Beispiel #1
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Routine:  initPoint
// Purpose:  Do once-per-point initialization.
// Input:    PDE       = pointer to the PDE object
//           pointType = type of this point (interior or boundary)
//           chart     = chart in which the point coordinates are provided
//           txq[]     = coordinates of the point
//           tU[]      = current solution at the point
//           tdU[]     = current solution gradient at the point
// Output:   None
// Speed:    This function is called by MC for every quadrature point
//           during an assmebly, and needs to be a fast as possible.
// Author:   Kaihsu Tai, after Michael Holst
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
VPUBLIC void initPoint(PDE *thee, int pointType,
    int chart, double txq[],
    double tU[], double tdU[][3])
    int i, j;

    /* the point, and the solution value and gradient at the point */
    for (i=0; i<thee->vec; i++) {
        U[i] = tU[i];
        for (j=0; j<thee->dim; j++) {
            if (i==0) xq[j] = txq[j];
            dU[i][j] = tdU[i][j];

    /* interior form case */
    if (pointType == 0) {
        A = my_A(thee->dim, thee->vec, xq);
        B = my_B(thee->dim, thee->vec, xq, PDE_getTime(thee) );

    /* boundary form case */
    } else { /* (pointType == 1) */
        C = my_C(thee->dim, thee->vec, xq);
Beispiel #2
int main ( int argc, char* args[] )
  //Stack my_X;// 'Default Constructor' Called.
  // The 'Default Constructor' is private so this is not allowed!

  //Stack my_X();// This is a 'Function Declaration'!
  // This declares a function with no parameters, and Stack as a return type!

  Stack my_A( 10 );// 'Constructor' Called.
  my_A.Push( 5 );
  my_A.Push( 2 );
  my_A.Push( 97 );
  my_A.Push( 33 );
  std::cout <<"A:  "<< my_A <<"\n\n\n";

  Stack my_B = my_A;// 'Copy Constructor' Called.
  my_B.Push( -55 );
  std::cout <<"B:  "<<  my_B <<"\n\n\n";

  Stack my_C( my_B );// 'Copy Constructor' Called.
  my_B.Push( 999 );
  std::cout <<"C:  "<<  my_B <<"\n\n\n";

  my_B = my_A;// 'Assignment Operator' Called.
  std::cout <<"B:  " <<  my_B <<"\n\n\n";

  Stack my_D = my_A = my_B = my_C;// Two: 'Assignment Operators' Called, and then a: 'Copy Constructor'.
  std::cout <<"D:  " <<  my_B <<"\n\n\n";
  return 0;
  // Four 'Destructors' Called.