Beispiel #1
bool TestMathUtil() {
	volatile float zero = 0.0f;
	return true;
Beispiel #2
void BaseUpdateUniforms(UB_VS_FS_Base *ub, uint64_t dirtyUniforms, bool flipViewport) {
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXENV) {
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub->texEnvColor, gstate.texenvcolor);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_ALPHACOLORREF) {
		Uint8x3ToInt4_Alpha(ub->alphaColorRef, gstate.getColorTestRef(), gstate.getAlphaTestRef() & gstate.getAlphaTestMask());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_ALPHACOLORMASK) {
		Uint8x3ToInt4_Alpha(ub->colorTestMask, gstate.getColorTestMask(), gstate.getAlphaTestMask());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_FOGCOLOR) {
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub->fogColor, gstate.fogcolor);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_SHADERBLEND) {
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub->blendFixA, gstate.getFixA());
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub->blendFixB, gstate.getFixB());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXCLAMP) {
		const float invW = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
		const float invH = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureHeight;
		const int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
		const int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
		const float widthFactor = (float)w * invW;
		const float heightFactor = (float)h * invH;

		// First wrap xy, then half texel xy (for clamp.)
		ub->texClamp[0] = widthFactor;
		ub->texClamp[1] = heightFactor;
		ub->texClamp[2] = invW * 0.5f;
		ub->texClamp[3] = invH * 0.5f;
		ub->texClampOffset[0] = gstate_c.curTextureXOffset * invW;
		ub->texClampOffset[1] = gstate_c.curTextureYOffset * invH;

	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_PROJMATRIX) {
		Matrix4x4 flippedMatrix;
		memcpy(&flippedMatrix, gstate.projMatrix, 16 * sizeof(float));

		const bool invertedY = gstate_c.vpHeight < 0;
		if (invertedY) {
			flippedMatrix[1] = -flippedMatrix[1];
			flippedMatrix[5] = -flippedMatrix[5];
			flippedMatrix[9] = -flippedMatrix[9];
			flippedMatrix[13] = -flippedMatrix[13];
		const bool invertedX = gstate_c.vpWidth < 0;
		if (invertedX) {
			flippedMatrix[0] = -flippedMatrix[0];
			flippedMatrix[4] = -flippedMatrix[4];
			flippedMatrix[8] = -flippedMatrix[8];
			flippedMatrix[12] = -flippedMatrix[12];
		if (flipViewport) {
		} else {

		if (g_Config.iRenderingMode == 0 && g_display_rotation != DisplayRotation::ROTATE_0) {
			flippedMatrix = flippedMatrix * g_display_rot_matrix;

		CopyMatrix4x4(ub->proj, flippedMatrix.getReadPtr());

	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX) {
		Matrix4x4 proj_through;
		if (flipViewport) {
			proj_through.setOrthoD3D(0.0f, gstate_c.curRTWidth, gstate_c.curRTHeight, 0, 0, 1);
		} else {
			proj_through.setOrthoVulkan(0.0f, gstate_c.curRTWidth, 0, gstate_c.curRTHeight, 0, 1);
		if (g_Config.iRenderingMode == 0 && g_display_rotation != DisplayRotation::ROTATE_0) {
			proj_through = proj_through * g_display_rot_matrix;
		CopyMatrix4x4(ub->proj_through, proj_through.getReadPtr());

	// Transform
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_WORLDMATRIX) {
		ConvertMatrix4x3To3x4Transposed(ub->world, gstate.worldMatrix);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_VIEWMATRIX) {
		ConvertMatrix4x3To3x4Transposed(ub->view, gstate.viewMatrix);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXMATRIX) {
		ConvertMatrix4x3To3x4Transposed(ub->tex, gstate.tgenMatrix);

	// Combined two small uniforms
		float fogcoef_stencil[3] = {
		if (my_isinf(fogcoef_stencil[1])) {
			// not really sure what a sensible value might be.
			fogcoef_stencil[1] = fogcoef_stencil[1] < 0.0f ? -10000.0f : 10000.0f;
		} else if (my_isnan(fogcoef_stencil[1])) {
			// Workaround for
			// Just put the fog far away at a large finite distance.
			// Infinities and NaNs are rather unpredictable in shaders on many GPUs
			// so it's best to just make it a sane calculation.
			fogcoef_stencil[0] = 100000.0f;
			fogcoef_stencil[1] = 1.0f;
		else if (my_isnanorinf(fogcoef_stencil[1]) || my_isnanorinf(fogcoef_stencil[0])) {
			ERROR_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(fognan, G3D, "Unhandled fog NaN/INF combo: %f %f", fogcoef_stencil[0], fogcoef_stencil[1]);
		CopyFloat3(ub->fogCoef_stencil, fogcoef_stencil);

	// Note - this one is not in lighting but in transformCommon as it has uses beyond lighting
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_MATAMBIENTALPHA) {
		Uint8x3ToFloat4_AlphaUint8(ub->matAmbient, gstate.materialambient, gstate.getMaterialAmbientA());

	// Texturing
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_UVSCALEOFFSET) {
		const float invW = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
		const float invH = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureHeight;
		const int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
		const int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
		const float widthFactor = (float)w * invW;
		const float heightFactor = (float)h * invH;
		if (gstate_c.bezier || gstate_c.spline) {
			// When we are generating UV coordinates through the bezier/spline, we need to apply the scaling.
			// However, this is missing a check that we're not getting our UV:s supplied for us in the vertices.
			ub->uvScaleOffset[0] = gstate_c.uv.uScale * widthFactor;
			ub->uvScaleOffset[1] = gstate_c.uv.vScale * heightFactor;
			ub->uvScaleOffset[2] = gstate_c.uv.uOff * widthFactor;
			ub->uvScaleOffset[3] = gstate_c.uv.vOff * heightFactor;
		} else {
			ub->uvScaleOffset[0] = widthFactor;
			ub->uvScaleOffset[1] = heightFactor;
			ub->uvScaleOffset[2] = 0.0f;
			ub->uvScaleOffset[3] = 0.0f;

	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_DEPTHRANGE) {
		float viewZScale = gstate.getViewportZScale();
		float viewZCenter = gstate.getViewportZCenter();

		// We had to scale and translate Z to account for our clamped Z range.
		// Therefore, we also need to reverse this to round properly.
		// Example: scale = 65535.0, center = 0.0
		// Resulting range = -65535 to 65535, clamped to [0, 65535]
		// gstate_c.vpDepthScale = 2.0f
		// gstate_c.vpZOffset = -1.0f
		// The projection already accounts for those, so we need to reverse them.
		// Additionally, D3D9 uses a range from [0, 1].  We double and move the center.
		viewZScale *= (1.0f / gstate_c.vpDepthScale) * 2.0f;
		viewZCenter -= 65535.0f * gstate_c.vpZOffset + 32768.5f;

		float viewZInvScale;
		if (viewZScale != 0.0) {
			viewZInvScale = 1.0f / viewZScale;
		} else {
			viewZInvScale = 0.0;

		ub->depthRange[0] = viewZScale;
		ub->depthRange[1] = viewZCenter;
		ub->depthRange[2] = viewZCenter;
		ub->depthRange[3] = viewZInvScale;

	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_BEZIERSPLINE) {
		ub->spline_count_u = gstate_c.spline_count_u;
		ub->spline_count_v = gstate_c.spline_count_v;
		ub->spline_type_u = gstate_c.spline_type_u;
		ub->spline_type_v = gstate_c.spline_type_v;
Beispiel #3
void ShaderManagerVulkan::BaseUpdateUniforms(int dirtyUniforms) {
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXENV) {
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub_base.texEnvColor, gstate.texenvcolor);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_ALPHACOLORREF) {
		Uint8x3ToInt4_Alpha(ub_base.alphaColorRef, gstate.getColorTestRef(), gstate.getAlphaTestRef() & gstate.getAlphaTestMask());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_ALPHACOLORMASK) {
		Uint8x3ToInt4_Alpha(ub_base.colorTestMask, gstate.getColorTestMask(), gstate.getAlphaTestMask());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_FOGCOLOR) {
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub_base.fogColor, gstate.fogcolor);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_SHADERBLEND) {
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub_base.blendFixA, gstate.getFixA());
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub_base.blendFixB, gstate.getFixB());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXCLAMP) {
		const float invW = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
		const float invH = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureHeight;
		const int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
		const int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
		const float widthFactor = (float)w * invW;
		const float heightFactor = (float)h * invH;

