static void init_time_factor()
  if (timefactor == NOTSET) {
    timefactor = timefactors[nenum(timestr)];
    timeinvfac = timeinvfacs[nenum(timestr)];
Beispiel #2
char *xvgr_tlabel(void)
  static char label[20];

  sprintf(label,"Time (%s)",
	  nenum(timestr) ? xvgrtimestr[nenum(timestr)] : "ps");

  return label;
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  const char *desc[] = {
 #ifdef GMX_OPENMM
    "This is an experimental release of GROMACS for accelerated",
	"Molecular Dynamics simulations on GPU processors. Support is provided",
	"by the OpenMM library ([PAR]",
	"This release is targeted at developers and advanced users and",
	"care should be taken before production use. The following should be",
	"noted before using the program:[PAR]",
	" * The current release runs only on modern nVidia GPU hardware with CUDA support.",
	"Make sure that the necessary CUDA drivers and libraries for your operating system",
	"are already installed. The CUDA SDK also should be installed in order to compile",
	"the program from source ([PAR]",
	" * Multiple GPU cards are not supported.[PAR]",
	" * Only a small subset of the GROMACS features and options are supported on the GPUs.",
	"See below for a detailed list.[PAR]",
	" * Consumer level GPU cards are known to often have problems with faulty memory.",
	"It is recommended that a full memory check of the cards is done at least once",
	"(for example, using the memtest=full option).",
	"A partial memory check (for example, memtest=15) before and",
	"after the simulation run would help spot",
	"problems resulting from processor overheating.[PAR]",
	" * The maximum size of the simulated systems depends on the available",
	"GPU memory,for example, a GTX280 with 1GB memory has been tested with systems",
	"of up to about 100,000 atoms.[PAR]",
	" * In order to take a full advantage of the GPU platform features, many algorithms",
	"have been implemented in a very different way than they are on the CPUs.",
	"Therefore numercal correspondence between properties of the state of",
	"simulated systems should not be expected. Moreover, the values will likely vary",
	"when simulations are done on different GPU hardware.[PAR]",
	" * Frequent retrieval of system state information such as",
	"trajectory coordinates and energies can greatly influence the performance",
	"of the program due to slow CPU<->GPU memory transfer speed.[PAR]",
	" * MD algorithms are complex, and although the Gromacs code is highly tuned for them,",
	"they often do not translate very well onto the streaming architetures.",
	"Realistic expectations about the achievable speed-up from test with GTX280:",
	"For small protein systems in implicit solvent using all-vs-all kernels the acceleration",
	"can be as high as 20 times, but in most other setups involving cutoffs and PME the",
	"acceleration is usually only ~4 times relative to a 3GHz CPU.[PAR]",
	"Supported features:[PAR]",
	" * Integrators: md/md-vv/md-vv-avek, sd/sd1 and bd.\n",
	" * Long-range interactions (option coulombtype): Reaction-Field, Ewald, PME, and cut-off (for Implicit Solvent only)\n",
	" * Temperature control: Supported only with the md/md-vv/md-vv-avek, sd/sd1 and bd integrators.\n",
	" * Pressure control: Supported.\n",
	" * Implicit solvent: Supported.\n",
	"A detailed description can be found on the GROMACS website:\n",
/* From the original mdrun documentaion */
    "The [TT]mdrun[tt] program reads the run input file ([TT]-s[tt])",
    "and distributes the topology over nodes if needed.",
    "[TT]mdrun[tt] produces at least four output files.",
    "A single log file ([TT]-g[tt]) is written, unless the option",
    "[TT]-seppot[tt] is used, in which case each node writes a log file.",
    "The trajectory file ([TT]-o[tt]), contains coordinates, velocities and",
    "optionally forces.",
    "The structure file ([TT]-c[tt]) contains the coordinates and",
    "velocities of the last step.",
    "The energy file ([TT]-e[tt]) contains energies, the temperature,",
    "pressure, etc, a lot of these things are also printed in the log file.",
    "Optionally coordinates can be written to a compressed trajectory file",
/* openmm specific information */
	"Usage with OpenMM:[BR]",
	"[TT]mdrun -device \"OpenMM:platform=Cuda,memtest=15,deviceid=0,force-device=no\"[tt][PAR]",
	"      [TT]platform[tt] = Cuda\t\t:\tThe only available value. OpenCL support will be available in future.\n",
	"      [TT]memtest[tt] = 15\t\t:\tRun a partial, random GPU memory test for the given amount of seconds. A full test",
	"(recommended!) can be run with \"memtest=full\". Memory testing can be disabled with \"memtest=off\".\n",
	"      [TT]deviceid[tt] = 0\t\t:\tSpecify the target device when multiple cards are present.",
	"Only one card can be used at any given time though.\n",
	"      [TT]force-device[tt] = no\t\t:\tIf set to \"yes\" [TT]mdrun[tt]  will be forced to execute on",
	"hardware that is not officially supported. GPU acceleration can also be achieved on older",
	"but Cuda capable cards, although the simulation might be too slow, and the memory limits too strict.",
    "The [TT]mdrun[tt] program is the main computational chemistry engine",
    "within GROMACS. Obviously, it performs Molecular Dynamics simulations,",
    "but it can also perform Stochastic Dynamics, Energy Minimization,",
    "test particle insertion or (re)calculation of energies.",
    "Normal mode analysis is another option. In this case [TT]mdrun[tt]",
    "builds a Hessian matrix from single conformation.",
    "For usual Normal Modes-like calculations, make sure that",
    "the structure provided is properly energy-minimized.",
    "The generated matrix can be diagonalized by [TT]g_nmeig[tt].[PAR]",
    "The [TT]mdrun[tt] program reads the run input file ([TT]-s[tt])",
    "and distributes the topology over nodes if needed.",
    "[TT]mdrun[tt] produces at least four output files.",
    "A single log file ([TT]-g[tt]) is written, unless the option",
    "[TT]-seppot[tt] is used, in which case each node writes a log file.",
    "The trajectory file ([TT]-o[tt]), contains coordinates, velocities and",
    "optionally forces.",
    "The structure file ([TT]-c[tt]) contains the coordinates and",
    "velocities of the last step.",
    "The energy file ([TT]-e[tt]) contains energies, the temperature,",
    "pressure, etc, a lot of these things are also printed in the log file.",
    "Optionally coordinates can be written to a compressed trajectory file",
    "The option [TT]-dhdl[tt] is only used when free energy calculation is",
    "turned on.[PAR]",
    "When [TT]mdrun[tt] is started using MPI with more than 1 node, parallelization",
    "is used. By default domain decomposition is used, unless the [TT]-pd[tt]",
    "option is set, which selects particle decomposition.[PAR]",
    "With domain decomposition, the spatial decomposition can be set",
    "with option [TT]-dd[tt]. By default [TT]mdrun[tt] selects a good decomposition.",
    "The user only needs to change this when the system is very inhomogeneous.",
    "Dynamic load balancing is set with the option [TT]-dlb[tt],",
    "which can give a significant performance improvement,",
    "especially for inhomogeneous systems. The only disadvantage of",
    "dynamic load balancing is that runs are no longer binary reproducible,",
    "but in most cases this is not important.",
    "By default the dynamic load balancing is automatically turned on",
    "when the measured performance loss due to load imbalance is 5% or more.",
    "At low parallelization these are the only important options",
    "for domain decomposition.",
    "At high parallelization the options in the next two sections",
    "could be important for increasing the performace.",
    "When PME is used with domain decomposition, separate nodes can",
    "be assigned to do only the PME mesh calculation;",
    "this is computationally more efficient starting at about 12 nodes.",
    "The number of PME nodes is set with option [TT]-npme[tt],",
    "this can not be more than half of the nodes.",
    "By default [TT]mdrun[tt] makes a guess for the number of PME",
    "nodes when the number of nodes is larger than 11 or performance wise",
    "not compatible with the PME grid x dimension.",
    "But the user should optimize npme. Performance statistics on this issue",
    "are written at the end of the log file.",
    "For good load balancing at high parallelization, the PME grid x and y",
    "dimensions should be divisible by the number of PME nodes",
    "(the simulation will run correctly also when this is not the case).",
    "This section lists all options that affect the domain decomposition.",
    "Option [TT]-rdd[tt] can be used to set the required maximum distance",
    "for inter charge-group bonded interactions.",
    "Communication for two-body bonded interactions below the non-bonded",
    "cut-off distance always comes for free with the non-bonded communication.",
    "Atoms beyond the non-bonded cut-off are only communicated when they have",
    "missing bonded interactions; this means that the extra cost is minor",
    "and nearly indepedent of the value of [TT]-rdd[tt].",
    "With dynamic load balancing option [TT]-rdd[tt] also sets",
    "the lower limit for the domain decomposition cell sizes.",
    "By default [TT]-rdd[tt] is determined by [TT]mdrun[tt] based on",
    "the initial coordinates. The chosen value will be a balance",
    "between interaction range and communication cost.",
    "When inter charge-group bonded interactions are beyond",
    "the bonded cut-off distance, [TT]mdrun[tt] terminates with an error message.",
    "For pair interactions and tabulated bonds",
    "that do not generate exclusions, this check can be turned off",
    "with the option [TT]-noddcheck[tt].",
    "When constraints are present, option [TT]-rcon[tt] influences",
    "the cell size limit as well.",
    "Atoms connected by NC constraints, where NC is the LINCS order plus 1,",
    "should not be beyond the smallest cell size. A error message is",
    "generated when this happens and the user should change the decomposition",
    "or decrease the LINCS order and increase the number of LINCS iterations.",
    "By default [TT]mdrun[tt] estimates the minimum cell size required for P-LINCS",
    "in a conservative fashion. For high parallelization it can be useful",
    "to set the distance required for P-LINCS with the option [TT]-rcon[tt].",
    "The [TT]-dds[tt] option sets the minimum allowed x, y and/or z scaling",
    "of the cells with dynamic load balancing. [TT]mdrun[tt] will ensure that",
    "the cells can scale down by at least this factor. This option is used",
    "for the automated spatial decomposition (when not using [TT]-dd[tt])",
    "as well as for determining the number of grid pulses, which in turn",
    "sets the minimum allowed cell size. Under certain circumstances",
    "the value of [TT]-dds[tt] might need to be adjusted to account for",
    "high or low spatial inhomogeneity of the system.",
    "The option [TT]-gcom[tt] can be used to only do global communication",
    "every n steps.",
    "This can improve performance for highly parallel simulations",
    "where this global communication step becomes the bottleneck.",
    "For a global thermostat and/or barostat the temperature",
    "and/or pressure will also only be updated every [TT]-gcom[tt] steps.",
    "By default it is set to the minimum of nstcalcenergy and nstlist.[PAR]",
    "With [TT]-rerun[tt] an input trajectory can be given for which ",
    "forces and energies will be (re)calculated. Neighbor searching will be",
    "performed for every frame, unless [TT]nstlist[tt] is zero",
    "(see the [TT].mdp[tt] file).[PAR]",
    "ED (essential dynamics) sampling is switched on by using the [TT]-ei[tt]",
    "flag followed by an [TT].edi[tt] file.",
    "The [TT].edi[tt] file can be produced using options in the essdyn",
    "menu of the WHAT IF program. [TT]mdrun[tt] produces a [TT].edo[tt] file that",
    "contains projections of positions, velocities and forces onto selected",
    "When user-defined potential functions have been selected in the",
    "[TT].mdp[tt] file the [TT]-table[tt] option is used to pass [TT]mdrun[tt]",
    "a formatted table with potential functions. The file is read from",
    "either the current directory or from the [TT]GMXLIB[tt] directory.",
    "A number of pre-formatted tables are presented in the [TT]GMXLIB[tt] dir,",
    "for 6-8, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11, 6-12 Lennard-Jones potentials with",
    "normal Coulomb.",
    "When pair interactions are present, a separate table for pair interaction",
    "functions is read using the [TT]-tablep[tt] option.[PAR]",
    "When tabulated bonded functions are present in the topology,",
    "interaction functions are read using the [TT]-tableb[tt] option.",
    "For each different tabulated interaction type the table file name is",
    "modified in a different way: before the file extension an underscore is",
    "appended, then a 'b' for bonds, an 'a' for angles or a 'd' for dihedrals",
    "and finally the table number of the interaction type.[PAR]",
    "The options [TT]-px[tt] and [TT]-pf[tt] are used for writing pull COM",
    "coordinates and forces when pulling is selected",
    "in the [TT].mdp[tt] file.[PAR]",
    "With [TT]-multi[tt] or [TT]-multidir[tt], multiple systems can be ",
    "simulated in parallel.",
    "As many input files/directories are required as the number of systems. ",
    "The [TT]-multidir[tt] option takes a list of directories (one for each ",
    "system) and runs in each of them, using the input/output file names, ",
    "such as specified by e.g. the [TT]-s[tt] option, relative to these ",
    "With [TT]-multi[tt], the system number is appended to the run input ",
    "and each output filename, for instance [TT]topol.tpr[tt] becomes",
    "[TT]topol0.tpr[tt], [TT]topol1.tpr[tt] etc.",
    "The number of nodes per system is the total number of nodes",
    "divided by the number of systems.",
    "One use of this option is for NMR refinement: when distance",
    "or orientation restraints are present these can be ensemble averaged",
    "over all the systems.[PAR]",
    "With [TT]-replex[tt] replica exchange is attempted every given number",
    "of steps. The number of replicas is set with the [TT]-multi[tt] or ",
    "[TT]-multidir[tt] option, described above.",
    "All run input files should use a different coupling temperature,",
    "the order of the files is not important. The random seed is set with",
    "[TT]-reseed[tt]. The velocities are scaled and neighbor searching",
    "is performed after every exchange.[PAR]",
    "Finally some experimental algorithms can be tested when the",
    "appropriate options have been given. Currently under",
    "investigation are: polarizability and X-ray bombardments.",
    "The option [TT]-pforce[tt] is useful when you suspect a simulation",
    "crashes due to too large forces. With this option coordinates and",
    "forces of atoms with a force larger than a certain value will",
    "be printed to stderr.",
    "Checkpoints containing the complete state of the system are written",
    "at regular intervals (option [TT]-cpt[tt]) to the file [TT]-cpo[tt],",
    "unless option [TT]-cpt[tt] is set to -1.",
    "The previous checkpoint is backed up to [TT]state_prev.cpt[tt] to",
    "make sure that a recent state of the system is always available,",
    "even when the simulation is terminated while writing a checkpoint.",
    "With [TT]-cpnum[tt] all checkpoint files are kept and appended",
    "with the step number.",
    "A simulation can be continued by reading the full state from file",
    "with option [TT]-cpi[tt]. This option is intelligent in the way that",
    "if no checkpoint file is found, Gromacs just assumes a normal run and",
    "starts from the first step of the [TT].tpr[tt] file. By default the output",
    "will be appending to the existing output files. The checkpoint file",
    "contains checksums of all output files, such that you will never",
    "loose data when some output files are modified, corrupt or removed.",
    "There are three scenarios with [TT]-cpi[tt]:[PAR]",
    "[TT]*[tt] no files with matching names are present: new output files are written[PAR]",
    "[TT]*[tt] all files are present with names and checksums matching those stored",
    "in the checkpoint file: files are appended[PAR]",
    "[TT]*[tt] otherwise no files are modified and a fatal error is generated[PAR]",
    "With [TT]-noappend[tt] new output files are opened and the simulation",
    "part number is added to all output file names.",
    "Note that in all cases the checkpoint file itself is not renamed",
    "and will be overwritten, unless its name does not match",
    "the [TT]-cpo[tt] option.",
    "With checkpointing the output is appended to previously written",
    "output files, unless [TT]-noappend[tt] is used or none of the previous",
    "output files are present (except for the checkpoint file).",
    "The integrity of the files to be appended is verified using checksums",
    "which are stored in the checkpoint file. This ensures that output can",
    "not be mixed up or corrupted due to file appending. When only some",
    "of the previous output files are present, a fatal error is generated",
    "and no old output files are modified and no new output files are opened.",
    "The result with appending will be the same as from a single run.",
    "The contents will be binary identical, unless you use a different number",
    "of nodes or dynamic load balancing or the FFT library uses optimizations",
    "through timing.",
    "With option [TT]-maxh[tt] a simulation is terminated and a checkpoint",
    "file is written at the first neighbor search step where the run time",
    "exceeds [TT]-maxh[tt]*0.99 hours.",
    "When [TT]mdrun[tt] receives a TERM signal, it will set nsteps to the current",
    "step plus one. When [TT]mdrun[tt] receives an INT signal (e.g. when ctrl+C is",
    "pressed), it will stop after the next neighbor search step ",
    "(with nstlist=0 at the next step).",
    "In both cases all the usual output will be written to file.",
    "When running with MPI, a signal to one of the [TT]mdrun[tt] processes",
    "is sufficient, this signal should not be sent to mpirun or",
    "the [TT]mdrun[tt] process that is the parent of the others.",
    "When [TT]mdrun[tt] is started with MPI, it does not run niced by default."
  t_commrec    *cr;
  t_filenm fnm[] = {
    { efTPX, NULL,      NULL,       ffREAD },
    { efTRN, "-o",      NULL,       ffWRITE },
    { efXTC, "-x",      NULL,       ffOPTWR },
    { efCPT, "-cpi",    NULL,       ffOPTRD },
    { efCPT, "-cpo",    NULL,       ffOPTWR },
    { efSTO, "-c",      "confout",  ffWRITE },
    { efEDR, "-e",      "ener",     ffWRITE },
    { efLOG, "-g",      "md",       ffWRITE },
    { efXVG, "-dhdl",   "dhdl",     ffOPTWR },
    { efXVG, "-field",  "field",    ffOPTWR },
    { efXVG, "-table",  "table",    ffOPTRD },
    { efXVG, "-tabletf", "tabletf",    ffOPTRD },
    { efXVG, "-tablep", "tablep",   ffOPTRD },
    { efXVG, "-tableb", "table",    ffOPTRD },
    { efTRX, "-rerun",  "rerun",    ffOPTRD },
    { efXVG, "-tpi",    "tpi",      ffOPTWR },
    { efXVG, "-tpid",   "tpidist",  ffOPTWR },
    { efEDI, "-ei",     "sam",      ffOPTRD },
    { efEDO, "-eo",     "sam",      ffOPTWR },
    { efGCT, "-j",      "wham",     ffOPTRD },
    { efGCT, "-jo",     "bam",      ffOPTWR },
    { efXVG, "-ffout",  "gct",      ffOPTWR },
    { efXVG, "-devout", "deviatie", ffOPTWR },
    { efXVG, "-runav",  "runaver",  ffOPTWR },
    { efXVG, "-px",     "pullx",    ffOPTWR },
    { efXVG, "-pf",     "pullf",    ffOPTWR },
    { efXVG, "-ro",     "rotation", ffOPTWR },
    { efLOG, "-ra",     "rotangles",ffOPTWR },
    { efLOG, "-rs",     "rotslabs", ffOPTWR },
    { efLOG, "-rt",     "rottorque",ffOPTWR },
    { efMTX, "-mtx",    "nm",       ffOPTWR },
    { efNDX, "-dn",     "dipole",   ffOPTWR },
    { efRND, "-multidir",NULL,      ffOPTRDMULT},
    { efGMX, "-mmcg",   "mmcg",     ffOPTRD },
    { efWPO, "-wpot",   "wpot",     ffOPTRD }
#define NFILE asize(fnm)

  /* Command line options ! */
  gmx_bool bCart        = FALSE;
  gmx_bool bPPPME       = FALSE;
  gmx_bool bPartDec     = FALSE;
  gmx_bool bDDBondCheck = TRUE;
  gmx_bool bDDBondComm  = TRUE;
  gmx_bool bVerbose     = FALSE;
  gmx_bool bCompact     = TRUE;
  gmx_bool bSepPot      = FALSE;
  gmx_bool bRerunVSite  = FALSE;
  gmx_bool bIonize      = FALSE;
  gmx_bool bConfout     = TRUE;
  gmx_bool bReproducible = FALSE;
  int  npme=-1;
  int  nmultisim=0;
  int  nstglobalcomm=-1;
  int  repl_ex_nst=0;
  int  repl_ex_seed=-1;
  int  nstepout=100;
  int  nthreads=0; /* set to determine # of threads automatically */
  int  resetstep=-1;
  rvec realddxyz={0,0,0};
  const char *ddno_opt[ddnoNR+1] =
    { NULL, "interleave", "pp_pme", "cartesian", NULL };
    const char *dddlb_opt[] =
    { NULL, "auto", "no", "yes", NULL };
  real rdd=0.0,rconstr=0.0,dlb_scale=0.8,pforce=-1;
  char *ddcsx=NULL,*ddcsy=NULL,*ddcsz=NULL;
  real cpt_period=15.0,max_hours=-1;
  gmx_bool bAppendFiles=TRUE;
  gmx_bool bKeepAndNumCPT=FALSE;
  gmx_bool bResetCountersHalfWay=FALSE;
  output_env_t oenv=NULL;
  const char *deviceOptions = "";

  t_pargs pa[] = {

    { "-pd",      FALSE, etBOOL,{&bPartDec},
      "Use particle decompostion" },
    { "-dd",      FALSE, etRVEC,{&realddxyz},
      "Domain decomposition grid, 0 is optimize" },
    { "-nt",      FALSE, etINT, {&nthreads},
      "Number of threads to start (0 is guess)" },
    { "-npme",    FALSE, etINT, {&npme},
      "Number of separate nodes to be used for PME, -1 is guess" },
    { "-ddorder", FALSE, etENUM, {ddno_opt},
      "DD node order" },
    { "-ddcheck", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bDDBondCheck},
      "Check for all bonded interactions with DD" },
    { "-ddbondcomm", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bDDBondComm},
      "HIDDENUse special bonded atom communication when [TT]-rdd[tt] > cut-off" },
    { "-rdd",     FALSE, etREAL, {&rdd},
      "The maximum distance for bonded interactions with DD (nm), 0 is determine from initial coordinates" },
    { "-rcon",    FALSE, etREAL, {&rconstr},
      "Maximum distance for P-LINCS (nm), 0 is estimate" },
    { "-dlb",     FALSE, etENUM, {dddlb_opt},
      "Dynamic load balancing (with DD)" },
    { "-dds",     FALSE, etREAL, {&dlb_scale},
      "Minimum allowed dlb scaling of the DD cell size" },
    { "-ddcsx",   FALSE, etSTR, {&ddcsx},
      "HIDDENThe DD cell sizes in x" },
    { "-ddcsy",   FALSE, etSTR, {&ddcsy},
      "HIDDENThe DD cell sizes in y" },
    { "-ddcsz",   FALSE, etSTR, {&ddcsz},
      "HIDDENThe DD cell sizes in z" },
    { "-gcom",    FALSE, etINT,{&nstglobalcomm},
      "Global communication frequency" },
    { "-v",       FALSE, etBOOL,{&bVerbose},  
      "Be loud and noisy" },
    { "-compact", FALSE, etBOOL,{&bCompact},  
      "Write a compact log file" },
    { "-seppot",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bSepPot},
      "Write separate V and dVdl terms for each interaction type and node to the log file(s)" },
    { "-pforce",  FALSE, etREAL, {&pforce},
      "Print all forces larger than this (kJ/mol nm)" },
    { "-reprod",  FALSE, etBOOL,{&bReproducible},  
      "Try to avoid optimizations that affect binary reproducibility" },
    { "-cpt",     FALSE, etREAL, {&cpt_period},
      "Checkpoint interval (minutes)" },
    { "-cpnum",   FALSE, etBOOL, {&bKeepAndNumCPT},
      "Keep and number checkpoint files" },
    { "-append",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bAppendFiles},
      "Append to previous output files when continuing from checkpoint instead of adding the simulation part number to all file names" },
    { "-maxh",   FALSE, etREAL, {&max_hours},
      "Terminate after 0.99 times this time (hours)" },
    { "-multi",   FALSE, etINT,{&nmultisim}, 
      "Do multiple simulations in parallel" },
    { "-replex",  FALSE, etINT, {&repl_ex_nst}, 
      "Attempt replica exchange every # steps" },
    { "-reseed",  FALSE, etINT, {&repl_ex_seed}, 
      "Seed for replica exchange, -1 is generate a seed" },
    { "-rerunvsite", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bRerunVSite},
      "HIDDENRecalculate virtual site coordinates with [TT]-rerun[tt]" },
    { "-ionize",  FALSE, etBOOL,{&bIonize},
      "Do a simulation including the effect of an X-Ray bombardment on your system" },
    { "-confout", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bConfout},
      "HIDDENWrite the last configuration with [TT]-c[tt] and force checkpointing at the last step" },
    { "-stepout", FALSE, etINT, {&nstepout},
      "HIDDENFrequency of writing the remaining runtime" },
    { "-resetstep", FALSE, etINT, {&resetstep},
      "HIDDENReset cycle counters after these many time steps" },
    { "-resethway", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bResetCountersHalfWay},
      "HIDDENReset the cycle counters after half the number of steps or halfway [TT]-maxh[tt]" }
    { "-device",  FALSE, etSTR, {&deviceOptions},
      "Device option string" }
  gmx_edsam_t  ed;
  unsigned long Flags, PCA_Flags;
  ivec     ddxyz;
  int      dd_node_order;
  gmx_bool     bAddPart;
  FILE     *fplog,*fptest;
  int      sim_part,sim_part_fn;
  const char *part_suffix=".part";
  char     suffix[STRLEN];
  int      rc;
  char **multidir=NULL;

  cr = init_par(&argc,&argv);

  if (MASTER(cr))
    CopyRight(stderr, argv[0]);

	       | (MASTER(cr) ? 0 : PCA_QUIET));

