MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { qDebug() << "MainWindow::MainWindow() - ThreadId: " << QThread::currentThreadId(); x1 = new QVector<double>(INIT_DATA_SIZE); y1 = new QVector<double>(INIT_DATA_SIZE); y2 = new QVector<double>(INIT_DATA_SIZE); y3 = new QVector<double>(INIT_DATA_SIZE); y4 = new QVector<double>(INIT_DATA_SIZE); ui->setupUi(this); m_kldatabase = new KLDatabase(this); m_updatePlotTimer = new QTimer(this); m_updatePlotTimer->setInterval(5000); m_startAquisitionTimer = new QTimer(this); m_startAquisitionTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_acquisitionThread = new QThread(this); m_reader = new ReadDataWorker(m_kldatabase); m_reader->moveToThread(m_acquisitionThread); QObject::connect(m_startAquisitionTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(startAquisition()) ); QObject::connect(m_acquisitionThread, SIGNAL(started()), m_reader, SLOT(process()) ); QObject::connect(m_acquisitionThread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_reader, SLOT(deleteLater()) ); QObject::connect(m_acquisitionThread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_acquisitionThread, SLOT(deleteLater())); QObject::connect(m_reader, SIGNAL(newData()), this, SLOT(newData()) ); QObject::connect(m_reader, SIGNAL(readErrno(int)), this, SLOT(handleErrNo(int)) ); QObject::connect(m_updatePlotTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onDrawPlot()) ); QObject::connect(ui->pushButton_1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectLongTimespan()) ); QObject::connect(ui->pushButton_2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectMediumTimespan()) ); QObject::connect(ui->pushButton_3, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectShortTimespan()) ); QObject::connect(this,SIGNAL(drawPlot()),this,SLOT(onDrawPlot()) ); QObject::connect(ui->actionExit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onMenuExit()) ); m_initKl = new InitWidget(this); m_initKl->show(); m_pressUsb = new PressUsb(this); m_pressUsb->hide(); m_timeInterval = TimeInterval::LONG; m_tickSpacing = TickSpacing::DAYS; setButtonActive(ui->pushButton_1); // initialize plot makePlot(); m_startAquisitionTimer->start(500); }
bool Core::loadEncryptedSave(QByteArray& data) { if (!Settings::getInstance().getEncryptTox()) GUI::showWarning(tr("Encryption error"), tr("The .tox file is encrypted, but encryption was not checked, continuing regardless.")); size_t fileSize = data.size(); int error = -1; QString a(tr("Please enter the password for the %1 profile.", "used in load() when no pw is already set").arg(Settings::getInstance().getCurrentProfile())); QString b(tr("The previous password is incorrect; please try again:", "used on retries in load()")); QString dialogtxt; if (pwsaltedkeys[ptMain]) // password set, try it { QByteArray newData(fileSize-TOX_PASS_ENCRYPTION_EXTRA_LENGTH, 0); if (tox_pass_key_decrypt((uint8_t*), fileSize, pwsaltedkeys[ptMain], (uint8_t*), nullptr)) { data = newData; Settings::getInstance().setEncryptTox(true); return true; } dialogtxt = tr("The profile password failed. Please try another?", "used only when pw set before load() doesn't work"); } else { dialogtxt = a; } uint8_t salt[TOX_PASS_SALT_LENGTH]; tox_get_salt(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(, salt); do { QString pw = GUI::passwordDialog(tr("Change profile"), dialogtxt); if (pw.isEmpty()) { clearPassword(ptMain); return false; } else { setPassword(pw, ptMain, salt); } QByteArray newData(fileSize-TOX_PASS_ENCRYPTION_EXTRA_LENGTH, 0); error = !tox_pass_key_decrypt((uint8_t*), data.size(), pwsaltedkeys[ptMain], (uint8_t*), nullptr); if (!error) data = newData; dialogtxt = a + "\n" + b; } while (error != 0); Settings::getInstance().setEncryptTox(true); return true; }
void SerialPort::readFromFile(void) { static void *pointer = nullptr; char data[50]; std::memset(data, '\0', 50); pointer = memchr(buffer+offsetR, '\n', offsetW); if(pointer != NULL){ std::memcpy((void*)data, (void*)(buffer+offsetR), ((char*)pointer-(buffer+offsetR))); offsetR += (char*)pointer-(buffer+offsetR) + 1; QString tmp = QString::fromUtf8(data); //DEBUG("recv : " + tmp); float t,d,f; d = tmp.section(' ', 0, 0).toFloat(); t = tmp.section(' ', 1, 1).toFloat(); f = tmp.section(' ', 2, 2).toFloat(); emit newData(t,d,f); } }
