Beispiel #1
int	ngp_extract_tokens(NGP_RAW_LINE *cl)
 { char *p, *s;
   int	cl_flags, i;

   p = cl->line;				/* start from beginning of line */
   if (NULL == p) return(NGP_NUL_PTR);

   cl->name = cl->value = cl->comment = NULL;
   cl->type = NGP_TTYPE_UNKNOWN;
   cl->format = NGP_FORMAT_OK;

   cl_flags = 0;

   for (i=0;; i++)				/* if 8 spaces at beginning then line is comment */
    { if ((0 == *p) || ('\n' == *p))
        {					/* if line has only blanks -> write blank keyword */
          cl->line[0] = 0;			/* create empty name (0 length string) */
          cl->comment = cl->name = cl->line;
	  cl->type = NGP_TTYPE_RAW;		/* signal write unformatted to FITS file */
      if ((' ' != *p) && ('\t' != *p)) break;
      if (i >= 7)
          cl->comment = p + 1;
          for (s = cl->comment;; s++)		/* filter out any EOS characters in comment */
           { if ('\n' == *s) *s = 0;
	     if (0 == *s) break;
          cl->line[0] = 0;			/* create empty name (0 length string) */
          cl->name = cl->line;
	  cl->type = NGP_TTYPE_RAW;

   cl->name = p;

   for (;;)					/* we need to find 1st whitespace */
    { if ((0 == *p) || ('\n' == *p))
        { *p = 0;

        from Richard Mathar, 2002-05-03, add 10 lines:
        if upper/lowercase HIERARCH followed also by an equal sign...
      if( strncasecmp("HIERARCH",p,strlen("HIERARCH")) == 0 )
           char * const eqsi=strchr(p,'=') ;
           if( eqsi )
              cl_flags |= NGP_FOUND_EQUAL_SIGN ;
              p=eqsi ;
              break ;

      if ((' ' == *p) || ('\t' == *p)) break;
      if ('=' == *p)
        { cl_flags |= NGP_FOUND_EQUAL_SIGN;


   if (*p) *(p++) = 0;				/* found end of keyname so terminate string with zero */

   if ((!ngp_strcasecmp("HISTORY", cl->name))
    || (!ngp_strcasecmp("COMMENT", cl->name))
    || (!ngp_strcasecmp("CONTINUE", cl->name)))
     { cl->comment = p;
       for (s = cl->comment;; s++)		/* filter out any EOS characters in comment */
        { if ('\n' == *s) *s = 0;
	  if (0 == *s) break;
       cl->type = NGP_TTYPE_RAW;

   if (!ngp_strcasecmp("\\INCLUDE", cl->name))
       for (;; p++)  if ((' ' != *p) && ('\t' != *p)) break; /* skip whitespace */

       cl->value = p;
       for (s = cl->value;; s++)		/* filter out any EOS characters */
        { if ('\n' == *s) *s = 0;
	  if (0 == *s) break;
       cl->type = NGP_TTYPE_UNKNOWN;
   for (;; p++)
    { if ((0 == *p) || ('\n' == *p))  return(NGP_OK);	/* test if at end of string */
      if ((' ' == *p) || ('\t' == *p)) continue; /* skip whitespace */
      if (cl_flags & NGP_FOUND_EQUAL_SIGN) break;
      if ('=' != *p) break;			/* ignore initial equal sign */
      cl_flags |= NGP_FOUND_EQUAL_SIGN;
   if ('/' == *p)				/* no value specified, comment only */
     { p++;
       if ((' ' == *p) || ('\t' == *p)) p++;
       cl->comment = p;
       for (s = cl->comment;; s++)		/* filter out any EOS characters in comment */
        { if ('\n' == *s) *s = 0;
	  if (0 == *s) break;

   if ('\'' == *p)				/* we have found string within quotes */
     { cl->value = s = ++p;			/* set pointer to beginning of that string */
       cl->type = NGP_TTYPE_STRING;		/* signal that it is of string type */

       for (;;)					/* analyze it */
        { if ((0 == *p) || ('\n' == *p))	/* end of line -> end of string */
            { *s = 0; return(NGP_OK); }

          if ('\'' == *p)			/* we have found doublequote */
            { if ((0 == p[1]) || ('\n' == p[1]))/* doublequote is the last character in line */
                { *s = 0; return(NGP_OK); }
              if (('\t' == p[1]) || (' ' == p[1])) /* duoblequote was string terminator */
                { *s = 0; p++; break; }
              if ('\'' == p[1]) p++;		/* doublequote is inside string, convert "" -> " */ 

