Beispiel #1
void WPAccount::slotSendMessage(const QString &Body, const QString &Destination)
	kdDebug(14170) << "WPAccount::slotSendMessage(" << Body << ", " << Destination << ")" << endl;

	if (myself()->onlineStatus().status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away) myself()->setOnlineStatus(mProtocol->WPOnline);
	mProtocol->sendMessage(Body, Destination);
void Account::fillActionMenu( KActionMenu *actionMenu )
	//default implementation
// 	KActionMenu *menu = new KActionMenu( QIcon(myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( this )), accountId(), 0, 0);
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning No icon shown, we should go away from QPixmap genered icons with overlays.
	QString nick;
       	if (identity()->hasProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName().key() ))
		nick = identity()->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName() ).value().toString();
		nick = myself()->displayName();

	// Always add title at the beginning of actionMenu
	QAction *before = actionMenu->menu()->actions().value( 0, 0 );
	actionMenu->menu()->addTitle( myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( myself() ),
		nick.isNull() ? accountLabel() : i18n( "%2 <%1>", accountLabel(), nick ),


	KAction *propertiesAction = new KAction( i18n("Properties"), actionMenu );
	QObject::connect( propertiesAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(editAccount()) );
	actionMenu->addAction( propertiesAction );
 GaduAccount::GaduAccount( Kopete::Protocol* parent, const QString& accountID,const char* name )
: Kopete::PasswordedAccount( parent, accountID, 0, name )
	QHostAddress ip;
	p = new GaduAccountPrivate;

	p->pingTimer_ = NULL;
	p->saveListDialog = NULL;
	p->loadListDialog = NULL;
	p->forFriends = false;

	p->textcodec_ = QTextCodec::codecForName( "CP1250" );
	p->session_ = new GaduSession( this, "GaduSession" );

	KGlobal::config()->setGroup( "Gadu" );

	setMyself( new GaduContact( accountId().toInt(), accountId(), this, Kopete::ContactList::self()->myself() ) );

	p->status = GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL );
	p->lastDescription = QString::null;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_SERVERS ; i++ ) {
		ip.setAddress( QString( servers_ip[i] ) );
		p->servers.append( htonl( ip.toIPv4Address() ) );
		kdDebug( 14100 ) << "adding IP: " <<  p->servers[ i ] << " to cache" << endl;
	p->currentServer = -1;
	p->serverIP = 0;

	// initialize KGaduLogin structure to default values
	p->loginInfo.uin		= accountId().toInt();
	p->loginInfo.useTls		= false;
	p->loginInfo.status		= GG_STATUS_AVAIL;
	p->loginInfo.server		= 0;
	p->loginInfo.client_port	= 0;
	p->loginInfo.client_addr	= 0;

	p->pingTimer_ = new QTimer( this );
	p->exportTimer_ = new QTimer( this );

	p->exportUserlist = false;
	p->gaduDcc_ = NULL;

	p->config = configGroup();

	p->ignoreAnons = ignoreAnons();
	p->forFriends = loadFriendsMode();


	QString nick = p->config->readEntry( QString::fromAscii( "nickName" ) );
	if ( !nick.isNull() ) {
		myself()->setProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName(), nick );
	else {
		myself()->setProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName(), accountId() );
		p->config->writeEntry( QString::fromAscii( "nickName" ), accountId() );
Beispiel #4
KActionMenu* WPAccount::actionMenu()
	kdDebug(14170) <<  "WPAccount::actionMenu()" << endl;

	/// How to remove an action from Kopete::Account::actionMenu()? GF

	KActionMenu *theActionMenu = new KActionMenu(accountId() , myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor(this), this);
	theActionMenu->popupMenu()->insertTitle(myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor(this), i18n("WinPopup (%1)").arg(accountId()));

	if (mProtocol)
		KAction *goOnline = new KAction("Online", QIconSet(mProtocol->WPOnline.iconFor(this)), 0,
										 this, SLOT(connect()), theActionMenu, "actionGoAvailable");
		goOnline->setEnabled(isConnected() && isAway());

		KAction *goAway = new KAction("Away", QIconSet(mProtocol->WPAway.iconFor(this)), 0,
									  this, SLOT(goAway()), theActionMenu, "actionGoAway");
		goAway->setEnabled(isConnected() && !isAway());

