Beispiel #1
int nmea_igen_pos_rmove_loop(nmeaGENERATOR *gen, nmeaINFO *info)
    nmeaPOS crd;

    info->direction += nmea_random(-10, 10);
    info->speed += nmea_random(-2, 3);

    if(info->direction < 0)
        info->direction = 359 + info->direction;
    if(info->direction > 359)
        info->direction -= 359;

    if(info->speed > 40)
        info->speed = 40;
    if(info->speed < 1)
        info->speed = 1;

    nmea_info2pos(info, &crd);
    nmea_move_horz(&crd, &crd, info->direction, info->speed / 3600);
    nmea_pos2info(&crd, info);

    info->declination = info->direction;

    return 1;
Beispiel #2
void MainWindow::gpsTimer()
    if (m_info.speed > 0) {

    double total_distance = 0.0;
    foreach(TravelLine line, m_lines) {
        // Get the new position
        _nmeaPOS startPos;
        _nmeaPOS endPos;

        // First get the start position
        nmea_info2pos(&m_info, &startPos);

        // Calculate the new position based on the bearing and distance
        nmea_move_horz(&startPos, &endPos, line.bearing(), line.distance() / 1000.0);

        // Update the info struct
        nmea_pos2info(&endPos, &m_info);

        total_distance += line.distance();
Beispiel #3
int main()
    const char *buff[] = {

    nmeaPOS pos[NUM_POINTS], pos_moved[NUM_POINTS][2];
    double dist[NUM_POINTS][2]; 
    double azimuth[NUM_POINTS][2], azimuth_moved[NUM_POINTS];
    int result[2];
    int it = 0;

    nmeaPARSER parser;

    for(it = 0; it < NUM_POINTS; ++it)
        nmeaINFO info;
        (void)nmea_parse(&parser, buff[it], (int)strlen(buff[it]), &info);
        nmea_info2pos(&info, &pos[it]);


    for(it = 0; it < NUM_POINTS; ++it)
        dist[it][0] = nmea_distance(&pos[0], &pos[it]);
        dist[it][1] = nmea_distance_ellipsoid(
            &pos[0], &pos[it], &azimuth[it][0], &azimuth[it][1]

    for(it = 0; it < NUM_POINTS; ++it)
        result[0] = nmea_move_horz(&pos[0], &pos_moved[it][0], azimuth[it][0], dist[it][0]);
        result[1] = nmea_move_horz_ellipsoid(
            &pos[0], &pos_moved[it][1], azimuth[it][0], dist[it][0], &azimuth_moved[it]


    /* Output of results */
    printf("Coordinate points:\n");
    for(it = 0; it < NUM_POINTS; ++it)
            "P%d in radians: lat:%9.6lf lon:%9.6lf  \tin degree: lat:%+010.6lf° lon:%+011.6lf°\n",
            it, pos[it].lat, pos[it].lon, nmea_radian2degree(pos[it].lat), nmea_radian2degree(pos[it].lon)

    printf("\nCalculation results:\n");
    for(it = 0; it < NUM_POINTS; ++it)
        printf("Distance P0 to P%d\ton spheroid:  %14.3lf m\n", it, dist[it][0]);
        printf("Distance P0 to P%d\ton ellipsoid: %14.3lf m\n", it, dist[it][1]);
        printf("Azimuth  P0 to P%d\tat start: %8.3lf°\tat end: %8.3lf°\n", it, nmea_radian2degree(azimuth[it][0]), nmea_radian2degree(azimuth[it][1]));
        printf("Move     P0 to P%d\t         \tAzimuth at end: %8.3lf°\n", it, nmea_radian2degree(azimuth_moved[it]));
        printf("Move     P0 to P%d\ton spheroid:  %3s lat:%+010.6lf° lon:%+011.6lf°\n", it, result[0] == 1 ? "OK" : "nOK", nmea_radian2degree(pos_moved[it][0].lat), nmea_radian2degree(pos_moved[it][0].lon));
        printf("Move     P0 to P%d\ton ellipsoid: %3s lat:%+010.6lf° lon:%+011.6lf°\n", it, result[0] == 1 ? "OK" : "nOK", nmea_radian2degree(pos_moved[it][1].lat), nmea_radian2degree(pos_moved[it][1].lon));
        printf("Move     P0 to P%d\toriginal:         lat:%+010.6lf° lon:%+011.6lf°\n", it, nmea_radian2degree(pos[it].lat), nmea_radian2degree(pos[it].lon));

    return 0;