Beispiel #1
 * @brief This constructor builds the Quadtree data structure from a list of Nodes and
 * a list Elements
 * @param nodes
 * @param elements
 * @param size
 * @param minX
 * @param maxX
 * @param minY
 * @param maxY
Quadtree::Quadtree(std::vector<Node> nodes, std::vector<Element> elements, int size, float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY)
	nodeList = nodes;
	elementList = elements;
	binSize = size;

	glLoaded = false;
	pointCount = 0;
	VAOId = 0;
	VBOId = 0;
	IBOId = 0;
	outlineShader = 0;
	camera = 0;

	// Create the root branch
	std::cout << "Creating quadtree: " << minX << ", " << maxX << ", " << minY << ", " << maxY << std::endl;
	root = newBranch(minX, maxX, minY, maxY);

	if (binSize > 0)
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++)
			addNode(&nodeList[i], root);

		for (unsigned int i=0; i<elementList.size(); i++)
			addElement(&elementList[i], root);

	hasElements = true;

void AggressiveDCEPass::AddBranch(uint32_t labelId, BasicBlock* bp) {
  std::unique_ptr<Instruction> newBranch(
      new Instruction(context(), SpvOpBranch, 0, 0,
                      {{spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {labelId}}}));
  context()->set_instr_block(&*newBranch, bp);
Beispiel #3
void Lightning::Strike()
	//While its not hit the ground
		//If not first branch(to save on the else statment)
			//create branch from parent branch
			glm::vec3 begin = lightningStrike[predessingIndex].getEnd();
			newBranch(begin,strikeBranchPercentage, false, 0);
			//Create a brand new branch.
			newBranch(startingPoint,strikeBranchPercentage , false, 0);
			predessingIndex = 0;
			firstBranch = false;
	//Finish branches until the amount of branches it has gets to 0 
	//Find the core branch to seperate from branch offs
	//for(int i = 0; i<m_vCoreVerts.size();i++){
	//	printf("\n CORE BRANCH %i = X:%f, Y:%f, Z%f", i, m_vCoreVerts[i].x, m_vCoreVerts[i].y, m_vCoreVerts[i].z);
	for (int i = 0; i < m_vCoreVerts.size(); i+=2)
		if (m_vCoreVerts[i] == m_vBranchedVerts[0])
			branchedStart = m_vCoreVerts.size() - i;

Beispiel #4
void Lightning::branchOff()
	//Check for any current branch offs, if so branch off them.
	for(unsigned int i= 0; i<lightningStrike.size(); i++)
		if(lightningStrike[i].getBranchChance() == true)
			int randVal = rand() % 2;
			int branchAmountSize = rand() % 5;
			if(randVal == 0)
				newBranch(lightningStrike[i].getEnd(),strikeBranchPercentage, true,branchAmountSize);
Beispiel #5
void Lightning::finishOffBranches()
	//finish off the branches as if continously branch off, it can go forever. 
	for(unsigned int i= 0; i<lightningStrike.size(); i++)
		if(lightningStrike[i].getAmountOfBranches() == 0){
			finishedBranches = true;
		}else if(lightningStrike[i].getIsBranchOff() == true )
			newBranch(lightningStrike[i].getEnd(),strikeBranchPercentage, true, lightningStrike[i].getAmountOfBranches() - 1);
			finishedBranches = false;
void BaseTreeView::reload(BaseTreeBranch *btb)
  // remember the old status
  QStringList folderToOpen;
  KURL url = btb->rootUrl();
  // remove and open again
  btb = dynamic_cast<BaseTreeBranch *>(newBranch(url));
  if (btb) {
    btb->folderToOpen = folderToOpen;
Beispiel #7
void TreeWrapper::setBranch( const char* branchName,
                             T* dataPtr,
                             int bufferSize,
                             int splitLevel ) {

  dataName  = branchName;
  dataName += "/";
  dataName += TreeTypeNames::typeCode( dataPtr );
  branch_desc* bDesc = newBranch( branchName, dataPtr, dataName.c_str() );
  bDesc->bufferSize = bufferSize;
  bDesc->splitLevel = splitLevel;
  bDesc->branchPtr  = 0;

