CSNBListCompressionFix::runEvent() const
  double locdt = dt;
  if (boost::math::isnan(dt))
    M_throw() << "A NAN system event time has been found";
  Sim->dSysTime += locdt;
  //dynamics must be updated first

  Sim->freestreamAcc += locdt;

  CGNeighbourList& nblist(dynamic_cast<CGNeighbourList&>
  dout << "Rebuilding the neighbour list named " << nblist.getName()
	   << "\nNColl = " << Sim->eventCount
	   << "\nSys t = " << Sim->dSysTime / Sim->dynamics.units().unitTime() << std::endl;
  nblist.reinitialise(1.0001 * nblist.getMaxSupportedInteractionLength());
  dt = (nblist.getMaxSupportedInteractionLength()
	/ nblist.getMaxInteractionLength() - 1.0) / growthRate - Sim->dSysTime;
  SysNBListCompressionFix::initialise(size_t nID)
    ID = nID;

    if (!std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<GNeighbourList>(Sim->dynamics.getGlobals()[cellID]))
      M_throw() << "Have the globals been shuffled? The cellID is no longer a GNeighbourList.";
    GNeighbourList& nblist(dynamic_cast<GNeighbourList&>(*Sim->dynamics.getGlobals()[cellID]));

    initialSupportedRange = nblist.getMaxInteractionRange();
    dt = (nblist.getMaxSupportedInteractionLength() / initialSupportedRange - 1.0) 
      / growthRate - Sim->dSysTime;

    dout << "Compression Hack Loaded"
	 << "\nFor global " << nblist.getName()
	 << "\nCompression rate = " 
	 << growthRate / Sim->dynamics.units().unitTime()
	 << "\nSim Units compression rate = " << growthRate
	 << "\nMax length of interaction = " 
	 << nblist.getMaxSupportedInteractionLength() / Sim->dynamics.units().unitLength()
	 << "\nMaximum supported length = "
	 << nblist.getMaxSupportedInteractionLength() / Sim->dynamics.units().unitLength()
	 << "\nFirst halt scheduled for " 
	 << dt / Sim->dynamics.units().unitTime() << std::endl;
    GNeighbourList& nblist(dynamic_cast<GNeighbourList&>

    nblist.setMaxInteractionRange(initialSupportedRange * (1.0 + growthRate * Sim->systemTime));
  SysNBListCompressionFix::runEvent() const
    double locdt = dt;
    if (std::isnan(dt))
      M_throw() << "A NAN system event time has been found";
    Sim->systemTime += locdt;
    //dynamics must be updated first

    GNeighbourList& nblist(dynamic_cast<GNeighbourList&>
    dout << "Rebuilding the neighbour list named " << nblist.getName()
	 << "\nNColl = " << Sim->eventCount
	 << "\nSys t = " << Sim->systemTime / Sim->units.unitTime() << std::endl;
    nblist.setMaxInteractionRange(nblist.getMaxSupportedInteractionLength() * 1.1);
    dt = (nblist.getMaxSupportedInteractionLength()
	  / initialSupportedRange - 1.0) / growthRate - Sim->systemTime;

    NEventData SDat;

    for (shared_ptr<OutputPlugin>& Ptr : Sim->outputPlugins)
      Ptr->eventUpdate(*this, SDat, locdt); 
Beispiel #5
void xedos_hmc(int k)
	int		old_bin;
	int		new_bin;
	int		boxns = box[k].boxns;
	double  L_initial;
	double  L_final;
	double	U_initial;
	double	U_final;
	double	K_initial;
	double	K_final;
	double  E_initial;
	double  E_final;
	double	vscal[NBOXES];
	double	beta_old;
	double	beta_new;
	vscal[k] = 1.0;					// initial scale for velocity

	beta_old	= 1.0/sim.kT[k];			
	beta_new	= beta_old;

	/* ------------------------------------	*/
	/* Back up coords, force, virial and	*/
	/* energy components.					*/
	/* ------------------------------------	*/

	for(int l =0; l< boxns; l++){
		atom_temp[k][l]		= atom[k][l];		
		atnopbc_temp[k][l]	= atnopbc[k][l];	
		ff_temp[k][l]		= ff[k][l];			
		vv_temp[k][l]		= vv[k][l];
	#ifdef PRESSURE
	pvir_temp[k]	= pvir[k];					
	en_temp[k]		= en[k];					
	U_initial		= en[k].potens;
	K_initial		= en[k].kinet;
	E_initial		= U_initial+K_initial;
	L_initial		= ordparam[k].d_nc;
	old_bin			= (int) ((L_initial - sim_dos[k].l_begin)/sim_dos[k].l_width);			
	/* ----------------------------------------------- */
	/* Propagate the system with verlet integrator.    */
	/* ----------------------------------------------- */	
	for (int j=0;j < sim_hyb.cyc_hybmd; j++){

