Beispiel #1
/** Create a string representation of a path.
 *  @param q is the canonical element of some path
 *  @return the string
string PathSet::path2string(path q) const {
	string s;
	if (q == 0) return s;
	s += path2string(left(q));
	s += Adt::index2string(q) + ":" + to_string(nodeCost(q)) + " ";
	s += path2string(right(q));
	return s;
Beispiel #2
			const std::vector<double>& weights,
			double&                    value,
			std::vector<double>&       gradient) {


	MultiCut::Status status = _mostViolatedMulticut.solve();

	std::stringstream filename;
	filename << "most-violated_" << std::setw(6) << std::setfill('0') << _iteration << ".tif";
	_mostViolatedMulticut.storeSolution(filename.str(), true);

	if (status != MultiCut::SolutionFound)
				"solution not found");

	value = _constant - _mostViolatedMulticut.getValue();

	// value = E(y',w) - E(y*,w) + Δ(y',y*)
	//       = B_c - <wΦ,y*> + <Δ_l,y*> + Δ_c

	// loss   = value - B_c + <wΦ,y*>
	// margin = value - loss

	double mostViolatedEnergy = 0;
	for (Crag::NodeIt n(_crag); n != lemon::INVALID; ++n)
		if (_mostViolatedMulticut.getSelectedRegions()[n])
			mostViolatedEnergy += nodeCost(weights, _nodeFeatures[n]);
	for (Crag::EdgeIt e(_crag); e != lemon::INVALID; ++e)
		if (_mostViolatedMulticut.getMergedEdges()[e])
			mostViolatedEnergy += edgeCost(weights, _edgeFeatures[e]);

	double loss   = value - _B_c + mostViolatedEnergy;
	double margin = value - loss;

	LOG_USER(oraclelog) << "Δ(y*)         = " << loss << std::endl;
	LOG_USER(oraclelog) << "E(y') - E(y*) = " << margin << std::endl;


	if (optionStoreEachCurrentlyBest) {


		std::stringstream filename;
		filename << "current-best_" << std::setw(6) << std::setfill('0') << _iteration << ".tif";
		_currentBestMulticut.storeSolution(filename.str(), true);

Beispiel #3
/** Create a string representation of the tree representing a path.
 *  @param q is the canonical element of some path
 *  @return the string
string PathSet::pathTree2string(path q) const {
	string s;
	if (q == 0) return s;
	bool singleton = (left(q) = 0 && right(q) == 0);
	if (!singleton) s += "(";
	s += pathTree2string(left(q));
	s += Adt::index2string(q) + ":" + to_string(nodeCost(q)) + " ";
	s += pathTree2string(right(q));
	if (!singleton) s += ")";
	return s;
Beispiel #4
Oracle::updateCosts(const std::vector<double>& weights) {

	// Let E(y,w) = <w,Φy>. We have to compute the value and gradient of
	//   max_y L(y,w)
	//   =
	//   max_y E(y',w) - E(y,w) + Δ(y',y)            (1)
	// where y' is the best-effort solution (also known as groundtruth) and w 
	// are the current weights. The loss augmented model to solve is
	//   F(y,w) = E(y,w) - Δ(y',y).
	// Let B_c = E(y',w) be the constant contribution of the best-effort 
	// solution. (1) is equal to
	//   max_y  B_c -  E(y,w) + Δ(y',y)
	//   =
	//   max_y  B_c - (E(y,w) - Δ(y',y))
	//   =
	//   max_y  B_c - F(y,w)
	//   =
	//  -min_y -B_c + F(y,w)
	//   =
	//  -(-B_c + min_y F(y,w))
	//   =
	//   B_c - min_y F(y,w).                         (1')
	// Assuming that Δ(y',y) = <y,Δ_l> + Δ_c, we can rewrite F(y,w) as
	//   F(y,w) = <wΦ,y> - <Δ_l,y> - Δ_c
	//          = <ξ,y>  - Δ_c           with   ξ = wΦ - Δ_l
	//          = <ξ,y>  + c             with   c = -Δ_c
	// Hence, we set the multicut costs to ξ, find the minimizer y* and the 
	// minimal value v*. y* is the minimizer of (1') and therefore also of (1).
	// v* is the minimal value of F(y,w) - c. Hence, v* + c is the minimal value 
	// of F(y,w), and B_c - (v* + c) is the value of (1'), and thus the value l* 
	// of (1):
	//   l* = B_c - (v* + c)
	//      = B_c - (v* - Δ_c)
	//      = B_c + Δ_c - v*.
	// We store B_c + Δ_c in _constant, and subtract v* from it to get the 
	// value.

	// wΦ
	for (Crag::NodeIt n(_crag); n != lemon::INVALID; ++n)
		_costs.node[n] = nodeCost(weights, _nodeFeatures[n]);
	for (Crag::EdgeIt e(_crag); e != lemon::INVALID; ++e)
		_costs.edge[e] = edgeCost(weights, _edgeFeatures[e]);


	// -Δ_l
	for (Crag::NodeIt n(_crag); n != lemon::INVALID; ++n)
		_costs.node[n] -= _loss.node[n];
	for (Crag::EdgeIt e(_crag); e != lemon::INVALID; ++e)
		_costs.edge[e] -= _loss.edge[e];

	// Δ_c
	_constant = _loss.constant;

	// B_c
	_B_c = 0;
	for (Crag::NodeIt n(_crag); n != lemon::INVALID; ++n)
		if (_bestEffort.node[n])
			_B_c += nodeCost(weights, _nodeFeatures[n]);
	for (Crag::EdgeIt e(_crag); e != lemon::INVALID; ++e)
		if (_bestEffort.edge[e])
			_B_c += edgeCost(weights, _edgeFeatures[e]);
	_constant += _B_c;

	// L(w) = max_y <w,Φy'-Φy> + Δ(y',y)
	//      = max_y <w,Φy'-Φy> + <y,Δ_l> + Δ_c
	//      = max_y <wΦ,y'-y>  + <y,Δ_l> + Δ_c
	//      = max_y <y,-wΦ + Δ_l> + <y',wΦ> + Δ_c
