Beispiel #1
size_t qfind_first_byte_of_sse42(const StringPiece& haystack,
                                 const StringPiece& needles) {
  if (UNLIKELY(needles.empty() || haystack.empty())) {
    return StringPiece::npos;
  } else if (needles.size() <= 16) {
    // we can save some unnecessary load instructions by optimizing for
    // the common case of needles.size() <= 16
    return qfind_first_byte_of_needles16(haystack, needles);

  if (haystack.size() < 16 &&
      PAGE_FOR(haystack.end() - 1) != PAGE_FOR( + 16)) {
    // We can't safely SSE-load haystack. Use a different approach.
    if (haystack.size() <= 2) {
      return qfind_first_of(haystack, needles, asciiCaseSensitive);
    return qfind_first_byte_of_byteset(haystack, needles);

  auto ret = scanHaystackBlock<false>(haystack, needles, 0);
  if (ret != StringPiece::npos) {
    return ret;

  size_t i = nextAlignedIndex(;
  for (; i < haystack.size(); i += 16) {
    auto ret = scanHaystackBlock<true>(haystack, needles, i);
    if (ret != StringPiece::npos) {
      return ret;

  return StringPiece::npos;
Beispiel #2
size_t scanHaystackBlock(const StringPieceLite haystack,
                         const StringPieceLite needles,
                         uint64_t blockStartIdx) {
  DCHECK_GT(needles.size(), 16u); // should handled by *needles16() method
  DCHECK(blockStartIdx + 16 <= haystack.size() ||
         (page_for( + blockStartIdx) ==
          page_for( + blockStartIdx + 15)));

  __m128i arr1;
    arr1 = _mm_load_si128(
        reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>( + blockStartIdx));
  } else {
    arr1 = _mm_loadu_si128(
        reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>( + blockStartIdx));

  // This load is safe because needles.size() >= 16
  auto arr2 = _mm_loadu_si128(
      reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(;
  size_t b =
      _mm_cmpestri(arr2, 16, arr1, int(haystack.size() - blockStartIdx), 0);

  size_t j = nextAlignedIndex(;
  for (; j < needles.size(); j += 16) {
    arr2 = _mm_load_si128(
        reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>( + j));

    auto index = _mm_cmpestri(
        int(needles.size() - j),
        int(haystack.size() - blockStartIdx),
    b = std::min<size_t>(index, b);

  if (b < 16) {
    return blockStartIdx + b;
  return std::string::npos;
Beispiel #3
// helper method for case where needles.size() <= 16
size_t qfind_first_byte_of_needles16(const StringPieceLite haystack,
                                     const StringPieceLite needles) {
  DCHECK_GT(haystack.size(), 0u);
  DCHECK_GT(needles.size(), 0u);
  DCHECK_LE(needles.size(), 16u);
  if ((needles.size() <= 2 && haystack.size() >= 256) ||
      // must bail if we can't even SSE-load a single segment of haystack
      (haystack.size() < 16 &&
       page_for(haystack.end() - 1) != page_for( + 15)) ||
      // can't load needles into SSE register if it could cross page boundary
      page_for(needles.end() - 1) != page_for( + 15)) {
    return detail::qfind_first_byte_of_nosse(haystack, needles);

  auto arr2 = _mm_loadu_si128(
      reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(;
  // do an unaligned load for first block of haystack
  auto arr1 = _mm_loadu_si128(
      reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(;
  auto index =
      _mm_cmpestri(arr2, int(needles.size()), arr1, int(haystack.size()), 0);
  if (index < 16) {
    return index;

  // Now, we can do aligned loads hereafter...
  size_t i = nextAlignedIndex(;
  for (; i < haystack.size(); i+= 16) {
    arr1 =
        _mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>( + i));
    index = _mm_cmpestri(
        arr2, int(needles.size()), arr1, int(haystack.size() - i), 0);
    if (index < 16) {
      return i + index;
  return std::string::npos;
Beispiel #4
inline size_t scanHaystackBlock(const StringPiece& haystack,
                                const StringPiece& needles,
                                int64_t blockStartIdx) {
  DCHECK_GT(needles.size(), 16);  // should handled by *needles16() method
  DCHECK(blockStartIdx + 16 <= haystack.size() ||
         (PAGE_FOR( + blockStartIdx) ==
          PAGE_FOR( + blockStartIdx + 15)));

  __v16qi arr1;
    void* ptr1 = __builtin_assume_aligned( + blockStartIdx, 16);
    arr1 = *reinterpret_cast<const __v16qi*>(ptr1);
  } else {
    arr1 = __builtin_ia32_loaddqu( + blockStartIdx);

  // This load is safe because needles.size() >= 16
  auto arr2 = __builtin_ia32_loaddqu(;
  size_t b = __builtin_ia32_pcmpestri128(
    arr2, 16, arr1, haystack.size() - blockStartIdx, 0);

  size_t j = nextAlignedIndex(;
  for (; j < needles.size(); j += 16) {
    void* ptr2 = __builtin_assume_aligned( + j, 16);
    arr2 = *reinterpret_cast<const __v16qi*>(ptr2);

    auto index = __builtin_ia32_pcmpestri128(
      arr2, needles.size() - j, arr1, haystack.size() - blockStartIdx, 0);
    b = std::min<size_t>(index, b);

  if (b < 16) {
    return blockStartIdx + b;
  return StringPiece::npos;