ompl::geometric::BasicPRMmodif::Milestone* ompl::geometric::BasicPRMmodif::addMilestone(base::State *state)
    Milestone *m = new Milestone();
    m->state = state;
    m->component = componentCount_;
    componentSizes_[m->component] = 1;

    // connect to nearest neighbors
    std::vector<Milestone*> nbh;
    nearestNeighbors(m, nbh);

    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nbh.size() ; ++i)
        if (si_->checkMotion(m->state, nbh[i]->state))
            m->costs.push_back(si_->distance(m->state, nbh[i]->state));
// 	    std::cout << si_->distance(m->state, nbh[i]->state) << std::endl;
            uniteComponents(m, nbh[i]);

    // if the new milestone was no absorbed in an existing component,
    // increase the number of components
    if (m->component == componentCount_)
    m->index = milestones_.size();
    return m;
 * Given a kd-tree and a point p, the function stores the nearest neighbors of p to bpq
 * @param curr - the kd-tree containing the points
 * @param bpq - the bounded priority queue to store the nearest neighbors in
 * @param p - the point to find the nearest neighbors to
 * does nothing if curr == NULL or bpq == NULL or p == NULL
void nearestNeighbors(KDTreeNode curr, SPBPQueue bpq, SPPoint p) {
	SPListElement node;
	SPPoint q;
	bool isLeft;
	double coorDis;
	if (curr == NULL || bpq == NULL || p == NULL )

	q = curr->data;

	/* Add the current point to the BPQ. Note that this is a no-op if the
	 * point is not as good as the points we've seen so far.*/
	if (curr->dim == -1) {
		int index;
		double dis;

		index = spPointGetIndex(q);
		dis = spPointL2SquaredDistance(p, curr->data);
		node = spListElementCreate(index, dis);
		spBPQueueEnqueue(bpq, node);

	/* Recursively search the half of the tree that contains the test point. */
	if (spPointGetAxisCoor(p, curr->dim) <= curr->val) {
		nearestNeighbors(curr->left, bpq, p);
		isLeft = true;
	} else {
		nearestNeighbors(curr->right, bpq, p);
		isLeft = false;

	/* If the candidate hypersphere crosses this splitting plane, look on the
	 * other side of the plane by examining the other subtree*/
	coorDis = abs(spPointGetAxisCoor(p, curr->dim) - curr->val);
	if (!spBPQueueIsFull(bpq) || coorDis*coorDis < spBPQueueMaxValue(bpq)) {
		if (isLeft)
			nearestNeighbors(curr->right, bpq, p);
			nearestNeighbors(curr->left, bpq, p);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Pooma::initialize(argc, argv);
  Pooma::Tester tester(argc, argv);

  const double eps = 1.0e-08;	// checking tolerance
  const int Dim = 2;
  std::vector<FieldOffsetList<Dim> > nn;
  std::vector<FieldOffsetList<3> > nn3;

  Centering<2> inputCenteringTwo, outputCenteringTwo;
  Centering<3> inputCenteringThree, outputCenteringThree;

  Interval<Dim> physicalVertexDomain(4, 4);
  DomainLayout<Dim> layout(physicalVertexDomain, GuardLayers<Dim>(1));
  typedef Field<UniformRectilinearMesh<Dim>, double, Brick> Field_t;

  // Test 2D Discontinuous Vertex -> Continuous Vertex.

  inputCenteringTwo = canonicalCentering<2>(VertexType, Discontinuous, AllDim);
  outputCenteringTwo = canonicalCentering<2>(VertexType, Continuous, AllDim);
  nn = nearestNeighbors(inputCenteringTwo, outputCenteringTwo);
  Field_t g(inputCenteringTwo, layout,
	    Vector<Dim>(0.0), Vector<Dim>(1.0, 2.0));

  g.all() = 2.0;
  g = -1.0;
  g(FieldOffset<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(1,1), 0), Loc<Dim>(0,0)) = 17.0;
  tester.check("discontinuous vertex->continuous vertex",
	       checkFieldPosition(g, nn[0], Loc<Dim>(1),
				  14.0, 3.5, -1.0, 17.0, eps));

  // Test 2D Continuous Cell -> Continuous Cell.

  inputCenteringTwo = canonicalCentering<2>(CellType, Continuous, AllDim);
  outputCenteringTwo = canonicalCentering<2>(CellType, Continuous, AllDim);
  nn = nearestNeighbors(inputCenteringTwo, outputCenteringTwo);
  Field_t f(inputCenteringTwo, layout,
	    Vector<Dim>(0.0), Vector<Dim>(1.0, 2.0));

  f.all() = 2.0;
  f = -1.0;
  f(FieldOffset<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(1,1), 0), Loc<Dim>(0,0)) = 17.0;
	       checkFieldPosition(f, nn[0], Loc<Dim>(1,1),
				  17.0, 17.0, 17.0, 17.0, eps));

  // Test 2D Discontinuous Face -> Continuous Edge.

  inputCenteringTwo = canonicalCentering<2>(FaceType, Discontinuous, AllDim);
  outputCenteringTwo = canonicalCentering<2>(EdgeType, Continuous, AllDim);
  nn = nearestNeighbors(inputCenteringTwo, outputCenteringTwo);
  Field_t h(inputCenteringTwo, layout,
	    Vector<Dim>(0.0), Vector<Dim>(1.0, 2.0));

  h.all() = 2.0;
  h = -1.0;
  h(FieldOffset<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(1), 0), Loc<Dim>(0)) = 17.0;
  tester.check("discontinuous face->edge",
	       checkFieldPosition(h, nn[0], Loc<Dim>(1),
				  -2.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, eps));

  // Test 3D Discontinuous Vertex -> Continuous Cell.