		if(sim.nsteps ==1){
			integrate_vverlet(k, vscal[k]);
			#ifdef DLIST
				if(nl_flag[k] == 1) nblist(k);

		else {
				for(int l=0; l< box[k].boxns; l++){
					ff_long[k][l].x		= ff_temp[k][l].x-ff_short[k][l].x;
					ff_long[k][l].y		= ff_temp[k][l].y-ff_short[k][l].y;
					ff_long[k][l].z		= ff_temp[k][l].z-ff_short[k][l].z;
			#ifdef DLIST
				if(nl_flag[k] == 1) nblist(k);

		#ifdef STATUS
  /* ----------------------------------------------- */
  /* Calculate the properties of the system.         */
  /* ----------------------------------------------- */
	U_final	= en[k].potens;
	K_final	= en[k].kinet;
	E_final = U_final+K_final;
	L_final = ordparam[k].d_nc;

#ifdef WALL
		int beyond_wall_flag = 0; //flag to see if particle moved past wall
		//for(int i=0; i<wall[k].n; i++){
			for(int j=0; j<box[k].boxns; j++){  
				if(atom[k][j].z < wall[k].z[0]){
					beyond_wall_flag = 1;
	/* ----------------------------------------------- */
	/* Check the acceptance of the move. First check   */
  /* to see if the system moved out of range, then   */
  /* check to see if it is accepted.                 */
	/* ----------------------------------------------- */

		if (L_final >= sim_dos[k].l_begin && L_final < sim_dos[k].l_end && beyond_wall_flag == 0){
		if (L_final >= sim_dos[k].l_begin && L_final < sim_dos[k].l_end){	

	  new_bin	= (int) ((L_final - sim_dos[k].l_begin)/sim_dos[k].l_width);
		double g_old = dos_interp(k,old_bin,L_initial); 
    double g_new = dos_interp(k,new_bin,L_final);
		double arg = g_old - g_new + E_initial*beta_old-E_final*beta_new;

		if (arg>0.0){
			dos_hist[k][new_bin].h_of_l ++;
			dos_hist[k][new_bin].g_of_l += sim_dos[k].mod_f;
			#ifdef NLIST
			#ifndef DLIST
				if(sim_dos[k].dos_acc %sim.nlist==0) nblist(k); // call Nblist every nblist accepted moves
			#ifdef DLIST
				nl_check(0, boxns, k);
				if(nl_flag[k] == 1) nblist(k);
			sim_dos[k].dos_acc ++;
		else if (exp(arg) > ran2()){
			dos_hist[k][new_bin].h_of_l ++;
			dos_hist[k][new_bin].g_of_l += sim_dos[k].mod_f;
			#ifdef NLIST
			#ifndef DLIST
				if(sim_dos[k].dos_acc %sim.nlist==0) nblist(k); // call Nblist every nblist accepted moves
			#ifdef DLIST
				nl_check(0, boxns, k);
				if(nl_flag[k] == 1) nblist(k);
			sim_dos[k].dos_acc ++;
			for(int l =0; l< boxns; l++){
				atom[k][l]		= atom_temp[k][l];		/* Back up coordinates with pdb			*/
				atnopbc[k][l]	= atnopbc_temp[k][l];	/* Back up coordinates without pdb		*/
				ff[k][l]		= ff_temp[k][l];		/* Back to old  force  components		*/
				vv[k][l]		= vv_temp[k][l];
				uu[k][l]		= vv[k][l];
			#ifdef PRESSURE
			pvir[k]		= pvir_temp[k];					/* Back to old  virial components		*/
			en[k]		= en_temp[k];					/* Back to old  energy components		*/
			dos_hist[k][old_bin].h_of_l ++;
			dos_hist[k][old_bin].g_of_l += sim_dos[k].mod_f;
			end_to_end(k,SITE1,SITE2);				// recompute to get back to the old

