Beispiel #1
static int init_glog()
	char *logname = myconfig_get_value("log_main_logname");
	if (!logname)
		logname = "./main_log.log";

	char *cloglevel = myconfig_get_value("log_main_loglevel");
	int loglevel = LOG_NORMAL;
	if (cloglevel)
		loglevel = getloglevel(cloglevel);
	int logsize = myconfig_get_intval("log_main_logsize", 100);
	int logintval = myconfig_get_intval("log_main_logtime", 3600);
	int lognum = myconfig_get_intval("log_main_lognum", 10);
	glogfd = registerlog(logname, loglevel, logsize, logintval, lognum);
	return glogfd;
Beispiel #2
int init_pfs_time_stamp()
	char *datadir = myconfig_get_value("pfs_path");
	if (datadir == NULL)
		datadir = "../data";
	char tmpfile[256] = {0x0};
	snprintf(tmpfile, sizeof(tmpfile), "%s/pfs_time_stamp", datadir);
	struct stat filestat;
	if (stat(tmpfile, &filestat))
		LOG(glogfd, LOG_ERROR, "%s not exit init it!\n", tmpfile);

	fd_time_stamp = open(tmpfile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE, 0644);
	if (fd_time_stamp < 0)
		LOG(glogfd, LOG_ERROR, "open %s err %m\n", tmpfile);
		return -1;
	if (ftruncate(fd_time_stamp, sizeof(t_time_stamp) * DIR1 * DIR2))
		LOG(glogfd, LOG_ERROR, "ftruncate %s err %m\n", tmpfile);
		return -1;
	t_pfs_timer pfs_timer;
	memset(&pfs_timer, 0, sizeof(pfs_timer));
	pfs_timer.span_time = 600;
	pfs_timer.cb = sync_fd;
	pfs_timer.loop = 1;
	if (add_to_delay_task(&pfs_timer))
		LOG(glogfd, LOG_ERROR, "add delay task err %m\n");
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
int get_localdir(char *hostname, char *srcfile, char *dstfile)
	char tmpfile[256] = {0x0};
	snprintf(tmpfile, sizeof(tmpfile), "%s", srcfile);
	char *p = basename(tmpfile);
	sprintf(dstfile, "%s/%s/%s", myconfig_get_value("vfs_dst_datadir"), hostname, p);
	return 0;
Beispiel #4
static int init_redis()
	char *ip = myconfig_get_value("redis_server");
	if (ip == NULL)
		LOG(vfs_http_log, LOG_ERROR, "config have not redis_server!\n");
		return -1;
    return redis_connect(ip, myconfig_get_intval("redis_port", 16379));
Beispiel #5
static int active_connect()
	char *ip = myconfig_get_value("iplist_serverip");
	int port = g_config.sig_port;
	int fd = createsocket(ip, port);
	if (fd < 0)
		LOG(vfs_sig_log, LOG_ERROR, "connect %s:%d err %m\n", ip, port);
		return -1;
	if (svc_initconn(fd))
		LOG(vfs_sig_log, LOG_ERROR, "svc_initconn err %m\n");
		return -1;
	LOG(vfs_sig_log, LOG_NORMAL, "fd [%d] connect %s:%d\n", fd, ip, port);
	return fd;
Beispiel #6
static void start_inotify_thread(void * arg)

#ifndef PR_SET_NAME
#define PR_SET_NAME 15
	memset(watch_dirs, 0, sizeof(watch_dirs));
	prctl(PR_SET_NAME, "fcs_inotify", 0, 0, 0);

	inotify_fd = inotify_init();
	if(inotify_fd < 0)
		stop = 1;
		LOG(vfs_sig_log, LOG_ERROR, "inotify thread init error!\n");
		return ;

	char *flvdir = myconfig_get_value("vfs_src_datadir");
		flvdir = "/flvdata";

	FD_SET(inotify_fd, &fds);
	int ret = add_watch(inotify_fd, flvdir, mask);
	if(ret != 0)
		stop = 1;
		LOG(vfs_sig_log, LOG_ERROR, "inotify add watch dir error!\n");
		return ;

	LOG(vfs_sig_log, LOG_DEBUG, "start to inotify watch dir\n");

	struct timeval tv;
		tv.tv_sec = 20;
		tv.tv_usec = 0;
		if (select(inotify_fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0)
			while (1)
				int len, index = 0;
				unsigned char buf[1024] = {0};
				len = read(inotify_fd, &buf, sizeof(buf));
				if (len <= 0)
				while (index < len)
					struct inotify_event *event = (struct inotify_event *)(buf + index);
					index += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len;
		FD_SET(inotify_fd, &fds);
Beispiel #7
int init_para(t_path_info * path)
	char *v = myconfig_get_value("log_logname");
	if (v == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "config have not logname!\n");
		return -1;
	char *logfile = v;
	int loglevel = getloglevel(myconfig_get_value("log_loglevel"));
	int logsize = myconfig_get_intval("log_logsize", 100);
	int logtime = myconfig_get_intval("log_logtime", 3600);
	int logcount = myconfig_get_intval("log_logcount", 10);

	if (init_log())
		fprintf(stderr, "init log error %m\n");
		return -1;

	fplog = registerlog(logfile, loglevel, logsize, logtime, logcount);
	if (fplog < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "registerlog %s %m\n", logfile);
		return -1;

	v = myconfig_get_value("path_workdir");
	if (v == NULL)
		LOG(fplog, LOG_ERROR, "config have not path_workdir!\n");
		return -1;
	snprintf(path->workdir, sizeof(path->workdir), "%s", v);

	v = myconfig_get_value("path_indir");
	if (v == NULL)
		LOG(fplog, LOG_ERROR, "config have not path_indir!\n");
		return -1;
	snprintf(path->indir, sizeof(path->indir), "%s", v);

	v = myconfig_get_value("path_outdir");
	if (v == NULL)
		LOG(fplog, LOG_ERROR, "config have not path_outdir!\n");
		return -1;
	snprintf(path->outdir, sizeof(path->outdir), "%s", v);

	v = myconfig_get_value("path_bkdir");
	if (v == NULL)
		LOG(fplog, LOG_ERROR, "config have not path_bkdir!\n");
		return -1;
	snprintf(path->bkdir, sizeof(path->bkdir), "%s", v);

	v = myconfig_get_value("path_fulldir");
	if (v == NULL)
		LOG(fplog, LOG_ERROR, "config have not path_fulldir!\n");
		return -1;
	snprintf(path->fulldir, sizeof(path->fulldir), "%s", v);

	v = myconfig_get_value("path_tmpdir");
	if (v == NULL)
		LOG(fplog, LOG_ERROR, "config have not path_tmpdir!\n");
		return -1;
	snprintf(path->tmpdir, sizeof(path->tmpdir), "%s", v);

	memset(taskfile_prefix, 0, sizeof(taskfile_prefix));
	v = myconfig_get_value("path_taskfile_prefix");
	if (v == NULL)
		snprintf(taskfile_prefix, sizeof(taskfile_prefix), "%s", "/home/webadm/");
		snprintf(taskfile_prefix, sizeof(taskfile_prefix), "%s", v);
	prefix_len = strlen(taskfile_prefix);
	return 0;