Beispiel #1
const BoxList
BoxLib::complementIn (const Box&     b,
                      const BoxList& bl)
    BL_ASSERT(bl.ixType() == b.ixType());
    BoxList newb(b.ixType());
    return newb;
Beispiel #2
std::vector<Box> octreeSolid::get8ChildrenBox(Vec3f leftDownf, Vec3f rightUpf)
	Vec3f mid = (leftDownf + rightUpf)/2;
	Vec3f pt[3] = {leftDownf, mid, rightUpf};
	std::vector<Box> boxes;

	for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i ++)
		for (int j = 0; j <= 1; j ++)
			for (int k = 0; k <= 1; k ++)
				Vec3f ld = Vec3f(pt[i][0], pt[j][1], pt[k][2]);
				Vec3f ru = Vec3f(pt[i+1][0], pt[j+1][1], pt[k+1][2]);
				Box newb(ld, ru);

	return boxes;
Beispiel #3
abColumn::mergeWithNext(abAbacus *abacus, bool highQuality) {
  abColumn *lcolumn = this;
  abColumn *rcolumn = next();
  abColumn *ncolumn = next()->next();  //  The column after rcolumn.

  assert(lcolumn != NULL);
  assert(rcolumn != NULL);

  assert(lcolumn->next() == rcolumn);
  assert(rcolumn->prev() == lcolumn);

#if 0

  //  If both columns have a non-gap (for a single read), we cannot merge.

  for (uint32 ii=0; ii<lcolumn->_beadsLen; ii++) {
    uint32  jj = lcolumn->_beads[ii].nextOffset();

    if ((jj < UINT16_MAX) &&
        (lcolumn->_beads[ii].base() != '-') &&
        (rcolumn->_beads[jj].base() != '-'))

#if 0
  fprintf(stderr, "MERGE columns %d %p <-  %d %p\n",
          lcolumn->position(), lcolumn,
          rcolumn->position(), rcolumn);

  fprintf(stderr, "rcolumn links\n");


  //  OK to merge.  Merge all the bases from the right column to the current column.  We already
  //  checked that whenever the right column has a base, the left column has a gap, so just march
  //  down the right column and move those bases over!

  for (uint16 rr=0; rr<rcolumn->_beadsLen; rr++) {
    uint16  ll = rcolumn->_beads[rr].prevOffset();

    //  Ignore the gaps.

    if (rcolumn->_beads[rr].base() == '-')

    //  Oh, great.  We just found the end of a read.  We need to link in the gap (in lcolumn)
    //  before we can swap.  Correction: we need to ADD a gap (in lcolumn) before we can swap.

    if (ll == UINT16_MAX) {
      //fprintf(stderr, "EXTEND READ at rr=%d\n", rr);
      ll = lcolumn->extendRead(rcolumn, rr);

    //  The simple case: just swap the contents.

#if 0
    fprintf(stderr, "mergeWithNext()-- swap beads lcolumn %d %c and rcolumn %d %c\n",
            ll, lcolumn->_beads[ll].base(),
            rr, rcolumn->_beads[rr].base());

    rcolumn->baseCountDecr(rcolumn->_beads[rr].base());  //  We don't really care about rcolumn.

    swap(lcolumn->_beads[ll], rcolumn->_beads[rr]);


    //  While we're here, update the bead-to-read maps.

    beadID oldb(rcolumn, rr);
    beadID newb(lcolumn, ll);

    map<beadID,uint32>::iterator  fit = abacus->fbeadToRead.find(oldb);  //  Does old bead exist
    map<beadID,uint32>::iterator  lit = abacus->lbeadToRead.find(oldb);  //  in either map?

    if (fit != abacus->fbeadToRead.end()) {
      uint32  rid = fit->second;

      //fprintf(stderr, "mergeWithNext()-- move fbeadToRead from %p/%d to %p/%d for read %d\n",
      //        rcolumn, rr, lcolumn, ll, rid);

      abacus->fbeadToRead.erase(fit);     //  Remove the old bead to read pointer

      abacus->fbeadToRead[newb] = rid;    //  Add a new bead to read pointer
      abacus->readTofBead[rid]  = newb;   //  Update the read to bead pointer

    if (lit != abacus->lbeadToRead.end()) {
      uint32  rid = lit->second;

      //fprintf(stderr, "mergeWithNext()-- move lbeadToRead from %p/%d to %p/%d for read %d\n",
      //        rcolumn, rr, lcolumn, ll, rid);


      abacus->lbeadToRead[newb] = rid;
      abacus->readTolBead[rid]  = newb;

  //  The rcolumn should now be full of gaps.  (We could just test that baseCount('-') == depth()

  for (uint32 rr=0; rr<rcolumn->_beadsLen; rr++)
    assert(rcolumn->_beads[rr].base() == '-');

#if 0

  //  To make checkLinks() work, we need to unlink rcolumn from the column list right now.

  if (rcolumn->_prevColumn)   rcolumn->_prevColumn->_nextColumn = rcolumn->_nextColumn;
  if (rcolumn->_nextColumn)   rcolumn->_nextColumn->_prevColumn = rcolumn->_prevColumn;

  assert(ncolumn == rcolumn->next());
  assert(ncolumn == next());

  //  Before the rcolumn can be removed, we need to unlink it from the bead link list.  If there is a column after rcolumn,
  //  we need to move rcolumn's link pointers to lcolumn (prev) and ncolumn (next).
  //  The actual example (,'s indicate no bases because the read ended):
  //          1234    Column 2 is merged into column 1, and then we delete column 2.
  //    1  -aa-aaa     
  //    2  gaaT,,,       Column 1 read 4 has _beads position 3.            (next = 1)
  //    3  gaaT,,,       Column 2 read 4 has _beads position 1.  (prev = 3, next = 1)
  //    4  -aa-aaa       Column 3 read 4 has _beads position 1.  (prev = 1)
  //    5  -aa-aaa     When column 2 is deleted, we're left with a busted link back from col 3 read 4; it should be 3
  //    6  gaa,,,,

  if (ncolumn != NULL) {
    for (uint32 rr=0; rr<rcolumn->_beadsLen; rr++) {
      uint16  bl = rcolumn->_beads[rr].prevOffset();  //  back link from deleted column to lcolumn -> set as ncolumns back link (known as ll above)
      uint16  fl = rcolumn->_beads[rr].nextOffset();  //  forw link from deleted column to ncolumn -> set as lcolumns forw link

      if (bl != UINT16_MAX)   lcolumn->_beads[bl]._nextOffset = fl;
      if (fl != UINT16_MAX)   ncolumn->_beads[fl]._prevOffset = bl;


  //  Now, finally, we're done.  Remove the old column, recall the base, and do a final check.

  //fprintf(stderr, "mergeWithNext()--  Remove rcolumn %d %p\n", rcolumn->position(), rcolumn);

  delete rcolumn;

