VectorSpace<V,M>::VectorSpace(const VectorSpace<V,M>& aux) : VectorSet<V,M>(aux.env(),((std::string)(aux.m_prefix)).c_str(),INFINITY), m_dimGlobal(aux.m_dimGlobal), m_map(newMap()), m_dimLocal(m_map->NumMyElements()), m_componentsNamesArray(NULL), m_componentsNamesVec(NULL), m_emptyComponentName(""), m_zeroVector(new V(m_env,*m_map)) { if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 5)) { *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering VectorSpace<V,M>::constructor(2)" << ": aux.m_componentsNamesArray = " << aux.m_componentsNamesArray << ", aux.m_componentsNamesVec = " << aux.m_componentsNamesVec << std::endl; } if (aux.m_componentsNamesArray != NULL) { m_componentsNamesArray = new DistArray<std::string>(*(aux.m_componentsNamesArray)); } if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 5)) { *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving VectorSpace<V,M>::constructor(2)" << std::endl; } }
bool User::addKnown(int x, int z) { vec newMap(x, 0, z); this->mapKnown.push_back(newMap); return true; }
std::multimap<float, std::vector<int> > HuffmanCoder::Merge(std::multimap<float, std::vector<int> >& mapOne, std::multimap<float, std::vector<int> >& mapTwo) { std::multimap<float, std::vector<int> > newMap(mapOne); for (std::multimap<float, std::vector<int> >::iterator it = mapTwo.begin(); it != mapTwo.end(); it++) { newMap.insert(*it); } return newMap; }
TVP createMap1() { //{} TVP map = newMap(); // //maplet1 1|->2 TVP key1 = newInt(1); TVP val1 =newInt(2); vdmMapAdd(map,key1,val1); vdmFree(key1); vdmFree(val1); //maplet2 3|->4 TVP key2 = newInt(3); TVP val2 =newInt(4); vdmMapAdd(map,key2,val2); vdmFree(key2); vdmFree(val2); //maplet3 6|->7 TVP key3 = newInt(6); TVP val3 =newInt(7); vdmMapAdd(map,key3,val3); vdmFree(key3); vdmFree(val3); return map; }
bool User::addRemoveQueue(int x, int z) { vec newMap(x, 0, z); this->mapRemoveQueue.push_back(newMap); return true; }
bool NHomGroupPresentation::intelligentSimplify() { // step 1: simplify presentation of domain and range std::unique_ptr<regina::NHomGroupPresentation> rangeMap = range_->intelligentSimplifyDetail(); std::unique_ptr<regina::NHomGroupPresentation> domainMap = domain_->intelligentSimplifyDetail(); // build identity maps if either of the above is null. if (! domainMap.get()) domainMap.reset(new NHomGroupPresentation(*domain_)); if (! rangeMap.get()) rangeMap.reset(new NHomGroupPresentation(*range_)); NGroupPresentation *oldDom(domainMap->domain_), *oldRan(rangeMap->domain_), *newDom(domain_), *newRan(range_); domain_ = oldDom; range_ = oldRan;// we need to call this->evaluate but our map // step 2: compute rangeMap*(*oldthis)*domainMap.inverse() // and replace "map" appropriately. Simplify the words in the range. // Do the same for the inverse map if we have one. bool retval = rangeMap.get() || domainMap.get(); std::vector< NGroupExpression > newMap( newDom->countGenerators() ); for (unsigned long i=0; i<newMap.size(); i++) newMap[i].addTermsLast( rangeMap->evaluate( evaluate( domainMap->invEvaluate(i) ) ) ); std::vector< NGroupExpression > newInvMap; if (inv_) { newInvMap.resize( newRan->countGenerators() ); for (unsigned long i=0; i<newInvMap.size(); i++) newInvMap[i].addTermsLast( domainMap->evaluate( invEvaluate( rangeMap->invEvaluate(i) ) ) ); } domain_ = newDom; range_ = newRan; // step 3: rewrite this map, and simplify for (unsigned long i=0; i<map_.size(); i++) delete map_[i]; map_.resize( newMap.size() ); if (inv_) { for (unsigned long i=0; i<inv_->size(); i++) delete (*inv_)[i]; inv_->resize( newInvMap.size() ); } for (unsigned long i=0; i<map_.size(); i++) { map_[i] = new NGroupExpression(newMap[i]); range_->simplifyWord(*map_[i]); } if (inv_) for (unsigned long i=0; i<inv_->size(); i++) { (*inv_)[i] = new NGroupExpression(newInvMap[i]); domain_->simplifyWord(*(*inv_)[i]); } return retval; }