  /* Comment this in to do fexist calls only on master
   * works not with rerun or tables at the moment
   * also comment out the version of init_forcerec in md.c 
   * with NULL instead of opt2fn
     if (!MASTER(cr))
     PCA_Flags |= PCA_NOT_READ_NODE;

  parse_common_args(&argc,argv,PCA_Flags, NFILE,fnm,asize(pa),pa,
                    asize(desc),desc,0,NULL, &oenv);

  /* we set these early because they might be used in init_multisystem() 
     Note that there is the potential for npme>nnodes until the number of
     threads is set later on, if there's thread parallelization. That shouldn't
     lead to problems. */ 
  dd_node_order = nenum(ddno_opt);
  cr->npmenodes = npme;


  /* now check the -multi and -multidir option */
  if (opt2bSet("-multidir", NFILE, fnm))
      int i;
      if (nmultisim > 0)
          gmx_fatal(FARGS, "mdrun -multi and -multidir options are mutually exclusive.");
      nmultisim = opt2fns(&multidir, "-multidir", NFILE, fnm);

  if (repl_ex_nst != 0 && nmultisim < 2)
      gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Need at least two replicas for replica exchange (option -multi)");

  if (nmultisim > 1) {
    gmx_bool bParFn = (multidir == NULL);
    init_multisystem(cr, nmultisim, multidir, NFILE, fnm, bParFn);
    gmx_fatal(FARGS,"mdrun -multi is not supported with the thread library.Please compile GROMACS with MPI support");

  bAddPart = !bAppendFiles;

  /* Check if there is ANY checkpoint file available */	
  sim_part    = 1;
  sim_part_fn = sim_part;
  if (opt2bSet("-cpi",NFILE,fnm))
      if (bSepPot && bAppendFiles)
          gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Output file appending is not supported with -seppot");

      bAppendFiles =
                read_checkpoint_simulation_part(opt2fn_master("-cpi", NFILE,
      if (sim_part_fn==0 && MASTER(cr))
          fprintf(stdout,"No previous checkpoint file present, assuming this is a new run.\n");
          sim_part = sim_part_fn + 1;

      if (MULTISIM(cr) && MASTER(cr))
          check_multi_int(stdout,cr->ms,sim_part,"simulation part");
      bAppendFiles = FALSE;

  if (!bAppendFiles)
      sim_part_fn = sim_part;

  if (bAddPart)
      /* Rename all output files (except checkpoint files) */
      /* create new part name first (zero-filled) */

      if (MASTER(cr))
          fprintf(stdout,"Checkpoint file is from part %d, new output files will be suffixed '%s'.\n",sim_part-1,suffix);

  Flags = opt2bSet("-rerun",NFILE,fnm) ? MD_RERUN : 0;
  Flags = Flags | (opt2bSet("-mmcg",NFILE,fnm) ? MD_MMCG : 0);
  Flags = Flags | (bSepPot       ? MD_SEPPOT       : 0);
  Flags = Flags | (bIonize       ? MD_IONIZE       : 0);
  Flags = Flags | (bPartDec      ? MD_PARTDEC      : 0);
  Flags = Flags | (bDDBondCheck  ? MD_DDBONDCHECK  : 0);
  Flags = Flags | (bDDBondComm   ? MD_DDBONDCOMM   : 0);
  Flags = Flags | (bConfout      ? MD_CONFOUT      : 0);
  Flags = Flags | (bRerunVSite   ? MD_RERUN_VSITE  : 0);
  Flags = Flags | (bReproducible ? MD_REPRODUCIBLE : 0);
  Flags = Flags | (bAppendFiles  ? MD_APPENDFILES  : 0); 
  Flags = Flags | (bKeepAndNumCPT ? MD_KEEPANDNUMCPT : 0); 
  Flags = Flags | (sim_part>1    ? MD_STARTFROMCPT : 0); 
  Flags = Flags | (bResetCountersHalfWay ? MD_RESETCOUNTERSHALFWAY : 0);
  Flags = Flags | (opt2bSet("-wpot",NFILE,fnm) ? MD_WALLPOT : 0);

  /* We postpone opening the log file if we are appending, so we can 
     first truncate the old log file and append to the correct position 
     there instead.  */
  if ((MASTER(cr) || bSepPot) && !bAppendFiles) 
  else if (!MASTER(cr) && bSepPot)
      fplog = NULL;

  ddxyz[XX] = (int)(realddxyz[XX] + 0.5);
  ddxyz[YY] = (int)(realddxyz[YY] + 0.5);
  ddxyz[ZZ] = (int)(realddxyz[ZZ] + 0.5);

  rc = mdrunner(nthreads, fplog,cr,NFILE,fnm,oenv,bVerbose,bCompact,
                nstglobalcomm, ddxyz,dd_node_order,rdd,rconstr,
                pforce, cpt_period,max_hours,deviceOptions,Flags);

  if (gmx_parallel_env_initialized())

  if (MULTIMASTER(cr)) {

  /* Log file has to be closed in mdrunner if we are appending to it 
     (fplog not set here) */
  if (MASTER(cr) && !bAppendFiles) 

  return rc;
Beispiel #4
int gmx_analyze(int argc,char *argv[])
  static const char *desc[] = {
    "g_analyze reads an ascii file and analyzes data sets.",
    "A line in the input file may start with a time",
    "(see option [TT]-time[tt]) and any number of y values may follow.",
    "Multiple sets can also be",
    "read when they are seperated by & (option [TT]-n[tt]),",
    "in this case only one y value is read from each line.",
    "All lines starting with # and @ are skipped.",
    "All analyses can also be done for the derivative of a set",
    "(option [TT]-d[tt]).[PAR]",

    "All options, except for [TT]-av[tt] and [TT]-power[tt] assume that the",
    "points are equidistant in time.[PAR]",

    "g_analyze always shows the average and standard deviation of each",
    "set. For each set it also shows the relative deviation of the third",
    "and forth cumulant from those of a Gaussian distribution with the same",
    "standard deviation.[PAR]",

    "Option [TT]-ac[tt] produces the autocorrelation function(s).[PAR]",
    "Option [TT]-cc[tt] plots the resemblance of set i with a cosine of",
    "i/2 periods. The formula is:[BR]"
    "2 (int0-T y(t) cos(i pi t) dt)^2 / int0-T y(t) y(t) dt[BR]",
    "This is useful for principal components obtained from covariance",
    "analysis, since the principal components of random diffusion are",
    "pure cosines.[PAR]",
    "Option [TT]-msd[tt] produces the mean square displacement(s).[PAR]",
    "Option [TT]-dist[tt] produces distribution plot(s).[PAR]",
    "Option [TT]-av[tt] produces the average over the sets.",
    "Error bars can be added with the option [TT]-errbar[tt].",
    "The errorbars can represent the standard deviation, the error",
    "(assuming the points are independent) or the interval containing",
    "90% of the points, by discarding 5% of the points at the top and",
    "the bottom.[PAR]",
    "Option [TT]-ee[tt] produces error estimates using block averaging.",
    "A set is divided in a number of blocks and averages are calculated for",
    "each block. The error for the total average is calculated from",
    "the variance between averages of the m blocks B_i as follows:",
    "error^2 = Sum (B_i - <B>)^2 / (m*(m-1)).",
    "These errors are plotted as a function of the block size.",
    "Also an analytical block average curve is plotted, assuming",
    "that the autocorrelation is a sum of two exponentials.",
    "The analytical curve for the block average is:[BR]",
    "f(t) = sigma sqrt(2/T (  a   (tau1 ((exp(-t/tau1) - 1) tau1/t + 1)) +[BR]",
    "                       (1-a) (tau2 ((exp(-t/tau2) - 1) tau2/t + 1)))),[BR]"
    "where T is the total time.",
    "a, tau1 and tau2 are obtained by fitting f^2(t) to error^2.",
    "When the actual block average is very close to the analytical curve,",
    "the error is sigma*sqrt(2/T (a tau1 + (1-a) tau2)).",
    "The complete derivation is given in",
    "B. Hess, J. Chem. Phys. 116:209-217, 2002.[PAR]",

    "Option [TT]-filter[tt] prints the RMS high-frequency fluctuation",
    "of each set and over all sets with respect to a filtered average.",
    "The filter is proportional to cos(pi t/len) where t goes from -len/2",
    "to len/2. len is supplied with the option [TT]-filter[tt].",
    "This filter reduces oscillations with period len/2 and len by a factor",
    "of 0.79 and 0.33 respectively.[PAR]",

    "Option [TT]-g[tt] fits the data to the function given with option",
    "Option [TT]-power[tt] fits the data to b t^a, which is accomplished",
    "by fitting to a t + b on log-log scale. All points after the first",
    "zero or negative value are ignored.[PAR]"
    "Option [TT]-luzar[tt] performs a Luzar & Chandler kinetics analysis",
    "on output from [TT]g_hbond[tt]. The input file can be taken directly",
    "from [TT]g_hbond -ac[tt], and then the same result should be produced."
  static real tb=-1,te=-1,frac=0.5,filtlen=0,binwidth=0.1,aver_start=0;
  static bool bHaveT=TRUE,bDer=FALSE,bSubAv=TRUE,bAverCorr=FALSE,bXYdy=FALSE;
  static bool bEESEF=FALSE,bEENLC=FALSE,bEeFitAc=FALSE,bPower=FALSE;
  static bool bIntegrate=FALSE,bRegression=FALSE,bLuzar=FALSE,bLuzarError=FALSE; 
  static int  nsets_in=1,d=1,nb_min=4,resol=10;
  static real temp=298.15,fit_start=1,smooth_tail_start=-1;
  /* must correspond to enum avbar* declared at beginning of file */
  static const char *avbar_opt[avbarNR+1] = { 
    NULL, "none", "stddev", "error", "90", NULL

  t_pargs pa[] = {
    { "-time",    FALSE, etBOOL, {&bHaveT},
      "Expect a time in the input" },
    { "-b",       FALSE, etREAL, {&tb},
      "First time to read from set" },
    { "-e",       FALSE, etREAL, {&te},
      "Last time to read from set" },
    { "-n",       FALSE, etINT, {&nsets_in},
      "Read # sets seperated by &" },
    { "-d",       FALSE, etBOOL, {&bDer},
	"Use the derivative" },
    { "-dp",      FALSE, etINT, {&d}, 
      "HIDDENThe derivative is the difference over # points" },
    { "-bw",      FALSE, etREAL, {&binwidth},
      "Binwidth for the distribution" },
    { "-errbar",  FALSE, etENUM, {avbar_opt},
      "Error bars for -av" },
    { "-integrate",FALSE,etBOOL, {&bIntegrate},
      "Integrate data function(s) numerically using trapezium rule" },
    { "-aver_start",FALSE, etREAL, {&aver_start},
      "Start averaging the integral from here" },
    { "-xydy",    FALSE, etBOOL, {&bXYdy},
      "Interpret second data set as error in the y values for integrating" },
    { "-regression",FALSE,etBOOL,{&bRegression},
      "Perform a linear regression analysis on the data" },
    { "-luzar",   FALSE, etBOOL, {&bLuzar},
      "Do a Luzar and Chandler analysis on a correlation function and related as produced by g_hbond. When in addition the -xydy flag is given the second and fourth column will be interpreted as errors in c(t) and n(t)." },
    { "-temp",    FALSE, etREAL, {&temp},
      "Temperature for the Luzar hydrogen bonding kinetics analysis" },
    { "-fitstart", FALSE, etREAL, {&fit_start},
      "Time (ps) from which to start fitting the correlation functions in order to obtain the forward and backward rate constants for HB breaking and formation" }, 
    { "-smooth",FALSE, etREAL, {&smooth_tail_start},
      "If >= 0, the tail of the ACF will be smoothed by fitting it to an exponential function: y = A exp(-x/tau)" },
    { "-nbmin",   FALSE, etINT, {&nb_min},
      "HIDDENMinimum number of blocks for block averaging" },
    { "-resol", FALSE, etINT, {&resol},
      "HIDDENResolution for the block averaging, block size increases with"
    " a factor 2^(1/#)" },
    { "-eeexpfit", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bEESEF},
      "HIDDENAlways use a single exponential fit for the error estimate" },
    { "-eenlc", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bEENLC},
      "HIDDENAllow a negative long-time correlation" },
    { "-eefitac", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bEeFitAc},
      "HIDDENAlso plot analytical block average using a autocorrelation fit" },
    { "-filter",  FALSE, etREAL, {&filtlen},
      "Print the high-frequency fluctuation after filtering with a cosine filter of length #" },
    { "-power", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bPower},
      "Fit data to: b t^a" },
    { "-subav", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bSubAv},
      "Subtract the average before autocorrelating" },
    { "-oneacf", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bAverCorr},
      "Calculate one ACF over all sets" }
#define NPA asize(pa)

  FILE     *out,*out_fit;
  int      n,nlast,s,nset,i,j=0;
  real     **val,*t,dt,tot,error;
  double   *av,*sig,cum1,cum2,cum3,cum4,db;
  char     *acfile,*msdfile,*ccfile,*distfile,*avfile,*eefile,*fitfile;
  t_filenm fnm[] = { 
    { efXVG, "-f",    "graph",    ffREAD   },
    { efXVG, "-ac",   "autocorr", ffOPTWR  },
    { efXVG, "-msd",  "msd",      ffOPTWR  },
    { efXVG, "-cc",   "coscont",  ffOPTWR  },
    { efXVG, "-dist", "distr",    ffOPTWR  },
    { efXVG, "-av",   "average",  ffOPTWR  },
    { efXVG, "-ee",   "errest",   ffOPTWR  },
    { efLOG, "-g",    "fitlog",   ffOPTWR  }
#define NFILE asize(fnm) 

  int     npargs;
  t_pargs *ppa;

  npargs = asize(pa); 
  ppa    = add_acf_pargs(&npargs,pa);

  acfile   = opt2fn_null("-ac",NFILE,fnm);
  msdfile  = opt2fn_null("-msd",NFILE,fnm);
  ccfile   = opt2fn_null("-cc",NFILE,fnm);
  distfile = opt2fn_null("-dist",NFILE,fnm);
  avfile   = opt2fn_null("-av",NFILE,fnm);
  eefile   = opt2fn_null("-ee",NFILE,fnm);
  if (opt2parg_bSet("-fitfn",npargs,ppa)) 
    fitfile  = opt2fn("-g",NFILE,fnm);
    fitfile  = opt2fn_null("-g",NFILE,fnm);
  printf("Read %d sets of %d points, dt = %g\n\n",nset,n,dt);
  if (bDer) {
    printf("Calculating the derivative as (f[i+%d]-f[i])/(%d*dt)\n\n",
    n -= d;
    for(s=0; s<nset; s++)
      for(i=0; (i<n); i++)
	val[s][i] = (val[s][i+d]-val[s][i])/(d*dt);
  if (bIntegrate) {
    real sum,stddev;
    printf("Calculating the integral using the trapezium rule\n");
    if (bXYdy) {
      sum = evaluate_integral(n,t,val[0],val[1],aver_start,&stddev);
      printf("Integral %10.3f +/- %10.5f\n",sum,stddev);
    else {
      for(s=0; s<nset; s++) {
	sum = evaluate_integral(n,t,val[s],NULL,aver_start,&stddev);
	printf("Integral %d  %10.5f  +/- %10.5f\n",s+1,sum,stddev);
  if (fitfile) {
    out_fit = ffopen(fitfile,"w");
    if (bXYdy && nset>=2) {
    } else {
      for(s=0; s<nset; s++)

  printf("                                      std. dev.    relative deviation of\n");
  printf("                       standard       ---------   cumulants from those of\n");
  printf("set      average       deviation      sqrt(n-1)   a Gaussian distribition\n");
  printf("                                                      cum. 3   cum. 4\n");
  for(s=0; (s<nset); s++) {
    cum1 = 0;
    cum2 = 0;
    cum3 = 0;
    cum4 = 0;
    for(i=0; (i<n); i++)
      cum1 += val[s][i];
    cum1 /= n;
    for(i=0; (i<n); i++) {
      db = val[s][i]-cum1;
      cum2 += db*db;
      cum3 += db*db*db;
      cum4 += db*db*db*db;
    cum2  /= n;
    cum3  /= n;
    cum4  /= n;
    av[s]  = cum1;
    sig[s] = sqrt(cum2);
    if (n > 1)
      error = sqrt(cum2/(n-1));
      error = 0;
    printf("SS%d  %13.6e   %12.6e   %12.6e      %6.3f   %6.3f\n",
	   sig[s] ? cum3/(sig[s]*sig[s]*sig[s]*sqrt(8/M_PI)) : 0,
	   sig[s] ? cum4/(sig[s]*sig[s]*sig[s]*sig[s]*3)-1 : 0); 

  if (filtlen)
  if (msdfile) {
    out=xvgropen(msdfile,"Mean square displacement",
		 "time","MSD (nm\\S2\\N)");
    nlast = (int)(n*frac);
    for(s=0; s<nset; s++) {
      for(j=0; j<=nlast; j++) {
	if (j % 100 == 0)
	for(i=0; i<n-j; i++)
	  tot += sqr(val[s][i]-val[s][i+j]); 
	tot /= (real)(n-j);
	fprintf(out," %g %8g\n",dt*j,tot);
      if (s<nset-1)
    fprintf(stderr,"\r%d, time=%g\n",j-1,(j-1)*dt);
  if (ccfile)
  if (distfile)
  if (avfile)
  if (eefile)
  if (bPower)
  if (acfile) {
    if (bSubAv) 
      for(s=0; s<nset; s++)
	for(i=0; i<n; i++)
	  val[s][i] -= av[s];
  if (bRegression)

  if (bLuzar) 
  view_all(NFILE, fnm);

  return 0;
gmx_bool parse_common_args(int *argc, char *argv[], unsigned long Flags,
                           int nfile, t_filenm fnm[], int npargs, t_pargs *pa,
                           int ndesc, const char **desc,
                           int nbugs, const char **bugs,
                           output_env_t *oenv)
    /* This array should match the order of the enum in oenv.h */
    const char *xvg_format[] = { NULL, "xmgrace", "xmgr", "none", NULL };
    /* This array should match the order of the enum in oenv.h */
    const char *time_units[] = {
        NULL, "fs", "ps", "ns", "us", "ms", "s",
    int         nicelevel = 0, debug_level = 0;
    char       *deffnm    = NULL;
    real        tbegin    = 0, tend = 0, tdelta = 0;
    gmx_bool    bView     = FALSE;

    t_pargs    *all_pa = NULL;

    t_pargs     nice_pa   = {
        "-nice", FALSE, etINT,   {&nicelevel},
        "Set the nicelevel"
    t_pargs     deffnm_pa = {
        "-deffnm", FALSE, etSTR, {&deffnm},
        "Set the default filename for all file options"
    t_pargs     begin_pa  = {
        "-b",    FALSE, etTIME,  {&tbegin},
        "First frame (%t) to read from trajectory"
    t_pargs     end_pa    = {
        "-e",    FALSE, etTIME,  {&tend},
        "Last frame (%t) to read from trajectory"
    t_pargs     dt_pa     = {
        "-dt",   FALSE, etTIME,  {&tdelta},
        "Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (%t)"
    t_pargs     view_pa   = {
        "-w",    FALSE, etBOOL,  {&bView},
        "View output [TT].xvg[tt], [TT].xpm[tt], [TT].eps[tt] and [TT].pdb[tt] files"
    t_pargs     xvg_pa    = {
        "-xvg",  FALSE, etENUM,  {xvg_format},
        "xvg plot formatting"
    t_pargs     time_pa   = {
        "-tu",   FALSE, etENUM,  {time_units},
        "Time unit"
    /* Maximum number of extra arguments */
#define EXTRA_PA 16

    t_pargs  pca_pa[] = {
        { "-debug", FALSE, etINT, {&debug_level},
          "HIDDENWrite file with debug information, 1: short, 2: also x and f" },
#define NPCA_PA asize(pca_pa)
    gmx_bool bXvgr;
    int      i, j, k, npall, max_pa;

    // Handle the flags argument, which is a bit field
    // The FF macro returns whether or not the bit is set
#define FF(arg) ((Flags & arg) == arg)

    /* Check for double arguments */
    for (i = 1; (i < *argc); i++)
        if (argv[i] && (strlen(argv[i]) > 1) && (!std::isdigit(argv[i][1])))
            for (j = i+1; (j < *argc); j++)
                if ( (argv[i][0] == '-') && (argv[j][0] == '-') &&
                     (strcmp(argv[i], argv[j]) == 0) )
                    if (FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS))
                        fprintf(stderr, "Double command line argument %s\n",
                        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Double command line argument %s\n",

    /* Check ALL the flags ... */
    max_pa = NPCA_PA + EXTRA_PA + npargs+1;
    snew(all_pa, max_pa);

    for (i = npall = 0; (i < static_cast<int>(NPCA_PA)); i++)
        npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &(pca_pa[i]));

    if (FF(PCA_BE_NICE))
        nicelevel = 19;
    npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &nice_pa);

        npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &deffnm_pa);
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN))
        npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &begin_pa);
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_END))
        npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &end_pa);
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT))
        npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &dt_pa);
    if (FF(PCA_TIME_UNIT))
        npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &time_pa);
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_VIEW))
        npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &view_pa);

    bXvgr = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; (i < nfile); i++)
        bXvgr = bXvgr ||  (fnm[i].ftp == efXVG);
    if (bXvgr)
        npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &xvg_pa);

    /* Now append the program specific arguments */
    for (i = 0; (i < npargs); i++)
        npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &(pa[i]));

    /* set etENUM options to default */
    for (i = 0; (i < npall); i++)
        if (all_pa[i].type == etENUM)
            all_pa[i].u.c[0] = all_pa[i].u.c[1];
    set_default_time_unit(time_units, FF(PCA_TIME_UNIT));

    /* Now parse all the command-line options */
    get_pargs(argc, argv, npall, all_pa);

    /* set program name, command line, and default values for output options */
    output_env_init(oenv, gmx::getProgramContext(), (time_unit_t)nenum(time_units), bView,
                    (xvg_format_t)nenum(xvg_format), 0, debug_level);

    /* Parse the file args */
    parse_file_args(argc, argv, nfile, fnm, deffnm, !FF(PCA_NOT_READ_NODE));

    /* Open the debug file */
    if (debug_level > 0)
        char buf[256];

        if (gmx_mpi_initialized())
            sprintf(buf, "%s%d.debug", output_env_get_short_program_name(*oenv),
            sprintf(buf, "%s.debug", output_env_get_short_program_name(*oenv));

        init_debug(debug_level, buf);
        fprintf(stderr, "Opening debug file %s (src code file %s, line %d)\n",
                buf, __FILE__, __LINE__);

    /* Now copy the results back... */
    for (i = 0, k = npall-npargs; (i < npargs); i++, k++)
        memcpy(&(pa[i]), &(all_pa[k]), (size_t)sizeof(pa[i]));

    bool bExit = false;
        const gmx::CommandLineHelpContext *context =
        bExit = (context != NULL);
        if (context != NULL && !(FF(PCA_QUIET)))
            gmx::Options options(NULL, NULL);
            options.setDescription(gmx::constArrayRefFromArray(desc, ndesc));
            for (i = 0; i < nfile; i++)
                gmx::filenmToOptions(&options, &fnm[i]);
            for (i = 0; i < npall; i++)
                gmx::pargsToOptions(&options, &all_pa[i]);
                .setKnownIssues(gmx::constArrayRefFromArray(bugs, nbugs))

    /* Set the nice level */
#if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
#ifndef GMX_NO_NICE
    /* The some system, e.g. the catamount kernel on cray xt3 do not have nice(2). */
    if (nicelevel != 0 && !bExit)
        static gmx_bool            nice_set   = FALSE; /* only set it once */
        static tMPI_Thread_mutex_t init_mutex = TMPI_THREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
        if (!nice_set)
            if (nice(nicelevel) == -1)
                /* Do nothing, but use the return value to avoid warnings. */
            nice_set = TRUE;

    /* convert time options, must be done after printing! */

    for (i = 0; i < npall; i++)
        if (all_pa[i].type == etTIME && all_pa[i].bSet)
            *all_pa[i].u.r *= output_env_get_time_invfactor(*oenv);

    /* Extract Time info from arguments */
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN) && opt2parg_bSet("-b", npall, all_pa))
        setTimeValue(TBEGIN, opt2parg_real("-b", npall, all_pa));

    if (FF(PCA_CAN_END) && opt2parg_bSet("-e", npall, all_pa))
        setTimeValue(TEND, opt2parg_real("-e", npall, all_pa));

    if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT) && opt2parg_bSet("-dt", npall, all_pa))
        setTimeValue(TDELTA, opt2parg_real("-dt", npall, all_pa));