bool WorldServer::loadNPCData() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->npcFile->getRowCount(); i++) { NPCData newData(this->npcFile, i); this->npcData.push_back(newData); } return true; }
void ServerSktTcp::newConnection() { QTcpServer* server = qobject_cast<QTcpServer*>(sender()); if (!server) return; QTcpSocket* client = server->nextPendingConnection(); while (client) { Conn* conn = new Conn; if (!conn) { client->deleteLater(); } else { client->setProperty(PROP_CONN, qVariantFromValue((void*)conn)); conn->client = client; conn->key = TK::ipstr(client->peerAddress(),client->peerPort(), true); connect(client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(newData())); connect(client, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(close(QObject*))); connect(client, SIGNAL(disconnected()), client, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(client, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(error())); setCookie(conn->key, conn); } client = server->nextPendingConnection(); } }
void QxrdDataProcessorThreaded::idleInt16Image(QcepInt16ImageDataPtr image, bool liveView) { QcepMutexLocker lock(__FILE__, __LINE__, image->mutex()); int height = image->get_Height(); int width = image->get_Width(); int nres = image-> get_SummedExposures(); int npixels = width*height; if (nres <= 0) nres = 1; double avgraw = 0; quint16 *img = image->data(); for (int i=0; i<npixels; i++) { avgraw += *img++; } set_AverageRaw(avgraw/npixels/nres); set_Average(get_AverageRaw() - get_AverageDark()); if (liveView) { if (qcepDebug(DEBUG_PROCESS)) { printMessage("Image Live View"); } QcepDoubleImageDataPtr corrected = takeNextFreeImage(image->get_Width(), image->get_Height()); QcepDoubleImageDataPtr dark = darkImage(); corrected->copyFrom(image); subtractDarkImage(corrected, dark); newData(corrected, QcepMaskDataPtr()); m_LiveData = corrected; } }
InterpolatingGraph::InterpolatingGraph(QCustomPlot *plot, const DoubleSeries &d, PlotSettings::ScalingMode scalingMode, PlotSettings::ScaleType scaleType) : Graph(plot), series(d), plot(plot), lastUpdate(-1), currentMin(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()), currentMax(std::numeric_limits<double>::min()), currentScalingMode(PlotSettings::NOSCALING), currentScaleType(PlotSettings::LINSCALE) { setObjectName("InterpolatingGraph"); connect(&series, SIGNAL(newData(qint64)), this, SLOT(onNewData(qint64))); connect(&series, SIGNAL(offsetChanged()), this, SLOT(onOffsetChanged())); graph = plot->addGraph(); // Ensure value axis is visible. plot->yAxis->setVisible(true); plot->yAxis->setGrid(true); configureAppearance(graph); initialize(graph, series); rescale(scalingMode, scaleType); updatePlot(scalingMode); }
int NetScanningController::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: newData((*reinterpret_cast< const QList<Device*>(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 1: infInformation((*reinterpret_cast< SVT_NotifyType(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 2: deviceCountChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 3: newDeviceNotify((*reinterpret_cast< SVT_NotifyType(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 4: routerTypeChanged(); break; case 5: gatewayChanged((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 6: onNewData((*reinterpret_cast< SVT_NotifyType(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 7: onInfInformation((*reinterpret_cast< SVT_NotifyType(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 8: onCountChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 9: onNode2Device((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< Device*(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 10: onDeviceDataChanged((*reinterpret_cast< const Device(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 11: onRefresh(); break; case 12: onSubscribeData((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[3]))); break; case 13: startScan(); break; default: ; } _id -= 14; } return _id; }
