// exportuje buttony pre predchádzajúcu a nasledujúcu modlitbu | bolo v _hlavicka() aj _patka()
void _buttons_prev_up_next(FILE * expt){
	short int _local_modlitba_prev, _local_modlitba_next;
	_local_modlitba_prev = modlitba_predchadzajuca(_local_modlitba, (isGlobalOption(OPT_4_OFFLINE_EXPORT, BIT_OPT_4_EXCLUDE_MCD_KOMPLET)));
	_local_modlitba_next = modlitba_nasledujuca(_local_modlitba, (isGlobalOption(OPT_4_OFFLINE_EXPORT, BIT_OPT_4_EXCLUDE_MCD_KOMPLET)));

	Export_to_file(expt, "\n<div class=\"nav\">");
	pismeno_modlitby = CHAR_MODL_NEURCENA;
	if ((_local_modlitba < MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba >= MODL_INVITATORIUM)){
		if (!isGlobalOption(OPT_4_OFFLINE_EXPORT, BIT_OPT_4_FNAME_MODL_ID)){
			pismeno_modlitby = char_modlitby[_local_modlitba];
			pismeno_modlitby = _local_modlitba + '0';
	sprintf(ext, "%c", pismeno_modlitby);
	strcat(ext, ".htm");
	Export_to_file(expt, HTML_P_BEGIN);
	// << prev
	mystrcpy(file_name_pom, FILE_EXPORT, MAX_STR);
	ptr = strstr(file_name_pom, ext);
	if ((_local_modlitba < MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba > MODL_INVITATORIUM) && (_local_modlitba_prev < MODL_NEURCENA)){
		if (ptr != NULL){
			if (!isGlobalOption(OPT_4_OFFLINE_EXPORT, BIT_OPT_4_FNAME_MODL_ID)){
				sprintf(pismeno_prev, "%c", char_modlitby[_local_modlitba_prev]);
				sprintf(pismeno_prev, "%d", _local_modlitba_prev);
			strncpy(ptr, pismeno_prev, 1);
		Export_to_file(expt, HTML_A_HREF_BEGIN"\"%s\"%s>", file_name_pom, optional_html_class_button);
		Export_to_file(expt, optional_html_button_begin);
		Export_to_file(expt, (char *)html_text_batch_Prev[_global_jazyk]);
		Export_to_file(expt, " ");
		Export_to_file(expt, (char *)nazov_modlitby(_local_modlitba_prev));
		Export_to_file(expt, optional_html_button_end);
		Export_to_file(expt, HTML_A_END);
		// |
		Export_to_file(expt, " | ");
	// ^ hore
	Export_to_file(expt, HTML_A_HREF_BEGIN"\".%s%s\"%s>", STR_PATH_SEPARATOR_HTML, _global_export_navig_hore, optional_html_class_button); // v tom istom adresári
	Export_to_file(expt, optional_html_button_begin);
	Export_to_file(expt, (char *)html_text_batch_Back[_global_jazyk]);
	Export_to_file(expt, optional_html_button_end);
	Export_to_file(expt, HTML_A_END);
	// >> next
	mystrcpy(file_name_pom, FILE_EXPORT, MAX_STR);
	ptr = strstr(file_name_pom, ext);
	if ((_local_modlitba != MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba < MODL_KOMPLETORIUM) && (_local_modlitba_next < MODL_NEURCENA)){
		if (ptr != NULL){
			if (!isGlobalOption(OPT_4_OFFLINE_EXPORT, BIT_OPT_4_FNAME_MODL_ID)){
				sprintf(pismeno_next, "%c", char_modlitby[_local_modlitba_next]);
				sprintf(pismeno_next, "%d", _local_modlitba_next);
			strncpy(ptr, pismeno_next, 1);
		// |
		Export_to_file(expt, " | ");
		Export_to_file(expt, HTML_A_HREF_BEGIN"\"%s\"%s>", file_name_pom, optional_html_class_button);
		Export_to_file(expt, optional_html_button_begin);
		Export_to_file(expt, (char *)nazov_modlitby(_local_modlitba_next));
		Export_to_file(expt, " ");
		Export_to_file(expt, (char *)html_text_batch_Next[_global_jazyk]);
		Export_to_file(expt, optional_html_button_end);
		Export_to_file(expt, HTML_A_END);
	Export_to_file(expt, HTML_P_END);
	Export_to_file(expt, HTML_DIV_END"\n");
/* exportuje hlavicku HTML dokumentu, kam pojde vysledok query */
void _hlavicka(char *title, FILE * expt, short int level, short int spec) {
    Log("_hlavicka() -- za�iatok...\n");