    /* clear memory */

        if (*argc > 1)
    return !bExit;
#undef FF
int gmx_xpm2ps(int argc,char *argv[])
  static char *desc[] = {
    "xpm2ps makes a beautiful color plot of an XPixelMap file.",
    "Labels and axis can be displayed, when they are supplied",
    "in the correct matrix format.",
    "Matrix data may be generated by programs such as do_dssp, g_rms or",
    "Parameters are set in the [TT]m2p[tt] file optionally supplied with",
    "[TT]-di[tt]. Reasonable defaults are provided. Settings for the y-axis",
    "default to those for the x-axis. Font names have a defaulting hierarchy:",
    "titlefont -> legendfont; titlefont -> (xfont -> yfont -> ytickfont)",
    "-> xtickfont, e.g. setting titlefont sets all fonts, setting xfont",
    "sets yfont, ytickfont and xtickfont.[PAR]",
    "When no [TT]m2p[tt] file is supplied, many setting are set by",
    "command line options. The most important option is [TT]-size[tt]",
    "which sets the size of the whole matrix in postscript units.",
    "This option can be overridden with the [TT]-bx[tt] and [TT]-by[tt]",
    "options (and the corresponding parameters in the [TT]m2p[tt] file),",
    "which set the size of a single matrix element.[PAR]",
    "With [TT]-f2[tt] a 2nd matrix file can be supplied, both matrix",
    "files will be read simultaneously and the upper left half of the",
    "first one ([TT]-f[tt]) is plotted together with the lower right",
    "half of the second one ([TT]-f2[tt]). The diagonal will contain",
    "values from the matrix file selected with [TT]-diag[tt].",
    "Plotting of the diagonal values can be suppressed altogether by",
    "setting [TT]-diag[tt] to [TT]none[tt].",
    "In this case, a new color map will be generated with",
    "a red gradient for negative numbers and a blue for positive.",
    "If the color coding and legend labels of both matrices are identical,",
    "only one legend will be displayed, else two separate legends are",
    "With [TT]-combine[tt] an alternative operation can be selected",
    "to combine the matrices. The output range is automatically set",
    "to the actual range of the combined matrix. This can be overridden",
    "with [TT]-cmin[tt] and [TT]-cmax[tt].[PAR]",
    "[TT]-title[tt] can be set to [TT]none[tt] to suppress the title, or to",
    "[TT]ylabel[tt] to show the title in the Y-label position (alongside",
    "the Y-axis).[PAR]",
    "With the [TT]-rainbow[tt] option dull grey-scale matrices can be turned",
    "into attractive color pictures.[PAR]",
    "Merged or rainbowed matrices can be written to an XPixelMap file with",
    "the [TT]-xpm[tt] option."

  char      *fn,*epsfile=NULL,*xpmfile=NULL;
  int       i,nmat,nmat2,etitle,elegend,ediag,erainbow,ecombine;
  t_matrix *mat=NULL,*mat2=NULL;
  bool      bTitle,bTitleOnce,bDiag,bFirstDiag,bGrad;
  static bool bFrame=TRUE,bZeroLine=FALSE,bYonce=FALSE,bAdd=FALSE;
  static real size=400,boxx=0,boxy=0,cmin=0,cmax=0;
  static rvec grad={0,0,0};
  enum                    { etSel, etTop, etOnce, etYlabel, etNone, etNR };
  static char *title[]   = { NULL, "top", "once", "ylabel", "none", NULL };
  /* MUST correspond to enum elXxx as defined at top of file */
  static char *legend[]  = { NULL, "both", "first", "second", "none", NULL };
  enum                    { edSel, edFirst, edSecond, edNone, edNR };
  static char *diag[]    = { NULL, "first", "second", "none", NULL };
  enum                    { erSel, erNo, erBlue, erRed, erNR };
  static char *rainbow[] = { NULL, "no", "blue", "red", NULL };
  /* MUST correspond to enum ecXxx as defined at top of file */
  static char *combine[] = {
    NULL, "halves", "add", "sub", "mult", "div", NULL };
  static int skip=1,mapoffset=0;
  t_pargs pa[] = {
    { "-frame",   FALSE, etBOOL, {&bFrame},
      "Display frame, ticks, labels, title and legend" },
    { "-title",   FALSE, etENUM, {title},   "Show title at" },
    { "-yonce",   FALSE, etBOOL, {&bYonce}, "Show y-label only once" },
    { "-legend",  FALSE, etENUM, {legend},  "Show legend" },
    { "-diag",    FALSE, etENUM, {diag},    "Diagonal" },
    { "-size",    FALSE, etREAL, {&size},
      "Horizontal size of the matrix in ps units" },
    { "-bx",      FALSE, etREAL, {&boxx},
      "Element x-size, overrides -size (also y-size when -by is not set)" },
    { "-by",      FALSE, etREAL, {&boxy},   "Element y-size" },
    { "-rainbow", FALSE, etENUM, {rainbow},
      "Rainbow colors, convert white to" },
    { "-gradient",FALSE, etRVEC, {grad},
      "Re-scale colormap to a smooth gradient from white {1,1,1} to {r,g,b}" },
    { "-skip",    FALSE, etINT,  {&skip},
      "only write out every nr-th row and column" },
    { "-zeroline",FALSE, etBOOL, {&bZeroLine},
      "insert line in xpm matrix where axis label is zero"},
    { "-legoffset", FALSE, etINT, {&mapoffset},
      "Skip first N colors from xpm file for the legend" },
    { "-combine", FALSE, etENUM, {combine}, "Combine two matrices" },
    { "-cmin",    FALSE, etREAL, {&cmin}, "Minimum for combination output" },
    { "-cmax",    FALSE, etREAL, {&cmax}, "Maximum for combination output" }
#define NPA asize(pa)
  t_filenm  fnm[] = {
    { efXPM, "-f",  NULL,      ffREAD },
    { efXPM, "-f2", "root2",   ffOPTRD },
    { efM2P, "-di", NULL,      ffLIBOPTRD },
    { efM2P, "-do", "out",     ffOPTWR },
    { efEPS, "-o",  NULL,      ffOPTWR },
    { efXPM, "-xpm",NULL,      ffOPTWR }
#define NFILE asize(fnm)

  etitle   = nenum(title);
  elegend  = nenum(legend);
  ediag    = nenum(diag);
  erainbow = nenum(rainbow);
  ecombine = nenum(combine);
  bGrad    = opt2parg_bSet("-gradient",NPA,pa);
  for(i=0; i<DIM; i++)
    if (grad[i] < 0 || grad[i] > 1)
      gmx_fatal(FARGS, "RGB value %g out of range (0.0-1.0)", grad[i]);
  if (!bFrame) {
    etitle = etNone;
    elegend = elNone;

  if ( epsfile==NULL && xpmfile==NULL ) {
    if (ecombine!=ecHalves)
  if (ecombine!=ecHalves && epsfile) {
	    "WARNING: can only write result of arithmetic combination "
	    "of two matrices to .xpm file\n"
	    "         file %s will not be written\n", epsfile);
    epsfile = NULL;
  bDiag      = ediag!=edNone;
  bFirstDiag = ediag!=edSecond;
  fprintf(stderr,"There are %d matrices in %s\n",nmat,fn);
  if (fn) {
    fprintf(stderr,"There are %d matrices in %s\n",nmat2,fn);
    if (nmat != nmat2) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Different number of matrices, using the smallest number.\n");
  } else {
    if (ecombine!=ecHalves)
	      "WARNING: arithmetic matrix combination selected (-combine), "
	      "but no second matrix (-f2) supplied\n"
	      "         no matrix combination will be performed\n");
  bTitle     = etitle==etTop;
  bTitleOnce = etitle==etOnce;
  if ( etitle==etYlabel )
    for (i=0; (i<nmat); i++) {
      strcpy(mat[i].label_y, mat[i].title);
      if (mat2)
	strcpy(mat2[i].label_y, mat2[i].title);
  if (bGrad) {
    if (mat2)
  if (erainbow!=erNo) {
    if (mat2)

  if ((mat2 == NULL) && (elegend!=elNone))
    elegend = elFirst;
  if (ecombine && ecombine!=ecHalves)
    write_combined_matrix(ecombine, xpmfile, nmat, mat, mat2,
			  opt2parg_bSet("-cmin",NPA,pa) ? &cmin : NULL,
			  opt2parg_bSet("-cmax",NPA,pa) ? &cmax : NULL);
	   opt2fn_null("-di",NFILE,fnm),opt2fn_null("-do",NFILE,fnm), skip,
  view_all(NFILE, fnm);
  return 0;
Beispiel #7
int gmx_analyze(int argc, char *argv[])
    static const char *desc[] = {
        "[TT]g_analyze[tt] reads an ASCII file and analyzes data sets.",
        "A line in the input file may start with a time",
        "(see option [TT]-time[tt]) and any number of [IT]y[it]-values may follow.",
        "Multiple sets can also be",
        "read when they are separated by & (option [TT]-n[tt]);",
        "in this case only one [IT]y[it]-value is read from each line.",
        "All lines starting with # and @ are skipped.",
        "All analyses can also be done for the derivative of a set",
        "(option [TT]-d[tt]).[PAR]",

        "All options, except for [TT]-av[tt] and [TT]-power[tt], assume that the",
        "points are equidistant in time.[PAR]",

        "[TT]g_analyze[tt] always shows the average and standard deviation of each",
        "set, as well as the relative deviation of the third",
        "and fourth cumulant from those of a Gaussian distribution with the same",
        "standard deviation.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-ac[tt] produces the autocorrelation function(s).",
        "Be sure that the time interval between data points is",
        "much shorter than the time scale of the autocorrelation.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-cc[tt] plots the resemblance of set i with a cosine of",
        "i/2 periods. The formula is:[BR]"
        "[MATH]2 ([INT][FROM]0[from][TO]T[to][int] y(t) [COS]i [GRK]pi[grk] t[cos] dt)^2 / [INT][FROM]0[from][TO]T[to][int] y^2(t) dt[math][BR]",
        "This is useful for principal components obtained from covariance",
        "analysis, since the principal components of random diffusion are",
        "pure cosines.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-msd[tt] produces the mean square displacement(s).[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-dist[tt] produces distribution plot(s).[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-av[tt] produces the average over the sets.",
        "Error bars can be added with the option [TT]-errbar[tt].",
        "The errorbars can represent the standard deviation, the error",
        "(assuming the points are independent) or the interval containing",
        "90% of the points, by discarding 5% of the points at the top and",
        "the bottom.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-ee[tt] produces error estimates using block averaging.",
        "A set is divided in a number of blocks and averages are calculated for",
        "each block. The error for the total average is calculated from",
        "the variance between averages of the m blocks B[SUB]i[sub] as follows:",
        "error^2 = [SUM][sum] (B[SUB]i[sub] - [CHEVRON]B[chevron])^2 / (m*(m-1)).",
        "These errors are plotted as a function of the block size.",
        "Also an analytical block average curve is plotted, assuming",
        "that the autocorrelation is a sum of two exponentials.",
        "The analytical curve for the block average is:[BR]",
        "[MATH]f(t) = [GRK]sigma[grk][TT]*[tt][SQRT]2/T (  [GRK]alpha[grk]   ([GRK]tau[grk][SUB]1[sub] (([EXP]-t/[GRK]tau[grk][SUB]1[sub][exp] - 1) [GRK]tau[grk][SUB]1[sub]/t + 1)) +[BR]",
        "                       (1-[GRK]alpha[grk]) ([GRK]tau[grk][SUB]2[sub] (([EXP]-t/[GRK]tau[grk][SUB]2[sub][exp] - 1) [GRK]tau[grk][SUB]2[sub]/t + 1)))[sqrt][math],[BR]"
        "where T is the total time.",
        "[GRK]alpha[grk], [GRK]tau[grk][SUB]1[sub] and [GRK]tau[grk][SUB]2[sub] are obtained by fitting f^2(t) to error^2.",
        "When the actual block average is very close to the analytical curve,",
        "the error is [MATH][GRK]sigma[grk][TT]*[tt][SQRT]2/T (a [GRK]tau[grk][SUB]1[sub] + (1-a) [GRK]tau[grk][SUB]2[sub])[sqrt][math].",
        "The complete derivation is given in",
        "B. Hess, J. Chem. Phys. 116:209-217, 2002.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-bal[tt] finds and subtracts the ultrafast \"ballistic\"",
        "component from a hydrogen bond autocorrelation function by the fitting",
        "of a sum of exponentials, as described in e.g.",
        "O. Markovitch, J. Chem. Phys. 129:084505, 2008. The fastest term",
        "is the one with the most negative coefficient in the exponential,",
        "or with [TT]-d[tt], the one with most negative time derivative at time 0.",
        "[TT]-nbalexp[tt] sets the number of exponentials to fit.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-gem[tt] fits bimolecular rate constants ka and kb",
        "(and optionally kD) to the hydrogen bond autocorrelation function",
        "according to the reversible geminate recombination model. Removal of",
        "the ballistic component first is strongly advised. The model is presented in",
        "O. Markovitch, J. Chem. Phys. 129:084505, 2008.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-filter[tt] prints the RMS high-frequency fluctuation",
        "of each set and over all sets with respect to a filtered average.",
        "The filter is proportional to cos([GRK]pi[grk] t/len) where t goes from -len/2",
        "to len/2. len is supplied with the option [TT]-filter[tt].",
        "This filter reduces oscillations with period len/2 and len by a factor",
        "of 0.79 and 0.33 respectively.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-g[tt] fits the data to the function given with option",

        "Option [TT]-power[tt] fits the data to [MATH]b t^a[math], which is accomplished",
        "by fitting to [MATH]a t + b[math] on log-log scale. All points after the first",
        "zero or with a negative value are ignored.[PAR]"

        "Option [TT]-luzar[tt] performs a Luzar & Chandler kinetics analysis",
        "on output from [TT]g_hbond[tt]. The input file can be taken directly",
        "from [TT]g_hbond -ac[tt], and then the same result should be produced."
    static real        tb         = -1, te = -1, frac = 0.5, filtlen = 0, binwidth = 0.1, aver_start = 0;
    static gmx_bool    bHaveT     = TRUE, bDer = FALSE, bSubAv = TRUE, bAverCorr = FALSE, bXYdy = FALSE;
    static gmx_bool    bEESEF     = FALSE, bEENLC = FALSE, bEeFitAc = FALSE, bPower = FALSE;
    static gmx_bool    bIntegrate = FALSE, bRegression = FALSE, bLuzar = FALSE, bLuzarError = FALSE;
    static int         nsets_in   = 1, d = 1, nb_min = 4, resol = 10, nBalExp = 4, nFitPoints = 100;
    static real        temp       = 298.15, fit_start = 1, fit_end = 60, smooth_tail_start = -1, balTime = 0.2, diffusion = 5e-5, rcut = 0.35;

    /* must correspond to enum avbar* declared at beginning of file */
    static const char *avbar_opt[avbarNR+1] = {
        NULL, "none", "stddev", "error", "90", NULL

    t_pargs            pa[] = {
        { "-time",    FALSE, etBOOL, {&bHaveT},
          "Expect a time in the input" },
        { "-b",       FALSE, etREAL, {&tb},
          "First time to read from set" },
        { "-e",       FALSE, etREAL, {&te},
          "Last time to read from set" },
        { "-n",       FALSE, etINT, {&nsets_in},
          "Read this number of sets separated by &" },
        { "-d",       FALSE, etBOOL, {&bDer},
          "Use the derivative" },
        { "-dp",      FALSE, etINT, {&d},
          "HIDDENThe derivative is the difference over this number of points" },
        { "-bw",      FALSE, etREAL, {&binwidth},
          "Binwidth for the distribution" },
        { "-errbar",  FALSE, etENUM, {avbar_opt},
          "Error bars for [TT]-av[tt]" },
        { "-integrate", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bIntegrate},
          "Integrate data function(s) numerically using trapezium rule" },
        { "-aver_start", FALSE, etREAL, {&aver_start},
          "Start averaging the integral from here" },
        { "-xydy",    FALSE, etBOOL, {&bXYdy},
          "Interpret second data set as error in the y values for integrating" },
        { "-regression", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bRegression},
          "Perform a linear regression analysis on the data. If [TT]-xydy[tt] is set a second set will be interpreted as the error bar in the Y value. Otherwise, if multiple data sets are present a multilinear regression will be performed yielding the constant A that minimize [MATH][GRK]chi[grk]^2 = (y - A[SUB]0[sub] x[SUB]0[sub] - A[SUB]1[sub] x[SUB]1[sub] - ... - A[SUB]N[sub] x[SUB]N[sub])^2[math] where now Y is the first data set in the input file and x[SUB]i[sub] the others. Do read the information at the option [TT]-time[tt]." },
        { "-luzar",   FALSE, etBOOL, {&bLuzar},
          "Do a Luzar and Chandler analysis on a correlation function and related as produced by [TT]g_hbond[tt]. When in addition the [TT]-xydy[tt] flag is given the second and fourth column will be interpreted as errors in c(t) and n(t)." },
        { "-temp",    FALSE, etREAL, {&temp},
          "Temperature for the Luzar hydrogen bonding kinetics analysis (K)" },
        { "-fitstart", FALSE, etREAL, {&fit_start},
          "Time (ps) from which to start fitting the correlation functions in order to obtain the forward and backward rate constants for HB breaking and formation" },
        { "-fitend", FALSE, etREAL, {&fit_end},
          "Time (ps) where to stop fitting the correlation functions in order to obtain the forward and backward rate constants for HB breaking and formation. Only with [TT]-gem[tt]" },
        { "-smooth", FALSE, etREAL, {&smooth_tail_start},
          "If this value is >= 0, the tail of the ACF will be smoothed by fitting it to an exponential function: [MATH]y = A [EXP]-x/[GRK]tau[grk][exp][math]" },
        { "-nbmin",   FALSE, etINT, {&nb_min},
          "HIDDENMinimum number of blocks for block averaging" },
        { "-resol", FALSE, etINT, {&resol},
          "HIDDENResolution for the block averaging, block size increases with"
          " a factor 2^(1/resol)" },
        { "-eeexpfit", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bEESEF},
          "HIDDENAlways use a single exponential fit for the error estimate" },
        { "-eenlc", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bEENLC},
          "HIDDENAllow a negative long-time correlation" },
        { "-eefitac", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bEeFitAc},
          "HIDDENAlso plot analytical block average using a autocorrelation fit" },
        { "-filter",  FALSE, etREAL, {&filtlen},
          "Print the high-frequency fluctuation after filtering with a cosine filter of this length" },
        { "-power", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bPower},
          "Fit data to: b t^a" },
        { "-subav", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bSubAv},
          "Subtract the average before autocorrelating" },
        { "-oneacf", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bAverCorr},
          "Calculate one ACF over all sets" },
        { "-nbalexp", FALSE, etINT, {&nBalExp},
          "HIDDENNumber of exponentials to fit to the ultrafast component" },
        { "-baltime", FALSE, etREAL, {&balTime},
          "HIDDENTime up to which the ballistic component will be fitted" },
/*     { "-gemnp", FALSE, etINT, {&nFitPoints}, */
/*       "HIDDENNumber of data points taken from the ACF to use for fitting to rev. gem. recomb. model."}, */
/*     { "-rcut", FALSE, etREAL, {&rcut}, */
/*       "Cut-off for hydrogen bonds in geminate algorithms" }, */
/*     { "-gemtype", FALSE, etENUM, {gemType}, */
/*       "What type of gminate recombination to use"}, */
/*     { "-D", FALSE, etREAL, {&diffusion}, */
/*       "The self diffusion coefficient which is used for the reversible geminate recombination model."} */
#define NPA asize(pa)

    FILE           *out, *out_fit;
    int             n, nlast, s, nset, i, j = 0;
    real          **val, *t, dt, tot, error;
    double         *av, *sig, cum1, cum2, cum3, cum4, db;
    const char     *acfile, *msdfile, *ccfile, *distfile, *avfile, *eefile, *balfile, *gemfile, *fitfile;
    output_env_t    oenv;

    t_filenm        fnm[] = {
        { efXVG, "-f",    "graph",    ffREAD   },
        { efXVG, "-ac",   "autocorr", ffOPTWR  },
        { efXVG, "-msd",  "msd",      ffOPTWR  },
        { efXVG, "-cc",   "coscont",  ffOPTWR  },
        { efXVG, "-dist", "distr",    ffOPTWR  },
        { efXVG, "-av",   "average",  ffOPTWR  },
        { efXVG, "-ee",   "errest",   ffOPTWR  },
        { efXVG, "-bal",  "ballisitc", ffOPTWR  },
/*     { efXVG, "-gem",  "geminate", ffOPTWR  }, */
        { efLOG, "-g",    "fitlog",   ffOPTWR  }
#define NFILE asize(fnm)

    int      npargs;
    t_pargs *ppa;

    npargs = asize(pa);
    ppa    = add_acf_pargs(&npargs, pa);

    parse_common_args(&argc, argv, PCA_CAN_VIEW,
                      NFILE, fnm, npargs, ppa, asize(desc), desc, 0, NULL, &oenv);

    acfile   = opt2fn_null("-ac", NFILE, fnm);
    msdfile  = opt2fn_null("-msd", NFILE, fnm);
    ccfile   = opt2fn_null("-cc", NFILE, fnm);
    distfile = opt2fn_null("-dist", NFILE, fnm);
    avfile   = opt2fn_null("-av", NFILE, fnm);
    eefile   = opt2fn_null("-ee", NFILE, fnm);
    balfile  = opt2fn_null("-bal", NFILE, fnm);
/*   gemfile  = opt2fn_null("-gem",NFILE,fnm); */
    /* When doing autocorrelation we don't want a fitlog for fitting
     * the function itself (not the acf) when the user did not ask for it.
    if (opt2parg_bSet("-fitfn", npargs, ppa) && acfile == NULL)
        fitfile  = opt2fn("-g", NFILE, fnm);
        fitfile  = opt2fn_null("-g", NFILE, fnm);

    val = read_xvg_time(opt2fn("-f", NFILE, fnm), bHaveT,
                        opt2parg_bSet("-b", npargs, ppa), tb,
                        opt2parg_bSet("-e", npargs, ppa), te,
                        nsets_in, &nset, &n, &dt, &t);
    printf("Read %d sets of %d points, dt = %g\n\n", nset, n, dt);

    if (bDer)
        printf("Calculating the derivative as (f[i+%d]-f[i])/(%d*dt)\n\n",
               d, d);
        n -= d;
        for (s = 0; s < nset; s++)
            for (i = 0; (i < n); i++)
                val[s][i] = (val[s][i+d]-val[s][i])/(d*dt);

    if (bIntegrate)
        real sum, stddev;

        printf("Calculating the integral using the trapezium rule\n");

        if (bXYdy)
            sum = evaluate_integral(n, t, val[0], val[1], aver_start, &stddev);
            printf("Integral %10.3f +/- %10.5f\n", sum, stddev);
            for (s = 0; s < nset; s++)
                sum = evaluate_integral(n, t, val[s], NULL, aver_start, &stddev);
                printf("Integral %d  %10.5f  +/- %10.5f\n", s+1, sum, stddev);

    if (fitfile != NULL)
        out_fit = ffopen(fitfile, "w");
        if (bXYdy && nset >= 2)
            do_fit(out_fit, 0, TRUE, n, t, val, npargs, ppa, oenv);
            for (s = 0; s < nset; s++)
                do_fit(out_fit, s, FALSE, n, t, val, npargs, ppa, oenv);

    printf("                                      std. dev.    relative deviation of\n");
    printf("                       standard       ---------   cumulants from those of\n");
    printf("set      average       deviation      sqrt(n-1)   a Gaussian distribition\n");
    printf("                                                      cum. 3   cum. 4\n");
    snew(av, nset);
    snew(sig, nset);
    for (s = 0; (s < nset); s++)
        cum1 = 0;
        cum2 = 0;
        cum3 = 0;
        cum4 = 0;
        for (i = 0; (i < n); i++)
            cum1 += val[s][i];
        cum1 /= n;
        for (i = 0; (i < n); i++)
            db    = val[s][i]-cum1;
            cum2 += db*db;
            cum3 += db*db*db;
            cum4 += db*db*db*db;
        cum2  /= n;
        cum3  /= n;
        cum4  /= n;
        av[s]  = cum1;
        sig[s] = sqrt(cum2);
        if (n > 1)
            error = sqrt(cum2/(n-1));
            error = 0;
        printf("SS%d  %13.6e   %12.6e   %12.6e      %6.3f   %6.3f\n",
               s+1, av[s], sig[s], error,
               sig[s] ? cum3/(sig[s]*sig[s]*sig[s]*sqrt(8/M_PI)) : 0,
               sig[s] ? cum4/(sig[s]*sig[s]*sig[s]*sig[s]*3)-1 : 0);

    if (filtlen)
        filter(filtlen, n, nset, val, dt);

    if (msdfile)
        out = xvgropen(msdfile, "Mean square displacement",
                       "time", "MSD (nm\\S2\\N)", oenv);
        nlast = (int)(n*frac);
        for (s = 0; s < nset; s++)
            for (j = 0; j <= nlast; j++)
                if (j % 100 == 0)
                    fprintf(stderr, "\r%d", j);
                tot = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < n-j; i++)
                    tot += sqr(val[s][i]-val[s][i+j]);
                tot /= (real)(n-j);
                fprintf(out, " %g %8g\n", dt*j, tot);
            if (s < nset-1)
                fprintf(out, "&\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\r%d, time=%g\n", j-1, (j-1)*dt);
    if (ccfile)
        plot_coscont(ccfile, n, nset, val, oenv);

    if (distfile)
        histogram(distfile, binwidth, n, nset, val, oenv);
    if (avfile)
        average(avfile, nenum(avbar_opt), n, nset, val, t);
    if (eefile)
        estimate_error(eefile, nb_min, resol, n, nset, av, sig, val, dt,
                       bEeFitAc, bEESEF, bEENLC, oenv);
    if (balfile)
        do_ballistic(balfile, n, t, val, nset, balTime, nBalExp, oenv);
/*   if (gemfile) */
/*       do_geminate(gemfile,n,t,val,nset,diffusion,rcut,balTime, */
/*                   nFitPoints, fit_start, fit_end, oenv); */
    if (bPower)
        power_fit(n, nset, val, t);

    if (acfile != NULL)
        if (bSubAv)
            for (s = 0; s < nset; s++)
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    val[s][i] -= av[s];
        do_autocorr(acfile, oenv, "Autocorrelation", n, nset, val, dt,
                    eacNormal, bAverCorr);

    if (bRegression)
        regression_analysis(n, bXYdy, t, nset, val);

    if (bLuzar)
        luzar_correl(n, t, nset, val, temp, bXYdy, fit_start, smooth_tail_start, oenv);

    view_all(oenv, NFILE, fnm);

