bool OEBMetaInfoReader::isDublinCoreNamespace(const std::string &nsId) const { const std::map<std::string,std::string> &namespaceMap = namespaces(); std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator iter = namespaces().find(nsId); return ((iter != namespaceMap.end()) && (ZLStringUtil::stringStartsWith(iter->second, ZLXMLNamespace::DublinCorePrefix) || ZLStringUtil::stringStartsWith(iter->second, ZLXMLNamespace::DublinCoreLegacyPrefix))); }
Class::Name Class::get(const GCTP_TYPEINFO &typeinfo) { Class::Name ret = {0, 0}; for(NameSpaceMap::const_iterator i = namespaces().begin(); i != namespaces().end(); ++i) { for(ClassMap::const_iterator j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j) { if(*((const GCTP_TYPEINFO *)j->second)==typeinfo) { ret.ns = i->first.c_str(); ret.classname = j->first.c_str(); return ret; } } } return ret; }
KoFilter::ConversionStatus XlsxXmlCommentsReader::readInternal() { readNext(); if (!isStartDocument()) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } // comments readNext(); kDebug() << *this << namespaceUri(); if (!expectEl("comments")) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } if (!expectNS(MSOOXML::Schemas::spreadsheetml)) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations namespaces(namespaceDeclarations()); for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.count(); i++) { kDebug() << "NS prefix:" << namespaces[i].prefix() << "uri:" << namespaces[i].namespaceUri(); } //! @todo find out whether the namespace returned by namespaceUri() //! is exactly the same ref as the element of namespaceDeclarations() if (!namespaces.contains(QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration(QString(), MSOOXML::Schemas::spreadsheetml))) { raiseError(i18n("Namespace \"%1\" not found", MSOOXML::Schemas::spreadsheetml)); return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } //! @todo expect other namespaces too... TRY_READ(comments) kDebug() << "===========finished============"; return KoFilter::OK; }
bool OEBDescriptionReader::isOPFNamespace(const std::string &nsId) const { const std::map<std::string,std::string> &namespaceMap = namespaces(); std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator iter = namespaceMap.find(nsId); return (iter != namespaceMap.end()) && (iter->second == XMLNamespace::OpenPackagingFormat); }
void OPDSXMLParser::namespaceListChangedHandler() { myDublinCoreNamespaceId.erase(); myAtomNamespaceId.erase(); myOpenSearchNamespaceId.erase(); myCalibreNamespaceId.erase(); myOpdsNamespaceId.erase(); const std::map<std::string,std::string> &nsMap = namespaces(); for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator it = nsMap.begin(); it != nsMap.end(); ++it) { if (it->first.empty()) { continue; } if (it->second == XMLNamespace::DublinCoreTerms) { myDublinCoreNamespaceId = it->first; } else if (it->second == XMLNamespace::Atom) { myAtomNamespaceId = it->first; } else if (it->second == XMLNamespace::OpenSearch) { myOpenSearchNamespaceId = it->first; } else if (it->second == XMLNamespace::CalibreMetadata) { myCalibreNamespaceId = it->first; } else if (it->second == XMLNamespace::Opds) { myOpdsNamespaceId = it->first; } } }
bool OEBDescriptionReader::isDublinCoreNamespace(const std::string &nsId) const { static const std::string DC_SCHEME_PREFIX = ""; const std::map<std::string,std::string> &namespaceMap = namespaces(); std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator iter = namespaceMap.find(nsId); return (iter != namespaceMap.end()) && ZLStringUtil::stringStartsWith(iter->second, DC_SCHEME_PREFIX); }
void FB2BookReader::namespaceListChangedHandler() { const std::map<std::string,std::string> namespaceMap = namespaces(); for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator it = namespaceMap.begin(); it != namespaceMap.end(); ++it) { if (ZLStringUtil::stringStartsWith(it->second, XMLNamespace::XLink)) { myHrefAttributeName = it->first + ":href"; return; } } myHrefAttributeName = ""; }
void FBReaderOrgDataParser::namespaceListChangedHandler() { myDCPrefix.erase(); const std::map<std::string,std::string> &nsMap = namespaces(); for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator it = nsMap.begin(); it != nsMap.end(); ++it) { if (ZLStringUtil::stringStartsWith(it->second, XMLNamespace::DublinCorePrefix)) { myDCPrefix = it->first + ':'; break; } } }
void FB2BookReader::namespaceListChangedHandler() { const std::string XLINK_REFERENCE = ""; const std::map<std::string,std::string> namespaceMap = namespaces(); for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator it = namespaceMap.begin(); it != namespaceMap.end(); ++it) { if (ZLStringUtil::stringStartsWith(it->second, XLINK_REFERENCE)) { myHrefAttributeName = it->first + ":href"; return; } } myHrefAttributeName = ""; }
bool OEBMetaInfoReader::isNSName(const std::string &fullName, const std::string &shortName, const std::string &fullNSId) const { const int prefixLength = fullName.length() - shortName.length() - 1; if (prefixLength <= 0 || fullName[prefixLength] != ':' || !ZLStringUtil::stringEndsWith(fullName, shortName)) { return false; } const std::map<std::string,std::string> &namespaceMap = namespaces(); std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator iter = namespaceMap.find(fullName.substr(0, prefixLength)); return iter != namespaceMap.end() && iter->second == fullNSId; }