		// First wrap xy, then half texel xy (for clamp.)
		ub_base.texClamp[0] = widthFactor;
		ub_base.texClamp[1] = heightFactor;
		ub_base.texClamp[2] = invW * 0.5f;
		ub_base.texClamp[3] = invH * 0.5f;
		ub_base.texClampOffset[0] = gstate_c.curTextureXOffset * invW;
		ub_base.texClampOffset[1] = gstate_c.curTextureYOffset * invH;

	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_PROJMATRIX) {
		Matrix4x4 flippedMatrix;
		memcpy(&flippedMatrix, gstate.projMatrix, 16 * sizeof(float));

		const bool invertedY = gstate_c.vpHeight < 0;
		if (invertedY) {
			flippedMatrix[1] = -flippedMatrix[1];
			flippedMatrix[5] = -flippedMatrix[5];
			flippedMatrix[9] = -flippedMatrix[9];
			flippedMatrix[13] = -flippedMatrix[13];
		const bool invertedX = gstate_c.vpWidth < 0;
		if (invertedX) {
			flippedMatrix[0] = -flippedMatrix[0];
			flippedMatrix[4] = -flippedMatrix[4];
			flippedMatrix[8] = -flippedMatrix[8];
			flippedMatrix[12] = -flippedMatrix[12];
		ConvertProjMatrixToVulkan(flippedMatrix, invertedX, invertedY);
		CopyMatrix4x4(ub_base.proj, flippedMatrix.getReadPtr());

	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX) {
		Matrix4x4 proj_through;
		proj_through.setOrthoVulkan(0.0f, gstate_c.curRTWidth, 0, gstate_c.curRTHeight, 0, 1);
		CopyMatrix4x4(ub_base.proj_through, proj_through.getReadPtr());

	// Transform
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_WORLDMATRIX) {
		ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(, gstate.worldMatrix);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_VIEWMATRIX) {
		ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(ub_base.view, gstate.viewMatrix);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXMATRIX) {
		ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(ub_base.tex, gstate.tgenMatrix);

	// Combined two small uniforms
		float fogcoef_stencil[3] = {
		if (my_isinf(fogcoef_stencil[1])) {
			// not really sure what a sensible value might be.
			fogcoef_stencil[1] = fogcoef_stencil[1] < 0.0f ? -10000.0f : 10000.0f;
		} else if (my_isnan(fogcoef_stencil[1])) {
			// Workaround for
			// Just put the fog far away at a large finite distance.
			// Infinities and NaNs are rather unpredictable in shaders on many GPUs
			// so it's best to just make it a sane calculation.
			fogcoef_stencil[0] = 100000.0f;
			fogcoef_stencil[1] = 1.0f;
		else if (my_isnanorinf(fogcoef_stencil[1]) || my_isnanorinf(fogcoef_stencil[0])) {
			ERROR_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(fognan, G3D, "Unhandled fog NaN/INF combo: %f %f", fogcoef_stencil[0], fogcoef_stencil[1]);
		CopyFloat3(ub_base.fogCoef_stencil, fogcoef_stencil);

	// Texturing
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_UVSCALEOFFSET) {
		const float invW = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
		const float invH = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureHeight;
		const int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
		const int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
		const float widthFactor = (float)w * invW;
		const float heightFactor = (float)h * invH;
		ub_base.uvScaleOffset[0] = widthFactor;
		ub_base.uvScaleOffset[1] = heightFactor;
		ub_base.uvScaleOffset[2] = 0.0f;
		ub_base.uvScaleOffset[3] = 0.0f;

	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_DEPTHRANGE) {
		float viewZScale = gstate.getViewportZScale();
		float viewZCenter = gstate.getViewportZCenter();
		float viewZInvScale;

		// We had to scale and translate Z to account for our clamped Z range.
		// Therefore, we also need to reverse this to round properly.
		// Example: scale = 65535.0, center = 0.0
		// Resulting range = -65535 to 65535, clamped to [0, 65535]
		// gstate_c.vpDepthScale = 2.0f
		// gstate_c.vpZOffset = -1.0f
		// The projection already accounts for those, so we need to reverse them.
		// Additionally, D3D9 uses a range from [0, 1].  We double and move the center.
		viewZScale *= (1.0f / gstate_c.vpDepthScale) * 2.0f;
		viewZCenter -= 65535.0f * gstate_c.vpZOffset + 32768.5f;

		if (viewZScale != 0.0) {
			viewZInvScale = 1.0f / viewZScale;
		} else {
			viewZInvScale = 0.0;

		ub_base.depthRange[0] = viewZScale;
		ub_base.depthRange[1] = viewZCenter;
		ub_base.depthRange[2] = viewZCenter;
		ub_base.depthRange[3] = viewZInvScale;
Beispiel #4
double my_strtod(const char *str, char **end_ptr, int *error)
  double result= 0.0;
  uint negative= 0, ndigits, dec_digits= 0, neg_exp= 0;
  int exponent= 0, digits_after_dec_point= 0, tmp_exp, step;
  const char *old_str, *end= *end_ptr, *start_of_number;
  char next_char;
  my_bool overflow=0;
  double scaler= 1.0;

  *error= 0;
  if (str >= end)
    goto done;

  while (my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *str))
    if (++str == end)
      goto done;

  start_of_number= str;
  if ((negative= (*str == '-')) || *str=='+')
    if (++str == end)
      goto done;                                /* Could be changed to error */

  /* Skip pre-zero for easier calculation of overflows */
  while (*str == '0')
    if (++str == end)
      goto done;
    start_of_number= 0;                         /* Found digit */

  old_str= str;
  while ((next_char= *str) >= '0' && next_char <= '9')
    result= result*10.0 + (next_char - '0');
    scaler= scaler*10.0;
    if (++str == end)
      next_char= 0;                             /* Found end of string */
    start_of_number= 0;                         /* Found digit */
  ndigits= (uint) (str-old_str);

  if (next_char == '.' && str < end-1)
      Continue to add numbers after decimal point to the result, as if there
      was no decimal point. We will later (in the exponent handling) shift
      the number down with the required number of fractions.  We do it this
      way to be able to get maximum precision for numbers like 123.45E+02,
      which are normal for some ODBC applications.
    old_str= ++str;
    while (my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, (next_char= *str)))
      result= result*10.0 + (next_char - '0');
      scaler= scaler*10.0;
      if (++str == end)
        next_char= 0;
    /* If we found just '+.' or '.' then point at first character */
    if (!(dec_digits= (uint) (str-old_str)) && start_of_number)
      str= start_of_number;                     /* Point at '+' or '.' */
  if ((next_char == 'e' || next_char == 'E') &&
      dec_digits + ndigits != 0 && str < end-1)
    const char *old_str2= str++;

    if ((neg_exp= (*str == '-')) || *str == '+')

    if (str == end || !my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *str))
      str= old_str2;
        if (exponent < 9999)                    /* prot. against exp overfl. */
          exponent= exponent*10 + (*str - '0');
      } while (str < end && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *str));
  tmp_exp= (neg_exp ? exponent + digits_after_dec_point :
            exponent - digits_after_dec_point);
  if (tmp_exp)
    int order;
      Check for underflow/overflow.
      order is such an integer number that f = C * 10 ^ order,
      where f is the resulting floating point number and 1 <= C < 10.
      Here we compute the modulus
    order= exponent + (neg_exp ? -1 : 1) * (ndigits - 1);
    if (order < 0)
      order= -order;
    if (order >= MAX_DBL_EXP && !neg_exp && result)
      double c;
      /* Compute modulus of C (see comment above) */
      c= result / scaler * 10.0;
      if (order > MAX_DBL_EXP || c > MAX_RESULT_FOR_MAX_EXP)
        overflow= 1;
        goto done;

    exponent= tmp_exp;
    if (exponent < 0)
      exponent= -exponent;
      neg_exp= 1;                               /* neg_exp was 0 before */
    step= array_elements(log_10) - 1;
    for (; exponent > step; exponent-= step)
      result= neg_exp ? result / log_10[step] : result * log_10[step];
    result= neg_exp ? result / log_10[exponent] : result * log_10[exponent];

