Beispiel #1


  Return Values:
QuadEqual(double a1, double a2)
  a1 = normAngle(a1) ;
  a2 = normAngle(a2) ;
  if (fabs(a1 - a2) < RADIANS(90.0))
    return(1) ;
    return(0) ;
Descriptor* ShapeContextGenerator::describe(const OrientedPoint2D& point, const LaserReading& reading){
    unsigned int accumulator = 0;
    ShapeContext * shape = new ShapeContext();
    shape->getHistogram().resize(m_phiEdges.size() - 1, std::vector<double>(m_rhoEdges.size() - 1, 0.));
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < reading.getWorldCartesian().size(); i++){
		Point2D difference = reading.getWorldCartesian()[i] - point;
		double distance = hypot(difference.x, difference.y);
		if ((distance >= m_rhoEdges[0] && distance < m_rhoEdges[m_rhoEdges.size() - 1])){
			for(unsigned int rho = 0; rho < m_rhoEdges.size() - 1; rho++){
				if((distance < m_rhoEdges[rho + 1] && distance >= m_rhoEdges[rho])){
					double angle = atan2(difference.y, difference.x);
					angle = normAngle(angle - point.theta, -M_PI);
					for(unsigned int phi = 0; phi < m_phiEdges.size() - 1; phi++){
						if(angle < m_phiEdges[phi + 1] && angle >= m_phiEdges[phi]){
							shape->getHistogram()[phi][rho] += 1.;
							accumulator += 1;
    int size = shape->getHistogram().size() * shape->getHistogram().front().size();
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < shape->getHistogram().size(); i++){
	for(unsigned int j = 0; j < shape->getHistogram()[i].size(); j++){
	    shape->getHistogram()[i][j] = accumulator ? shape->getHistogram()[i][j]/double(accumulator) : 1./double(size);
    return shape;
unsigned int NormalDetector::computeInterestPoints(const LaserReading& reading, const std::vector<double>& signal, std::vector<InterestPoint*>& point, 
						   std::vector< std::vector<unsigned int> >& indexes, std::vector<unsigned int>& maxRangeMapping) const
    const std::vector<Point2D>& worldPoints = reading.getWorldCartesian();
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < indexes.size(); i++){
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < indexes[i].size(); j++){
			OrientedPoint2D pose;
			unsigned int pointIndex = maxRangeMapping[indexes[i][j]];
			// Reomoving the detection in the background and pushing it to the foreground
			double rangeBefore = (pointIndex > 1)? reading.getRho()[pointIndex - 1] : reading.getMaxRange();
			double rangeAfter = (pointIndex < worldPoints.size() - 1)? reading.getRho()[pointIndex + 1] : reading.getMaxRange();
			double rangeCurrent = reading.getRho()[pointIndex];
			if(rangeBefore < rangeAfter){
				if(rangeBefore < rangeCurrent){
					pointIndex = pointIndex - 1;
			} else if(rangeAfter < rangeCurrent){
				pointIndex = pointIndex + 1;
			// Removing max range reading
			if(reading.getRho()[pointIndex] >= reading.getMaxRange()){

			pose.x =  (reading.getWorldCartesian()[pointIndex]).x;
			pose.y =  (reading.getWorldCartesian()[pointIndex]).y;
			pose.theta = normAngle(signal[indexes[i][j]], -M_PI);
			bool exists = false;
			for(unsigned int k = 0; !exists && k < point.size(); k++){
				exists = exists || (fabs(pose.x - point[k]->getPosition().x) <= 0.2 &&  fabs(pose.y - point[k]->getPosition().y) <= 0.2);
			if(exists) continue;

	    unsigned int first = indexes[i][j] - floor((int)m_filterBank[i].size()/2.0);
	    unsigned int last = indexes[i][j] + floor((int)m_filterBank[i].size()/2.0);
	    std::vector<Point2D> support(last - first + 1);
	    for(unsigned int p = 0; p < support.size(); p++) {
		support[p] = Point2D(worldPoints[maxRangeMapping[p + first]]);
			double maxDistance = -1e20;
			for(unsigned int k = 0; k < support.size(); k++){
				double distance = sqrt((pose.x - support[k].x)*(pose.x - support[k].x) + (pose.y - support[k].y)*(pose.y - support[k].y));
				maxDistance = maxDistance < distance ? distance : maxDistance;
			InterestPoint *interest = new InterestPoint(pose, maxDistance);
	// 	    InterestPoint *interest = new InterestPoint(pose, m_scales[i]);
    return point.size();
Beispiel #4
QVec Plane::coefficientsToRotation(const QVec &planeVector, const QVec &initialRots)
    QVec v = planeVector;

    // Compute R_x
    float RX = normAngle(atan2(v(1), -v(2)));
		if (abs(RX-initialRots(0)) >= M_PIl)
        if (RX > 0)
            RX -= M_PIl;
            RX += M_PIl;

