Beispiel #1
bool Parser::skipComments()
    if (*it != '/') // if not char '/' then it can't be a comment
        return true;


    if (*it == '/') // single line comment
        return nextValidLine() && nextValidChar();

    if (*it == '*') { // multi line comment

        while (true) {

            int dist = distance(currentLine.begin(), it);
            size_t pos = currentLine.find("*/", dist);

            if (pos != string::npos) {
                it = currentLine.begin() + pos + 2; // + 2 for num of chars in "*/"
                return nextValidChar();

            if (!nextValidLine())
                return false;

    --it; // if not a comment, go back to previous valid char
    return true;
Beispiel #2
int findString(QTextStream *stream, QString target)
  QString line;
  while (nextValidLine(stream, &line))
    if (!(QString::compare(line, target))) {
      return 1;
  return 0;
Beispiel #3
bool Parser::nextValidChar()
    while (isspace(*it) || it == currentLine.end()) { // skipping whitespaces

        if (*it == '\n' || it == currentLine.end()) { // if so, read next valid line
            if (!nextValidLine())
                return false;
        } else {

    if (!skipComments()) // skip comments here
        return false;

    return true;