int main() {

  std::string file = "cpu_default_M1000.txt";
//  std::string file = "TimingInfoDefaultM200.txt";
  std::map<std::string,double> timingPerModule, timingPerLabel;
  std::map<unsigned,double> timingPerEvent;
  std::ifstream myTimingFile(file.c_str(),std::ifstream::in);
  std::string dummy1, label, module;
  double timing;
  unsigned idummy1,evt;

  // If the machine is busy, the factor is not 100%.
//  double factor = 0.975; // Muon 200 GeV
    double factor = 0.985;  //Muon 1000GeV

  if ( myTimingFile ) {
    while ( !myTimingFile.eof() ) { 
      myTimingFile >> dummy1 >> evt >> idummy1 >> label >> module >> timing ;
      // std::cout << evt << " " << module << " " << timing << std::endl;
      timingPerEvent[evt] += timing * factor * 1000.;	
      if ( evt != 1 ) {
	timingPerModule[module] += timing * factor * 1000.;
	timingPerLabel[module+":"+label] += timing * factor * 1000.;
  } else {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  //std::string file = "TimingInfo.txt";
  std::string file;
  std::map<std::string,double> timingPerModule, timingPerLabel;
  std::map<unsigned,double> timingPerEvent;
  std::ifstream myTimingFile(file.c_str(),std::ifstream::in);
  std::string dummy1, label, module;
  double timing;
  unsigned idummy1,evt;
  int nbofevts = 0;

  // If the machine is busy, the factor is not 100%.
  double factor = 0.995;

  if ( myTimingFile ) {
    while ( !myTimingFile.eof() ) { 
      myTimingFile >> dummy1 >> evt >> idummy1 >> label >> module >> timing ;
      // std::cout << evt << " " << module << " " << timing << std::endl;
      timingPerEvent[evt]              += timing * factor * 1000.;	
      timingPerModule[module]          += timing * factor * 1000.;
      timingPerLabel[module+":"+label] += timing * factor * 1000.;
    nbofevts = (int) timingPerEvent.size();
  } else {