Beispiel #1
getSLPData(cimomConfig cfg, const CMPIBroker *_broker,
           const CMPIContext *ctx, const char *urlsyntax)
  CMPIInstance  **ci;
  //CMPIStatus      status;
  //CMPIConstClass *ccls;
  cimSLPService   rs;           // service which is going to be returned
  // to the calling function
  char           *sn;

  static void    *hostnameLib = NULL;
  static getSlpHostname gethostname;
  char           *ln;
  char            dlName[512];
  int             err;

  err = 1;
  if (getControlChars("slpHostnamelib", &ln) == 0) {
    libraryName(NULL, ln, dlName, 512);
    if ((hostnameLib = dlopen(dlName, RTLD_LAZY))) {
      gethostname = dlsym(hostnameLib, "_sfcGetSlpHostname");
      if (gethostname)
        err = 0;
  if (err)
    mlogf(M_ERROR, M_SHOW,
          "--- SLP Hostname exit %s not found. Defaulting to system hostname.\n",


  memset(&rs, 0, sizeof(cimSLPService));

  // first of all, get the interop namespace, needed for all further
  // connections
  // this call fills the array as well as sets the global interOpNS
  // variable
  rs.InteropSchemaNamespace = getInterOpNS();

  // extract all relavant stuff for SLP out of CIM_ObjectManager

  // construct the server string
  ci = myGetInstances(_broker, ctx, interOpNS, "CIM_ObjectManager",
  if (ci) {
    sn = myGetProperty(ci[0], "SystemName");

    if (!err) {
      char           *tmp;
      if ((err = gethostname(&tmp))) {
        sn = tmp;
      } else {
            ("-#- SLP call to %s for hostname failed. Defaulting to system hostname.\n",
    rs.url_syntax = getUrlSyntax(sn, cfg.commScheme, cfg.port);
    rs.service_hi_name = myGetProperty(ci[0], "ElementName");
    rs.service_hi_description = myGetProperty(ci[0], "Description");
    rs.service_id = myGetProperty(ci[0], "Name");
  // extract all relavant stuff for SLP out of
  // CIM_ObjectManagerCommunicationMechanism
  ci = myGetInstances(_broker, ctx, interOpNS,
  if (ci) {
    rs.CommunicationMechanism =
        myGetProperty(ci[0], "CommunicationMechanism");
    rs.OtherCommunicationMechanismDescription =
        myGetProperty(ci[0], "OtherCommunicationMechanism");
    rs.ProtocolVersion = myGetProperty(ci[0], "Version");
    rs.FunctionalProfilesSupported =
        myGetPropertyArray(ci[0], "FunctionalProfilesSupported");
    rs.FunctionalProfileDescriptions =
        myGetPropertyArray(ci[0], "FunctionalProfileDescriptions");
    rs.MultipleOperationsSupported =
        myGetProperty(ci[0], "MultipleOperationsSupported");
    rs.AuthenticationMechanismsSupported =
        myGetPropertyArray(ci[0], "AuthenticationMechanismsSupported");
    rs.AuthenticationMechansimDescriptions =
        myGetPropertyArray(ci[0], "AuthenticationMechansimDescriptions");
    // do the transformations from numbers to text via the qualifiers
    //CMPIStatus myRc;
    //CMPIObjectPath *myOp = CMGetObjectPath(ci[0], &myRc);
    //CMPIData qd = CMGetPropertyQualifier(myOp, "CommunicationMechanism", "ValueMap", &myRc);
    rs.CommunicationMechanism = transformValue(rs.CommunicationMechanism,
                                               CMGetObjectPath(ci[0], NULL),
    rs.FunctionalProfilesSupported =
                            CMGetObjectPath(ci[0], NULL),
    rs.AuthenticationMechanismsSupported =
                            CMGetObjectPath(ci[0], NULL),
  // extract all relavant stuff for SLP out of CIM_Namespace
  ci = myGetInstances(_broker, ctx, interOpNS, "CIM_Namespace", urlsyntax);
  if (ci) {
    rs.Namespace = myGetPropertyArrayFromArray(ci, "Name");
    rs.Classinfo = myGetPropertyArrayFromArray(ci, "ClassInfo");
  // extract all relavant stuff for SLP out of CIM_RegisteredProfile
  //CMPIContext *ctxLocal = prepareUpcall(ctx);
  //ci = myGetInstances(_broker, ctxLocal, interOpNS, "CIM_RegisteredProfile", urlsyntax);
  ci = myGetInstances(_broker, ctx, interOpNS, "CIM_RegisteredProfile", urlsyntax);
  if (ci) {
    rs.RegisteredProfilesSupported = myGetRegProfiles(_broker, ci, ctx);
    //rs.RegisteredProfilesSupported = myGetRegProfiles(_broker, ci, ctxLocal);


Beispiel #2
std::shared_ptr<drake::lcmt_qp_controller_input> encodeQPInputLCM(const mxArray *qp_input) {
  // Take a matlab data structure corresponding to a QPInputConstantHeight object and parse it down to its representation as an equivalent LCM message. 
  std::shared_ptr<drake::lcmt_qp_controller_input> msg (new drake::lcmt_qp_controller_input());

  msg->timestamp = (int64_t) (mxGetScalar(myGetProperty(qp_input, "timestamp")) * 1000000);

  const mxArray* zmp_data = myGetProperty(qp_input, "zmp_data");

