int todo_edit::print() const { // do not need to do anything if not visible if(!m_visible) return 0; int row_count = 0; std::string str = m_prefix + m_text + " "; const int size_x = m_end.scr_x - m_pos.scr_x - 1; unsigned int actual_cursor_pos = m_cursor_pos + m_prefix.length() + 1; int start_pos = ((int)actual_cursor_pos - size_x) > 0 ? ((int)actual_cursor_pos - size_x) : 0; // clear line TODO check for better way! move(m_pos.scr_y, m_pos.scr_x); for(int l = 0; l < size_x; l++) addch(' '); mvaddnstr(m_pos.scr_y, m_pos.scr_x, str.c_str() + start_pos, size_x); str = m_prefix + m_text.substr(0, m_cursor_pos); mvaddnstr(m_pos.scr_y, m_pos.scr_x, str.c_str() + start_pos, size_x); row_count = 1; refresh(); curs_set(1); return row_count; }
void sparkle_pause(void) { static const char *str = "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "; unsigned a, b; attrset(A_FG_COLOR(COLOR_RED) | A_BG_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK)); do { for (a = 0; a < 5; a++) { mvaddnstr(0, 0, str + a, 80); mvaddnstr(21, 0, str + (4 - a), 80); for (b = 1; b < 21; b++) { if ((a + b + 2) % 5 == 1) { mvaddch(b, 79, MAKE_CHARACTER('*', COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK)); mvaddch(21 - b, 0, MAKE_CHARACTER('*', COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK)); } else { mvaddch(b, 79, MAKE_CHARACTER(0, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK)); mvaddch(21 - b, 0, MAKE_CHARACTER(0, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK)); } } if (keyboard_get_key() != -1) { return; } usleep(150 * 1000); } } while (1); }
void sinsp_cursesui::draw_bottom_menu(vector<sinsp_menuitem_info>* items, bool istable) { uint32_t j = 0; uint32_t k = 0; // // Clear the line // move(m_screenh - 1, 0); for(uint32_t j = 0; j < m_screenw; j++) { addch(' '); } m_mouse_to_key_list.clear(); for(j = 0; j < items->size(); j++) { if(istable && ((items->at(j).m_type & sinsp_menuitem_info::TABLE) == 0)) { continue; } if((!istable) && ((items->at(j).m_type & sinsp_menuitem_info::LIST) == 0)) { continue; } uint32_t startx = k; attrset(m_colors[PROCESS]); string fks = items->at(j).m_key; mvaddnstr(m_screenh - 1, k, fks.c_str(), MAX(fks.size(), 2)); k += MAX(fks.size(), 2); attrset(m_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS]); fks = items->at(j).m_desc; if(fks.size() < 6) { fks.resize(6, ' '); } mvaddnstr(m_screenh - 1, k, fks.c_str(), fks.size()); k += fks.size(); m_mouse_to_key_list.add(sinsp_mouse_to_key_list_entry(startx, m_screenh - 1, k - 1, m_screenh - 1, items->at(j).m_keyboard_equivalent)); } }
void WDL_CursesEditor::draw_status_state() { int paney[2], paneh[2]; const int pane_divy=GetPaneDims(paney, paneh); attrset(m_color_statustext); bkgdset(m_color_statustext); int line=LINES-1; const char* whichpane=""; if (m_pane_div > 0.0 && m_pane_div < 1.0) { whichpane=(!m_curpane ? "Upper pane: " : "Lower pane: "); line=m_top_margin+pane_divy; move(line, 0); clrtoeol(); } char str[512]; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%sLine %d/%d, Col %d [%s]%s", whichpane, m_curs_y+1, m_text.GetSize(), m_curs_x, (s_overwrite ? "OVR" : "INS"), (m_clean_undopos == m_undoStack_pos ? "" : "*")); int len=strlen(str); int x=COLS-len-1; mvaddnstr(line, x, str, len); clrtoeol(); attrset(0); bkgdset(0); const int col=m_curs_x-m_offs_x; line=m_curs_y+paney[m_curpane]-m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]; if (line >= paney[m_curpane] && line < paney[m_curpane]+paneh[m_curpane]) move(line, col); }
void list_headerline() { struct index_elem *e; int x_pos = 1, width; char *str = NULL; #if defined(A_BOLD) && defined(A_NORMAL) attrset(A_BOLD); #endif for(e = index_elements; e; e = e->next) if(e->type == INDEX_TEXT) x_pos += strwidth(e->d.text); else if(e->type == INDEX_FIELD) { get_field_info(e->, NULL, &str, NULL); width = e->d.field.len ? abs(e->d.field.len) : strwidth(str); if(width + x_pos > COLS) width = bytes2width(str, COLS - x_pos); mvaddnstr(2, x_pos, str, width); x_pos += width; } else assert(0); #if defined(A_BOLD) && defined(A_NORMAL) attrset(A_NORMAL); #endif }
/* Temporarily display some text and wait for a keypress. */ static int runtextdisplay(char const *title, char const *lines[]) { char const *line; int y, i, n; erase(); mvaddstr(0, xDice + 4, title); y = 2; for (i = 0 ; lines[i] ; ++i) { line = lines[i]; while (*line) { n = textbreak(&line, 72); mvaddnstr(y, 4, line, n); ++y; line += n; } } move(cyScreen - 1, 0); refresh(); for (;;) { switch (getch()) { case '\003': case '\030': return 0; default: render(); return 1; } } }
/* * High speed screen update. row and col are 1-based. */ void putline(int row, int col, const char *buf) { int actual_row, actual_col; get_actual_pos (row - 1, col - 1, &actual_row, &actual_col); mvaddnstr(actual_row, actual_col, buf, ncol - col + 1); }
static int my_mvaddstr(int y, int x, const char *str) { int i = 0; for ( ; x < 0; ++x, ++i) if (str[i] == '\0') return ERR; if (mvaddnstr(y, x, &str[i], (int)COLS - x) == ERR) return ERR; return OK; }
void DrawBoardFrame(void) { int y; for(y = 0; y < BOARD_HEIGHT+2*BOARD_BORDER; y++) { mvaddnstr(y+BOARD_TOP, BOARD_LEFT, (const char *)&initialScreen[(BOARD_WIDTH+2)*y], BOARD_WIDTH+2); } mvaddstr(y+BOARD_TOP, BOARD_LEFT, "Score"); PrintScore(0); }
int todo_multiline_edit::print() const { // do not need to do anything if not visible if(!m_visible) return 0; int row_count = 0; std::string str = m_text + " "; const int size_x = m_end.scr_x - m_pos.scr_x - 1; row_count = str.length() / size_x + 1; for(int l = 0; l < row_count; l++) mvaddnstr(m_pos.scr_y + l, m_pos.scr_x, str.c_str() + (l * size_x), size_x); unsigned int cursor_row_pos = m_cursor_pos / size_x; unsigned int cursor_col_pos = m_cursor_pos % size_x; mvaddnstr(m_pos.scr_y + cursor_row_pos, m_pos.scr_x, str.c_str() + (cursor_row_pos * size_x), cursor_col_pos); refresh(); curs_set(1); return row_count; }