  *end_ptr= (char*) str;                        /* end of number */

  if (overflow || my_isinf(result))
    result= DBL_MAX;
    *error= EOVERFLOW;

  return negative ? -result : result;
void SoftwareTransform(
	int prim, int vertexCount, u32 vertType, u16 *&inds, int indexType,
	const DecVtxFormat &decVtxFormat, int &maxIndex, TransformedVertex *&drawBuffer, int &numTrans, bool &drawIndexed, const SoftwareTransformParams *params, SoftwareTransformResult *result) {
	u8 *decoded = params->decoded;
	FramebufferManagerCommon *fbman = params->fbman;
	TextureCacheCommon *texCache = params->texCache;
	TransformedVertex *transformed = params->transformed;
	TransformedVertex *transformedExpanded = params->transformedExpanded;
	float ySign = 1.0f;
	bool throughmode = (vertType & GE_VTYPE_THROUGH_MASK) != 0;
	bool lmode = gstate.isUsingSecondaryColor() && gstate.isLightingEnabled();

	// TODO: Split up into multiple draw calls for GLES 2.0 where you can't guarantee support for more than 0x10000 verts.

#if defined(MOBILE_DEVICE)
	if (vertexCount > 0x10000/3)
		vertexCount = 0x10000/3;

	float uscale = 1.0f;
	float vscale = 1.0f;
	if (throughmode) {
		uscale /= gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
		vscale /= gstate_c.curTextureHeight;

	bool skinningEnabled = vertTypeIsSkinningEnabled(vertType);

	const int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
	const int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
	float widthFactor = (float) w / (float) gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
	float heightFactor = (float) h / (float) gstate_c.curTextureHeight;

	Lighter lighter(vertType);
	float fog_end = getFloat24(gstate.fog1);
	float fog_slope = getFloat24(gstate.fog2);
	// Same fixup as in ShaderManager.cpp
	if (my_isinf(fog_slope)) {
		// not really sure what a sensible value might be.
		fog_slope = fog_slope < 0.0f ? -10000.0f : 10000.0f;
	if (my_isnan(fog_slope)) {
		// Workaround for
		// Just put the fog far away at a large finite distance.
		// Infinities and NaNs are rather unpredictable in shaders on many GPUs
		// so it's best to just make it a sane calculation.
		fog_end = 100000.0f;
		fog_slope = 1.0f;

	VertexReader reader(decoded, decVtxFormat, vertType);
	if (throughmode) {
		for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) {
			// Do not touch the coordinates or the colors. No lighting.
			// TODO: Write to a flexible buffer, we don't always need all four components.
			TransformedVertex &vert = transformed[index];

			if (reader.hasColor0()) {
			} else {
				vert.color0_32 = gstate.getMaterialAmbientRGBA();

			if (reader.hasUV()) {

				vert.u *= uscale;
				vert.v *= vscale;
			} else {
				vert.u = 0.0f;
				vert.v = 0.0f;

			// Ignore color1 and fog, never used in throughmode anyway.
			// The w of uv is also never used (hardcoded to 1.0.)
	} else {
		// Okay, need to actually perform the full transform.
		for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) {

			float v[3] = {0, 0, 0};
			Vec4f c0 = Vec4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
			Vec4f c1 = Vec4f(0, 0, 0, 0);
			float uv[3] = {0, 0, 1};
			float fogCoef = 1.0f;

			// We do software T&L for now
			float out[3];
			float pos[3];
			Vec3f normal(0, 0, 1);
			Vec3f worldnormal(0, 0, 1);

			if (!skinningEnabled) {
				Vec3ByMatrix43(out, pos, gstate.worldMatrix);
				if (reader.hasNormal()) {
					if (gstate.areNormalsReversed()) {
						normal = -normal;
					Norm3ByMatrix43(worldnormal.AsArray(), normal.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix);
					worldnormal = worldnormal.Normalized();
			} else {
				float weights[8];
				if (reader.hasNormal())

				// Skinning
				Vec3f psum(0, 0, 0);
				Vec3f nsum(0, 0, 0);
				for (int i = 0; i < vertTypeGetNumBoneWeights(vertType); i++) {
					if (weights[i] != 0.0f) {
						Vec3ByMatrix43(out, pos, gstate.boneMatrix+i*12);
						Vec3f tpos(out);
						psum += tpos * weights[i];
						if (reader.hasNormal()) {
							Vec3f norm;
							Norm3ByMatrix43(norm.AsArray(), normal.AsArray(), gstate.boneMatrix+i*12);
							nsum += norm * weights[i];

				// Yes, we really must multiply by the world matrix too.
				Vec3ByMatrix43(out, psum.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix);
				if (reader.hasNormal()) {
					normal = nsum;
					if (gstate.areNormalsReversed()) {
						normal = -normal;
					Norm3ByMatrix43(worldnormal.AsArray(), normal.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix);
					worldnormal = worldnormal.Normalized();

			// Perform lighting here if enabled. don't need to check through, it's checked above.
			Vec4f unlitColor = Vec4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
			if (reader.hasColor0()) {
			} else {
				unlitColor = Vec4f::FromRGBA(gstate.getMaterialAmbientRGBA());

			if (gstate.isLightingEnabled()) {
				float litColor0[4];
				float litColor1[4];
				lighter.Light(litColor0, litColor1, unlitColor.AsArray(), out, worldnormal);

				// Don't ignore gstate.lmode - we should send two colors in that case
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
					c0[j] = litColor0[j];
				if (lmode) {
					// Separate colors
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						c1[j] = litColor1[j];
				} else {
					// Summed color into c0 (will clamp in ToRGBA().)
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						c0[j] += litColor1[j];
			} else {
				if (reader.hasColor0()) {
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						c0[j] = unlitColor[j];
				} else {
					c0 = Vec4f::FromRGBA(gstate.getMaterialAmbientRGBA());
				if (lmode) {
					// c1 is already 0.

			float ruv[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
			if (reader.hasUV())

			// Perform texture coordinate generation after the transform and lighting - one style of UV depends on lights.
			switch (gstate.getUVGenMode()) {
			case GE_TEXMAP_TEXTURE_COORDS:	// UV mapping
			case GE_TEXMAP_UNKNOWN: // Seen in Riviera.  Unsure of meaning, but this works.
				// We always prescale in the vertex decoder now.
				uv[0] = ruv[0];
				uv[1] = ruv[1];
				uv[2] = 1.0f;

					// Projection mapping
					Vec3f source;
					switch (gstate.getUVProjMode())	{
					case GE_PROJMAP_POSITION: // Use model space XYZ as source
						source = pos;

					case GE_PROJMAP_UV: // Use unscaled UV as source
						source = Vec3f(ruv[0], ruv[1], 0.0f);

					case GE_PROJMAP_NORMALIZED_NORMAL: // Use normalized normal as source
						source = normal.Normalized();
						if (!reader.hasNormal()) {
							ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Normal projection mapping without normal?");

					case GE_PROJMAP_NORMAL: // Use non-normalized normal as source!
						source = normal;
						if (!reader.hasNormal()) {
							ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Normal projection mapping without normal?");

					float uvw[3];
					Vec3ByMatrix43(uvw, &source.x, gstate.tgenMatrix);
					uv[0] = uvw[0];
					uv[1] = uvw[1];
					uv[2] = uvw[2];

