Beispiel #1
void    apf(short *in, short *coeff, short *out, long delayi, short alpha,
	    short beta, short u, short agc, short ltgain, short order, short length, short br)

	static int FirstTime = 1;

	static short FIRmem[ORDER];	/* FIR filter memory */
	static short IIRmem[ORDER];	/* IIR filter memory */
	static short last;
	static short Residual[ACBMemSize + SubFrameSize];	/* local residual */

	short   wcoef1[ORDER];
	short   wcoef2[ORDER];
	short   scratch[SubFrameSize];
	short   temp[SubFrameSize];
	short   mem[ORDER];
	long	sum1, sum2;
	long    gamma, APFgain;
	short   i, j, n, best;
	short	Stemp, shift1, shift2;
	long	Ltemp;

	/* initialization -- should be done in init routine for implementation */
	if (FirstTime)
		FirstTime = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < ORDER; i++)
			FIRmem[i] = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < ORDER; i++)
			IIRmem[i] = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < ACBMemSize; i++)
			Residual[i] = 0;
		last = 0;

	/* Compute weighted LPC coefficients */
	weight(wcoef1, coeff, alpha, order);
	weight(wcoef2, coeff, beta, order);

	/* Tilt speech  */

	/* tilt in non-voiced regions...*/
	for (i = 0, sum2 = 0; i < length - 1; i++)
		sum2 = L_mac(sum2, in[i], in[i + 1]);
	if (sum2 < 0)
		u = 0;		/* tilt...*/

	for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
		scratch[i] = msu_r(L_deposit_h(in[i]), u, last);
		last = in[i];

	/* Compute  residual */
	fir(scratch, scratch, wcoef1, FIRmem, order, length);

	for (i = 0; i < SubFrameSize ; i++)
	  Residual[ACBMemSize+i] = scratch[i];

	/* long term filtering */
	/* Find best integer delay around delayi */
	j = extract_h(L_add(delayi, 32768));
	sum1 = 0;
        shift1 = 1;
	best = j;
	for (i = Max(DMIN, j - 3); i <= Min(DMAX, j + 3); i++)
                shift2 = 1;
		for (n = ACBMemSize, sum2 = 0; n < ACBMemSize + length; n++)
			Ltemp = L_mult(Residual[n], Residual[n - i]);
			Ltemp = L_shr(Ltemp, shift2);
			sum2 = L_add(sum2, Ltemp);
			if (sum2 >= 0x40000000)
				sum2 = L_shr(sum2, 1);

                if( ((shift1 >= shift2) && (L_shr(sum2,sub(shift1,shift2)) > sum1))
                   || ((shift1 < shift2) && (sum2 > L_shr(sum1,sub(shift2,shift1)))))
			sum1 = sum2;
			shift1 = shift2;
			best = i;

	/* Get beta for delayi */
	shift1 = 1;
	for (i = ACBMemSize, sum1 = 0; i < ACBMemSize + length; i++)
		Ltemp = L_mult(Residual[i - best], Residual[i - best]);
		Ltemp = L_shr(Ltemp, shift1);
		sum1 = L_add(sum1, Ltemp);
		if (sum1 >= 0x40000000)
			sum1 = L_shr(sum1, 1);
	shift2 = 1;
	for (i = ACBMemSize, sum2 = 0; i < ACBMemSize + length; i++)
		Ltemp = L_mult(Residual[i], Residual[i - best]);
		Ltemp = L_shr(Ltemp, shift2);
		sum2 = L_add(sum2, Ltemp);
		if (sum2 >= 0x40000000)
			sum2 = L_shr(sum2, 1);
	if (shift1 > shift2)
		shift1 = sub(shift1, shift2);
		sum2 = L_shr(sum2, shift1);
	else if (shift1 < shift2)
		shift2 = sub(shift2, shift1);
		sum1 = L_shr(sum1, shift2);

	if ((sum2 == 0) || (sum1 == 0) || (br == 1))
		for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
			temp[i] = Residual[i + ACBMemSize];
		if (sum2 >= sum1)
			gamma = 0x7fffffff;		/* Clip gamma at 1.0 */
		else if (sum2 < 0)
			gamma = 0;
			shift1 = norm_l(sum1);
			sum1 = L_shl(sum1, shift1);
			sum2 = L_shl(sum2, shift1);
			gamma = L_divide(sum2, sum1);

		if (gamma < 0x40000000)
			for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
				temp[i] = Residual[i + ACBMemSize];
			/* Do actual filtering */
			for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
				Ltemp = L_mpy_ls(gamma, ltgain);
				Ltemp = L_mpy_ls(Ltemp, Residual[ACBMemSize + i - best]);
				temp[i] = add(Residual[ACBMemSize + i], round(Ltemp));