void do_mvaddstr(state *st) { int arity; long strlen, y, x; ei_decode_tuple_header(st->args, &(st->index), &arity); ei_decode_long(st->args, &(st->index), &y); ei_decode_long(st->args, &(st->index), &x); ei_decode_long(st->args, &(st->index), &strlen); char str[strlen]; ei_decode_string(st->args, &(st->index), str); encode_ok_reply(st, mvaddnstr((int)y, (int)x, str, (int)strlen)); }
void PrintBoard(char *data) { int i, y; y = BOARD_HEIGHT + 2; for(i = 0; i < BOARD_HEIGHT; i++) { mvaddnstr(y, BOARD_LEFT+BOARD_BORDER, &data[(BOARD_WIDTH)*i], BOARD_WIDTH); y--; } move(0, 0); }
int window_new_identity_print () { int y, x; char buf[250]; curseson (); cbreak (); noecho (); nonl (); keypad (stdscr, TRUE); getmaxyx (stdscr, y, x); attrset (A_NORMAL); attrset (COLOR_PAIR (1)); if (gui_window_new_identity.x1 == -999) { } else x = gui_window_new_identity.x1; attrset (COLOR_PAIR (0)); snprintf (buf, 199, "%199.199s", " "); mvaddnstr (gui_window_new_identity.y0 + 1, gui_window_new_identity.x0, buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 1); mvaddnstr (gui_window_new_identity.y0 + 2, gui_window_new_identity.x0, buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 1); mvaddnstr (gui_window_new_identity.y0 + 3, gui_window_new_identity.x0, buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 1); mvaddnstr (gui_window_new_identity.y0 + 4, gui_window_new_identity.x0, buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 1); attrset (COLOR_PAIR (1)); snprintf (buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0, "SIP url : "); mvaddnstr (gui_window_new_identity.y0, gui_window_new_identity.x0, buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 1); snprintf (buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0, "TEL url : "); mvaddnstr (gui_window_new_identity.y0 + 1, gui_window_new_identity.x0, buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 1); snprintf (buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0, "Email : "); mvaddnstr (gui_window_new_identity.y0 + 2, gui_window_new_identity.x0, buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 1); snprintf (buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0, "Phone : "); mvaddnstr (gui_window_new_identity.y0 + 3, gui_window_new_identity.x0, buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 1); window_new_identity_draw_commands (); return 0; }
int my_mvaddstr(int y, int x, char *str) { int i = 0; for ( ; x < 0; ++x, ++i) { if (str[i] == '\0') { return ERR; } } if (mvaddnstr(y, x, &str[i], (int)COLS - x) == ERR) { return ERR; } return OK; }
void WDL_CursesEditor::draw_message(const char *str) { int l=strlen(str); if (l > COLS-2) l=COLS-2; if (str[0]) { attrset(m_color_message); bkgdset(m_color_message); } mvaddnstr(LINES-(m_bottom_margin>1?2:1),0,str,l); clrtoeol(); if (str[0]) { attrset(0); bkgdset(0); } }
void WDL_CursesEditor::doDrawString(int y, int x, int line_n, const char *p, int ml, int *c_comment_state, int skipcnt) { if (skipcnt < 0) skipcnt=0; mvaddnstr_highlight(y,x,p,ml + skipcnt,c_comment_state, skipcnt); if (m_selecting) { int miny,maxy,minx,maxx; getselectregion(minx,miny,maxx,maxy); if (line_n >= miny && line_n <= maxy && (miny != maxy || minx < maxx)) { minx-=skipcnt; maxx-=skipcnt; if (line_n > miny) minx=0; if (line_n < maxy) maxx=ml; if (minx<0)minx=0; if (minx > ml) minx=ml; if (maxx > ml) maxx=ml; if (maxx > minx) { int a = skipcnt + minx; while (a-- > 0 && *p) p++; a=strlen(p); if (a > maxx-minx) a= maxx-minx; attrset(m_color_selection); mvaddnstr(y,x+minx, p, a); attrset(A_NORMAL); } else if (maxx==minx && !*p && ml>0) { attrset(m_color_selection); mvaddstr(y,x+minx," "); attrset(A_NORMAL); } } } }
int window_loglines_print() { char buf1[200]; int x, y; getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x); if (log_buf1!='\0') { /* int xpos; */ osip_mutex_lock(log_mutex); snprintf(buf1,199, "%199.199s", " "); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(4)); mvaddnstr(y-1,0,buf1,x-1); /* xpos = (x - strlen(log_buf1))/2; if (xpos<0) xpos = 0; */ /* mvaddnstr(y-1,xpos,log_buf1,x-1); */ mvaddnstr(y-1,0,log_buf1,x-1); osip_mutex_unlock(log_mutex); } if (log_buf2!='\0') { /* int xpos; */ osip_mutex_lock(log_mutex); snprintf(buf1,199, "%199.199s", " "); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(4)); mvaddnstr(y-2,0,buf1,x-1); /* xpos = (x - strlen(log_buf2))/2; if (xpos<0) xpos = 0; */ /* mvaddnstr(y-2,xpos,log_buf2,x-1); */ mvaddnstr(y-2,0,log_buf2,x-1); osip_mutex_unlock(log_mutex); } if (log_buf3!='\0') { /* int xpos; */ osip_mutex_lock(log_mutex); snprintf(buf1,199, "%199.199s", " "); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(4)); mvaddnstr(y-3,0,buf1,x-1); /* xpos = (x - strlen(log_buf3))/2; if (xpos<0) xpos = 0; */ /* mvaddnstr(y-3,xpos,log_buf3,x-1); */ mvaddnstr(y-3,0,log_buf3,x-1); osip_mutex_unlock(log_mutex); } return 0; }
int josua_clear_box_and_commands(gui_t *box) { int pos; int y,x; char buf[250]; curseson(); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x); attrset(A_NORMAL); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); { char *commands[] = { NULL }; josua_print_command(commands, y-5, 0); } if (box->x1==-999) {} else x = box->x1; if (box->y1<0) y = y + box->y1; else y = box->y1; attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); for (pos=box->y0;pos<y;pos++) { snprintf(buf, 199, "%199.199s", " "); mvaddnstr(pos, box->x0, buf, x-box->x0-1); } return 0; }
void WDL_CursesEditor::draw_message(const char *str) { int l=strlen(str); if (l > COLS-2) l=COLS-2; if (str[0]) { attrset(m_color_message); bkgdset(m_color_message); } mvaddnstr(LINES-(m_bottom_margin>1?2:1),0,str,l); clrtoeol(); if (str[0]) { attrset(0); bkgdset(0); } int paney[2], paneh[2]; const int pane_divy=GetPaneDims(paney, paneh); const int col=m_curs_x-m_offs_x; int line=m_curs_y+paney[m_curpane]-m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]; if (line >= paney[m_curpane] && line < paney[m_curpane]+paneh[m_curpane]) move(line, col); }