          *(s++) = *(p++);			/* compact string in place, necess. by "" -> " conversion */
   else						/* regular token */
       cl->value = p;				/* set pointer to token */
       cl->type = NGP_TTYPE_UNKNOWN;		/* we dont know type at the moment */
       for (;; p++)				/* we need to find 1st whitespace */
        { if ((0 == *p) || ('\n' == *p))
            { *p = 0; return(NGP_OK); }
          if ((' ' == *p) || ('\t' == *p)) break;
       if (*p)  *(p++) = 0;			/* found so terminate string with zero */
   for (;; p++)
    { if ((0 == *p) || ('\n' == *p))  return(NGP_OK);	/* test if at end of string */
      if ((' ' != *p) && ('\t' != *p)) break;	/* skip whitespace */
   if ('/' == *p)				/* no value specified, comment only */
     { p++;
       if ((' ' == *p) || ('\t' == *p)) p++;
       cl->comment = p;
       for (s = cl->comment;; s++)		/* filter out any EOS characters in comment */
        { if ('\n' == *s) *s = 0;
	  if (0 == *s) break;

   cl->format = NGP_FORMAT_ERROR;
   return(NGP_OK);				/* too many tokens ... */
Beispiel #2
int	ngp_read_line(int ignore_blank_lines)
 { int r, nc;
   unsigned k;

   if (ngp_inclevel <= 0)		/* do some sanity checking first */
     { ngp_keyidx = NGP_TOKEN_EOF;	/* no parents, so report error */
   if (ngp_inclevel > NGP_MAX_INCLUDE)  return(NGP_INC_NESTING);
   if (NULL == ngp_fp[ngp_inclevel - 1]) return(NGP_NUL_PTR);

   for (;;)
    { switch (r = ngp_read_line_buffered(ngp_fp[ngp_inclevel - 1]))
       { case NGP_EOF:
		ngp_inclevel--;			/* end of file, revert to parent */
		if (ngp_fp[ngp_inclevel])	/* we can close old file */

		ngp_fp[ngp_inclevel] = NULL;
		if (ngp_inclevel <= 0)
		  { ngp_keyidx = NGP_TOKEN_EOF;	/* no parents, so report error */

	 case NGP_OK:
		if (ngp_curline.flags & NGP_LINE_REREAD) return(r);
      switch (ngp_curline.line[0])
       { case 0: if (0 == ignore_blank_lines) break; /* ignore empty lines if told so */
         case '#': continue;			/* ignore comment lines */
      r = ngp_extract_tokens(&ngp_curline);	/* analyse line, extract tokens and comment */
      if (NGP_OK != r) return(r);

      if (NULL ==  continue;	/* skip lines consisting only of whitespaces */

      for (k = 0; k < strlen(; k++)
       { if (([k] >= 'a') && ([k] <= 'z')) 
 [k] += 'A' - 'a';	/* force keyword to be upper case */
         if (k == 7) break;  /* only first 8 chars are required to be upper case */

      for (k=0;; k++)				/* find index of keyword in keyword table */
       { if (NGP_TOKEN_UNKNOWN == ngp_tkdef[k].code) break;
         if (0 == strcmp(, ngp_tkdef[k].name)) break;

      ngp_keyidx = ngp_tkdef[k].code;		/* save this index, grammar parser will need this */

      if (NGP_TOKEN_INCLUDE == ngp_keyidx)	/* if this is \INCLUDE keyword, try to include file */
        { if (NGP_OK != (r = ngp_include_file(ngp_curline.value))) return(r);
	  continue;				/* and read next line */

      ngp_linkey.type = NGP_TTYPE_UNKNOWN;	/* now, get the keyword type, it's a long story ... */