    return 0;
int gmx_mdrun(int argc, char *argv[])
   const char   *desc[] = {
      "[THISMODULE] is the main computational chemistry engine",
      "within GROMACS. Obviously, it performs Molecular Dynamics simulations,",
      "but it can also perform Stochastic Dynamics, Energy Minimization,",
      "test particle insertion or (re)calculation of energies.",
      "Normal mode analysis is another option. In this case [TT]mdrun[tt]",
      "builds a Hessian matrix from single conformation.",
      "For usual Normal Modes-like calculations, make sure that",
      "the structure provided is properly energy-minimized.",
      "The generated matrix can be diagonalized by [gmx-nmeig].[PAR]",
      "The [TT]mdrun[tt] program reads the run input file ([TT]-s[tt])",
      "and distributes the topology over ranks if needed.",
      "[TT]mdrun[tt] produces at least four output files.",
      "A single log file ([TT]-g[tt]) is written, unless the option",
      "[TT]-seppot[tt] is used, in which case each rank writes a log file.",
      "The trajectory file ([TT]-o[tt]), contains coordinates, velocities and",
      "optionally forces.",
      "The structure file ([TT]-c[tt]) contains the coordinates and",
      "velocities of the last step.",
      "The energy file ([TT]-e[tt]) contains energies, the temperature,",
      "pressure, etc, a lot of these things are also printed in the log file.",
      "Optionally coordinates can be written to a compressed trajectory file",
      "The option [TT]-dhdl[tt] is only used when free energy calculation is",
      "turned on.[PAR]",
      "A simulation can be run in parallel using two different parallelization",
      "schemes: MPI parallelization and/or OpenMP thread parallelization.",
      "The MPI parallelization uses multiple processes when [TT]mdrun[tt] is",
      "compiled with a normal MPI library or threads when [TT]mdrun[tt] is",
      "compiled with the GROMACS built-in thread-MPI library. OpenMP threads",
      "are supported when [TT]mdrun[tt] is compiled with OpenMP. Full OpenMP support",
      "is only available with the Verlet cut-off scheme, with the (older)",
      "group scheme only PME-only ranks can use OpenMP parallelization.",
      "In all cases [TT]mdrun[tt] will by default try to use all the available",
      "hardware resources. With a normal MPI library only the options",
      "[TT]-ntomp[tt] (with the Verlet cut-off scheme) and [TT]-ntomp_pme[tt],",
      "for PME-only ranks, can be used to control the number of threads.",
      "With thread-MPI there are additional options [TT]-nt[tt], which sets",
      "the total number of threads, and [TT]-ntmpi[tt], which sets the number",
      "of thread-MPI threads.",
      "The number of OpenMP threads used by [TT]mdrun[tt] can also be set with",
      "the standard environment variable, [TT]OMP_NUM_THREADS[tt].",
      "The [TT]GMX_PME_NUM_THREADS[tt] environment variable can be used to specify",
      "the number of threads used by the PME-only ranks.[PAR]",
      "Note that combined MPI+OpenMP parallelization is in many cases",
      "slower than either on its own. However, at high parallelization, using the",
      "combination is often beneficial as it reduces the number of domains and/or",
      "the number of MPI ranks. (Less and larger domains can improve scaling,",
      "with separate PME ranks, using fewer MPI ranks reduces communication costs.)",
      "OpenMP-only parallelization is typically faster than MPI-only parallelization",
      "on a single CPU(-die). Since we currently don't have proper hardware",
      "topology detection, [TT]mdrun[tt] compiled with thread-MPI will only",
      "automatically use OpenMP-only parallelization when you use up to 4",
      "threads, up to 12 threads with Intel Nehalem/Westmere, or up to 16",
      "threads with Intel Sandy Bridge or newer CPUs. Otherwise MPI-only",
      "parallelization is used (except with GPUs, see below).",
      "To quickly test the performance of the new Verlet cut-off scheme",
      "with old [TT].tpr[tt] files, either on CPUs or CPUs+GPUs, you can use",
      "the [TT]-testverlet[tt] option. This should not be used for production,",
      "since it can slightly modify potentials and it will remove charge groups",
      "making analysis difficult, as the [TT].tpr[tt] file will still contain",
      "charge groups. For production simulations it is highly recommended",
      "to specify [TT]cutoff-scheme = Verlet[tt] in the [TT].mdp[tt] file.",
      "With GPUs (only supported with the Verlet cut-off scheme), the number",
      "of GPUs should match the number of particle-particle ranks, i.e.",
      "excluding PME-only ranks. With thread-MPI, unless set on the command line, the number",
      "of MPI threads will automatically be set to the number of GPUs detected.",
      "To use a subset of the available GPUs, or to manually provide a mapping of",
      "GPUs to PP ranks, you can use the [TT]-gpu_id[tt] option. The argument of [TT]-gpu_id[tt] is",
      "a string of digits (without delimiter) representing device id-s of the GPUs to be used.",
      "For example, \"[TT]02[tt]\" specifies using GPUs 0 and 2 in the first and second PP ranks per compute node",
      "respectively. To select different sets of GPU-s",
      "on different nodes of a compute cluster, use the [TT]GMX_GPU_ID[tt] environment",
      "variable instead. The format for [TT]GMX_GPU_ID[tt] is identical to ",
      "[TT]-gpu_id[tt], with the difference that an environment variable can have",
      "different values on different compute nodes. Multiple MPI ranks on each node",
      "can share GPUs. This is accomplished by specifying the id(s) of the GPU(s)",
      "multiple times, e.g. \"[TT]0011[tt]\" for four ranks sharing two GPUs in this node.",
      "This works within a single simulation, or a multi-simulation, with any form of MPI.",
      "With the Verlet cut-off scheme and verlet-buffer-tolerance set,",
      "the pair-list update interval nstlist can be chosen freely with",
      "the option [TT]-nstlist[tt]. [TT]mdrun[tt] will then adjust",
      "the pair-list cut-off to maintain accuracy, and not adjust nstlist.",
      "Otherwise, by default, [TT]mdrun[tt] will try to increase the",
      "value of nstlist set in the [TT].mdp[tt] file to improve the",
      "performance. For CPU-only runs, nstlist might increase to 20, for",
      "GPU runs up to 40. For medium to high parallelization or with",
      "fast GPUs, a (user-supplied) larger nstlist value can give much",
      "better performance.",
      "When using PME with separate PME ranks or with a GPU, the two major",
      "compute tasks, the non-bonded force calculation and the PME calculation",
      "run on different compute resources. If this load is not balanced,",
      "some of the resources will be idle part of time. With the Verlet",
      "cut-off scheme this load is automatically balanced when the PME load",
      "is too high (but not when it is too low). This is done by scaling",
      "the Coulomb cut-off and PME grid spacing by the same amount. In the first",
      "few hundred steps different settings are tried and the fastest is chosen",
      "for the rest of the simulation. This does not affect the accuracy of",
      "the results, but it does affect the decomposition of the Coulomb energy",
      "into particle and mesh contributions. The auto-tuning can be turned off",
      "with the option [TT]-notunepme[tt].",
      "[TT]mdrun[tt] pins (sets affinity of) threads to specific cores,",
      "when all (logical) cores on a compute node are used by [TT]mdrun[tt],",
      "even when no multi-threading is used,",
      "as this usually results in significantly better performance.",
      "If the queuing systems or the OpenMP library pinned threads, we honor",
      "this and don't pin again, even though the layout may be sub-optimal.",
      "If you want to have [TT]mdrun[tt] override an already set thread affinity",
      "or pin threads when using less cores, use [TT]-pin on[tt].",
      "With SMT (simultaneous multithreading), e.g. Intel Hyper-Threading,",
      "there are multiple logical cores per physical core.",
      "The option [TT]-pinstride[tt] sets the stride in logical cores for",
      "pinning consecutive threads. Without SMT, 1 is usually the best choice.",
      "With Intel Hyper-Threading 2 is best when using half or less of the",
      "logical cores, 1 otherwise. The default value of 0 do exactly that:",
      "it minimizes the threads per logical core, to optimize performance.",
      "If you want to run multiple [TT]mdrun[tt] jobs on the same physical node,"
	 "you should set [TT]-pinstride[tt] to 1 when using all logical cores.",
      "When running multiple [TT]mdrun[tt] (or other) simulations on the same physical",
      "node, some simulations need to start pinning from a non-zero core",
      "to avoid overloading cores; with [TT]-pinoffset[tt] you can specify",
      "the offset in logical cores for pinning.",
      "When [TT]mdrun[tt] is started with more than 1 rank,",
      "parallelization with domain decomposition is used.",
      "With domain decomposition, the spatial decomposition can be set",
      "with option [TT]-dd[tt]. By default [TT]mdrun[tt] selects a good decomposition.",
      "The user only needs to change this when the system is very inhomogeneous.",
      "Dynamic load balancing is set with the option [TT]-dlb[tt],",
      "which can give a significant performance improvement,",
      "especially for inhomogeneous systems. The only disadvantage of",
      "dynamic load balancing is that runs are no longer binary reproducible,",
      "but in most cases this is not important.",
      "By default the dynamic load balancing is automatically turned on",
      "when the measured performance loss due to load imbalance is 5% or more.",
      "At low parallelization these are the only important options",
      "for domain decomposition.",
      "At high parallelization the options in the next two sections",
      "could be important for increasing the performace.",
      "When PME is used with domain decomposition, separate ranks can",
      "be assigned to do only the PME mesh calculation;",
      "this is computationally more efficient starting at about 12 ranks,",
      "or even fewer when OpenMP parallelization is used.",
      "The number of PME ranks is set with option [TT]-npme[tt],",
      "but this cannot be more than half of the ranks.",
      "By default [TT]mdrun[tt] makes a guess for the number of PME",
      "ranks when the number of ranks is larger than 16. With GPUs,",
      "using separate PME ranks is not selected automatically,",
      "since the optimal setup depends very much on the details",
      "of the hardware. In all cases, you might gain performance",
      "by optimizing [TT]-npme[tt]. Performance statistics on this issue",
      "are written at the end of the log file.",
      "For good load balancing at high parallelization, the PME grid x and y",
      "dimensions should be divisible by the number of PME ranks",
      "(the simulation will run correctly also when this is not the case).",
      "This section lists all options that affect the domain decomposition.",
      "Option [TT]-rdd[tt] can be used to set the required maximum distance",
      "for inter charge-group bonded interactions.",
      "Communication for two-body bonded interactions below the non-bonded",
      "cut-off distance always comes for free with the non-bonded communication.",
      "Atoms beyond the non-bonded cut-off are only communicated when they have",
      "missing bonded interactions; this means that the extra cost is minor",
      "and nearly indepedent of the value of [TT]-rdd[tt].",
      "With dynamic load balancing option [TT]-rdd[tt] also sets",
      "the lower limit for the domain decomposition cell sizes.",
      "By default [TT]-rdd[tt] is determined by [TT]mdrun[tt] based on",
      "the initial coordinates. The chosen value will be a balance",
      "between interaction range and communication cost.",
      "When inter charge-group bonded interactions are beyond",
      "the bonded cut-off distance, [TT]mdrun[tt] terminates with an error message.",
      "For pair interactions and tabulated bonds",
      "that do not generate exclusions, this check can be turned off",
      "with the option [TT]-noddcheck[tt].",
      "When constraints are present, option [TT]-rcon[tt] influences",
      "the cell size limit as well.",
      "Atoms connected by NC constraints, where NC is the LINCS order plus 1,",
      "should not be beyond the smallest cell size. A error message is",
      "generated when this happens and the user should change the decomposition",
      "or decrease the LINCS order and increase the number of LINCS iterations.",
      "By default [TT]mdrun[tt] estimates the minimum cell size required for P-LINCS",
      "in a conservative fashion. For high parallelization it can be useful",
      "to set the distance required for P-LINCS with the option [TT]-rcon[tt].",
      "The [TT]-dds[tt] option sets the minimum allowed x, y and/or z scaling",
      "of the cells with dynamic load balancing. [TT]mdrun[tt] will ensure that",
      "the cells can scale down by at least this factor. This option is used",
      "for the automated spatial decomposition (when not using [TT]-dd[tt])",
      "as well as for determining the number of grid pulses, which in turn",
      "sets the minimum allowed cell size. Under certain circumstances",
      "the value of [TT]-dds[tt] might need to be adjusted to account for",
      "high or low spatial inhomogeneity of the system.",
      "The option [TT]-gcom[tt] can be used to only do global communication",
      "every n steps.",
      "This can improve performance for highly parallel simulations",
      "where this global communication step becomes the bottleneck.",
      "For a global thermostat and/or barostat the temperature",
      "and/or pressure will also only be updated every [TT]-gcom[tt] steps.",
      "By default it is set to the minimum of nstcalcenergy and nstlist.[PAR]",
      "With [TT]-rerun[tt] an input trajectory can be given for which ",
      "forces and energies will be (re)calculated. Neighbor searching will be",
      "performed for every frame, unless [TT]nstlist[tt] is zero",
      "(see the [TT].mdp[tt] file).[PAR]",
      "ED (essential dynamics) sampling and/or additional flooding potentials",
      "are switched on by using the [TT]-ei[tt] flag followed by an [TT].edi[tt]",
      "file. The [TT].edi[tt] file can be produced with the [TT]make_edi[tt] tool",
      "or by using options in the essdyn menu of the WHAT IF program.",
      "[TT]mdrun[tt] produces a [TT].xvg[tt] output file that",
      "contains projections of positions, velocities and forces onto selected",
      "When user-defined potential functions have been selected in the",
      "[TT].mdp[tt] file the [TT]-table[tt] option is used to pass [TT]mdrun[tt]",
      "a formatted table with potential functions. The file is read from",
      "either the current directory or from the [TT]GMXLIB[tt] directory.",
      "A number of pre-formatted tables are presented in the [TT]GMXLIB[tt] dir,",
      "for 6-8, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11, 6-12 Lennard-Jones potentials with",
      "normal Coulomb.",
      "When pair interactions are present, a separate table for pair interaction",
      "functions is read using the [TT]-tablep[tt] option.[PAR]",
      "When tabulated bonded functions are present in the topology,",
      "interaction functions are read using the [TT]-tableb[tt] option.",
      "For each different tabulated interaction type the table file name is",
      "modified in a different way: before the file extension an underscore is",
      "appended, then a 'b' for bonds, an 'a' for angles or a 'd' for dihedrals",
      "and finally the table number of the interaction type.[PAR]",
      "The options [TT]-px[tt] and [TT]-pf[tt] are used for writing pull COM",
      "coordinates and forces when pulling is selected",
      "in the [TT].mdp[tt] file.[PAR]",
      "With [TT]-multi[tt] or [TT]-multidir[tt], multiple systems can be ",
      "simulated in parallel.",
      "As many input files/directories are required as the number of systems. ",
      "The [TT]-multidir[tt] option takes a list of directories (one for each ",
      "system) and runs in each of them, using the input/output file names, ",
      "such as specified by e.g. the [TT]-s[tt] option, relative to these ",
      "With [TT]-multi[tt], the system number is appended to the run input ",
      "and each output filename, for instance [TT]topol.tpr[tt] becomes",
      "[TT]topol0.tpr[tt], [TT]topol1.tpr[tt] etc.",
      "The number of ranks per system is the total number of ranks",
      "divided by the number of systems.",
      "One use of this option is for NMR refinement: when distance",
      "or orientation restraints are present these can be ensemble averaged",
      "over all the systems.[PAR]",
      "With [TT]-replex[tt] replica exchange is attempted every given number",
      "of steps. The number of replicas is set with the [TT]-multi[tt] or ",
      "[TT]-multidir[tt] option, described above.",
      "All run input files should use a different coupling temperature,",
      "the order of the files is not important. The random seed is set with",
      "[TT]-reseed[tt]. The velocities are scaled and neighbor searching",
      "is performed after every exchange.[PAR]",
      "Finally some experimental algorithms can be tested when the",
      "appropriate options have been given. Currently under",
      "investigation are: polarizability.",
      "The option [TT]-membed[tt] does what used to be g_membed, i.e. embed",
      "a protein into a membrane. The data file should contain the options",
      "that where passed to g_membed before. The [TT]-mn[tt] and [TT]-mp[tt]",
      "both apply to this as well.",
      "The option [TT]-pforce[tt] is useful when you suspect a simulation",
      "crashes due to too large forces. With this option coordinates and",
      "forces of atoms with a force larger than a certain value will",
      "be printed to stderr.",
      "Checkpoints containing the complete state of the system are written",
      "at regular intervals (option [TT]-cpt[tt]) to the file [TT]-cpo[tt],",
      "unless option [TT]-cpt[tt] is set to -1.",
      "The previous checkpoint is backed up to [TT]state_prev.cpt[tt] to",
      "make sure that a recent state of the system is always available,",
      "even when the simulation is terminated while writing a checkpoint.",
      "With [TT]-cpnum[tt] all checkpoint files are kept and appended",
      "with the step number.",
      "A simulation can be continued by reading the full state from file",
      "with option [TT]-cpi[tt]. This option is intelligent in the way that",
      "if no checkpoint file is found, Gromacs just assumes a normal run and",
      "starts from the first step of the [TT].tpr[tt] file. By default the output",
      "will be appending to the existing output files. The checkpoint file",
      "contains checksums of all output files, such that you will never",
      "loose data when some output files are modified, corrupt or removed.",
      "There are three scenarios with [TT]-cpi[tt]:[PAR]",
      "[TT]*[tt] no files with matching names are present: new output files are written[PAR]",
      "[TT]*[tt] all files are present with names and checksums matching those stored",
      "in the checkpoint file: files are appended[PAR]",
      "[TT]*[tt] otherwise no files are modified and a fatal error is generated[PAR]",
      "With [TT]-noappend[tt] new output files are opened and the simulation",
      "part number is added to all output file names.",
      "Note that in all cases the checkpoint file itself is not renamed",
      "and will be overwritten, unless its name does not match",
      "the [TT]-cpo[tt] option.",
      "With checkpointing the output is appended to previously written",
      "output files, unless [TT]-noappend[tt] is used or none of the previous",
      "output files are present (except for the checkpoint file).",
      "The integrity of the files to be appended is verified using checksums",
      "which are stored in the checkpoint file. This ensures that output can",
      "not be mixed up or corrupted due to file appending. When only some",
      "of the previous output files are present, a fatal error is generated",
      "and no old output files are modified and no new output files are opened.",
      "The result with appending will be the same as from a single run.",
      "The contents will be binary identical, unless you use a different number",
      "of ranks or dynamic load balancing or the FFT library uses optimizations",
      "through timing.",
      "With option [TT]-maxh[tt] a simulation is terminated and a checkpoint",
      "file is written at the first neighbor search step where the run time",
      "exceeds [TT]-maxh[tt]*0.99 hours.",
      "When [TT]mdrun[tt] receives a TERM signal, it will set nsteps to the current",
      "step plus one. When [TT]mdrun[tt] receives an INT signal (e.g. when ctrl+C is",
      "pressed), it will stop after the next neighbor search step ",
      "(with nstlist=0 at the next step).",
      "In both cases all the usual output will be written to file.",
      "When running with MPI, a signal to one of the [TT]mdrun[tt] ranks",
      "is sufficient, this signal should not be sent to mpirun or",
      "the [TT]mdrun[tt] process that is the parent of the others.",
      "Interactive molecular dynamics (IMD) can be activated by using at least one",
      "of the three IMD switches: The [TT]-imdterm[tt] switch allows to terminate the",
      "simulation from the molecular viewer (e.g. VMD). With [TT]-imdwait[tt],",
      "[TT]mdrun[tt] pauses whenever no IMD client is connected. Pulling from the",
      "IMD remote can be turned on by [TT]-imdpull[tt].",
      "The port [TT]mdrun[tt] listens to can be altered by [TT]-imdport[tt].The",
      "file pointed to by [TT]-if[tt] contains atom indices and forces if IMD",
      "pulling is used."
      "When [TT]mdrun[tt] is started with MPI, it does not run niced by default."
   t_commrec    *cr;
   t_filenm      fnm[] = {
      { efTPX, NULL,      NULL,       ffREAD },
      { efTRN, "-o",      NULL,       ffWRITE },
      { efCOMPRESSED, "-x", NULL,     ffOPTWR },
      { efCPT, "-cpi",    NULL,       ffOPTRD },
      { efCPT, "-cpo",    NULL,       ffOPTWR },
      { efSTO, "-c",      "confout",  ffWRITE },
      { efEDR, "-e",      "ener",     ffWRITE },
      { efLOG, "-g",      "md",       ffWRITE },
      { efXVG, "-dhdl",   "dhdl",     ffOPTWR },
      { efXVG, "-field",  "field",    ffOPTWR },
      { efXVG, "-table",  "table",    ffOPTRD },
      { efXVG, "-tabletf", "tabletf",    ffOPTRD },
      { efXVG, "-tablep", "tablep",   ffOPTRD },
      { efXVG, "-tableb", "table",    ffOPTRD },
      { efTRX, "-rerun",  "rerun",    ffOPTRD },
      { efXVG, "-tpi",    "tpi",      ffOPTWR },
      { efXVG, "-tpid",   "tpidist",  ffOPTWR },
      { efEDI, "-ei",     "sam",      ffOPTRD },
      { efXVG, "-eo",     "edsam",    ffOPTWR },
      { efXVG, "-devout", "deviatie", ffOPTWR },
      { efXVG, "-runav",  "runaver",  ffOPTWR },
      { efXVG, "-px",     "pullx",    ffOPTWR },
      { efXVG, "-pf",     "pullf",    ffOPTWR },
      { efXVG, "-ro",     "rotation", ffOPTWR },
      { efLOG, "-ra",     "rotangles", ffOPTWR },
      { efLOG, "-rs",     "rotslabs", ffOPTWR },
      { efLOG, "-rt",     "rottorque", ffOPTWR },
      { efMTX, "-mtx",    "nm",       ffOPTWR },
      { efNDX, "-dn",     "dipole",   ffOPTWR },
      { efRND, "-multidir", NULL,      ffOPTRDMULT},
      { efDAT, "-membed", "membed",   ffOPTRD },
      { efTOP, "-mp",     "membed",   ffOPTRD },
      { efNDX, "-mn",     "membed",   ffOPTRD },
      { efXVG, "-if",     "imdforces", ffOPTWR },
      { efXVG, "-swap",   "swapions", ffOPTWR },
      { efMDP, "-at",     NULL,       ffOPTRD },  /* at.cfg, only for do_md */
      { efMDP, "-addtop", NULL,       ffOPTRD },  /* add additional topology */
#define NFILE asize(fnm)

   /* Command line options ! */
   gmx_bool        bDDBondCheck  = TRUE;
   gmx_bool        bDDBondComm   = TRUE;
   gmx_bool        bTunePME      = TRUE;
   gmx_bool        bTestVerlet   = FALSE;
   gmx_bool        bVerbose      = FALSE;
   gmx_bool        bCompact      = TRUE;
   gmx_bool        bSepPot       = FALSE;
   gmx_bool        bRerunVSite   = FALSE;
   gmx_bool        bConfout      = TRUE;
   gmx_bool        bReproducible = FALSE;
   gmx_bool        bIMDwait      = FALSE;
   gmx_bool        bIMDterm      = FALSE;
   gmx_bool        bIMDpull      = FALSE;

   int             npme          = -1;
   int             nstlist       = 0;
   int             nmultisim     = 0;
   int             nstglobalcomm = -1;
   int             repl_ex_nst   = 0;
   int             repl_ex_seed  = -1;
   int             repl_ex_nex   = 0;
   int             nstepout      = 100;
   int             resetstep     = -1;
   gmx_int64_t     nsteps        = -2;   /* the value -2 means that the mdp option will be used */
   int             imdport       = 8888; /* can be almost anything, 8888 is easy to remember */

   rvec            realddxyz          = {0, 0, 0};
   const char     *ddno_opt[ddnoNR+1] =
   { NULL, "interleave", "pp_pme", "cartesian", NULL };
   const char     *dddlb_opt[] =
   { NULL, "auto", "no", "yes", NULL };
   const char     *thread_aff_opt[threadaffNR+1] =
   { NULL, "auto", "on", "off", NULL };
   const char     *nbpu_opt[] =
   { NULL, "auto", "cpu", "gpu", "gpu_cpu", NULL };
   real            rdd                   = 0.0, rconstr = 0.0, dlb_scale = 0.8, pforce = -1;
   char           *ddcsx                 = NULL, *ddcsy = NULL, *ddcsz = NULL;
   real            cpt_period            = 15.0, max_hours = -1;
   gmx_bool        bAppendFiles          = TRUE;
   gmx_bool        bKeepAndNumCPT        = FALSE;
   gmx_bool        bResetCountersHalfWay = FALSE;
   output_env_t    oenv                  = NULL;
   const char     *deviceOptions         = "";