void OEBBookReader::namespaceListChangedHandler() { const std::map<std::string,std::string> &namespaceMap = namespaces(); std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator iter = namespaceMap.begin(); for (; iter != namespaceMap.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second == XMLNamespace::OpenPackagingFormat) { break; } } if (iter != namespaceMap.end()) { myOPFSchemePrefix = iter->first + ":"; } else { myOPFSchemePrefix.erase(); } }
KoFilter::ConversionStatus XlsxXmlDocumentReader::readInternal() { kDebug() << "============================="; readNext(); if (!isStartDocument()) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } // workbook readNext(); kDebug() << *this << namespaceUri(); if (!expectEl("workbook")) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } if (!expectNS(MSOOXML::Schemas::spreadsheetml)) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } /* const QXmlStreamAttributes attrs( attributes() ); for (int i=0; i<attrs.count(); i++) { kDebug() << "1 NS prefix:" << attrs[i].name() << "uri:" << attrs[i].namespaceUri(); }*/ QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations namespaces(namespaceDeclarations()); for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.count(); i++) { kDebug() << "NS prefix:" << namespaces[i].prefix() << "uri:" << namespaces[i].namespaceUri(); } //! @todo find out whether the namespace returned by namespaceUri() //! is exactly the same ref as the element of namespaceDeclarations() if (!namespaces.contains(QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration(QString(), MSOOXML::Schemas::spreadsheetml))) { raiseError(i18n("Namespace \"%1\" not found", MSOOXML::Schemas::spreadsheetml)); return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } //! @todo expect other namespaces too... TRY_READ(workbook) //! @todo hardcoded font face list; look at fonts used by theme mainStyles->insertFontFace(KOdfFontData("Calibri")); mainStyles->insertFontFace(KOdfFontData("Arial")); mainStyles->insertFontFace(KOdfFontData("Tahoma")); kDebug() << "===========finished============"; return KoFilter::OK; }
KoFilter::ConversionStatus DocxXmlFontTableReader::read(MSOOXML::MsooXmlReaderContext* context) { m_context = dynamic_cast<DocxXmlFontTableReaderContext*>(context); kDebug() << "============================="; readNext(); if (!isStartDocument()) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } //w:document readNext(); kDebug() << namespaceUri(); if (!expectEl("w:fonts")) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } if (!expectNS(MSOOXML::Schemas::wordprocessingml)) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } /* const QXmlStreamAttributes attrs( attributes() ); for (int i=0; i<attrs.count(); i++) { kDebug() << "1 NS prefix:" << attrs[i].name() << "uri:" << attrs[i].namespaceUri(); }*/ QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations namespaces(namespaceDeclarations()); for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.count(); i++) { kDebug() << "NS prefix:" << namespaces[i].prefix() << "uri:" << namespaces[i].namespaceUri(); } //! @todo find out whether the namespace returned by namespaceUri() //! is exactly the same ref as the element of namespaceDeclarations() if (!namespaces.contains(QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration("w", MSOOXML::Schemas::wordprocessingml))) { raiseError(i18n("Namespace \"%1\" not found", MSOOXML::Schemas::wordprocessingml)); return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } //! @todo expect other namespaces too... TRY_READ(fonts) if (!expectElEnd("w:fonts")) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } kDebug() << "===========finished============"; return KoFilter::OK; }
bool ZLXMLReader::testTag(const std::string &ns, const std::string &name, const std::string &tag) const { const nsMap &nspaces = namespaces(); if (name == tag) { const nsMap::const_iterator it = nspaces.find(std::string()); return it != nspaces.end() && ns == it->second; } const int nameLen = name.size(); const int tagLen = tag.size(); if (tagLen < nameLen + 2) { return false; } if (ZLStringUtil::stringEndsWith(tag, name) && tag[tagLen - nameLen - 1] == ':') { const nsMap::const_iterator it = nspaces.find(tag.substr(0, tagLen - nameLen - 1)); return it != nspaces.end() && ns == it->second; } return false; }
