 * Two house numbers are considered to be equal if
 * * country, city, postcode, suburb, street, housenumber, name, and shop equal
 * * or housenumber, street, name, and shop equal, and country, city, and postcode do not differ (ignoring empty values),
 *    and lat/lon difference is less than DISTANCE_THRESHOLD
bool HouseNumber::isSameAddress(HouseNumber const& rhs) const {
	if(getName().toLower()!=rhs.getName().toLower() ||
	   getShop().toLower()!=rhs.getShop().toLower() ||
	   getNumber().toLower()!=rhs.getNumber().toLower() ||
	   getStreet().toLower()!=rhs.getStreet().toLower() ||
	   getNumber()=="" || getStreet()=="") {
		return false;
	if(getPostcode().toLower()==rhs.getPostcode().toLower() && getPostcode()!="" &&
	   getCity().toLower()==rhs.getCity().toLower() && getCity()!="" &&
	   getSuburb().toLower()==rhs.getSuburb().toLower() &&
	   getCountry().toLower()==rhs.getCountry().toLower() && getCountry()!="") {
		return true;
	// consider two house numbers with similar address information and little distance to each other to be equal
	if(myAbs(getLat()-rhs.getLat())>DISTANCE_THRESHOLD ||
		return false;
	if(getPostcode()!="" && rhs.getPostcode()!="" && getPostcode().toLower()!=rhs.getPostcode().toLower())
		return false;
	if(getCity()!="" && rhs.getCity()!="" && getCity().toLower()!=rhs.getCity().toLower())
		return false;
	if(getSuburb()!="" && rhs.getSuburb()!="" && getSuburb()!=rhs.getSuburb())
		return false;
	if(getCountry()!="" && rhs.getCountry()!="" && getCountry().toLower()!=rhs.getCountry().toLower())
		return false;
	return true;
Beispiel #2
int predicate(float eps, MyRect& r1, MyRect& r2)
  float delta = eps*(myMin(r1.width, r2.width) + myMin(r1.height, r2.height))*0.5;
  return myAbs(r1.x - r2.x) <= delta &&
    myAbs(r1.y - r2.y) <= delta &&
    myAbs(r1.x + r1.width - r2.x - r2.width) <= delta &&
    myAbs(r1.y + r1.height - r2.y - r2.height) <= delta;
	bool player::Tplayer::killEnemy(player::Tcharacter enemy)
		int radius = 1;
		if (this->arrayChar[this->characActive].hasShotgun)
			radius = 3;

		if (myAbs(this->arrayChar[this->characActive].i - enemy.i)<=radius &&
			myAbs(this->arrayChar[this->characActive].j - enemy.j)<=radius )
			this->arrayChar[this->characActive].coins +=enemy.coins;
			this->arrayChar[this->characActive].hasShotgun = false;
			return true;

		return false;
Beispiel #4
LL pollardRho(LL n, LL seed) {
	LL x, y, head = 1, tail = 2; x = y = random() % (n - 1) + 1;
	for ( ; ; ) {
		x = addMod(multiplyMod(x, x, n), seed, n);
		if (x == y) return n; LL d = gcd(myAbs(x - y), n);
		if (1 < d && d < n) return d;
		if (++head == tail) y = x, tail <<= 1;
}} vector<LL> divisors;
Beispiel #5
float mySin(float x){
	float sinr = 0;
	uint8_t g = 0;

	while(x > myPI){
		x -= 2*myPI; 
		g = 1;

	while(!g&(x < -myPI)){
		x += 2*myPI;

	sinr = myDPI*x - myDPI2*x*myAbs(x);
	sinr = 0.225*(sinr*myAbs(sinr)-sinr)+sinr;

	return sinr;
Beispiel #6
int isDiagDom( int mat[][N])
    int diagNum, rowSum, i, k ;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        diagNum = myAbs(mat[i][i]) ;
        for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
            if (k != i)
                rowSum += myAbs( mat[i][k] ) ;
        if (diagNum < rowSum)
            return 0 ;
    return 1;
Beispiel #7
int takeNext(int i, int taken)
	int ret, next;
	if (i >= N)
		ret = myAbs(taken - (superSum - taken));
		return ret;

	ret = saved[i][taken];
	if (ret >= 0) return ret; // Return saved

	next = i + 1;
	int withCurrent = takeNext(next, taken + myData[i]);
	int withoutCurrent = takeNext(next, taken);
	ret = myMin(withCurrent, withoutCurrent);
	saved[i][taken] = ret; // Save