		/// One can not really go offline manually - appears online as long as samba server is running. GF

		theActionMenu->insert(new KAction(i18n("Properties"),  0,
							  this, SLOT(editAccount()), theActionMenu, "actionAccountProperties"));


	return theActionMenu;
GraphicsZone::GraphicsZone(battledata_ptr i, BattleDefaultTheme *theme) : mInfo(i)

    int nslots = info()->numberOfSlots();


    scene.addItem(new QGraphicsPixmapItem(theme->pic(QString("battle_fields/%1.png").arg((rand()%11)+1))));

    for (int i = 0; i < nslots; i++) {
        items[i] = new QGraphicsPixmapItem();

    int size = Version::avatarSize[info()->gen().num-1];

    if (!info()->multiples()) {
        items[info()->spot(myself())]->setPos(50 - size/2, 146 - size);
        items[info()->spot(opponent())]->setPos(184- size/2, 96 - size);
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < nslots/2; i++) {
            items[info()->spot(myself(), i)]->setPos(i*60, 146-size);
            int base = 257-80-(nslots/2 - 1)*60;
            items[info()->spot(opponent(), i)]->setPos(base+i*60, 96 - size);
Beispiel #6
void WPAccount::setOnlineStatus(const Kopete::OnlineStatus &status, const QString &reason)
	if (myself()->onlineStatus().status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline && status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online)
		connect( status );
	else if (myself()->onlineStatus().status() != Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline && status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline)
	else if (myself()->onlineStatus().status() != Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline && status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away)
		setAway( true, reason );
bool Account::suspend( const Kopete::StatusMessage &reason )
	if ( d->suspended )
		return false;

	d->suspendStatus = myself()->onlineStatus();
	if( myself()->onlineStatus().status() == OnlineStatus::Connecting )
		d->suspendStatus = d->restoreStatus;
	setOnlineStatus( OnlineStatus::Offline, reason );
	d->suspended = true;
	return true;
Beispiel #8
int main()
    auto fib = [](int x, auto myself = dummy) -> int
        if (x < 2)
            return 1;
        return myself(x - 1) + myself(x - 2);
    static_assert(std::is_same<combinator_traits<decltype(fib)>::result_type, std::function<int(int)>>::value, "!");
    std::cout << fib(5, foo) << std::endl; // 8
Beispiel #9
void IRCAccount::connect( const Kopete::OnlineStatus& /* initialStatus */ )
	kDebug ( 14210 ) ;
	myself()->setOnlineStatus( IRCProtocol::protocol()->ircOnline );
	QObject::connect ( m_server, SIGNAL (messageReceived(QString)),
			this, SLOT (receivedMessage(QString)) );
KActionMenu * Account::actionMenu()
	//default implementation
	KActionMenu *menu = new KActionMenu( accountId(), myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( this ),  this );
	QString nick = myself()->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString();

	menu->popupMenu()->insertTitle( myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( myself() ),
		nick.isNull() ? accountLabel() : i18n( "%2 <%1>" ).arg( accountLabel(), nick )

	OnlineStatusManager::self()->createAccountStatusActions(this, menu);
	menu->insert( new KAction ( i18n( "Properties" ),  0, this, SLOT( editAccount() ), menu, "actionAccountProperties" ) );

	return menu;
Beispiel #11
void IRCAccount::setOnlineStatus(const Kopete::OnlineStatus& status, const Kopete::StatusMessage &reason, const OnlineStatusOptions& /*options*/)
	if ( status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online &&
			myself()->onlineStatus().status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline )
	else if (status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online &&
			(myself()->onlineStatus().status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away || 
				myself()->onlineStatus().status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Busy) )
		setAway( false, reason.message() );
	else if ( status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline )
	else if ( status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away )
		slotGoAway( /* reason */ );
	else if ( status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Busy )
		slotGoBusy( /* reason */ );
void Kopete::ChatSession::appendMessage( Kopete::Message &msg )
	msg.setManager( this );

	if ( msg.direction() == Kopete::Message::Inbound )
		const QString nick = myself()->nickName();
		if ( Kopete::BehaviorSettings::self()->highlightEnabled() && !nick.isEmpty() )
			const QString nickNameRegExp = QString::fromLatin1( "(^|[\\W])(%1)([\\W]|$)" ).arg( QRegExp::escape( nick ) );
			if ( msg.plainBody().contains( QRegExp( nickNameRegExp, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) )
				msg.setImportance( Kopete::Message::Highlight );

		emit messageReceived( msg, this );