static void draw_help(void) { #define HW 46 #define HH 19 int i, y = (rows/2) - (HH/2); int x = (cols/2) - (HW/2); char pad[HW+1]; memset(pad, ' ', sizeof(pad)); pad[sizeof(pad) - 1] = '\0'; attron(A_STANDOUT); for (i = 0; i < HH; i++) mvaddnstr(y + i, x, pad, -1); mvaddch(y - 1, x - 1, ACS_ULCORNER); mvaddch(y + HH, x - 1, ACS_LLCORNER); mvaddch(y - 1, x + HW, ACS_URCORNER); mvaddch(y + HH, x + HW, ACS_LRCORNER); for (i = 0; i < HH; i++) { mvaddch(y + i, x - 1, ACS_VLINE); mvaddch(y + i, x + HW, ACS_VLINE); } for (i = 0; i < HW; i++) { mvaddch(y - 1, x + i, ACS_HLINE); mvaddch(y + HH, x + i, ACS_HLINE); } attron(A_BOLD); mvaddnstr(y- 1, x+15, "REFERENCIA RAPIDA", -1); attron(A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 0, x+3, "Navigation", -1); attroff(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 1, x+5, "UP Tarjeta Anterior", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 2, x+5, "DOWN Tarjeta Siguiente", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 3, x+5, "LEFT Nodo Anterior", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 4, x+5, "RIGHT Nodo Siguiente", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 5, x+5, "? Palanca referencia rapida", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 6, x+5, "q Salir bmon", -1); attron(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 7, x+3, "Mostrar Configuracion", -1); attroff(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 8, x+5, "g Toggle graphical statistics", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 9, x+5, "d Toggle detailed statistics", -1); mvaddnstr(y+10, x+5, "c Toggle combined node list", -1); mvaddnstr(y+11, x+5, "l Toggle interface list", -1); mvaddnstr(y+12, x+5, "f (Un)fold sub interfaces", -1); attron(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+13, x+3, "Measurement Units", -1); attroff(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+14, x+5, "R Read Interval", -1); mvaddnstr(y+15, x+5, "S Segundos", -1); mvaddnstr(y+16, x+5, "M Minutos", -1); mvaddnstr(y+17, x+5, "H Horas", -1); mvaddnstr(y+18, x+5, "D Dias", -1); attroff(A_STANDOUT); }
static void curses_draw_line(unsigned x, unsigned y, const char *text, unsigned len, BYTE attr) { mvaddnstr(y, x, text, len); }
int io_list(field_t *f) { int c = 0, i = -1, y = -1, max_x = 0, max_y = 0, top = 0, bot = 0; int index = 0, offset = 0, size = 0, j = 0, first = 1, k = 0; int n = 0, rows = 0, find_index = 0, value_count = 0, increase = 0; char *s = NULL, *p = NULL, s_v[2] = {'\0', '\0'}; size_t *on = NULL; s_v[0] = value_separator; if ( BOOLEAN_T != f->type ) { if ( NULL == f->list ) { return (0); } else if ( access(f->list, X_OK) < 0 ) { return (-1); } } if ( ((BOOLEAN_T == f->type ) || (f->list)) && (0 == f->constant) ) { if ( (list(f) < 0) || (0 == S_count) ) { return (0); /* XXX */ } else { if ( NULL == (on = calloc(S_count, sizeof(size_t))) ) { return (0); /* XXX */ } for (;;) { getmaxyx(stdscr, max_y, max_x); if ( (max_y < MIN_Y) || (max_x < MIN_X) ) { return (0); } else { clear(); mvprintw(1, 30, "%s", f->label); bot = max_y-5; if ( 1 == f->max_values ) { top = 5; mvaddstr(3,2, "Move cursor to desired item and press Enter."); } else { top = 7; mvaddstr(top-4, 2, "Move cursor to desired item and press F7."); mvaddstr(top-3, 6, "ONE OR MORE items can be selected."); mvaddstr(top-2, 2, "Press Enter AFTER making all selections."); } if ( S_count > max_y-12 ) { top++; bot--; } } LIST_LEGEND; if ( 1 == f->max_values ) { rows = max_y-12; } else { rows = max_y-14; } for (;;) { for ( i = offset, y = top; i < S_count && y < bot; i++, y++) { mvaddch(y, 2, on[i] ? '>' : ' '); mvaddnstr(y, 4, S[i], max_x-6); clrtoeol(); } attron(A_STANDOUT); mvaddnstr(top+(index-offset), 4, S[index], max_x-6); attroff(A_STANDOUT); if ( S_count > max_y-12 ) { if ( offset ) { mvprintw(top-1, 2, "[MORE...%d]", offset); clrtoeol(); } else { mvaddstr(top-1, 2, "[TOP]"); clrtoeol(); } if ( S_count > offset+(bot-top) ) { mvprintw(max_y-6, 2, "[MORE...%d]", S_count-(offset+(bot-top))); clrtoeol(); } else { mvaddstr(max_y-6, 2, "[BOTTOM]"); clrtoeol(); } } (void)border('|', '|', '-', '-', '+', '+', '+', '+'); c = get_key(top+(index-offset), 3); if ( KEY_DOWN == c ) { if ( index < S_count-1 ) { index++; if ( (index-offset) > (bot-top-1) ) { offset++; } } } else if ( KEY_UP == c ) { if ( index ) { if ( index == offset ) { offset--; } index--; } } else if ( KEY_PPAGE == c ) { if ( offset > 0 ) { if ( offset > rows ) { offset -= rows; index -= rows; } else { index -= offset; offset = 0; } } else { index = 0; } } else if ( KEY_NPAGE == c ) { if ( offset < S_count-rows ) { if ( offset < S_count-2*rows ) { offset += rows; index += rows; } else { index += S_count-offset-rows; offset += S_count-offset-rows; } } else { index = S_count-1; } } else if ( (KEY_F(1) == c) || (KEY_F(10) == c) ) { return (c); } else if ( KEY_F(3) == c ) { return (KEY_F(2)); } else if ( (KEY_F(7) == c) || (' ' == c) ) { if ( f->max_values > 1 ) { if ( on[index] ) { size -= on[index]; on[index] = 0; value_count--; } else if ( value_count < f->max_values ) { increase = strlen(S[index]); if ( value_count ) { increase+=1; } if ( size+increase < f->width ) { on[index] = increase; value_count++; size+=increase; } } /* XXX else ERROR */ } } else if ( KEY_F(8) == c ) { if ( (KEY_F(1) == (k = image())) || (KEY_F(10) == k) ) { return (k); } else if ( KEY_F(2) == k ) { refresh(); } } else if ( '/' == c ) { find_index = find_text(index); if ( FIND_CANCEL == find_index ) { find_index = 0; /* No-op. */ } else if ( FIND_EXIT == find_index ) { free(srch_txt); srch_txt = NULL; return ( KEY_F(10) ); } else if ( find_index > offset+rows-1 ) { /* Forward find off page. */ index = find_index; offset = index-rows+1; } else if ( find_index < offset ) { /* Backward find off page. */ index = offset = find_index; } else { index = find_index; } LIST_LEGEND; } else if ( 'n' == c ) { find_index = find_next(index); if ( find_index > offset+rows-1 ) { index = find_index; offset = index-rows+1; } else if ( find_index < offset ) { index = offset = find_index; } else { index = find_index; } } else if ( (KEY_ENTER == c) || ('\r' == c) || ('\n' == c) ) { if ( 1 == f->max_values ) { for ( k = 0; k < S_count; k++ ) { on[k] = 0; } on[index] = 1; } f->buf[0] = '\0'; for ( j = 0; j < S_count; j++ ) { if ( on[j] ) { if ( !first ) { strcat(f->buf, s_v); } strcat(f->buf, S[j]); first = 0; } } for ( k = 0; k < S_count; k++ ) { free(S[k]); S[k] = NULL; } free(S); S = NULL; free(on); S_count = 0; return (0); } } } } } return (0); }
