); clearTab(str3,11); clearTab(str4,4); strcpy(str3, str); strcpy(str, buf->val); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); strcat(buf->val, "Musik: "); strcat(buf->val, str3); copyNthNumber(str2, str, 1, 11); //kopiuj pierwsza podana liczbe gr[wygryw][atoi(str2)]=0; strcat(buf->val,"\nOtrzymana karta: "); strcat(buf->val, str2); copyNthNumber(str4, str, 3, 11); //kopiuj ewentualnie podana kwote do licytacji int przebita = atoi(str4); strcat(buf->val, "\nLiczba pktow zadeklarowana do ugrania przez Gracza "); if(przebita<oferty[wygryw] || przebita > 360){ clearTab(str4, 4); sprintf(str4, "%d", oferty[wygryw]); } strcat(buf->val, str4); buf->mtype=11+(wygryw+1)%3; gr[(wygryw+1)%3][atoi(str2)]=1; buf->nr=buf->mtype-10; if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ //wysłanie informacji do pozostalych graczy perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } clearTab(buf->val, MAX); clearTab(str2, 4); strcat(buf->val, "Musik: "); strcat(buf->val, str3); copyNthNumber(str2, str, 2, 11); //kopiuj druga z podanych liczb gr[wygryw][atoi(str2)]=0; strcat(buf->val,"\nOtrzymana karta: "); strcat(buf->val, str2); strcat(buf->val, "\nLiczba pktow zadeklarowana do ugrania przez Gracza "); if(przebita<oferty[wygryw]){ clearTab(str4, 4); sprintf(str4, "%d", oferty[wygryw]); } strcat(buf->val, str4); buf->mtype=11+(wygryw+2)%3; gr[(wygryw+2)%3][atoi(str2)]=1; buf->nr=buf->mtype-10; if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ //wysłanie informacji do pozostalych graczy perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } } //rozgrywka---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- printf("Pokoj %d: Rozgrywka\n", pokoj); int rozp=wygryw; int odbior; int meld[3]; meld[0]=0; meld[1]=0; meld[2]=0; int atut=-1; for(i=0;i<8;i++){ //8 tur printf("Pokoj %d: %d tura\n",pokoj, (i+1)); int kar=0, kar2=0, kar3=0, kolor=-1, m=0, najwiek=0; char str123[4]; clearTab(buf->val, MAX); char* tmp = malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX); jakieKarty(tmp,gr[rozp]); strcat(buf->val,"--------------------------------------------\nKarty: "); strcat(buf->val, tmp); if(atut==-1)strcat(buf->val, "\nPodaj numer karty do zagrania (mozna meldowac, jezeli ma sie pare na rece): "); else{ strcat(buf->val, "\nPodaj numer karty do zagrania (mozna meldowac, jezeli ma sie pare na rece; atut: X%4=="); char st[2]; sprintf(st, "%d", atut); strcat(buf->val, st); strcat(buf->val, "): "); } buf->mtype=10+rozp+1; buf->nr=buf->mtype-10; printf("Pokoj %d: wysylam na %d\n",pokoj,buf->mtype); if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), IPC_NOWAIT) == -1){ //wys. info. o kartach i prosba o karte perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } sleep(1); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); printf("Pokoj %d: czekam na karte gracza %d\n",pokoj, (rozp+1)); if(msgrcv(gameRcv, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), (100+rozp+1), 0) != -1){ if(buf->val[0]=='m' && buf->val[1]!=NULL && buf->val[1]!