bool aci_queue_is_empty(aci_queue_t *aci_q) { bool state = false; ble_assert(NULL != aci_q); //Critical section noInterrupts(); if (aci_q->head == aci_q->tail) { state = true; } interrupts(); return state; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Interrupt handler template method that takes a class that implements // a standard set of methods for the timer abstraction //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template <class T> void Servo_Handler(T* timer) { noInterrupts(); uint8_t servoIndex; // clear interrupt timer->ResetInterrupt(); if (timer->isEndOfCycle()) { timer->StartCycle(); } else { servoIndex = SERVO_INDEX(timer->timerId(), timer->getCurrentChannel()); if (servoIndex < s_servoCount && s_servos[servoIndex].info.isActive) { // pulse this channel low if activated digitalWrite(s_servos[servoIndex], LOW); } timer->nextChannel(); } servoIndex = SERVO_INDEX(timer->timerId(), timer->getCurrentChannel()); if (servoIndex < s_servoCount && timer->getCurrentChannel() < SERVOS_PER_TIMER) { timer->SetPulseCompare(timer->usToTicks(s_servos[servoIndex].usPulse) - c_CycleCompensation); if (s_servos[servoIndex].info.isActive) { // check if activated digitalWrite(s_servos[servoIndex], HIGH); // its an active channel so pulse it high } } else { // finished all channels so wait for the refresh period to expire before starting over // allow a few ticks to ensure the next match is not missed uint32_t refreshCompare = timer->usToTicks(REFRESH_INTERVAL); if ((timer->GetCycleCount() + c_CycleCompensation * 2) < refreshCompare) { timer->SetCycleCompare(refreshCompare - c_CycleCompensation); } else { // at least REFRESH_INTERVAL has elapsed timer->SetCycleCompare(timer->GetCycleCount() + c_CycleCompensation * 2); } timer->setEndOfCycle(); } interrupts(); }
/** * @par Function * read_bit * @par Description * Read a bit. Port and bit is used to cut lookup time and provide * more certain timing * @par Output * None * return * return the bit value we read * @par Others * None */ uint8_t LOOL_OneWire::read_bit(void) { MeIO_REG_TYPE mask = bitmask; volatile MeIO_REG_TYPE *reg MeIO_REG_ASM = baseReg; uint8_t r; noInterrupts(); MeDIRECT_MODE_OUTPUT(reg, mask); MeDIRECT_WRITE_LOW(reg, mask); delayMicroseconds(3); MeDIRECT_MODE_INPUT(reg, mask); /* let pin float, pull up will raise */ delayMicroseconds(10); r = MeDIRECT_READ(reg, mask); interrupts(); delayMicroseconds(53); return(r); }
void Timeout::configure(short delay_ms, void (*callback)(), bool every_arg){ short ms = (delay_ms<8000 && delay_ms > 1)? delay_ms : 100; every_flag = every_arg; prescaler = 1024; timeoutCallback = callback; noInterrupts(); // Clear registers to avoid bugs TCCR1A = 0; TCCR1B = 0; TCNT1 = 0; SET(TCCR1B, WGM12); // CTC mode SET(TIMSK1, OCIE1A); // allow interrupt on compare OCR1A = int(ms*F_CPU/prescaler/1000); interrupts(); }
void rc_read_values() { noInterrupts(); memcpy(rc_values, (const void *)rc_shared, sizeof(rc_shared)); interrupts(); if (millis() - last_update_time > RC_TIMEOUT) { // If we don't get an input for RC_TIMEOUT, set all vals to 0 fc_disarm(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { rc_out_values[i] = 0; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { process_channel_value(i); } } }
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) { // if(!pixels) return; // corbin, constructor should always allocate, unless _numberOfBytes was 0.. // Data latch = 50+ microsecond pause in the output stream. Rather than // put a delay at the end of the function, the ending time is noted and // the function will simply hold off (if needed) on issuing the // subsequent round of data until the latch time has elapsed. This // allows the mainline code to start generating the next frame of data // rather than stalling for the latch. while((micros() - endTime) < 50L); // endTime is a private member (rather than global var) so that mutliple // instances on different pins can be quickly issued in succession (each // instance doesn't delay the next). // In order to make this code runtime-configurable to work with any pin, // SBI/CBI instructions are eschewed in favor of full PORT writes via the // OUT or ST instructions. It relies on two facts: that peripheral // functions (such as PWM) take precedence on output pins, so our PORT- // wide writes won't interfere, and that interrupts are globally disabled // while data is being issued to the LEDs, so no other code will be // accessing the PORT. The code takes an initial 'snapshot' of the PORT // state, computes 'pin high' and 'pin low' values, and writes these back // to the PORT register as needed. // uint32_t start = micros(); noInterrupts(); // Need 100% focus on instruction timing // from micros() // uint32_t count, current, istatus; // current = SYST_CVR; // count = systick_millis_count; // istatus = SCB_ICSR; // bit 26 indicates if systick exception pending // // if ((istatus & SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET) && current > 50) count++; // current = ((F_CPU / 1000) - 1) - current; // uint32_t microsPassed = current / (F_CPU / 1000000); // // static int microsLeftOver = 0; // // long microsTaken; // int32_t increase; #ifdef __AVR__ ..snipped
void button_update(void) { bool irq = false; irq |= esc.update(); irq |= prev.update(); irq |= ok.update(); irq |= next.update(); if (irq) { // Assert the interrupt signal. Requires critical section. noInterrupts(); button_read_all(); digitalWrite(IRQ, HIGH); interrupts(); } }
// *************************************************************** uint8_t osLoopClass::popLoop() { // move the head forward // if the head is at the end, mark the tail at the end, too // mark the task as not in the queue uint8_t my_id=eOsNoAction; noInterrupts(); //atomic if( eOsNoAction != qHead_id) { my_id = qHead_id; qHead_id = loopQue[qHead_id].qNext_id; if( qHead_id == eOsNoAction ) { qTail_id = eOsNoAction; } loopQue[my_id].qNext_id = eOsNoAction; } interrupts(); return eOsNoAction; }//popLoop
bool scheduleSend(RNInfo &info, comm_time_t when, uint8_t size, char * buffer) { if (waitingToSend) { info.println("Can't send, another send is pending"); return false; } noInterrupts(); sendAt = when; sentAt = 0; waitingToSend = true; sendBufferSize = size; sendBuffer = buffer; interrupts(); return true; }
/** \param pArg is a pointer to the timeElement that needs inserted into the list. \return the smallest index of timeElements having larger timeouts than pArg. */ uint8_t Timer::Search (const p_timeElement pArg) { if (0 == _timeOutList.GetCount ()) return 0; uint8_t i, __sreg = SREG; // Prevent _presentTime changing. noInterrupts (); for (i=0; i<_timeOutList.GetCount (); i++) if (normalizeTimeOut (pArg->getTimeOut ()) < normalizeTimeOut (GET_TIMEOUT (i))) break; SREG = __sreg; // Restore the processor's status register and interrupt mask. // Return the index of the first List element needing moved. return (i); }
void stopMozzi(){ #if IS_TEENSY3() timer1.end(); #elif IS_STM32() audio_update_timer.pause(); control_timer.pause(); #else noInterrupts(); // restore backed up register values TCCR0A = pre_mozzi_TCCR0A; TCCR0B = pre_mozzi_TCCR0B; OCR0A = pre_mozzi_OCR0A; TCCR1A = pre_mozzi_TCCR1A; TCCR1B = pre_mozzi_TCCR1B; OCR1A = pre_mozzi_OCR1A; TIMSK0 = pre_mozzi_TIMSK0; TIMSK1 = pre_mozzi_TIMSK1; #if (AUDIO_MODE == HIFI) #if defined(TCCR2A) TCCR2A = pre_mozzi_TCCR2A; TCCR2B = pre_mozzi_TCCR2B; OCR2A = pre_mozzi_OCR2A; TIMSK2 = pre_mozzi_TIMSK2; #elif defined(TCCR2) TCCR2 = pre_mozzi_TCCR2; OCR2 = pre_mozzi_OCR2; TIMSK = pre_mozzi_TIMSK; #elif defined(TCCR4A) TCCR4B = pre_mozzi_TCCR4A; TCCR4B = pre_mozzi_TCCR4B; TCCR4B = pre_mozzi_TCCR4C; TCCR4B = pre_mozzi_TCCR4D; TCCR4B = pre_mozzi_TCCR4E; OCR4C = pre_mozzi_OCR4C; TIMSK4 = pre_mozzi_TIMSK4; #endif #endif #endif interrupts(); }