void associative_container_helper:: format(assistant& a, const formattables::helper_properties& hp) const { { const auto d(hp.current()); const auto qn(d.name_tree_qualified()); auto snf(a.make_scoped_namespace_formatter(d.namespaces())); if (hp.direct_descendants().size() == 2) { const auto key(hp.direct_descendants().front()); const auto value(hp.direct_descendants().back()); << std::endl; << "inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const " << qn << "& v) {" << std::endl; << " s << \"[\";" << std::endl; << " for (auto i(v.begin()); i != v.end(); ++i) {" << std::endl; << " if (i != v.begin()) s << \", \";" << std::endl; << " s << \"[ { \" << \"\\\"__type__\\\": \" << \"\\\"key\\\"\" << \", \" << \"\\\"data\\\": \";" << std::endl; << " s << " << a.streaming_for_type(key, "i->first") << ";" << std::endl; << " s << \" }, { \" << \"\\\"__type__\\\": \" << \"\\\"value\\\"\" << \", \" << \"\\\"data\\\": \";" << std::endl; << " s << " << a.streaming_for_type(value, "i->second") << ";" << std::endl; << " s << \" } ]\";" << std::endl; << " }" << std::endl; << " s << \" ] \";" << std::endl; << " return s;" << std::endl; << "}" << std::endl; << std::endl; } else { const auto containee(hp.direct_descendants().front()); << std::endl; << "inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const " << qn << "& v) {" << std::endl; << " s << \"[ \";" << std::endl; << " for (auto i(v.begin()); i != v.end(); ++i) {" << std::endl; << " if (i != v.begin()) s << \", \";" << std::endl; << " s << " << a.streaming_for_type(containee, "*i") << ";" << std::endl; << " }" << std::endl; << " s << \"] \";" << std::endl; << " return s;" << std::endl; << "}" << std::endl; << std::endl; } } << std::endl; }
KoFilter::ConversionStatus DocxXmlHeaderReader::read(MSOOXML::MsooXmlReaderContext* context) { m_context = static_cast<DocxXmlDocumentReaderContext*>(context); kDebug() << "============================="; readNext(); if (!isStartDocument()) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } readNext(); kDebug() << *this << namespaceUri(); if (!expectEl(QList<QByteArray>() << "w:hdr")) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } if (!expectNS(MSOOXML::Schemas::wordprocessingml)) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations namespaces(namespaceDeclarations()); //! @todo find out whether the namespace returned by namespaceUri() //! is exactly the same ref as the element of namespaceDeclarations() if (!namespaces.contains(QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration("w", MSOOXML::Schemas::wordprocessingml))) { raiseError(i18n("Namespace \"%1\" not found", MSOOXML::Schemas::wordprocessingml)); return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } const QString qn(qualifiedName().toString()); RETURN_IF_ERROR(read_hdr()) if (!expectElEnd(qn)) { return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } kDebug() << "===========finished============"; return KoFilter::OK; }
void optional_helper:: format(assistant& a, const formattables::helper_properties& hp) const { { const auto d(hp.current()); const auto nt_qn(d.name_tree_qualified()); const auto n_qn(d.name_qualified()); auto snf(a.make_scoped_namespace_formatter(d.namespaces())); const auto containee(hp.direct_descendants().front()); << std::endl; << "inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const " << nt_qn << "& v) {" << std::endl; << " s << \"{ \" << \"\\\"__type__\\\": \" << \"\\\"" << n_qn << "\\\"\" << \", \";" << std::endl; << std::endl; << " if (v)" << std::endl; << " s << \"\\\"data\\\": \" << " << a.streaming_for_type(containee, "*v") << ";" << std::endl; << " else" << std::endl; << " s << \"\\\"data\\\": \"\"\\\"<null>\\\"\";" << std::endl; << " s << \" }\";" << std::endl; << " return s;" << std::endl; << "}" << std::endl; << std::endl; } << std::endl; }
void MetaBlock::postParse() { addNamespaces(parent_->namespaces()); if (!method().empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Method is not allowed in meta"); } if (!params().empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Params is not allowed in meta"); } if (xsltDefined()) { throw std::runtime_error("Xslt is not allowed in meta"); } if (lua_block_.get()) { if (lua_block_->xsltDefined()) { throw std::runtime_error("Xslt is not allowed in meta lua"); } if (lua_block_->metaBlock()) { throw std::runtime_error("Meta is not allowed in meta lua"); } } if (hasGuard()) { throw std::runtime_error("Guard is not allowed in meta"); } if (root_name_.empty()) { root_name_.assign("meta"); } else { std::string::size_type pos = root_name_.find(':'); if (std::string::npos != pos) { std::string prefix = root_name_.substr(0, pos); root_name_.erase(0, pos + 1); if (root_name_.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Empty name in name attribute is not allowed in meta"); } if (!prefix.empty()) { const std::map<std::string, std::string> names = namespaces(); std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = names.find(prefix); if (names.end() == it) { std::stringstream str; str << "Unknown " << parent_->name() << " block namespace: " << prefix; throw std::runtime_error(str.str()); } root_ns_ = xmlSearchNsByHref(node()->doc, node(), (const xmlChar*)it->second.c_str()); if (NULL == root_ns_) { std::stringstream str; str << "Cannot find " << parent_->name() << " block namespace: " << prefix; throw std::runtime_error(str.str()); } } } else { root_ns_ = NULL; } } if (before_cache_save_lua_.get()) { Range code = getLuaCode(before_cache_save_lua_.get()); if (!code.empty()) { key_.push_back('|'); key_.append(HashUtils::hexMD5(code.begin(), code.size())); } } }
const GCTP_TYPEINFO *Class::get(const char *ns, const char *classname) { NameSpaceMap::iterator map = namespaces().find(ns); if(map != namespaces().end()) return map->second.get(classname); return 0; }