/*! * \brief Operator - */ Data2D Data2D::operator-(const Data2D& source) const { // Construct copy of current data Data2D newData(*this); // Check array sizes if (x_.nItems() != source.x_.nItems()) { msg.print("Can't - these Data2D together, since they are of differing sizes (%i vs %i).\n", x_.nItems(), source.x_.nItems()); return newData; } // Subtact source data from this data for (int n=0; n<x_.nItems(); ++n) { // Check x values if (fabs(x_.value(n) - source.x_.value(n)) > OPTOLERANCE) { msg.print("Can't - these Data2D, since the x axes are different.\n"); return newData; } newData.y_[n] -= source.y_.value(n); } newData.splineInterval_ = -1; return newData; }
// Get slices for storage based on needed size of display void TumblerWindow::setSlice(TumblerStruct *xtum) { int xsize, ysize; if (xtum->slice) sliceFree(xtum->slice); if (xtum->stslice) sliceFree(xtum->stslice); if (xtum->bwslice) sliceFree(xtum->bwslice); if (xtum->count) sliceFree(xtum->count); if (xtum->highres){ xsize = ysize = xtum->ms * xtum->zoom; if (xtum->stereo && xsize > xtum->width / 2) xsize = xtum->width / 2; }else{ xsize = ysize = xtum->ms; } xtum->slice = sliceCreate(xsize, ysize, SLICE_MODE_SHORT); xtum->stslice = sliceCreate(xsize, ysize, SLICE_MODE_SHORT); xtum->bwslice = sliceCreate(xsize, ysize, xtum->vi->rawImageStore); xtum->count = sliceCreate(xsize, ysize, SLICE_MODE_SHORT); newData(xtum); return; }
/** * Post-condition: size of capacity is at least 'requiredCapacity' */ void ensureCapacity(size_t requiredCapacity) { // Check if we have to resize our capacity. if (m_capacity < requiredCapacity) { // suppose, the capacity will be doubled size_t newCapacity = m_capacity * 2; // But, if it's not enough: if (requiredCapacity > m_capacity * 2) newCapacity = requiredCapacity; // Let's allocate the new buffer std::unique_ptr<T[]> newData(new T[newCapacity]); // Copy the old buffer's content. // memcpy can be used, since we don't need the copy constructors std::memcpy(newData.get(), m_data.get(), m_capacity * sizeof(T)); // Set the new buffer. // We must not free the old buffer, unique_ptr takes care. // Both reset() and release() are noexcept functions, so exception-safety is ok. m_data = std::move(newData); // At last, update to our new capacity. m_capacity = newCapacity; } }
int main(){ //int n; //printf("Please enter number of planets:\n"); //scanf("%d", &n); plot = fopen("List.txt","w"); table = fopen("Table.txt", "a"); data1 = fopen("Data1.txt","r"); data2 = fopen("Data2.txt", "w+"); int i; planet** planetArray = (planet**)malloc(n*sizeof(planet *)); planet** updateArray = (planet**)malloc(n*sizeof(planet *)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ //planetArray[i] = initPlanet(); //For manual input of planet data planetArray[i] = initPlanetFile(); //For file input of data } for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ updateArray[i] = initPlanetArray(); } int j; #pragma acc kernels for(j = 0; j < n; j++){ iterate(planetArray, updateArray, j, n); } for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ newData(*updateArray[i]); printPlanet(*updateArray[i]); } return 0; }
void Image::applyPalette(const Palette& palette) { vector<uint8_t> newData(width_ * height_ * 4); const T* input = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(; const T* inputEnd = input + width_ * height_; uint8_t* output =; while(input < inputEnd) { T paletteIndex = *input & (palette.colors.size() - 1); Palette::Color color = palette.colors[paletteIndex]; *output++ =; *output++ =; *output++ =; *output++ = color.alpha; input++; } data_ = move(newData); format_ = PixelFormat::kA8R8G8B8; updateHasAlpha(); }
void CameraDialog::newConnection() { QTcpSocket* client = m_server.nextPendingConnection(); qDebug()<< "newConnection" << client; while (client) { // Conn* conn = new Conn; // if (!conn) // { // client->deleteLater(); // } // else // { // client->setProperty(PROP_CONN, qVariantFromValue((void*)conn)); // conn->client = client; // conn->key = TK::ipstr(client->peerAddress(),client->peerPort(), true); connect(client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(newData())); // connect(client, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(close(QObject*))); connect(client, SIGNAL(disconnected()), client, SLOT(deleteLater())); // connect(client, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(error())); // setCookie(conn->key, conn); // } client = m_server.nextPendingConnection(); } }
