Beispiel #1
 purpose:  returns a new string consisting of s+t
char *strdup_together(const char *s, const char *t)
    char *both;
    size_t siz;
    if (s == NULL) {
        if (t == NULL)
            return NULL;
        return strdup(t);
    if (t == NULL)
        return strdup(s);

    if (0) diagnostics(1, "'%s' + '%s'", s, t);
    siz = strlen(s) + strlen(t) + 1;
    both = (char *) malloc(siz);

    if (both == NULL)
        diagnostics(ERROR, "Could not allocate memory for both strings.");

    my_strlcpy(both, s, siz);
    my_strlcat(both, t, siz);

    return both;
Beispiel #2
static bool dumpCallback(const google_breakpad::MinidumpDescriptor& descriptor, void* context, bool succeeded)
	//printf("Wrote minidump to: %s\n", descriptor.path());

	if (succeeded) {
		sys_write(STDOUT_FILENO, "Wrote minidump to: ", 19);
	} else {
		sys_write(STDOUT_FILENO, "Failed to write minidump to: ", 29);

	sys_write(STDOUT_FILENO, descriptor.path(), my_strlen(descriptor.path()));
	sys_write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1);

	if (!succeeded) {
		return succeeded;

	my_strlcpy(dumpStoragePath, descriptor.path(), sizeof(dumpStoragePath));
	my_strlcat(dumpStoragePath, ".txt", sizeof(dumpStoragePath));

	int extra = sys_open(dumpStoragePath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
	if (extra == -1) {
		sys_write(STDOUT_FILENO, "Failed to open metadata file!\n", 30);
		return succeeded;

	sys_write(extra, "-------- CONFIG BEGIN --------", 30);
	sys_write(extra, "\nMap=", 5);
	sys_write(extra, crashMap, my_strlen(crashMap));
	sys_write(extra, "\nGamePath=", 10);
	sys_write(extra, crashGamePath, my_strlen(crashGamePath));
	sys_write(extra, "\nCommandLine=", 13);
	sys_write(extra, crashCommandLine, my_strlen(crashCommandLine));
	sys_write(extra, "\nSourceModPath=", 15);
	sys_write(extra, crashSourceModPath, my_strlen(crashSourceModPath));
	sys_write(extra, "\nGameDirectory=", 15);
	sys_write(extra, crashGameDirectory, my_strlen(crashGameDirectory));
	sys_write(extra, "\nExtensionVersion=", 18);
	sys_write(extra, SM_VERSION, my_strlen(SM_VERSION));
	sys_write(extra, "\nExtensionBuild=", 16);
	sys_write(extra, SM_BUILD_UNIQUEID, my_strlen(SM_BUILD_UNIQUEID));
	sys_write(extra, steamInf, my_strlen(steamInf));
	sys_write(extra, "\n-------- CONFIG END --------\n", 30);

	if (GetSpew) {
		GetSpew(spewBuffer, sizeof(spewBuffer));
		if (my_strlen(spewBuffer) > 0) {
			sys_write(extra, "-------- CONSOLE HISTORY BEGIN --------\n", 40);
			sys_write(extra, spewBuffer, my_strlen(spewBuffer));
			sys_write(extra, "-------- CONSOLE HISTORY END --------\n", 38);

#if 0
	char pis[64];
	char pds[32];
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < plugin_count; ++i) {
		PluginInfo *p = &plugins[i];
		if (p->serial == 0) continue;
		my_uitos(pds, i, my_uint_len(i));
		pds[my_uint_len(i)] = '\0';
		my_strlcpy(pis, "plugin[", sizeof(pis));
		my_strlcat(pis, pds, sizeof(pis));
		my_strlcat(pis, "].", sizeof(pis));
		sys_write(extra, pis, my_strlen(pis));
		sys_write(extra, "filename=", 9);
		sys_write(extra, p->filename, my_strlen(p->filename));
		sys_write(extra, "\n", 1);
		sys_write(extra, pis, my_strlen(pis));
		sys_write(extra, "name=", 5);
		sys_write(extra, p->name, my_strlen(p->name));
		sys_write(extra, "\n", 1);
		sys_write(extra, pis, my_strlen(pis));
		sys_write(extra, "author=", 7);
		sys_write(extra, p->author, my_strlen(p->author));
		sys_write(extra, "\n", 1);
		sys_write(extra, pis, my_strlen(pis));
		sys_write(extra, "description=", 12);
		sys_write(extra, p->description, my_strlen(p->description));
		sys_write(extra, "\n", 1);
		sys_write(extra, pis, my_strlen(pis));
		sys_write(extra, "version=", 8);
		sys_write(extra, p->version, my_strlen(p->version));
		sys_write(extra, "\n", 1);
		sys_write(extra, pis, my_strlen(pis));
		sys_write(extra, "url=", 4);
		sys_write(extra, p->url, my_strlen(p->url));
		sys_write(extra, "\n", 1);