Beispiel #8
 * @brief Converts a leaf into a branch
 * This function is used to turn a leaf into a branch when the leaf needs to add more nodes
 * but has reached its maximum capacity. All of the nodes that were in the old leaf are added
 * to the new branch and the old leaf is permanently deleted.
 * @param currLeaf A pointer to the leaf that will be turned into a branch
 * @return  A pointer to the new branch object
branch* Quadtree::leafToBranch(leaf *currLeaf)
	// Create new branch with same bounds as the old leaf
	branch *currBranch = newBranch(currLeaf->bounds[0], currLeaf->bounds[1], currLeaf->bounds[2], currLeaf->bounds[3]);

	// Add all of the nodes that were in the old leaf to the new branch
	for (unsigned int i=0; i<currLeaf->nodes.size(); i++)
		addNode(currLeaf->nodes[i], currBranch);

	// Remove the old leaf pointer from the leaf list (just change to 0, removing is inefficient) and delete it
	for (unsigned int i=0; i<leafList.size(); i++)
		if (leafList[i] == currLeaf && leafList[i] != 0)
			leafList[i] = 0;
			delete currLeaf;
	return currBranch;
Beispiel #9
 * @brief This constructor builds the Quadtree data structure from a list of Nodes
 * @param nodes A list of Node objects to be included in the Quadtree
 * @param size The maximum number of Node objects allowed in each leaf
 * @param minX The lower bound x-value
 * @param maxX The upper bound x-value
 * @param minY The lower bound y-value
 * @param maxY The upper bound y-value
Quadtree::Quadtree(std::vector<Node> nodes, int size, float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY)
	nodeList = nodes;
	binSize = size;

	glLoaded = false;
	pointCount = 0;
	VAOId = 0;
	VBOId = 0;
	IBOId = 0;
	outlineShader = 0;
	camera = 0;

	// Create the root branch
	root = newBranch(minX, maxX, minY, maxY);

	if (binSize > 0)
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++)
			addNode(&nodeList[i], root);

	hasElements = false;
Beispiel #10
void DivergenceAnalysis::_findBranches(branch_set& branches)
	Analysis* dfgAnalysis = getAnalysis("DataflowGraphAnalysis");
	assert(dfgAnalysis != 0);

	DataflowGraph &dfg = static_cast<DataflowGraph&>(*dfgAnalysis);

	/* Create a list of branches that can be divergent, that is,
		they are not  bra.uni and have a predicate */
	DataflowGraph::iterator block = dfg.begin();
	DataflowGraph::iterator endBlock = dfg.end();

	/* Post-dominator tree */
	PostdominatorTree *dtree;
	dtree = (PostdominatorTree*) (getAnalysis("PostDominatorTreeAnalysis"));

	report(" Finding branches");
	for (; block != endBlock; ++block) {
		ir::PTXInstruction *ptxInstruction = NULL;

		if (block->instructions().size() > 0) {
			/* Branch instructions can only be the last
			instruction of a basic block */
			DataflowGraph::Instruction& lastInstruction =

			if (typeid(ir::PTXInstruction) == typeid(*(lastInstruction.i))) {
				ptxInstruction =

				if ((ptxInstruction->opcode == ir::PTXInstruction::Bra)) {
					report("  examining " << ptxInstruction->toString());
					if(ptxInstruction->uni == true) { 
						report("   eliminated, uniform...");
					if(lastInstruction.s.size() == 0) {
						report("   eliminated, wrong source count ("
							<< lastInstruction.s.size() << ")...");
					assert(lastInstruction.s.size() == 1);
					DataflowGraph::iterator postDomBlock =
					if (postDomBlock != dfg.end()) {
						BranchInfo newBranch(&(*block), &(*postDomBlock), 
							lastInstruction, _divergGraph);
						report("   is potentially divergent...");
					else {
						report("   eliminated, no post-dominator...");
PeepHoleOpt::Changed PeepHoleOpt::handleInst_Convert_F2I_D2I(Inst* inst)
    // Inline 'int_value = (int)(float_value or double_value)'
    Opnd* dst = inst->getOpnd(0);
    Opnd* src = inst->getOpnd(2);
    Type* srcType = src->getType();
    assert(srcType->isSingle() || srcType->isDouble());
    const bool is_dbl = srcType->isDouble();
    // Here, we might have to deal with 3 cases with src (_value):
    // 1. Unassigned operand - act as if were operating with XMM
    // 2. Assigned to FPU - convert to FPU operations, to 
    //    avoid long FPU->mem->XMM chain
    // 3. Assigned to XMM - see #1
    const bool xmm_way = 
        !(src->hasAssignedPhysicalLocation() && src->isPlacedIn(OpndKind_FPReg));