void PlaterCalibrator::initAll() { _rx = 0.0; _ry = 0.0; _rz = 0.0; connect(ComModule::getInstance(), SIGNAL(newData(QByteArray)),this,SLOT(parseMCode(QByteArray))); }
void PortRs232::run(){ if(isRunning) return; serialPort = new QSerialPort(config->get("_setup_","port")); if(serialPort->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)){; portSetup(); //Note: on Windows settings must be called after serialPort->open, otherwise we get garbage when device is plugged for the fist time isRunning = true; readyEmitted = false; serialPort->flush(); while((isRunning || sendBytes.length() > 0 )&& serialPort && serialPort->isOpen()){ if(!readyEmitted && isRunning && mainwindow->isPluginReady()) {emit ready(portID); readyEmitted = true;} //receive if(serialPort->bytesAvailable() > 0) emit newData(serialPort->readAll()); //send, data is queed from the GUI thread so we need to lock this section so both threads do not modify sendBytes at same time sendMutex.lock(); if(sendBytes.length()){ serialPort->write(sendBytes); qDebug() << "sent data:" << sendBytes.length(); sendBytes.clear(); } sendMutex.unlock(); qApp->processEvents(); } }else{ emit message("Could not open port "+config->get("_setup_","port")+"\nMake sure the port is available and not used by other applications.","critical"); } isRunning = false; if(serialPort->isOpen()) serialPort->close(); delete serialPort; emit stopped(); }
// imports data in an external text file into the hash table void CSC120Dictionary::load() { char tempName[20]; float tempPrice; int tempStock, tempKey; ifstream merchandise("input.dat"); if (!merchandise) { cerr << "\nI need a data file"; exit(1); } // read data and place in hash table accordingly while ( !merchandise.eof() ) { merchandise >> tempKey; merchandise >> tempPrice; merchandise >> tempStock; merchandise >> tempName; DataRecord newData(tempPrice, tempStock, tempName); insert(tempKey, newData); } cout << "\n\tData has been loaded from an external data file\n"; merchandise.close(); return; }
void QTermDataHandler::parseMsg(QByteArray msg, QByteArray addr) { //ch lat lng //2 3456 789 abcde f //n hhmm.mmm hhhmm.mmm qDebug() << QString("Message size: %1").arg(msg.size()); if (msg.size() < 32) return; GasInfoItem item; if ( <= maxID && >= 0) =; else return; int t = addr[0]; t = (t << 8) + (unsigned char)addr[1]; t = (t << 8) + (unsigned char)addr[2]; if(!addrs.contains( addrs[] = t; memcpy(&item.h2s,, 4); memcpy(&item.so2,, 4); memcpy(&item.fel,, 4); memcpy(&item.o2,, 4); memcpy(&,, 4); float flat, flng; double lat, lng; memcpy(&flat,, 4); memcpy(&flng,, 4); lat = flat; lng = flng; lat = nmeaDegreesToDecimal(lat); lng = nmeaDegreesToDecimal(lng); item.location = QGeoCoordinate(lat, lng); emit newData(item); }
void fn_make (inode_state& state, const wordvec& words){ DEBUGF ('c', state); DEBUGF ('c', words); if (words.size() <= 0){ cout << "mkdir: missing operand" << endl; return; } wordvec newData(words.begin()+2, words.end()); wordvec pathvec = split (words[1], "/"); string fullpath = ""; string filename = *(pathvec.end()-1); for (auto it = pathvec.begin(); it != pathvec.end()-1; ++it) fullpath += (*it + "/"); inode_ptr res = resolvePath(fullpath, state.getCwd()); //resulting path before filename if (res == nullptr) return; inode_ptr file = res->getContents()->getNode(filename); //search directory for filename if existing if (file != nullptr && res != nullptr) { if(file->isDirectory()) //getContents()->getNode(words[1]) return; file->getContents()->writefile(newData); return; } res->getContents()->mkfile(filename); res->getContents()->getNode(filename)->getContents()->writefile(newData); inode_ptr ogcwd = state.getCwd(); //inode_ptr newFile = state.getCwd()->getContents()->mkfile(words[1]); //wordvec newData(words.begin()+2, words.end()); //newFile->getContents()->writefile(newData); }