   /* Non transparent initialization of a complex gmx_hw_opt_t struct.
    * But unfortunately we are not allowed to call a function here,
    * since declarations follow below.
   gmx_hw_opt_t    hw_opt = {
      0, 0, 0, 0, threadaffSEL, 0, 0,
      { NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL }

   t_pargs         pa[] = {

      { "-dd",      FALSE, etRVEC, {&realddxyz},
	 "Domain decomposition grid, 0 is optimize" },
      { "-ddorder", FALSE, etENUM, {ddno_opt},
	 "DD rank order" },
      { "-npme",    FALSE, etINT, {&npme},
	 "Number of separate ranks to be used for PME, -1 is guess" },
      { "-nt",      FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.nthreads_tot},
	 "Total number of threads to start (0 is guess)" },
      { "-ntmpi",   FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.nthreads_tmpi},
	 "Number of thread-MPI threads to start (0 is guess)" },
      { "-ntomp",   FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.nthreads_omp},
	 "Number of OpenMP threads per MPI rank to start (0 is guess)" },
      { "-ntomp_pme", FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.nthreads_omp_pme},
	 "Number of OpenMP threads per MPI rank to start (0 is -ntomp)" },
      { "-pin",     FALSE, etENUM, {thread_aff_opt},
	 "Set thread affinities" },
      { "-pinoffset", FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.core_pinning_offset},
	 "The starting logical core number for pinning to cores; used to avoid pinning threads from different mdrun instances to the same core" },
      { "-pinstride", FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.core_pinning_stride},
	 "Pinning distance in logical cores for threads, use 0 to minimize the number of threads per physical core" },
      { "-gpu_id",  FALSE, etSTR, {&hw_opt.gpu_opt.gpu_id},
	 "List of GPU device id-s to use, specifies the per-node PP rank to GPU mapping" },
      { "-ddcheck", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bDDBondCheck},
	 "Check for all bonded interactions with DD" },
      { "-ddbondcomm", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bDDBondComm},
	 "HIDDENUse special bonded atom communication when [TT]-rdd[tt] > cut-off" },
      { "-rdd",     FALSE, etREAL, {&rdd},
	 "The maximum distance for bonded interactions with DD (nm), 0 is determine from initial coordinates" },
      { "-rcon",    FALSE, etREAL, {&rconstr},
	 "Maximum distance for P-LINCS (nm), 0 is estimate" },
      { "-dlb",     FALSE, etENUM, {dddlb_opt},
	 "Dynamic load balancing (with DD)" },
      { "-dds",     FALSE, etREAL, {&dlb_scale},
	 "Fraction in (0,1) by whose reciprocal the initial DD cell size will be increased in order to "
	    "provide a margin in which dynamic load balancing can act while preserving the minimum cell size." },
      { "-ddcsx",   FALSE, etSTR, {&ddcsx},
	 "HIDDENA string containing a vector of the relative sizes in the x "
	    "direction of the corresponding DD cells. Only effective with static "
	    "load balancing." },
      { "-ddcsy",   FALSE, etSTR, {&ddcsy},
	 "HIDDENA string containing a vector of the relative sizes in the y "
	    "direction of the corresponding DD cells. Only effective with static "
	    "load balancing." },
      { "-ddcsz",   FALSE, etSTR, {&ddcsz},
	 "HIDDENA string containing a vector of the relative sizes in the z "
	    "direction of the corresponding DD cells. Only effective with static "
	    "load balancing." },
      { "-gcom",    FALSE, etINT, {&nstglobalcomm},
	 "Global communication frequency" },
      { "-nb",      FALSE, etENUM, {&nbpu_opt},
	 "Calculate non-bonded interactions on" },
      { "-nstlist", FALSE, etINT, {&nstlist},
	 "Set nstlist when using a Verlet buffer tolerance (0 is guess)" },
      { "-tunepme", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bTunePME},
	 "Optimize PME load between PP/PME ranks or GPU/CPU" },
      { "-testverlet", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bTestVerlet},
	 "Test the Verlet non-bonded scheme" },
      { "-v",       FALSE, etBOOL, {&bVerbose},
	 "Be loud and noisy" },
      { "-compact", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bCompact},
	 "Write a compact log file" },
      { "-seppot",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bSepPot},
	 "Write separate V and dVdl terms for each interaction type and rank to the log file(s)" },
      { "-pforce",  FALSE, etREAL, {&pforce},
	 "Print all forces larger than this (kJ/mol nm)" },
      { "-reprod",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bReproducible},
	 "Try to avoid optimizations that affect binary reproducibility" },
      { "-cpt",     FALSE, etREAL, {&cpt_period},
	 "Checkpoint interval (minutes)" },
      { "-cpnum",   FALSE, etBOOL, {&bKeepAndNumCPT},
	 "Keep and number checkpoint files" },
      { "-append",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bAppendFiles},
	 "Append to previous output files when continuing from checkpoint instead of adding the simulation part number to all file names" },
      { "-nsteps",  FALSE, etINT64, {&nsteps},
	 "Run this number of steps, overrides .mdp file option" },
      { "-maxh",   FALSE, etREAL, {&max_hours},
	 "Terminate after 0.99 times this time (hours)" },
      { "-multi",   FALSE, etINT, {&nmultisim},
	 "Do multiple simulations in parallel" },
      { "-replex",  FALSE, etINT, {&repl_ex_nst},
	 "Attempt replica exchange periodically with this period (steps)" },
      { "-nex",  FALSE, etINT, {&repl_ex_nex},
	 "Number of random exchanges to carry out each exchange interval (N^3 is one suggestion).  -nex zero or not specified gives neighbor replica exchange." },
      { "-reseed",  FALSE, etINT, {&repl_ex_seed},
	 "Seed for replica exchange, -1 is generate a seed" },
      { "-imdport",    FALSE, etINT, {&imdport},
	 "HIDDENIMD listening port" },
      { "-imdwait",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bIMDwait},
	 "HIDDENPause the simulation while no IMD client is connected" },
      { "-imdterm",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bIMDterm},
	 "HIDDENAllow termination of the simulation from IMD client" },
      { "-imdpull",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bIMDpull},
	 "HIDDENAllow pulling in the simulation from IMD client" },
      { "-rerunvsite", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bRerunVSite},
	 "HIDDENRecalculate virtual site coordinates with [TT]-rerun[tt]" },
      { "-confout", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bConfout},
	 "HIDDENWrite the last configuration with [TT]-c[tt] and force checkpointing at the last step" },
      { "-stepout", FALSE, etINT, {&nstepout},
	 "HIDDENFrequency of writing the remaining wall clock time for the run" },
      { "-resetstep", FALSE, etINT, {&resetstep},
	 "HIDDENReset cycle counters after these many time steps" },
      { "-resethway", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bResetCountersHalfWay},
	 "HIDDENReset the cycle counters after half the number of steps or halfway [TT]-maxh[tt]" }
   unsigned long   Flags, PCA_Flags;
   ivec            ddxyz;
   int             dd_node_order;
   gmx_bool        bAddPart;
   FILE           *fplog, *fpmulti;
   int             sim_part, sim_part_fn;
   const char     *part_suffix = ".part";
   char            suffix[STRLEN];
   int             rc;
   char          **multidir = NULL;

   cr = init_commrec();

   PCA_Flags = (PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM | (MASTER(cr) ? 0 : PCA_QUIET));

   /* Comment this in to do fexist calls only on master
    * works not with rerun or tables at the moment
    * also comment out the version of init_forcerec in md.c
    * with NULL instead of opt2fn
      if (!MASTER(cr))
      PCA_Flags |= PCA_NOT_READ_NODE;

   if (!parse_common_args(&argc, argv, PCA_Flags, NFILE, fnm, asize(pa), pa,
	    asize(desc), desc, 0, NULL, &oenv))
      return 0;

   /* we set these early because they might be used in init_multisystem()
      Note that there is the potential for npme>nnodes until the number of
      threads is set later on, if there's thread parallelization. That shouldn't
      lead to problems. */
   dd_node_order = nenum(ddno_opt);
   cr->npmenodes = npme;

   hw_opt.thread_affinity = nenum(thread_aff_opt);

   /* now check the -multi and -multidir option */
   if (opt2bSet("-multidir", NFILE, fnm))
      if (nmultisim > 0)
	 gmx_fatal(FARGS, "mdrun -multi and -multidir options are mutually exclusive.");
      nmultisim = opt2fns(&multidir, "-multidir", NFILE, fnm);

   if (repl_ex_nst != 0 && nmultisim < 2)
      gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Need at least two replicas for replica exchange (option -multi)");

   if (repl_ex_nex < 0)
      gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Replica exchange number of exchanges needs to be positive");

   if (nmultisim > 1)
      gmx_bool bParFn = (multidir == NULL);
      init_multisystem(cr, nmultisim, multidir, NFILE, fnm, bParFn);
      gmx_fatal(FARGS, "mdrun -multi is not supported with the thread library. "
	    "Please compile GROMACS with MPI support");

   bAddPart = !bAppendFiles;

   /* Check if there is ANY checkpoint file available */
   sim_part    = 1;
   sim_part_fn = sim_part;
   if (opt2bSet("-cpi", NFILE, fnm))
      if (bSepPot && bAppendFiles)
	 gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Output file appending is not supported with -seppot");

      bAppendFiles =
	 read_checkpoint_simulation_part(opt2fn_master("-cpi", NFILE,
		  fnm, cr),
	       &sim_part_fn, NULL, cr,
	       bAppendFiles, NFILE, fnm,
	       part_suffix, &bAddPart);
      if (sim_part_fn == 0 && MULTIMASTER(cr))
	 fprintf(stdout, "No previous checkpoint file present, assuming this is a new run.\n");
	 sim_part = sim_part_fn + 1;

      if (MULTISIM(cr) && MASTER(cr))
	 if (MULTIMASTER(cr))
	    /* Log file is not yet available, so if there's a
	     * problem we can only write to stderr. */
	    fpmulti = stderr;
	    fpmulti = NULL;
	 check_multi_int(fpmulti, cr->ms, sim_part, "simulation part", TRUE);
      bAppendFiles = FALSE;

   if (!bAppendFiles)
      sim_part_fn = sim_part;

   if (bAddPart)
      /* Rename all output files (except checkpoint files) */
      /* create new part name first (zero-filled) */
      sprintf(suffix, "%s%04d", part_suffix, sim_part_fn);

      add_suffix_to_output_names(fnm, NFILE, suffix);
      if (MULTIMASTER(cr))
	 fprintf(stdout, "Checkpoint file is from part %d, new output files will be suffixed '%s'.\n", sim_part-1, suffix);

   Flags = opt2bSet("-rerun", NFILE, fnm) ? MD_RERUN : 0;
   Flags = Flags | (bSepPot       ? MD_SEPPOT       : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bDDBondCheck  ? MD_DDBONDCHECK  : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bDDBondComm   ? MD_DDBONDCOMM   : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bTunePME      ? MD_TUNEPME      : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bTestVerlet   ? MD_TESTVERLET   : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bConfout      ? MD_CONFOUT      : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bRerunVSite   ? MD_RERUN_VSITE  : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bReproducible ? MD_REPRODUCIBLE : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bAppendFiles  ? MD_APPENDFILES  : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (opt2parg_bSet("-append", asize(pa), pa) ? MD_APPENDFILESSET : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bKeepAndNumCPT ? MD_KEEPANDNUMCPT : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (sim_part > 1    ? MD_STARTFROMCPT : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bResetCountersHalfWay ? MD_RESETCOUNTERSHALFWAY : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bIMDwait      ? MD_IMDWAIT      : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bIMDterm      ? MD_IMDTERM      : 0);
   Flags = Flags | (bIMDpull      ? MD_IMDPULL      : 0);
   Flags = Flags | ((opt2bSet("-at", NFILE, fnm)) ? MD_ADAPTIVETEMPERING : 0);
   Flags = Flags | ((opt2bSet("-addtop", NFILE, fnm)) ? MD_MULTOP : 0);

   /* We postpone opening the log file if we are appending, so we can
      first truncate the old log file and append to the correct position
      there instead.  */
   if ((MASTER(cr) || bSepPot) && !bAppendFiles)
      gmx_log_open(ftp2fn(efLOG, NFILE, fnm), cr,
	    !bSepPot, Flags & MD_APPENDFILES, &fplog);
      please_cite(fplog, "Hess2008b");
      please_cite(fplog, "Spoel2005a");
      please_cite(fplog, "Lindahl2001a");
      please_cite(fplog, "Berendsen95a");
   else if (!MASTER(cr) && bSepPot)
      gmx_log_open(ftp2fn(efLOG, NFILE, fnm), cr, !bSepPot, Flags, &fplog);
      fplog = NULL;

   ddxyz[XX] = (int)(realddxyz[XX] + 0.5);
   ddxyz[YY] = (int)(realddxyz[YY] + 0.5);
   ddxyz[ZZ] = (int)(realddxyz[ZZ] + 0.5);

   rc = mdrunner(&hw_opt, fplog, cr, NFILE, fnm, oenv, bVerbose, bCompact,
	 nstglobalcomm, ddxyz, dd_node_order, rdd, rconstr,
	 dddlb_opt[0], dlb_scale, ddcsx, ddcsy, ddcsz,
	 nbpu_opt[0], nstlist,
	 nsteps, nstepout, resetstep,
	 nmultisim, repl_ex_nst, repl_ex_nex, repl_ex_seed,
	 pforce, cpt_period, max_hours, deviceOptions, imdport, Flags);

   /* Log file has to be closed in mdrunner if we are appending to it
      (fplog not set here) */
   if (MASTER(cr) && !bAppendFiles)

   return rc;
Beispiel #9
int gmx_rms(int argc, char *argv[])
    const char     *desc[] =
        "[THISMODULE] compares two structures by computing the root mean square",
        "deviation (RMSD), the size-independent [GRK]rho[grk] similarity parameter",
        "([TT]rho[tt]) or the scaled [GRK]rho[grk] ([TT]rhosc[tt]), ",
        "see Maiorov & Crippen, Proteins [BB]22[bb], 273 (1995).",
        "This is selected by [TT]-what[tt].[PAR]"

        "Each structure from a trajectory ([TT]-f[tt]) is compared to a",
        "reference structure. The reference structure",
        "is taken from the structure file ([TT]-s[tt]).[PAR]",

        "With option [TT]-mir[tt] also a comparison with the mirror image of",
        "the reference structure is calculated.",
        "This is useful as a reference for 'significant' values, see",
        "Maiorov & Crippen, Proteins [BB]22[bb], 273 (1995).[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-prev[tt] produces the comparison with a previous frame",
        "the specified number of frames ago.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-m[tt] produces a matrix in [TT].xpm[tt] format of",
        "comparison values of each structure in the trajectory with respect to",
        "each other structure. This file can be visualized with for instance",
        "[TT]xv[tt] and can be converted to postscript with [gmx-xpm2ps].[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-fit[tt] controls the least-squares fitting of",
        "the structures on top of each other: complete fit (rotation and",
        "translation), translation only, or no fitting at all.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-mw[tt] controls whether mass weighting is done or not.",
        "If you select the option (default) and ",
        "supply a valid [TT].tpr[tt] file masses will be taken from there, ",
        "otherwise the masses will be deduced from the [TT]atommass.dat[tt] file in",
        "[TT]GMXLIB[tt]. This is fine for proteins, but not",
        "necessarily for other molecules. A default mass of 12.011 amu (carbon)",
        "is assigned to unknown atoms. You can check whether this happend by",
        "turning on the [TT]-debug[tt] flag and inspecting the log file.[PAR]",

        "With [TT]-f2[tt], the 'other structures' are taken from a second",
        "trajectory, this generates a comparison matrix of one trajectory",
        "versus the other.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-bin[tt] does a binary dump of the comparison matrix.[PAR]",

        "Option [TT]-bm[tt] produces a matrix of average bond angle deviations",
        "analogously to the [TT]-m[tt] option. Only bonds between atoms in the",
        "comparison group are considered."
    static gmx_bool bPBC              = TRUE, bFitAll = TRUE, bSplit = FALSE;
    static gmx_bool bDeltaLog         = FALSE;
    static int      prev              = 0, freq = 1, freq2 = 1, nlevels = 80, avl = 0;
    static real     rmsd_user_max     = -1, rmsd_user_min = -1, bond_user_max = -1,
                    bond_user_min     = -1, delta_maxy = 0.0;
    /* strings and things for selecting difference method */
        ewSel, ewRMSD, ewRho, ewRhoSc, ewNR
    int         ewhat;
    const char *what[ewNR + 1] =
    { NULL, "rmsd", "rho", "rhosc", NULL };
    const char *whatname[ewNR] =
    { NULL, "RMSD", "Rho", "Rho sc" };
    const char *whatlabel[ewNR] =
    { NULL, "RMSD (nm)", "Rho", "Rho sc" };
    const char *whatxvgname[ewNR] =
    { NULL, "RMSD", "\\8r\\4", "\\8r\\4\\ssc\\N" };
    const char *whatxvglabel[ewNR] =
    { NULL, "RMSD (nm)", "\\8r\\4", "\\8r\\4\\ssc\\N" };
    /* strings and things for fitting methods */
        efSel, efFit, efReset, efNone, efNR
    int             efit;
    const char     *fit[efNR + 1] =
    { NULL, "rot+trans", "translation", "none", NULL };
    const char     *fitgraphlabel[efNR + 1] =
    { NULL, "lsq fit", "translational fit", "no fit" };
    static int      nrms          = 1;
    static gmx_bool bMassWeighted = TRUE;
    t_pargs         pa[]          =
        { "-what", FALSE, etENUM,
          { what }, "Structural difference measure" },
        { "-pbc", FALSE, etBOOL,
          { &bPBC }, "PBC check" },
        { "-fit", FALSE, etENUM,
          { fit }, "Fit to reference structure" },
        { "-prev", FALSE, etINT,
          { &prev }, "Compare with previous frame" },
        { "-split", FALSE, etBOOL,
          { &bSplit }, "Split graph where time is zero" },
        { "-fitall", FALSE, etBOOL,
          { &bFitAll }, "HIDDENFit all pairs of structures in matrix" },
        { "-skip", FALSE, etINT,
          { &freq }, "Only write every nr-th frame to matrix" },
        { "-skip2", FALSE, etINT,
          { &freq2 }, "Only write every nr-th frame to matrix" },
        { "-max", FALSE, etREAL,
          { &rmsd_user_max }, "Maximum level in comparison matrix" },
        { "-min", FALSE, etREAL,
          { &rmsd_user_min }, "Minimum level in comparison matrix" },
        { "-bmax", FALSE, etREAL,
          { &bond_user_max }, "Maximum level in bond angle matrix" },
        { "-bmin", FALSE, etREAL,
          { &bond_user_min }, "Minimum level in bond angle matrix" },
        { "-mw", FALSE, etBOOL,
          { &bMassWeighted }, "Use mass weighting for superposition" },
        { "-nlevels", FALSE, etINT,
          { &nlevels }, "Number of levels in the matrices" },
        { "-ng", FALSE, etINT,
          { &nrms }, "Number of groups to compute RMS between" },
        { "-dlog", FALSE, etBOOL,
          { &bDeltaLog },
          "HIDDENUse a log x-axis in the delta t matrix" },
        { "-dmax", FALSE, etREAL,
          { &delta_maxy }, "HIDDENMaximum level in delta matrix" },
        { "-aver", FALSE, etINT,
          { &avl },
          "HIDDENAverage over this distance in the RMSD matrix" }
    int             natoms_trx, natoms_trx2, natoms;
    int             i, j, k, m, teller, teller2, tel_mat, tel_mat2;
#define NFRAME 5000
    int             maxframe = NFRAME, maxframe2 = NFRAME;
    real            t, *w_rls, *w_rms, *w_rls_m = NULL, *w_rms_m = NULL;
    gmx_bool        bNorm, bAv, bFreq2, bFile2, bMat, bBond, bDelta, bMirror, bMass;
    gmx_bool        bFit, bReset;
    t_topology      top;
    int             ePBC;
    t_iatom        *iatom = NULL;

    matrix          box;
    rvec           *x, *xp, *xm = NULL, **mat_x = NULL, **mat_x2, *mat_x2_j = NULL, vec1,
    t_trxstatus    *status;
    char            buf[256], buf2[256];
    int             ncons = 0;
    FILE           *fp;
    real            rlstot = 0, **rls, **rlsm = NULL, *time, *time2, *rlsnorm = NULL,
    **rmsd_mat             = NULL, **bond_mat = NULL, *axis, *axis2, *del_xaxis,
    *del_yaxis, rmsd_max, rmsd_min, rmsd_avg, bond_max, bond_min, ang;
    real       **rmsdav_mat = NULL, av_tot, weight, weight_tot;
    real       **delta      = NULL, delta_max, delta_scalex = 0, delta_scaley = 0,
    int          delta_xsize = 0, del_lev = 100, mx, my, abs_my;
    gmx_bool     bA1, bA2, bPrev, bTop, *bInMat = NULL;
    int          ifit, *irms, ibond = 0, *ind_bond1 = NULL, *ind_bond2 = NULL, n_ind_m =
    atom_id     *ind_fit, **ind_rms, *ind_m = NULL, *rev_ind_m = NULL, *ind_rms_m =
    char        *gn_fit, **gn_rms;
    t_rgb        rlo, rhi;
    output_env_t oenv;
    gmx_rmpbc_t  gpbc = NULL;

    t_filenm     fnm[] =
        { efTPS, NULL, NULL, ffREAD },
        { efTRX, "-f", NULL, ffREAD },
        { efTRX, "-f2", NULL, ffOPTRD },
        { efNDX, NULL, NULL, ffOPTRD },
        { efXVG, NULL, "rmsd", ffWRITE },
        { efXVG, "-mir", "rmsdmir", ffOPTWR },
        { efXVG, "-a", "avgrp", ffOPTWR },
        { efXVG, "-dist", "rmsd-dist", ffOPTWR },
        { efXPM, "-m", "rmsd", ffOPTWR },
        { efDAT, "-bin", "rmsd", ffOPTWR },
        { efXPM, "-bm", "bond", ffOPTWR }
#define NFILE asize(fnm)

    if (!parse_common_args(&argc, argv, PCA_CAN_TIME | PCA_TIME_UNIT | PCA_CAN_VIEW
                           | PCA_BE_NICE, NFILE, fnm, asize(pa), pa, asize(desc), desc, 0, NULL,
        return 0;
    /* parse enumerated options: */
    ewhat = nenum(what);
    if (ewhat == ewRho || ewhat == ewRhoSc)
        please_cite(stdout, "Maiorov95");
    efit   = nenum(fit);
    bFit   = efit == efFit;
    bReset = efit == efReset;
    if (bFit)
        bReset = TRUE; /* for fit, reset *must* be set */
        bFitAll = FALSE;

    /* mark active cmdline options */
    bMirror = opt2bSet("-mir", NFILE, fnm); /* calc RMSD vs mirror of ref. */
    bFile2  = opt2bSet("-f2", NFILE, fnm);
    bMat    = opt2bSet("-m", NFILE, fnm);
    bBond   = opt2bSet("-bm", NFILE, fnm);
    bDelta  = (delta_maxy > 0); /* calculate rmsd vs delta t matrix from *
                                 *	your RMSD matrix (hidden option       */
    bNorm   = opt2bSet("-a", NFILE, fnm);
    bFreq2  = opt2parg_bSet("-skip2", asize(pa), pa);
    if (freq <= 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "The number of frames to skip is <= 0. "
                "Writing out all frames.\n\n");
        freq = 1;
    if (!bFreq2)
        freq2 = freq;
    else if (bFile2 && freq2 <= 0)
                "The number of frames to skip in second trajectory is <= 0.\n"
                "  Writing out all frames.\n\n");
        freq2 = 1;

    bPrev = (prev > 0);
    if (bPrev)
        prev = abs(prev);
        if (freq != 1)
            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: option -skip also applies to -prev\n");

    if (bFile2 && !bMat && !bBond)
                "WARNING: second trajectory (-f2) useless when not calculating matrix (-m/-bm),\n"
                "         will not read from %s\n", opt2fn("-f2", NFILE,
        bFile2 = FALSE;

    if (bDelta)
        bMat = TRUE;
        if (bFile2)
                    "WARNING: second trajectory (-f2) useless when making delta matrix,\n"
                    "         will not read from %s\n", opt2fn("-f2",
                                                               NFILE, fnm));
            bFile2 = FALSE;

    bTop = read_tps_conf(ftp2fn(efTPS, NFILE, fnm), buf, &top, &ePBC, &xp,
                         NULL, box, TRUE);

    if (!bTop && bBond)
                "WARNING: Need a run input file for bond angle matrix,\n"
                "         will not calculate bond angle matrix.\n");
        bBond = FALSE;

    if (bReset)
        fprintf(stderr, "Select group for %s fit\n", bFit ? "least squares"
                : "translational");
        get_index(&(top.atoms), ftp2fn_null(efNDX, NFILE, fnm), 1, &ifit,
                  &ind_fit, &gn_fit);
        ifit = 0;

    if (bReset)
        if (bFit && ifit < 3)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Need >= 3 points to fit!\n" );

        bMass = FALSE;
        for (i = 0; i < ifit; i++)
            if (bMassWeighted)
                w_rls[ind_fit[i]] = top.atoms.atom[ind_fit[i]].m;
                w_rls[ind_fit[i]] = 1;
            bMass = bMass || (top.atoms.atom[ind_fit[i]].m != 0);
        if (!bMass)
            fprintf(stderr, "All masses in the fit group are 0, using masses of 1\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ifit; i++)
                w_rls[ind_fit[i]] = 1;

    if (bMat || bBond)
        nrms = 1;

    snew(gn_rms, nrms);
    snew(ind_rms, nrms);
    snew(irms, nrms);

    fprintf(stderr, "Select group%s for %s calculation\n",
            (nrms > 1) ? "s" : "", whatname[ewhat]);
    get_index(&(top.atoms), ftp2fn_null(efNDX, NFILE, fnm),
              nrms, irms, ind_rms, gn_rms);

    if (bNorm)
        snew(rlsnorm, irms[0]);
    snew(rls, nrms);
    for (j = 0; j < nrms; j++)
        snew(rls[j], maxframe);
    if (bMirror)
        snew(rlsm, nrms);
        for (j = 0; j < nrms; j++)
            snew(rlsm[j], maxframe);
    snew(time, maxframe);
    for (j = 0; j < nrms; j++)
        bMass = FALSE;
        for (i = 0; i < irms[j]; i++)
            if (bMassWeighted)
                w_rms[ind_rms[j][i]] = top.atoms.atom[ind_rms[j][i]].m;
                w_rms[ind_rms[j][i]] = 1.0;
            bMass = bMass || (top.atoms.atom[ind_rms[j][i]].m != 0);
        if (!bMass)
            fprintf(stderr, "All masses in group %d are 0, using masses of 1\n", j);
            for (i = 0; i < irms[j]; i++)
                w_rms[ind_rms[j][i]] = 1;
    /* Prepare reference frame */
    if (bPBC)
        gpbc = gmx_rmpbc_init(&top.idef, ePBC,;
        gmx_rmpbc(gpbc,, box, xp);
    if (bReset)
        reset_x(ifit, ind_fit,, NULL, xp, w_rls);
    if (bMirror)
        /* generate reference structure mirror image: */
        for (i = 0; i <; i++)
            copy_rvec(xp[i], xm[i]);
            xm[i][XX] = -xm[i][XX];
    if (ewhat == ewRhoSc)
        norm_princ(&top.atoms, ifit, ind_fit,, xp);

