/* initializes module handle and info (name and version) */
int init_module_handle_info(void* handle, context_t* context)
	int result = NEB_OK;

	module_handle = handle;
	logging(LOG_INFO, context, "Starting up (version %s)...", module_version);
	neb_set_module_info(module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE, module_name);
	neb_set_module_info(module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_VERSION, module_version);

	return result;
/* initializes module handle and info (name and version) */
int init_module_handle_info(void* handle)
	int result = NEB_OK;

	module_handle = handle;
	logging("info", "%s - Starting up (version %s)...", module_name, module_version);
	neb_set_module_info(module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE,   module_name);
	neb_set_module_info(module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_VERSION, module_version);

	return result;
Beispiel #3
/* this function gets called when the module is loaded by the event broker */
int nebmodule_init(int flags, char *args, nebmodule *handle) {
	char temp_buffer[1024];
	time_t current_time;
	unsigned long interval;

	/* save our handle */
	helloworld_module_handle = handle;

	/* set some info - this is completely optional, as Nagios doesn't do anything with this data */
	neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE, "helloworld");
	neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_AUTHOR, "Ethan Galstad");
	neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE, "Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Ethan Galstad");
	neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_VERSION, "noversion");
	neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_LICENSE, "GPL v2");
	neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_DESC, "A simple example to get you started with Nagios Event Broker (NEB) modules.");

	/* log module info to the Nagios log file */
	      "helloworld: Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Ethan Galstad ([email protected])");

	/* log a message to the Nagios log file */
	snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1, "helloworld: Hello world!\n");
	temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0';
	logit(NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE, temp_buffer);

	/* log a reminder message every 15 minutes (how's that for annoying? :-)) */
	interval = 900;
	schedule_new_event(EVENT_USER_FUNCTION, TRUE, current_time + interval, TRUE, interval, NULL, TRUE, (void *)helloworld_reminder_message, "How about you?", 0);

	/* register to be notified of certain events... */
	neb_register_callback(NEBCALLBACK_AGGREGATED_STATUS_DATA, helloworld_module_handle, 0, helloworld_handle_data);

	return 0;
Beispiel #4
int nebmodule_init(int flags, char * localargs, nebmodule * lhandle) {
	json_error_t loaderr;
	handle = lhandle;

	neb_set_module_info(handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE, "NagMQ");
	neb_set_module_info(handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_AUTHOR, "Jonathan Reams");
	neb_set_module_info(handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_VERSION, "1.3");
	neb_set_module_info(handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_LICENSE, "Apache v2");
	neb_set_module_info(handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_DESC,
		"Provides interface into Nagios via ZeroMQ");

	config = json_load_file(localargs, 0, &loaderr);
	if(config == NULL) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error loading NagMQ config: %s (at %d:%d)",
			loaderr.text, loaderr.line, loaderr.column);
		return -1;

	neb_register_callback(NEBCALLBACK_PROCESS_DATA, lhandle,
		0, handle_startup);

	return 0;
Beispiel #5
/* this function gets called when the module is loaded by the event broker */
int nebmodule_init(int flags, char *args, nebmodule *handle) {
	char temp_buffer[1024];
	time_t current_time;
	unsigned long interval;

	/* save our handle */
	npcdmod_module_handle = handle;

	/* set some info - this is completely optional, as Nagios doesn't do anything with this data */
	neb_set_module_info(npcdmod_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE, "npcdmod");
	neb_set_module_info(npcdmod_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_AUTHOR, "Hendrik Baecker");
	neb_set_module_info(npcdmod_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE, "Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Hendrik Baecker");
	neb_set_module_info(npcdmod_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_VERSION, "0.0.2");
	neb_set_module_info(npcdmod_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_LICENSE, "GPL v2");
	neb_set_module_info(npcdmod_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_DESC, "A simple performance data extractor.");

	/* log module info to the Nagios log file */
	write_to_all_logs("npcdmod: Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Hendrik Baecker ([email protected]) - http://www.pnp4nagios.org", NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);

	if (process_performance_data == FALSE) {
		write_to_all_logs("npcdmod: I can not work with disabled performance data in nagios.cfg.", NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
		write_to_all_logs("npcdmod: Please enable it with 'process_performance_data=1' in nagios.cfg", NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
		return -1;

	/* process arguments */
	if (npcdmod_process_module_args(args) == ERROR) {
		write_to_all_logs("npcdmod: An error occurred while attempting to process module arguments.", NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
		return -1;

	/* de-initialize if there is no perfdata file nor spool dir */
	if (spool_dir == NULL || perfdata_file == NULL) {
		write_to_all_logs("npcdmod: An error occurred process your config file. Check your perfdata_file or perfdata_spool_dir.", NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
		return -1;

	/* Log some health data */
	snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1, "npcdmod: spool_dir = '%s'.", spool_dir, NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
	temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0';
	write_to_all_logs(temp_buffer, NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);

	snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1, "npcdmod: perfdata file '%s'.", perfdata_file, NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
	temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0';
	write_to_all_logs(temp_buffer, NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);

	/* open perfdata_file to write perfdata in it */
	if ((fp = fopen(perfdata_file, "a")) == NULL) {
		snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1,
				"npcdmod: Could not open file. %s", strerror(errno),
		temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0';
		write_to_all_logs(temp_buffer, NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
		return -1;

	/* log a message to the Nagios log file that we're ready */
	snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1,
			"npcdmod: Ready to run to have some fun!\n");
	temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0';
	write_to_all_logs(temp_buffer, NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);