	/* iir short term filter - first run */
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
		scratch[i] = temp[i];
	for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
		mem[i] = IIRmem[i];
	iir(scratch, scratch, wcoef2, mem, order, length);

	/* Get filter gain */
	shift1 = 1;
	for (i = 0, sum1 = 0; i < length; i++)
		Ltemp = L_mult(in[i], in[i]);
		Ltemp = L_shr(Ltemp, shift1);
		sum1 = L_add(sum1, Ltemp);
		if (sum1 >= 0x40000000)
			sum1 = L_shr(sum1, 1);
	shift2 = 1;
	for (i = 0, sum2 = 0; i < length; i++)
		Ltemp = L_mult(scratch[i], scratch[i]);
		Ltemp = L_shr(Ltemp, shift2);
		sum2 = L_add(sum2, Ltemp);
		if (sum2 >= 0x40000000)
			sum2 = L_shr(sum2, 1);
	if (shift1 > shift2)
		shift1 = sub(shift1, shift2);
		sum2 = L_shr(sum2, shift1);
	else if (shift1 < shift2)
		shift2 = sub(shift2, shift1);
		sum1 = L_shr(sum1, shift2);

	if (sum2 != 0)
		shift1 = norm_l(sum2);
		sum2 = L_shl(sum2, shift1);
		shift1 = sub(shift1, 2);	/* For (1. < APFgain < 2.) */
		sum1 = L_shl(sum1, shift1);
		Ltemp = L_divide(sum1, sum2);
		shift1 = norm_l(Ltemp);
		Ltemp = L_shl(Ltemp, shift1);
		Stemp = sqroot(Ltemp);
		if (shift1 & 1)
			APFgain = L_mult(0x5a82, Stemp);
			APFgain = L_deposit_h(Stemp);
		shift1 = shr(shift1, 1);
		APFgain = L_shr(APFgain, shift1);

		/* Re-normalize the speech signal */
		for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
			Ltemp = L_mpy_ls(APFgain, temp[i]);
			Ltemp = L_shl(Ltemp, 1);  /* For (1. < APFgain < 2.) */
			temp[i] = round(Ltemp);
		APFgain = 0x40000000;

	/* iir short term filter - second run */
	iir(out, temp, wcoef2, IIRmem, order, length);

