Beispiel #1
void peigs_dlasq1( Integer n, DoublePrecision *dplus, DoublePrecision *lplus, DoublePrecision *eval, DoublePrecision *work, Integer *info)
    Integer i, j, iii, me, nproc;
    DoublePrecision *dptr;
    extern void dlasq1_();
    FILE *file;
    char filename[40];
    extern int close();

    me    = mxmynd_();
    nproc = mxnprc_();

    for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )

    dptr = &work[n];
    for(i = 0; i < n-1 ; i++) {
        dptr[i]=lplus[i] * work[i];

    dlasq1_( &n, &work[0], &work[n], &work[n+n], info );

    if ( *info != 0 ) {
        printf(" error in dlasq1 info = %d \n", *info );
        sprintf( filename, "pdspevx.%d", me);
        file = fopen(filename, "w");
        for ( iii = 0; iii < n; iii++)
            fprintf(file, " %d %20.16f %20.16f \n", iii, dplus[iii], lplus[iii]);

    j = n-1;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        eval[i] = work[j] * work[j];

      dlasq1_( n, work, work+ *n, work+2* *n, info );

      j = *n-1;
      if( fabs(psgn - 1.0) < eps )
      for(i = 0;i < *n;i++){
      eval[i] = work[j] * work[j];
      for(i = 0;i < *n;i++){
      eval[i] = -(work[j] * work[j]);
Beispiel #2
void main1_()
  static Integer three = (Integer) 3, IONE = (Integer) 1;
  static Integer IZERO = (Integer) 0;
  static DoublePrecision DZERO = (DoublePrecision) 0.0e0;
  Integer index;

  Integer nocare_, norder_, nonode_, ihost_, ialnod_, ialprc_;
  Integer me_, host_, nproc_;

  char    range, order;
  Integer n, ii, me, indx, k, i, jndx, iii;
  Integer iseed[4];
  Integer *mapA, *mapB, *mapZ;
  Integer *mapvecA, *mapvecB, *mapvecZ;
  Integer *iscratch;
  DoublePrecision **iptr;
  Integer is_size, rsize, ptr_size;
  Integer nprocs, isize;
  Integer info;
  DoublePrecision *scratch, *eval, *dptr;
  DoublePrecision *diagA, *subdiagA, *diagB, *subdiagB;
  DoublePrecision *matrixA, *matrixB, *matrixZ;
  DoublePrecision **vecA, **vecB, **vecZ;
  DoublePrecision **vecAA, **vecBB, **vecZZ;
  DoublePrecision res, t_com;
  DoublePrecision time1, time2;
  DoublePrecision mxclock_(); 

#ifdef TIMING
  extern TIMINGG test_timing;
  static Integer countlist();
  extern void geneig_res();
  extern void b_ortho();
  extern void tim_com();
  extern void mxend_();
  extern void mxinit_(), mxtime_();
  extern void mxpara_();
  extern Integer mxnprc_();
  extern Integer mxmynd_();
  extern void memreq_();
  extern Integer nnodes_();
  extern Integer ci_size_();
  extern void pdsygv_();
  extern DoublePrecision dlarnd_();
  extern DoublePrecision dasum_();
  extern DoublePrecision fabs();

    extern char malloc();
  extern void dspgv2_();

  me = mxmynd_();
  nprocs = mxnprc_();
#ifdef TIMING
  test_timing.choleski = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.inverse  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.conjug  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.householder  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.pstebz  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.pstein  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.mxm5x  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.mxm25  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.pdspevx  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.pdspgvx  = 0.0e0;

  k = 0;
  n = 500;
  diagA    = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( n * sizeof(DoublePrecision));
  subdiagA = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( n * sizeof(DoublePrecision));
  diagB    = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( n * sizeof(DoublePrecision));
  subdiagB = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( n * sizeof(DoublePrecision));