	return ret;
Beispiel #8
int16_t myRound(float in){
	int8_t s = in/myAbs(in);
	return (int16_t)(s*(myAbs(in) + 0.5));
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
	double *u1 = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
	double *u2 = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);

	float tol = (float)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
	float lambda = (float)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);

	int maxIterations = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);

	const size_t *sizeImage = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);

	double *inputV = 0;
	double *inputY = 0;

	int typeNorm = 1;
	if (nrhs > 5)
		typeNorm = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);

	if (nrhs > 6)
		inputV = mxGetPr(prhs[6]);

	if (nrhs > 7)
		inputY = mxGetPr(prhs[7]);

	int nPx = (int)(sizeImage[0] * sizeImage[1]);

	const size_t sizeY[2] = {5*nPx,1};

	// Output v1
	plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, sizeImage, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	double *Outv1 = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

	// Output v2
	plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, sizeImage, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	double *Outv2 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);

	// Output  Y
	plhs[2] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, sizeY, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	double *YOut = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);

	float* v1 = new float[nPx];
	float* v2 = new float[nPx];

	float* u = new float[nPx];
	float* ut = new float[nPx];
	float* sigut = new float[nPx];

	float* y11 = new float[nPx];
	float* y12 = new float[nPx];
	float* y21 = new float[nPx];
	float* y22 = new float[nPx];
	float* y5 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kty1 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kty2 = new float[nPx];

	float* Kx11 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kx12 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kx21 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kx22 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kx5 = new float[nPx];
	float tau = 1.0f / sqrt(8.0f);
	float sigma = tau;
	float dTau = 1.0f / tau;
	float dSigma = 1.0f / sigma;

	float p = 0;
	float d = 0;
	float err = 1.0;

	float ssl = 1.0f - sigma / (sigma + lambda);

	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
		for (int i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
			int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

			//Index for gradients

			u[tmpIndex] = (float)u1[tmpIndex];
			ut[tmpIndex] = (float)(u2[tmpIndex] - u1[tmpIndex]);
			sigut[tmpIndex] = (float)(sigma*ut[tmpIndex]);

			if (nrhs > 6)
				v1[tmpIndex] = (float)inputV[tmpIndex];
				v2[tmpIndex] = (float)inputV[nPx + tmpIndex];
				v1[tmpIndex] = 0;
				v2[tmpIndex] = 0;

			Kty1[tmpIndex] = 0; 
			Kty2[tmpIndex] = 0;

			if (nrhs > 7)
				y11[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[tmpIndex];
				y12[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[nPx + tmpIndex];
				y21[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[2 * nPx + tmpIndex];
				y22[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[3 * nPx + tmpIndex];
				y5[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[4 * nPx + tmpIndex];
				y11[tmpIndex] = 0;
				y12[tmpIndex] = 0;
				y21[tmpIndex] = 0;
				y22[tmpIndex] = 0;
				y5[tmpIndex] = 0;

			Kx11[tmpIndex] = 0;
			Kx12[tmpIndex] = 0;
			Kx21[tmpIndex] = 0;
			Kx22[tmpIndex] = 0;
			Kx5[tmpIndex] = 0;

	int iterations = 0;

	while (err > tol && iterations <= maxIterations)

		if (iterations % 50 == 0)
				p = 0;
				d = 0;

		//primal step
		#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:p)
		for (int j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
			for (int i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
				int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

				float Kty1Old = Kty1[tmpIndex];
				float Kty2Old = Kty2[tmpIndex];

				//transpose equals -div
				Kty1[tmpIndex] = -(dxm(y11, sizeImage, i, j) + dym(y12, sizeImage, i, j) + dycT(y5, u, sizeImage, i, j));
				Kty2[tmpIndex] = -(dxm(y21, sizeImage, i, j) + dym(y22, sizeImage, i, j) + dxcT(y5, u, sizeImage, i, j));

				float v1Old = v1[tmpIndex];
				float v2Old = v2[tmpIndex];

				v1[tmpIndex] = v1Old - tau*Kty1[tmpIndex];
				v2[tmpIndex] = v2Old - tau*Kty2[tmpIndex];

				if (iterations % 50 == 0)
					p += myAbs((v1Old - v1[tmpIndex]) * dTau - Kty1Old + Kty1[tmpIndex])
						+ myAbs((v2Old - v2[tmpIndex]) * dTau - Kty2Old + Kty2[tmpIndex]);
		//dual step
		#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:d)
		for (int j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
			for (int i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
				int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

				float Kx11Old = Kx11[tmpIndex];
				float Kx12Old = Kx12[tmpIndex];
				float Kx21Old = Kx21[tmpIndex];
				float Kx22Old = Kx22[tmpIndex];
				float Kx5Old = Kx5[tmpIndex];

