/* Table name and column names are stored all together in a single
 * memory chunk. During configuration, when names are added, it
 * grows by powers of 2, so that (1) at most half of the memory
 * in the chunk is wasted and (2) the number of reallocs is kept under
 * `o(log2(n))`, where `n` is the number of columns.
 * After the last column name is added, a final realloc is performed
 * by `sdb_setcolumn()` to reclaim wasted memory.
static int new_conf_string( sdb_table_t *tbl, const char *str) {
	if( ! str) str="";
    int length = strlen( str) + 1;
    int old_block_size = nextpwr2( tbl->conf_string_idx);
    int new_block_size = nextpwr2( tbl->conf_string_idx + length);
    int old_used_size;
    if( old_block_size != new_block_size) {
        char *d = BS_MEM_REALLOC( tbl->conf_strings, old_block_size, new_block_size);
        if( ! d) return SDB_EMEM;
        tbl->conf_strings = d;
    old_used_size = tbl->conf_string_idx;
    memcpy( tbl->conf_strings + old_used_size, str, length);
    tbl->conf_string_idx += length;
    return old_used_size;
static int addcolumn(  sdb_table_t *tbl, const char *label) {
    sdb_column_t *c = tbl->columns + tbl->conf_col;
    // TODO: if it's a persisted table, check consistency instead of setting
    // up configuration?
    if( tbl->state != SDB_ST_UNCONFIGURED) return SDB_EBADSTATE;

    c->label_offset = new_conf_string( tbl, label);
    if( c->label_offset<0) {
        return SDB_EMEM;
    } else if( ++tbl->conf_col == tbl->ncolumns) {
        tbl->state = SDB_ST_READING;
        // Trim unnecessary space at the end of sting cfg;
        tbl->conf_strings = BS_MEM_REALLOC( tbl->conf_strings, nextpwr2( tbl->conf_string_idx), tbl->conf_string_idx);
        // read existing cells if table is a file
        if( tbl->storage_kind == SDB_SK_FILE) {
            sdb_restore_file_cells( tbl);

    int r = sdb_setcolumn( tbl, label, SDB_SM_SMALLEST, 0.0);
    return r;
Beispiel #3
int Texture::from_surface(SDL_Surface* surface)
  // Free any previous content

  // Local variables for extracting properties about the image
  GLuint n_colours = 0;
  GLenum format = (GLenum) NULL;

  // Make sure the image length and width are powers of 2
	area = iRect(0, 0,
                ISPWR2(surface->w) ? surface->w : nextpwr2(surface->w),
                ISPWR2(surface->h) ? surface->h : nextpwr2(surface->h));
  if(area.w != surface->w || area.h != surface->h)
    // enlarge the surface if needed
    SDL_Surface* previous_surface = surface;
    surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, area.w, area.h, 32,
      /* NB - Hexadecimal parameters are: Rmask, Gmask, Bmask and Amask */
                                0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000);
    // past contents of previous (small) surface onto new (larger) surface
    SDL_BlitSurface(previous_surface, 0, surface, 0);

  //get number of channels in the SDL surface
  n_colours = surface->format->BytesPerPixel;
      case 1: format = GL_LUMINANCE;          break;
      case 2: format = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA;    break;
      case 3: format = GL_RGB;                break;
      case 4: format = GL_RGBA;               break;
        log(LOG_ERROR, "Load texture failed : Image must be LUMINANCE, RGB or RGBA");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Request an OpenGL unassigned GLuint to identify this texture
  glGenTextures(1, &handle);

  // Bind the texture object to the current block
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, handle);

  // Set the texture’s properties

  // Finally: convert the image to a texture
  glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, n_colours, area.w, area.h, 0,
                  format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surface->pixels);

  // Unbind the texture
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);

  // The return result reports the success of the operation
  loaded = true;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;