    // Compute R_y
    QMat m = Rot3D(-RX, 0, 0);
    v = m * v;
    const float RY = normAngle(-atan2(v(0), -v(2)));

    return QVec::vec3(RX, RY, initialRots(2));
void NormalDetector::computeSignal(const LaserReading& reading, std::vector<double>& signal, std::vector<unsigned int>& maxRangeMapping) const{
//    const std::vector<Point2D>& points = reading.getCartesian();
    std::vector<double> ranges;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < reading.getRho().size(); i++){
		if(reading.getRho()[i] < reading.getMaxRange()){ 
		} else if (m_useMaxRange){

    int offsetRange = floor((int)m_filterBank[0].size()/2.0);
    const std::vector<double>& rangeData = convolve1D(ranges, m_filterBank[0], -offsetRange); 
    const std::vector<double>& phiData = reading.getPhi();
    std::vector<Point2D> points(rangeData.size());
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rangeData.size(); i++){
			points[i].x = cos(phiData[maxRangeMapping[i]])*rangeData[i];
			points[i].y = sin(phiData[maxRangeMapping[i]])*rangeData[i];
		} else {
			points[i].x = cos(phiData[maxRangeMapping[i]])*reading.getMaxRange();
			points[i].y = sin(phiData[maxRangeMapping[i]])*reading.getMaxRange();

    unsigned int offset = floor((double)m_windowSize * 0.5);
    std::vector<Point2D>::const_iterator first = points.begin();
    std::vector<Point2D>::const_iterator last = first + m_windowSize;
    double oldangle = 0;
    for(unsigned int i = offset; i < signal.size() - offset; i++){
		LineParameters param = computeNormals(std::vector<Point2D>(first,last));
		signal[i] = normAngle(param.alpha, oldangle - M_PI);
		oldangle = signal[i];
		first++; last++;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < offset; i++){
		signal[i] = signal[offset];
    for(unsigned int i = signal.size() - offset; i < signal.size(); i++){
		signal[i] = signal[signal.size() - offset - 1];
unsigned int CurvatureDetector::computeInterestPoints(const LaserReading& reading, const std::vector< std::vector<Point2D> >& operatorA, std::vector<InterestPoint*>& point, 
						      const std::vector< std::vector<unsigned int> >& indexes, std::vector<unsigned int>& maxRangeMapping) const
    const std::vector<Point2D>& worldPoints = reading.getWorldCartesian();
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < indexes.size(); i++){
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < indexes[i].size(); j++){
			OrientedPoint2D pose;
			unsigned int pointIndex = maxRangeMapping[indexes[i][j]];
			// Reomoving the detection in the background and pushing it to the foreground
			double rangeBefore = (pointIndex > 1)? reading.getRho()[pointIndex - 1] : reading.getMaxRange();
			double rangeAfter = (pointIndex < worldPoints.size() - 1)? reading.getRho()[pointIndex + 1] : reading.getMaxRange();
			double rangeCurrent = reading.getRho()[pointIndex];
			if(rangeBefore < rangeAfter){
				if(rangeBefore < rangeCurrent){
					pointIndex = pointIndex - 1;
			} else if(rangeAfter < rangeCurrent){
				pointIndex = pointIndex + 1;
			// Removing max range reading
			if(reading.getRho()[pointIndex] >= reading.getMaxRange()){

			pose.x =  (worldPoints[pointIndex]).x;
			pose.y =  (worldPoints[pointIndex]).y;
			Point2D difference = operatorA[i][indexes[i][j]] - worldPoints[pointIndex];
			pose.theta = atan2(difference.y, difference.x);
			bool exists = false;
			for(unsigned int k = 0; !exists && k < point.size(); k++){
				exists = exists || (fabs(pose.x - point[k]->getPosition().x) <= 0.2 &&  fabs(pose.y - point[k]->getPosition().y) <= 0.2);
			if(exists) continue;

			double distance = 2. * m_scales[i];
			Point2D diffStart = pose - worldPoints.front();
			Point2D diffEnd = pose - worldPoints.back();
			if(hypot(diffStart.x, diffStart.y) < distance || hypot(diffEnd.x, diffEnd.y) < distance){
			std::vector<Point2D> support;
			for(unsigned int k = 0; k < worldPoints.size(); k++){
				Point2D diff2 = pose - worldPoints[k];
				if(hypot(diff2.x, diff2.y) < distance) support.push_back(worldPoints[k]);

	    LineParameters param = computeNormals(support);
	    pose.theta = normAngle(param.alpha, - M_PI);    
			InterestPoint *interest = new InterestPoint(pose, distance);
		//  InterestPoint *interest = new InterestPoint(pose, m_scales[i]);
    return point.size();