    _local_modlitba = _global_modlitba;
    if((_local_modlitba == MODL_PRVE_VESPERY) || (_local_modlitba == MODL_DRUHE_VESPERY))
        _local_modlitba = MODL_VESPERY;
    if((_local_modlitba == MODL_PRVE_KOMPLETORIUM) || (_local_modlitba == MODL_DRUHE_KOMPLETORIUM))
        _local_modlitba = MODL_KOMPLETORIUM;

    // 2009-08-04: viackr�t sa pri exporte modlitby do HTML exportovala hlavi�ka; pridan� kontrola
    if(_global_hlavicka_Export > 0) {
        Log("return... (_global_hlavicka_Export > 0)\n");
     * 2003-07-01, pridane pripadne citanie zo suboru
     * 2008-08-08: ��tanie zo s�boru odstr�nen�
    const char *nazov_css_suboru;
    if(_global_css == CSS_UNDEF) {
        nazov_css_suboru = nazov_css[CSS_breviar_sk];
    }// _global_css == CSS_UNDEF
    else {
        nazov_css_suboru = nazov_css[_global_css];
    }// else
    Log("nazov_css_suboru == %s...\n", nazov_css_suboru);

     * 2011-05-05: nastavenie font-family
     *             zatia� len pevn� re�azce; �asom mo�no bude premenn� pre n�zov fontu
     * 2011-05-06: doplnen�: najprv sa testuje nastavenie _global_font; n�sledne sa pr�padne nastavia defaulty
    if((_global_font == FONT_UNDEF) || (_global_font == FONT_CHECKBOX)) {
        Log("(_global_font == FONT_UNDEF) || (_global_font == FONT_CHECKBOX)...\n");
        if((_global_opt[OPT_2_HTML_EXPORT] & BIT_OPT_2_FONT_FAMILY) == BIT_OPT_2_FONT_FAMILY) {
            Log("_global_opt[OPT_2_HTML_EXPORT] & BIT_OPT_2_FONT_FAMILY...\n");
            mystrcpy(_global_css_font_family, DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY_SANS_SERIF, SMALL);
        else {
            Log("NOT _global_opt[OPT_2_HTML_EXPORT] & BIT_OPT_2_FONT_FAMILY...\n");
            mystrcpy(_global_css_font_family, DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY_SERIF, SMALL);
    }/* (_global_font == FONT_UNDEF)  || (_global_font == FONT_CHECKBOX) */
    else if(_global_font == FONT_CSS) {
        Log("_global_font == FONT_CSS...\n");
        mystrcpy(_global_css_font_family, DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY_INHERIT, SMALL);
    }// (_global_font == FONT_CSS)
    else {
        Log("_global_font != FONT_CSS...\n");
        mystrcpy(_global_css_font_family, nazov_fontu[_global_font], SMALL);
    }// else
    Log("_global_css_font_family == %s...\n", _global_css_font_family);

