int main(){
	double (*f)(double x)=&f3;
	double (*d)(double x)=&d3;
	double start=3;
	//double end=1.5;
	int decimal_accuracy=5;
	double error=pow(10,-decimal_accuracy);
	double answer;
	printf("The root of the function is: %.10lf\n", answer=newton_raphson(f,d,start,error));
	printf("The value of the function is: %.10lf\n", (*f)(answer));
//	printf("Bisection : %.10lf\n",iterative_bisection(f,3,start,error));
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
void newtonMain()
  clock_t start, finish;
  double  root, value, estimate, tolerance, time_taken;
  int     iterations, max_iterations, error;
  char    err_string[80];
  get_conditions(estimate, tolerance, max_iterations);
  start = clock();
  // Do the calculation 50000 times so that the time taken is a few
  // seconds, rather than a few milliseconds.
  for (unsigned long i = 0 ; i < 50000; i++) 
    error = newton_raphson(estimate, tolerance, max_iterations, 
      iterations, root, value, err_string);
  finish = clock();
  time_taken = (finish - start) / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC); 

// Print out the number of iterations, or an error message } 
  if (error)
    cout << "ERROR : " << err_string << endl;
    cout << "Successful calculation, " << iterations
         << " iterations." << endl
         << "The root is " << root << endl
         << "The value of the function at this point is "
         << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) 
         << value << endl
         << "Time for 1000 Newton-Raphson calculations was " 
         << time_taken << " seconds." << endl;         
  return 0;
/**************************** EX10 ****************************/
void EX10(void)
	double fluxo[2][ANOS] = {{0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0},
						{-1000.0, 100.0, 200.0, 100.0, 200.0, 100.0, 200.0, 100.0, 200.0, 100.0, 200.0}};

	double r = 0.0;
	int iter = 0;

	if (bisseccao(fluxo, 0.0, 1.0, r, iter)==0){
		cout << "[EX10 out] Bissecção: TIR = " << r * 100.0 << "%" << endl;
		cout << "[EX10 out] Bissecção: Número de iterações = " << iter << endl;

	if (newton_raphson(fluxo, 0.0, r, iter)==0){
		cout << "[EX10 out] Newton-Raphson: TIR = " << r * 100.0 << "%" << endl;
		cout << "[EX10 out] Newton-Raphson: Número de iterações = " << iter << endl;

Beispiel #4
// Find zero points according to chapter (2.4.1)
// Also stores wave numbers (zero-point / R)
void find_zero_points(int l_max, double x_max, double x_min, double epsilon, double R)
  int i, l;

  // Intervallgrenzen
  double width = fabs(x_max - x_min);

  // Anzahl Nullstellen von j_0 ( = sin(x)/x ) ist floor(width / pi):
  int N = floor(width / PI);

  // initialize zero points
  double zeros[N];

  FILE *file_zp = fopen("results/zero-points/0.txt", "w+"),
       *file_wn = fopen("results/wave-numbers/0.txt", "w+");
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    zeros[i] = (i+1) * PI; // i+1 = n
    fprintf(file_zp, "%f %e\n", zeros[i], 0.0);
    fprintf(file_wn, "%f %e\n", zeros[i]/R, 0.0);

  bessel j;
  char fp_zp[100], fp_wn[100];

  for (l = 1; l <= l_max; l++)
    // open zero-point file
    snprintf(fp_zp, sizeof(fp_zp), "results/zero-points/%i.txt", l);
    printf("Opening file %s...\n", fp_zp);
    file_zp = fopen(fp_zp, "w+");
    if (!file_zp)
      printf("ERROR: Cannot open file %s.", fp_zp);

    // open wave-numbers file
    snprintf(fp_wn, sizeof(fp_wn), "results/wave-numbers/%i.txt", l);
    printf("Opening file %s...\n", fp_wn);
    file_wn = fopen(fp_wn, "w+");
    if (!file_wn)
      printf("ERROR: Cannot open file %s.", fp_wn);

    for (i = 0; i < N-1; i++) // only go up to N-1 !
      // start newton raphson at position x_start = (zeros[i] + zeros[i+1]) / 2
      j = newton_raphson(epsilon, j_l(l, (zeros[i] + zeros[i+1])/2.0));

      if (j.x < zeros[i+1] && j.x <= x_max)
        fprintf(file_zp, "%f %e\n", j.x, j.val);
        fprintf(file_wn, "%f %e\n", j.x/R, j.val);
        zeros[i] = j.x;
        printf("ERROR: Invalid value, j_%i(%f) = %f\n", j.l, j.x, j.val);