static void setHotFuncAttr() { static bool synced = false; if (synced) return; Lock lock(syncLock); if (synced) return; /* * s_treadmill forces any Funcs that are being destroyed to go through a * treadmill pass, to make sure we won't try to dereference something that's * being pulled out from under us. */ Func::s_treadmill = true; SCOPE_EXIT { Func::s_treadmill = false; }; if (RuntimeOption::EvalHotFuncCount) { std::priority_queue<FuncHotness, std::vector<FuncHotness>, bool(*)(const FuncHotness& a, const FuncHotness& b)> queue(comp); Func::getFuncVec().foreach([&](const Func* f) { if (!f) return; auto const profCounter = [&]() -> uint32_t { FuncProfileCounters::const_accessor acc; if (s_func_counters.find(acc, f->getFuncId())) { return acc->second; } return 0; }(); auto fh = FuncHotness(f, profCounter); if (queue.size() >= RuntimeOption::EvalHotFuncCount) { if (!comp(fh, return; queue.pop(); } queue.push(fh); }); while (queue.size()) { auto f =; queue.pop(); const_cast<Func*>(f)->setAttrs(f->attrs() | AttrHot); } } // We won't need the counters anymore. But there might be requests in flight // that still thought they were profiling, so we need to clear it on the // treadmill. Treadmill::enqueue([&] { FuncProfileCounters newMap(0); swap(s_func_counters, newMap); }); synced = true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int id1, id2, errs=0; if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s Place1 Place2\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } // convert args to place IDs id1 = (strlen(argv[1]) == 2) ? abbrevToID(argv[1]) : nameToID(argv[1]); id2 = (strlen(argv[1]) == 2) ? abbrevToID(argv[2]) : nameToID(argv[2]); // check place validity if (id1 == NOWHERE) { errs++; fprintf(stderr, "Invalid place name: %s\n", argv[1]); } if (id2 == NOWHERE) { errs++; fprintf(stderr, "Invalid place name: %s\n", argv[2]); } if (errs > 0) exit(1); Map europe; europe = newMap(); // find shortest path int i, n; LocationID path[NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS]; TransportID trans[NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS]; printf("Starting from %s ...\n", idToName(id1)); n = shortestPath(europe, id1, id2, path, trans); if (n == 0) printf("you cannot reach %s\n", idToName(id2)); else { for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { if (i > 1 && n > 2) printf("then "); printf("go to %s by ", idToName(path[i])); switch (trans[i]) { case ROAD: printf("road\n"); break; case RAIL: printf("rail\n"); break; case BOAT: printf("boat\n"); break; default: printf("????\n"); break; } } printf("You have reached your destination\n"); } //DEBUG printf("start is: %d; end is: %d\n", id1, id2); printf("path[0] is: %d; path[1] is: %d\n", path[0], path[1]); return 0; }
Game *startGame() { Game *game = malloc(sizeof(Game)); game->renderer = start_UI(0); game->map = newMap(); drawGame(game); return game; }