    // 2011-05-13: doplnen�: nastavenie font-size
    if(_global_font_size == FONT_SIZE_UNDEF) {
        mystrcpy(_global_css_font_size, STR_EMPTY, SMALL);
    }// (_global_font_size == FONT_SIZE_UNDEF)
    else if(_global_font_size == FONT_SIZE_CSS) {
        mystrcpy(_global_css_font_size, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE_INHERIT, SMALL);
    }// (_global_font_size == FONT_SIZE_CSS)
    else {
        mystrcpy(_global_css_font_size, nazov_font_size_css[_global_font_size], SMALL);
    }// else
    Log("_global_css_font_size == %s...\n", _global_css_font_size);

    if(bol_content_type_text_html == NIE) {
#if defined(OS_linux)
        Export_to_file(expt, "Content-type: text/html\n");
        Export_to_file(expt, "\n");
#elif defined(OS_Windows_Ruby)
        Export_to_file(expt, "Content-type: text/html\n");
        Export_to_file(expt, "\n");
        bol_content_type_text_html = ANO;
    Log("creating header...\n");
    /* 2003-07-15, zmenene na hlavicku pre css-ko; zrusene <style>
     * 2008-08-08: pridan� dynamicky css-ko
     * 2010-02-15: statick� texty do kon�t�nt
     * 2011-05-18: charset sa nastav� pod�a jazyka
    Export_to_file(expt, (char *)html_header_1, charset_jazyka[_global_jazyk]);
    _header_css(expt, level, nazov_css_suboru);
    if (_global_opt[OPT_2_HTML_EXPORT] & BIT_OPT_2_NOCNY_REZIM) {
        _header_css(expt, level, nazov_css_invert_colors);
    Export_to_file(expt, "\t<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, user-scalable=yes, initial-scale=1.0\" />\n");
    Export_to_file(expt, "<title>%s</title>\n", title);
    Export_to_file(expt, "</head>\n\n");

    /* 2011-05-05: pridanie font-family
     * 2011-05-06: font sa neprid�va v�dy
    Export_to_file(expt, "<body");
    if((_global_font != FONT_CSS) || (_global_font_size != FONT_SIZE_CSS)) {
        Export_to_file(expt, " style=\"");
        if(_global_font != FONT_CSS) {
            Export_to_file(expt, "font-family: %s", _global_css_font_family);
        if(_global_font_size != FONT_SIZE_CSS) {
            if(_global_font != FONT_CSS) {
                Export_to_file(expt, "; ");
            Export_to_file(expt, "font-size: %s", _global_css_font_size);
        Export_to_file(expt, "\"");
    /* 2010-02-15: kv�li �peci�lnemu "zoznam.htm" */
    if(spec == 1) {
        Export_to_file(expt, " onLoad=\"fn_aktualne(0,0,0)\"");
    Export_to_file(expt, ">\n");