  inputCenteringThree = canonicalCentering<3>(VertexType, Discontinuous, AllDim);
  outputCenteringThree = canonicalCentering<3>(CellType, Continuous, AllDim);
  nn3 = nearestNeighbors(inputCenteringThree, outputCenteringThree);

  Interval<3> physicalVertexDomain3(4, 4, 4);
  DomainLayout<3> layout3(physicalVertexDomain3, GuardLayers<3>(1));
  Field<UniformRectilinearMesh<3>, double, Brick>
    G(inputCenteringThree, layout3, Vector<3>(0.0), Vector<3>(1.0, 2.0, 0.0));

  G.all() = 2.0;
  G = -1.0;
  G(FieldOffset<3>(Loc<3>(1), 0), Loc<3>(0)) = 17.0;
  tester.check("discontinuous vertex->cell",
	       checkFieldPosition(G, nn3[0], Loc<3>(1),
				  -46.0, -46.0/64.0, -1.0, 17.0, eps));

  int ret = tester.results("FieldReductions");
  return ret; 
void locallyLinearEmbeddings(const Mat_<float> &samples, int outDim, Mat_<float> &embeddings, int k) {
	assert(outDim < samples.cols);
	assert(k >= 1);
	Mat_<int> nearestNeighbors(samples.rows, k);

	// determining k nearest neighbors for each sample
	flann::Index flannIndex(samples, flann::LinearIndexParams());

	for (int i = 0; i < samples.rows; i++) {
		Mat_<int> nearest;
		Mat dists;

		flannIndex.knnSearch(samples.row(i), nearest, dists, k + 1);
		nearest.colRange(1, nearest.cols).copyTo(nearestNeighbors.row(i));

	// determining weights for each sample
	vector<Triplet<double> > tripletList;
	tripletList.reserve(samples.rows * k);

	for (int i = 0; i < samples.rows; i++) {
		Mat_<double> C(k,k);

		for (int u = 0; u < k; u++) {
			for (int v = u; v < k; v++) {
				C(u,v) = (samples.row(i) - samples.row(nearestNeighbors(i,u))).dot(samples.row(i) - samples.row(nearestNeighbors(i,v)));
				C(v,u) = C(u,v);

		// regularize when the number of neighbors is greater than the input
		// dimension
		if (k > samples.cols) {
			C = C + Mat_<double>::eye(k,k) * 10E-3 * trace(C)[0];

		Map<MatrixXd,RowMajor> eigC((double*), C.rows, C.cols);

		LDLT<MatrixXd> solver(eigC);

		Mat_<double> weights(k,1);
		Map<MatrixXd,RowMajor> eigWeights((double*), weights.rows, weights.cols);

		eigWeights = solver.solve(MatrixXd::Ones(k,1));	

		Mat_<double> normWeights;

		double weightsSum = sum(weights)[0];

		if (weightsSum == 0) {
			cout<<"error: cannot reconstruct point "<<i<<" from its neighbors"<<endl;

		normWeights = weights / weightsSum;

		for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
			tripletList.push_back(Triplet<double>(nearestNeighbors(i,j), i, normWeights(j)));

	SparseMatrix<double> W(samples.rows, samples.rows);

	W.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());

	// constructing vectors in lower dimensional space from the weights
	VectorXd eigenvalues;
	MatrixXd eigenvectors;

	LLEMult mult(&W);

	symmetricSparseEigenSolver(samples.rows, "SM", outDim + 1, samples.rows, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, mult);
	embeddings = Mat_<double>(samples.rows, outDim);

	if (DEBUG_LLE) {
		cout<<"actual eigenvalues : "<<eigenvalues<<endl;
		cout<<"actual : "<<endl<<eigenvectors<<endl;

		MatrixXd denseW(W);
		MatrixXd tmp = MatrixXd::Identity(W.rows(), W.cols()) - denseW;
		MatrixXd M = tmp.transpose() * tmp;
		SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXd> eigenSolver(M);
		MatrixXd expectedEigenvectors = eigenSolver.eigenvectors();

		cout<<"expected eigenvalues : "<<eigenSolver.eigenvalues()<<endl;
		cout<<"expected : "<<endl<<expectedEigenvectors<<endl;

	for (int i = 0; i < samples.rows; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < outDim; j++) {
			embeddings(i,j) = eigenvectors(i, j + 1);
Beispiel #5
void TileGrid::recursivePathfind(TilePos point, int maxCost, PathMap& pmap, DistanceMap& dmap, bool diagonal)
   // Get a list of the nearest neighbours and cache the current fastest 
   // path to this point 
   TilePosList nneighbor = nearestNeighbors(point);
   auto partialPath = pmap[point];
   auto partialCost = dmap[point];

   // Repeat the process for each of the nearest-neighbours of this point 
   for (auto const &p : nneighbor)
      // Is the candidate point diagonal? (diagonal paths take longer to walk)
      bool diagCopy = diagonal;
      int pathCost = 1;

      if (!point.isInLine(p))
         if (diagCopy)
         diagCopy = !diagCopy;

      int adjustedCost = partialCost + pathCost;

      if (adjustedCost > maxCost)
         // We can't get here taking this route - stop.

      // Do we already have this point in our map?
      auto it = dmap.find(p);
      if (it == dmap.end())
         // This point is not in our map - this is the fastest route here automatically 
         pmap[p] = partialPath;
         dmap[p] = adjustedCost;
         // This point is already in our map - is it faster? 
         if (adjustedCost > it->second)
            // Replace 
            pmap[p] = partialPath;
            dmap[p] = adjustedCost;

      // RECURSE 
      recursivePathfind(p, maxCost, pmap, dmap, diagCopy);