  if( diagA == NULL || subdiagA == NULL || diagB == NULL || subdiagB == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me = %d: ERROR not enough memory for diagA or subdiagA, ...\n",
            me );
  iscratch = (Integer *) malloc ( (4*n + 100) * sizeof(Integer));
  if ((mapA = (Integer *) malloc( n * sizeof(Integer))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me = %d: ERROR not enough memory for mapA %d \n", me, n  );
  if ((mapB = (Integer *) malloc( n * sizeof(Integer))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for mapB \n");
  if ((mapZ = (Integer *) malloc( n * sizeof(Integer))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for mapZ \n");
     set the column mapping of processors
  for ( ii = 0;  ii < n; ii++ ) {
    indx = ( ii % nprocs);
    mapA[ii] = 0;
    mapB[ii] = 0;
  for ( ii = 0 ;  ii < n; ii++ ) {
    indx = ( ii % nprocs);
    mapZ[ii] = 0;
     if ( nprocs > 2 ) {
     mapZ[0] = nprocs-1;
     for ( ii = 1; ii < n; ii++) {
     indx = ( ii  % (nprocs - 1));
     mapZ[ii] = indx;
     else {
     for ( ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) {
     indx = ( ii  % nprocs );
     mapZ[ii] = indx;
  for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
    iseed[i] = 1;
  iseed[3] = 2*me*100 + 3;
     for symmetric matrix with this data distribution

  ii = ci_size_( &me, &n, mapA );
  if ( ii > 0 ) {
    if ( (matrixA = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( ii * sizeof(DoublePrecision))) == NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, " me %d ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for matrixA memory size = %d \n", me, ii);
  dptr = matrixA;
  for ( indx = 0; indx < ii; indx++ ) {
    *( dptr++ ) = 0.0e0;
  ii = countlist ( me, mapA, &n );
  if ( ii > 0 ) {
    if ( ( vecA = ( DoublePrecision ** ) malloc ( ii * sizeof(DoublePrecision *))) == NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for vecA %d \n", me, ii );
  else {
    if ( ( vecA = ( DoublePrecision ** ) malloc ( n * sizeof(DoublePrecision *))) == NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for vecA %d \n", me, n );
  i = 0;
  dptr = matrixA;
  for ( indx = 0; indx < n; indx++ ) {
    if ( mapA[indx] == me ) {
      vecA[i] = dptr;
      dptr += ( n - indx);
  i = 0;
  for ( indx = 0; indx < n; indx++ ){

     * A is symmetric, tri-diagonal.  Set diagA, subdiagA equal
     * to diagonal and subdiagonal parts of matrix.
     * diagA and subdiagA are used to compute residual.

    diagA[indx]    = 1.0/( indx + 1 );
    subdiagA[indx] = -1.0e0;

    if ( mapA[indx] == me ) {
      vecA[i][0] = 1.0/( indx + 1 );
      if ( indx != (n-1))
	vecA[i][1] = -1.0e0;
  subdiagA[0] = 0.0e0;

  ii = ci_size_( &me, &n, mapB );
  if ( (matrixB = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( ii * sizeof(DoublePrecision))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me %d ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for matrixB \n", me);
  zero_out ( ii, matrixB);
  dptr = matrixB;
  for ( indx = 0; indx < ii; indx++ ) {
    *( dptr++ ) = 0.0e0;
  ii = countlist ( me, mapB, &n );
  if ( ( vecB = ( DoublePrecision ** ) malloc ( ii * sizeof(DoublePrecision *))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for vecA \n", me);
  i = 0;
  dptr = matrixB;
  for ( indx = 0; indx < n; indx++ ) {

     * B is symmetric, tri-diagonal.  Set diagB, subdiagB equal
     * to diagonal and subdiagonal parts of matrix.
     * diagB and subdiagB are used to compute residual.

    diagB[indx]    = 20.0e0;
    subdiagB[indx] = -1.0e0;

    if ( mapB[indx] == me ) {    /* column */
      vecB[i] = dptr;
      vecB[i][0] = 20.0e0;
      if ( indx != ( n-1))
	vecB[i][1]= -1.0e0;
      dptr += ( n-indx);
  subdiagB[0] = 0.0e0;
    use the utility routine count_list to determine the number of columns of Z that are stored
    on this processor using the above distribution
  ii = countlist ( me, mapZ, &n );
  if ( ( vecZ = ( DoublePrecision ** ) malloc ( ii * sizeof(DoublePrecision *))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for vecA  allocation = %d \n", me, ii);
  if ( (matrixZ = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( ii * n * sizeof(DoublePrecision))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for matrixZ \n", me);
  dptr = matrixZ;
  i = ii*n;
  zero_out( i, matrixZ );
  dptr = matrixZ;
  k = 0;
  for ( i = 0; i < ii; i++ ) {
    vecZ[i] = dptr;
    dptr += n;
  if ( (eval = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( n * sizeof(DoublePrecision ))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for eigenvalue space \n", me);
  index = 0;
 * fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: just before memreq \n", me);
  rsize = 0;
  isize = 0;
  ptr_size = 0;