    /* 2010-02-15: doplnen� predo�l� a nasledovn� modlitba */
    if(_global_opt_batch_monthly == ANO && query_type != PRM_BATCH_MODE) {
        Export_to_file(expt, "<center>\n");
        pismeno_modlitby = CHAR_MODL_NEURCENA;
        if((_local_modlitba < MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba >= MODL_INVITATORIUM))
            pismeno_modlitby = char_modlitby[_local_modlitba];
        sprintf(ext, "%c", pismeno_modlitby);
        strcat(ext, ".htm");
        Export_to_file(expt, "<p>");
        // << prev
        mystrcpy(file_name_pom, FILE_EXPORT, MAX_STR);
        ptr = strstr(file_name_pom, ext);
        if((_local_modlitba < MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba > MODL_INVITATORIUM)) {
            if(ptr != NULL) {
                sprintf(pismeno_prev, "%c", char_modlitby[_local_modlitba - 1]);
                strncpy(ptr, pismeno_prev, 1);
            Export_to_file(expt, "<a href=\"%s\" "HTML_CLASS_BUTTON">", file_name_pom);
            Export_to_file(expt, (char *)html_text_batch_Prev[_global_jazyk]);
            Export_to_file(expt, " ");
            Export_to_file(expt, (char *)nazov_modlitby(_local_modlitba - 1));
            Export_to_file(expt, "</a>");
        // |
        Export_to_file(expt, " | ");
        // ^ hore
        Export_to_file(expt, "<a href=\".%s%s\" "HTML_CLASS_BUTTON">", STR_PATH_SEPARATOR_HTML, _global_export_navig_hore); // v tom istom adres�ri
        Export_to_file(expt, (char *)html_text_batch_Back[_global_jazyk]);
        Export_to_file(expt, "</a>");
        // |
        Export_to_file(expt, " | ");
        // >> next
        mystrcpy(file_name_pom, FILE_EXPORT, MAX_STR);
        ptr = strstr(file_name_pom, ext);
        if((_local_modlitba != MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba < MODL_KOMPLETORIUM)) {
            if(ptr != NULL) {
                sprintf(pismeno_next, "%c", char_modlitby[_local_modlitba + 1]);
                strncpy(ptr, pismeno_next, 1);
            Export_to_file(expt, "<a href=\"%s\" "HTML_CLASS_BUTTON">", file_name_pom);
            Export_to_file(expt, (char *)nazov_modlitby(_local_modlitba + 1));
            Export_to_file(expt, " ");
            Export_to_file(expt, (char *)html_text_batch_Next[_global_jazyk]);
            Export_to_file(expt, "</a>");
        Export_to_file(expt, "</p>");
        Export_to_file(expt, "</center>\n");
    }/* << predo�l� | ^ hore | nasledovn� >> */
    Log("_hlavicka() -- koniec.\n");
}// _hlavicka()
/* exportuje patku HTML dokumentu (vysledok query) */
void _patka(FILE * expt) {
    char mail_addr[MAX_MAIL_STR] = "";
    Log("_patka() -- za�iatok...\n");
    _local_modlitba = _global_modlitba;
    if((_local_modlitba == MODL_PRVE_VESPERY) || (_local_modlitba == MODL_DRUHE_VESPERY))
        _local_modlitba = MODL_VESPERY;
    if((_local_modlitba == MODL_PRVE_KOMPLETORIUM) || (_local_modlitba == MODL_DRUHE_KOMPLETORIUM))
        _local_modlitba = MODL_KOMPLETORIUM;

    /* 2011-07-01: viackr�t sa pri exporte modlitby do HTML exportovala p�tka; pridan� kontrola */
    if(_global_patka_Export > 0)

    time_t t;
    struct tm dnes;
    int baserok = 1999;
#define ROK 5
    char rok[ROK];


    /* konvertuje date/time na strukturu */
    dnes = *localtime(&t);
    /* upravenie time_check structure with the data */
    dnes.tm_year = dnes.tm_year + 1900;
    dnes.tm_yday = dnes.tm_yday + 1;
    mystrcpy(rok, STR_EMPTY, ROK);
    if(dnes.tm_year > baserok) {
        sprintf(rok, "-%d", dnes.tm_year);