// Creates a new GameView to summarise the current state of the game GameView newGameView(char *pastPlays, PlayerMessage messages[]) { //printf("called newGameView\n"); GameView gameView = malloc(sizeof(struct gameView)); // INITIALIZE ALL THE THINGS IN THE GAMEVIEW STRUCT gameView->RoundNum = 0; gameView->CurrentPlayer = 0; gameView->GameScore = GAME_START_SCORE; gameView->europe = newMap(); gameView->Lord_Godalming = initPlayer(PLAYER_LORD_GODALMING); gameView->Dr_Seward = initPlayer(PLAYER_DR_SEWARD); gameView->Van_Helsing = initPlayer(PLAYER_VAN_HELSING); gameView->Mina_Harker = initPlayer(PLAYER_MINA_HARKER); gameView->Dracula = initPlayer(PLAYER_DRACULA); int i; int scoreChange=0; //// HANDLING PAST PLAYS STRING //// We will probably do this a different way in the final thing, (maybe) //// but for now it has to be like this because we can't add functions in //// this ADT (( :( )) for (i=0; pastPlays[i] != '\0' ; i+=7) { if (pastPlays[i] == ' ') i++; if (pastPlays[i] == 'G') { //if Godalmings turn 0 scoreChange = doPlayerTurn(gameView->Lord_Godalming, pastPlays+i); } else if (pastPlays[i] == 'S') { //Seward 1 scoreChange = doPlayerTurn(gameView->Dr_Seward, pastPlays+i); } else if (pastPlays[i] == 'H') { //Van helsing 2 scoreChange = doPlayerTurn(gameView->Van_Helsing, pastPlays+i); } else if (pastPlays[i] == 'M') { //Mine 3 scoreChange = doPlayerTurn(gameView->Mina_Harker, pastPlays+i); } else if (pastPlays[i] == 'D') { //DRACUULLLAAA 4 scoreChange = doPlayerTurn(gameView->Dracula, pastPlays+i); } if (scoreChange <= 0) { gameView->GameScore += scoreChange; } else if (scoreChange == 10) deductHealth(gameView->Dracula, 10); else if (scoreChange == 4) { deductHealth(gameView->Dracula, 10); gameView->GameScore -= 6; } gameView->CurrentPlayer++; if (gameView->CurrentPlayer==5) { gameView->CurrentPlayer = 0; gameView->RoundNum++; } } return gameView; }
shared_ptr<int> Map::createIntMap() { shared_ptr<int> newMap(new int[map->width * map->height]); for (int j = 0; j < map->height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < map->width; i++) { newMap.get()[j * map->width + i] = at(i, j); } } return newMap; }
map createNewState(map m, int nPiece, dir d, int dist) { game g = new_game(1, 1, 0, NULL); copy_game(m->g, g); map r = NULL; if (play_move(g, nPiece, d, dist)){ r = newMap(g, m); delete_game(g); } else delete_game(g); return r; }
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { if (nrhs != 4) { mexPrintf("Usage: alpha = LineSearch(prevScores, newScores, labels, lossType)\n"); mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect input format\n"); } #define mPrevScores (prhs[0]) #define mNewScores (prhs[1]) #define mLabels (prhs[2]) #define mLossType (prhs[3]) if (nlhs != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("One output arg expected"); char lossName[40]; if ( mxGetString(mLossType, lossName, sizeof(lossName)) != 0 ) mexErrMsgTxt("Error reading options.loss"); SQB::LossType sqbLoss = SQB::ExpLoss; if (strcmp(lossName, "exploss") == 0) sqbLoss = SQB::ExpLoss; else if ( strcmp(lossName, "logloss") == 0 ) sqbLoss = SQB::LogLoss; else if ( strcmp(lossName, "squaredloss") == 0 ) sqbLoss = SQB::SquaredLoss; else mexErrMsgTxt("options.loss contains an invalid value"); MatlabInputMatrix<WeightsType> pPrev( mPrevScores, 0, 1, "prevScores" ); MatlabInputMatrix<WeightsType> pNew( mNewScores, pPrev.rows(), 1, "newScores" ); MatlabInputMatrix<WeightsType> pLabels( mLabels, pPrev.rows(), 1, "labels" ); // create mappings ArrayMapType prevMap(, pPrev.rows(), pPrev.cols() ); ArrayMapType newMap(, pNew.rows(), pNew.cols() ); ArrayMapType labelsMap(, pLabels.rows(), pLabels.cols() ); SQB::LineSearch< ArrayType, ArrayMapType > LS( prevMap, newMap, labelsMap, sqbLoss ); WeightsType alpha =; MatlabOutputMatrix<WeightsType> outMatrix( &plhs[0], 1, 1 );[0] = alpha; }
