int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH);
    glutInitWindowPosition(MY_WIND_X_POS, MY_WIND_Y_POS);
    glutInitWindowSize(MY_WIND_X_SIZE, MY_WIND_Y_SIZE);

    glutCreateWindow("B581 template code with 3D lighting");

    glutDisplayFunc       (myDisplay);
    glutReshapeFunc       (myReshape);
    glutMouseFunc         (myButton);
    glutMotionFunc        (myMotion);
    glutPassiveMotionFunc (NULL);
    glutIdleFunc          (NULL);
    glutKeyboardFunc      (myKeyboard);
    glutVisibilityFunc    (myVisibility);
    fprintf(stderr,"Press ESC or 'q' to Exit.\n");

    myInitData(&argc,argv);  /* pass command line arguments for texture */

    /* initialize GLUT menu handler as last one, to take over access
     to GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON, regardles to what other handlers did to it: */
} /* main() */
Beispiel #2
int main( int argc, const char *argv[] )
  // reads model into global glb_model;

  ON_TextLog error_log;

  ON_BOOL32 bOK;
  int window_width  = 500;
  int window_height = 500;
  //double port_aspect = ((double)window_width)/((double)window_height);

  // read the file into model
  if ( argc != 2 ) {
    printf("Syntax: %s filename.3dm\n",argv[0] );
    return 0;
  const char* sFileName = argv[1];
  printf("\nFile:  %s\n", sFileName );

  // read the file
  CModel model;
  if ( !model.Read( sFileName, &error_log ) )
    // read failed
    error_log.Print("Unable to read file %s\n",sFileName);
    return 1;

  glb_model = &model;

  // set bbox = world bounding box of all the objects
  model.m_bbox = model.BoundingBox();
  if ( !model.m_bbox.IsValid() )
    // nothing to look at in this model
    return 2;

  // set model.m_view
  if ( model.m_settings.m_views.Count() > 0 )
    // use first viewport projection in file
    double angle;
    model.m_view.m_vp = model.m_settings.m_views[0].m_vp;
    model.m_view.m_target = model.m_settings.m_views[0].m_target;
    model.m_view.m_vp.GetCameraAngle( &angle );
    model.m_view.m_vp.Extents( angle, model.m_bbox );
    GetDefaultView( model.m_bbox, model.m_view );

  // If needed, enlarge frustum so its aspect matches the window's aspect.
  // Since the Rhino file does not store the far frustum distance in the
  // file, viewports read from a Rhil file need to have the frustum's far
  // value set by inspecting the bounding box of the geometry to be
  // displayed.

  // GL stuff starts here
  for(;;) {  
    wchar_t sWindowTitleString[256];
    char sWindowTitleString[256];
    sWindowTitleString[255] = 0;
    if ( argv[0] && argv[0][0] )
      int i;
      for ( i = 0; i < 254 && argv[0][i]; i++ )
        sWindowTitleString[i] = argv[0][i];
      sWindowTitleString[i] = 0;

    auxInitPosition( 0, 0, window_width, window_height );
    auxInitDisplayMode( AUX_SINGLE | AUX_RGB | AUX_DEPTH );
    auxInitWindow( sWindowTitleString );

    // register event handler functions
    auxIdleFunc( 0 );
    auxReshapeFunc( myGLAUX_Reshape );
    auxMouseFunc( AUX_LEFTBUTTON,   AUX_MOUSEDOWN, myGLAUX_MouseLeftEvent );
    auxMouseFunc( AUX_LEFTBUTTON,   AUX_MOUSEUP,   myGLAUX_MouseLeftEvent );
    auxMouseFunc( AUX_MIDDLEBUTTON, AUX_MOUSEDOWN, myGLAUX_MouseMiddleEvent );
    auxMouseFunc( AUX_MIDDLEBUTTON, AUX_MOUSEUP,   myGLAUX_MouseMiddleEvent );
    auxMouseFunc( AUX_RIGHTBUTTON,  AUX_MOUSEDOWN, myGLAUX_MouseRightEvent );
    auxMouseFunc( AUX_RIGHTBUTTON,  AUX_MOUSEUP,   myGLAUX_MouseRightEvent );
    auxKeyFunc( AUX_LEFT,  myKeyLeftArrowEvent );
    auxKeyFunc( AUX_RIGHT, myKeyRightArrowEvent );
    auxKeyFunc( AUX_UP,    myKeyUpArrowEvent );
    auxKeyFunc( AUX_DOWN,  myKeyDownArrowEvent );
    auxKeyFunc( AUX_E,  myKeyViewExtents );
    auxKeyFunc( AUX_e,  myKeyViewExtents );
    auxKeyFunc( AUX_Z,  myKeyViewExtents );
    auxKeyFunc( AUX_z,  myKeyViewExtents );

    glutInitWindowPosition( 0, 0);
    glutInitWindowSize( window_width, window_height );
    glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH );
    glutCreateWindow( sWindowTitleString );

    // register event handler functions
    glutIdleFunc( 0 );
    glutReshapeFunc( myGLUT_Reshape );
    glutMouseFunc( myGLUT_MouseEvent );
    glutKeyboardFunc( myGLUT_KeyboardEvent );
    glutSpecialFunc( myGLUT_SpecialKeyEvent );
    glutDisplayFunc( myDisplay );

    // setup model view matrix, GL defaults, and the GL NURBS renderer
    GLUnurbsObj* pTheGLNURBSRender = NULL; // OpenGL NURBS rendering context
    bOK = myInitGL( model.m_view.m_vp, pTheGLNURBSRender );

    if ( bOK ) {
      // build display list
      myBuildDisplayList( glb_display_list_number,
                          model );

      // look at it
      auxMainLoop( myDisplay );

      glutMainLoop(  );


    gluDeleteNurbsRenderer( pTheGLNURBSRender );


  // GL stuff ends here


  return 0;