	// outbound messages here are ones the user has sent that are now
	// getting reflected back to the chatwindow. they should go down
	// the incoming chain.
	Kopete::Message::MessageDirection chainDirection = msg.direction();
	if( chainDirection == Kopete::Message::Outbound )
		chainDirection = Kopete::Message::Inbound;

	chainForDirection( chainDirection )->processMessage( msg );

	//looking for urls in the message
	urlSearch( msg );
//	emit messageAppended( msg, this );
void JabberTransport::eatContacts( )
	* "Gateway Contact Eating" (c)(r)(tm)(g)(o)(f)
	* this comes directly from my mind into the kopete code.
	* principle: - the transport is hungry
	*            - it will eat contacts which belong to him
	*            - the contact will die
	*            - a new contact will born, with the same characteristics, but owned by the transport
	* - Olivier 2006-01-17 -
	kdDebug(JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << endl;
	QDict<Kopete::Contact> cts=account()->contacts();
	QDictIterator<Kopete::Contact> it( cts ); 
	for( ; it.current(); ++it )
		JabberContact *contact=dynamic_cast<JabberContact*>(it.current());
		if( contact && !contact->transport() && contact->rosterItem().jid().domain() == myself()->contactId() && contact != account()->myself())
			XMPP::RosterItem item=contact->rosterItem();
			Kopete::MetaContact *mc=contact->metaContact();
			Kopete::OnlineStatus status = contact->onlineStatus();
			kdDebug(JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << item.jid().full() << " will be soon eat  - " << contact << endl;
			delete contact;
			Kopete::Contact *c2=account()->contactPool()->addContact( item , mc , false ); //not sure this is false;
				c2->setOnlineStatus( status ); //put back the old status
void Kopete::ChatSession::appendMessage( Kopete::Message &msg )
	msg.setManager( this );

	if ( msg.direction() == Kopete::Message::Inbound )
		QString nick=myself()->property(Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString();
		if ( KopetePrefs::prefs()->highlightEnabled() && !nick.isEmpty() &&
			msg.plainBody().contains( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1( "\\b(%1)\\b" ).arg( nick ), false ) ) )
			msg.setImportance( Kopete::Message::Highlight );

		emit messageReceived( msg, this );

	// outbound messages here are ones the user has sent that are now
	// getting reflected back to the chatwindow. they should go down
	// the incoming chain.
	Kopete::Message::MessageDirection chainDirection = msg.direction();
	if( chainDirection == Kopete::Message::Outbound )
		chainDirection = Kopete::Message::Inbound;

	chainForDirection( chainDirection )->processMessage( msg );
//	emit messageAppended( msg, this );
Beispiel #15
void IRCAccount::updateContactStatus()
	QHashIterator<QString, Kopete::Contact*>itr( contacts() );
	for ( ; itr.hasNext(); ) {;
		itr.value()->setOnlineStatus( myself()->onlineStatus() );
Beispiel #16
IRCAccount::IRCAccount( IRCProtocol *parent, const QString& accountID )
: Kopete::Account ( parent, accountID )
	// Init the myself contact
	setMyself( new IRCContact( this, accountId(), Kopete::ContactList::self()->myself() ) );
	myself()->setOnlineStatus( IRCProtocol::protocol()->ircOffline );
	m_server = new IRCFakeServer();;
        void pc_callback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr msg) {
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> temp;
            pcl::fromROSMsg(*msg, temp);
            // Make sure the point cloud is in the base-frame
            pcl_ros::transformPointCloud(base_frame_,msg->header.stamp, temp, msg->header.frame_id, lastpc_, listener_);
            // unsigned int n = lastpc.size();
            // ROS_INFO("New point cloud: %d points",n);
            // for (unsigned int i=0;i<n;i++) {
            //     float x = lastpc[i].x;
            //     float y = lastpc[i].y;
            //     float z = lastpc[i].z;
            //     ROS_INFO("%d %.3f %.3f %.3f",i,x,y,z);
            // }
            // printf("\n\n\n");