int main() { Reader reader; try { Map newMap( reader.readMap( MAP_PATH ) ); Line startLine = reader.readLine(); PlayersInfo newPlayersInfo = reader.readPlayers(); Game newGame( newMap, newPlayersInfo, startLine, reader ); newGame.start(); } catch( std::exception const &e ) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
bool NHomGroupPresentation::intelligentNielsen() { // modelled on intelligentSimplify std::unique_ptr<regina::NHomGroupPresentation> rangeMap = range_->intelligentNielsenDetail(); std::unique_ptr<regina::NHomGroupPresentation> domainMap = domain_->intelligentNielsenDetail(); if (! domainMap.get()) domainMap.reset(new NHomGroupPresentation(*domain_)); if (! rangeMap.get()) rangeMap.reset(new NHomGroupPresentation(*range_)); NGroupPresentation *oldDom(domainMap->domain_), *oldRan(rangeMap->domain_), *newDom(domain_), *newRan(range_); domain_ = oldDom; range_ = oldRan;// we need to call this->evaluate but our map bool retval = rangeMap.get() || domainMap.get(); std::vector< NGroupExpression > newMap( newDom->countGenerators() ); for (unsigned long i=0; i<newMap.size(); i++) newMap[i].addTermsLast( rangeMap->evaluate( evaluate( domainMap->invEvaluate(i) ) ) ); std::vector< NGroupExpression > newInvMap; if (inv_) { newInvMap.resize( newRan->countGenerators() ); for (unsigned long i=0; i<newInvMap.size(); i++) newInvMap[i].addTermsLast( domainMap->evaluate( invEvaluate( rangeMap->invEvaluate(i) ) ) ); } domain_ = newDom; range_ = newRan; for (unsigned long i=0; i<map_.size(); i++) delete map_[i]; map_.resize( newMap.size() ); if (inv_) { for (unsigned long i=0; i<inv_->size(); i++) delete (*inv_)[i]; inv_->resize( newInvMap.size() ); } for (unsigned long i=0; i<map_.size(); i++) { map_[i] = new NGroupExpression(newMap[i]); range_->simplifyWord(*map_[i]); } if (inv_) for (unsigned long i=0; i<inv_->size(); i++) { (*inv_)[i] = new NGroupExpression(newInvMap[i]); domain_->simplifyWord(*(*inv_)[i]); } return retval; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { MAP* map = newMap(); char *strFrank = "frank"; char *strJef = "jef"; char *strDirk = "dirk"; put(map, strFrank, "0486/11.33.23"); put(map, strJef, "0486/10.20.30"); put(map, strDirk, "0475/11.39.12"); printMap(map); printf("Nummer van frank: %s\n",get(map, strFrank)); printf("Jef verwijderen...\n"); removePair(map, strJef); removePair(map, "bla"); printMap(map); freeMemory(map); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int id1, id2, errs=0; if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s Place1 Place2\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } // convert args to place IDs id1 = (strlen(argv[1]) == 2) ? abbrevToID(argv[1]) : nameToID(argv[1]); id2 = (strlen(argv[1]) == 2) ? abbrevToID(argv[2]) : nameToID(argv[2]); // check place validity if (id1 == NOWHERE) { errs++; fprintf(stderr, "Invalid place name: %s\n", argv[1]); } if (id2 == NOWHERE) { errs++; fprintf(stderr, "Invalid place name: %s\n", argv[2]); } if (errs > 0) exit(1); Map europe; europe = newMap(); // check for direct connection Transport t[NUM_TRANSPORT]; int i, n; printf("Between %s and %s ...\n", idToName(id1), idToName(id2)); n = connections(europe, id1, id2, t); if (n == 0) printf("No direct connection\n"); else { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { switch (t[i]) { case ROAD: printf("Road connection\n"); break; case RAIL: printf("Rail connection\n"); break; case BOAT: printf("Boat connection\n"); break; default: printf("Weird connection\n"); break; } } } return 0; }
