Beispiel #1
editMailcap(char *mailcap, struct parsed_tagarg *args)
    TextList *t = newTextList();
    TextListItem *ti;
    FILE *f;
    Str tmp;
    char *type, *viewer;
    struct parsed_tagarg *a;
    bool delete_it;

    if ((f = fopen(mailcap, "rt")) == NULL)
	bye("Can't open", mailcap);

    while (tmp = Strfgets(f), tmp->length > 0) {
	if (tmp->ptr[0] == '#')
	extractMailcapEntry(tmp->ptr, &type, &viewer);
	delete_it = false;
	for (a = args; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
	    if (!strcmp(a->arg, "delete") && !strcmp(a->value, type)) {
		delete_it = true;
	if (!delete_it)
	    pushText(t, Sprintf("%s;\t%s\n", type, viewer)->ptr);
    type = tag_get_value(args, "newtype");
    viewer = tag_get_value(args, "newcmd");
    if (type != NULL && *type != '\0' && viewer != NULL && *viewer != '\0')
	pushText(t, Sprintf("%s;\t%s\n", type, viewer)->ptr);
    if ((f = fopen(mailcap, "w")) == NULL)
	bye("Can't write to", mailcap);

    for (ti = t->first; ti != NULL; ti = ti->next)
	fputs(ti->ptr, f);
    printf("Content-Type: text/plain\n");
    printf("w3m-control: BACK\nw3m-control: BACK\n");
    printf("w3m-control: REINIT MAILCAP\n");
Beispiel #2
char *
    static Str types = NULL;
    TextList *l;
    Hash_si *mhash;
    char *p;
    int i;

    if (types != NULL)
	return types->ptr;

    /* generate acceptable media types */
    l = newTextList();
    mhash = newHash_si(16);	/* XXX */
    /* pushText(l, "text"); */
    putHash_si(mhash, "text", 1);
    pushText(l, "image");
    putHash_si(mhash, "image", 1);
    for (i = 0; i < mailcap_list->nitem; i++) {
	struct mailcap *mp = UserMailcap[i];
	char *mt;
	if (mp == NULL)
	for (; mp->type; mp++) {
	    p = strchr(mp->type, '/');
	    if (p == NULL)
	    mt = allocStr(mp->type, p - mp->type);
	    if (getHash_si(mhash, mt, 0) == 0) {
		pushText(l, mt);
		putHash_si(mhash, mt, 1);
    types = Strnew();
    Strcat_charp(types, "text/html, text/*;q=0.5");
    while ((p = popText(l)) != NULL) {
	Strcat_charp(types, ", ");
	Strcat_charp(types, p);
	Strcat_charp(types, "/*");
    return types->ptr;
Beispiel #3
int main()
    // Variables for diagnosis tree
    NodeT *root = NULL;

    // Variables for text List
    TextEntry text;
    TextList textList = newTextList();

    // Variables for driver input control
    char szInputBuffer[MAX_LINE_SIZE+1];            // input command line
    int iScanfCnt;                                  // sscanf return
    char *pszRemaining;                             // getToken returns this
    Token szCommand;                                // Input Command

    //Variables for reading data input command arguments
    Element element;                                // Binary Tree element
    char szParentId[MAX_ID_SIZE + 1];               // parent Id for NODE command
    char cYN;                                       // Y or N value for NODE command
    char szAnswers[MAX_NUMBER_ANSWERS];             // Text for answers
    // Variables for results
    char *pszResultId;                              // Result of searchT or help
    // Read command lines until EOF
    while (fgets(szInputBuffer, MAX_LINE_SIZE, stdin) != NULL)
        printf("%s", szInputBuffer);

        // If the line is just a comment, ignore it
        if (szInputBuffer[0] == '*')
            continue;                               // Command is a comment so skip it
        // get the command
        pszRemaining = getToken(szInputBuffer, szCommand, MAX_TOKEN_SIZE);