void sinsp_cursesui::render_filtersearch_main_menu() { uint32_t k = 0; string* str; // // Pick the right string based on what we're doing // if(m_output_filtering) { str = &m_manual_filter; if(*str == "" && m_is_filter_sysdig && m_complete_filter != "") { *str = m_complete_filter; } } else if(m_output_searching) { str = &m_manual_search_text; } else { if(m_search_caller_interface) { str = m_search_caller_interface->get_last_search_string(); } else { ASSERT(false); } } // // Only clear the line if this is the first refresh, to prevent deleting the // text that the user is typing // if(m_cursor_pos == 0) { move(m_screenh - 1, 0); for(uint32_t j = 0; j < m_screenw; j++) { addch(' '); } } attrset(m_colors[PROCESS]); string fks = "F1"; mvaddnstr(m_screenh - 1, k, fks.c_str(), 10); k += fks.size(); attrset(m_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS]); fks = "Help"; fks.resize(6, ' '); mvaddnstr(m_screenh - 1, k, fks.c_str(), 6); k += 6; if(m_output_filtering) { attrset(m_colors[PROCESS]); fks = "F2"; mvaddnstr(m_screenh - 1, k, fks.c_str(), 10); k += fks.size(); attrset(m_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS]); if(m_is_filter_sysdig) { fks = "Text"; } else { fks = "sysdig"; } fks.resize(6, ' '); mvaddnstr(m_screenh - 1, k, fks.c_str(), 6); k += 6; } attrset(m_colors[PROCESS]); fks = "Enter"; mvaddnstr(m_screenh - 1, k, fks.c_str(), 10); k += fks.size(); attrset(m_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS]); fks = "Done"; fks.resize(6, ' '); mvaddnstr(m_screenh - 1, k, fks.c_str(), 6); k += 6; attrset(m_colors[PROCESS]); fks = "Esc"; mvaddnstr(m_screenh - 1, k, fks.c_str(), 10); k += fks.size(); attrset(m_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS]); fks = "Clear"; fks.resize(6, ' '); mvaddnstr(m_screenh - 1, k, fks.c_str(), 6); k += 6; k++; attrset(m_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS]); if(m_is_filter_sysdig) { fks = "Expression: "; } else { if(m_search_header_text == "") { fks = "Text to match: "; } else { fks = m_search_header_text + ": "; } } mvaddnstr(m_screenh - 1, k, fks.c_str(), 20); k += fks.size(); uint32_t cursor_pos = k; if(m_cursor_pos == 0) { for(; k < m_screenw; k++) { addch(' '); } m_cursor_pos = cursor_pos; mvprintw(m_screenh - 1, m_cursor_pos, str->c_str()); m_cursor_pos += str->size(); } move(m_screenh - 1, m_cursor_pos); }
void sinsp_cursesui::render_header() { uint32_t j = 0; uint32_t k = 0; // // Show the 'viewing' line // attrset(m_colors[HELP_BOLD]); move(0, 0); for(j = 0; j < m_screenw; j++) { addch(' '); } mvaddstr(0, 0, "Viewing:"); k += sizeof("Viewing: ") - 1; attrset(m_colors[sinsp_cursesui::PROCESS]); string vs; if(m_selected_view >= 0) { sinsp_view_info* sv = get_selected_view(); const char* vcs = sv->m_name.c_str(); vs = vcs; } else { if(m_selected_view == VIEW_ID_SPY) { vs = "I/O activity"; } else if(m_selected_view == VIEW_ID_DIG) { vs = "sysdig output"; } else { ASSERT(false); } } mvaddstr(0, k, vs.c_str()); k+= vs.size() + 1; attrset(m_colors[HELP_BOLD]); mvaddstr(0, k, "For: "); k += sizeof("For: ") - 1; attrset(m_colors[sinsp_cursesui::PROCESS]); if(m_sel_hierarchy.size() != 0) { vs = ""; for(j = 0; j < m_sel_hierarchy.size(); j++) { vs +=>m_field; vs += "="; vs +=>m_val; if(j < m_sel_hierarchy.size() - 1) { vs += " and "; } } } else { vs = "whole machine"; } mvaddstr(0, k, vs.c_str()); if(m_paused) { string wstr = "PAUSED"; attrset(m_colors[sinsp_cursesui::LARGE_NUMBER]); mvprintw(0, m_screenw / 2 - wstr.size() / 2, wstr.c_str()); } // // Show the 'filter' line // attrset(m_colors[HELP_BOLD]); move(1, 0); for(uint32_t j = 0; j < m_screenw; j++) { addch(' '); } attrset(m_colors[HELP_BOLD]); mvaddstr(1, 0, "Source:"); k = sizeof("Source: ") - 1; attrset(m_colors[sinsp_cursesui::PROCESS]); string srcstr; if(m_inspector->is_live()) { srcstr = "Live System"; } else { if(m_n_evts_in_file == 0) { m_n_evts_in_file = m_inspector->get_num_events(); m_evt_ts_delta = m_last_evt_ts - m_1st_evt_ts; } srcstr = m_inspector->get_input_filename(); srcstr += " (" + to_string(m_n_evts_in_file) + " evts, "; if(m_truncated_input) { srcstr += " truncated, "; } m_timedelta_formatter->set_val(PT_RELTIME, (uint8_t*)&m_evt_ts_delta, 8, 0, ppm_print_format::PF_DEC); srcstr += string(m_timedelta_formatter->tostring_nice(NULL, 0, 0)) + ")"; } mvaddnstr(1, k, srcstr.c_str(), m_screenw - k - 1); k += srcstr.size() + 1; m_filterstring_start_x = k; attrset(m_colors[HELP_BOLD]); mvaddstr(1, k, "Filter:"); k += sizeof("Filter: ") - 1; attrset(m_colors[sinsp_cursesui::PROCESS]); string sflt; if(m_complete_filter != "") { sflt = m_complete_filter.c_str(); } else { sflt = "none"; } mvaddnstr(1, k, sflt.c_str(), m_screenw - k - 1); k += sflt.size(); m_filterstring_end_x = k; }
