Beispiel #1
liferea_dbus_refresh (LifereaDBus *self, gboolean *ret, GError **err)
	node_update_subscription (feedlist_get_root (), GUINT_TO_POINTER (0));
	*ret = TRUE;
	return TRUE;
Beispiel #2
static void
do_menu_update (nodePtr node)
	if (network_monitor_is_online ())
		node_update_subscription (node, GUINT_TO_POINTER (FEED_REQ_PRIORITY_HIGH));
		liferea_shell_set_status_bar (_("Liferea is in offline mode. No update possible."));

Beispiel #3
static void
feedlist_init (FeedList *fl)
	gint	startup_feed_action;

	debug_enter ("feedlist_init");
	/* 1. Prepare globally accessible singleton */
	g_assert (NULL == feedlist);
	feedlist = fl;
	feedlist->priv = FEEDLIST_GET_PRIVATE (fl);
	feedlist->priv->loading = TRUE;
	/* 2. Set up a root node and import the feed list source structure. */
	debug0 (DEBUG_CACHE, "Setting up root node");
	ROOTNODE = node_source_setup_root ();

	/* 3. Ensure folder expansion and unread count*/
	debug0 (DEBUG_CACHE, "Initializing node state");
	feedlist_foreach (feedlist_init_node);

	ui_tray_update ();

	/* 4. Check if feeds do need updating. */
	debug0 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "Performing initial feed update");
	conf_get_int_value (STARTUP_FEED_ACTION, &startup_feed_action);
	if (0 == startup_feed_action) {
		/* Update all feeds */
		if (network_monitor_is_online ()) {
			debug0 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "initial update: updating all feeds");		
			node_update_subscription (feedlist_get_root (), GUINT_TO_POINTER (0));
		} else {
			debug0 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "initial update: prevented because we are offline");
	} else {
		debug0 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "initial update: resetting feed counter");
		feedlist_reset_update_counters (NULL);

	/* 5. Start automatic updating */
	feedlist->priv->autoUpdateTimer = g_timeout_add_seconds (10, feedlist_auto_update, NULL);
	g_signal_connect (network_monitor_get (), "online-status-changed", G_CALLBACK (on_network_status_changed), NULL);

	/* 6. Finally save the new feed list state */
	feedlist->priv->loading = FALSE;
	feedlist_schedule_save ();
	debug_exit ("feedlist_init");	