    /* 2010-02-15: vlo�en� "^ hore" pod�a hlavicka(); doplnen� predo�l� a nasledovn� modlitba */
    if(_global_opt_batch_monthly == ANO && query_type != PRM_BATCH_MODE) {
        Export_to_file(expt, "<center>\n");
        pismeno_modlitby = CHAR_MODL_NEURCENA;
        if((_local_modlitba < MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba >= MODL_INVITATORIUM))
            pismeno_modlitby = char_modlitby[_local_modlitba];
        sprintf(ext, "%c", pismeno_modlitby);
        strcat(ext, ".htm");
        Export_to_file(expt, "<p>");
        // << prev
        mystrcpy(file_name_pom, FILE_EXPORT, MAX_STR);
        ptr = strstr(file_name_pom, ext);
        if((_local_modlitba < MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba > MODL_INVITATORIUM)) {
            if(ptr != NULL) {
                sprintf(pismeno_prev, "%c", char_modlitby[_local_modlitba - 1]);
                strncpy(ptr, pismeno_prev, 1);
            Export_to_file(expt, "<a href=\"%s\" "HTML_CLASS_BUTTON">", file_name_pom);
            Export_to_file(expt, (char *)html_text_batch_Prev[_global_jazyk]);
            Export_to_file(expt, " ");
            Export_to_file(expt, (char *)nazov_modlitby(_local_modlitba - 1));
            Export_to_file(expt, "</a>");
        // |
        Export_to_file(expt, " | ");
        // ^ hore
        Export_to_file(expt, "<a href=\".%s%s\" "HTML_CLASS_BUTTON">", STR_PATH_SEPARATOR_HTML, _global_export_navig_hore); // v tom istom adres�ri
        Export_to_file(expt, (char *)html_text_batch_Back[_global_jazyk]);
        Export_to_file(expt, "</a>");
        // |
        Export_to_file(expt, " | ");
        // >> next
        mystrcpy(file_name_pom, FILE_EXPORT, MAX_STR);
        ptr = strstr(file_name_pom, ext);
        if((_local_modlitba != MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba < MODL_KOMPLETORIUM)) {
            if(ptr != NULL) {
                sprintf(pismeno_next, "%c", char_modlitby[_local_modlitba + 1]);
                strncpy(ptr, pismeno_next, 1);
            Export_to_file(expt, "<a href=\"%s\" "HTML_CLASS_BUTTON">", file_name_pom);
            Export_to_file(expt, (char *)nazov_modlitby(_local_modlitba + 1));
            Export_to_file(expt, " ");
            Export_to_file(expt, (char *)html_text_batch_Next[_global_jazyk]);
            Export_to_file(expt, "</a>");
        Export_to_file(expt, "</p>");
        Export_to_file(expt, "</center>\n");
    }/* << predo�l� | ^ hore | nasledovn� >> */

    Export_to_file(expt, (char *)html_footer_1);

    if(_global_opt_batch_monthly == ANO && query_type != PRM_BATCH_MODE) {
        mystrcpy(html_mail_label, html_mail_label_short, MAX_MAIL_LABEL);
        mystrcpy(html_mail_label, html_mail_label_long, MAX_MAIL_LABEL);

    /* 2010-02-15: cel� zapozn�mkovan�
     * 2011-07-01: pre web sa exportuje
    Export_to_file(expt, "<"HTML_P_PATKA">\n");
    if(_global_opt_batch_monthly == ANO && query_type != PRM_BATCH_MODE) {
        Export_to_file(expt, "%s\n", gpage[_global_jazyk]);
        /* Export_to_file(expt, "(%s). ", ctime(&t) + 4); */
        /* 2008-12-22: odvetven� - pre commandline export (do s�boru) sa netla�� �asov� zlo�ka, kedy bolo HTML generovan� */
#if defined(EXPORT_TO_FILE) && !defined(IO_ANDROID)
        Export_to_file(expt, (char *)datum_template[_global_jazyk],
                       nazov_mesiaca(dnes.tm_mon) /* nm[dnes.tm_mon] */,
        Export_to_file(expt, (char *)datum_cas_template[_global_jazyk],
                       nazov_mesiaca(dnes.tm_mon) /* nm[dnes.tm_mon] */,
                       // , dnes.tm_sec
        Export_to_file(expt, ". ");
    /* nezabudni zmenit #define BUILD_DATE v mydefs.h (2003-07-15) */
    Export_to_file(expt, (char *)build_template[_global_jazyk], BUILD_DATE);

    /* zapoznamkovane, 2003-06-30 */
    /* Export_to_file(expt, "K�dovanie Windows-1250 (Central European).\n"); */
    Export_to_file(expt, "<br>\n");