int window_new_call_print(gui_t* gui, int wid) { int y,x; char buf[250]; ogmp_curses_t* ocui = gui->topui; user_profile_t* user_profile = ocui->sipua->profile(ocui->sipua); int pos; char c, *ch; curseson(); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); gui->parent = wid; getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x); attrset(A_NORMAL); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); if (gui->x1==-999) {} else x = gui->x1; /* Window Title */ snprintf(buf, 250, "%199.199s", " "); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(4)); mvaddnstr(gui->y0, gui->x0, buf, (x-gui->x0)); snprintf(buf, x-gui->x0-1, "New call from: '%s'<%s>", user_profile->fullname, user_profile->regname); mvaddstr(gui->y0, gui->x0+1, buf); /* Window Body */ pos = editline_pos(newcall_edit[cursor_newcall]); editline_char(newcall_edit[cursor_newcall], &ch); if(!*ch) c = ' '; else c = *ch; attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); snprintf(buf, 199, "%199.199s", " "); mvaddnstr(gui->y0+1, gui->x0, buf, x-gui->x0-1); mvaddnstr(gui->y0+2, gui->x0, buf, x-gui->x0-1); mvaddnstr(gui->y0+3, gui->x0, buf, x-gui->x0-1); mvaddnstr(gui->y0+4, gui->x0, buf, x-gui->x0-1); if(cursor_newcall == NEWCALL_TO) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); else attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); snprintf(buf, 25, "%10.10s", "To :"); mvaddstr(gui->y0+1, gui->x0, buf); if(cursor_newcall == NEWCALL_SUBJ) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); else attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); snprintf(buf, 25, "%10.10s", "Subject :"); mvaddstr(gui->y0+2, gui->x0, buf); if(cursor_newcall == NEWCALL_MSG) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); else attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); snprintf(buf, 25, "%10.10s", "Message :"); mvaddstr(gui->y0+3, gui->x0, buf); if(newcall_inputs[NEWCALL_TO][0] == '\0' && ocui->contact) { editline_set_line(newcall_edit[NEWCALL_TO], ocui->contact->sip, strlen(ocui->contact->sip)); ocui->contact = NULL; } attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); mvaddstr(gui->y0+1, gui->x0+11, newcall_inputs[NEWCALL_TO]); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); mvaddstr(gui->y0+2, gui->x0+11, newcall_inputs[NEWCALL_SUBJ]); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); mvaddstr(gui->y0+3, gui->x0+11, newcall_inputs[NEWCALL_MSG]); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); mvaddch(gui->y0+1+cursor_newcall, gui->x0+11+pos, c); window_new_call_draw_commands(gui); return 0; }
static void draw_help(void) { #define HW 46 #define HH 19 int i, y = (rows/2) - (HH/2); int x = (cols/2) - (HW/2); char pad[HW+1]; memset(pad, ' ', sizeof(pad)); pad[sizeof(pad) - 1] = '\0'; attron(A_STANDOUT); for (i = 0; i < HH; i++) mvaddnstr(y + i, x, pad, -1); mvaddch(y - 1, x - 1, ACS_ULCORNER); mvaddch(y + HH, x - 1, ACS_LLCORNER); mvaddch(y - 1, x + HW, ACS_URCORNER); mvaddch(y + HH, x + HW, ACS_LRCORNER); for (i = 0; i < HH; i++) { mvaddch(y + i, x - 1, ACS_VLINE); mvaddch(y + i, x + HW, ACS_VLINE); } for (i = 0; i < HW; i++) { mvaddch(y - 1, x + i, ACS_HLINE); mvaddch(y + HH, x + i, ACS_HLINE); } attron(A_BOLD); mvaddnstr(y- 1, x+15, "QUICK REFERENCE", -1); attron(A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 0, x+3, "Navigation", -1); attroff(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 1, x+5, "UP Previous interface", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 2, x+5, "DOWN Next interface", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 3, x+5, "LEFT Previous node", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 4, x+5, "RIGHT Next node", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 5, x+5, "? Toggle quick reference", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 6, x+5, "q Quit bmon", -1); attron(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 7, x+3, "Display Settings", -1); attroff(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 8, x+5, "g Toggle graphical statistics", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 9, x+5, "d Toggle detailed statistics", -1); mvaddnstr(y+10, x+5, "c Toggle combined node list", -1); mvaddnstr(y+11, x+5, "l Toggle interface list", -1); mvaddnstr(y+12, x+5, "f (Un)fold sub interfaces", -1); attron(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+13, x+3, "Measurement Units", -1); attroff(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+14, x+5, "R Read Interval", -1); mvaddnstr(y+15, x+5, "S Seconds", -1); mvaddnstr(y+16, x+5, "M Minutes", -1); mvaddnstr(y+17, x+5, "H Hours", -1); mvaddnstr(y+18, x+5, "D Days", -1); attroff(A_STANDOUT); }
int josua_print_command(char **commands, int ypos, int xpos) { int i; int y,x; char buf[250]; curseson(); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x); attrset(A_NORMAL); #if 0 for (i=0;commands[i]!=NULL;i=i+2) { int len = strlen(commands[i+1]); if (len>maxlen) maxlen = len; } #endif if (commands[0]!=NULL) /* erase with default background */ attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); else attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); snprintf(buf, 199, "%199.199s", " "); mvaddnstr(ypos, xpos, buf, x-xpos-1); mvaddnstr(ypos+1, xpos, buf, x-xpos-1); for (i=0;commands[i]!=NULL;i=i+2) { int maxlen = strlen(commands[i+1]); if (commands[i+2]!=NULL) { int len = strlen(commands[i+3]); if (len>maxlen) maxlen = len; } attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); snprintf(buf, strlen(commands[i])+1, commands[i]); mvaddnstr(ypos, xpos, buf, strlen(commands[i])); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); snprintf(buf, strlen(commands[i+1])+1, "%s", commands[i+1]); mvaddnstr(ypos, xpos+3, buf, maxlen); i=i+2; if (commands[i]==NULL) break; attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); snprintf(buf, strlen(commands[i])+1, commands[i]); mvaddnstr(ypos+1, xpos, buf, strlen(commands[i])); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); snprintf(buf, strlen(commands[i+1])+1, "%s", commands[i+1]); mvaddnstr(ypos+1, xpos+3, buf, maxlen); xpos = xpos+maxlen+4; /* position for next column */ } return 0; }