    if (!xmm_way) {
        //TODO: will add FPU later if measurements show it worths trying
        return Changed_Nothing;
        movss xmm0, val
        // presuming the corner cases (NaN, overflow) 
        // normally happen rare, do conversion first, 
        // and check for falls later
    -- convertNode
        cvttss2si eax, xmm0
    -- ovfTestNode
        // did overflow happen ?
        cmp eax, 0x80000000 
        jne _done               // no - go return result
    -- testAgainstZeroNode
        // test SRC against zero
        comiss xmm0, [fp_zero]
        // isNaN ? 
        jp _nan     // yes - go load 0
    -- testIfBelowNode
        // xmm < 0 ?
        jb _done    // yes - go load MIN_INT. EAX already has it - simply return.
    -- loadMaxIntNode 
        // ok. at this point, XMM is positive and > MAX_INT
        // must load MAX_INT which is 0x7fffffff.
        // As EAX has 0x80000000, then simply substract 1
        sub eax, 1
        jmp _done
    -- loadZeroNode
        xor eax, eax
    -- nodeNode
        mov result, eax
    Opnd* fpZeroOpnd = getZeroConst(srcType);
    Type* int32type = irManager->getTypeManager().getInt32Type();
    Opnd* oneOpnd = irManager->newImmOpnd(int32type, 1);
    Opnd* intZeroOpnd = getIntZeroConst();

    // 0x8..0 here is not the INT_MIN, but comes from the COMISS 
    // opcode description instead.
    Opnd* minIntOpnd = irManager->newImmOpnd(int32type, 0x80000000);

    Node* entryNode = getSubCfgEntryNode();

    Node* convertNode = newBB();
    Node* ovfTestNode = newBB();
    Node* testAgainstZeroNode = newBB();
    Node* testIfBelowNode = newBB();
    Node* loadMaxIntNode = newBB();
    Node* loadZeroNode = newBB();
    Node* doneNode = newBB();
    // presuming the corner cases (NaN, overflow) 
    // normally happen rare, do conversion first, 
    // and check for falls later
    connectNodes(entryNode, convertNode);
    // convert
    setCurrentNode(convertNode)    ;
    Mnemonic mn_cvt = is_dbl ? Mnemonic_CVTTSD2SI : Mnemonic_CVTTSS2SI;
    /*cvttss2si r32, xmm*/ newInst(mn_cvt, 1, dst, src);

    // check whether overflow happened
    /*cmp r32, MIN_INT*/ newInst(Mnemonic_CMP, dst, minIntOpnd);
    /*jne _done       */ newBranch(Mnemonic_JNE, doneNode, testAgainstZeroNode, 0.9, 0.1);

    // test SRC against zero
    Mnemonic mn_cmp = is_dbl ? Mnemonic_UCOMISD : Mnemonic_UCOMISS;
    /*comiss src, 0.  */ newInst(mn_cmp, src, fpZeroOpnd);
    /*jp _nan:result=0*/ newBranch(Mnemonic_JP, loadZeroNode, testIfBelowNode);

    /*mov r32, 0*/      newInst(Mnemonic_MOV, dst, intZeroOpnd);
    /*jmp _done*/       connectNodeTo(doneNode);

    // test if we have a huge negative in SRC
    /*jb _done:*/       newBranch(Mnemonic_JB, doneNode, loadMaxIntNode);
    /* sub dst, 1*/     newInst(Mnemonic_SUB, dst, oneOpnd);
    connectNodes(doneNode, getSubCfgReturnNode());
    return Changed_Node;