Beispiel #1
CNetComm::safe_net_out (const char *sndbuf, int sndlen)
	DEBUG_LOG("enter the safe_net_out ....");
	int len = net_out(sndbuf, sndlen);
	if (len == -1) {
		DEBUG_LOG("reconnect the server ...");
		if (open_conn() == -1) {
			DEBUG_LOG("reconnect the server fail !");
			return -1;

		return net_out(sndbuf, sndlen); //send the data second time

	return len;
// compute the features of specified charsamp and
// feedforward the specified nets
bool HybridNeuralNetCharClassifier::RunNets(CharSamp *char_samp) {
  int feat_cnt = feat_extract_->FeatureCnt();
  int class_cnt = char_set_->ClassCount();

  // allocate i/p and o/p buffers if needed
  if (net_input_ == NULL) {
    net_input_ = new float[feat_cnt];
    if (net_input_ == NULL) {
      return false;

    net_output_ = new float[class_cnt];
    if (net_output_ == NULL) {
      return false;

  // compute input features
  if (feat_extract_->ComputeFeatures(char_samp, net_input_) == false) {
    return false;

  // go thru all the nets
  memset(net_output_, 0, class_cnt * sizeof(*net_output_));
  float *inputs = net_input_;
  for (int net_idx = 0; net_idx < nets_.size(); net_idx++) {
    // run each net
    vector<float> net_out(class_cnt, 0.0);
    if (!nets_[net_idx]->FeedForward(inputs, &net_out[0])) {
      return false;
    // add the output values
    for (int class_idx = 0; class_idx < class_cnt; class_idx++) {
      net_output_[class_idx] += (net_out[class_idx] * net_wgts_[net_idx]);
    // increment inputs pointer
    inputs += nets_[net_idx]->in_cnt();


  return true;