Beispiel #1
 * Driver initialisation at IOC startup (ecAsynInit)
 * path - location of Unix Domain Socket, must match the scanner's
 * max_message - maximum size of messages between scanner and ioc
 *               This must be able to accommodate the configuration
 *               of the chain that is transferred from the scanner to
 *               the ioc.
static void makePorts(char * path, int max_message)
    ENGINE_USER * usr = (ENGINE_USER *)callocMustSucceed
        (1, sizeof(ENGINE_USER), "can't allocate socket engine private data");
    usr->master = new ecMaster((char *)"MASTER0");
    ellAdd(&usr->ports, &usr->master->node);
    usr->config_ready = rtMessageQueueCreate(1, sizeof(int));
    // TODO - no assert for runtime errors, so what should we use to throw?
    assert(usr->config_ready != NULL);
    usr->config = (EC_CONFIG *)callocMustSucceed
        (1, sizeof(EC_CONFIG), "can't allocate chain config lists");
    usr->writeq = rtMessageQueueCreate(1, max_message);
    assert(usr->writeq != NULL);
    ENGINE * engine = new_engine(max_message);
    engine->path = strdup(path);
    engine->connect = client_connect;
    engine->on_connect = receive_config_on_connect;
    engine->send_message = ioc_send;
    engine->receive_message = ioc_receive;
    engine->usr = usr;

    new_timer(1000000000, usr->writeq, 0, MSG_HEARTBEAT);

    int ack;
    rtMessageQueueReceive(usr->config_ready, &ack, sizeof(int));

Beispiel #2
 * \class ds::App
App::App(const RootList& roots)
	: mInitializer(getAppPath().generic_string())
	, mShowConsole(false)
	, mEngineSettings()
	, mEngineData(mEngineSettings)
	, mEngine(new_engine(*this, mEngineSettings, mEngineData, roots))
	, mCtrlDown(false)
	, mSecondMouseDown(false)
	, mQKeyEnabled(true)
	, mEscKeyEnabled(true)
	, mArrowKeyCameraStep(mEngineSettings.getFloat("camera:arrow_keys", 0, -1.0f))
	, mArrowKeyCameraControl(mArrowKeyCameraStep > 0.025f)

	// Initialize each sprite type with a unique blob handler for network communication.
	mEngine.installSprite(	[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){ds::ui::Sprite::installAsServer(r);},
							[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){ds::ui::Sprite::installAsClient(r);});
	mEngine.installSprite(	[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){ds::ui::Gradient::installAsServer(r);},
							[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){ds::ui::Gradient::installAsClient(r);});
	mEngine.installSprite(	[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){ds::ui::Image::installAsServer(r);},
							[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){ds::ui::Image::installAsClient(r);});
	mEngine.installSprite(	[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){ds::ui::NinePatch::installAsServer(r);},
							[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){ds::ui::NinePatch::installAsClient(r);});
	mEngine.installSprite(	[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){ds::ui::Text::installAsServer(r);},
							[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){ds::ui::Text::installAsClient(r);});
	mEngine.installSprite(	[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){EngineStatsView::installAsServer(r);},
							[](ds::BlobRegistry& r){EngineStatsView::installAsClient(r);});

	// Initialize the engine image generator typess.

	// Install the framework services
	mEngine.addService(ds::glsl::IMAGE_SERVICE, *(new ds::glsl::ImageService(mEngine)));
	mEngine.addService(ds::MESH_CACHE_SERVICE_NAME, *(new ds::MeshCacheService()));

	if (mArrowKeyCameraControl) {
		// Currently this is necessary for the keyboard commands
		// that change the screen rect. I don't understand things
		// well enough to know why this is a problem or what turning
		// it off could be doing, but everything LOOKS fine.

	// Verify that the application has included the framework resources.
	try {
		ci::DataSourceRef ds = loadResource(RES_ARC_DROPSHADOW);
	} catch (std::exception&) {
		std::cout << "ERROR Failed to load framework resource -- did you include FrameworkResources.rc in your application project?" << std::endl;

	// Run all the statically-created initialization code.
	std::vector<std::function<void(ds::Engine&)>>& startups = get_startups();
	for (auto it=startups.begin(), end=startups.end(); it!=end; ++it) {
		if (*it) (*it)(mEngine);