      if (NULL != ngp_curline.value)		/* if no value given signal it */
        { if (NGP_TTYPE_STRING == ngp_curline.type)  /* string type test */
            { ngp_linkey.type = NGP_TTYPE_STRING;
              ngp_linkey.value.s = ngp_curline.value;
          if (NGP_TTYPE_UNKNOWN == ngp_linkey.type) /* bool type test */
            { if ((!ngp_strcasecmp("T", ngp_curline.value)) || (!ngp_strcasecmp("F", ngp_curline.value)))
                { ngp_linkey.type = NGP_TTYPE_BOOL;
                  ngp_linkey.value.b = (ngp_strcasecmp("T", ngp_curline.value) ? 0 : 1);
          if (NGP_TTYPE_UNKNOWN == ngp_linkey.type) /* complex type test */
            { if (2 == sscanf(ngp_curline.value, "(%lg,%lg)%n", &(, &(, &nc))
                { if ((' ' == ngp_curline.value[nc]) || ('\t' == ngp_curline.value[nc])
                   || ('\n' == ngp_curline.value[nc]) || (0 == ngp_curline.value[nc]))
                    { ngp_linkey.type = NGP_TTYPE_COMPLEX;
          if (NGP_TTYPE_UNKNOWN == ngp_linkey.type) /* real type test */
            { if (strchr(ngp_curline.value, '.') && (1 == sscanf(ngp_curline.value, "%lg%n", &(ngp_linkey.value.d), &nc)))
                { if ((' ' == ngp_curline.value[nc]) || ('\t' == ngp_curline.value[nc])
                   || ('\n' == ngp_curline.value[nc]) || (0 == ngp_curline.value[nc]))
                    { ngp_linkey.type = NGP_TTYPE_REAL;
          if (NGP_TTYPE_UNKNOWN == ngp_linkey.type) /* integer type test */
            { if (1 == sscanf(ngp_curline.value, "%d%n", &(ngp_linkey.value.i), &nc))
                { if ((' ' == ngp_curline.value[nc]) || ('\t' == ngp_curline.value[nc])
                   || ('\n' == ngp_curline.value[nc]) || (0 == ngp_curline.value[nc]))
                    { ngp_linkey.type = NGP_TTYPE_INT;
          if (NGP_TTYPE_UNKNOWN == ngp_linkey.type) /* force string type */
            { ngp_linkey.type = NGP_TTYPE_STRING;
              ngp_linkey.value.s = ngp_curline.value;
        { if (NGP_TTYPE_RAW == ngp_curline.type) ngp_linkey.type = NGP_TTYPE_RAW;
	  else ngp_linkey.type = NGP_TTYPE_NULL;

      if (NULL != ngp_curline.comment)
        { strncpy(ngp_linkey.comment, ngp_curline.comment, NGP_MAX_COMMENT); /* store comment */
	  ngp_linkey.comment[NGP_MAX_COMMENT - 1] = 0;
        { ngp_linkey.comment[0] = 0;

      strncpy(,, NGP_MAX_NAME); /* and keyword's name */[NGP_MAX_NAME - 1] = 0;

      if (strlen( > FLEN_KEYWORD)  /* WDP: 20-Jun-2002:  mod to support HIERARCH */
           return(NGP_BAD_ARG);		/* cfitsio does not allow names > 8 chars */
      return(NGP_OK);			/* we have valid non empty line, so return success */
Beispiel #3
int	ngp_read_xtension(fitsfile *ff, int parent_hn, int simple_mode)
 { int		r, exflg, l, my_hn, tmp0, incrementor_index, i, j;
   int		ngph_dim, ngph_bitpix, ngph_node_type, my_version;
   char		incrementor_name[NGP_MAX_STRING], ngph_ctmp;
   char 	*ngph_extname = 0;
   long		ngph_size[NGP_MAX_ARRAY_DIM];
   NGP_HDU	ngph;
   long		lv;

   incrementor_name[0] = 0;			/* signal no keyword+'#' found yet */
   incrementor_index = 0;

   if (NGP_OK != (r = ngp_hdu_init(&ngph))) return(r);

   if (NGP_OK != (r = ngp_read_line(0))) return(r);	/* EOF always means error here */
   switch (NGP_XTENSION_SIMPLE & simple_mode)
       case 0:  if (NGP_TOKEN_XTENSION != ngp_keyidx) return(NGP_TOKEN_NOT_EXPECT);
       default:	if (NGP_TOKEN_SIMPLE != ngp_keyidx) return(NGP_TOKEN_NOT_EXPECT);
   if (NGP_OK != (r = ngp_hdu_insert_token(&ngph, &ngp_linkey))) return(r);

   for (;;)
    { if (NGP_OK != (r = ngp_read_line(0))) return(r);	/* EOF always means error here */
      exflg = 0;
      switch (ngp_keyidx)
         case NGP_TOKEN_XTENSION:
         case NGP_TOKEN_GROUP:
         		r = ngp_unread_line();	/* WARNING - not break here .... */
         case NGP_TOKEN_EOF:
			exflg = 1;

         default:	l = strlen(;
			if ((l >= 2) && (l <= 6))
			  { if ('#' ==[l - 1])
			      { if (0 == incrementor_name[0])
			          { memcpy(incrementor_name,, l - 1);
			            incrementor_name[l - 1] = 0;
			        if (((l - 1) == (int)strlen(incrementor_name)) && (0 == memcmp(incrementor_name,, l - 1)))
			          { incrementor_index++;
			        sprintf( + l - 1, "%d", incrementor_index);
			r = ngp_hdu_insert_token(&ngph, &ngp_linkey);
      if ((NGP_OK != r) || exflg) break;