  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<4, 4>(zmp_data, 0, "A", &msg->zmp_data.A[0][0]);
  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<4, 2>(zmp_data, 0, "B", &msg->zmp_data.B[0][0]);
  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<2, 4>(zmp_data, 0, "C", &msg->zmp_data.C[0][0]);
  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<2, 2>(zmp_data, 0, "D", &msg->zmp_data.D[0][0]);
  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<4, 1>(zmp_data, 0, "x0", &msg->zmp_data.x0[0][0]);
  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<2, 1>(zmp_data, 0, "y0", &msg->zmp_data.y0[0][0]);
  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<2, 1>(zmp_data, 0, "u0", &msg->zmp_data.u0[0][0]);
  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<2, 2>(zmp_data, 0, "R", &msg->zmp_data.R[0][0]);
  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<2, 2>(zmp_data, 0, "Qy", &msg->zmp_data.Qy[0][0]);
  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<4, 4>(zmp_data, 0, "S", &msg->zmp_data.S[0][0]);
  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<4, 1>(zmp_data, 0, "s1", &msg->zmp_data.s1[0][0]);
  matlabToCArrayOfArrays<4, 1>(zmp_data, 0, "s1dot", &msg->zmp_data.s1dot[0][0]);
  msg->zmp_data.s2 = mxGetScalar(myGetField(zmp_data, "s2"));
  msg->zmp_data.s2dot = mxGetScalar(myGetField(zmp_data, "s2dot"));
  msg->zmp_data.timestamp = msg->timestamp;

  const mxArray* support_data = myGetProperty(qp_input, "support_data");
  int nsupp = mxGetN(support_data);
  msg->num_support_data = (int32_t) nsupp;
  double double_logic_map[4][1];
  if (nsupp > 0) {
    if (mxGetM(support_data) != 1) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("support data should be a struct array with M=1");
    for (int i=0; i < nsupp; i++) {
      msg->support_data[i].timestamp = msg->timestamp;
      msg->support_data[i].body_id = (int32_t) mxGetScalar(myGetField(support_data, i, "body_id"));

      const mxArray *contact_pts = myGetField(support_data, i, "contact_pts");
      if (!contact_pts) mexErrMsgTxt("couldn't get points");
      Map<MatrixXd>contact_pts_mat(mxGetPr(contact_pts), mxGetM(contact_pts), mxGetN(contact_pts));
      msg->support_data[i].num_contact_pts = (int32_t) mxGetN(contact_pts);
      for (int j=0; j < 3; j++) {
        for (int k=0; k < msg->support_data[i].num_contact_pts; k++) {
          msg->support_data[i].contact_pts[j][k] = contact_pts_mat(j, k);

      matlabToCArrayOfArrays<4, 1>(support_data, i, "support_logic_map", &double_logic_map[0][0]);
      for (int j=0; j < 4; j++) {
        msg->support_data[i].support_logic_map[j] = (double_logic_map[j][0] != 0);
      msg->support_data[i].mu = mxGetScalar(myGetField(support_data, i, "mu"));
      msg->support_data[i].contact_surfaces = (int32_t) mxGetScalar(myGetField(support_data, i, "contact_surfaces"));

  const mxArray* body_motion_data = myGetProperty(qp_input, "body_motion_data");
  const int nbod = mxGetN(body_motion_data);
  msg->num_tracked_bodies = nbod;
  if (nbod > 0) {
    if (mxGetM(body_motion_data) != 1) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("body motion data should be a 1xN struct array");
    for (int i=0; i < nbod; i++) {
      msg->body_motion_data[i].timestamp = msg->timestamp;
      msg->body_motion_data[i].body_id = (int32_t) mxGetScalar(myGetField(body_motion_data, i, "body_id"));
      memcpy(msg->body_motion_data[i].ts, mxGetPr(myGetField(body_motion_data, i, "ts")), 2*sizeof(double));
      const mxArray* coefs = myGetField(body_motion_data, i, "coefs");
      if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(coefs) != 3) mexErrMsgTxt("coefs should be a dimension-3 array");
      const mwSize* dim = mxGetDimensions(coefs);
      if (dim[0] != 6 || dim[1] != 1 || dim[2] != 4) mexErrMsgTxt("coefs should be size 6x4");
      matlabToCArrayOfArrays<6, 4>(body_motion_data, i, "coefs", &msg->body_motion_data[i].coefs[0][0]);

  const mxArray* whole_body_data = myGetProperty(qp_input, "whole_body_data");
  if (mxGetN(whole_body_data) != 1 || mxGetM(whole_body_data) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("whole_body_data should be a 1x1 struct");
  const mxArray* q_des = myGetField(whole_body_data, "q_des");
  if (mxGetN(q_des) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("q_des should be a column vector");
  const int npos = mxGetM(q_des);
  msg->whole_body_data.timestamp = msg->timestamp;
  msg->whole_body_data.num_positions = npos;
  Map<VectorXd>q_des_vec(mxGetPr(q_des), npos);

  for (int i=0; i < npos; i++) {
    msg->whole_body_data.q_des[i] = q_des_vec(i);

  const mxArray* condof = myGetField(whole_body_data, "constrained_dofs");
  const int ncons = mxGetM(condof);
  msg->whole_body_data.num_constrained_dofs = ncons;
  if (ncons > 0) {
    if (mxGetN(condof) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("constrained dofs should be a column vector");
    Map<VectorXd>condof_vec(mxGetPr(condof), ncons);

    for (int i=0; i < ncons; i++) {
      msg->whole_body_data.constrained_dofs[i] = condof_vec(i);

  msg->param_set_name = mxArrayToString(myGetProperty(qp_input, "param_set_name"));
  return msg;