='\n'){ //jezeli byl meldunek char kol[3]; clearTab(kol,3); kol[0]=buf->val[1]; kol[1]=buf->val[2]; printf("Pokoj %d: gracz %d zagrywa %s\n",pokoj, rozp, kol); kar = atoi(kol); if(kar<1 || kar>24 gr[odbior-101][kar3]==0) kar = najwKarta(gr[rozp]); gr[rozp][kar]=0; kolor = kar%4; if(kar>8 && kar<13 && gr[rozp][kar+4]==1){ switch(kolor){ case 0: printf("Pokoj %d: Gracz %d zameldowal 40\n",pokoj, (rozp+1)); meld[rozp]+=40; atut=0; break; case 1: printf("Pokoj %d: Gracz %d zameldowal 60\n",pokoj, (rozp+1)); meld[rozp]+=60; atut=1; break; case 2: printf("Pokoj %d: Gracz %d zameldowal 80\n",pokoj, (rozp+1)); meld[rozp]+=80; atut=2; break; default: printf("Pokoj %d: Gracz %d zameldowal 100\n",pokoj, (rozp+1)); meld[rozp]+=100; atut=3; break; } clearTab(str123, 4); strcat(str123, kol); m=1; } else { kar=0; //jak ktos probuje meldowac niemajac pary, karta jest bezuzyteczna printf("\t\tbufor: %s\n", buf->val); } usleep(10); } else{ usleep(10); clearTab(str123,4); strcat(str123, buf->val); printf("Pokoj %d: gracz %d zagrywa %s\n",pokoj, rozp, str123); kar = atoi(str123); if(kar<1 || kar>24 gr[rozp][kar]==0) kar = najwKarta(gr[rozp]); gr[rozp][kar]=0; kolor = kar%4; } najwiek=rozp; } buf->mtype=11+(rozp+1)%3; odbior = 101+(rozp+1)%3; clearTab(buf->val, MAX); clearTab(tmp, MAX); jakieKarty(tmp,gr[odbior-101]); strcat(buf->val,"--------------------------------------------\nKarty: "); strcat(buf->val, tmp); strcat(buf->val, "\nKarta zagrana: "); if(m==1)strcat(buf->val, "m"); strcat(buf->val, str123); if(atut==-1)strcat(buf->val, "\nPodaj numer karty do zagrania: "); else{ strcat(buf->val, "\nPodaj numer karty do zagrania (atut: X%4=="); char st[2]; sprintf(st, "%d", atut); strcat(buf->val, st); strcat(buf->val, "): "); } //wys. info. o kartach i prosba o karte do gracza po lewej printf("Pokoj %d: wysylam na %d\n",pokoj,buf->mtype); buf->nr=buf->mtype-10; if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), IPC_NOWAIT) == -1){ perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } sleep(1); clearTab(buf->val,MAX); printf("Pokoj %d: czekam na karte gracza %d\n", pokoj,(odbior-100)); if(msgrcv(gameRcv, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), odbior, 0) != -1){ clearTab(str123,4); strcat(str123, buf->val); printf("Pokoj %d: gracz %d zagrywa %s\n",pokoj, odbior-101, str123); kar2 = atoi(str123); if(kar2<1 || kar2>24 || gr[odbior-101][kar2]==0) { printf("Pokoj %d: gracz %d - proba oszustwa\n",pokoj, odbior-101); kar2 = najwKarta(gr[odbior-101]); } gr[odbior-101][kar2]=0; if((kolor==(kar2%4) && kar2>kar) || (kolor!=atut && atut==(kar2%4))) najwiek = odbior-101; if(kolor!=atut && atut==(kar2%4)) kolor=atut; } buf->mtype=11+(rozp+2)%3; odbior = 101+(rozp+2)%3; clearTab(buf->val, MAX); clearTab(tmp, MAX); jakieKarty(tmp,gr[odbior-101]); strcat(buf->val,"--------------------------------------------\nKarty: "); strcat(buf->val, tmp); strcat(buf->val, "\nKarty zagrane: "); if(m==1)strcat(buf->val, "m"); clearTab(str123, 4); sprintf(str123, "%d ", kar); strcat(buf->val, str123); sprintf(str123, "%d ", kar2); strcat(buf->val, str123); if(atut==-1)strcat(buf->val, "\nPodaj numer karty do zagrania: "); else{ strcat(buf->val, "\nPodaj numer karty do zagrania (atut: X%4=="); char st[2]; sprintf(st, "%d", atut); strcat(buf->val, st); strcat(buf->val, "): "); } //wys. info. o kartach i prosba o karte do ostatniego gracza printf("Pokoj %d: wysylam na %d\n",pokoj,buf->mtype); buf->nr=buf->mtype-10; if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ //wys. info. o kartach i prosba o karte perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } sleep(1); printf("Pokoj %d: czekam na karte gracza %d\n",pokoj, (odbior-100)); if(msgrcv(gameRcv, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), odbior, 0) != -1){ clearTab(str123,4); strcat(str123, buf->val); printf("Pokoj %d: gracz %d zagrywa %s\n",pokoj, odbior-101, str123); kar3 = atoi(str123); if(kar3<1 || kar3>24 || gr[odbior-101][kar3]==0) { printf("Pokoj %d: gracz %d - proba oszustwa\n",pokoj, odbior-101); kar3 = najwKarta(gr[odbior-101]); } gr[odbior-101][kar3]=0; //wygrana jeśli: karty tego samego koloru a ta najwieksza; jedyna karta atutowa; wieksza z kart atutowych if((kolor==(kar3%4) && ((najwiek==rozp && kar3>kar) || (najwiek!=rozp && kar3>kar2))) || (atut==(kar3%4) && kolor!=atut) || (atut==(kar3%4) && ((najwiek==rozp && kolor==atut && kar3>kar) || (najwiek!=rozp && kar2%4==atut && kar3>kar2)))){ najwiek = odbior-101; } } clearTab(buf->val, MAX); clearTab(str123, 4); strcat(buf->val, "Wygrywa gracz "); sprintf(str123, "%d ",(najwiek+1)); strcat(buf->val, str123); clearTab(str123, 4); strcat(buf->val, "\nKarty zagrane w tej turze: "); sprintf(str123, "%d ", kar); strcat(buf->val, str123); sprintf(str123, "%d ", kar2); strcat(buf->val, str123); sprintf(str123, "%d ", kar3); strcat(buf->val, str123); if(i<7)strcat(buf->val, "\n\nKolejna tura!"); else strcat(buf->val, "\n\nPodliczanie pktow!"); for(j=0;j<3;j++){ buf->mtype=10+j+1; buf->nr=buf->mtype-10; if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ //wys. info. o rezultacie perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } } zdobyte[najwiek][kar]=1; zdobyte[najwiek][kar2]=1; zdobyte[najwiek][kar3]=1; free(tmp); rozp=najwiek; } for(i=0;i<3;i++){ int tmpPkt=liczPkt(zdobyte[i]) + meld[i]; if(i!=wygryw){ int przyb = tmpPkt/5; if(przyb%2 == 1) przyb++; pkty[i]+=przyb*5; } else if(i==wygryw && tmpPkt >= oferty[wygryw]) pkty[i]+=oferty[wygryw]; else if(i==wygryw && tmpPkt < oferty[wygryw]) pkty[i]-=oferty[wygryw]; printf("Pokoj %d: Gracz %d: %d\n", pokoj, (i+1), (tmpPkt)); if(pkty[i]>=WYGRANA)koniec=1; } pierwszy=(pierwszy+1)%3; } printf("Pokoj %d: Podsumanie zakonczonej gry\n", pokoj); clearTab(buf->val, MAX); strcat(buf->val, "Koniec gry!\n"); strcat(buf->val, "Ostateczny rozklad pkt:\nGracz 1: "); char* tmpS = malloc(sizeof(char)*4); clearTab(tmpS,4); sprintf(tmpS, "%d", pkty[0]); strcat(buf->val, tmpS); strcat(buf->val, "\nGracz 2: "); clearTab(tmpS,4); sprintf(tmpS, "%d", pkty[1]); strcat(buf->val, tmpS); strcat(buf->val, "\nGracz 3: "); clearTab(tmpS,4); sprintf(tmpS, "%d", pkty[2]); strcat(buf->val, tmpS); free(tmpS); for(i=0;i<3;i++){ buf->mtype=10+i+1; printf("Pokoj %d: koniec dla %d\n", pokoj,(i+1)); buf->nr=0; if(msgsnd(gameSend, buf, (sizeof(struct mybuf)-sizeof(long)), 0) == -1){ //wys. info. o rezultacie perror("Wysylanie polecenia."); exit(1); } } }
main() { signal(SIGINT,acabou); // ligar ao semáforo int semid = semget(73452, 1, 0); exit_on_error(semid, "semget"); // ligar à memória partilhada int id_mem = shmget(73452, 500 * sizeof(Tcondutor), 0); exit_on_error(id_mem, "shmget"); printf("Ligado à memória\n"); // Erro do ponteiro Tcondutor *p = shmat(id_mem, 0, 0); exit_on_null(p, "shmat"); // input do número do condutor char num_aluno[100]; printf("Número de condutor: "); fgets(num_aluno, 100, stdin); n = atoi (num_aluno); // percorrer a memória partilhada de 500 pos // se o número da memória é igual ao inserido int i; printf("Número inserido: %d\n", n); down(semid); // down do semáforo for(i = 0; i < 500; i++) { if( n == p[i].num_aluno) { p[i].activo = 1; // ativar o condutor printf("Condutor ativo\n"); p[i].disponivel_desde = time(NULL); // data atual p[i].PID = getpid(); // o seu PID printf("Já és condutor: %s\nA tua matrícula é: %s\n", p[i].nome,p[i].matricula); break; } } up(semid); // up do semáforo // ligar à fila de mensagens int id_msg = msgget(96975, 0); exit_on_error(id_msg, "Erro no msgget"); printf("Ligado à fila\n"); // ao receber a mensagem 2 MsgCorrida m; while(1) { // recebe mensagem 2 do tipo pid int status = msgrcv(id_msg, &m, sizeof(m.dados), getpid(), 0); exit_on_error(status, "Erro ao receber mensagem 2"); printf("Mensagem 2 recebida\n"); // imprimir o pid do passageiro printf("O PID do passageiro é: %d\n", m.dados.pid_passageiro); // enviar a mensagem 3 char local[100]; m.tipo = m.dados.pid_passageiro; // tipo com o PID do passageiro m.dados.pid_condutor = getpid(); // PID do condutor com o meu PID printf("Meu PID: %d\n", getpid()); // confirmar o meu pid com o Admin e o Passageiro printf("Minha localização: "); fgets(local, 100, stdin); // minha localização local[ strlen(local) - 1 ] = '\0'; status = msgsnd(id_msg, &m, sizeof(m.dados), 0); exit_on_error(status, "Erro ao enviar mensagem 3"); printf("Mensagem 3 enviada\n"); // espera de 1-20s srand(time(NULL)); sleep(rand() %20 + 1); // pede o valor da corrida char val[10]; printf("Valor da corrida: "); fgets(val, 10, stdin); val[ strlen(val) - 1 ] = '\0'; // enviar mensagem 4 com recibo m.tipo = 1; m.dados.pid_passageiro = m.dados.pid_passageiro; strcpy(m.dados.local_encontro, local); m.dados.valor = atof(val); status = msgsnd(id_msg, &m, sizeof(m.dados), 0); exit_on_error(status, "Erro ao enviar mensagem 4"); printf("Mensagem 4 enviada\n"); } acabou(SIGINT); // Sinal do Ctrl C }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ if(argc < 6 || argc > 7){ printf("Wrong number of arguments!"); exit(-1); } int workerID = str2int(argv[1]); int nBuffers = str2int(argv[2]); float sleepTime = str2float(argv[3]); int msgID = str2int(argv[4]); int shmID = str2int(argv[5]); int semID; BOOL lock = FALSE; if(argc == 7){ //if a semID is given semID = str2int(argv[6]); lock = TRUE; } //connect to message queue int msgQ = msgID; if(msgQ == -1){ perror("Error connecting to message queue"); exit(-1); } //send startup message struct message msg; msg.mtype = 1; msg.workerID = workerID; msg.sleepTime = sleepTime; if(msgsnd(msgQ, &msg, sizeof(struct message) - sizeof(long), 0) == -1){ perror("Error sending message"); exit(-1); } //attatch to shared memory int *shm = shmat(shmID, (void *)0, 0); if(shm == (int *) -1){ perror("Error attatching to shared memory"); exit(-1); } //===================== PART 5 ============================== //use semaphores if(lock){ int i; int currentBuffer = workerID; for(i=0; i<nBuffers; i++){ int j; for(j=0; j<2; j++){ //read twice wait(currentBuffer, semID, nBuffers); int read = shm[currentBuffer]; if(usleep(sleepTime*1000000) == -1){ perror("Error sleeping"); exit(-1); } //check if changed if(shm[currentBuffer] != read){ msg.mtype = 3; msg.workerID = workerID; msg.changedBuffer = currentBuffer; msg.initVal = read; msg.newVal = shm[currentBuffer]; if(msgsnd(msgQ, &msg, sizeof(struct message), 0) == -1){ perror("Error sending message"); exit(-1); } } signal(currentBuffer, semID, nBuffers); currentBuffer += workerID; if(currentBuffer >= nBuffers) currentBuffer -= nBuffers; } //write wait(currentBuffer, semID, nBuffers); int read = shm[currentBuffer]; if(usleep(sleepTime*1000000) == -1){ perror("Error sleeping"); exit(-1); } shm[currentBuffer] = read | (1<<(workerID -1)); signal(currentBuffer, semID, nBuffers); currentBuffer += workerID; if(currentBuffer >= nBuffers) currentBuffer -= nBuffers; } } //===================== PART 3/4 ============================ //dont use semaphores else{ int i; int currentBuffer = workerID; for(i=0; i<nBuffers; i++){ int j; for(j=0; j<2; j++){ //read twice int read = shm[currentBuffer]; if(usleep(sleepTime*1000000) == -1){ perror("Error sleeping"); exit(-1); } //check if changed if(shm[currentBuffer] != read){ msg.mtype = 3; msg.workerID = workerID; msg.changedBuffer = currentBuffer; msg.initVal = read; msg.newVal = shm[currentBuffer]; if(msgsnd(msgQ, &msg, sizeof(struct message), 0) == -1){ perror("Error sending message"); exit(-1); } } currentBuffer += workerID; if(currentBuffer >= nBuffers) currentBuffer -= nBuffers; } //write int read = shm[currentBuffer]; if(usleep(sleepTime*1000000) == -1){ perror("Error sleeping"); exit(-1); } shm[currentBuffer] = read | (1<<(workerID -1)); currentBuffer += workerID; if(currentBuffer >= nBuffers) currentBuffer -= nBuffers; } } //cleanup message msg.mtype = 2; msg.workerID = workerID; if(msgsnd(msgQ, &msg, sizeof(struct message), 0) == -1){ perror("Error sending message"); exit(-1); } exit(0); }
int mib_get_8186( unsigned long id, void *data, unsigned long data_len ) { /* * NOTE: It will get NOTHING, if one uses this function to * retrieve MIB_VOIP_CFG due to apmib_get() ignore this ID. */ union { VoipFlashWriteMsg_t msgSuper; VoipFlashWriteMsgMibGet_t msgMibget; VoipFlashWriteMsgMibGetAck_t msgMibgetAck; } sh; unsigned long offset = 0, len = data_len, cur_len; if( data_len > MAX_MIBMSG_LENGTH ) { printf( "mib_get give a too large data_len(%ld>%d)\n", data_len, MAX_MIBMSG_LENGTH ); return 0; } while( len ) { cur_len = ( len >= MAX_MIBMSG_ATOM ? MAX_MIBMSG_ATOM : len ); len -= cur_len; /* fill payload */ sh.msgMibget.type = VFWM_CMD_MIBGET; sh.msgMibget.len = VFWM_PAYLOAD_SIZE( sh.msgMibget ) - sizeof( sh.msgMibget.len ); sh.msgMibget.cid = cidVoipFlashClientWriteRcv; sh.msgMibget.data_id = id; sh.msgMibget.data_len = data_len; sh.msgMibget.data_offset = offset; /* send */ msgsnd( qidVoipFlashClientWriteSnd, &sh.msgMibget, VFWM_PAYLOAD_SIZE( sh.msgMibget ), 0 ); /* wait for ack */ while( 1 ) { if( msgrcv( qidVoipFlashClientWriteRcv, &sh.msgSuper, VFWM_PAYLOAD_SIZE( sh.msgSuper ), 0, 0 ) < 0 ) { if( /* bIgnoreIntr && */ errno == EINTR ) /* the process caught a signal */ continue; else { /* TODO: how to deal with other error?? */ printf( "Rcv va error!!!(%d)\n", errno ); break; } } else break; } if( sh.msgMibgetAck.type == VFWM_CMD_MIBGET_ACK ) { printf( "Rcv mib_get ack\n" ); /* copy data from server's ack */ memcpy( ( unsigned char * )data + ( offset << MAX_MIBMSG_ORDER ),, cur_len ); } else { printf( "Not mib_get ack. %ld\n", sh.msgMibgetAck.type ); return 0; } offset ++; } return sh.msgMibgetAck.result; }