				// Shade mapping - use two light sources to generate U and V.
					Vec3f lightpos0 = Vec3f(&lighter.lpos[gstate.getUVLS0() * 3]).Normalized();
					Vec3f lightpos1 = Vec3f(&lighter.lpos[gstate.getUVLS1() * 3]).Normalized();

					uv[0] = (1.0f + Dot(lightpos0, worldnormal))/2.0f;
					uv[1] = (1.0f + Dot(lightpos1, worldnormal))/2.0f;
					uv[2] = 1.0f;

				// Illegal
				ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Impossible UV gen mode? %d", gstate.getUVGenMode());

			uv[0] = uv[0] * widthFactor;
			uv[1] = uv[1] * heightFactor;

			// Transform the coord by the view matrix.
			Vec3ByMatrix43(v, out, gstate.viewMatrix);
			fogCoef = (v[2] + fog_end) * fog_slope;

			// TODO: Write to a flexible buffer, we don't always need all four components.
			memcpy(&transformed[index].x, v, 3 * sizeof(float));
			transformed[index].fog = fogCoef;
			memcpy(&transformed[index].u, uv, 3 * sizeof(float));
			transformed[index].color0_32 = c0.ToRGBA();
			transformed[index].color1_32 = c1.ToRGBA();

			// The multiplication by the projection matrix is still performed in the vertex shader.
			// So is vertex depth rounding, to simulate the 16-bit depth buffer.

	// Here's the best opportunity to try to detect rectangles used to clear the screen, and
	// replace them with real clears. This can provide a speedup on certain mobile chips.
	// An alternative option is to simply ditch all the verts except the first and last to create a single
	// rectangle out of many. Quite a small optimization though.
	// Experiment: Disable on PowerVR (see issue #6290)
	// TODO: This bleeds outside the play area in non-buffered mode. Big deal? Probably not.
	bool reallyAClear = false;
	if (maxIndex > 1 && prim == GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES && gstate.isModeClear()) {
		int scissorX2 = gstate.getScissorX2() + 1;
		int scissorY2 = gstate.getScissorY2() + 1;
		reallyAClear = IsReallyAClear(transformed, maxIndex, scissorX2, scissorY2);
	if (reallyAClear && gl_extensions.gpuVendor != GPU_VENDOR_POWERVR) {  // && g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE) {
		// If alpha is not allowed to be separate, it must match for both depth/stencil and color.  Vulkan requires this.
		bool alphaMatchesColor = gstate.isClearModeColorMask() == gstate.isClearModeAlphaMask();
		bool depthMatchesStencil = gstate.isClearModeAlphaMask() == gstate.isClearModeDepthMask();
		if (params->allowSeparateAlphaClear || (alphaMatchesColor && depthMatchesStencil)) {
			result->color = transformed[1].color0_32;
			// Need to rescale from a [0, 1] float.  This is the final transformed value.
			result->depth = ToScaledDepth((s16)(int)(transformed[1].z * 65535.0f));
			result->action = SW_CLEAR;

	// This means we're using a framebuffer (and one that isn't big enough.)
	if (gstate_c.curTextureHeight < (u32)h && maxIndex >= 2) {
		// Even if not rectangles, this will detect if either of the first two are outside the framebuffer.
		// HACK: Adding one pixel margin to this detection fixes issues in Assassin's Creed : Bloodlines,
		// while still keeping BOF working (see below).
		const float invTexH = 1.0f / gstate_c.curTextureHeight; // size of one texel.
		bool tlOutside;
		bool tlAlmostOutside;
		bool brOutside;
		// If we're outside heightFactor, then v must be wrapping or clamping.  Avoid this workaround.
		// If we're <= 1.0f, we're inside the framebuffer (workaround not needed.)
		// We buffer that 1.0f a little more with a texel to avoid some false positives.
		tlOutside = transformed[0].v <= heightFactor && transformed[0].v > 1.0f + invTexH;
		brOutside = transformed[1].v <= heightFactor && transformed[1].v > 1.0f + invTexH;
		// Careful: if br is outside, but tl is well inside, this workaround still doesn't make sense.
		// We go with halfway, since we overestimate framebuffer heights sometimes but not by much.
		tlAlmostOutside = transformed[0].v <= heightFactor && transformed[0].v >= 0.5f;
		if (tlOutside || (brOutside && tlAlmostOutside)) {
			// Okay, so we're texturing from outside the framebuffer, but inside the texture height.
			// Breath of Fire 3 does this to access a render surface at an offset.
			const u32 bpp = fbman->GetTargetFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2;
			const u32 prevH = texCache->AttachedDrawingHeight();
			const u32 fb_size = bpp * fbman->GetTargetStride() * prevH;
			const u32 prevYOffset = gstate_c.curTextureYOffset;
			if (texCache->SetOffsetTexture(fb_size)) {
				const float oldWidthFactor = widthFactor;
				const float oldHeightFactor = heightFactor;
				widthFactor = (float) w / (float) gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
				heightFactor = (float) h / (float) gstate_c.curTextureHeight;

				// We've already baked in the old gstate_c.curTextureYOffset, so correct.
				const float yDiff = (float) (prevH + prevYOffset - gstate_c.curTextureYOffset) / (float) h;
				for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; ++index) {
					transformed[index].u *= widthFactor / oldWidthFactor;
					// Inverse it back to scale to the new FBO, and add 1.0f to account for old FBO.
					transformed[index].v = (transformed[index].v / oldHeightFactor - yDiff) * heightFactor;

	// Step 2: expand rectangles.
	drawBuffer = transformed;
	numTrans = 0;
	drawIndexed = false;

	if (prim != GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES) {
		// We can simply draw the unexpanded buffer.
		numTrans = vertexCount;
		drawIndexed = true;
	} else {
		bool useBufferedRendering = g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE;
		if (useBufferedRendering)
			ySign = -ySign;

		float flippedMatrix[16];
		if (!throughmode) {
			memcpy(&flippedMatrix, gstate.projMatrix, 16 * sizeof(float));

			const bool invertedY = useBufferedRendering ? (gstate_c.vpHeight < 0) : (gstate_c.vpHeight > 0);
			if (invertedY) {
				flippedMatrix[1] = -flippedMatrix[1];
				flippedMatrix[5] = -flippedMatrix[5];
				flippedMatrix[9] = -flippedMatrix[9];
				flippedMatrix[13] = -flippedMatrix[13];
			const bool invertedX = gstate_c.vpWidth < 0;
			if (invertedX) {
				flippedMatrix[0] = -flippedMatrix[0];
				flippedMatrix[4] = -flippedMatrix[4];
				flippedMatrix[8] = -flippedMatrix[8];
				flippedMatrix[12] = -flippedMatrix[12];

		//rectangles always need 2 vertices, disregard the last one if there's an odd number
		vertexCount = vertexCount & ~1;
		numTrans = 0;
		drawBuffer = transformedExpanded;
		TransformedVertex *trans = &transformedExpanded[0];
		const u16 *indsIn = (const u16 *)inds;
		u16 *newInds = inds + vertexCount;
		u16 *indsOut = newInds;
		maxIndex = 4 * vertexCount;
		for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i += 2) {
			const TransformedVertex &transVtxTL = transformed[indsIn[i + 0]];
			const TransformedVertex &transVtxBR = transformed[indsIn[i + 1]];

			// We have to turn the rectangle into two triangles, so 6 points.
			// This is 4 verts + 6 indices.