void QRF24NetworkWorker::listenForNewData(QRF24Network *networkNode) { #ifdef TESTING struct payload_test { unsigned long ms; unsigned long counter; }; if (networkNode->available()) { QRF24NetworkHeader header; payload_test payload; networkNode->read(header,&payload,sizeof(payload)); qDebug() << QString("%1, frame #%2").arg(; Q_EMIT newData(QString("%1, frame #%2").arg(, payload.counter), header.from_node); } delayMicroseconds(m_listeningTime * 1000 / 100); return; #endif if (networkNode->available()) { qDebug() << "Data available!"; QRF24NetworkHeader header; char buff[1024]; int size = networkNode->read(header, buff, sizeof(buff)); if (!size) { Q_EMIT error(tr("Reading failed.")); } // Q_EMIT newData(QString(data), header.from_node); } delayMicroseconds(m_listeningTime * 1000 / 100); }
void DisplayClient::appClientReceiveMulticast(int servicePort, SYNTRO_EHEAD *multiCast, int len) { // make sure this is for us if (servicePort != m_receivePort) { logWarn(QString("Multicast received to invalid port %1").arg(servicePort)); free(multiCast); return; } // and the size we expect if (len != (sizeof(SYNTRO_RECORD_HEADER) + sizeof(quint32))) { logWarn(QString("Multicast length is unexpected : %1").arg(len - sizeof(SYNTRO_RECORD_HEADER))); free(multiCast); return; } // unpack the record, first get a pointer to the SYNTRO_RECORD_HEADER SYNTRO_RECORD_HEADER *head = (SYNTRO_RECORD_HEADER *)(multiCast + 1); // the led data is immediately after the SYNTRO_RECORD_HEADER in a single quint32 quint32 *values = (quint32 *)(head + 1); // the BoneLedDisplay class catches this signal emit newData(*values); // ack the data clientSendMulticastAck(servicePort); // always free the record you are given free(multiCast); }
int applypatch(int argc, char * argv[]){ if (argc!=4) { std::cout<<"patch command parameter:\n oldFileName diffFileName outNewFileName\n"; return 0; } const char* oldFileName=argv[1]; const char* diffFileName=argv[2]; const char* outNewFileName=argv[3]; std::cout<<"old :\"" <<oldFileName<< "\"\ndiff:\""<<diffFileName<<"\"\nout :\""<<outNewFileName<<"\"\n"; clock_t time0=clock(); { TFileStreamInput oldData(oldFileName); TFileStreamInput diffData(diffFileName); const hpatch_StreamPos_t newDataSize=readNewDataSize(diffData); TFileStreamOutput newData(outNewFileName,newDataSize); clock_t time1=clock(); if (!patch_stream(&newData, &oldData, &diffData)){ std::cout<<" patch_stream run error!!!\n"; exit(3); } clock_t time2=clock(); std::cout<<" patch_stream ok!\n"; std::cout<<"oldDataSize : "<<oldData.streamSize<<"\ndiffDataSize: "<<diffData.streamSize<<"\nnewDataSize : "<<newDataSize<<"\n"; std::cout<<"\npatch time:"<<(time2-time1)*(1000.0/CLOCKS_PER_SEC)<<" ms\n"; } clock_t time3=clock(); std::cout<<"all run time:"<<(time3-time0)*(1000.0/CLOCKS_PER_SEC)<<" ms\n"; return 0; }
bool OBJECT_WAREHOUSE_CLASS::store(string identifier, BASE_WAREHOUSE_ITEM_DATA_CLASS* data_ptr) // DESCRIPTION : Store given data in the warehouse. // PRECONDITIONS : // POSTCONDITIONS : // EXCEPTIONS : // NOTES : //<<=========================================================================== { UINT index; // check for valid data if (data_ptr == NULL) return false; // wait for access to warehouse waitSemaphore(); // first check if the same identifier has already been used if (search(identifier, data_ptr->getWidType(), &index)) { // remove existing item - the new data will simply replace the old itemM.removeAt(index); } // store the new data WAREHOUSE_ITEM_CLASS newData(identifier, data_ptr); itemM.add(newData); // release access to warehouse postSemaphore(); // return result return true; }
bool MaskedImage::advect(const VectorField2D & velocity, double deltaT, UArray<double> & inOutX, UArray<double> & inOutY, double errorTolerance, SInt32 maximumTimeStepCount) { if(deltaT == 0.0) return true; ParticleIntegrator integrator(velocity); double nextTimeStep = 0.1*deltaT; double minimumTimeStep = fabs(0.1*deltaT/maximumTimeStepCount); SInt32 imageSize = getXSize()*getYSize(); if(inOutX.getSize() != imageSize || inOutY.getSize() != imageSize) return false; SInt32 maxCount = 1000000; // keeps us from allocating too much memory at a time UArray<double> newData(imageSize); UArray<bool> newMask(imageSize); for(SInt32 imageIndex = 0; imageIndex < imageSize; imageIndex += maxCount) { SInt32 localCount = std::min(maxCount, imageSize-imageIndex); // set up the points, one for each output pixel UArray<double> points(2*localCount); for(SInt32 index = 0; index < localCount; index++) { points[2*index] = inOutX[index + imageIndex]; points[2*index+1] = inOutY[index + imageIndex]; } // integrate the pixels