    /* read first frame */
    natoms_trx = read_first_x(oenv, &status, opt2fn("-f", NFILE, fnm), &t, &x, box);
    if (natoms_trx !=
                "\nWARNING: topology has %d atoms, whereas trajectory has %d\n",
      , natoms_trx);
    natoms = min(, natoms_trx);
    if (bMat || bBond || bPrev)
        snew(mat_x, NFRAME);

        if (bPrev)
            /* With -prev we use all atoms for simplicity */
            n_ind_m = natoms;
            /* Check which atoms we need (fit/rms) */
            snew(bInMat, natoms);
            for (i = 0; i < ifit; i++)
                bInMat[ind_fit[i]] = TRUE;
            n_ind_m = ifit;
            for (i = 0; i < irms[0]; i++)
                if (!bInMat[ind_rms[0][i]])
                    bInMat[ind_rms[0][i]] = TRUE;
        /* Make an index of needed atoms */
        snew(ind_m, n_ind_m);
        snew(rev_ind_m, natoms);
        j = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < natoms; i++)
            if (bPrev || bInMat[i])
                ind_m[j]     = i;
                rev_ind_m[i] = j;
        snew(w_rls_m, n_ind_m);
        snew(ind_rms_m, irms[0]);
        snew(w_rms_m, n_ind_m);
        for (i = 0; i < ifit; i++)
            w_rls_m[rev_ind_m[ind_fit[i]]] = w_rls[ind_fit[i]];
        for (i = 0; i < irms[0]; i++)
            ind_rms_m[i]          = rev_ind_m[ind_rms[0][i]];
            w_rms_m[ind_rms_m[i]] = w_rms[ind_rms[0][i]];

    if (bBond)
        ncons = 0;
        for (k = 0; k < F_NRE; k++)
            if (IS_CHEMBOND(k))
                iatom  =[k].iatoms;
                ncons +=[k].nr/3;
        fprintf(stderr, "Found %d bonds in topology\n", ncons);
        snew(ind_bond1, ncons);
        snew(ind_bond2, ncons);
        ibond = 0;
        for (k = 0; k < F_NRE; k++)
            if (IS_CHEMBOND(k))
                iatom =[k].iatoms;
                ncons =[k].nr/3;
                for (i = 0; i < ncons; i++)
                    bA1 = FALSE;
                    bA2 = FALSE;
                    for (j = 0; j < irms[0]; j++)
                        if (iatom[3*i+1] == ind_rms[0][j])
                            bA1 = TRUE;
                        if (iatom[3*i+2] == ind_rms[0][j])
                            bA2 = TRUE;
                    if (bA1 && bA2)
                        ind_bond1[ibond] = rev_ind_m[iatom[3*i+1]];
                        ind_bond2[ibond] = rev_ind_m[iatom[3*i+2]];
        fprintf(stderr, "Using %d bonds for bond angle matrix\n", ibond);
        if (ibond == 0)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "0 bonds found");

    /* start looping over frames: */
    tel_mat = 0;
    teller  = 0;
        if (bPBC)
            gmx_rmpbc(gpbc, natoms, box, x);

        if (bReset)
            reset_x(ifit, ind_fit, natoms, NULL, x, w_rls);
        if (ewhat == ewRhoSc)
            norm_princ(&top.atoms, ifit, ind_fit, natoms, x);

        if (bFit)
            /*do the least squares fit to original structure*/
            do_fit(natoms, w_rls, xp, x);

        if (teller % freq == 0)
            /* keep frame for matrix calculation */
            if (bMat || bBond || bPrev)
                if (tel_mat >= NFRAME)
                    srenew(mat_x, tel_mat+1);
                snew(mat_x[tel_mat], n_ind_m);
                for (i = 0; i < n_ind_m; i++)
                    copy_rvec(x[ind_m[i]], mat_x[tel_mat][i]);

        /*calculate energy of root_least_squares*/
        if (bPrev)
            j = tel_mat-prev-1;
            if (j < 0)
                j = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < n_ind_m; i++)
                copy_rvec(mat_x[j][i], xp[ind_m[i]]);
            if (bReset)
                reset_x(ifit, ind_fit, natoms, NULL, xp, w_rls);
            if (bFit)
                do_fit(natoms, w_rls, x, xp);
        for (j = 0; (j < nrms); j++)
            rls[j][teller] =
                calc_similar_ind(ewhat != ewRMSD, irms[j], ind_rms[j], w_rms, x, xp);
        if (bNorm)
            for (j = 0; (j < irms[0]); j++)
                rlsnorm[j] +=
                    calc_similar_ind(ewhat != ewRMSD, 1, &(ind_rms[0][j]), w_rms, x, xp);

        if (bMirror)
            if (bFit)
                /*do the least squares fit to mirror of original structure*/
                do_fit(natoms, w_rls, xm, x);

            for (j = 0; j < nrms; j++)
                rlsm[j][teller] =
                    calc_similar_ind(ewhat != ewRMSD, irms[j], ind_rms[j], w_rms, x, xm);
        time[teller] = output_env_conv_time(oenv, t);

        if (teller >= maxframe)
            maxframe += NFRAME;
            srenew(time, maxframe);
            for (j = 0; (j < nrms); j++)
                srenew(rls[j], maxframe);
            if (bMirror)
                for (j = 0; (j < nrms); j++)
                    srenew(rlsm[j], maxframe);
    while (read_next_x(oenv, status, &t, x, box));

    if (bFile2)
        snew(time2, maxframe2);

        fprintf(stderr, "\nWill read second trajectory file\n");
        snew(mat_x2, NFRAME);
        natoms_trx2 =
            read_first_x(oenv, &status, opt2fn("-f2", NFILE, fnm), &t, &x, box);
        if (natoms_trx2 != natoms_trx)
                      "Second trajectory (%d atoms) does not match the first one"
                      " (%d atoms)", natoms_trx2, natoms_trx);
        tel_mat2 = 0;
        teller2  = 0;
            if (bPBC)
                gmx_rmpbc(gpbc, natoms, box, x);

            if (bReset)
                reset_x(ifit, ind_fit, natoms, NULL, x, w_rls);
            if (ewhat == ewRhoSc)
                norm_princ(&top.atoms, ifit, ind_fit, natoms, x);

            if (bFit)
                /*do the least squares fit to original structure*/
                do_fit(natoms, w_rls, xp, x);

            if (teller2 % freq2 == 0)
                /* keep frame for matrix calculation */
                if (bMat)
                    if (tel_mat2 >= NFRAME)
                        srenew(mat_x2, tel_mat2+1);
                    snew(mat_x2[tel_mat2], n_ind_m);
                    for (i = 0; i < n_ind_m; i++)
                        copy_rvec(x[ind_m[i]], mat_x2[tel_mat2][i]);

            time2[teller2] = output_env_conv_time(oenv, t);

            if (teller2 >= maxframe2)
                maxframe2 += NFRAME;
                srenew(time2, maxframe2);
        while (read_next_x(oenv, status, &t, x, box));
        mat_x2   = mat_x;
        time2    = time;
        tel_mat2 = tel_mat;
        freq2    = freq;

    if (bMat || bBond)
        /* calculate RMS matrix */
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        if (bMat)
            fprintf(stderr, "Building %s matrix, %dx%d elements\n",
                    whatname[ewhat], tel_mat, tel_mat2);
            snew(rmsd_mat, tel_mat);
        if (bBond)
            fprintf(stderr, "Building bond angle matrix, %dx%d elements\n",
                    tel_mat, tel_mat2);
            snew(bond_mat, tel_mat);
        snew(axis, tel_mat);
        snew(axis2, tel_mat2);
        rmsd_max = 0;
        if (bFile2)
            rmsd_min = 1e10;
            rmsd_min = 0;
        rmsd_avg = 0;
        bond_max = 0;
        bond_min = 1e10;
        for (j = 0; j < tel_mat2; j++)
            axis2[j] = time2[freq2*j];
        if (bDelta)
            if (bDeltaLog)
                delta_scalex = 8.0/log(2.0);
                delta_xsize  = (int)(log(tel_mat/2)*delta_scalex+0.5)+1;
                delta_xsize = tel_mat/2;
            delta_scaley = 1.0/delta_maxy;
            snew(delta, delta_xsize);
            for (j = 0; j < delta_xsize; j++)
                snew(delta[j], del_lev+1);
            if (avl > 0)
                snew(rmsdav_mat, tel_mat);
                for (j = 0; j < tel_mat; j++)
                    snew(rmsdav_mat[j], tel_mat);

        if (bFitAll)
            snew(mat_x2_j, natoms);
        for (i = 0; i < tel_mat; i++)
            axis[i] = time[freq*i];
            fprintf(stderr, "\r element %5d; time %5.2f  ", i, axis[i]);
            if (bMat)
                snew(rmsd_mat[i], tel_mat2);
            if (bBond)
                snew(bond_mat[i], tel_mat2);
            for (j = 0; j < tel_mat2; j++)
                if (bFitAll)
                    for (k = 0; k < n_ind_m; k++)
                        copy_rvec(mat_x2[j][k], mat_x2_j[k]);
                    do_fit(n_ind_m, w_rls_m, mat_x[i], mat_x2_j);
                    mat_x2_j = mat_x2[j];
                if (bMat)
                    if (bFile2 || (i < j))
                        rmsd_mat[i][j] =
                            calc_similar_ind(ewhat != ewRMSD, irms[0], ind_rms_m,
                                             w_rms_m, mat_x[i], mat_x2_j);
                        if (rmsd_mat[i][j] > rmsd_max)
                            rmsd_max = rmsd_mat[i][j];
                        if (rmsd_mat[i][j] < rmsd_min)
                            rmsd_min = rmsd_mat[i][j];
                        rmsd_avg += rmsd_mat[i][j];
                        rmsd_mat[i][j] = rmsd_mat[j][i];
                if (bBond)
                    if (bFile2 || (i <= j))
                        ang = 0.0;
                        for (m = 0; m < ibond; m++)
                            rvec_sub(mat_x[i][ind_bond1[m]], mat_x[i][ind_bond2[m]], vec1);
                            rvec_sub(mat_x2_j[ind_bond1[m]], mat_x2_j[ind_bond2[m]], vec2);
                            ang += acos(cos_angle(vec1, vec2));
                        bond_mat[i][j] = ang*180.0/(M_PI*ibond);
                        if (bond_mat[i][j] > bond_max)
                            bond_max = bond_mat[i][j];
                        if (bond_mat[i][j] < bond_min)
                            bond_min = bond_mat[i][j];
                        bond_mat[i][j] = bond_mat[j][i];
        if (bFile2)
            rmsd_avg /= tel_mat*tel_mat2;
            rmsd_avg /= tel_mat*(tel_mat - 1)/2;
        if (bMat && (avl > 0))
            rmsd_max = 0.0;
            rmsd_min = 0.0;
            rmsd_avg = 0.0;
            for (j = 0; j < tel_mat-1; j++)
                for (i = j+1; i < tel_mat; i++)
                    av_tot     = 0;
                    weight_tot = 0;
                    for (my = -avl; my <= avl; my++)
                        if ((j+my >= 0) && (j+my < tel_mat))
                            abs_my = abs(my);
                            for (mx = -avl; mx <= avl; mx++)
                                if ((i+mx >= 0) && (i+mx < tel_mat))
                                    weight      = (real)(avl+1-max(abs(mx), abs_my));
                                    av_tot     += weight*rmsd_mat[i+mx][j+my];
                                    weight_tot += weight;
                    rmsdav_mat[i][j] = av_tot/weight_tot;
                    rmsdav_mat[j][i] = rmsdav_mat[i][j];
                    if (rmsdav_mat[i][j] > rmsd_max)
                        rmsd_max = rmsdav_mat[i][j];
            rmsd_mat = rmsdav_mat;

        if (bMat)
            fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: Min %f, Max %f, Avg %f\n",
                    whatname[ewhat], rmsd_min, rmsd_max, rmsd_avg);
            rlo.r = 1; rlo.g = 1; rlo.b = 1;
            rhi.r = 0; rhi.g = 0; rhi.b = 0;
            if (rmsd_user_max != -1)
                rmsd_max = rmsd_user_max;
            if (rmsd_user_min != -1)
                rmsd_min = rmsd_user_min;
            if ((rmsd_user_max !=  -1) || (rmsd_user_min != -1))
                fprintf(stderr, "Min and Max value set to resp. %f and %f\n",
                        rmsd_min, rmsd_max);
            sprintf(buf, "%s %s matrix", gn_rms[0], whatname[ewhat]);
            write_xpm(opt2FILE("-m", NFILE, fnm, "w"), 0, buf, whatlabel[ewhat],
                      output_env_get_time_label(oenv), output_env_get_time_label(oenv), tel_mat, tel_mat2,
                      axis, axis2, rmsd_mat, rmsd_min, rmsd_max, rlo, rhi, &nlevels);
            /* Print the distribution of RMSD values */
            if (opt2bSet("-dist", NFILE, fnm))
                low_rmsd_dist(opt2fn("-dist", NFILE, fnm), rmsd_max, tel_mat, rmsd_mat, oenv);

            if (bDelta)
                snew(delta_tot, delta_xsize);
                for (j = 0; j < tel_mat-1; j++)
                    for (i = j+1; i < tel_mat; i++)
                        mx = i-j;
                        if (mx < tel_mat/2)
                            if (bDeltaLog)
                                mx = (int)(log(mx)*delta_scalex+0.5);
                            my             = (int)(rmsd_mat[i][j]*delta_scaley*del_lev+0.5);
                            delta_tot[mx] += 1.0;
                            if ((rmsd_mat[i][j] >= 0) && (rmsd_mat[i][j] <= delta_maxy))
                                delta[mx][my] += 1.0;
                delta_max = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < delta_xsize; i++)
                    if (delta_tot[i] > 0.0)
                        delta_tot[i] = 1.0/delta_tot[i];
                        for (j = 0; j <= del_lev; j++)
                            delta[i][j] *= delta_tot[i];
                            if (delta[i][j] > delta_max)
                                delta_max = delta[i][j];
                fprintf(stderr, "Maximum in delta matrix: %f\n", delta_max);
                snew(del_xaxis, delta_xsize);
                snew(del_yaxis, del_lev+1);
                for (i = 0; i < delta_xsize; i++)
                    del_xaxis[i] = axis[i]-axis[0];
                for (i = 0; i < del_lev+1; i++)
                    del_yaxis[i] = delta_maxy*i/del_lev;
                sprintf(buf, "%s %s vs. delta t", gn_rms[0], whatname[ewhat]);
                fp = gmx_ffopen("delta.xpm", "w");
                write_xpm(fp, 0, buf, "density", output_env_get_time_label(oenv), whatlabel[ewhat],
                          delta_xsize, del_lev+1, del_xaxis, del_yaxis,
                          delta, 0.0, delta_max, rlo, rhi, &nlevels);
            if (opt2bSet("-bin", NFILE, fnm))
                /* NB: File must be binary if we use fwrite */
                fp = ftp2FILE(efDAT, NFILE, fnm, "wb");
                for (i = 0; i < tel_mat; i++)
                    if (fwrite(rmsd_mat[i], sizeof(**rmsd_mat), tel_mat2, fp) != tel_mat2)
                        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Error writing to output file");
        if (bBond)
            fprintf(stderr, "\nMin. angle: %f, Max. angle: %f\n", bond_min, bond_max);
            if (bond_user_max != -1)
                bond_max = bond_user_max;
            if (bond_user_min != -1)
                bond_min = bond_user_min;
            if ((bond_user_max !=  -1) || (bond_user_min != -1))
                fprintf(stderr, "Bond angle Min and Max set to:\n"
                        "Min. angle: %f, Max. angle: %f\n", bond_min, bond_max);
            rlo.r = 1; rlo.g = 1; rlo.b = 1;
            rhi.r = 0; rhi.g = 0; rhi.b = 0;
            sprintf(buf, "%s av. bond angle deviation", gn_rms[0]);
            write_xpm(opt2FILE("-bm", NFILE, fnm, "w"), 0, buf, "degrees",
                      output_env_get_time_label(oenv), output_env_get_time_label(oenv), tel_mat, tel_mat2,
                      axis, axis2, bond_mat, bond_min, bond_max, rlo, rhi, &nlevels);

    bAv = opt2bSet("-a", NFILE, fnm);

    /* Write the RMSD's to file */
    if (!bPrev)
        sprintf(buf, "%s", whatxvgname[ewhat]);
        sprintf(buf, "%s with frame %g %s ago", whatxvgname[ewhat],
                time[prev*freq]-time[0], output_env_get_time_label(oenv));
    fp = xvgropen(opt2fn("-o", NFILE, fnm), buf, output_env_get_xvgr_tlabel(oenv),
                  whatxvglabel[ewhat], oenv);
    if (output_env_get_print_xvgr_codes(oenv))
        fprintf(fp, "@ subtitle \"%s%s after %s%s%s\"\n",
                (nrms == 1) ? "" : "of ", gn_rms[0], fitgraphlabel[efit],
                bFit     ? " to " : "", bFit ? gn_fit : "");
    if (nrms != 1)
        xvgr_legend(fp, nrms, (const char**)gn_rms, oenv);
    for (i = 0; (i < teller); i++)
        if (bSplit && i > 0 &&
            abs(time[bPrev ? freq*i : i]/output_env_get_time_factor(oenv)) < 1e-5)
            fprintf(fp, "&\n");
        fprintf(fp, "%12.7f", time[bPrev ? freq*i : i]);
        for (j = 0; (j < nrms); j++)
            fprintf(fp, " %12.7f", rls[j][i]);
            if (bAv)
                rlstot += rls[j][i];
        fprintf(fp, "\n");

    if (bMirror)
        /* Write the mirror RMSD's to file */
        sprintf(buf, "%s with Mirror", whatxvgname[ewhat]);
        sprintf(buf2, "Mirror %s", whatxvglabel[ewhat]);
        fp = xvgropen(opt2fn("-mir", NFILE, fnm), buf, output_env_get_xvgr_tlabel(oenv),
                      buf2, oenv);
        if (nrms == 1)
            if (output_env_get_print_xvgr_codes(oenv))
                fprintf(fp, "@ subtitle \"of %s after lsq fit to mirror of %s\"\n",
                        gn_rms[0], gn_fit);
            if (output_env_get_print_xvgr_codes(oenv))
                fprintf(fp, "@ subtitle \"after lsq fit to mirror %s\"\n", gn_fit);
            xvgr_legend(fp, nrms, (const char**)gn_rms, oenv);
        for (i = 0; (i < teller); i++)
            if (bSplit && i > 0 && abs(time[i]) < 1e-5)
                fprintf(fp, "&\n");
            fprintf(fp, "%12.7f", time[i]);
            for (j = 0; (j < nrms); j++)
                fprintf(fp, " %12.7f", rlsm[j][i]);
            fprintf(fp, "\n");

    if (bAv)
        sprintf(buf, "Average %s", whatxvgname[ewhat]);
        sprintf(buf2, "Average %s", whatxvglabel[ewhat]);
        fp = xvgropen(opt2fn("-a", NFILE, fnm), buf, "Residue", buf2, oenv);
        for (j = 0; (j < nrms); j++)
            fprintf(fp, "%10d  %10g\n", j, rlstot/teller);

    if (bNorm)
        fp = xvgropen("aver.xvg", gn_rms[0], "Residue", whatxvglabel[ewhat], oenv);
        for (j = 0; (j < irms[0]); j++)
            fprintf(fp, "%10d  %10g\n", j, rlsnorm[j]/teller);
    do_view(oenv, opt2fn_null("-a", NFILE, fnm), "-graphtype bar");
    do_view(oenv, opt2fn("-o", NFILE, fnm), NULL);
    do_view(oenv, opt2fn_null("-mir", NFILE, fnm), NULL);
    do_view(oenv, opt2fn_null("-m", NFILE, fnm), NULL);
    do_view(oenv, opt2fn_null("-bm", NFILE, fnm), NULL);
    do_view(oenv, opt2fn_null("-dist", NFILE, fnm), NULL);

    return 0;
Beispiel #10
//! Implements C-style main function for mdrun
int gmx_mdrun(int argc, char *argv[])
    const char   *desc[] = {
        "[THISMODULE] is the main computational chemistry engine",
        "within GROMACS. Obviously, it performs Molecular Dynamics simulations,",
        "but it can also perform Stochastic Dynamics, Energy Minimization,",
        "test particle insertion or (re)calculation of energies.",
        "Normal mode analysis is another option. In this case [TT]mdrun[tt]",
        "builds a Hessian matrix from single conformation.",
        "For usual Normal Modes-like calculations, make sure that",
        "the structure provided is properly energy-minimized.",
        "The generated matrix can be diagonalized by [gmx-nmeig].[PAR]",
        "The [TT]mdrun[tt] program reads the run input file ([TT]-s[tt])",
        "and distributes the topology over ranks if needed.",
        "[TT]mdrun[tt] produces at least four output files.",
        "A single log file ([TT]-g[tt]) is written.",
        "The trajectory file ([TT]-o[tt]), contains coordinates, velocities and",
        "optionally forces.",
        "The structure file ([TT]-c[tt]) contains the coordinates and",
        "velocities of the last step.",
        "The energy file ([TT]-e[tt]) contains energies, the temperature,",
        "pressure, etc, a lot of these things are also printed in the log file.",
        "Optionally coordinates can be written to a compressed trajectory file",
        "The option [TT]-dhdl[tt] is only used when free energy calculation is",
        "turned on.[PAR]",
        "Running mdrun efficiently in parallel is a complex topic topic,",
        "many aspects of which are covered in the online User Guide. You",
        "should look there for practical advice on using many of the options",
        "available in mdrun.[PAR]",
        "ED (essential dynamics) sampling and/or additional flooding potentials",
        "are switched on by using the [TT]-ei[tt] flag followed by an [REF].edi[ref]",
        "file. The [REF].edi[ref] file can be produced with the [TT]make_edi[tt] tool",
        "or by using options in the essdyn menu of the WHAT IF program.",
        "[TT]mdrun[tt] produces a [REF].xvg[ref] output file that",
        "contains projections of positions, velocities and forces onto selected",
        "When user-defined potential functions have been selected in the",
        "[REF].mdp[ref] file the [TT]-table[tt] option is used to pass [TT]mdrun[tt]",
        "a formatted table with potential functions. The file is read from",
        "either the current directory or from the [TT]GMXLIB[tt] directory.",
        "A number of pre-formatted tables are presented in the [TT]GMXLIB[tt] dir,",
        "for 6-8, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11, 6-12 Lennard-Jones potentials with",
        "normal Coulomb.",
        "When pair interactions are present, a separate table for pair interaction",
        "functions is read using the [TT]-tablep[tt] option.[PAR]",
        "When tabulated bonded functions are present in the topology,",
        "interaction functions are read using the [TT]-tableb[tt] option.",
        "For each different tabulated interaction type used, a table file name must",
        "be given. For the topology to work, a file name given here must match a",
        "character sequence before the file extension. That sequence is: an underscore,",
        "then a 'b' for bonds, an 'a' for angles or a 'd' for dihedrals,",
        "and finally the matching table number index used in the topology.[PAR]",
        "The options [TT]-px[tt] and [TT]-pf[tt] are used for writing pull COM",
        "coordinates and forces when pulling is selected",
        "in the [REF].mdp[ref] file.[PAR]",
        "Finally some experimental algorithms can be tested when the",
        "appropriate options have been given. Currently under",
        "investigation are: polarizability.",
        "The option [TT]-membed[tt] does what used to be g_membed, i.e. embed",
        "a protein into a membrane. This module requires a number of settings",
        "that are provided in a data file that is the argument of this option.",
        "For more details in membrane embedding, see the documentation in the",
        "user guide. The options [TT]-mn[tt] and [TT]-mp[tt] are used to provide",
        "the index and topology files used for the embedding.",
        "The option [TT]-pforce[tt] is useful when you suspect a simulation",
        "crashes due to too large forces. With this option coordinates and",
        "forces of atoms with a force larger than a certain value will",
        "be printed to stderr. It will also terminate the run when non-finite",
        "forces are present.",
        "Checkpoints containing the complete state of the system are written",
        "at regular intervals (option [TT]-cpt[tt]) to the file [TT]-cpo[tt],",
        "unless option [TT]-cpt[tt] is set to -1.",
        "The previous checkpoint is backed up to [TT]state_prev.cpt[tt] to",
        "make sure that a recent state of the system is always available,",
        "even when the simulation is terminated while writing a checkpoint.",
        "With [TT]-cpnum[tt] all checkpoint files are kept and appended",
        "with the step number.",
        "A simulation can be continued by reading the full state from file",
        "with option [TT]-cpi[tt]. This option is intelligent in the way that",
        "if no checkpoint file is found, GROMACS just assumes a normal run and",
        "starts from the first step of the [REF].tpr[ref] file. By default the output",
        "will be appending to the existing output files. The checkpoint file",
        "contains checksums of all output files, such that you will never",
        "loose data when some output files are modified, corrupt or removed.",
        "There are three scenarios with [TT]-cpi[tt]:[PAR]",
        "[TT]*[tt] no files with matching names are present: new output files are written[PAR]",
        "[TT]*[tt] all files are present with names and checksums matching those stored",
        "in the checkpoint file: files are appended[PAR]",
        "[TT]*[tt] otherwise no files are modified and a fatal error is generated[PAR]",
        "With [TT]-noappend[tt] new output files are opened and the simulation",
        "part number is added to all output file names.",
        "Note that in all cases the checkpoint file itself is not renamed",
        "and will be overwritten, unless its name does not match",
        "the [TT]-cpo[tt] option.",
        "With checkpointing the output is appended to previously written",
        "output files, unless [TT]-noappend[tt] is used or none of the previous",
        "output files are present (except for the checkpoint file).",
        "The integrity of the files to be appended is verified using checksums",
        "which are stored in the checkpoint file. This ensures that output can",
        "not be mixed up or corrupted due to file appending. When only some",
        "of the previous output files are present, a fatal error is generated",
        "and no old output files are modified and no new output files are opened.",
        "The result with appending will be the same as from a single run.",
        "The contents will be binary identical, unless you use a different number",
        "of ranks or dynamic load balancing or the FFT library uses optimizations",
        "through timing.",
        "With option [TT]-maxh[tt] a simulation is terminated and a checkpoint",
        "file is written at the first neighbor search step where the run time",
        "exceeds [TT]-maxh[tt]\\*0.99 hours. This option is particularly useful in",
        "combination with setting [TT]nsteps[tt] to -1 either in the mdp or using the",
        "similarly named command line option. This results in an infinite run,",
        "terminated only when the time limit set by [TT]-maxh[tt] is reached (if any)"
        "or upon receiving a signal."
        "When [TT]mdrun[tt] receives a TERM signal, it will stop as soon as",
        "checkpoint file can be written, i.e. after the next global communication step.",
        "When [TT]mdrun[tt] receives an INT signal (e.g. when ctrl+C is",
        "pressed), it will stop at the next neighbor search step or at the",
        "second global communication step, whichever happens later.",
        "In both cases all the usual output will be written to file.",
        "When running with MPI, a signal to one of the [TT]mdrun[tt] ranks",
        "is sufficient, this signal should not be sent to mpirun or",
        "the [TT]mdrun[tt] process that is the parent of the others.",
        "Interactive molecular dynamics (IMD) can be activated by using at least one",
        "of the three IMD switches: The [TT]-imdterm[tt] switch allows one to terminate",
        "the simulation from the molecular viewer (e.g. VMD). With [TT]-imdwait[tt],",
        "[TT]mdrun[tt] pauses whenever no IMD client is connected. Pulling from the",
        "IMD remote can be turned on by [TT]-imdpull[tt].",
        "The port [TT]mdrun[tt] listens to can be altered by [TT]-imdport[tt].The",
        "file pointed to by [TT]-if[tt] contains atom indices and forces if IMD",
        "pulling is used."
        "When [TT]mdrun[tt] is started with MPI, it does not run niced by default."
    t_commrec    *cr;
    t_filenm      fnm[] = {
        { efTPR, NULL,      NULL,       ffREAD },
        { efTRN, "-o",      NULL,       ffWRITE },
        { efCOMPRESSED, "-x", NULL,     ffOPTWR },
        { efCPT, "-cpi",    NULL,       ffOPTRD | ffALLOW_MISSING },
        { efCPT, "-cpo",    NULL,       ffOPTWR },
        { efSTO, "-c",      "confout",  ffWRITE },
        { efEDR, "-e",      "ener",     ffWRITE },
        { efLOG, "-g",      "md",       ffWRITE },
        { efXVG, "-dhdl",   "dhdl",     ffOPTWR },
        { efXVG, "-field",  "field",    ffOPTWR },
        { efXVG, "-table",  "table",    ffOPTRD },
        { efXVG, "-tablep", "tablep",   ffOPTRD },
        { efXVG, "-tableb", "table",    ffOPTRDMULT },
        { efTRX, "-rerun",  "rerun",    ffOPTRD },
        { efXVG, "-tpi",    "tpi",      ffOPTWR },
        { efXVG, "-tpid",   "tpidist",  ffOPTWR },
        { efEDI, "-ei",     "sam",      ffOPTRD },
        { efXVG, "-eo",     "edsam",    ffOPTWR },
        { efXVG, "-devout", "deviatie", ffOPTWR },
        { efXVG, "-runav",  "runaver",  ffOPTWR },
        { efXVG, "-px",     "pullx",    ffOPTWR },
        { efXVG, "-pf",     "pullf",    ffOPTWR },
        { efXVG, "-ro",     "rotation", ffOPTWR },
        { efLOG, "-ra",     "rotangles", ffOPTWR },
        { efLOG, "-rs",     "rotslabs", ffOPTWR },
        { efLOG, "-rt",     "rottorque", ffOPTWR },
        { efMTX, "-mtx",    "nm",       ffOPTWR },
        { efRND, "-multidir", NULL,      ffOPTRDMULT},
        { efDAT, "-membed", "membed",   ffOPTRD },
        { efTOP, "-mp",     "membed",   ffOPTRD },
        { efNDX, "-mn",     "membed",   ffOPTRD },
        { efXVG, "-if",     "imdforces", ffOPTWR },
        { efXVG, "-swap",   "swapions", ffOPTWR }
    const int     NFILE = asize(fnm);