            og_ = FREE; // reset the map
            unsigned int n = lastpc_.size();
            for (unsigned int i=0;i<n;i++) {
                float x = lastpc_[i].x;
                float y = lastpc_[i].y;
                float d = hypot(x,y);
                if (d < 1e-2) {
                    // Bogus point, ignore
                cv::Point P(x / map_resolution_ + grid_width_/2., y/map_resolution_ + grid_width_/2.);
                cv::circle(og_,P, ceil(robot_radius_/map_resolution_ + 1), cv::Scalar(OCCUPIED), -1); // filled circle
            // Marked the robot own space as FREE, whatever the point cloud
            // is saying. This means that rotation on the spot are always
            // possible
            cv::Point myself(grid_width_/2,grid_width_/2);
            cv::circle(og_,myself, ceil(robot_radius_/map_resolution_ + 1), cv::Scalar(FREE), -1); // filled circle
            cv::imshow( "OccGrid", og_ );
            // First convert the obstacle into the ego-kinematic space
            // (d,alpha), where d is the distance on the arc of circle, and
            // alpha = atan2(v,w)
            cv::remap(og_,d_alpha_,dalpha_remap_x,dalpha_remap_y, CV_INTER_LINEAR, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, UNKNOWN );
            // Now we need to go through all the d_alpha combination. If we hit
            // an obstacle at a given value of d, any further distance is also
            // going to hit it.
            for (unsigned int i=0;i<n_alpha_;i++) {
                for (int j=n_d_/2;j<(signed)n_d_;j++) {
                    if (d_alpha_(j,i) != FREE) {
                        for (;j<(signed)n_d_;j++) d_alpha_(j,i) = OCCUPIED;
                for (int j=n_d_/2;j>=0;j--) {
                    if (d_alpha_(j,i) != FREE) {
                        for (;j>=0;j--) d_alpha_(j,i) = OCCUPIED;
            cv::imshow( "DAlpha", d_alpha_ );

void Account::slotOnlineStatusChanged( Contact * /* contact */,
	const OnlineStatus &newStatus, const OnlineStatus &oldStatus )
	const bool wasOffline = !oldStatus.isDefinitelyOnline();
	const bool isOffline  = !newStatus.isDefinitelyOnline();
	d->suspended = false;

	if ( wasOffline && !isOffline )
		d->lastLoginTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();

	// If we went offline we have to ensure that all of our contacts
	// are online too. Otherwise the "Last Seen" tooltip won't work
	// properly. See bug 266580.
	if ( !wasOffline && isOffline )
		setAllContactsStatus( Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline );

	if ( wasOffline || newStatus.status() == OnlineStatus::Offline )
		// Wait for twenty seconds until we treat status notifications for contacts
		// as unrelated to our own status change.
		// Twenty seconds may seem like a long time, but just after your own
		// connection it's basically neglectible, and depending on your own
		// contact list's size, the protocol you are using, your internet
		// connection's speed and your computer's speed you *will* need it.
		d->suppressStatusNotification = true;
		d->suppressStatusTimer.setSingleShot( true );
		d->suppressStatusTimer.start( 20000 );
		//the timer is also used to reset the d->connectionTry

	if ( !isOffline )
		d->restoreStatus = newStatus;
		d->restoreMessage.setTitle( myself()->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->statusTitle() ).value().toString() );
		d->restoreMessage.setMessage( myself()->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->statusMessage() ).value().toString() );

/*	kDebug(14010) << "account " << d->id << " changed status. was "
	               << Kopete::OnlineStatus::statusTypeToString(oldStatus.status()) << ", is "
	               << Kopete::OnlineStatus::statusTypeToString(newStatus.status()) << endl;*/
	if ( wasOffline != isOffline )
		emit isConnectedChanged();
Beispiel #19
void IRCAccount::slotGoBusy ()
	kDebug ( 14210 ) ;

	if (!isConnected ())

	myself()->setOnlineStatus( IRCProtocol::protocol()->ircBusy );
Beispiel #20
void WPAccount::setAway(bool status, const QString &awayMessage)
//	kdDebug(14170) <<  "WPAccount::setAway()" << endl;

	theAwayMessage = awayMessage;

//	if(!isConnected())
//		theInterface->goOnline();
	myself()->setOnlineStatus(status ? mProtocol->WPAway : mProtocol->WPOnline);
KActionMenu *JabberTransport::actionMenu ()
	KActionMenu *menu = new KActionMenu( accountId(), myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( this ),  this );
	QString nick = myself()->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString();

	menu->popupMenu()->insertTitle( myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( myself() ),
	nick.isNull() ? accountLabel() : i18n( "%2 <%1>" ).arg( accountLabel(), nick )
	QPtrList<KAction> *customActions = myself()->customContextMenuActions(  );
	if( customActions && !customActions->isEmpty() )

		for( KAction *a = customActions->first(); a; a = customActions->next() )
			a->plug( menu->popupMenu() );
	delete customActions;

	return menu;

