/* create a new shopkeeper in the given room */ static int shkinit ( const struct shclass *shp, struct mkroom *sroom) { int sh, sx, sy; struct monst *shk; /* place the shopkeeper in the given room */ sh = sroom->fdoor; sx = doors[sh].x; sy = doors[sh].y; /* check that the shopkeeper placement is sane */ if(sroom->irregular) { int rmno = (sroom - rooms) + ROOMOFFSET; if (isok(sx-1,sy) && !levl[sx-1][sy].edge && (int) levl[sx-1][sy].roomno == rmno) sx--; else if (isok(sx+1,sy) && !levl[sx+1][sy].edge && (int) levl[sx+1][sy].roomno == rmno) sx++; else if (isok(sx,sy-1) && !levl[sx][sy-1].edge && (int) levl[sx][sy-1].roomno == rmno) sy--; else if (isok(sx,sy+1) && !levl[sx][sy+1].edge && (int) levl[sx][sy+1].roomno == rmno) sx++; else goto shk_failed; } else if(sx == sroom->lx-1) sx++; else if(sx == sroom->hx+1) sx--; else if(sy == sroom->ly-1) sy++; else if(sy == sroom->hy+1) sy--; else { shk_failed: return(-1); } if(MON_AT(sx, sy)) (void) rloc(m_at(sx, sy), false); /* insurance */ /* now initialize the shopkeeper monster structure */ if(!(shk = makemon(&mons[PM_SHOPKEEPER], sx, sy, NO_MM_FLAGS))) return(-1); shk->isshk = shk->mpeaceful = 1; set_malign(shk); shk->msleeping = 0; shk->mtrapseen = ~0; /* we know all the traps already */ ESHK(shk)->shoproom = (sroom - rooms) + ROOMOFFSET; sroom->resident = shk; ESHK(shk)->shoptype = sroom->rtype; assign_level(&(ESHK(shk)->shoplevel), &u.uz); ESHK(shk)->shd = doors[sh]; ESHK(shk)->shk.x = sx; ESHK(shk)->shk.y = sy; ESHK(shk)->robbed = 0L; ESHK(shk)->credit = 0L; ESHK(shk)->debit = 0L; ESHK(shk)->loan = 0L; ESHK(shk)->visitct = 0; ESHK(shk)->following = 0; ESHK(shk)->billct = 0; shk->mgold = 1000L + 30L*(long)rnd(100); /* initial capital */ if (shp->shknms == shkrings) (void) mongets(shk, TOUCHSTONE); nameshk(shk, shp->shknms); return(sh); }
/* create a new shopkeeper in the given room; uses level creation RNG */ static int shkinit(const struct shclass *shp, struct level *lev, struct mkroom *sroom) { int sh, sx, sy; struct monst *shk; /* place the shopkeeper in the given room */ sh = sroom->fdoor; sx = lev->doors[sh].x; sy = lev->doors[sh].y; /* check that the shopkeeper placement is sane */ if (sroom->irregular) { int rmno = (sroom - lev->rooms) + ROOMOFFSET; if (isok(sx - 1, sy) && !lev->locations[sx - 1][sy].edge && (int)lev->locations[sx - 1][sy].roomno == rmno) sx--; else if (isok(sx + 1, sy) && !lev->locations[sx + 1][sy].edge && (int)lev->locations[sx + 1][sy].roomno == rmno) sx++; else if (isok(sx, sy - 1) && !lev->locations[sx][sy - 1].edge && (int)lev->locations[sx][sy - 1].roomno == rmno) sy--; else if (isok(sx, sy + 1) && !lev->locations[sx][sy + 1].edge && (int)lev->locations[sx][sy + 1].roomno == rmno) sx++; else goto shk_failed; } else if (sx == sroom->lx - 1) sx++; else if (sx == sroom->hx + 1) sx--; else if (sy == sroom->ly - 1) sy++; else if (sy == sroom->hy + 1) sy--; else { shk_failed: return -1; } if (MON_AT(lev, sx, sy)) rloc(m_at(lev, sx, sy), FALSE); /* insurance */ /* now initialize the shopkeeper monster structure */ if (!(shk = makemon(&mons[PM_SHOPKEEPER], lev, sx, sy, MM_ALLLEVRNG))) return -1; shk->isshk = 1; msethostility(shk, FALSE, TRUE); shk->msleeping = 0; shk->mtrapseen = ~0; /* we know all the traps already */ ESHK(shk)->shoproom = (sroom - lev->rooms) + ROOMOFFSET; sroom->resident = shk; ESHK(shk)->shoptype = sroom->rtype; assign_level(&(ESHK(shk)->shoplevel), &lev->z); ESHK(shk)->shd = lev->doors[sh]; ESHK(shk)->shk.x = sx; ESHK(shk)->shk.y = sy; ESHK(shk)->robbed = 0L; ESHK(shk)->credit = 0L; ESHK(shk)->debit = 0L; ESHK(shk)->loan = 0L; ESHK(shk)->visitct = 0; ESHK(shk)->following = 0; ESHK(shk)->billct = 0; ESHK(shk)->bill_inactive = FALSE; /* initial capital */ mkmonmoney(shk, 1030L + 30L * mklev_rn2(100, lev), rng_for_level(&lev->z)); if (shp->shknms == shkrings) mongets(shk, TOUCHSTONE, rng_for_level(&lev->z)); nameshk(shk, shp->shknms, lev); return sh; }