		for(int l =0; l< boxns; l++){
			atom[k][l]		= atom_temp[k][l];		/* Back up coordinates with pdb			*/
			atnopbc[k][l]	= atnopbc_temp[k][l];	/* Back up coordinates without pdb		*/
			ff[k][l]		= ff_temp[k][l];		/* Back to old  force  components		*/
			vv[k][l]		= vv_temp[k][l];
			uu[k][l]		= vv[k][l];
		#ifdef PRESSURE
		pvir[k]		= pvir_temp[k];					/* Back to old  virial components		*/
		en[k]		= en_temp[k];					/* Back to old  energy components		*/
		dos_hist[k][old_bin].h_of_l ++;
		dos_hist[k][old_bin].g_of_l += sim_dos[k].mod_f;
		end_to_end(k,SITE1,SITE2);				// recompute to get back to the old


	calcvalue(k); // needed to update box.variable correctly
Beispiel #6
int swap_mpi(unsigned long iter, int flag, int ibox)
	int k =ibox;
	/* The energy of this process is saved in e1 whereas	*/
	/* The energy of the partner process is saved in e2		*/
	double e1 = en[k].totals;
	int old_bin_1			=  (int) ((e1 - sim_dos[k].e_begin)/sim_dos[k].e_width);
	MPI_Status status;

	if(mpi.my_rank!=mpi.p-1 && flag ==1)

		struct msg_swap_request swap_request;
		swap_request.totals		=	en[k].totals;
		swap_request.e_begin	=	sim_dos[k].e_begin;
		swap_request.e_end		=	sim_dos[k].e_end;
		swap_request.mod_f		=	sim_dos[k].mod_f;

		struct msg_swap_accept swap_accept;
		/* ------------------------------------------------ */
		/* If I am not the last process and if my flag ==1  */
		/* then send data/swap request to my_rank +1		*/
		/* ------------------------------------------------ */

		/* ------------------------------------------------ */
		/* Receive the information whether move is accepted */
		/* or rejected.										*/
		/* ------------------------------------------------ */

		MPI_Recv(&swap_accept, sizeof(swap_accept), MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,2,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);

		/* ------------------------------------------------ */
		/* If move is rejected no more communication needed */
		/* ------------------------------------------------ */
			dos_hist[k][old_bin_1].h_of_e ++;
			dos_hist[k][old_bin_1].k_of_e += en[k].kinet;

			if(sim_dos[k].mod_f <MERGE_F && ((iter%(MERGE_N*(unsigned long)sim_hyb.cyc_swap)==0) || (iter%(((unsigned long)(MERGE_N+1))*(unsigned long)sim_hyb.cyc_swap)==0))){
				MPI_Send(dos_hist[k],NBINS*sizeof(struct hist),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,14,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
				MPI_Recv(dos_hist[k],NBINS*sizeof(struct hist),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,15,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);

			return 0;
		}// is swap not accepted then for the sending box

		/* ------------------------------------------------ */
		/* If move is accepted then create a back up of		*/
		/* of current structures and then receive the data	*/
		/* from the partner process and after that send the */
		/* back up info to the partner to complete the swap */
		/* ------------------------------------------------ */
		else if (swap_accept.accept==1){
			for(int i =0; i< box[k].boxns; i++){
				atom_temp[k][i]		= atom[k][i];				/* Back up coordinates of box k			*/
				atnopbc_temp[k][i]	= atnopbc[k][i];			/* Back up coordinates of box k			*/
				ff_temp[k][i]		= ff[k][i];
				vv_temp[k][i]		= vv[k][i];
				/* Tranfer data from box k to temp		*/
				en_temp[k]			= en[k];

			MPI_Recv(atom[k],   box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct atoms),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,3,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
			MPI_Recv(atnopbc[k],box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct atoms),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,4,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
			MPI_Recv(ff[k],     box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct veloc),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,5,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
			MPI_Recv(vv[k],     box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct veloc),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,6,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
			MPI_Recv(&en[k],     sizeof(struct energy),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,11,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);

			uu[k]			= vv[k];
			en[k].totals	= swap_accept.totals;
			int new_bin_1	= (int) ((en[k].totals - sim_dos[k].e_begin)/sim_dos[k].e_width);