				Kx11[tmpIndex] = dxp(v1, sizeImage, i, j);
				Kx12[tmpIndex] = dyp(v1, sizeImage, i, j);
				Kx21[tmpIndex] = dxp(v2, sizeImage, i, j);
				Kx22[tmpIndex] = dyp(v2, sizeImage, i, j);
				Kx5[tmpIndex] = dyc(v1, u, sizeImage, i, j) + dxc(v2, u, sizeImage, i, j);

				float y11Old = y11[tmpIndex];
				float y12Old = y12[tmpIndex];
				float y21Old = y21[tmpIndex];
				float y22Old = y22[tmpIndex];
				float y5Old = y5[tmpIndex];

				y11[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y11[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx11[tmpIndex] - Kx11Old));
				y12[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y12[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx12[tmpIndex] - Kx12Old));
				y21[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y21[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx21[tmpIndex] - Kx21Old));
				y22[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y22[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx22[tmpIndex] - Kx22Old));

				y5[tmpIndex] = myMax(-1.0f, myMin(1.0f, y5[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx5[tmpIndex] - Kx5Old) + sigut[tmpIndex]));

				if (iterations % 50 == 0)
					d += myAbs((y11Old - y11[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx11Old + Kx11[tmpIndex]) +
						myAbs((y12Old - y12[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx12Old + Kx12[tmpIndex]) +
						myAbs((y21Old - y21[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx21Old + Kx21[tmpIndex]) +
						myAbs((y22Old - y22[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx22Old + Kx22[tmpIndex]) + 
						myAbs((y5Old - y5[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx5Old + Kx5[tmpIndex]);

		if (iterations % 50 == 0)
			err = (d*d + p*p) / nPx;

		if (iterations % 1000 == 0)
			mexPrintf("Iteration %d,Residual %e\n", iterations, err);

	//write output
	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
		for (int i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
			int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

			YOut[tmpIndex] = (double)y11[tmpIndex];
			YOut[tmpIndex + nPx] = (double)y12[tmpIndex];
			YOut[tmpIndex + 2 * nPx] = (double)y21[tmpIndex];
			YOut[tmpIndex + 3 * nPx] = (double)y22[tmpIndex];
			YOut[tmpIndex + 4 * nPx] = (double)y5[tmpIndex];

			Outv1[tmpIndex] = (double) v1[tmpIndex];
			Outv2[tmpIndex] = (double) v2[tmpIndex];
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
	double *u1 = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
	double *u2 = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);

	float tol = (float)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
	float lambda = (float)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);

	int maxIterations = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);

	const mwSize *sizeImage = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);

	double *inputV = 0;
	double *inputY = 0;

	int typeNorm = 1;
	if (nrhs > 5)
		typeNorm = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);

	if (nrhs > 6)
		inputV = mxGetPr(prhs[6]);

	if (nrhs > 7)
		inputY = mxGetPr(prhs[7]);

	int nPx = (int)(sizeImage[0] * sizeImage[1]);

	const mwSize sizeY[2] = {4*nPx,1};

	// Output v1
	plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, sizeImage, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	double *Outv1 = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

	// Output v2
	plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, sizeImage, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	double *Outv2 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);

	// Output  Y
	plhs[2] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, sizeY, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	double *YOut = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);

	float* v1 = new float[nPx];
	float* v2 = new float[nPx];

	float* ux = new float[nPx];
	float* uy = new float[nPx];
	float* ut = new float[nPx];

	float* uxut = new float[nPx];
	float* uyut = new float[nPx];

	float* c1 = new float[nPx];
	float* c2 = new float[nPx];
	float* c3 = new float[nPx];
	float* teiler = new float[nPx];
	float* y11 = new float[nPx];
	float* y12 = new float[nPx];
	float* y21 = new float[nPx];
	float* y22 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kty1 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kty2 = new float[nPx];

	float* Kx11 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kx12 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kx21 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kx22 = new float[nPx];
	float tau = 1.0f / sqrt(8.0f);
	float sigma = tau;
	float dTau = 1.0f / tau;
	float dSigma = 1.0f / sigma;

	float p = 0;
	float d = 0;
	float err = 1.0;

	float ssl = 1.0f - sigma / (sigma + lambda);

	int i, j;