/*	KActionMenu *m_actionMenu = Kopete::Account::actionMenu();


	m_actionMenu->insert(new KAction (i18n ("Join Groupchat..."), "jabber_group", 0,
		this, SLOT (slotJoinNewChat ()), this, "actionJoinChat"));


	m_actionMenu->insert ( new KAction ( i18n ("Services..."), "jabber_serv_on", 0,
										 this, SLOT ( slotGetServices () ), this, "actionJabberServices") );

	m_actionMenu->insert ( new KAction ( i18n ("Send Raw Packet to Server..."), "mail_new", 0,
										 this, SLOT ( slotSendRaw () ), this, "actionJabberSendRaw") );

	m_actionMenu->insert ( new KAction ( i18n ("Edit User Info..."), "identity", 0,
										 this, SLOT ( slotEditVCard () ), this, "actionEditVCard") );

	return m_actionMenu;*/
GraphicsZone::GraphicsZone(battledata_ptr i, BattleDefaultTheme *theme) : mInfo(i)

    int nslots = info()->numberOfSlots();


    QDir directory((theme->directoryPath("battle_fields")));
    directory.setNameFilters(QStringList() << "*.png");
    QStringList files = directory.entryList();
    QString fileName = "";
    if (!files.isEmpty()) {
        fileName = files[(rand()%files.length())];
    scene.addItem(new QGraphicsPixmapItem(theme->pic(QString("battle_fields/%1").arg(fileName))));

    for (int i = 0; i < nslots; i++) {
        items[i] = new QGraphicsPixmapItem();

    int size = Version::avatarSize[info()->gen().num-1];

    if (!info()->multiples()) {
        items[info()->spot(myself())]->setPos(60 - size/2, 175 - size);
        items[info()->spot(opponent())]->setPos(310 - size/2, 60 - size);
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < nslots/2; i++) {
            items[info()->spot(myself(), i)]->setPos(i*65, 200-size);
            int base = 240-(nslots/2 - 1)*60;
            items[info()->spot(opponent(), i)]->setPos(base+i*65, 165 - size);
bool Account::addContact(const QString &contactId , MetaContact *parent, AddMode mode )
	if ( !protocol()->canAddMyself() && contactId == myself()->contactId() )
		if ( isConnected() && d->lastLoginTime.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) > 30 )
			KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), KMessageBox::Error,
			                               i18n("You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of \"%1\" to account \"%2\" will not take place.", contactId, accountId()), i18n("Error Creating Contact")
			kWarning(14010) << "You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of" << contactId
			                << "to account" << accountId() << "will not take place.";
		return 0L;

	const bool isTemporary= parent->isTemporary();
	Contact *c = d->contacts.value( contactId );
	if ( c && c->metaContact() )
		if ( c->metaContact()->isTemporary() && !isTemporary )
			kDebug( 14010 ) <<
				"Account::addContact: You are trying to add an existing temporary contact. Just add it on the list" << endl;

				//setMetaContact ill take care about the deletion of the old contact
			return true;
			// should we here add the contact to the parentContact if any?
			kDebug( 14010 ) << "Account::addContact: Contact already exists";
		return false; //(the contact is not in the correct metacontact, so false)

	const bool success = createContact(contactId, parent);

	if ( success && mode == ChangeKABC )
		kDebug( 14010 ) << " changing KABC";
		KABCPersistence::self()->write( parent );

	return success;
Beispiel #24
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	UdpAdvertiser advertiser(true);
	Advert myself("???", "1.0", "computer", "beta");
	for(;;) {
		std::cout << "pulse" << std::endl;
		std::list<IncomingAdvert> adverts = advertiser.sample(1000);
		std::list<IncomingAdvert>::iterator it = adverts.begin();
		for(; it != adverts.end(); ++it) {
			std::cout << "Name " << (*it) << std::endl;
Beispiel #25
int main(void)
	WSADATA data;

	Shared::NetPeer myself("", 8889);
	Shared::NetworkManager netManager(myself, 8889);
	bool is_ok = netManager.Init();
	while (1)
		bool bnewmessage = netManager.Refresh();
		if (bnewmessage)
			printf("new message ...\n");

	return 0;
bool JabberTransport::removeAccount( )
	if(m_status == Removing  ||  m_status == AccountRemoved)
		return true; //so it can be deleted
	if (!account()->isConnected())
		account()->errorConnectFirst ();
		return false;
	m_status = Removing;
	XMPP::JT_Register *task = new XMPP::JT_Register ( m_account->client()->rootTask () );
	QObject::connect ( task, SIGNAL ( finished () ), this, SLOT ( removeAllContacts() ) );