/* Among other things, 'newtest' demonstrates how to make a Win32a PDCurses app that is a for-real, "pure Windows" version (instead of a console application). Doing this is quite easy, and has certain advantages. If the app is invoked from a command prompt, the only difference you'll see is that the app runs separately (that is, you can continue to use the command prompt, switching between it, your PDCurses/Win32a app, and other processes). Which is the main reason I did it; it meant that I could invoke a PDCurses-based text editor, for example, and still have use of the command line. (NOTE that, for reasons I don't actually understand, this happens when the Visual C++ compiler is used. With MinGW or OpenWatcom, it's still "really" a console app.) To do it, we ensure that the usual main() function has an alternative dummy_main() form, taking the same arguments as main(). We add a WinMain() function, whose sole purpose is to reformulate lpszCmdLine into argc/argv form, and pass it on to dummy_main(). And, of course, we can switch back to a "normal" console app by removing the above #define PURE_WINDOWS_VERSION line. */ #ifdef PURE_WINDOWS_VERSION #undef MOUSE_MOVED #include <windows.h> int dummy_main( int argc, char **argv); int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { char *argv[30]; int i, argc = 1; argv[0] = "newtest"; for( i = 0; lpszCmdLine[i]; i++) if( lpszCmdLine[i] != ' ' && (!i || lpszCmdLine[i - 1] == ' ')) argv[argc++] = lpszCmdLine + i; for( i = 0; lpszCmdLine[i]; i++) if( lpszCmdLine[i] == ' ') lpszCmdLine[i] = '\0'; return dummy_main( argc, (char **)argv); } int dummy_main( int argc, char **argv) #else /* "usual", console-app version: */ int main( int argc, char **argv) #endif { int quit = 0, i, use_slk = 1; int fmt = 0xa; bool blink_state = FALSE; int cursor_state_1 = 2, cursor_state_2 = 3; int show_slk_index_line = 0; int redraw = 1; unsigned extra_character_to_show = 0; #ifdef PDC_WIDE unsigned unicode_offset = 0x80; #endif /* setlocale(LC_ALL, ".utf8"); */ ttytype[0] = 25; ttytype[1] = 90; /* Allow 25 to 90 lines... */ ttytype[2] = 80; ttytype[3] = (char)200; /* ...and 80 to 200 columns */ /* (This program gets weird artifacts when smaller than 25x80.) */ for( i = 1; i < argc; i++) if( argv[i][0] == '-') switch( argv[i][1]) { case 's': use_slk = 0; break; case 'l': setlocale( LC_ALL, argv[i] + 2); break; case 'e': sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%x", &extra_character_to_show); break; case 'f': sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%x", (unsigned *)&fmt); break; case 'i': show_slk_index_line = 1; break; case 'r': /* allow user-resizable windows */ { int min_lines, max_lines, min_cols, max_cols; if( sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &min_lines, &max_lines, &min_cols, &max_cols) == 4) { ttytype[0] = min_lines; ttytype[1] = max_lines; ttytype[2] = min_cols; ttytype[3] = max_cols; } } break; case 'd': /* set window size before initscr */ { int n_lines, n_cols; if( sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%d,%d", &n_lines, &n_cols) == 2) resize_term( n_lines, n_cols); } break; #ifdef PDC_WIDE case 'u': sscanf( argv[i] + 2, "%x", &unicode_offset); break; #endif default: printf( "Option '%s' unrecognized\n", argv[i]); break; } if( use_slk) slk_init( show_slk_index_line ? 3 : 0); Xinitscr(argc, argv); if( use_slk) slk_setup( show_slk_index_line ? -fmt : fmt); start_color(); # if defined(NCURSES_VERSION) || (defined(PDC_BUILD) && PDC_BUILD > 3000) use_default_colors(); # endif cbreak(); noecho(); clear(); refresh(); #ifdef __PDCURSES__ PDC_set_title( "NewTest: tests various PDCurses features"); #endif keypad( stdscr, TRUE); init_pair( 1, 15, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair( 2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_YELLOW); mousemask( ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS, NULL); attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1)); while( !quit) { char buff[40]; const int xmax = getmaxx( stdscr); const int ymax = getmaxy( stdscr); int color_block_start = 54, c; int color_block_cols = (xmax - color_block_start) / 2; const int color_block_lines = 19; const char *cursor_state_text[N_CURSORS] = { "Invisible (click to change) ", "Underscore (click to change)", "Block (click to change) ", "Outline (click to change) ", "Caret (click to change) ", "Half-block (click to change)", "Central (click to change) ", "Cross (click to change) ", "Heavy box (click to change) " }; if( color_block_cols < 0) color_block_cols = 0; if( redraw) { mvaddstr( 1, COL1, "'Normal' white-on-black"); #if(CHTYPE_LONG >= 2) /* "non-standard" 64-bit chtypes */ attron( A_DIM); mvaddstr( 2, COL1, "Dimmed text"); attroff( A_DIM); #endif #ifdef PDC_WIDE mvaddwstr( 3, COL1, L"'Normal' text, but wide"); #endif attron( A_BLINK); mvaddstr( 6, 40, "Blinking"); attron( A_BOLD); mvaddstr( 8, 40, "BlinkBold"); attron( A_ITALIC); mvaddstr( 0, COL2, "BlinkBoldItalic"); attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 3)); attron( A_UNDERLINE); #ifdef PDC_WIDE mvaddstr( 1, COL2, "Underlined"); addwstr( L"WideUnder"); #endif attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1)); attron( A_UNDERLINE | A_ITALIC); mvaddstr( 2, COL2, "UnderlinedItalic"); attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 2)); attron( A_BLINK); mvaddstr( 4, COL1, "Black-on-yellow blinking"); attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1)); move( 4, COL2); text_in_a_box( "Text in a box"); #ifdef CHTYPE_LONG attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 6)); attron( A_STRIKEOUT); mvaddstr( 10, 40, "Strikeout"); attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1)); #endif #ifdef PDC_WIDE move( 11, 40); text_in_a_box( "Next Ucode pg"); if( unicode_offset) { move( 12, 40); text_in_a_box( "Prev Ucode pg"); } mvprintw( 13, 40, "U+%04x ", unicode_offset); #endif