   if (NGP_OK == r)
     { 				/* we should scan keywords, and calculate HDU's */
				/* structure ourselves .... */

       ngph_node_type = NGP_NODE_INVALID;	/* init variables */
       ngph_bitpix = 0;
       ngph_extname = NULL;
       for (i=0; i<NGP_MAX_ARRAY_DIM; i++) ngph_size[i] = 0;
       ngph_dim = 0;

       for (i=0; i<ngph.tokcnt; i++)
        { if (!strcmp("XTENSION", ngph.tok[i].name))
            { if (NGP_TTYPE_STRING == ngph.tok[i].type)
                { if (!ngp_strcasecmp("BINTABLE", ngph.tok[i].value.s)) ngph_node_type = NGP_NODE_BTABLE;
                  if (!ngp_strcasecmp("ASCIITABLE", ngph.tok[i].value.s)) ngph_node_type = NGP_NODE_ATABLE;
                  if (!ngp_strcasecmp("IMAGE", ngph.tok[i].value.s)) ngph_node_type = NGP_NODE_IMAGE;
          else if (!strcmp("SIMPLE", ngph.tok[i].name))
            { if (NGP_TTYPE_BOOL == ngph.tok[i].type)
                { if (ngph.tok[i].value.b) ngph_node_type = NGP_NODE_IMAGE;
          else if (!strcmp("BITPIX", ngph.tok[i].name))
            { if (NGP_TTYPE_INT == ngph.tok[i].type)  ngph_bitpix = ngph.tok[i].value.i;
          else if (!strcmp("NAXIS", ngph.tok[i].name))
            { if (NGP_TTYPE_INT == ngph.tok[i].type)  ngph_dim = ngph.tok[i].value.i;
          else if (!strcmp("EXTNAME", ngph.tok[i].name))	/* assign EXTNAME, I hope struct does not move */
            { if (NGP_TTYPE_STRING == ngph.tok[i].type)  ngph_extname = ngph.tok[i].value.s;
          else if (1 == sscanf(ngph.tok[i].name, "NAXIS%d%c", &j, &ngph_ctmp))
            { if (NGP_TTYPE_INT == ngph.tok[i].type)
		if ((j>=1) && (j <= NGP_MAX_ARRAY_DIM))
		  { ngph_size[j - 1] = ngph.tok[i].value.i;

       switch (ngph_node_type)
        { case NGP_NODE_IMAGE:
			  { 		/* if caller signals that this is 1st HDU in file */
					/* and it is IMAGE defined with XTENSION, then we */
					/* need create dummy Primary HDU */			  
			    fits_create_img(ff, 16, 0, NULL, &r);
					/* create image */
			fits_create_img(ff, ngph_bitpix, ngph_dim, ngph_size, &r);

					/* update keywords */
			if (NGP_OK == r)  r = ngp_keyword_all_write(&ngph, ff, NGP_NON_SYSTEM_ONLY);

          case NGP_NODE_ATABLE:
          case NGP_NODE_BTABLE:
					/* create table, 0 rows and 0 columns for the moment */
			fits_create_tbl(ff, ((NGP_NODE_ATABLE == ngph_node_type)
					     ? ASCII_TBL : BINARY_TBL),
					0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &r);
			if (NGP_OK != r) break;

					/* add columns ... */
			r = ngp_append_columns(ff, &ngph, 0);
			if (NGP_OK != r) break;

					/* add remaining keywords */
			r = ngp_keyword_all_write(&ngph, ff, NGP_NON_SYSTEM_ONLY);
			if (NGP_OK != r) break;

					/* if requested add rows */
			if (ngph_size[1] > 0) fits_insert_rows(ff, 0, ngph_size[1], &r);

	  default:	r = NGP_BAD_ARG;


   if ((NGP_OK == r) && (NULL != ngph_extname))
     { r = ngp_get_extver(ngph_extname, &my_version);	/* write correct ext version number */
       lv = my_version;		/* bugfix - 22-Jan-99, BO - nonalignment of OSF/Alpha */
       fits_write_key(ff, TLONG, "EXTVER", &lv, "auto assigned by template parser", &r); 

   if (NGP_OK == r)
     { if (parent_hn > 0)
         { fits_get_hdu_num(ff, &my_hn);
           fits_movabs_hdu(ff, parent_hn, &tmp0, &r);	/* link us to parent */
           fits_add_group_member(ff, NULL, my_hn, &r);
           fits_movabs_hdu(ff, my_hn, &tmp0, &r);
           if (NGP_OK != r) return(r);

   if (NGP_OK != r)					/* in case of error - delete hdu */
     { tmp0 = 0;
       fits_delete_hdu(ff, NULL, &tmp0);