  for ( iii = 0; iii < n; iii++ )
    fprintf(stderr, " me = %ld iii = %ld mapA = %ld mapB = %ld mapZ = %ld \n", me, iii, mapA[iii], mapB[iii], mapZ[iii]);

  memreq_( &index, &n, mapA, mapB, mapZ, &isize, &rsize, &ptr_size, iscratch );
 * fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: just after memreq isize = %d rsize = %d ptr_size %d \n", me, isize, rsize, ptr_size);

  if ( (iscratch = (Integer *) malloc( 2*isize * sizeof(Integer))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me = %d ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for integer scratch space \n", me);
  rsize = 2 * rsize;
  if ( (scratch = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( rsize * sizeof(DoublePrecision))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me %d  ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for DoublePrecision scratch space \n", me);
  if ( (iptr = (DoublePrecision **) malloc( 2*ptr_size * sizeof(DoublePrecision *))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me %d ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for pointer scratch space \n", me);
  if( me == 0 )
    fprintf(stderr, " geneig_la \n" );
#ifdef TIMING
  time1 = mxclock_();

  time1 = mxclock_();
 * indx = 1;  
 * for ( iii = 0; iii < 1; iii++ ){
 *   mxtime_( &IZERO, &t_com );
 *   pdspgv ( &indx, &n, vecA, mapA, vecB, mapB, vecZ, mapZ, eval, iscratch,
 *	    &isize, iptr, &ptr_size ,scratch, &rsize, &info);
 *  }

  indx  = 1;  
  range = 'V';
  order = 'L';
  dspgv2_( &indx, &range, &order, &n, matrixA, matrixB, eval, matrixZ, &n,
           scratch, iscratch, &info);

#ifdef TIMING
  test_timing.pdspgvx = mxclock_() - time1;

  mxtime_( &IONE, &t_com );
  ii = 0;
  if ( n < 30 ){
    if ( info == 0 ) {
      for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) {
	if ( mapZ[k] == me )  {
	  *scratch = dasum_( &n , vecZ[ii], &IONE );
  if (me == 0 ){
    fprintf(stderr, " n = %d nprocs = %d \n", n, nprocs);
    fprintf(stderr, " pdspgvx = %f \n", test_timing.pdspgvx);


  geneig_res( &n, diagA, subdiagA, diagB, subdiagB, vecZ, mapZ, eval,
              iscratch, scratch, &res, &info);

  if (me == 0 )
    fprintf(stderr, " A Z - D B Z residual = %g \n", res);

  i = 0;
  for ( indx = 0; indx < n; indx++ ) {
    if ( mapB[indx] == me ) {
      ii = n-indx;
      zero_out( ii, vecB[i] );

      vecB[i][0] = 20.0e0;
      if ( indx != ( n-1))
	vecB[i][1]= -1.0e0;

  b_ortho( &n, vecB, mapB, &n, vecZ, mapZ, iptr, iscratch, scratch, &res, &info);

  if( me == 0 )
    fprintf(stderr, " Z' B Z - I residual = %g \n", res);

  ii = 0;
  if ( n < 30 ){
    if ( info == 0 ) {
      for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) {
	if ( mapZ[k] == me )  {
	  *scratch = dasum_( &n , vecZ[ii], &IONE );

     void main1_()
static Integer IZERO = (Integer) 0;
  Integer index, icounter;
  Integer n, ii, me, indx, k, i, neleZ, neleA;
  Integer *mapA, mapB[1], *mapZ;
  Integer *iscratch;
  DoublePrecision **iptr;
  DoublePrecision *dd, *ee;
  Integer rsize, ptr_size;
  Integer nprocs, isize;
  Integer info, m;
  DoublePrecision *scratch, *eval, *dptr;
  DoublePrecision *matrixA, *matrixZ;
  DoublePrecision **vecA, **vecZ;
  DoublePrecision res, t_com;