void timer4_init() { pinMode(LASER_INTENSITY_PIN, OUTPUT); analogWrite(LASER_INTENSITY_PIN, 1); // let Arduino setup do it's thing to the PWM pin TCCR4B = 0x00; // stop Timer4 clock for register updates TCCR4A = 0x82; // Clear OC4A on match, fast PWM mode, lower WGM4x=14 ICR4 = labs(F_CPU / LASER_PWM); // clock cycles per PWM pulse OCR4A = labs(F_CPU / LASER_PWM) - 1; // ICR4 - 1 force immediate compare on next tick TCCR4B = 0x18 | 0x01; // upper WGM4x = 14, clock sel = prescaler, start running noInterrupts(); TCCR4B &= 0xf8; // stop timer, OC4A may be active now TCNT4 = labs(F_CPU / LASER_PWM); // force immediate compare on next tick ICR4 = labs(F_CPU / LASER_PWM); // set new PWM period TCCR4B |= 0x01; // start the timer with proper prescaler value interrupts(); }
int MultiReadCircBuffer::peek(uint8_t* dest, int destLen, uint8_t reader) { boolean intEn = interruptsEnabled(); if (useInterrupts) noInterrupts(); uint8_t* rptr = readPtrs[reader]; int size = sizes[reader]; int r = read(dest, destLen, reader); // Restore read values readPtrs[reader] = rptr; sizes[reader] = size; if (intEn) interrupts(); return r; }
void EEPROMClass::begin(size_t size) { if (size <= 0) return; if (size > SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE) size = SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE; if (_data) { delete[] _data; } _data = new uint8_t[size]; _size = size; noInterrupts(); spi_flash_read(_sector * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(_data), _size); interrupts(); }
/** * This method checks for RX messages that have come into the lower-level buffer * and populates the appropriate RX message ID's accordingly (via add message method). * */ void cAcquireCAN::RXmsg() { UINT8 i; bool validFrame = false; //temporary frame we'll use to figure out which CAN ID has been received and where to move data to RX_CAN_FRAME newFrame; //based upon the lower-level CAN library the get_rx_buff method appears to be critical noInterrupts(); //pull all data frames out of the buffer while (C->read(newFrame)) { //scan through message list and read the corresponding header ID for (i=0; i < msgCntRx; i++) { //look for a valid entry for the CAN ID we just received if (rxMsgs[i]->ID == { //fire callback to higher-level protocol (e.g. check PID parameter ID) validFrame = rxMsgs[i]->CallbackRx(&newFrame); //stuff the received payload if (validFrame) { ///either NO PID OR PID's match so stuff it rxMsgs[i]->U.b[0] =[0]; rxMsgs[i]->U.b[1] =[1]; rxMsgs[i]->U.b[2] =[2]; rxMsgs[i]->U.b[3] =[3]; rxMsgs[i]->U.b[4] =[4]; rxMsgs[i]->U.b[5] =[5]; rxMsgs[i]->U.b[6] =[6]; rxMsgs[i]->U.b[7] =[7]; //NOTE: re-write in future versions for U32 transfers //increment receive counter RxCtr += 1; } } } } interrupts(); }
uint8_t atsha204Class::swi_send_bytes(uint8_t count, uint8_t *buffer) { uint8_t i, bit_mask; // Disable interrupts while sending. noInterrupts(); //swi_disable_interrupts(); // Set signal pin as output. *device_port_OUT |= pinBitmask; SET_DEVICE_PORT_TO_OUTPUT(); //*device_port_DDR |= pinBitmask; // Wait turn around time. delayMicroseconds(RX_TX_DELAY); //RX_TX_DELAY; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { for (bit_mask = 1; bit_mask > 0; bit_mask <<= 1) { if (bit_mask & buffer[i]) { *device_port_OUT &= ~pinBitmask; delayMicroseconds(BIT_DELAY); //BIT_DELAY_1; *device_port_OUT |= pinBitmask; delayMicroseconds(7 * BIT_DELAY); //BIT_DELAY_7; } else { // Send a zero bit. *device_port_OUT &= ~pinBitmask; delayMicroseconds(BIT_DELAY); //BIT_DELAY_1; *device_port_OUT |= pinBitmask; delayMicroseconds(BIT_DELAY); //BIT_DELAY_1; *device_port_OUT &= ~pinBitmask; delayMicroseconds(BIT_DELAY); //BIT_DELAY_1; *device_port_OUT |= pinBitmask; delayMicroseconds(5 * BIT_DELAY); //BIT_DELAY_5; } } } interrupts(); //swi_enable_interrupts(); return SWI_FUNCTION_RETCODE_SUCCESS; }