	#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j)
	for (j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
		for (i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
			int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

			//Index for gradients
			ut[tmpIndex] = (float)(u2[tmpIndex] - u1[tmpIndex]);

			if (i>0 && i < sizeImage[0] - 1)
				uy[tmpIndex] = (float)(0.5f * (u1[index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i + 1, j)] - u1[index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i - 1, j)]));
				uy[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;

			if (j>0 && j < sizeImage[1] - 1)
				ux[tmpIndex] = (float)(0.5f * (u1[index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j + 1)] - u1[index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j - 1)]));
				ux[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;

			uxut[tmpIndex] = ux[tmpIndex] * ut[tmpIndex];
			uyut[tmpIndex] = uy[tmpIndex] * ut[tmpIndex];

			c1[tmpIndex] = 1.0f + tau * ux[tmpIndex] * ux[tmpIndex];
			c2[tmpIndex] = tau * ux[tmpIndex] * uy[tmpIndex];
			c3[tmpIndex] = 1.0f + tau * uy[tmpIndex] * uy[tmpIndex];

			teiler[tmpIndex] = 1.0f / (c1[tmpIndex] * c3[tmpIndex] - c2[tmpIndex] * c2[tmpIndex]);

			if (nrhs > 6)
				v1[tmpIndex] = (float)inputV[tmpIndex];
				v2[tmpIndex] = (float)inputV[nPx + tmpIndex];
				v1[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;
				v2[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;

			Kty1[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;
			Kty2[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;

			if (nrhs > 7)
				y11[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[tmpIndex];
				y12[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[nPx + tmpIndex];
				y21[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[2 * nPx + tmpIndex];
				y22[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[3 * nPx + tmpIndex];
				y11[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;
				y12[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;
				y21[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;
				y22[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;

			Kx11[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;
			Kx12[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;
			Kx21[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;
			Kx22[tmpIndex] = 0.0f;

	int iterations = 0;

	while (err > tol && iterations <= maxIterations)

		if (iterations % 50 == 0)
				p = 0.0f;
				d = 0.0f;

		//primal step
		#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:p) private(i,j)
		for (j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
			for (i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
				int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

				float Kty1Old = Kty1[tmpIndex];
				float Kty2Old = Kty2[tmpIndex];

				//transpose equals -div
				Kty1[tmpIndex] = -(dxm(y11, sizeImage, i, j) + dym(y12, sizeImage, i, j));
				Kty2[tmpIndex] = -(dxm(y21, sizeImage, i, j) + dym(y22, sizeImage, i, j));

				float b1 = v1[tmpIndex] - tau*(Kty1[tmpIndex] + uxut[tmpIndex]);
				float b2 = v2[tmpIndex] - tau*(Kty2[tmpIndex] + uyut[tmpIndex]);

				float v1Old = v1[tmpIndex];
				float v2Old = v2[tmpIndex];

				v1[tmpIndex] = (b1 * c3[tmpIndex] - c2[tmpIndex] * b2) * teiler[tmpIndex];
				v2[tmpIndex] = (b2 * c1[tmpIndex] - c2[tmpIndex] * b1) * teiler[tmpIndex];

				if (iterations % 50 == 0)
					p += myAbs((v1Old - v1[tmpIndex]) * dTau - Kty1Old + Kty1[tmpIndex])
						+ myAbs((v2Old - v2[tmpIndex]) * dTau - Kty2Old + Kty2[tmpIndex]);
		//dual step
		#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:d) private(i,j) 
		for (j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
			for (i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
				int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

				float Kx11Old = Kx11[tmpIndex];
				float Kx12Old = Kx12[tmpIndex];
				float Kx21Old = Kx21[tmpIndex];
				float Kx22Old = Kx22[tmpIndex];