// Creates a new GameView to summarise the current state of the game GameView newGameView(char *pastPlays, PlayerMessage messages[]) { //Initialise GameView GameView gameView = malloc(sizeof(struct gameView)); assert(gameView != NULL); //Add messages to struct //gameView->messages = messages; //Establish struct fields gameView->currScore = calculateScore(pastPlays); gameView->currRound = calculateRound(pastPlays); gameView->currTurn = calculateTurn(pastPlays); gameView->currPlayer = calculatePlayer(pastPlays); gameView->currHealth[PLAYER_LORD_GODALMING] = calculateHunterHealth(pastPlays, PLAYER_LORD_GODALMING); gameView->currHealth[PLAYER_DR_SEWARD] = calculateHunterHealth(pastPlays, PLAYER_DR_SEWARD); gameView->currHealth[PLAYER_VAN_HELSING] = calculateHunterHealth(pastPlays, PLAYER_VAN_HELSING); gameView->currHealth[PLAYER_MINA_HARKER] = calculateHunterHealth(pastPlays, PLAYER_MINA_HARKER); gameView->currHealth[PLAYER_DRACULA] = calculateDraculaHealth(pastPlays); int trail[TRAIL_SIZE] = {}; int i = 0; calculateTrail(pastPlays, PLAYER_LORD_GODALMING, trail); for (i = 0; i < TRAIL_SIZE; i++) { gameView->trail[PLAYER_LORD_GODALMING][i] = trail[i]; } calculateTrail(pastPlays, PLAYER_DR_SEWARD, trail); for (i = 0; i < TRAIL_SIZE; i++) { gameView->trail[PLAYER_DR_SEWARD][i] = trail[i]; } calculateTrail(pastPlays, PLAYER_VAN_HELSING, trail); for (i = 0; i < TRAIL_SIZE; i++) { gameView->trail[PLAYER_VAN_HELSING][i] = trail[i]; } calculateTrail(pastPlays, PLAYER_MINA_HARKER, trail); for (i = 0; i < TRAIL_SIZE; i++) { gameView->trail[PLAYER_MINA_HARKER][i] = trail[i]; } calculateTrail(pastPlays, PLAYER_DRACULA, trail); for (i = 0; i < TRAIL_SIZE; i++) { gameView->trail[PLAYER_DRACULA][i] = trail[i]; } gameView->map = newMap(); return gameView; }
void ResourceSpawnImplementation::createSpawnMaps(bool jtl, int minpool, int maxpool, const String& zonerestriction, Vector<String>& activeZones) { int concentration = getConcentration(jtl); Vector<String> zonenames = getSpawnZones(minpool, maxpool, zonerestriction, activeZones); for (int i = 0; i < zonenames.size(); ++i) { Zone* zone = server->getZoneServer()->getZone(zonenames.get(i)); if (zone == NULL) continue; SpawnDensityMap newMap(isType("ore"), concentration, zone->getMinX(), zone->getMaxX(), zone->getMinY(), zone->getMaxY()); spawnMaps.put(zonenames.get(i), newMap); } }
EditorWindow::EditorWindow() : QMainWindow(), newmap(this), editgroup(this) { ui.setupUi(this); // Set up input QObject::connect(ui.ActionNew, SIGNAL(activated()), &newmap, SLOT(exec())); QObject::connect(ui.ActionOpen, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(openDialog())); QObject::connect(ui.ActionSave, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(save())); QObject::connect(ui.ActionSaveAs, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(saveAs())); QObject::connect(ui.ActionCompile, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(compile())); QObject::connect(ui.ActionAbout, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(about())); QObject::connect(&newmap, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(newMap())); QObject::connect(&openmap, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(open())); QObject::connect(ui.ActionGrid, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui.levelview, SLOT(showGrid(bool