			// bottom right
			trans[0] = transVtxBR;

			// top right
			trans[1] = transVtxBR;
			trans[1].y = transVtxTL.y;
			trans[1].v = transVtxTL.v;

			// top left
			trans[2] = transVtxBR;
			trans[2].x = transVtxTL.x;
			trans[2].y = transVtxTL.y;
			trans[2].u = transVtxTL.u;
			trans[2].v = transVtxTL.v;

			// bottom left
			trans[3] = transVtxBR;
			trans[3].x = transVtxTL.x;
			trans[3].u = transVtxTL.u;

			// That's the four corners. Now process UV rotation.
			if (throughmode)
				RotateUV(trans, flippedMatrix, ySign);

			// Triangle: BR-TR-TL
			indsOut[0] = i * 2 + 0;
			indsOut[1] = i * 2 + 1;
			indsOut[2] = i * 2 + 2;
			// Triangle: BL-BR-TL
			indsOut[3] = i * 2 + 3;
			indsOut[4] = i * 2 + 0;
			indsOut[5] = i * 2 + 2;
			trans += 4;
			indsOut += 6;

			numTrans += 6;
		inds = newInds;
		drawIndexed = true;

		// We don't know the color until here, so we have to do it now, instead of in StateMapping.
		// Might want to reconsider the order of things later...
		if (gstate.isModeClear() && gstate.isClearModeAlphaMask()) {
			result->setStencil = true;
			if (vertexCount > 1) {
				// Take the bottom right alpha value of the first rect as the stencil value.
				// Technically, each rect could individually fill its stencil, but most of the
				// time they use the same one.
				result->stencilValue = transformed[indsIn[1]].color0[3];
			} else {
				result->stencilValue = 0;

	result->action = SW_DRAW_PRIMITIVES;
Beispiel #6
void ShaderManagerVulkan::BaseUpdateUniforms(int dirtyUniforms) {
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXENV) {
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub_base.texEnvColor, gstate.texenvcolor);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_ALPHACOLORREF) {
		Uint8x3ToInt4_Alpha(ub_base.alphaColorRef, gstate.getColorTestRef(), gstate.getAlphaTestRef() & gstate.getAlphaTestMask());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_ALPHACOLORMASK) {
		Uint8x3ToInt4_Alpha(ub_base.colorTestMask, gstate.getColorTestMask(), gstate.getAlphaTestMask());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_FOGCOLOR) {
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub_base.fogColor, gstate.fogcolor);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_SHADERBLEND) {
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub_base.blendFixA, gstate.getFixA());
		Uint8x3ToFloat4(ub_base.blendFixB, gstate.getFixB());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXCLAMP) {
		const float invW = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
		const float invH = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureHeight;
		const int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
		const int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
		const float widthFactor = (float)w * invW;
		const float heightFactor = (float)h * invH;

		// First wrap xy, then half texel xy (for clamp.)
		const float texclamp[4] = {
			invW * 0.5f,
			invH * 0.5f,
		const float texclampoff[2] = {
			gstate_c.curTextureXOffset * invW,
			gstate_c.curTextureYOffset * invH,
		CopyFloat4(ub_base.texClamp, texclamp);
		CopyFloat2(ub_base.texClampOffset, texclampoff);

	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_PROJMATRIX) {
		Matrix4x4 flippedMatrix;
		memcpy(&flippedMatrix, gstate.projMatrix, 16 * sizeof(float));

		const bool invertedY = gstate_c.vpHeight < 0;
		if (invertedY) {
			flippedMatrix[1] = -flippedMatrix[1];
			flippedMatrix[5] = -flippedMatrix[5];
			flippedMatrix[9] = -flippedMatrix[9];
			flippedMatrix[13] = -flippedMatrix[13];
		const bool invertedX = gstate_c.vpWidth < 0;
		if (invertedX) {
			flippedMatrix[0] = -flippedMatrix[0];
			flippedMatrix[4] = -flippedMatrix[4];
			flippedMatrix[8] = -flippedMatrix[8];
			flippedMatrix[12] = -flippedMatrix[12];
		ConvertProjMatrixToVulkan(flippedMatrix, invertedX, invertedY);
		CopyMatrix4x4(ub_base.proj, flippedMatrix.getReadPtr());

	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX) {
		Matrix4x4 proj_through;
		proj_through.setOrthoVulkan(0.0f, gstate_c.curRTWidth, 0, gstate_c.curRTHeight, 0, 1);
		CopyMatrix4x4(ub_base.proj_through, proj_through.getReadPtr());

	// Transform
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_WORLDMATRIX) {
		ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(, gstate.worldMatrix);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_VIEWMATRIX) {
		ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(ub_base.view, gstate.viewMatrix);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXMATRIX) {
		ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(ub_base.tex, gstate.tgenMatrix);

	// Combined two small uniforms
		float fogcoef_stencil[3] = {
		if (my_isinf(fogcoef_stencil[1])) {
			// not really sure what a sensible value might be.
			fogcoef_stencil[1] = fogcoef_stencil[1] < 0.0f ? -10000.0f : 10000.0f;
		} else if (my_isnan(fogcoef_stencil[1])) {
			// Workaround for
			// Just put the fog far away at a large finite distance.
			// Infinities and NaNs are rather unpredictable in shaders on many GPUs
			// so it's best to just make it a sane calculation.
			fogcoef_stencil[0] = 100000.0f;
			fogcoef_stencil[1] = 1.0f;
		else if (my_isnanorinf(fogcoef_stencil[1]) || my_isnanorinf(fogcoef_stencil[0])) {
			ERROR_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(fognan, G3D, "Unhandled fog NaN/INF combo: %f %f", fogcoef_stencil[0], fogcoef_stencil[1]);
		CopyFloat3(ub_base.fogCoef_stencil, fogcoef_stencil);

	// Texturing
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_UVSCALEOFFSET) {
		const float invW = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
		const float invH = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureHeight;
		const int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
		const int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
		const float widthFactor = (float)w * invW;
		const float heightFactor = (float)h * invH;

		static const float rescale[4] = { 1.0f, 2 * 127.5f / 128.f, 2 * 32767.5f / 32768.f, 1.0f };
		const float factor = rescale[(gstate.vertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) >> GE_VTYPE_TC_SHIFT];

		float uvscaleoff[4];

		switch (gstate.getUVGenMode()) {
			// Not sure what GE_TEXMAP_UNKNOWN is, but seen in Riviera.  Treating the same as GE_TEXMAP_TEXTURE_COORDS works.
			if (g_Config.bPrescaleUV) {
				// We are here but are prescaling UV in the decoder? Let's do the same as in the other case
				// except consider *Scale and *Off to be 1 and 0.
				uvscaleoff[0] = widthFactor;
				uvscaleoff[1] = heightFactor;
				uvscaleoff[2] = 0.0f;
				uvscaleoff[3] = 0.0f;
			} else {
				uvscaleoff[0] = gstate_c.uv.uScale * factor * widthFactor;
				uvscaleoff[1] = gstate_c.uv.vScale * factor * heightFactor;
				uvscaleoff[2] = gstate_c.uv.uOff * widthFactor;
				uvscaleoff[3] = gstate_c.uv.vOff * heightFactor;

			// These two work the same whether or not we prescale UV.

			// We cannot bake the UV coord scale factor in here, as we apply a matrix multiplication
			// before this is applied, and the matrix multiplication may contain translation. In this case
			// the translation will be scaled which breaks faces in Hexyz Force for example.
			// So I've gone back to applying the scale factor in the shader.
			uvscaleoff[0] = widthFactor;
			uvscaleoff[1] = heightFactor;
			uvscaleoff[2] = 0.0f;
			uvscaleoff[3] = 0.0f;

			// In this mode we only use uvscaleoff to scale to the texture size.
			uvscaleoff[0] = widthFactor;
			uvscaleoff[1] = heightFactor;
			uvscaleoff[2] = 0.0f;
			uvscaleoff[3] = 0.0f;

			ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Unexpected UV gen mode: %d", gstate.getUVGenMode());
		CopyFloat4(ub_base.uvScaleOffset, uvscaleoff);

	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_DEPTHRANGE) {
		float viewZScale = gstate.getViewportZScale();
		float viewZCenter = gstate.getViewportZCenter();
		float viewZInvScale;