				Kx11[tmpIndex] = dxp(v1, sizeImage, i, j);
				Kx12[tmpIndex] = dyp(v1, sizeImage, i, j);
				Kx21[tmpIndex] = dxp(v2, sizeImage, i, j);
				Kx22[tmpIndex] = dyp(v2, sizeImage, i, j);

				float y11Old = y11[tmpIndex];
				float y12Old = y12[tmpIndex];
				float y21Old = y21[tmpIndex];
				float y22Old = y22[tmpIndex];

				y11[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y11[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx11[tmpIndex] - Kx11Old));
				y12[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y12[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx12[tmpIndex] - Kx12Old));
				y21[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y21[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx21[tmpIndex] - Kx21Old));
				y22[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y22[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx22[tmpIndex] - Kx22Old));

				if (iterations % 50 == 0)
					d += myAbs((y11Old - y11[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx11Old + Kx11[tmpIndex]) +
						myAbs((y12Old - y12[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx12Old + Kx12[tmpIndex]) +
						myAbs((y21Old - y21[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx21Old + Kx21[tmpIndex]) +
						myAbs((y22Old - y22[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx22Old + Kx22[tmpIndex]);

		if (iterations % 50 == 0)
			err = (d*d + p*p) / nPx;

		if (iterations % 1000 == 0)
			mexPrintf("Iteration %d,Residual %e\n", iterations, err);

	//write output
	#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j)
	for (j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
		for (i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
			int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

			YOut[tmpIndex] = (double)y11[tmpIndex];
			YOut[tmpIndex + nPx] = (double)y12[tmpIndex];
			YOut[tmpIndex + 2 * nPx] = (double)y21[tmpIndex];
			YOut[tmpIndex + 3 * nPx] = (double)y22[tmpIndex];

			Outv1[tmpIndex] = (double)v1[tmpIndex];
			Outv2[tmpIndex] = (double)v2[tmpIndex];

	delete[] v1;
	delete[] v2;

	delete[] ux;
	delete[] uy;
	delete[] ut;

	delete[] uxut;
	delete[] uyut;

	delete[] c1;
	delete[] c2;
	delete[] c3;

	delete[] teiler;

	delete[] y11;
	delete[] y12;
	delete[] y21;
	delete[] y22;

	delete[] Kty1;
	delete[] Kty2;

	delete[] Kx11;
	delete[] Kx12;
	delete[] Kx21;
	delete[] Kx22;
void applyRotation(int actuator) {
    float t = getLocalTime();
    //int pos = dynamixelApi_getPositionEstimate(actuator, rotations[actuator].dir);
    int pos = dynamixelApi_getPosition(actuator);
    float f =  rotations[actuator].frequency;
    float pd = rotations[actuator].phaseDiff/6.28f; //0-1
    float dt = controllers[actuator].lastUpdateTime-t;
    //if(actuator==1) printf("%f sec\n",t);
    float percentPos;
    percentPos = f*t+pd;
    int goalPos = ((int)(percentPos*DYNAMIXEL_MAX_POS_FULL))%DYNAMIXEL_MAX_POS_FULL;
    if(rotations[actuator].dir) goalPos = DYNAMIXEL_MAX_POS_FULL-goalPos;
    if(goalPos<0) goalPos = 0;
    int error = (goalPos-pos);
    int speed;
    bool atValidAngle = dynamixelApi_isAtValidAngle(actuator, rotations[actuator].dir);
    if(atValidAngle) {
        if(rotations[actuator].dir  == true) {
            if(error>512) {
                error = error-DYNAMIXEL_MAX_POS_VALID;
            if(error<0 && error>-512) {
                controllers[actuator].integral = controllers[actuator].integral + myAbs(error)*dt;
                float derivative = (myAbs(error) - controllers[actuator].previousError)/dt;
                speed = controllers[actuator].P*myAbs(error) + controllers[actuator].I*controllers[actuator].integral + controllers[actuator].D*derivative;
                speed += controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;
                controllers[actuator].previousError = myAbs(error);
            else {
                speed = -controllers[actuator].P*myAbs(error);
                speed += controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;
        else if(rotations[actuator].dir  == false) {
            if(error<-512) {
                error = error+DYNAMIXEL_MAX_POS_VALID;
            if(error>0&&error<512) {
                controllers[actuator].integral = controllers[actuator].integral + myAbs(error)*dt;
                float derivative = (myAbs(error) - controllers[actuator].previousError)/dt;
                speed = controllers[actuator].P*myAbs(error) + controllers[actuator].I*controllers[actuator].integral + controllers[actuator].D*derivative;
                speed += controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;
                controllers[actuator].previousError = myAbs(error);
            else {
                speed = -controllers[actuator].P*myAbs(error);
                speed += controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;