#ifdef TIMING
  static Integer IONE = (Integer) 1;
  DoublePrecision time1, time2, timex;
  extern TIMINGG test_timing;
  extern void tim_com();
  extern void mxend_();
  extern void mxinit_(), mxtime_();
  extern DoublePrecision mxclock_(); 
  extern void mxpara_();
  extern Integer mxnprc_();
  extern Integer mxmynd_();
  extern void memreq_();
  extern Integer ci_size_();
  extern DoublePrecision dasum_();

  extern void pdspev();
  extern void tresid(), ortho();

  me = mxmynd_();
  nprocs = mxnprc_();
#ifdef TIMING
  test_timing.choleski = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.inverse  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.conjug  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.householder  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.pstebz  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.pstein  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.mxm5x  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.mxm25  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.pdspevx  = 0.0e0;
  test_timing.pdspgvx  = 0.0e0;

    while (1) {
  icounter = 20;
  m = 20;
  while(1) {
    n = 2*icounter + 1;
    nprocs = mxnprc_();
    printf(" n = %d nprocs = %d \n", n, nprocs);
  if ((dd = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( n * sizeof(DoublePrecision))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for dd %d \n", me, n  );

  if ((ee = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( n * sizeof(DoublePrecision))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for ee %d \n", me, n  );

  if ((mapA = (Integer *) malloc( n * sizeof(Integer))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for mapA %d \n", me, n  );

  if ((mapZ = (Integer *) malloc( n * sizeof(Integer))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for mapZ \n");
     set the column mapping of processors
  for ( ii = 0;  ii < n; ii++ ) {
    indx = ( ii % nprocs);
    mapA[ii] = indx;
  for ( ii = 0 ;  ii < n; ii++ ) {
    indx = ( ii % nprocs);
    mapZ[ii] = indx;
     for symmetric matrix with this data distribution

  ii = ci_size_( &me, &n, mapA );
  neleA = ii;
  if ( ii > 0 ) {
    if ( (matrixA = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( ii * sizeof(DoublePrecision))) == NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, " me %d ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for matrixA memory size = %d \n", me, ii);
  ii = countlist ( me, mapA, &n );
  if ( ii > 0 ) {
    if ( ( vecA = ( DoublePrecision ** ) malloc ( ii * sizeof(DoublePrecision *))) == NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for vecA %d \n", me, ii );
  else {
    if ( ( vecA = ( DoublePrecision ** ) malloc ( n * sizeof(DoublePrecision *))) == NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for vecA %d \n", me, n );
  i = 0;
  dptr = matrixA;
  for ( indx = 0; indx < n; indx++ ) {
    if ( mapA[indx] == me ) {
      vecA[i] = dptr;
      dptr += ( n - indx);
    wilkinson's matrix
  ee[0] = 0.e0;
  for ( indx = 1; indx < n; indx++)
    ee[indx] = 1.0e0;
    ee[indx] = 1.e0;
  i = 0;
  for ( indx = 0; indx < m; indx++){
    dd[indx] = (DoublePrecision) ( m-indx );
    if ( mapA[indx] == me ){
      vecA[i][0] = (DoublePrecision) ( m-indx );
      vecA[i][1] = 1.;
  dd[m] = 0.e0;
  if ( mapA[m] == me ) {
    vecA[i][0] = 0.;
    vecA[i][1] = 1.;
  for ( indx = m+1; indx < n; indx++){
    dd[indx] = (DoublePrecision) indx-m;
    if ( mapA[indx] == me ){
      vecA[i][0] = (DoublePrecision) indx-m;
      if ( indx != n-1)
	vecA[i][1] = 1;