    /* pridana stranka cfg_HTTP_ADDRESS_default, 12/04/2000A.D. */
    Export_to_file(expt, "<"HTML_LINK_NORMAL" href=\"%s\" target=\"_top\">%s</a>\n", cfg_HTTP_ADDRESS_default, cfg_HTTP_DISPLAY_ADDRESS_default);
    if(_global_jazyk == JAZYK_HU) {
        Log("cfg_MAIL_ADDRESS_default_HU == %s\n", cfg_MAIL_ADDRESS_default_HU);
        mystrcpy(mail_addr, cfg_MAIL_ADDRESS_default_HU, MAX_MAIL_STR);
    else {
        Log("cfg_MAIL_ADDRESS_default == %s\n", cfg_MAIL_ADDRESS_default);
        mystrcpy(mail_addr, cfg_MAIL_ADDRESS_default, MAX_MAIL_STR);
    Log("mail_addr == %s\n", mail_addr);
    Export_to_file(expt, "&#169; %d%s <"HTML_LINK_NORMAL" href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a>\n", baserok, rok, mail_addr, html_mail_label);

    Export_to_file(expt, "</p>\n"); /* pridane kvoli tomu, ze cele to bude <p class="patka">, 2003-07-02 */

    Export_to_file(expt, "</body>\n</html>\n");
    Log("_patka() -- koniec.\n");
}// _patka()
void hlavicka(char *title, short int level, short int spec){
	Log("hlavicka() -- za�iatok...\n");
	_local_modlitba = _global_modlitba;
	if((_local_modlitba == MODL_PRVE_VESPERY) || (_local_modlitba == MODL_DRUHE_VESPERY))
		_local_modlitba = MODL_VESPERY;
	if((_local_modlitba == MODL_PRVE_KOMPLETORIUM) || (_local_modlitba == MODL_DRUHE_KOMPLETORIUM))
		_local_modlitba = MODL_KOMPLETORIUM;

	/* 2009-08-04: viackr�t sa pri exporte modlitby do HTML exportovala hlavi�ka; pridan� kontrola */
	if(_global_hlavicka_Export > 0)
	 * 2003-07-01, pridane pripadne citanie zo suboru
	 * 2008-08-08: ��tanie zo s�boru odstr�nen�
	const char *nazov_css_suboru;
	if(_global_css == CSS_UNDEF)
		nazov_css_suboru = nazov_css[CSS_breviar_sk];
		nazov_css_suboru = nazov_css[_global_css];

	 * 2011-05-05: nastavenie font-family
	 *             zatia� len pevn� re�azce; �asom mo�no bude premenn� pre n�zov fontu
	 * 2011-05-06: doplnen�: najprv sa testuje nastavenie _global_font; n�sledne sa pr�padne nastavia defaulty
	if((_global_font == FONT_UNDEF) || (_global_font == FONT_CHECKBOX)){
			mystrcpy(_global_css_font_family, DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY_SANS_SERIF, MAX_STR);
			mystrcpy(_global_css_font_family, DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY_SERIF, MAX_STR);
	}/* (_global_font == FONT_UNDEF)  || (_global_font == FONT_CHECKBOX) */
	else if(_global_font == FONT_CSS){
		mystrcpy(_global_css_font_family, DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY_INHERIT, MAX_STR);
	}/* (_global_font == FONT_CSS) */
		mystrcpy(_global_css_font_family, nazov_fontu[_global_font], MAX_STR);
	}/* else */
	 * 2011-05-13: doplnen�: nastavenie font-size
	if(_global_font_size == FONT_SIZE_UNDEF){
		mystrcpy(_global_css_font_size, STR_EMPTY, MAX_STR);
	}/* (_global_font_size == FONT_SIZE_UNDEF) */
	else if(_global_font_size == FONT_SIZE_CSS){
		mystrcpy(_global_css_font_size, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE_INHERIT, MAX_STR);
	}/* (_global_font_size == FONT_SIZE_CSS) */
		mystrcpy(_global_css_font_size, nazov_font_size_css[_global_font_size], MAX_STR);
	}/* else */