    // find last zero point
    if (N > 0)
      // find approx. width of interval between two zero points
      double dN;
      if (N > 2)
        dN = zeros[N-1] - zeros[N-2];
        dN = x_max - zeros[N-1]; // use x_max as highest value instead

      // start at z_N + 1/2 dN
      j = newton_raphson(epsilon, j_l(l, zeros[N-1] + dN/2.0));

      if (zeros[N-1] < j.x && j.x < x_max)
        fprintf(file_zp, "%f %e\n", j.x, j.val);
        fprintf(file_wn, "%f %e\n", j.x/R, j.val);
        zeros[N-1] = j.x;
        N--; // "drop" the last zero point

Beispiel #5
int main(void) {
	double temperature, init_pressure, final_pressure, num_increments,
		   a, b, max_iterations, converg_criteria;
	char gas_type, output_filename[101];

	int i = 0;
	double abs_pressure, press_single_incr, results[2], ideal;

	// get inputs
	get_double("Temperature (K)", &temperature);
	get_double("initial pressure (atm)", &init_pressure);
	get_double("final pressure (atm)", &final_pressure);
	get_double("number of pressure increments", &num_increments);

	get_char("gas type", &gas_type);
	if(gas_type == 'c') {
		a = 3.59200;
		b = 0.04267;
	else if(gas_type == 'o') {
		a = 1.36000;
		b = 0.03183;
	else {
		get_double("a (for a gas, if not carbon dioxide or oxygen)", &a);
		get_double("b (for a gas, if not carbon dioxide or oxygen)", &b);

	get_double("maximum number of iterations", &max_iterations);
	get_double("convergence criteria", &converg_criteria);

	for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		get_string("Output file name", output_filename);

		output = fopen(output_filename, "r");
		if(output != NULL) {
			printf("Silly goose! '%s' already exists!\n", output_filename);
		else {
			output = fopen(output_filename, "w");

		// the user has inputted 5 files that exist
		if(i == 4) {
			printf("Unable to make \"new\" output file after 5 attempts! Exiting!\n");
			return 1;

	// output known data
	DBL_PRINT("\n\ninitial pressure (atm) = %lf\n", init_pressure);
	DBL_PRINT("final pressure (atm) = %lf\n", final_pressure);
	DBL_PRINT("number of pressure increments = %lf\n", num_increments);
	DBL_PRINT("\na = %lf\n", a);
	DBL_PRINT("b = %lf\n\n", b);
	DBL_PRINT("gas type = %c\n", gas_type);
	DBL_PRINT("maximum number of iterations = %lf\n", max_iterations);
	DBL_PRINT("convergence criteria = %lf\n", converg_criteria);

	DBL_PRINT("Temperature (K)\t\tPressure (atm)\t\tMolal Volume,");
	DBL_PRINT("\t\tNumber Iterations\t\tMolal Volume,\n");
	DBL_PRINT("\t\t\t\t\t\t L/mol (vdW)\t\t\t\t\t\t L/mol (IGL)\n");

	press_single_incr = (final_pressure - init_pressure) / num_increments;

	for(abs_pressure = init_pressure
	  ; abs_pressure <= final_pressure
	  ; abs_pressure += press_single_incr) {
	  	ideal = ideal_gas_law(abs_pressure, temperature);

		newton_raphson(results, ideal, abs_pressure, temperature, a, b,
					   max_iterations, converg_criteria);

		DBL_PRINT("  %lf\t\t  %10lf\t\t %10lf\t\t  %10lf\t\t\t%10lf\n", temperature,
			abs_pressure, results[0], results[1], ideal);


	return 0;
Beispiel #6
double revised_temperature(double f(double,double,double), double epsilon_kl, double rho_kl, 
			   double theta_kl)
  double theta1= newton_raphson(f,epsilon_kl,rho_kl,theta_kl);
  return theta1;
Beispiel #7
double test_(double x) 
    return newton_raphson(0.001, parabola, parabola_, x);