	//JabberContact *my=static_cast<JabberContact*>(myself());
	task->unreg ( myself()->contactId() );
	task->go ( true );
	return false; //delay the removal
bool Account::addContact(const QString &contactId , MetaContact *parent, AddMode mode )
	if ( contactId == myself()->contactId() )
	    	KMessageBox::error( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(),
			i18n("You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of \"%1\" to account \"%2\" will not take place.").arg(contactId,accountId()), i18n("Error Creating Contact")
		return 0L;

	bool isTemporary= parent->isTemporary();
	Contact *c = d->contacts[ contactId ];
	if ( c && c->metaContact() )
		if ( c->metaContact()->isTemporary() && !isTemporary )
			kdDebug( 14010 ) <<
				"Account::addContact: You are trying to add an existing temporary contact. Just add it on the list" << endl;

				//setMetaContact ill take care about the deletion of the old contact
			return true;
			// should we here add the contact to the parentContact if any?
			kdDebug( 14010 ) << "Account::addContact: Contact already exists" << endl;
		return false; //(the contact is not in the correct metacontact, so false)

	bool success = createContact(contactId, parent);

	if ( success && mode == ChangeKABC )
		kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << " changing KABC" << endl;
		KABCPersistence::self()->write( parent );

	return success;
void GraphicsZone::updatePos(int spot)
    int player = info()->player(spot);

    int width = items[spot]->pixmap().width();
    int height = items[spot]->pixmap().height();

    if (player == myself()) {
        if (!info()->multiples()) {
            items[spot]->setPos(50 - width/2, 146 - height);
        } else {
            items[spot]->setPos(info()->slotNum(spot)*60, 146-height);
    } else {
        if (!info()->multiples()) {
            items[spot]->setPos(184 - width/2, 96 - height);
        } else {
            int base = 257-80-(info()->numberOfSlots()/2 - 1)*60;
            items[spot]->setPos(base + info()->slotNum(spot)*60, 96-height);
void GraphicsZone::updatePos(int spot)
    int player = info()->player(spot);

    int width = items[spot]->pixmap().width();
    int height = items[spot]->pixmap().height();

    if (player == myself()) {
        if (!info()->multiples()) {
            items[spot]->setPos(75 - width/2, 182 - height);
        } else {
            items[spot]->setPos(info()->slotNum(spot)*75, 182-height);
    } else {
        if (!info()->multiples()) {
            items[spot]->setPos(235 - width/2, 115 - height);
        } else {
            //Triples has really erratic placing at some points still in 6G.
            int base = 321-90-(info()->numberOfSlots()/2 - 1)*60;
            items[spot]->setPos(base + info()->slotNum(spot)*60, 120-height);
void RegularBattleScene::setupGui()
    int nslots = data()->numberOfSlots();


    QVBoxLayout *l=  new QVBoxLayout(this);

    /* As anyway the GraphicsZone is a fixed size, it's useless to
       resize that part, might as well let  the chat be resized */

    QHBoxLayout *firstLine = new QHBoxLayout();

    QHBoxLayout *midzone = new QHBoxLayout();

    QHBoxLayout *lastLine = new QHBoxLayout();

    QVBoxLayout *teamAndName[2];

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        teamAndName[i] = new QVBoxLayout();
        teamAndName[i]->addWidget(gui.trainers[i] = new QLabel(data()->name(i)),0, Qt::AlignRight);

    firstLine->addWidget(gui.fullBars[opponent()] = createFullBarLayout(nslots, opponent()));
    firstLine->addLayout(teamAndName[opponent()]); = new GraphicsZone(data(), gui.theme);

    /* Make the code below more generic? */
    QVBoxLayout *midme = new QVBoxLayout();
    gui.timers[myself()] = new QProgressBar();
    gui.timers[myself()]->setObjectName("TimeOut"); //for style sheets
    QLabel *mybox = new QLabel();


    QVBoxLayout *midopp = new QVBoxLayout();
    gui.timers[opponent()] = new QProgressBar();
    gui.timers[opponent()]->setObjectName("TimeOut"); //for style sheets
    QLabel *oppbox = new QLabel();

    lastLine->addWidget(gui.fullBars[myself()] = createFullBarLayout(nslots, myself()));

    QTimer *t = new QTimer (this);
    connect(t, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(updateTimers()));