))); ui.ActionGrid->setChecked(true); QObject::connect(ui.ActionMiniMap, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui.levelview, SLOT(showMiniMap(bool))); ui.ActionMiniMap->setChecked(true); QObject::connect(ui.resize, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(resize())); QObject::connect(ui.tilelist, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(selectTile(QModelIndex))); QObject::connect(ui.entitylist, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(selectEntity(QModelIndex))); QObject::connect(ui.toolbox, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(selectPanel(int))); // Create edit input group editgroup.addAction(ui.ActionDraw); editgroup.addAction(ui.ActionErase); editgroup.addAction(ui.ActionSelect); editgroup.setExclusive(true); ui.ActionSelect->setChecked(true); QObject::connect(&editgroup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(setAction(QAction*))); // Fill tile list std::vector<std::string> tilenames = TileSet::getTiles(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tilenames.size(); i++) { tilelist.appendRow(new QStandardItem(tilenames[i].c_str())); } ui.tilelist->setModel(&tilelist); // Fill entity list std::vector<std::string> entitynames = Game::get().getEntities(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < entitynames.size(); i++) { entitylist.appendRow(new QStandardItem(entitynames[i].c_str())); } ui.entitylist->setModel(&entitylist); }
static ComoFrame *create_frame(Object *code) { size_t i; ComoFrame *frame = malloc(sizeof(ComoFrame)); frame->cf_sp = 0; frame->cf_stack_size = 0; for(i = 0; i < (size_t)COMO_DEFAULT_FRAME_STACKSIZE; i++) { frame->cf_stack[i] = NULL; } frame->cf_symtab = newMap(4); frame->code = code; frame->next = NULL; frame->namedparameters = newArray(2); frame->filename = NULL; return frame; }
map *openMap(char *filePath) { FILE *file = fopen(filePath, "r"); /* get width and height of map */ int width, height; if(fscanf(file, "P3 %d %d 255", &width, &height) != 2) { printf("error reading frome file\n"); }; /* create the empty map */ map *m = newMap(width, height); /* fill the map */ parseMap(file, m); fclose(file); return m; }
TVP createMap3() { //{} TVP map = newMap(); //maplet1 7|->8 TVP key1 = newInt(7); TVP val1 =newInt(8); vdmMapAdd(map,key1,val1); vdmFree(key1); vdmFree(val1); //maplet2 9|->11 TVP key2 = newInt(9); TVP val2 =newInt(11); vdmMapAdd(map,key2,val2); vdmFree(key2); vdmFree(val2); return map; }
int main() { // Creation de la carte struct map* carte = newMap(MAP_W, MAP_H); // Initialisation de la map for(int i = 0; i < carte->height; ++i) { for(int j = 0; j < carte->width; ++j) { int tmp = i == 0 || j == 0 || i == carte->height-1 || j == carte->width-1; setCase(carte, i, j, tmp); } } // Affichage map printMap(carte); // On libère la map freeMap(carte); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
TVP mapApply() { TVP res = NULL; //{1|->2,3|->4}(1)=2 //{} TVP map = newMap(); //maplet1 1|->2 TVP key1 = newInt(1); TVP val1 =newInt(2); vdmMapAdd(map,key1,val1); vdmFree(key1); vdmFree(val1); //maplet2 3|->4 TVP key2 = newInt(3); TVP val2 =newInt(4); vdmMapAdd(map,key2,val2); vdmFree(key2); vdmFree(val2); //apply id TVP tmp1 = newInt(1); TVP tmp2 = vdmMapApply(map,tmp1); vdmFree(tmp1); TVP tmp3 = newInt(2); TVP tmp4 = newBool(equals(tmp2,tmp3)); res = vdmClone(tmp4); vdmFree(tmp4); vdmFree(tmp3); vdmFree(tmp2); return res; }