		// We had to scale and translate Z to account for our clamped Z range.
		// Therefore, we also need to reverse this to round properly.
		// Example: scale = 65535.0, center = 0.0
		// Resulting range = -65535 to 65535, clamped to [0, 65535]
		// gstate_c.vpDepthScale = 2.0f
		// gstate_c.vpZOffset = -1.0f
		// The projection already accounts for those, so we need to reverse them.
		// Additionally, D3D9 uses a range from [0, 1].  We double and move the center.
		viewZScale *= (1.0f / gstate_c.vpDepthScale) * 2.0f;
		viewZCenter -= 65535.0f * gstate_c.vpZOffset + 32768.5f;

		if (viewZScale != 0.0) {
			viewZInvScale = 1.0f / viewZScale;
		} else {
			viewZInvScale = 0.0;

		float data[4] = { viewZScale, viewZCenter, viewZCenter, viewZInvScale };
		CopyFloat4(ub_base.depthRange, data);
Beispiel #7
void ShaderManagerDX9::VSUpdateUniforms(int dirtyUniforms) {
	// Update any dirty uniforms before we draw
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_PROJMATRIX) {
		Matrix4x4 flippedMatrix;
		memcpy(&flippedMatrix, gstate.projMatrix, 16 * sizeof(float));

		const bool invertedY = gstate_c.vpHeight < 0;
		if (!invertedY) {
			flippedMatrix[1] = -flippedMatrix[1];
			flippedMatrix[5] = -flippedMatrix[5];
			flippedMatrix[9] = -flippedMatrix[9];
			flippedMatrix[13] = -flippedMatrix[13];
		const bool invertedX = gstate_c.vpWidth < 0;
		if (invertedX) {
			flippedMatrix[0] = -flippedMatrix[0];
			flippedMatrix[4] = -flippedMatrix[4];
			flippedMatrix[8] = -flippedMatrix[8];
			flippedMatrix[12] = -flippedMatrix[12];

		ConvertProjMatrixToD3D(flippedMatrix, invertedX, invertedY);

		VSSetMatrix(CONST_VS_PROJ, flippedMatrix.getReadPtr());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX) {
		Matrix4x4 proj_through;
		proj_through.setOrtho(0.0f, gstate_c.curRTWidth, gstate_c.curRTHeight, 0, 0, 1);


		VSSetMatrix(CONST_VS_PROJ_THROUGH, proj_through.getReadPtr());
	// Transform
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_WORLDMATRIX) {
		VSSetMatrix4x3_3(CONST_VS_WORLD, gstate.worldMatrix);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_VIEWMATRIX) {
		VSSetMatrix4x3_3(CONST_VS_VIEW, gstate.viewMatrix);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_TEXMATRIX) {
		VSSetMatrix4x3_3(CONST_VS_TEXMTX, gstate.tgenMatrix);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_FOGCOEF) {
		float fogcoef[2] = {
		if (my_isinf(fogcoef[1])) {
			// not really sure what a sensible value might be.
			fogcoef[1] = fogcoef[1] < 0.0f ? -10000.0f : 10000.0f;
		} else if (my_isnan(fogcoef[1])) {
			// Workaround for
			// Just put the fog far away at a large finite distance.
			// Infinities and NaNs are rather unpredictable in shaders on many GPUs
			// so it's best to just make it a sane calculation.
			fogcoef[0] = 100000.0f;
			fogcoef[1] = 1.0f;
		else if (my_isnanorinf(fogcoef[1]) || my_isnanorinf(fogcoef[0])) {
			ERROR_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(fognan, G3D, "Unhandled fog NaN/INF combo: %f %f", fogcoef[0], fogcoef[1]);
		VSSetFloatArray(CONST_VS_FOGCOEF, fogcoef, 2);
	// TODO: Could even set all bones in one go if they're all dirty.
	if (u_bone != 0) {
		float allBones[8 * 16];

		bool allDirty = true;
		for (int i = 0; i < numBones; i++) {
			if (dirtyUniforms & (DIRTY_BONEMATRIX0 << i)) {
				ConvertMatrix4x3To4x4(allBones + 16 * i, gstate.boneMatrix + 12 * i);
			} else {
				allDirty = false;
		if (allDirty) {
			// Set them all with one call
			//glUniformMatrix4fv(u_bone, numBones, GL_FALSE, allBones);
		} else {
			// Set them one by one. Could try to coalesce two in a row etc but too lazy.
			for (int i = 0; i < numBones; i++) {
				if (dirtyUniforms & (DIRTY_BONEMATRIX0 << i)) {
					//glUniformMatrix4fv(u_bone + i, 1, GL_FALSE, allBones + 16 * i);
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		if (dirtyUniforms & (DIRTY_BONEMATRIX0 << i)) {
			VSSetMatrix4x3_3(CONST_VS_BONE0 + 3 * i, gstate.boneMatrix + 12 * i);

	// Texturing
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_UVSCALEOFFSET) {
		const float invW = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
		const float invH = 1.0f / (float)gstate_c.curTextureHeight;
		const int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
		const int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
		const float widthFactor = (float)w * invW;
		const float heightFactor = (float)h * invH;

		float uvscaleoff[4];

		switch (gstate.getUVGenMode()) {
			// Not sure what GE_TEXMAP_UNKNOWN is, but seen in Riviera.  Treating the same as GE_TEXMAP_TEXTURE_COORDS works.
			if (g_Config.bPrescaleUV) {
				// We are here but are prescaling UV in the decoder? Let's do the same as in the other case
				// except consider *Scale and *Off to be 1 and 0.
				uvscaleoff[0] = widthFactor;
				uvscaleoff[1] = heightFactor;
				uvscaleoff[2] = 0.0f;
				uvscaleoff[3] = 0.0f;
			} else {
				uvscaleoff[0] = gstate_c.uv.uScale * widthFactor;
				uvscaleoff[1] = gstate_c.uv.vScale * heightFactor;
				uvscaleoff[2] = gstate_c.uv.uOff * widthFactor;
				uvscaleoff[3] = gstate_c.uv.vOff * heightFactor;

		// These two work the same whether or not we prescale UV.

			// We cannot bake the UV coord scale factor in here, as we apply a matrix multiplication
			// before this is applied, and the matrix multiplication may contain translation. In this case
			// the translation will be scaled which breaks faces in Hexyz Force for example.
			// So I've gone back to applying the scale factor in the shader.
			uvscaleoff[0] = widthFactor;
			uvscaleoff[1] = heightFactor;
			uvscaleoff[2] = 0.0f;
			uvscaleoff[3] = 0.0f;

			// In this mode we only use uvscaleoff to scale to the texture size.
			uvscaleoff[0] = widthFactor;
			uvscaleoff[1] = heightFactor;
			uvscaleoff[2] = 0.0f;
			uvscaleoff[3] = 0.0f;

			ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Unexpected UV gen mode: %d", gstate.getUVGenMode());
		VSSetFloatArray(CONST_VS_UVSCALEOFFSET, uvscaleoff, 4);

	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_DEPTHRANGE)	{
		// Depth is [0, 1] mapping to [minz, maxz], not too hard.
		float vpZScale = gstate.getViewportZScale();
		float vpZCenter = gstate.getViewportZCenter();

