/** Cache J2000 rotation over existing cached time range using polynomials
   * This method will reload an internal cache with matrices
   * formed from rotation angles fit to polynomials over a time
   * range.
   * @param function1   The first polynomial function used to
   *                    find the rotation angles
   * @param function2   The second polynomial function used to
   *                    find the rotation angles
   * @param function3   The third polynomial function used to
   *                    find the rotation angles
  void LineScanCameraRotation::ReloadCache() {

    // Make sure caches are already loaded
    if(!p_cachesLoaded) {
      QString msg = "A LineScanCameraRotation cache has not been loaded yet";
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    // Clear existing matrices from cache

    // Create polynomials fit to angles & use to reload cache
    Isis::PolynomialUnivariate function1(p_degree);
    Isis::PolynomialUnivariate function2(p_degree);
    Isis::PolynomialUnivariate function3(p_degree);

    // Get the coefficients of the polynomials already fit to the angles of rotation defining [CI]
    std::vector<double> coeffAng1;
    std::vector<double> coeffAng2;
    std::vector<double> coeffAng3;
    GetPolynomial(coeffAng1, coeffAng2, coeffAng3);

    // Reset linear term to center around zero -- what works best is either roll-avg & pitchavg+ or pitchavg+ & yawavg-
//    coeffAng1[1] -= 0.0000158661225;
//    coeffAng2[1] = 0.0000308433;
//    coeffAng3[0] = -0.001517547;
    if(p_pitchRate)  coeffAng2[1] = p_pitchRate;
    if(p_yaw)  coeffAng3[0] = p_yaw;

    // Load the functions with the coefficients

    double CI[3][3];
    double IJ[3][3];
    std::vector<double> rtime;
    SpiceRotation *prot = p_spi->bodyRotation();
    std::vector<double> CJ;

    for(std::vector<double>::size_type pos = 0; pos < p_cacheTime.size(); pos++) {
      double et = p_cacheTime.at(pos);
      rtime.push_back((et - GetBaseTime()) / GetTimeScale());
      double angle1 = function1.Evaluate(rtime);
      double angle2 = function2.Evaluate(rtime);
      double angle3 = function3.Evaluate(rtime);

// Get the first angle back into the range Naif expects [180.,180.]
      if(angle1 < -1 * pi_c()) {
        angle1 += twopi_c();
      else if(angle1 > pi_c()) {
        angle1 -= twopi_c();

      eul2m_c((SpiceDouble) angle3, (SpiceDouble) angle2, (SpiceDouble) angle1,
              p_axis3,                    p_axis2,                    p_axis1,
      mxm_c((SpiceDouble( *)[3]) & (p_jitter->SetEphemerisTimeHPF(et))[0], CI, CI);

      mxm_c((SpiceDouble( *)[3]) & (p_cacheIB.at(pos))[0], (SpiceDouble( *)[3]) & (prot->Matrix())[0], IJ);
      mxm_c(CI, IJ, (SpiceDouble( *)[3]) &CJ[0]);

      p_cache.push_back(CJ);   // J2000 to constant frame

    // Set source to cache to get updated values

    // Make sure SetEphemerisTime updates the matrix by resetting it twice (in case the first one
    // matches the current et.  p_et is private and not available from the child class

Beispiel #2
   void rav2xf_c ( ConstSpiceDouble    rot   [3][3],
                   ConstSpiceDouble    av    [3],
                   SpiceDouble         xform [6][6]  ) 


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   rot        I   Rotation matrix.
   av         I   Angular velocity vector. 
   xform      O   State transformation associated with rot and av.
   rot         is a rotation that gives the transformation from 
               some frame frame1 to another frame frame2. 
   av          is the angular velocity of the transformation. 
               In other words, if p is the position of a fixed 
               point in frame2, then from the point of view of 
               frame1,  p rotates (in a right handed sense) about 
               an axis parallel to av.  Moreover the rate of rotation 
               in radians per unit time is given by the length of 
               More formally, the velocity v of p in frame1 is 
               given by 
                   v  = av x ( rot * p ) 
   xform       is a state transformation matrix associated 
               with rot and av.  If s1 is the state of an object 
               with respect to frame1, then the state s2 of the 
               object with respect to frame2 is given by 
                   s2  =  xform * s1 
               where "*" denotes matrix-vector multiplication. 
   Error free. 
   1) No checks are performed on ROT to ensure that it is indeed 
      a rotation matrix. 
   This routine is essentially a macro routine for converting 
   a rotation and angular velocity of the rotation to the 
   equivalent state transformation matrix. 
   This routine is an inverse of xf2rav_c.
   Suppose that you wanted to determine state transformation 
   matrix from a platform frame to the J2000 frame. 
      The following call obtains the J2000-to-platform transformation
      matrix and platform angular velocity at the time of interest.
      The time value is expressed as encoded SCLK.
      ckgpav_c ( ckid, time, tol, "J2000", rot, av, &clkout, &fnd );
      Recall that rot and av are the rotation and angular velocity 
      of the transformation from J2000 to the platform frame. 
      if ( fnd )
         First get the state transformation from J2000 to the platform 
         rav2xf_c ( rot, av, j2plt );

         Invert the state transformation matrix (using invstm_c) to  
         the desired state transformation matrix. 
         invstm_c ( j2plt, xform );
   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 12-APR-2007 (EDW) 

      Edit to abstract.
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 18-JUN-1999 (WLT) (NJB) 

  State transformation to rotation and angular velocity 

   { /* Begin rav2xf_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceDouble             drdt   [3][3];
   SpiceDouble             omegat [3][3];

   SpiceInt                i;
   SpiceInt                j;


   Error free:  no tracing required.
   A state transformation matrix xform has the following form

       [      |     ]
       |  r   |  0  |
       |      |     |
       | -----+-----|
       |  dr  |     |
       |  --  |  r  |
       [  dt  |     ]

   where r is a rotation and dr/dt is the time derivative of that
   rotation.  From this we can immediately fill in most of the
   state transformation matrix.
   for ( i = 0;  i < 3;  i++ )
      for ( j = 0;  j < 3;  j++ )
         xform[i  ][j  ]  =  rot [i][j];
         xform[i+3][j+3]  =  rot [i][j];
         xform[i  ][j+3]  =  0.;

   Now for the rest.
   Recall that rot is a transformation that converts positions
   in some frame frame1 to positions in a second frame frame2.
   The angular velocity matrix omega (the cross product matrix
   corresponding to av) has the following property.
   If p is the position of an object that is stationary with
   respect to frame2 then the velocity v of that object in frame1
   is given by:
       v  =  omega * rot  *  p
   But v is also given by
             d rot
       v =   -----  * p
   So that
                  t        d rot
       omega * rot    =   -------
        d rot                 t
        -----   =  rot * omega
   From this discussion we can see that we need omega transpose.
   Here it is.
   omegat[0][0] =  0.0;
   omegat[1][0] = -av[2];
   omegat[2][0] =  av[1];

   omegat[0][1] =  av[2];
   omegat[1][1] =  0.0;
   omegat[2][1] = -av[0];

   omegat[0][2] = -av[1];
   omegat[1][2] =  av[0];
   omegat[2][2] =  0.0;
   mxm_c ( rot, omegat, drdt );
   for ( i = 0;  i < 3;  i++ )
      for ( j = 0;  j < 3;  j++ )
         xform[i+3][j]  =  drdt [i][j];

   } /* End rav2xf_c */