			MPI_Send(atom_temp[k],   box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct atoms),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1, 7,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MPI_Send(atnopbc_temp[k],box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct atoms),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1, 8,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MPI_Send(ff_temp[k],     box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct veloc),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1, 9,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MPI_Send(vv_temp[k],     box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct veloc),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,10,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MPI_Send(&en_temp[k],     sizeof(struct energy),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,12,MPI_COMM_WORLD);

			dos_hist[k][new_bin_1].h_of_e ++;
			dos_hist[k][new_bin_1].k_of_e += en[k].kinet;
			#ifdef NLIST
			if(sim_dos[k].mod_f <MERGE_F && ((iter%(MERGE_N*(unsigned long)sim_hyb.cyc_swap)==0) || (iter%(((unsigned long)(MERGE_N+1))*(unsigned long)sim_hyb.cyc_swap)==0))){
				 MPI_Send(dos_hist[k],NBINS*sizeof(struct hist),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,14,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
				 MPI_Recv(dos_hist[k],NBINS*sizeof(struct hist),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank+1,15,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
			return 1;
		}// if swap accepted then for the sending box
	 }// end of mpi.rank !=p-1
	 else if(mpi.my_rank!=0 && flag==0)
			/* Recv data from my_rank-1 */
		struct msg_swap_request swap_request;
//		swap_request.potens		=	en[k].potens;
//		swap_request.e_begin	=	sim_dos[k].e_begin;
//		swap_request.e_end		=	sim_dos[k].e_end;

		struct msg_swap_accept swap_accept;
		/* Recv data from my_rank-1 */
		double e2 = swap_request.totals;
		double mod_f = swap_request.mod_f;

		/* ----------------------------------------	*/
		/*	This onwards added later for on the fly	*/
		/*	merging of g_of_e						*/
		double e_begin	=	swap_request.e_begin;
		double e_end	=	swap_request.e_end;
		/* ----------------------------------------	*/

		if ((e2 >= sim_dos[k].e_begin && e2 < sim_dos[k].e_end) && (e1 >= swap_request.e_begin && e1 < swap_request.e_end)) 
			swap_accept.accept = 1;
			swap_accept.totals = e1;
			MPI_Send(&swap_accept,sizeof(swap_accept),   MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,2,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MPI_Send(atom[k],   box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct atoms),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,3,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MPI_Send(atnopbc[k],box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct atoms),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,4,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MPI_Send(ff[k],     box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct veloc),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,5,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MPI_Send(vv[k],     box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct veloc),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,6,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MPI_Send(&en[k],     sizeof(struct energy),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,11,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			en[k].totals	= e2;
			int new_bin_1	= (int) ((en[k].totals - sim_dos[k].e_begin)/sim_dos[k].e_width);
			MPI_Recv(atom[k],   box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct atoms),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1, 7,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
			MPI_Recv(atnopbc[k],box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct atoms),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1, 8,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
			MPI_Recv(ff[k],     box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct veloc),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1, 9,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
			MPI_Recv(vv[k],     box[k].boxns * sizeof(struct veloc),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,10,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
			MPI_Recv(&en[k],     sizeof(struct energy),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,12,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
			uu[k]	=	vv[k];
			dos_hist[k][new_bin_1].h_of_e ++;
			dos_hist[k][new_bin_1].k_of_e += en[k].kinet;
			#ifdef NLIST
			if(mod_f<MERGE_F && ((iter%(MERGE_N*(unsigned long)sim_hyb.cyc_swap)==0) || (iter%(((unsigned long)(MERGE_N+1))*(unsigned long)sim_hyb.cyc_swap)==0))){
				MPI_Recv(dos_hist_temp[k],NBINS*sizeof(struct hist),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,14,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
				if (sim_dos[k].mod_f <MERGE_F) merge_gofe(k,e_begin,e_end, mod_f);
				MPI_Send(dos_hist_temp[k],NBINS*sizeof(struct hist),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,15,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			return 1;
		}//end of accept for receiving box
		else {
			swap_accept.potens=e2;// e2 belongs to myrank-1
			MPI_Send(&swap_accept,sizeof(swap_accept),   MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,2,MPI_COMM_WORLD);

			dos_hist[k][old_bin_1].h_of_e ++;
			dos_hist[k][old_bin_1].k_of_e += en[k].kinet;
			if(mod_f<MERGE_F && ((iter%(MERGE_N*(unsigned long)sim_hyb.cyc_swap)==0) || (iter%(((unsigned long)(MERGE_N+1))*(unsigned long)sim_hyb.cyc_swap)==0))){
				MPI_Recv(dos_hist_temp[k],NBINS*sizeof(struct hist),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,14,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
				if (sim_dos[k].mod_f <MERGE_F) merge_gofe(k,e_begin,e_end,mod_f);
				MPI_Send(dos_hist_temp[k],NBINS*sizeof(struct hist),MPI_CHAR,mpi.my_rank-1,15,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			return 0;
		}// end of reject for receiving box
	 }// end of rank!=0 loop
	 return 2;
Beispiel #7
void mmdos_hmc(int k){