		// These are just the reverse of the formulas in GPUStateUtils.
		float halfActualZRange = vpZScale / gstate_c.vpDepthScale;
		float minz = -((gstate_c.vpZOffset * halfActualZRange) - vpZCenter) - halfActualZRange;
		float viewZScale = halfActualZRange * 2.0f;
		// Account for the half pixel offset.
		float viewZCenter = minz + (DepthSliceFactor() / 256.0f) * 0.5f;
		float viewZInvScale;

		if (viewZScale != 0.0) {
			viewZInvScale = 1.0f / viewZScale;
		} else {
			viewZInvScale = 0.0;

		float data[4] = { viewZScale, viewZCenter, viewZCenter, viewZInvScale };
		VSSetFloatUniform4(CONST_VS_DEPTHRANGE, data);
	// Lighting
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_AMBIENT) {
		VSSetColorUniform3Alpha(CONST_VS_AMBIENT, gstate.ambientcolor, gstate.getAmbientA());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_MATAMBIENTALPHA) {
		VSSetColorUniform3Alpha(CONST_VS_MATAMBIENTALPHA, gstate.materialambient, gstate.getMaterialAmbientA());
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_MATDIFFUSE) {
		VSSetColorUniform3(CONST_VS_MATDIFFUSE, gstate.materialdiffuse);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_MATEMISSIVE) {
		VSSetColorUniform3(CONST_VS_MATEMISSIVE, gstate.materialemissive);
	if (dirtyUniforms & DIRTY_MATSPECULAR) {
		VSSetColorUniform3ExtraFloat(CONST_VS_MATSPECULAR, gstate.materialspecular, getFloat24(gstate.materialspecularcoef));
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		if (dirtyUniforms & (DIRTY_LIGHT0 << i)) {
			if (gstate.isDirectionalLight(i)) {
				// Prenormalize
				float x = getFloat24(gstate.lpos[i * 3 + 0]);
				float y = getFloat24(gstate.lpos[i * 3 + 1]);
				float z = getFloat24(gstate.lpos[i * 3 + 2]);
				float len = sqrtf(x*x + y*y + z*z);
				if (len == 0.0f)
					len = 1.0f;
					len = 1.0f / len;
				float vec[3] = { x * len, y * len, z * len };
				VSSetFloatArray(CONST_VS_LIGHTPOS + i, vec, 3);
			} else {
				VSSetFloat24Uniform3(CONST_VS_LIGHTPOS + i, &gstate.lpos[i * 3]);
			VSSetFloat24Uniform3(CONST_VS_LIGHTDIR + i, &gstate.ldir[i * 3]);
			VSSetFloat24Uniform3(CONST_VS_LIGHTATT + i, &gstate.latt[i * 3]);
			VSSetFloat(CONST_VS_LIGHTANGLE + i, getFloat24(gstate.lcutoff[i]));
			VSSetFloat(CONST_VS_LIGHTSPOTCOEF + i, getFloat24(gstate.lconv[i]));
			VSSetColorUniform3(CONST_VS_LIGHTAMBIENT + i, gstate.lcolor[i * 3]);
			VSSetColorUniform3(CONST_VS_LIGHTDIFFUSE + i, gstate.lcolor[i * 3 + 1]);
			VSSetColorUniform3(CONST_VS_LIGHTSPECULAR + i, gstate.lcolor[i * 3 + 2]);
void TransformDrawEngine::SoftwareTransformAndDraw(
		int prim, u8 *decoded, LinkedShader *program, int vertexCount, u32 vertType, void *inds, int indexType, const DecVtxFormat &decVtxFormat, int maxIndex) {

	bool throughmode = (vertType & GE_VTYPE_THROUGH_MASK) != 0;
	bool lmode = gstate.isUsingSecondaryColor() && gstate.isLightingEnabled();

	// TODO: Split up into multiple draw calls for GLES 2.0 where you can't guarantee support for more than 0x10000 verts.

#if defined(MOBILE_DEVICE)
	if (vertexCount > 0x10000/3)
		vertexCount = 0x10000/3;

	float uscale = 1.0f;
	float vscale = 1.0f;
	bool scaleUV = false;
	if (throughmode) {
		uscale /= gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
		vscale /= gstate_c.curTextureHeight;
	} else {
		scaleUV = !g_Config.bPrescaleUV;

	bool skinningEnabled = vertTypeIsSkinningEnabled(vertType);

	int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
	int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
	float widthFactor = (float) w / (float) gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
	float heightFactor = (float) h / (float) gstate_c.curTextureHeight;

	Lighter lighter(vertType);
	float fog_end = getFloat24(gstate.fog1);
	float fog_slope = getFloat24(gstate.fog2);
	// Same fixup as in ShaderManager.cpp
	if (my_isinf(fog_slope)) {
		// not really sure what a sensible value might be.
		fog_slope = fog_slope < 0.0f ? -10000.0f : 10000.0f;

	VertexReader reader(decoded, decVtxFormat, vertType);
	for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) {

		float v[3] = {0, 0, 0};
		float c0[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
		float c1[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
		float uv[3] = {0, 0, 1};
		float fogCoef = 1.0f;

		if (throughmode) {
			// Do not touch the coordinates or the colors. No lighting.
			if (reader.hasColor0()) {
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
					c1[j] = 0.0f;
			} else {
				c0[0] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientR() / 255.f;
				c0[1] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientG() / 255.f;
				c0[2] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientB() / 255.f;
				c0[3] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientA() / 255.f;

			if (reader.hasUV()) {

				uv[0] *= uscale;
				uv[1] *= vscale;
			fogCoef = 1.0f;
			// Scale UV?
		} else {
			// We do software T&L for now
			float out[3], norm[3];
			float pos[3], nrm[3];
			Vec3f normal(0, 0, 1);
			if (reader.hasNormal())

			if (!skinningEnabled) {
				Vec3ByMatrix43(out, pos, gstate.worldMatrix);
				if (reader.hasNormal()) {
					Norm3ByMatrix43(norm, nrm, gstate.worldMatrix);
					normal = Vec3f(norm).Normalized();
			} else {
				float weights[8];
				// Skinning
				Vec3f psum(0,0,0);
				Vec3f nsum(0,0,0);
				for (int i = 0; i < vertTypeGetNumBoneWeights(vertType); i++) {
					if (weights[i] != 0.0f) {
						Vec3ByMatrix43(out, pos, gstate.boneMatrix+i*12);
						Vec3f tpos(out);
						psum += tpos * weights[i];
						if (reader.hasNormal()) {
							Norm3ByMatrix43(norm, nrm, gstate.boneMatrix+i*12);
							Vec3f tnorm(norm);
							nsum += tnorm * weights[i];

				// Yes, we really must multiply by the world matrix too.
				Vec3ByMatrix43(out, psum.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix);
				if (reader.hasNormal()) {
					Norm3ByMatrix43(norm, nsum.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix);
					normal = Vec3f(norm).Normalized();

			// Perform lighting here if enabled. don't need to check through, it's checked above.
			float unlitColor[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
			if (reader.hasColor0()) {
			} else {
				unlitColor[0] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientR() / 255.f;
				unlitColor[1] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientG() / 255.f;
				unlitColor[2] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientB() / 255.f;
				unlitColor[3] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientA() / 255.f;
			float litColor0[4];
			float litColor1[4];
			lighter.Light(litColor0, litColor1, unlitColor, out, normal);

			if (gstate.isLightingEnabled()) {
				// Don't ignore gstate.lmode - we should send two colors in that case
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
					c0[j] = litColor0[j];
				if (lmode) {
					// Separate colors
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						c1[j] = litColor1[j];
				} else {
					// Summed color into c0
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						c0[j] = ((c0[j] + litColor1[j]) > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : (c0[j] + litColor1[j]);
			} else {
				if (reader.hasColor0()) {
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						c0[j] = unlitColor[j];
				} else {
					c0[0] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientR() / 255.f;
					c0[1] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientG() / 255.f;
					c0[2] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientB() / 255.f;
					c0[3] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientA() / 255.f;
				if (lmode) {
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						c1[j] = 0.0f;

			float ruv[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
			if (reader.hasUV())

			// Perform texture coordinate generation after the transform and lighting - one style of UV depends on lights.
			switch (gstate.getUVGenMode()) {
			case GE_TEXMAP_TEXTURE_COORDS:	// UV mapping
			case GE_TEXMAP_UNKNOWN: // Seen in Riviera.  Unsure of meaning, but this works.
				// Texture scale/offset is only performed in this mode.
				if (scaleUV) {
					uv[0] = ruv[0]*gstate_c.uv.uScale + gstate_c.uv.uOff;
					uv[1] = ruv[1]*gstate_c.uv.vScale + gstate_c.uv.vOff;
				} else {
					uv[0] = ruv[0];
					uv[1] = ruv[1];
				uv[2] = 1.0f;