for( i = 0; i < 128; i++) { /* Show extended characters: */ #ifdef PDC_WIDE wchar_t buff[20]; swprintf( buff, 20, L"%02x ", (unsigned)( i + unicode_offset) & 0xff); mvaddwstr( 5 + i % 16, (i / 16) * 5, buff); if( i + unicode_offset > ' ') addch( (chtype)( i + unicode_offset)); else addch( ' '); addch( ' '); #else char buff[6]; sprintf( buff, "%02x %c", i + 128, (char)(i + 128)); mvaddstr( 5 + i % 16, (i / 16) * 5, buff); #endif } #if(CHTYPE_LONG >= 2) /* "non-standard" 64-bit chtypes */ for( i = 0; i < 3 && i + 21 < ymax; i++) { /* Demonstrate full RGB color control: */ int j; const char *output_text[3] = { "Red on green to white on black | (you can get full RGB colors when desired,", "Blue on yellow to black on red | with palette coloring still being available)", "White on red to green on blue, underlined and italic" }; const int len = (int)strlen( output_text[i]); move( 21 + i, 1); for( j = 0; j < len && j + 1 < xmax; j++) { attr_t output_color; const int oval = j * 31 / len; const int reverse = 31 - oval; if( !i) output_color = A_RGB( 31, oval, oval, 0, reverse, 0); else if( i == 1) output_color = A_RGB( 0, 0, reverse, 31, reverse, 0); else { output_color = A_RGB( reverse, 31, reverse, reverse, 0, oval); output_color |= A_UNDERLINE | A_ITALIC; } attrset( output_color); addch( output_text[i][j]); } } #endif /* #if(CHTYPE_LONG >= 2) */ redraw = 0; attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1)); if( extra_character_to_show && ymax > 23) mvaddch( 23, 63, (chtype)extra_character_to_show); #ifdef PDC_WIDE for( i = 0; i < 6; i++) { static const wchar_t spanish[] = L"Espa\xf1ol"; const int line = 24 + i / 3; const int col = 5 + 25 * (i % 3); static const wchar_t russian[] = {0x0420, 0x0443, 0x0441, 0x0441, 0x043a, 0x0438, 0x0439, L' ', 0x044f, 0x0437, 0x044b, 0x043a, 0}; static const wchar_t greek[] = {0x0395, 0x03bb, 0x03bb, 0x03b7, 0x03bd, 0x03b9, 0x03ba, 0x03ac, 0}; static const wchar_t georgian[] = {0x10e5, 0x10d0, 0x10e0, 0x10d7, 0x10e3, 0x10da, 0x10d8, L' ', 0x10d4, 0x10dc, 0x10d0, 0}; static const wchar_t fullwidth[] = { 0xff26, 0xff55, 0xff4c, 0xff4c, 0xff57, 0xff49, 0xff44, 0xff54, 0xff48, 0 }; /* "Fullwidth" */ static const wchar_t combining_marks[] = { L'C', L'o', 0x35c, L'm', L'b', 0x30a, L'i', L'n', L'i', 0x304, L'n', 0x30b, 0x329, L'g', 0x310, L' ', L'C', 0x338, L'h', 0x306, L'a', 0x361, L'r', L's', 0x30e, 0x348, 0 }; static const wchar_t *texts[6] = { spanish, russian, greek, georgian, fullwidth, combining_marks}; if( line < ymax && col < xmax) mvaddnwstr( line, 5 + 25 * (i % 3), texts[i], xmax - col); } #endif #ifdef MAYBE_TRY_THIS_SOMEWHERE_ELSE mvaddstr( 1, COL3, "Click on cursor descriptions to"); mvaddstr( 2, COL3, "cycle through possible cursors"); mvaddstr( 3, COL3, "Click on colors at left to change"); mvaddstr( 4, COL3, "colors used for under/over/outlining"); mvaddstr( 5, COL3, "Click 'Blink' at bottom to toggle"); mvaddstr( 6, COL3, "'real' blinking vs. 'highlit' blink"); #endif } mvaddnstr( 19, color_block_start, cursor_state_text[cursor_state_1], xmax - color_block_start); mvaddnstr( 20, color_block_start, cursor_state_text[cursor_state_2], xmax - color_block_start); curs_set( (cursor_state_1 << 8) | cursor_state_2); for( i = 0; i < color_block_cols * color_block_lines; i++) { const int n_color_blocks = 256; attrset( COLOR_PAIR( i >= n_color_blocks ? 2 : i)); if( i > 2 && i < n_color_blocks) init_pair((short)i, (short)i, COLOR_BLACK); if( !(i % color_block_cols)) move( i / color_block_cols, color_block_start); attron( A_REVERSE); addstr( " "); } move( 19, color_block_start - 3); refresh(); c = getch( ); attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 1)); if( c == KEY_RESIZE) { redraw = 1; resize_term( 0, 0); } else if( c == KEY_F(1) || c == 27) quit = 1; else if( c == KEY_F(2)) { blink_state ^= 1; PDC_set_blink( blink_state); } else if( c == KEY_F(3)) /* toggle SLKs */ { use_slk ^= 1; if( use_slk) slk_restore( ); else slk_clear( ); } else if( c >= KEY_F(4) && c < KEY_F(12)) { sscanf( labels[c - KEY_F(1)], "%x", (unsigned *)&fmt); if( use_slk) slk_setup( show_slk_index_line ? -fmt : fmt); } // else if( c == 'w') // PDC_write_screen_to_file( "scrdump.htm", curscr); if( c != KEY_MOUSE) { sprintf( buff, "Key %s hit ", keyname( c)); mvaddstr( 0, COL1, buff); } else { MEVENT mouse_event; #ifdef __PDCURSES__ nc_getmouse( &mouse_event); #else getmouse( &mouse_event); #endif sprintf( buff, "Mouse at %d x %d: %x ", mouse_event.x, mouse_event.y, (unsigned)mouse_event.bstate); mvaddstr( 0, COL1, buff); if( mouse_event.x >= color_block_start && mouse_event.y < color_block_lines) { int new_color = (mouse_event.x - color_block_start) / 2 + mouse_event.y * color_block_cols; if( new_color >= 256) new_color = -1; PDC_set_line_color( (short)new_color); } else if( mouse_event.x >= color_block_start) { int shift = ((mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON_MODIFIER_SHIFT) ? N_CURSORS - 1 : 1); if( mouse_event.y == 19) /* blink/non-blink toggle */ cursor_state_1 = (cursor_state_1 + shift) % N_CURSORS; else if( mouse_event.y == 20) /* cycle cursor state */ cursor_state_2 = (cursor_state_2 + shift) % N_CURSORS; } #ifdef PDC_WIDE else if( mouse_event.x >= 40 && mouse_event.x < 40 + 10) { if( mouse_event.y == 11) { redraw = 1; unicode_offset += 0x80; } else if( mouse_event.y == 12 && unicode_offset) { redraw = 1; unicode_offset -= 0x80; } } #endif } } endwin(); return 0; }