bool User::addQueue(int x, int z) { vec newMap(x, 0, z); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mapQueue.size(); i++) { // Check for duplicates if(mapQueue[i].x() == newMap.x() && mapQueue[i].z() == newMap.z()) return false; } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mapKnown.size(); i++) { //Check for duplicates if(mapKnown[i].x() == newMap.x() && mapKnown[i].z() == newMap.z()) return false; } this->mapQueue.push_back(newMap); return true; }
void testMapModule(void) { Map map, map2; string key; string str; trace(map = newMap()); test(size(map), 0); test(isEmpty(map), true); trace(put(map, "H", "Hydrogen")); test(size(map), 1); test(isEmpty(map), false); trace(put(map, "He", "Helium")); trace(put(map, "Al", "Aluminum")); test(containsKey(map, "H"), true); test(get(map, "H"), "Hydrogen"); test(get(map, "He"), "Helium"); test(get(map, "Al"), "Aluminum"); test(containsKey(map, "Li"), false); test(get(map, "Li"), NULL); trace(put(map, "Al", "Aluminium")); test(get(map, "Al"), "Aluminium"); trace(remove(map, "Al")); test(containsKey(map, "Al"), false); test(get(map, "He"), "Helium"); trace(put(map, "Li", "Lithium")); test(get(map, "Li"), "Lithium"); trace(put(map, "Be", "Beryllium")); test(size(map), 4); trace(str = ""); trace (foreach (key in map) str = concat(str, key)); test(str, "BeHHeLi"); trace(str = ""); trace(foreach (key in map) str = concat(str, get(map, key))); test(str, "BerylliumHydrogenHeliumLithium"); trace(map2 = clone(map)); trace(str = ""); trace(foreach (key in map2) str = concat(str, get(map2, key))); test(str, "BerylliumHydrogenHeliumLithium"); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { HashMap* map = newMap(40, &testHashFunction, &testComparator, &testKeyCopy); Hash key = 0; Key testKeyPtr = (Key) &key; incrementKeyValue(map, testKeyPtr); incrementKeyValue(map, testKeyPtr); incrementKeyValue(map, testKeyPtr); Hash key2 = 20; Key testKeyPtr2 = (Key) &key2; incrementKeyValue(map, testKeyPtr2); incrementKeyValue(map, testKeyPtr2); printf("key = %d\n", get(map, testKeyPtr)); printf("key2 = %d\n", get(map, testKeyPtr2)); Hash key3 = 18; Key testKeyPtr3 = (Key) &key3; incrementKeyValue(map, testKeyPtr3); incrementKeyValue(map, testKeyPtr3); incrementKeyValue(map, testKeyPtr3); incrementKeyValue(map, testKeyPtr3); printf("key3 = \%d\n", get(map, testKeyPtr3)); deleteMap(map); }
int main() { char map_val[3][3] = { {1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 0} }; map = newMap(); /* for(int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { map[i] = &map_val[i]; }*/ int i; for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { memcpy(map[i], map_val[i], HEIGHT); } printMap(map); State state; state.index = 8; state.shape = SPACE; printf("fitable? %d\n", fitable(SPACE, 8)); fit(&state, EL2); printMap(map); /* State * p_state = &state; fit(p_state, EL1); if (fitable(STICK1, 4)) { printf("fitable!\n"); state.index = 4; state.shape = STICK1; p_state = &state; fit(p_state, STICK1); }*/ //printf("fitable? %d\n", fitable(STICK1, 4)); return 0; }
void Maps::changeMap(Player* player, int mapid, int pos){ removePlayer(player); player->setMap(mapid); player->setMappos(pos); player->setType(0); player->setChair(0); Pos cpos; if((unsigned int)pos<info[mapid].Portals.size()){ cpos.x = info[mapid].Portals[pos].x; cpos.y = info[mapid].Portals[pos].y; } else if(info[mapid].Portals.size() > 0){ cpos.x = info[mapid].Portals[0].x; cpos.y = info[mapid].Portals[0].y; } else{ cpos.x = 0; cpos.y = 0; } player->setPos(cpos); MapPacket::changeMap(player); newMap(player); }