	int		old_bin;
	int		new_bin;
	double  E_initial;
	double	E_final;
	double	U_initial;
	double	U_final;
	double	K_initial;
	double	K_final;
	double	vscal[NBOXES];
	double	beta_old;
	double	beta_new;
	double  arg=0.0;

	double  d_of_f = 	 ( 3.0 * box[k].boxns -2.0)* 0.5;
	double  scal   = 1.0/( 3.0 * box[k].boxns *0.5 * RG * 0.0010);

	vscal[k] = 1.0;								// initial scale for velocity

	E_initial	= en[k].totals;	
	U_initial	= en[k].potens;
	K_initial	= E_initial - U_initial;
	old_bin		=  (int) ((E_initial - sim_dos[k].e_begin)/sim_dos[k].e_width);
	sim.T[k]	= K_initial * scal;
	sim.kT[k]	= RG * sim.T[k]*0.001;
	beta_old	= 1.0/sim.kT[k];			
	beta_new	= beta_old;
	kinet(k); // what if this kE is not exactly the K_initial then en.total will change too
//	calcvalue(k);	// whether to call this calclvalue and update K_initial and E_initial	
	for(int l =0; l< box[k].boxns; l++){
		atom_temp[k][l]		= atom[k][l];		/* Back up coordinates with pdb			*/
		atnopbc_temp[k][l]	= atnopbc[k][l];	/* Back up coordinates without pdb		*/
		ff_temp[k][l]		= ff[k][l];			/* Back up all the force  components	*/

	#ifdef PRESSURE
	pvir_temp[k]	= pvir[k];					/* Back up all the virial components	*/
	en_temp[k]		= en[k];					/* Back up all the energy components	*/

	for (int j=0;j < sim_hyb.cyc_hybmd; j++){
		integrate_vverlet(k, vscal[k]);
		#ifdef DLIST
			if(nl_flag[k] == 1) nblist(k);

	}// j loop ends here
  /* ----------------------------------------------- */
  /* Calculate the properties of the system.         */
  /* ----------------------------------------------- */
	E_final = en[k].totals;
	U_final	= en[k].potens;
	K_final	= en[k].kinet;

	if (E_final >= sim_dos[k].e_begin && E_final < sim_dos[k].e_end){
		new_bin	=  (int) ((E_final - sim_dos[k].e_begin)/sim_dos[k].e_width);
		arg =	dos_hist[k][old_bin].g_of_e - dos_hist[k][new_bin].g_of_e + 
					d_of_f * (log(K_final/K_initial)) - beta_old*(K_final-K_initial);
  /* ----------------------------------------------- */
  /* If the moves is accepted then accumulate the	 */
  /* calculated values for block averages and error  */
  /* bars else first return to original values and   */
  /* then accumulate statistics						 */
  /* ----------------------------------------------- */

	if (E_final >= sim_dos[k].e_begin && E_final < sim_dos[k].e_end && arg >0){
			dos_hist[k][new_bin].h_of_e ++;
			dos_hist[k][new_bin].k_of_e +=K_final;
			#ifdef NLIST
			if(sim_dos[k].dos_acc %sim.nlist==0) nblist(k); // call Nblist every nblist accepted moves
			sim_dos[k].dos_acc ++;
	else if (E_final >= sim_dos[k].e_begin && E_final < sim_dos[k].e_end && exp(arg)> ran2()){
			dos_hist[k][new_bin].h_of_e ++;
			dos_hist[k][new_bin].k_of_e +=K_final;
			#ifdef NLIST
			if(sim_dos[k].dos_acc %sim.nlist==0) nblist(k); // call Nblist every nblist accepted moves
			sim_dos[k].dos_acc ++;
			for(int l =0; l< box[k].boxns; l++){
				atom[k][l]		= atom_temp[k][l];		/* Back up coordinates with pdb			*/
				atnopbc[k][l]	= atnopbc_temp[k][l];	/* Back up coordinates without pdb		*/
				ff[k][l]		= ff_temp[k][l];		/* Back to old  force  components		*/
			#ifdef PRESSURE
			pvir[k]		= pvir_temp[k];					/* Back to old  virial components		*/
			en[k]		= en_temp[k];					/* Back to old  energy components		*/
			dos_hist[k][old_bin].h_of_e ++;
			dos_hist[k][old_bin].k_of_e += K_initial;

	calcvalue(k); // this calcvalue may lead to a system with not K_initial but asssigned KE in case move rejected