	if(bol_content_type_text_html == NIE){
#if defined(OS_linux)
		Export("Content-type: text/html\n");
#elif defined(OS_Windows_Ruby)
		Export("Content-type: text/html\n");
		bol_content_type_text_html = ANO;
	Log("creating header...\n");
	/* 2003-07-15, zmenene na hlavicku pre css-ko; zrusene <style>
	 * 2008-08-08: pridan� dynamicky css-ko
	 * 2010-02-15: statick� texty do kon�t�nt
	 * 2011-05-18: charset sa nastav� pod�a jazyka
	Export((char *)html_header_1, charset_jazyka[_global_jazyk]);
	// pre command-line pou�itie (aj pre batch m�d): "./breviar.css" resp. ".\breviar.css"
	/* 2009-08-03: level ozna�uje po�et adres�rov, o ktor� je treba �s� "hore" (pre mesa�n� export) */
	if(level == 0 && _global_opt_batch_monthly == ANO)
		level = 1;
	if(level < 0 || level > 5)
		level = 0;
	if(level == 0)
		while(level > 1){
	// pre web-pou�itie (aj pre ruby): "/breviar.css"
	Export("%s\">\n", nazov_css_suboru); // n�zov css s�boru
	Export("<title>%s</title>\n", title);
	/* 2011-05-05: pridanie font-family 
	 * 2011-05-06: font sa neprid�va v�dy
	if((_global_font != FONT_CSS) || (_global_font_size != FONT_SIZE_CSS)){
		Export(" style=\"");
		if(_global_font != FONT_CSS){
			Export("font-family: %s", _global_css_font_family);
		if(_global_font_size != FONT_SIZE_CSS){
			if(_global_font != FONT_CSS){
				Export("; ");
			Export("font-size: %s", _global_css_font_size);
	/* 2010-02-15: kv�li �peci�lnemu "zoznam.htm" */
	if(spec == 1){
		Export(" onLoad=\"fn_aktualne(0,0,0)\"");

	/* 2010-02-15: doplnen� predo�l� a nasledovn� modlitba */
	if(_global_opt_batch_monthly == ANO && query_type != PRM_BATCH_MODE){
		pismeno_modlitby = CHAR_MODL_NEURCENA;
		if((_local_modlitba < MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba >= MODL_INVITATORIUM))
			pismeno_modlitby = char_modlitby[_local_modlitba];
		sprintf(ext, "%c", pismeno_modlitby);
		strcat(ext, ".htm");
		// << prev
		mystrcpy(file_name_pom, FILE_EXPORT, MAX_STR);
		ptr = strstr(file_name_pom, ext);
		if((_local_modlitba < MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba > MODL_INVITATORIUM)){
			if(ptr != NULL){
				sprintf(pismeno_prev, "%c", char_modlitby[_local_modlitba - 1]);
				strncpy(ptr, pismeno_prev, 1);
			Export("<a href=\"%s\">", file_name_pom);
			Export((char *)html_text_batch_Prev[_global_jazyk]);
			Export(" ");
			Export((char *)nazov_modlitby(_local_modlitba - 1));
		// |
		Export(" | ");
		// ^ hore
		Export("<a href=\".%s%s\">", STR_PATH_SEPARATOR_HTML, _global_export_navig_hore); // v tom istom adres�ri
		Export((char *)html_text_batch_Back[_global_jazyk]);
		// |
		Export(" | ");
		// >> next
		mystrcpy(file_name_pom, FILE_EXPORT, MAX_STR);
		ptr = strstr(file_name_pom, ext);
		if((_local_modlitba != MODL_NEURCENA) && (_local_modlitba < MODL_KOMPLETORIUM)){
			if(ptr != NULL){
				sprintf(pismeno_next, "%c", char_modlitby[_local_modlitba + 1]);
				strncpy(ptr, pismeno_next, 1);
			Export("<a href=\"%s\">", file_name_pom);
			Export((char *)nazov_modlitby(_local_modlitba + 1));
			Export(" ");
			Export((char *)html_text_batch_Next[_global_jazyk]);
	}/* << predo�l� | ^ hore | nasledovn� >> */
	Log("hlavicka() -- koniec.\n");
}/* hlavicka() */