void callbackIR() { if (status) return; // We do not want to be interrupted here noInterrupts(); // We are working in, turn on the light! digitalWrite(working_led, HIGH); status = true; anOutput = aReceiver.recv(); // Stop working, lights off.. digitalWrite(working_led, LOW); // Now we want.. interrupts(); }
void Motores::lados(int intensidade, int lado, int sentido) { noInterrupts(); analogWrite(m1_pwm,lado==0 ? intensidade*50 : 35*intensidade); if(independente==1) analogWrite(m2_pwm,lado==0 ? 35*intensidade : 50*intensidade); else analogWrite(m2_pwm,50*intensidade); digitalWrite(m1_a,sentido); digitalWrite(m1_b,!sentido); if(independente==1) { digitalWrite(m2_a,sentido); digitalWrite(m2_b,!sentido); } else { digitalWrite(m2_a,lado==0 ? !sentido : sentido); digitalWrite(m2_b,lado==0 ? sentido : !sentido); } interrupts(); }
static void eint_callback(void* parameter, VM_DCL_EVENT event, VM_DCL_HANDLE device_handle) { int i; for(i=0; i<EXTERNAL_NUM_INTERRUPTS; i++) { if(gExinterruptsPio[i].handle == device_handle) { if(noStopInterrupts()) { interrupts(); gExinterruptsPio[i].cb(); noInterrupts(); } break; } } }
int MultiReadCircBuffer::skip(int len, uint8_t reader) { boolean intEn = interruptsEnabled(); if (useInterrupts) noInterrupts(); if (len > sizes[reader]) len = sizes[reader]; readPtrs[reader] += len; if (readPtrs[reader] >= getEndOfBuffer()) readPtrs[reader] -= bufferLen; sizes[reader] -= len; if (intEn) interrupts(); return len; }
void Adafruit_VS1053_FilePlayer::feedBuffer(void) { noInterrupts(); // dont run twice in case interrupts collided // This isn't a perfect lock as it may lose one feedBuffer request if // an interrupt occurs before feedBufferLock is reset to false. This // may cause a glitch in the audio but at least it will not corrupt // state. if (feedBufferLock) { interrupts(); return; } feedBufferLock = true; interrupts(); feedBuffer_noLock(); feedBufferLock = false; }
bool RFM69::receiveDone() { // ATOMIC_BLOCK(ATOMIC_FORCEON) // { noInterrupts(); //re-enabled in unselect() via setMode() or via receiveBegin() if (_mode == RF69_MODE_RX && PAYLOADLEN>0) { setMode(RF69_MODE_STANDBY); //enables interrupts return true; } else if (_mode == RF69_MODE_RX) //already in RX no payload yet { interrupts(); //explicitly re-enable interrupts return false; } receiveBegin(); return false; //} }
/*********************************************************************************************\ * DHT sub to get an 8 bit value from the receiving bitstream \*********************************************************************************************/ byte read_dht_dat(void) { byte i = 0; byte result=0; noInterrupts(); for(i=0; i< 8; i++) { while(!digitalRead(DHT_Pin)); // wait for 50us delayMicroseconds(30); if(digitalRead(DHT_Pin)) result |=(1<<(7-i)); while(digitalRead(DHT_Pin)); // wait '1' finish } interrupts(); return result; }
// select the transceiver void RFM69::select() { #ifdef SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION _SPCR = SPCR; _SPSR = SPSR; SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(4000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0)); #else _SREG = SREG; noInterrupts(); // save current SPI settings _SPCR = SPCR; _SPSR = SPSR; // set RFM69 SPI settings SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV4); // decided to slow down from DIV2 after SPI stalling in some instances, especially visible on mega1284p when RFM69 and FLASH chip both present #endif digitalWrite(_slaveSelectPin, LOW); }
void ACZCPWM::setup(uint8_t _zeroCrossDetectPin, uint8_t _ssrControlPin, uint8_t _period, uint8_t _dither) { noInterrupts(); zeroCrossDetectPin = _zeroCrossDetectPin; ssrControlPin = _ssrControlPin; period = _period; dither = _dither; crossCounter = 0; ditherCounter = 0; countdown = 0; duty=0; pinMode(ssrControlPin,OUTPUT); pinMode(zeroCrossDetectPin,INPUT); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(zeroCrossDetectPin), cross, CHANGE); interrupts(); Timer1.initialize(1e6/300); Timer1.attachInterrupt(timeout); }