					// Projection mapping
					Vec3f source;
					switch (gstate.getUVProjMode())	{
					case GE_PROJMAP_POSITION: // Use model space XYZ as source
						source = pos;

					case GE_PROJMAP_UV: // Use unscaled UV as source
						source = Vec3f(ruv[0], ruv[1], 0.0f);

					case GE_PROJMAP_NORMALIZED_NORMAL: // Use normalized normal as source
						if (reader.hasNormal()) {
							source = Vec3f(norm).Normalized();
						} else {
							ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Normal projection mapping without normal?");
							source = Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

					case GE_PROJMAP_NORMAL: // Use non-normalized normal as source!
						if (reader.hasNormal()) {
							source = Vec3f(norm);
						} else {
							ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Normal projection mapping without normal?");
							source = Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

					float uvw[3];
					Vec3ByMatrix43(uvw, &source.x, gstate.tgenMatrix);
					uv[0] = uvw[0];
					uv[1] = uvw[1];
					uv[2] = uvw[2];

				// Shade mapping - use two light sources to generate U and V.
					Vec3f lightpos0 = Vec3f(gstate_c.lightpos[gstate.getUVLS0()]).Normalized();
					Vec3f lightpos1 = Vec3f(gstate_c.lightpos[gstate.getUVLS1()]).Normalized();

					uv[0] = (1.0f + Dot(lightpos0, normal))/2.0f;
					uv[1] = (1.0f - Dot(lightpos1, normal))/2.0f;
					uv[2] = 1.0f;

				// Illegal
				ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Impossible UV gen mode? %d", gstate.getUVGenMode());

			uv[0] = uv[0] * widthFactor;
			uv[1] = uv[1] * heightFactor;

			// Transform the coord by the view matrix.
			Vec3ByMatrix43(v, out, gstate.viewMatrix);
			fogCoef = (v[2] + fog_end) * fog_slope;

		// TODO: Write to a flexible buffer, we don't always need all four components.
		memcpy(&transformed[index].x, v, 3 * sizeof(float));
		transformed[index].fog = fogCoef;
		memcpy(&transformed[index].u, uv, 3 * sizeof(float));
		if (gstate_c.flipTexture) {
			transformed[index].v = 1.0f - transformed[index].v;
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			transformed[index].color0[i] = c0[i] * 255.0f;
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			transformed[index].color1[i] = c1[i] * 255.0f;

	// Here's the best opportunity to try to detect rectangles used to clear the screen, and
	// replace them with real OpenGL clears. This can provide a speedup on certain mobile chips.
	// Disabled for now - depth does not come out exactly the same.
	// An alternative option is to simply ditch all the verts except the first and last to create a single
	// rectangle out of many. Quite a small optimization though.
	if (false && maxIndex > 1 && gstate.isModeClear() && prim == GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES && IsReallyAClear(maxIndex)) {
		u32 clearColor;
		memcpy(&clearColor, transformed[0].color0, 4);
		float clearDepth = transformed[0].z;
		const float col[4] = {
			((clearColor & 0xFF)) / 255.0f,
			((clearColor & 0xFF00) >> 8) / 255.0f,
			((clearColor & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0f,
			((clearColor & 0xFF000000) >> 24) / 255.0f,

		bool colorMask = gstate.isClearModeColorMask();
		bool alphaMask = gstate.isClearModeAlphaMask();
		glstate.colorMask.set(colorMask, colorMask, colorMask, alphaMask);
		if (alphaMask) {
			// Clear stencil
			// TODO: extract the stencilValue properly, see below
			int stencilValue = 0;
			glstate.stencilFunc.set(GL_ALWAYS, stencilValue, 255);
		} else {
			// Don't touch stencil
		bool depthMask = gstate.isClearModeDepthMask();

		int target = 0;
		if (colorMask || alphaMask) target |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT;
		if (depthMask) target |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;

		glClearColor(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]);
#ifdef USING_GLES2
		glClearStencil(0);  // TODO - take from alpha?
Beispiel #9
int my_dtostr(double d,char *buf,unsigned int maxlen,unsigned int prec,unsigned int prec2,int flags) {
#if 1
  union {
    unsigned long long l;
    double d;
  } u = { .d=d };
  /* step 1: extract sign, mantissa and exponent */
  signed long e=((u.l>>52)&((1<<11)-1))-1023;
  signed long e=(((((unsigned long*)&d)[1])>>20)&((1<<11)-1))-1023;
  signed long e=(((*((unsigned long*)&d))>>20)&((1<<11)-1))-1023;
/*  unsigned long long m=u.l & ((1ull<<52)-1); */
  /* step 2: exponent is base 2, compute exponent for base 10 */
  signed long e10;
  /* step 3: calculate 10^e10 */
  unsigned int i;
  double backup=d;
  double tmp;
  char *oldbuf=buf;

  if (my_isinf(d))
    return copystring(buf,maxlen,
  if (my_isnan(d)) return copystring(buf,maxlen,flags&0x02?"NAN":"nan");
  e10=1+(long)(e*0.30102999566398119802); /* log10(2) */
  /* Wir iterieren von Links bis wir bei 0 sind oder maxlen erreicht
   * ist.  Wenn maxlen erreicht ist, machen wir das nochmal in
   * scientific notation.  Wenn dann von prec noch was �brig ist, geben
   * wir einen Dezimalpunkt aus und geben prec2 Nachkommastellen aus.
   * Wenn prec2 Null ist, geben wir so viel Stellen aus, wie von prec
   * noch �brig ist. */
  if (d==0.0) {
    if (prec2 && (long long)u.l<0) { buf[0]='-'; ++i; }
    for (; i<prec2; ++i) buf[i]='0';
    buf[buf[0]=='0'?1:2]='.'; buf[i]=0;
    return i;

  if (d < 0.0) { d=-d; *buf='-'; --maxlen; ++buf; }

      Perform rounding. It needs to be done before we generate any
      digits as the carry could propagate through the whole number.

  tmp = 0.5;
  for (i = 0; i < prec2; i++) { tmp *= 0.1; }
  d += tmp;

  if (d < 1.0) { *buf='0'; --maxlen; ++buf; }
/*  printf("e=%d e10=%d prec=%d\n",e,e10,prec); */
  if (e10>0) {
    int first=1;	/* are we about to write the first digit? */
    tmp = 10.0;
    while (i>10) { tmp=tmp*1e10; i-=10; }
    while (i>1) { tmp=tmp*10; --i; }
    /* the number is greater than 1. Iterate through digits before the
     * decimal point until we reach the decimal point or maxlen is
     * reached (in which case we switch to scientific notation). */
    while (tmp>0.9) {
      char digit;
      double fraction=d/tmp;
	digit=(int)(fraction);		/* floor() */
      if (!first || digit) {
	*buf=digit+'0'; ++buf;
	if (!maxlen) {
	  /* use scientific notation */
	  int len=my_dtostr(backup/tmp,oldbuf,maxlen,prec,prec2,0);
	  int initial=1;
	  if (len==0) return 0;
	  maxlen-=len; buf+=len;
	  if (maxlen>0) {
	  for (len=1000; len>0; len/=10) {
	    if (e10>=len || !initial) {
	      if (maxlen>0) {
	  if (maxlen>0) goto fini;
	  return 0;
     tmp = 0.1;

  if (buf==oldbuf) {
    if (!maxlen) return 0; --maxlen;
    *buf='0'; ++buf;
  if (prec2 || prec>(unsigned int)(buf-oldbuf)+1) {	/* more digits wanted */
    if (!maxlen) return 0; --maxlen;
    *buf='.'; ++buf;
    if ((flags & 0x01)) {
      if (prec2) prec=prec2;
    } else {
      if (prec2) prec=prec2;
    if (prec>maxlen) return 0;
    while (prec>0) {
      char digit;
      double fraction=d/tmp;
      digit=(int)(fraction);		/* floor() */
      *buf=digit+'0'; ++buf;
  return buf-oldbuf;