    /* Command line options ! */
    gmx_bool          bDDBondCheck  = TRUE;
    gmx_bool          bDDBondComm   = TRUE;
    gmx_bool          bTunePME      = TRUE;
    gmx_bool          bVerbose      = FALSE;
    gmx_bool          bRerunVSite   = FALSE;
    gmx_bool          bConfout      = TRUE;
    gmx_bool          bReproducible = FALSE;
    gmx_bool          bIMDwait      = FALSE;
    gmx_bool          bIMDterm      = FALSE;
    gmx_bool          bIMDpull      = FALSE;

    int               npme          = -1;
    int               nstlist       = 0;
    int               nmultisim     = 0;
    int               nstglobalcomm = -1;
    int               repl_ex_nst   = 0;
    int               repl_ex_seed  = -1;
    int               repl_ex_nex   = 0;
    int               nstepout      = 100;
    int               resetstep     = -1;
    gmx_int64_t       nsteps        = -2;   /* the value -2 means that the mdp option will be used */
    int               imdport       = 8888; /* can be almost anything, 8888 is easy to remember */

    rvec              realddxyz                   = {0, 0, 0};
    const char       *ddrank_opt[ddrankorderNR+1] =
    { NULL, "interleave", "pp_pme", "cartesian", NULL };
    const char       *dddlb_opt[] =
    { NULL, "auto", "no", "yes", NULL };
    const char       *thread_aff_opt[threadaffNR+1] =
    { NULL, "auto", "on", "off", NULL };
    const char       *nbpu_opt[] =
    { NULL, "auto", "cpu", "gpu", "gpu_cpu", NULL };
    real              rdd                   = 0.0, rconstr = 0.0, dlb_scale = 0.8, pforce = -1;
    char             *ddcsx                 = NULL, *ddcsy = NULL, *ddcsz = NULL;
    real              cpt_period            = 15.0, max_hours = -1;
    gmx_bool          bTryToAppendFiles     = TRUE;
    gmx_bool          bKeepAndNumCPT        = FALSE;
    gmx_bool          bResetCountersHalfWay = FALSE;
    gmx_output_env_t *oenv                  = NULL;

    /* Non transparent initialization of a complex gmx_hw_opt_t struct.
     * But unfortunately we are not allowed to call a function here,
     * since declarations follow below.
    gmx_hw_opt_t    hw_opt = {
        0, 0, 0, 0, threadaffSEL, 0, 0,
        { NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL }

    t_pargs         pa[] = {

        { "-dd",      FALSE, etRVEC, {&realddxyz},
          "Domain decomposition grid, 0 is optimize" },
        { "-ddorder", FALSE, etENUM, {ddrank_opt},
          "DD rank order" },
        { "-npme",    FALSE, etINT, {&npme},
          "Number of separate ranks to be used for PME, -1 is guess" },
        { "-nt",      FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.nthreads_tot},
          "Total number of threads to start (0 is guess)" },
        { "-ntmpi",   FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.nthreads_tmpi},
          "Number of thread-MPI threads to start (0 is guess)" },
        { "-ntomp",   FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.nthreads_omp},
          "Number of OpenMP threads per MPI rank to start (0 is guess)" },
        { "-ntomp_pme", FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.nthreads_omp_pme},
          "Number of OpenMP threads per MPI rank to start (0 is -ntomp)" },
        { "-pin",     FALSE, etENUM, {thread_aff_opt},
          "Whether mdrun should try to set thread affinities" },
        { "-pinoffset", FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.core_pinning_offset},
          "The lowest logical core number to which mdrun should pin the first thread" },
        { "-pinstride", FALSE, etINT, {&hw_opt.core_pinning_stride},
          "Pinning distance in logical cores for threads, use 0 to minimize the number of threads per physical core" },
        { "-gpu_id",  FALSE, etSTR, {&hw_opt.gpu_opt.gpu_id},
          "List of GPU device id-s to use, specifies the per-node PP rank to GPU mapping" },
        { "-ddcheck", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bDDBondCheck},
          "Check for all bonded interactions with DD" },
        { "-ddbondcomm", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bDDBondComm},
          "HIDDENUse special bonded atom communication when [TT]-rdd[tt] > cut-off" },
        { "-rdd",     FALSE, etREAL, {&rdd},
          "The maximum distance for bonded interactions with DD (nm), 0 is determine from initial coordinates" },
        { "-rcon",    FALSE, etREAL, {&rconstr},
          "Maximum distance for P-LINCS (nm), 0 is estimate" },
        { "-dlb",     FALSE, etENUM, {dddlb_opt},
          "Dynamic load balancing (with DD)" },
        { "-dds",     FALSE, etREAL, {&dlb_scale},
          "Fraction in (0,1) by whose reciprocal the initial DD cell size will be increased in order to "
          "provide a margin in which dynamic load balancing can act while preserving the minimum cell size." },
        { "-ddcsx",   FALSE, etSTR, {&ddcsx},
          "HIDDENA string containing a vector of the relative sizes in the x "
          "direction of the corresponding DD cells. Only effective with static "
          "load balancing." },
        { "-ddcsy",   FALSE, etSTR, {&ddcsy},
          "HIDDENA string containing a vector of the relative sizes in the y "
          "direction of the corresponding DD cells. Only effective with static "
          "load balancing." },
        { "-ddcsz",   FALSE, etSTR, {&ddcsz},
          "HIDDENA string containing a vector of the relative sizes in the z "
          "direction of the corresponding DD cells. Only effective with static "
          "load balancing." },
        { "-gcom",    FALSE, etINT, {&nstglobalcomm},
          "Global communication frequency" },
        { "-nb",      FALSE, etENUM, {&nbpu_opt},
          "Calculate non-bonded interactions on" },
        { "-nstlist", FALSE, etINT, {&nstlist},
          "Set nstlist when using a Verlet buffer tolerance (0 is guess)" },
        { "-tunepme", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bTunePME},
          "Optimize PME load between PP/PME ranks or GPU/CPU" },
        { "-v",       FALSE, etBOOL, {&bVerbose},
          "Be loud and noisy" },
        { "-pforce",  FALSE, etREAL, {&pforce},
          "Print all forces larger than this (kJ/mol nm)" },
        { "-reprod",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bReproducible},
          "Try to avoid optimizations that affect binary reproducibility" },
        { "-cpt",     FALSE, etREAL, {&cpt_period},
          "Checkpoint interval (minutes)" },
        { "-cpnum",   FALSE, etBOOL, {&bKeepAndNumCPT},
          "Keep and number checkpoint files" },
        { "-append",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bTryToAppendFiles},
          "Append to previous output files when continuing from checkpoint instead of adding the simulation part number to all file names" },
        { "-nsteps",  FALSE, etINT64, {&nsteps},
          "Run this number of steps, overrides .mdp file option (-1 means infinite, -2 means use mdp option, smaller is invalid)" },
        { "-maxh",   FALSE, etREAL, {&max_hours},
          "Terminate after 0.99 times this time (hours)" },
        { "-multi",   FALSE, etINT, {&nmultisim},
          "Do multiple simulations in parallel" },
        { "-replex",  FALSE, etINT, {&repl_ex_nst},
          "Attempt replica exchange periodically with this period (steps)" },
        { "-nex",  FALSE, etINT, {&repl_ex_nex},
          "Number of random exchanges to carry out each exchange interval (N^3 is one suggestion).  -nex zero or not specified gives neighbor replica exchange." },
        { "-reseed",  FALSE, etINT, {&repl_ex_seed},
          "Seed for replica exchange, -1 is generate a seed" },
        { "-imdport",    FALSE, etINT, {&imdport},
          "HIDDENIMD listening port" },
        { "-imdwait",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bIMDwait},
          "HIDDENPause the simulation while no IMD client is connected" },
        { "-imdterm",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bIMDterm},
          "HIDDENAllow termination of the simulation from IMD client" },
        { "-imdpull",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bIMDpull},
          "HIDDENAllow pulling in the simulation from IMD client" },
        { "-rerunvsite", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bRerunVSite},
          "HIDDENRecalculate virtual site coordinates with [TT]-rerun[tt]" },
        { "-confout", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bConfout},
          "HIDDENWrite the last configuration with [TT]-c[tt] and force checkpointing at the last step" },
        { "-stepout", FALSE, etINT, {&nstepout},
          "HIDDENFrequency of writing the remaining wall clock time for the run" },
        { "-resetstep", FALSE, etINT, {&resetstep},
          "HIDDENReset cycle counters after these many time steps" },
        { "-resethway", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bResetCountersHalfWay},
          "HIDDENReset the cycle counters after half the number of steps or halfway [TT]-maxh[tt]" }
    unsigned long   Flags;
    ivec            ddxyz;
    int             dd_rank_order;
    gmx_bool        bDoAppendFiles, bStartFromCpt;
    FILE           *fplog;
    int             rc;
    char          **multidir = NULL;

    cr = init_commrec();

    unsigned long PCA_Flags = PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM;
    // With -multi or -multidir, the file names are going to get processed
    // further (or the working directory changed), so we can't check for their
    // existence during parsing.  It isn't useful to do any completion based on
    // file system contents, either.
    if (is_multisim_option_set(argc, argv))

    /* Comment this in to do fexist calls only on master
     * works not with rerun or tables at the moment
     * also comment out the version of init_forcerec in md.c
     * with NULL instead of opt2fn
       if (!MASTER(cr))
       PCA_Flags |= PCA_NOT_READ_NODE;

    if (!parse_common_args(&argc, argv, PCA_Flags, NFILE, fnm, asize(pa), pa,
                           asize(desc), desc, 0, NULL, &oenv))
        return 0;

    dd_rank_order = nenum(ddrank_opt);

    hw_opt.thread_affinity = nenum(thread_aff_opt);

    /* now check the -multi and -multidir option */
    if (opt2bSet("-multidir", NFILE, fnm))
        if (nmultisim > 0)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "mdrun -multi and -multidir options are mutually exclusive.");
        nmultisim = opt2fns(&multidir, "-multidir", NFILE, fnm);

    if (repl_ex_nst != 0 && nmultisim < 2)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Need at least two replicas for replica exchange (option -multi)");

    if (repl_ex_nex < 0)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Replica exchange number of exchanges needs to be positive");

    if (nmultisim >= 1)
        init_multisystem(cr, nmultisim, multidir, NFILE, fnm);
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "mdrun -multi or -multidir are not supported with the thread-MPI library. "
                  "Please compile GROMACS with a proper external MPI library.");

    if (!opt2bSet("-cpi", NFILE, fnm))
        // If we are not starting from a checkpoint we never allow files to be appended
        // to, since that has caused a ton of strange behaviour and bugs in the past.
        if (opt2parg_bSet("-append", asize(pa), pa))
            // If the user explicitly used the -append option, explain that it is not possible.
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "GROMACS can only append to files when restarting from a checkpoint.");
            // If the user did not say anything explicit, just disable appending.
            bTryToAppendFiles = FALSE;

    handleRestart(cr, bTryToAppendFiles, NFILE, fnm, &bDoAppendFiles, &bStartFromCpt);

    Flags = opt2bSet("-rerun", NFILE, fnm) ? MD_RERUN : 0;
    Flags = Flags | (bDDBondCheck  ? MD_DDBONDCHECK  : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bDDBondComm   ? MD_DDBONDCOMM   : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bTunePME      ? MD_TUNEPME      : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bConfout      ? MD_CONFOUT      : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bRerunVSite   ? MD_RERUN_VSITE  : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bReproducible ? MD_REPRODUCIBLE : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bDoAppendFiles  ? MD_APPENDFILES  : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (opt2parg_bSet("-append", asize(pa), pa) ? MD_APPENDFILESSET : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bKeepAndNumCPT ? MD_KEEPANDNUMCPT : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bStartFromCpt ? MD_STARTFROMCPT : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bResetCountersHalfWay ? MD_RESETCOUNTERSHALFWAY : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (opt2parg_bSet("-ntomp", asize(pa), pa) ? MD_NTOMPSET : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bIMDwait      ? MD_IMDWAIT      : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bIMDterm      ? MD_IMDTERM      : 0);
    Flags = Flags | (bIMDpull      ? MD_IMDPULL      : 0);

    /* We postpone opening the log file if we are appending, so we can
       first truncate the old log file and append to the correct position
       there instead.  */
    if (MASTER(cr) && !bDoAppendFiles)
        gmx_log_open(ftp2fn(efLOG, NFILE, fnm), cr,
                     Flags & MD_APPENDFILES, &fplog);
        fplog = NULL;

    ddxyz[XX] = (int)(realddxyz[XX] + 0.5);
    ddxyz[YY] = (int)(realddxyz[YY] + 0.5);
    ddxyz[ZZ] = (int)(realddxyz[ZZ] + 0.5);

    rc = gmx::mdrunner(&hw_opt, fplog, cr, NFILE, fnm, oenv, bVerbose,
                       nstglobalcomm, ddxyz, dd_rank_order, npme, rdd, rconstr,
                       dddlb_opt[0], dlb_scale, ddcsx, ddcsy, ddcsz,
                       nbpu_opt[0], nstlist,
                       nsteps, nstepout, resetstep,
                       nmultisim, repl_ex_nst, repl_ex_nex, repl_ex_seed,
                       pforce, cpt_period, max_hours, imdport, Flags);

    /* Log file has to be closed in mdrunner if we are appending to it
       (fplog not set here) */
    if (MASTER(cr) && !bDoAppendFiles)

    return rc;
Beispiel #11
static void init_time_factor()
  if ( fabs(timefactor - NOTSET) < GMX_REAL_MIN) 
    timefactor = timefactors[nenum(timestr)];
Beispiel #12
int gmx_densorder(int argc, char *argv[])
    static const char *desc[] = {
        "[THISMODULE] reduces a two-phase density distribution",
        "along an axis, computed over a MD trajectory,",
        "to 2D surfaces fluctuating in time, by a fit to",
        "a functional profile for interfacial densities.",
        "A time-averaged spatial representation of the",
        "interfaces can be output with the option [TT]-tavg[tt]."

    /* Extra arguments - but note how you always get the begin/end
     * options when running the program, without mentioning them here!

    gmx_output_env_t  *oenv;
    t_topology        *top;
    char             **grpname;
    int                ePBC, *ngx;
    static real        binw      = 0.2;
    static real        binwz     = 0.05;
    static real        dens1     = 0.00;
    static real        dens2     = 1000.00;
    static int         ftorder   = 0;
    static int         nsttblock = 100;
    static int         axis      = 2;
    static const char *axtitle   = "Z";
    atom_id          **index; /* Index list for single group*/
    int                xslices, yslices, zslices, tblock;
    static gmx_bool    bGraph   = FALSE;
    static gmx_bool    bCenter  = FALSE;
    static gmx_bool    bFourier = FALSE;
    static gmx_bool    bRawOut  = FALSE;
    static gmx_bool    bOut     = FALSE;
    static gmx_bool    b1d      = FALSE;
    static int         nlevels  = 100;
    /*Densitymap - Densmap[t][x][y][z]*/
    real           ****Densmap = NULL;
    /* Surfaces surf[t][surf_x,surf_y]*/
    t_interf        ***surf1, ***surf2;

    static const char *meth[] = {NULL, "bisect", "functional", NULL};
    int                eMeth;

    char             **graphfiles, **rawfiles, **spectra; /* Filenames for xpm-surface maps, rawdata and powerspectra */
    int                nfxpm = -1, nfraw, nfspect;        /* # files for interface maps and spectra = # interfaces */

    t_pargs            pa[] = {
        { "-1d", FALSE, etBOOL, {&b1d},
          "Pseudo-1d interface geometry"},
        { "-bw", FALSE, etREAL, {&binw},
          "Binwidth of density distribution tangential to interface"},
        { "-bwn", FALSE, etREAL, {&binwz},
          "Binwidth of density distribution normal to interface"},
        { "-order", FALSE, etINT, {&ftorder},
          "Order of Gaussian filter, order 0 equates to NO filtering"},
        {"-axis", FALSE, etSTR, {&axtitle},
         "Axis Direction - X, Y or Z"},
        {"-method", FALSE, etENUM, {meth},
         "Interface location method"},
        {"-d1", FALSE, etREAL, {&dens1},
         "Bulk density phase 1 (at small z)"},
        {"-d2", FALSE, etREAL, {&dens2},
         "Bulk density phase 2 (at large z)"},
        { "-tblock", FALSE, etINT, {&nsttblock},
          "Number of frames in one time-block average"},
        { "-nlevel", FALSE, etINT, {&nlevels},
          "Number of Height levels in 2D - XPixMaps"}

    t_filenm fnm[] = {
        { efTPR, "-s",  NULL, ffREAD },               /* this is for the topology */
        { efTRX, "-f", NULL, ffREAD },                /* and this for the trajectory */
        { efNDX, "-n", NULL, ffREAD},                 /* this is to select groups */
        { efDAT, "-o", "Density4D", ffOPTWR},         /* This is for outputting the entire 4D densityfield in binary format */
        { efOUT, "-or", NULL, ffOPTWRMULT},           /* This is for writing out the entire information in the t_interf arrays */
        { efXPM, "-og", "interface", ffOPTWRMULT},    /* This is for writing out the interface meshes - one xpm-file per tblock*/
        { efOUT, "-Spect", "intfspect", ffOPTWRMULT}, /* This is for the trajectory averaged Fourier-spectra*/

#define NFILE asize(fnm)

    /* This is the routine responsible for adding default options,
     * calling the X/motif interface, etc. */
    if (!parse_common_args(&argc, argv, PCA_CAN_TIME | PCA_CAN_VIEW,
                           NFILE, fnm, asize(pa), pa, asize(desc), desc, 0, NULL, &oenv))
        return 0;

    eMeth    = nenum(meth);
    bFourier = opt2bSet("-Spect", NFILE, fnm);
    bRawOut  = opt2bSet("-or", NFILE, fnm);
    bGraph   = opt2bSet("-og", NFILE, fnm);
    bOut     = opt2bSet("-o", NFILE, fnm);
    top      = read_top(ftp2fn(efTPR, NFILE, fnm), &ePBC);
    snew(grpname, 1);
    snew(index, 1);
    snew(ngx, 1);

/* Calculate axis */
    axis = toupper(axtitle[0]) - 'X';

    get_index(&top->atoms, ftp2fn_null(efNDX, NFILE, fnm), 1, ngx, index, grpname);

    density_in_time(ftp2fn(efTRX, NFILE, fnm), index, ngx, binw, binwz, nsttblock, &Densmap, &xslices, &yslices, &zslices, &tblock, top, ePBC, axis, bCenter, b1d, oenv);

    if (ftorder > 0)
        filterdensmap(Densmap, xslices, yslices, zslices, tblock, 2*ftorder+1);

    if (bOut)
        outputfield(opt2fn("-o", NFILE, fnm), Densmap, xslices, yslices, zslices, tblock);

    interfaces_txy(Densmap, xslices, yslices, zslices, tblock, binwz, eMeth, dens1, dens2, &surf1, &surf2, oenv);

    if (bGraph)

        /*Output surface-xpms*/
        nfxpm = opt2fns(&graphfiles, "-og", NFILE, fnm);
        if (nfxpm != 2)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "No or not correct number (2) of output-files: %d", nfxpm);
        writesurftoxpms(surf1, surf2, tblock, xslices, yslices, zslices, binw, binwz, graphfiles, zslices);

/*Output raw-data*/
    if (bRawOut)
        nfraw = opt2fns(&rawfiles, "-or", NFILE, fnm);
        if (nfraw != 2)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "No or not correct number (2) of output-files: %d", nfxpm);
        writeraw(surf1, surf2, tblock, xslices, yslices, rawfiles, oenv);

    if (bFourier)
        nfspect = opt2fns(&spectra, "-Spect", NFILE, fnm);
        if (nfspect != 2)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "No or not correct number (2) of output-file-series: %d",
        powerspectavg_intf(surf1, surf2, tblock, xslices, yslices, spectra);

    if (bGraph || bFourier || bRawOut)

    return 0;
Beispiel #13
int gmx_genbox(int argc, char *argv[])
    const char *desc[] = {
        "[TT]genbox[tt] can do one of 4 things:[PAR]",

        "1) Generate a box of solvent. Specify [TT]-cs[tt] and [TT]-box[tt]. Or specify [TT]-cs[tt] and",
        "[TT]-cp[tt] with a structure file with a box, but without atoms.[PAR]",

        "2) Solvate a solute configuration, e.g. a protein, in a bath of solvent ",
        "molecules. Specify [TT]-cp[tt] (solute) and [TT]-cs[tt] (solvent). ",
        "The box specified in the solute coordinate file ([TT]-cp[tt]) is used,",
        "unless [TT]-box[tt] is set.",
        "If you want the solute to be centered in the box,",
        "the program [TT]editconf[tt] has sophisticated options",
        "to change the box dimensions and center the solute.",
        "Solvent molecules are removed from the box where the ",
        "distance between any atom of the solute molecule(s) and any atom of ",
        "the solvent molecule is less than the sum of the van der Waals radii of ",
        "both atoms. A database ([TT]vdwradii.dat[tt]) of van der Waals radii is ",
        "read by the program, and atoms not in the database are ",
        "assigned a default distance [TT]-vdwd[tt].",
        "Note that this option will also influence the distances between",
        "solvent molecules if they contain atoms that are not in the database.",