        if(speed>1023) speed = 1023;
        if(speed<=150) speed = 150;
        controllers[actuator].previousError = myAbs(error);
        rotations[actuator].speed = speed;
        rotations[actuator].changed = true;
    else {
        speed = controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;// controllers[actuator].avrSpeed;
        if(speed<150) {
            speed = 150;
        controllers[actuator].integral = 0;
        controllers[actuator].previousError = 0;
        rotations[actuator].speed = speed;
        rotations[actuator].changed = true;
        error = 0;
    controllers[actuator].lastUpdateTime = t;
    if(!rotations[actuator].pause) {
        controllers[actuator].avrSpeed = (1.0-0.05)*controllers[actuator].avrSpeed+0.05*speed;
        if(rotations[actuator].changed ) {
            dynamixelApi_wheelMove(actuator, rotations[actuator].speed, rotations[actuator].dir);
            rotations[actuator].changed = false;
    else {
        float periodeTime = 1.0f/rotations[actuator].frequency;
        if(t-rotations[actuator].pauseStart > periodeTime) {
            rotations[actuator].pause = false;
        dynamixelApi_wheelMove(actuator, 0, rotations[actuator].dir);
    int loopTimeMs=1000*(getLocalTime()-t);
    if(actuator==0||actuator==0) {
        //printf("%i: avr speed = %f, error = %i\n",actuator,controllers[actuator].avrSpeed, error);
    if(loopTimeMs>20) {
        printf("%i: %i ms loop time (warning)\n",actuator,loopTimeMs);
    //printf("{%i, %li, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i},\n",actuator,getLocalMsTime(),dynamixelApi_getPosition(actuator),dynamixelApi_getPositionEstimate(actuator,rotations[actuator].dir),goalPos,error,speed);
    //fprintf(posLog, "%i %li %i %i %i %i %i %i %f\n",actuator,getLocalMsTime(),dynamixelApi_getPosition(actuator),dynamixelApi_getPositionEstimate(actuator,rotations[actuator].dir),goalPos,error,speed,1023*(int)atValidAngle,controllers[actuator].avrSpeed);
    //ase_printf("%i: Dynamixel at %i \n", i, pos);
Beispiel #12
double calculate(int numInputTokens, char **inputString)
	int i;
	double result = 0.0;
	char *s;
	struct DynArr *stack;

	//set up the stack
	stack = createDynArr(20);
	// start at 1 to skip the name of the calculator calc
	for(i=1;i < numInputTokens;i++) 
		s = inputString[i];
		// Hint: General algorithm:
		// (1) Check if the string s is in the list of operators.
		//   (1a) If it is, perform corresponding operations.
		//   (1b) Otherwise, check if s is a number.
		//     (1b - I) If s is not a number, produce an error.
		//     (1b - II) If s is a number, push it onto the stack

        if(strcmp(s, "+") == 0)
        else if(strcmp(s,"-") == 0)
        else if(strcmp(s, "/") == 0)
        else if(strcmp(s, "x") == 0)
        else if(strcmp(s, "^") == 0)
        else if(strcmp(s, "^2") == 0)
			/* FIXME: replace printf with your own function */
		else if(strcmp(s, "^3") == 0)
			/* FIXME: replace printf with your own function */
		else if(strcmp(s, "abs") == 0)
			/* FIXME: replace printf with your own function */
		else if(strcmp(s, "sqrt") == 0)
			/* FIXME: replace printf with your own function */
		else if(strcmp(s, "exp") == 0)
			/* FIXME: replace printf with your own function */
		else if(strcmp(s, "ln") == 0)
			/* FIXME: replace printf with your own function */
		else if(strcmp(s, "log") == 0)
			/* FIXME: replace printf with your own function */
			// FIXME: You need to develop the code here (when s is not an operator)
			// Remember to deal with special values ("pi" and "e")
            double *tmp = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
            if (isNumber(s, tmp))
                pushDynArr(stack, *tmp);
            else if(strcmp(s, "pi") == 0)
                pushDynArr(stack, 3.14159265);
            else if(strcmp(s, "e") == 0)
                pushDynArr(stack, 2.7182818);
                flag = 0;
	}	//end for 

	/* FIXME: You will write this part of the function (2 steps below) 
	 * (1) Check if everything looks OK and produce an error if needed.
	 * (2) Store the final value in result and print it out.
    if (sizeDynArr(stack) != 1)
        printf("There is an error in your input !\n");
    else {
        if (flag) {
            result = topDynArr(stack);
            printf("The result is : %f\n", result);
            printf("There is an error in your input !\n");
	return result;