backward in time to their locations in the original image if(!integrator.integrate(points, deltaT, 0, errorTolerance, nextTimeStep, minimumTimeStep, maximumTimeStepCount)) return false; // interpolate the advected image at the points in the original image UArray<double> pixelX(localCount), pixelY(localCount), advectedPixels(localCount); UArray<bool> advectedMask(localCount); for(SInt32 index = 0; index < localCount; index++) { pixelX[index] = points[2*index]; pixelY[index] = points[2*index+1]; inOutX[index + imageIndex] = points[2*index]; inOutY[index + imageIndex] = points[2*index+1]; } maskedInterpolate(pixelX, pixelY, advectedPixels, advectedMask); // copy the advected pixels and mask back into this image for(SInt32 index = 0; index < localCount; index++) { newData[index + imageIndex] = advectedPixels[index]; newMask[index + imageIndex] = advectedMask[index]; } } getData().copy(newData); mask.copy(newMask); return true; }
void ProxyTunnel::doOpen() { if(m_server) { connect(m_server, SIGNAL(newData(QByteArray)), SIGNAL(dataRead(QByteArray))); this->SetState(st_connected); } }
SIG_DESCRIPTOR *DescriptorFromPEiD(const char *Data) { // This is identical to IDA, just replace '??' with '?' std::string newData(Data); StringReplace(newData, "??", "?"); return DescriptorFromIDA(newData.c_str()); }
std::vector<Poco::SharedPtr<ContactData> > ConvManagerService::getParticipants() { std::vector<Poco::SharedPtr<ContactData> >contacts; ParticipantRefs participants; m_conversation->GetParticipants(participants, Conversation::OTHER_CONSUMERS); unsigned int size = participants.size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { // Get the SkypeParticipant. SkypeParticipant::Ref participant(participants[i]); if (m_conversationMode == Call) { // If the participant is live, add it to the list. if (participant->isLive()) { // Get the contact for this participant. SkypeContact::Ref contact = Util::contactFromParticipant(participant); // Convert contact in ContactData structure. Poco::SharedPtr<ContactData> newData(Util::dataFromContact(contact)); // Add to the container. contacts.push_back(newData); } } else { // m_conversationMode == Chat. SkypeContact::Ref contact = Util::contactFromParticipant(participant); // Convert contact in ContactData structure. Poco::SharedPtr<ContactData> newData(Util::dataFromContact(contact)); // Add to the container. contacts.push_back(newData); } } return contacts; }
bool STObject::setType (const SOTemplate& type) { boost::ptr_vector<SerializedType> newData (type.peek ().size ()); bool valid = true; mType = &type; BOOST_FOREACH (const SOElement * elem, type.peek ()) { bool match = false; for (boost::ptr_vector<SerializedType>::iterator it = mData.begin (); it != mData.end (); ++it) if (it->getFName () == elem->e_field) { // matching entry, move to new vector match = true; if ((elem->flags == SOE_DEFAULT) && it->isDefault ()) { WriteLog (lsWARNING, STObject) << "setType( " << getFName ().getName () << ") invalid default " << elem->e_field.fieldName; valid = false; } newData.push_back (mData.release (it).release ()); // CAUTION: This renders 'it' invalid break; } if (!match) { // no match found if (elem->flags == SOE_REQUIRED) { WriteLog (lsWARNING, STObject) << "setType( " << getFName ().getName () << ") invalid missing " << elem->e_field.fieldName; valid = false; } newData.push_back (makeNonPresentObject (elem->e_field).release ()); } } BOOST_FOREACH (const SerializedType & t, mData) { // Anything left over must be discardable if (!t.getFName ().isDiscardable ()) { WriteLog (lsWARNING, STObject) << "setType( " << getFName ().getName () << ") invalid leftover " << t.getFName ().getName (); valid = false; } } mData.swap (newData); return valid; }
int MrsvrPlotCanvas::newData(int size, FXchar* str) { #ifdef DEBUG_MRSVR_PLOT_CANVAS printf("MrsvrPlotCanvas::newData()\n"); #endif // DEBUG_MRSVR_PLOT_CANVAS int r = newData(size); setLegend(r, str); return r; }
void //处理接受数据 CUdpReceive::processTheDatagram( std::size_t bytesRecvd ) { QByteArray tData( m_cDataBuffer , bytesRecvd ); int id = StructId( m_cDataBuffer ); if( id != 1057 ) emit newData( tData ); if( id == 1003 ) emit newDISMonitor( tData ); if( id == 1002 ) emit newMotion( tData ); receiveData(); }