	return succeeded;
Beispiel #3
 Function: Cmd_Alias_f -Creates a new command that executes a command 
						string (possibly ; seperated).
 Parameters: Nothing.
 Returns: Nothing. 

PRIVATE void Cmd_Alias_f( void )
	cmdalias_t	*a;
	char		cmd[ 1024 ];
	int			i, c;
	char		*s;
	W32	hashid;

	if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 )
		Com_Printf( "Current alias commands:\n" );
		for( a = cmd_alias ; a ; a = a->next )
			Com_Printf( "%s : %s\n", a->name, a->value );

	s = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
	if( strlen( s ) >= MAX_ALIAS_NAME )
		Com_Printf( "Alias name is too long\n" );

	hashid = my_strhash( s );

	// if the alias already exists, reuse it
	for( a = cmd_alias ; a ; a = a->next )
		if( hashid == a->id )
			Z_Free( a->value );

	if( ! a )
		a = Z_Malloc( sizeof( cmdalias_t ) );
		a->next = cmd_alias;
		cmd_alias = a;
	my_strlcpy( a->name, s, sizeof( a->name ) );
	a->id = hashid;

// copy the rest of the command line
	cmd[ 0 ] = '\0';	// start out with a NUL-terminated string
	c = Cmd_Argc();
	for( i = 2; i < c; ++i )
		my_strlcat( cmd, Cmd_Argv( i ), sizeof( cmd ) );
		if( i != (c - 1) )
			my_strlcat( cmd, " ", sizeof( cmd ) );
	my_strlcat( cmd, "\n", sizeof( cmd ) );
	a->value = my_CopyString( cmd );
Beispiel #4
 Function: Cbuf_AddLateCommands -Adds command line parameters as script 
 Parameters: Nothing.
 Returns: true if any late commands were added, otherwise false.
	Commands lead with a + and continue until another + or -
	application.exe +map amlev1

	Returns true if any late commands were added, which
	will keep the demoloop from immediately starting
PUBLIC _boolean Cbuf_AddLateCommands( void )
	int		i, j;
	int		s;
	char	*text, *build, c;
	int		argc;
	_boolean	ret;

// build the combined string to parse from
	s = 0;
	argc = COM_Argc();
	for( i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
		s += strlen( COM_Argv( i ) ) + 1;

	if( ! s )
		return false;
	text = Z_Malloc( s + 1 );
	text[ 0 ] = '\0';	// Start with a NUL-terminated string.

	for( i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
		my_strlcat( text, COM_Argv( i ), s );
		if( i != argc-1 )
			my_strlcat( text, " ", s );
// pull out the commands
	build = Z_Malloc( s + 1 );
	build[ 0 ] = '\0'; // Start with a NUL-terminated string.
	for( i = 0; i < s-1; ++i )
		if( text[ i ] == '+' )

			for( j = i ; (text[ j ] != '+') && (text[ j ] != '-') && (text[ j ] != 0) ; j++ )

			c = text[ j ];
			text[ j ] = 0;
			my_strlcat( build, text+i, s+1 );
			my_strlcat( build, "\n", s+1 );
			text[ j ] = c;
			i = j - 1;

	ret = (build[ 0 ] != 0);
	if( ret )
		Cbuf_AddText (build);
	Z_Free( text );
	Z_Free( build );

	return ret;