// Read one channel value float AP_ADC_ADS7844::Ch(uint8_t ch_num) { uint16_t count; uint32_t sum; // ensure we have at least one value while (_count[ch_num] == 0) /* noop */ ; // grab the value with interrupts disabled, and clear the count noInterrupts(); count = _count[ch_num]; sum = _sum[ch_num]; _count[ch_num] = 0; _sum[ch_num] = 0; interrupts(); return ((float)sum)/count; }
boolean Adafruit_VS1053_FilePlayer::startPlayingFile(const char *trackname) { // reset playback sciWrite(VS1053_REG_MODE, VS1053_MODE_SM_LINE1 | VS1053_MODE_SM_SDINEW); // resync sciWrite(VS1053_REG_WRAMADDR, 0x1e29); sciWrite(VS1053_REG_WRAM, 0); currentTrack =; if (!currentTrack) { return false; } // We know we have a valid file. Check if .mp3 // If so, check for ID3 tag and jump it if present. if (isMP3File(trackname)) {; } // don't let the IRQ get triggered by accident here noInterrupts(); // As explained in datasheet, set twice 0 in REG_DECODETIME to set time back to 0 sciWrite(VS1053_REG_DECODETIME, 0x00); sciWrite(VS1053_REG_DECODETIME, 0x00); playingMusic = true; // wait till its ready for data while (! readyForData() ) { #if defined(ESP8266) yield(); #endif } // fill it up! while (playingMusic && readyForData()) { feedBuffer(); } // ok going forward, we can use the IRQ interrupts(); return true; }
bool StationClass::config(String ssid, String password, bool autoConnectOnStartup /* = true*/) { station_config config = {0}; if (ssid.length() >= sizeof(config.ssid)) return false; if (password.length() >= sizeof(config.password)) return false; bool enabled = isEnabled(); bool dhcp = isEnabledDHCP(); enable(true); // Power on for configuration wifi_station_disconnect(); if (dhcp) enableDHCP(false); bool cfgreaded = wifi_station_get_config(&config); if (!cfgreaded) debugf("Can't read station configuration!"); memset(config.ssid, 0, sizeof(config.ssid)); memset(config.password, 0, sizeof(config.password)); config.bssid_set = false; strcpy((char*)config.ssid, ssid.c_str()); strcpy((char*)config.password, password.c_str()); noInterrupts(); if(!wifi_station_set_config(&config)) { interrupts(); debugf("Can't set station configuration!"); wifi_station_connect(); enableDHCP(dhcp); enable(enabled); return false; } debugf("Station configuration was updated to: %s", ssid.c_str()); interrupts(); wifi_station_connect(); enableDHCP(dhcp); enable(enabled); wifi_station_set_auto_connect(autoConnectOnStartup); return true; }
Event_t event_dequeue(void) { Event_t e; // on masque les interruptions noInterrupts(); // si la file possède au moins un élément et qu'il existe un évènement à l'emplacement du pointeur de lecture if (event_count-- && Queue[r_pointer] != EVENT_NULL) { // on le récupère e = Queue[r_pointer]; // on suprime l'emplacement Queue[r_pointer++] = EVENT_NULL; // on met à jour le pointeur pour l'itération suivante r_pointer %= QUEUE_SIZE; // analyse des évènements #if KBS_ANALYSER events_processed++; #endif } else { // si events_count == 0 ou si le pointeur est positionné sur un élément null e = EVENT_NULL; // on reset les pointeurs r_pointer = w_pointer = event_count = 0; } // s'il y a eu un overflow, on signal qu'une nouvelle place est disponible dans la file queue_overflow = false; // on démasque les interruptions interrupts(); return e; }
void setup() { // initialize timer1 noInterrupts(); // disable all interrupts TCCR1A = 0; // set entire TCCR1A register to 0 TCCR1B = 0; // same for TCCR1B // set compare match register to desired timer count: OCR1A = 780; // turn on CTC mode: TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12); // Set CS10 and CS12 bits for 1024 prescaler: TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10); TCCR1B |= (1 << CS12); // enable timer compare interrupt: TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); interrupts(); // enable all interrupts }