int window_new_identity_run_command (int c) { int y, x; getmaxyx (stdscr, y, x); if (gui_window_new_identity.x1 == -999) { } else x = gui_window_new_identity.x1; switch (c) { case KEY_DC: delch (); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: case 127: if (active_gui->xcursor > 10) { int xcur, ycur; active_gui->xcursor--; getyx (stdscr, ycur, xcur); move (ycur, xcur - 1); delch (); } break; case '\n': case '\r': case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_DOWN: if (gui_window_new_identity.ycursor < 3) { gui_window_new_identity.ycursor++; gui_window_new_identity.xcursor = 10; } break; case KEY_UP: if (gui_window_new_identity.ycursor > 0) { gui_window_new_identity.ycursor--; gui_window_new_identity.xcursor = 10; } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (gui_window_new_identity.xcursor < (x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 1)) gui_window_new_identity.xcursor++; break; case KEY_LEFT: if (gui_window_new_identity.xcursor > 0) gui_window_new_identity.xcursor--; break; /* case 20: *//* Ctrl-T */ case 1: /* Ctrl-A */ { int ycur = gui_window_new_identity.y0; int xcur = gui_window_new_identity.x0 + 10; char sipurl[200]; char telurl[200]; char email[200]; char phone[200]; mvinnstr (ycur, xcur, sipurl, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 10); ycur++; mvinnstr (ycur, xcur, telurl, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 10); ycur++; mvinnstr (ycur, xcur, email, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 10); ycur++; mvinnstr (ycur, xcur, phone, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 10); _josua_add_contact (sipurl, telurl, email, phone); /* mvinnstr(ycur, xcur, tmp, 199); */ } break; case 4: /* Ctrl-D */ { char buf[200]; attrset (COLOR_PAIR (0)); snprintf (buf, 199, "%199.199s", " "); mvaddnstr (gui_window_new_identity.y0 + gui_window_new_identity.ycursor, gui_window_new_identity.x0 + 10, buf, x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 10 - 1); gui_window_new_identity.xcursor = 10; } break; case 5: /* Ctrl-E */ gui_window_new_identity.xcursor = 10; gui_window_new_identity.ycursor = 0; window_new_identity_print (); break; default: /* fprintf(stderr, "c=%i", c); exit(0); */ if (gui_window_new_identity.xcursor < (x - gui_window_new_identity.x0 - 1)) { gui_window_new_identity.xcursor++; attrset (COLOR_PAIR (0)); echochar (c); } else beep (); return -1; } return 0; }
int window_new_identity_print(gui_t* gui, int wid) { int y,x; char buf[250]; int pos; char c, *ch; ogmp_curses_t* ocui = gui->topui; curseson(); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); gui->parent = wid; getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x); attrset(A_NORMAL); /* Window Title */ snprintf(buf, 250, "%199.199s", " "); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(4)); mvaddnstr(gui->y0, gui->x0, buf, (x-gui->x0-1)); snprintf(buf, x-gui->x0-1, "Create new Identity"); mvaddstr(gui->y0, gui->x0+1, buf); /* Window Body */ pos = editline_pos(newid_edit[cursor_newid]); editline_char(newid_edit[cursor_newid], &ch); if(!*ch) c = ' '; else c = *ch; attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); snprintf(buf, 250, "%199.199s", " "); mvaddnstr(gui->y0+1, gui->x0, buf, (x-gui->x0-1)); mvaddnstr(gui->y0+2, gui->x0, buf, (x-gui->x0-1)); mvaddnstr(gui->y0+3, gui->x0, buf, (x-gui->x0-1)); mvaddnstr(gui->y0+4, gui->x0, buf, (x-gui->x0-1)); mvaddnstr(gui->y0+5, gui->x0, buf, (x-gui->x0-1)); if(cursor_newid == NEWID_FULLNAME) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); else attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); snprintf(buf, 250, "%29.29s", "Full name :"); mvaddstr(gui->y0+1, gui->x0, buf); if(cursor_newid == NEWID_BOOKLOC) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); else attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); snprintf(buf, 250, "%29.29s", "Phonebook location:"); mvaddstr(gui->y0+2, gui->x0, buf); if(cursor_newid == NEWID_REGISTARY) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); else attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); snprintf(buf, 250, "%29.29s", "Register server :"); mvaddstr(gui->y0+3, gui->x0, buf); if(cursor_newid == NEWID_REGNAME) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); else attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); snprintf(buf, 250, "%29.29s", "Register name :"); mvaddstr(gui->y0+4, gui->x0, buf); if(cursor_newid == NEWID_REGSEC) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); else attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1)); snprintf(buf, 250, "%29.29s", "Register period in seconds :"); mvaddstr(gui->y0+5, gui->x0, buf); if(ocui->edit_profile) { char seconds[10]; snprintf(seconds, 10, "%d", ocui->edit_profile->seconds); editline_set_line(newid_edit[NEWID_FULLNAME], ocui->edit_profile->fullname, ocui->edit_profile->fbyte); editline_set_line(newid_edit[NEWID_BOOKLOC], ocui->edit_profile->book_location, strlen(ocui->edit_profile->book_location)); editline_set_line(newid_edit[NEWID_REGISTARY], ocui->edit_profile->registrar, strlen(ocui->edit_profile->registrar)); editline_set_line(newid_edit[NEWID_REGNAME], ocui->edit_profile->regname, strlen(ocui->edit_profile->regname)); editline_set_line(newid_edit[NEWID_REGSEC], seconds, strlen(seconds)); } else if(ocui->clear_profile) { editline_clear(newid_edit[NEWID_FULLNAME]); editline_clear(newid_edit[NEWID_BOOKLOC]); editline_clear(newid_edit[NEWID_REGISTARY]); editline_clear(newid_edit[NEWID_REGNAME]); editline_clear(newid_edit[NEWID_REGSEC]); ocui->clear_profile = 0; } attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); mvaddstr(gui->y0+1, gui->x0+30, newid_inputs[NEWID_FULLNAME]); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); mvaddstr(gui->y0+2, gui->x0+30, newid_inputs[NEWID_BOOKLOC]); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); mvaddstr(gui->y0+3, gui->x0+30, newid_inputs[NEWID_REGISTARY]); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); mvaddstr(gui->y0+4, gui->x0+30, newid_inputs[NEWID_REGNAME]); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)); mvaddstr(gui->y0+5, gui->x0+30, newid_inputs[NEWID_REGSEC]); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(10)); mvaddch(gui->y0+1+cursor_newid, gui->x0+30+pos, c); gui->gui_draw_commands(gui); return 0; }