        "3) Insert a number ([TT]-nmol[tt]) of extra molecules ([TT]-ci[tt]) ",
        "at random positions.",
        "The program iterates until [TT]nmol[tt] molecules",
        "have been inserted in the box. To test whether an insertion is ",
        "successful the same van der Waals criterium is used as for removal of ",
        "solvent molecules. When no appropriately-sized ",
        "holes (holes that can hold an extra molecule) are available, the ",
        "program tries for [TT]-nmol[tt] * [TT]-try[tt] times before giving up. ",
        "Increase [TT]-try[tt] if you have several small holes to fill.",
        "Option [TT]-rot[tt] defines if the molecules are randomly oriented.",

        "4) Insert a number of molecules ([TT]-ci[tt]) at positions defined in",
        "positions.dat ([TT]-ip[tt]). positions.dat should have 3 columns (x/y/z),",
        "that give the displacements compared to the input molecule position ([TT]-ci[tt]).",
        "Hence, if positions.dat should contain the absolut positions, the molecule ",
        "must be centered to 0/0/0 before using genbox (use, e.g., editconf -center).",
        "Comments in positions.dat starting with # are ignored. Option [TT]-dr[tt]",
        "defines the maximally allowed displacements during insertial trials.",
        "[TT]-try[tt] and [TT]-rot[tt] work as in mode (3) (see above)",

        "If you need to do more than one of the above operations, it can be",
        "best to call [TT]genbox[tt] separately for each operation, so that",
        "you are sure of the order in which the operations occur.[PAR]",

        "The default solvent is Simple Point Charge water (SPC), with coordinates ",
        "from [TT]$GMXLIB/spc216.gro[tt]. These coordinates can also be used",
        "for other 3-site water models, since a short equibilibration will remove",
        "the small differences between the models.",
        "Other solvents are also supported, as well as mixed solvents. The",
        "only restriction to solvent types is that a solvent molecule consists",
        "of exactly one residue. The residue information in the coordinate",
        "files is used, and should therefore be more or less consistent.",
        "In practice this means that two subsequent solvent molecules in the ",
        "solvent coordinate file should have different residue number.",
        "The box of solute is built by stacking the coordinates read from",
        "the coordinate file. This means that these coordinates should be ",
        "equlibrated in periodic boundary conditions to ensure a good",
        "alignment of molecules on the stacking interfaces.",
        "The [TT]-maxsol[tt] option simply adds only the first [TT]-maxsol[tt]",
        "solvent molecules and leaves out the rest that would have fitted",
        "into the box. This can create a void that can cause problems later.",
        "Choose your volume wisely.[PAR]",

        "The program can optionally rotate the solute molecule to align the",
        "longest molecule axis along a box edge. This way the amount of solvent",
        "molecules necessary is reduced.",
        "It should be kept in mind that this only works for",
        "short simulations, as e.g. an alpha-helical peptide in solution can ",
        "rotate over 90 degrees, within 500 ps. In general it is therefore ",
        "better to make a more or less cubic box.[PAR]",

        "Setting [TT]-shell[tt] larger than zero will place a layer of water of",
        "the specified thickness (nm) around the solute. Hint: it is a good",
        "idea to put the protein in the center of a box first (using [TT]editconf[tt]).",

        "Finally, [TT]genbox[tt] will optionally remove lines from your topology file in ",
        "which a number of solvent molecules is already added, and adds a ",
        "line with the total number of solvent molecules in your coordinate file."

    const char *bugs[] = {
        "Molecules must be whole in the initial configurations.",
        "Many repeated neighbor searchings with -ci blows up the allocated memory. "
        "Option -allpair avoids this using all-to-all distance checks (slow for large systems)"

    /* parameter data */
    gmx_bool       bSol, bProt, bBox;
    const char    *conf_prot, *confout;
    int            bInsert;
    real          *r;
    char          *title_ins;
    gmx_atomprop_t aps;

    /* protein configuration data */
    char    *title = NULL;
    t_atoms  atoms;
    rvec    *x, *v = NULL;
    int      ePBC = -1;
    matrix   box;

    /* other data types */
    int      atoms_added, residues_added;

    t_filenm fnm[] = {
        { efSTX, "-cp", "protein", ffOPTRD },
        { efSTX, "-cs", "spc216",  ffLIBOPTRD},
        { efSTX, "-ci", "insert",  ffOPTRD},
        { efDAT, "-ip", "positions",  ffOPTRD},
        { efSTO, NULL,  NULL,      ffWRITE},
        { efTOP, NULL,  NULL,      ffOPTRW},
#define NFILE asize(fnm)

    static int      nmol_ins   = 0, nmol_try = 10, seed = 1997, enum_rot;
    static real     r_distance = 0.105, r_shell = 0, r_scale = 0.57;
    static rvec     new_box    = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, deltaR = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
    static gmx_bool bReadV     = FALSE, bCheckAllPairDist = FALSE;
    static int      max_sol    = 0;
    output_env_t    oenv;
    const char     *enum_rot_string[] = {NULL, "xyz", "z", "none", NULL};
    t_pargs         pa[]              = {
        { "-box",    FALSE, etRVEC, {new_box},
          "Box size" },
        { "-nmol",   FALSE, etINT, {&nmol_ins},
          "Number of extra molecules to insert" },
        { "-try",    FALSE, etINT, {&nmol_try},
          "Try inserting [TT]-nmol[tt] times [TT]-try[tt] times" },
        { "-seed",   FALSE, etINT, {&seed},
          "Random generator seed"},
        { "-vdwd",   FALSE, etREAL, {&r_distance},
          "Default van der Waals distance"},
        { "-vdwscale", FALSE, etREAL, {&r_scale},
          "HIDDENScale factor to multiply Van der Waals radii from the database in share/gromacs/top/vdwradii.dat. The default value of 0.57 yields density close to 1000 g/l for proteins in water." },
        { "-shell",  FALSE, etREAL, {&r_shell},
          "Thickness of optional water layer around solute" },
        { "-maxsol", FALSE, etINT,  {&max_sol},
          "Maximum number of solvent molecules to add if they fit in the box. If zero (default) this is ignored" },
        { "-vel",    FALSE, etBOOL, {&bReadV},
          "Keep velocities from input solute and solvent" },
        { "-dr",    FALSE, etRVEC, {deltaR},
          "Allowed displacement in x/y/z from positions in [TT]-ip[tt] file" },
        { "-rot", FALSE,  etENUM, {enum_rot_string},
          "rotate inserted molecules randomly" },
        { "-allpair",    FALSE, etBOOL, {&bCheckAllPairDist},
          "Avoid momory leaks during neighbor searching with option -ci. May be slow for large systems." },

    parse_common_args(&argc, argv, PCA_BE_NICE, NFILE, fnm, asize(pa), pa,
                      asize(desc), desc, asize(bugs), bugs, &oenv);

    bInsert   = opt2bSet("-ci", NFILE, fnm) && ((nmol_ins > 0) || opt2bSet("-ip", NFILE, fnm));
    bSol      = opt2bSet("-cs", NFILE, fnm);
    bProt     = opt2bSet("-cp", NFILE, fnm);
    bBox      = opt2parg_bSet("-box", asize(pa), pa);
    enum_rot  = nenum(enum_rot_string);

    /* check input */
    if (bInsert && (nmol_ins <= 0 && !opt2bSet("-ip", NFILE, fnm)))
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "When specifying inserted molecules (-ci), "
                  "-nmol must be larger than 0 or positions must be given with -ip");
    if (!bProt && !bBox)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "When no solute (-cp) is specified, "
                  "a box size (-box) must be specified");

    aps = gmx_atomprop_init();

    if (bProt)
        /*generate a solute configuration */
        conf_prot = opt2fn("-cp", NFILE, fnm);
        title     = read_prot(conf_prot, &atoms, &x, bReadV ? &v : NULL, &r, &ePBC, box,
                              aps, r_distance, r_scale);
        if (bReadV && !v)
            fprintf(stderr, "Note: no velocities found\n");
        if ( == 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Note: no atoms in %s\n", conf_prot);
            bProt = FALSE;
    if (!bProt)
    {       = 0;
        atoms.nres     = 0;
        atoms.resinfo  = NULL;
        atoms.atomname = NULL;
        atoms.atom     = NULL;
        atoms.pdbinfo  = NULL;
        x              = NULL;
        r              = NULL;
    if (bBox)
        ePBC = epbcXYZ;
        box[XX][XX] = new_box[XX];
        box[YY][YY] = new_box[YY];
        box[ZZ][ZZ] = new_box[ZZ];
    if (det(box) == 0)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Undefined solute box.\nCreate one with editconf "
                  "or give explicit -box command line option");

    /* add nmol_ins molecules of atoms_ins
       in random orientation at random place */
    if (bInsert)
        title_ins = insert_mols(opt2fn("-ci", NFILE, fnm), nmol_ins, nmol_try, seed,
                                &atoms, &x, &r, ePBC, box, aps, 
                                r_distance, r_scale, r_shell,
                                oenv, opt2fn_null("-ip", NFILE, fnm), deltaR, enum_rot,
        title_ins = strdup("Generated by genbox");

    /* add solvent */
    if (bSol)
        add_solv(opt2fn("-cs", NFILE, fnm), &atoms, &x, v ? &v : NULL, &r, ePBC, box,
                 aps, r_distance, r_scale, &atoms_added, &residues_added, r_shell, max_sol,

    /* write new configuration 1 to file confout */
    confout = ftp2fn(efSTO, NFILE, fnm);
    fprintf(stderr, "Writing generated configuration to %s\n", confout);
    if (bProt)
        write_sto_conf(confout, title, &atoms, x, v, ePBC, box);
        /* print box sizes and box type to stderr */
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", title);
        write_sto_conf(confout, title_ins, &atoms, x, v, ePBC, box);


    /* print size of generated configuration */
    fprintf(stderr, "\nOutput configuration contains %d atoms in %d residues\n",
  , atoms.nres);
    update_top(&atoms, box, NFILE, fnm, aps);



    return 0;
int gmx_insert_molecules(int argc, char *argv[])
    const char *desc[] = {
        "[THISMODULE] inserts [TT]-nmol[tt] copies of the system specified in",
        "the [TT]-ci[tt] input file. The insertions take place either into",
        "vacant space in the solute conformation given with [TT]-f[tt], or",
        "into an empty box given by [TT]-box[tt]. Specifying both [TT]-f[tt]",
        "and [TT]-box[tt] behaves like [TT]-f[tt], but places a new box",
        "around the solute before insertions. Any velocities present are",

        "By default, the insertion positions are random (with initial seed",
        "specified by [TT]-seed[tt]). The program iterates until [TT]-nmol[tt]",
        "molecules have been inserted in the box. Molecules are not inserted",
        "where the distance between any existing atom and any atom of the",
        "inserted molecule is less than the sum based on the van der Waals",
        "radii of both atoms. A database ([TT]vdwradii.dat[tt]) of van der",
        "Waals radii is read by the program, and the resulting radii scaled",
        "by [TT]-scale[tt]. If radii are not found in the database, those"
        "atoms are assigned the (pre-scaled) distance [TT]-radius[tt].[PAR]",

        "A total of [TT]-nmol[tt] * [TT]-try[tt] insertion attempts are made",
        "before giving up. Increase [TT]-try[tt] if you have several small",
        "holes to fill. Option [TT]-rot[tt] specifies whether the insertion",
        "molecules are randomly oriented before insertion attempts.[PAR]",

        "Alternatively, the molecules can be inserted only at positions defined in",
        "positions.dat ([TT]-ip[tt]). That file should have 3 columns (x,y,z),",
        "that give the displacements compared to the input molecule position",
        "([TT]-ci[tt]). Hence, if that file should contain the absolute",
        "positions, the molecule must be centered on (0,0,0) before using",
        "[THISMODULE] (e.g. from [gmx-editconf] [TT]-center[tt]).",
        "Comments in that file starting with # are ignored. Option [TT]-dr[tt]",
        "defines the maximally allowed displacements during insertial trials.",
        "[TT]-try[tt] and [TT]-rot[tt] work as in the default mode (see above).",

    /* parameter data */
    real          *exclusionDistances       = NULL;
    real          *exclusionDistances_insrt = NULL;

    /* protein configuration data */
    char          *title = NULL;
    t_atoms       *atoms, *atoms_insrt;
    rvec          *x    = NULL, *x_insrt = NULL;
    int            ePBC = -1;
    matrix         box;

    t_filenm       fnm[] = {
        { efSTX, "-f", "protein", ffOPTRD },
        { efSTX, "-ci", "insert",  ffREAD},
        { efDAT, "-ip", "positions",  ffOPTRD},
        { efSTO, NULL,  NULL,      ffWRITE},
#define NFILE asize(fnm)

    static int      nmol_ins               = 0, nmol_try = 10, seed = 1997;
    static real     defaultDistance        = 0.105, scaleFactor = 0.57;
    static rvec     new_box                = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, deltaR = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
    output_env_t    oenv;
    const char     *enum_rot_string[] = {NULL, "xyz", "z", "none", NULL};
    t_pargs         pa[]              = {
        { "-box",    FALSE, etRVEC, {new_box},
          "Box size (in nm)" },
        { "-nmol",   FALSE, etINT, {&nmol_ins},
          "Number of extra molecules to insert" },
        { "-try",    FALSE, etINT, {&nmol_try},
          "Try inserting [TT]-nmol[tt] times [TT]-try[tt] times" },
        { "-seed",   FALSE, etINT, {&seed},
          "Random generator seed"},
        { "-radius",   FALSE, etREAL, {&defaultDistance},
          "Default van der Waals distance"},
        { "-scale", FALSE, etREAL, {&scaleFactor},
          "Scale factor to multiply Van der Waals radii from the database in share/gromacs/top/vdwradii.dat. The default value of 0.57 yields density close to 1000 g/l for proteins in water." },
        { "-dr",    FALSE, etRVEC, {deltaR},
          "Allowed displacement in x/y/z from positions in [TT]-ip[tt] file" },
        { "-rot", FALSE,  etENUM, {enum_rot_string},
          "rotate inserted molecules randomly" }

    if (!parse_common_args(&argc, argv, 0, NFILE, fnm, asize(pa), pa,
                           asize(desc), desc, 0, NULL, &oenv))
        return 0;

    const bool        bProt    = opt2bSet("-f", NFILE, fnm);
    const bool        bBox     = opt2parg_bSet("-box", asize(pa), pa);
    const char *const posfn    = opt2fn_null("-ip", NFILE, fnm);
    const int         enum_rot = nenum(enum_rot_string);

    /* check input */
    if (nmol_ins <= 0 && !opt2bSet("-ip", NFILE, fnm))
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Either -nmol must be larger than 0, "
                  "or positions must be given with -ip");
    if (!bProt && !bBox)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "When no solute (-f) is specified, "
                  "a box size (-box) must be specified");

    gmx_atomprop_t aps = gmx_atomprop_init();

    snew(atoms, 1);
    init_t_atoms(atoms, 0, FALSE);
    if (bProt)
        /* Generate a solute configuration */
        const char *conf_prot = opt2fn("-f", NFILE, fnm);
        title                 = readConformation(conf_prot, atoms, &x, NULL,
                                                 &ePBC, box);
        exclusionDistances = makeExclusionDistances(atoms, aps, defaultDistance, scaleFactor);
        if (atoms->nr == 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Note: no atoms in %s\n", conf_prot);
            title = NULL;
    if (bBox)
        ePBC = epbcXYZ;
        box[XX][XX] = new_box[XX];
        box[YY][YY] = new_box[YY];
        box[ZZ][ZZ] = new_box[ZZ];
    if (det(box) == 0)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Undefined solute box.\nCreate one with gmx editconf "
                  "or give explicit -box command line option");
    snew(atoms_insrt, 1);
    init_t_atoms(atoms_insrt, 0, FALSE);
        int         ePBC_dummy;
        matrix      box_dummy;
        const char *conf_insrt = opt2fn("-ci", NFILE, fnm);
        char       *title_ins
            = readConformation(conf_insrt, atoms_insrt, &x_insrt, NULL,
                               &ePBC_dummy, box_dummy);
        if (atoms_insrt->nr == 0)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "No molecule in %s, please check your input", conf_insrt);
        if (title == NULL)
            title = title_ins;
        if (posfn == NULL)
            center_molecule(atoms_insrt->nr, x_insrt);
        exclusionDistances_insrt = makeExclusionDistances(atoms_insrt, aps, defaultDistance, scaleFactor);


    /* add nmol_ins molecules of atoms_ins
       in random orientation at random place */
    insert_mols(nmol_ins, nmol_try, seed,
                atoms, &x, &exclusionDistances,
                atoms_insrt, x_insrt, exclusionDistances_insrt,
                ePBC, box, posfn, deltaR, enum_rot);

    /* write new configuration to file confout */
    const char *confout = ftp2fn(efSTO, NFILE, fnm);
    fprintf(stderr, "Writing generated configuration to %s\n", confout);
    write_sto_conf(confout, title, atoms, x, NULL, ePBC, box);

    /* print size of generated configuration */
    fprintf(stderr, "\nOutput configuration contains %d atoms in %d residues\n",
            atoms->nr, atoms->nres);


    return 0;
Beispiel #15
void parse_common_args(int *argc,char *argv[],unsigned long Flags,
		       int nfile,t_filenm fnm[],int npargs,t_pargs *pa,
		       int ndesc,const char **desc,
		       int nbugs,const char **bugs,
                       output_env_t *oenv)
    gmx_bool bHelp=FALSE,bHidden=FALSE,bQuiet=FALSE,bVersion=FALSE;
    const char *manstr[] = { NULL, "no", "html", "tex", "nroff", "ascii", 
                            "completion", "py", "xml", "wiki", NULL };
    /* This array should match the order of the enum in oenv.h */
    const char *xvg_format[] = { NULL, "xmgrace", "xmgr", "none", NULL };
    /* This array should match the order of the enum in oenv.h */
    const char *time_units[] = { NULL, "fs", "ps", "ns", "us", "ms", "s", 
                                NULL };
    int  nicelevel=0,mantp=0,npri=0,debug_level=0,verbose_level=0;
    char *deffnm=NULL;
    real tbegin=0,tend=0,tdelta=0;
    gmx_bool bView=FALSE;
    t_pargs *all_pa=NULL;
    t_pargs npri_pa   = { "-npri", FALSE, etINT,   {&npri},
    "HIDDEN Set non blocking priority (try 128)" };
    t_pargs nice_pa   = { "-nice", FALSE, etINT,   {&nicelevel}, 
    "Set the nicelevel" };
    t_pargs deffnm_pa = { "-deffnm", FALSE, etSTR, {&deffnm}, 
    "Set the default filename for all file options" };
    t_pargs begin_pa  = { "-b",    FALSE, etTIME,  {&tbegin},        
    "First frame (%t) to read from trajectory" };
    t_pargs end_pa    = { "-e",    FALSE, etTIME,  {&tend},        
    "Last frame (%t) to read from trajectory" };
    t_pargs dt_pa     = { "-dt",   FALSE, etTIME,  {&tdelta},        
    "Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (%t)" };
    t_pargs view_pa   = { "-w",    FALSE, etBOOL,  {&bView},
    "View output xvg, xpm, eps and pdb files" };
    t_pargs xvg_pa    = { "-xvg",  FALSE, etENUM,  {xvg_format},
    "xvg plot formatting" };
    t_pargs time_pa   = { "-tu",   FALSE, etENUM,  {time_units},
    "Time unit" };
    /* Maximum number of extra arguments */
#define EXTRA_PA 16
    t_pargs pca_pa[] = {
      { "-h",    FALSE, etBOOL, {&bHelp},     
	"Print help info and quit" }, 
      { "-version",  FALSE, etBOOL, {&bVersion},     
	"Print version info and quit" }, 
      { "-verb",    FALSE,  etINT, {&verbose_level},
	"HIDDENLevel of verbosity for this program" },
      { "-hidden", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bHidden},
	  "HIDDENPrint hidden options" },
      { "-quiet",FALSE, etBOOL, {&bQuiet},
        "HIDDENDo not print help info" },
      { "-man",  FALSE, etENUM,  {manstr},
        "HIDDENWrite manual and quit" },
      { "-debug",FALSE, etINT, {&debug_level},
        "HIDDENWrite file with debug information, 1: short, 2: also x and f" },
#define NPCA_PA asize(pca_pa)
    FILE *fp;  
    gmx_bool bPrint,bExit,bXvgr;
    int  i,j,k,npall,max_pa,cmdlength;
    char *ptr,*newdesc;
    const char *envstr;
#define FF(arg) ((Flags & arg)==arg)

    snew(*oenv, 1);
    cmdlength = strlen(argv[0]);
    /* Check for double arguments */
    for (i=1; (i<*argc); i++) 
        cmdlength += strlen(argv[i]);
        if (argv[i] && (strlen(argv[i]) > 1) && (!isdigit(argv[i][1]))) 
            for (j=i+1; (j<*argc); j++) 
                if ( (argv[i][0]=='-') && (argv[j][0]=='-') && 
                    (strcmp(argv[i],argv[j])==0) ) 
                    if (FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS))
                        fprintf(stderr,"Double command line argument %s\n",
                        gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Double command line argument %s\n",
    set_command_line(*argc, argv);
    /* Handle the flags argument, which is a bit field 
     * The FF macro returns whether or not the bit is set
    bPrint        = !FF(PCA_SILENT);
    /* Check ALL the flags ... */
    max_pa = NPCA_PA + EXTRA_PA + npargs+1;
    for(i=npall=0; (i<NPCA_PA); i++)
        npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&(pca_pa[i]));
#ifdef __sgi
    envstr = getenv("GMXNPRIALL");
    if (envstr)
    if (FF(PCA_BE_NICE)) {
        envstr = getenv("GMXNPRI");
        if (envstr)
    npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&npri_pa);
    if (FF(PCA_BE_NICE)) 
    npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&nice_pa);
        npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&deffnm_pa);   
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN)) 
        npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&begin_pa);
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_END))
        npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&end_pa);
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT))
        npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&dt_pa);
    if (FF(PCA_TIME_UNIT)) {
        npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&time_pa);
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_VIEW)) 
        npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&view_pa);
    bXvgr = FALSE;
    for(i=0; (i<nfile); i++)
        bXvgr = bXvgr ||  (fnm[i].ftp == efXVG);
    if (bXvgr)
        npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&xvg_pa);
    /* Now append the program specific arguments */
    for(i=0; (i<npargs); i++)
        npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&(pa[i]));
    /* set etENUM options to default */
    for(i=0; (i<npall); i++)
        if (all_pa[i].type==etENUM)
    /* Now parse all the command-line options */

    /* set program name, command line, and default values for output options */
    output_env_init(*oenv, *argc, argv, (time_unit_t)nenum(time_units), bView, 
                    (xvg_format_t)nenum(xvg_format), verbose_level, debug_level);
    if (bVersion) {
      printf("Program: %s\n",output_env_get_program_name(*oenv));
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM) && (deffnm!=NULL))
    /* Parse the file args */
    /* Open the debug file */
    if (debug_level > 0) {
        char buf[256];
        if (gmx_mpi_initialized())
        fprintf(stderr,"Opening debug file %s (src code file %s, line %d)\n",
    /* Now copy the results back... */
    for(i=0,k=npall-npargs; (i<npargs); i++,k++) 

    for(i=0; (i<npall); i++)
        all_pa[i].desc = mk_desc(&(all_pa[i]), output_env_get_time_unit(*oenv));
    bExit = bHelp || (strcmp(manstr[0],"no") != 0);
#if (defined __sgi && USE_SGI_FPE)
    /* Set the nice level */
#ifdef __sgi
    if (npri != 0 && !bExit) {
#ifndef GMX_NO_NICE
    /* The some system, e.g. the catamount kernel on cray xt3 do not have nice(2). */
    if (nicelevel != 0 && !bExit)
        static gmx_bool nice_set=FALSE; /* only set it once */
        if (!nice_set)
            i=nice(nicelevel); /* assign ret value to avoid warnings */
    /* Update oenv for parsed command line options settings. */
    (*oenv)->xvg_format = (xvg_format_t)nenum(xvg_format);
    (*oenv)->time_unit  = (time_unit_t)nenum(time_units);
    if (!(FF(PCA_QUIET) || bQuiet )) {
        if (bHelp)
                      ndesc,desc,nfile, fnm,npall,all_pa, nbugs,bugs,bHidden);
        else if (bPrint) {
    if (strcmp(manstr[0],"no") != 0) {
        if(!strcmp(manstr[0],"completion")) {
            /* one file each for csh, bash and zsh if we do completions */
                      ndesc,desc,nfile, fnm, npall,all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden);
                      ndesc,desc,nfile, fnm, npall,all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden);
                      ndesc,desc,nfile, fnm, npall,all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden);
        } else {
                      ndesc,desc,nfile,fnm, npall, all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden);
    /* convert time options, must be done after printing! */
    for(i=0; i<npall; i++) {
        if ((all_pa[i].type == etTIME) && (*all_pa[i].u.r >= 0)) {
            *all_pa[i].u.r *= output_env_get_time_invfactor(*oenv);
    /* Extract Time info from arguments */
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN) && opt2parg_bSet("-b",npall,all_pa))
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_END) && opt2parg_bSet("-e",npall,all_pa))
    if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT) && opt2parg_bSet("-dt",npall,all_pa))
    /* clear memory */
    for (i = 0; i < npall; ++i)
        sfree((void *)all_pa[i].desc);
    if (!FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS)) {
        if (*argc > 1) {
    if (bExit) {
        if (gmx_parallel_env_initialized())
#undef FF