	/* write_to_all_logs("\x62\x68\040\x64\145\x6b\162\157\167\040\145\162\145\150", NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE); */
	/* register for a 15 seconds file move event */
	interval = 15;
	schedule_new_event(EVENT_USER_FUNCTION,TRUE, current_time + interval, TRUE,
	interval, NULL, TRUE, (void *) npcdmod_file_roller, "", 0);

	/* register to be notified of certain events... */
	neb_register_callback(NEBCALLBACK_HOST_CHECK_DATA, npcdmod_module_handle,
			0, npcdmod_handle_data);
	npcdmod_module_handle, 0, npcdmod_handle_data);
	return 0;
Beispiel #6
int nebmodule_init( int flags, char *args, nebmodule *handle ) {
    int i;
    int broker_option_errors = 0;
    send_now                 = FALSE;
    result_threads_running   = 0;

    /* save our handle */

    /* set some module info */
    neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE,   "Mod-Gearman" );
    neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_AUTHOR,  "Sven Nierlein" );
    neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE,   "Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Sven Nierlein" );
    neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_VERSION, GM_VERSION );
    neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_LICENSE, "GPL v3" );
    neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_DESC,    "distribute host/service checks and eventhandler via gearman" );

    mod_gm_opt = malloc(sizeof(mod_gm_opt_t));

    /* parse arguments */
    gm_log( GM_LOG_DEBUG, "Version %s\n", GM_VERSION );
    gm_log( GM_LOG_DEBUG, "args: %s\n", args );
    gm_log( GM_LOG_TRACE, "nebmodule_init(%i, %i)\n", flags );
    gm_log( GM_LOG_DEBUG, "running on libgearman %s\n", gearman_version() );

    if( read_arguments( args ) == GM_ERROR )
        return NEB_ERROR;

    /* check for minimum eventbroker options */
    if(!(event_broker_options & BROKER_PROGRAM_STATE)) {
        gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "mod_gearman needs BROKER_PROGRAM_STATE (%i) event_broker_options enabled to work\n", BROKER_PROGRAM_STATE );
    if(!(event_broker_options & BROKER_TIMED_EVENTS)) {
        gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "mod_gearman needs BROKER_TIMED_EVENTS (%i) event_broker_options enabled to work\n", BROKER_TIMED_EVENTS );
    if(    (    mod_gm_opt->perfdata == GM_ENABLED
             || mod_gm_opt->hostgroups_num > 0
             || mod_gm_opt->hosts == GM_ENABLED
        && !(event_broker_options & BROKER_HOST_CHECKS)) {
        gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "mod_gearman needs BROKER_HOST_CHECKS (%i) event_broker_options enabled to work\n", BROKER_HOST_CHECKS );
    if(    (    mod_gm_opt->perfdata == GM_ENABLED
             || mod_gm_opt->servicegroups_num > 0
             || mod_gm_opt->services == GM_ENABLED
        && !(event_broker_options & BROKER_SERVICE_CHECKS)) {
        gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "mod_gearman needs BROKER_SERVICE_CHECKS (%i) event_broker_options enabled to work\n", BROKER_SERVICE_CHECKS );
    if(mod_gm_opt->events == GM_ENABLED && !(event_broker_options & BROKER_EVENT_HANDLERS)) {
        gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "mod_gearman needs BROKER_EVENT_HANDLERS (%i) event_broker option enabled to work\n", BROKER_EVENT_HANDLERS );
    if(broker_option_errors > 0)
        return NEB_ERROR;

    /* check the minimal gearman version */
    if((float)atof(gearman_version()) < (float)GM_MIN_LIB_GEARMAN_VERSION) {
        gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "minimum version of libgearman is %.2f, yours is %.2f\n", (float)GM_MIN_LIB_GEARMAN_VERSION, (float)atof(gearman_version()) );
        return NEB_ERROR;

    /* init crypto functions */
    if(mod_gm_opt->encryption == GM_ENABLED) {
        if(mod_gm_opt->crypt_key == NULL) {
            gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "no encryption key provided, please use --key=... or keyfile=...\n");
            return NEB_ERROR;
    } else {
        mod_gm_opt->transportmode = GM_ENCODE_ONLY;

    /* create client */
    if ( create_client( mod_gm_opt->server_list, &client ) != GM_OK ) {
        gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "cannot start client\n" );
        return NEB_ERROR;

    /* register callback for process event where everything else starts */
    neb_register_callback( NEBCALLBACK_PROCESS_DATA, gearman_module_handle, 0, handle_process_events );
    neb_register_callback( NEBCALLBACK_TIMED_EVENT_DATA, gearman_module_handle, 0, handle_timed_events );

    /* register export callbacks */
    for(i=0;i<GM_NEBTYPESSIZE;i++) {
        if(mod_gm_opt->exports[i]->elem_number > 0)
            neb_register_callback( i, gearman_module_handle, 0, handle_export );

    /* log at least one line into the core logfile */
    if ( mod_gm_opt->logmode != GM_LOG_MODE_CORE ) {
        int logmode_saved = mod_gm_opt->logmode;
        mod_gm_opt->logmode = GM_LOG_MODE_CORE;
        gm_log( GM_LOG_INFO,  "initialized version %s (libgearman %s)\n", GM_VERSION, gearman_version() );
        mod_gm_opt->logmode = logmode_saved;

    gm_log( GM_LOG_DEBUG, "finished initializing\n" );

    return NEB_OK;