        // Determine what to invoke based on the command

        if (strcmp(szCommand, "ROOT") == 0)
        {   // ROOT id      - create the root for the tree
            pszRemaining = getToken(pszRemaining, element.szId, MAX_ID_SIZE);
            if (pszRemaining == NULL)
                ErrExit(ERR_DATA, "Invalid data for ROOT command, missing ID");

            element.cNodeType = 'Q';
            root = allocateNodeT(element);

        else if (strcmp(szCommand, "NODE") == 0)
        {   // NODE type id parentId yn
            iScanfCnt = sscanf(pszRemaining, "%c %s %s %c"
                , &element.cNodeType, element.szId
                , szParentId, &cYN);
            if (iScanfCnt < 4)
                ErrExit(ERR_DATA, "Invalid data for NODE command: '%s'", pszRemaining);

            // insert your code to check warning cases and handle the insertion
            insert(root, szParentId, element, cYN);

        else if (strcmp(szCommand, "TEXT") == 0)
        {   // TEXT type id displayText
            iScanfCnt = sscanf(pszRemaining, "%c %s %79[^\n]", &text.cType, text.szId, text.szText);
            if (iScanfCnt < 3)
                ErrExit(ERR_DATA, "Invalid data for TEXT command: '%s'", pszRemaining);

            addTextEntry(textList, text);

        else if (strcmp(szCommand, "PRINT") == 0)
        {   // PRINT using your prettyPrintT routine
            prettyPrintT(root, 0, textList);

        else if (strcmp(szCommand, "HELP") == 0)
        {   // HELP id answers
            pszRemaining = getToken(pszRemaining, szAnswers, MAX_NUMBER_ANSWERS);
            if (pszRemaining == NULL)
                ErrExit(ERR_DATA, "Invalid data for HELP command, missing answers");

            pszResultId = help(root, szAnswers, 0, textList);

            // It is expected that help might return NULL, if the tree is 
            // not defined properly.  (not necessarily a student error)
            if (pszResultId == NULL)
                printf("\t*** Warning:  NULL returned from HELP\n");
                printf("\t%s: %s\n", pszResultId
                     , getText(textList, pszResultId));

        else if (strcmp(szCommand, "DELETE") == 0)
            pszRemaining = getToken(pszRemaining, element.szId, MAX_ID_SIZE);
            if (pszRemaining == NULL)
                ErrExit(ERR_DATA, "Invalid data for DELETE command, missing ID");

            // insert your code for the DELETE command which should remove the 
            // specified ID from its parent node and also free the subtree defined by
            // the specified ID
            deleteNode(root, element.szId);
    // Your code to free the tree
    // Free the textList

    return 0;
Beispiel #4
insert_bookmark(char *bmark, struct parsed_tagarg *data)
    char *url, *title, *section;
    FILE *f;
    TextList *tl = newTextList();
    int section_found = 0;
    int bmark_added = 0;
    Str tmp, section_tmp;

    url = tag_get_value(data, "url");
    title = tag_get_value(data, "title");
    section = tag_get_value(data, "newsection");
    if (section == NULL || *section == '\0')
	section = tag_get_value(data, "section");
    if (section == NULL || *section == '\0')

    if (url == NULL || *url == '\0' || title == NULL || *title == '\0') {
	/* Bookmark not added */
	return FALSE;
    url = html_quote(url);
    title = html_quote(title);
    section = html_quote(section);

    f = fopen(bmark, "r");
    if (f == NULL)
	return create_new_bookmark(bmark, section, title, url, "w");

    section_tmp = Sprintf("<h2>%s</h2>\n", section);
    for (;;) {
	tmp = Strfgets(f);
	if (tmp->length == 0)
	if (Strcasecmp(tmp, section_tmp) == 0)
	    section_found = 1;
	if (section_found && !bmark_added) {
	    if (Strcmp_charp(tmp, end_section) == 0) {
			 Sprintf("<li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n", url,
		bmark_added = 1;
	if (!bmark_added && Strcasecmp_charp(tmp, "</body>\n") == 0) {
	    pushText(tl, Sprintf("<h2>%s</h2>\n<ul>\n", section)->ptr);
		     Sprintf("<li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n", url, title)->ptr);
	    pushText(tl, end_section);
	    pushText(tl, "</ul>\n");
	    bmark_added = 1;
	pushText(tl, tmp->ptr);
    if (!bmark_added) {
	/* Bookmark not added; perhaps the bookmark file is ill-formed */
	/* In this case, a new bookmark is appeneded after the bookmark file */
	return create_new_bookmark(bmark, section, title, url, "a");
    f = fopen(bmark, "w");
    while (tl->nitem) {
	fputs(popText(tl), f);
    return TRUE;