    use the utility routine count_list to determine the number of columns of Z that are stored
    on this processor using the cve distribution
  ii = countlist ( me, mapZ, &n );
  if ( ( vecZ = ( DoublePrecision ** ) malloc ( ii * sizeof(DoublePrecision *))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for vecA  allocation = %d \n", me, ii);
  if ( (matrixZ = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( ii * n * sizeof(DoublePrecision))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for matrixZ \n", me);
  neleZ = ii*n;
  dptr = matrixZ;
  k = 0;
  for ( i = 0; i < ii; i++ ) {
    vecZ[i] = dptr;
    dptr += n;
  if ( (eval = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( n * sizeof(DoublePrecision ))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for eigenvalue space \n", me);
  index = 1;
  fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: just before memreq \n", me);
  rsize = 0;
  isize = 0;
  ptr_size = 0;
  iscratch = ( Integer *) malloc( 6*n*sizeof(Integer));
  memreq_( &index, &n, mapA, mapB, mapZ, &isize, &rsize, &ptr_size, iscratch );
  fprintf(stderr, "me = %d: just after memreq isize = %d rsize = %d ptr_size %d \n", me, isize, rsize, ptr_size);
  if ( (iscratch = (Integer *) malloc( 4* isize * sizeof(Integer))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me = %d ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for integer scratch space \n", me);
  if ( (scratch = (DoublePrecision *) malloc( 4*rsize * sizeof(DoublePrecision))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me %d  ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for DoublePrecision scratch space \n", me);
  if ( (iptr = (DoublePrecision **) malloc( 4*ptr_size * sizeof(DoublePrecision *))) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, " me %d ERROR in memory allocation, not enough memory for pointer scratch space \n", me);
  if( me == 0 )
    fprintf(stderr, " Wilkinson \n" );
  for ( ii = 0; ii < 1; ii++ ) {
     /* set data modified by pdspevx */
     zero_out( neleZ, matrixZ );
     zero_out( neleA, matrixA );
     for ( k = 0;  k < n; k++ ) {
       indx = ( k % nprocs);
       mapZ[k] = indx;
     k = 0;
     for ( indx = 0; indx < n; indx++ ){
       if ( me == mapA[indx] ) {
         vecA[k][0] = dd[indx];
         if ( indx != n-1 )
   	   vecA[k][1] = ee[indx+1];

#ifdef TIMING
     time1 = mxclock_();


     time1 = mxclock_();

     mxtime_( &IZERO, &t_com );

     pdspev( &n, vecA, mapA, vecZ, mapZ, eval, iscratch,
	    &isize, iptr, &ptr_size ,scratch, &rsize, &info);

     if ( me == 0 )
       for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
	 printf(" driver wilk k = %d eval %f \n", k, eval[k]);
#ifdef TIMING
     timex = mxclock_();

     mxtime_( &IONE, &t_com );
     if( ii == 0 )
       time2 = timex - time1;
     if (!NO_EVEC){
       tresid( &n, &n, dd, ee, vecZ, mapZ, eval, iscratch, scratch, &res, &info);
       if( me == 0 )
	 fprintf(stderr, " iteration # %d : A Z - Z D residual = %g \n", ii, res);
       ortho( &n, &n, vecZ, mapZ, iptr, iscratch, scratch, &res, &info);
       if( me == 0 )
	 fprintf(stderr, " iteration # %d : Z' Z - I residual = %g \n", ii, res);
#ifdef TIMING
  test_timing.pdspevx = timex - time1;

  if (!NO_EVEC){
    ii = 0;
    if ( info == 0 ) {
      for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) {
	if ( mapZ[k] == me )  {
	  *scratch = dasum_( &n , vecZ[ii], &IONE );
  if (me == 0 ){
    fprintf(stderr, " n = %d nprocs = %d \n", n, nprocs);
    fprintf(stderr, " time1   = %f \n", time2);
    fprintf(stderr, " pdspgvx = %f \n", test_timing.pdspgvx);
    fprintf(stderr, " pdspevx = %f \n", test_timing.pdspevx);
    fprintf(stderr, " choleski = %f \n", test_timing.choleski);
    fprintf(stderr, " inverse = %f \n", test_timing.inverse);
    fprintf(stderr, " conjug = %f \n", test_timing.conjug);
    fprintf(stderr, " householder = %f \n", test_timing.householder);
    fprintf(stderr, " mxm5x = %f \n", test_timing.mxm5x);
    fprintf(stderr, " mxm25 = %f \n", test_timing.mxm25);
    fprintf(stderr, " pstein = %f \n", test_timing.pstein);
    fprintf(stderr, " pstebz = %f \n", test_timing.pstebz);

  /*  Compute and print commmunication time */

  tim_com( test_timing.pdspevx, t_com, iscratch, scratch );


  icounter+=abs(random() % 31 );