	/* Update residual buffer */
	for (i = 0; i < ACBMemSize; i++)
		Residual[i] = Residual[i + length];
Beispiel #2
Word16  refinepitch(
                    Word16 *x,      /* (i) Q1 */
                    Word16    cpp,
                    Word16 *ppt) /* (o) Q9 */
   Word32   a0, a1;
   Word32   cor, energy, cormax, enermax32;        /* Q3 */
   Word16   energymax, energymax_exp, ener, ener_exp;
   Word16   cor2, cor2_exp, cor2max, cor2max_exp;
   Word16   *sp0, *sp1, *sp2, *sp3;
   Word16   *xt;
   Word16   s, t;
   Word16   lb, ub;
   int      pp, i, j;
   if (cpp >= MAXPP) cpp = MAXPP-1;
   if (cpp < MINPP)  cpp = MINPP;
   lb = sub((Word16)cpp,DEV); 
   if (lb < MINPP) lb = MINPP; /* lower bound of pitch period search range */
   ub = add((Word16)cpp,DEV);
   /* to avoid selecting HMAXPP as the refined pitch period */
   if (ub >= MAXPP) ub = MAXPP-1;/* lower bound of pitch period search range */
   i   = lb;            /* start the search from lower bound       */
   xt  = x+XOFF;   
   sp0 = xt;
   sp1 = xt-i;
   cor = energy = 0;
   for (j=0;j<FRSZ; j++) 
      s = *sp1++;
      t = *sp0++;
      energy = L_mac0(energy, s, s);
      cor    = L_mac0(cor, s, t);
   pp             = i;
   cormax         = cor;
   enermax32      = energy;
   energymax_exp  = norm_l(enermax32);
   energymax      = extract_h(L_shl(enermax32, energymax_exp));
   a0             = cor;
   cor2max_exp    = norm_l(a0);
   s              = extract_h(L_shl(a0, cor2max_exp));
   cor2max_exp    = shl(cor2max_exp, 1);
   cor2max        = extract_h(L_mult0(s, s));
   sp0            = xt+FRSZ-lb-1;
   sp1            = xt-lb-1;
   for (i=lb+1;i<=ub;i++) 
      sp2 = xt;
      sp3 = xt-i;
      cor = 0;
      for (j=0;j<FRSZ;j++) 
         cor = L_mac0(cor, *sp2++, *sp3++);
      a0       = cor;
      cor2_exp = norm_l(a0);
      s        = extract_h(L_shl(a0, cor2_exp));
      cor2_exp = shl(cor2_exp, 1);
      cor2     = extract_h(L_mult0(s, s));
      s        = *sp0--;
      t        = *sp1--;
      energy   = L_msu0(energy, s, s);
      energy   = L_mac0(energy, t, t);
      a0       = energy;
      ener_exp = norm_l(a0);
      ener     = extract_h(L_shl(a0, ener_exp));
      if (ener>0) 
         a0 = L_mult0(cor2, energymax);
         a1 = L_mult0(cor2max, ener);
         s  = add(cor2_exp, energymax_exp);
         t  = add(cor2max_exp, ener_exp);
         if (s>=t) a0 = L_shr(a0, sub(s,t));
         else      a1 = L_shr(a1, sub(t,s));
         if (a0 > a1) 
            pp             = i;
            cormax         = cor;
            enermax32      = energy;   
            cor2max        = cor2; 
            cor2max_exp    = cor2_exp;
            energymax      = ener; 
            energymax_exp  = ener_exp;
   if ((enermax32 == 0) || (cormax<=0)) 
      *ppt = 0;
      ub    = sub(norm_l(cormax),1);
      lb    = norm_l(enermax32);
      s     = extract_h(L_shl(cormax,ub));
      t     = extract_h(L_shl(enermax32,lb));
      s     = div_s(s, t);
      lb    = sub(sub(lb,ub),6);
      *ppt  = shl(s, lb);
   return pp;
Beispiel #3
/* Standard Long-Term Postfilter */
void postfilter(
                Word16 *s,   /* input : quantized speech signal         */
                Word16 pp,   /* input : pitch period                    */
                Word16 *ma_a,
                Word16 *b_prv,
                Word16 *pp_prv,
                Word16 *e)   /* output: enhanced speech signal          */
   int n;
   Word16 len, t0, t1, t2, t3, shift, aa, R0norm, R0_exp;
   Word32 a0, a1, R0, R1, R01, R01max, Rx;
   Word16 *fp1;
   Word16 ppt, pptmin, pptmax, ppnew;
   Word16 bb[2];
   Word16 R1max_exp, R1max, R01Sqmax_exp, R01Sqmax, R01Sq_exp, R01Sq, R1_exp, R1n;
   Word16 gainn, Rx_exp;
   Word16 buf[MAXPP+FRSZ];
   Word16 *ps, ww1, ww2;
   Word32 step, delta;
   Word16 bi0, bi1c, bi1p;
   ps = s+XQOFF;
   /*                 pitch search around decoded pitch                */
   pptmin = sub(pp, DPPQNS);
   pptmax = add(pp, DPPQNS);
   if (pptmin<MINPP)
      pptmin = MINPP;
      pptmax = add(pptmin, 2*DPPQNS);
   else if (pptmax>MAXPP)
      pptmax = MAXPP;
      pptmin = sub(pptmax, 2*DPPQNS);
   fp1 = &s[XQOFF-pptmax];
   len = add(FRSZ, pptmax);
   a0 = 0;
   for (n=0;n<len;n++) 
      t1 = shr(*fp1++, 3);
      a0 = L_mac0(a0,t1,t1);
   shift = norm_l(a0);
   if (a0==0) shift=31;
   shift = sub(6, shift);
   if (shift > 0)
      ps = buf+pptmax;
      fp1 = &s[XQOFF-pptmax];
      shift = shr(add(shift, 1), 1);
      for (n=0;n<len;n++)
         buf[n] = shr(fp1[n], shift);
   else shift=0;
   R0  = 0;
   R1  = 0;
   R01 = 0;
   for(n=0; n<FRSZ; n++)
      R0  = L_mac0(R0, ps[n], ps[n]);
      R1  = L_mac0(R1, ps[n-pptmin], ps[n-pptmin]);
      R01 = L_mac0(R01,ps[n], ps[n-pptmin]);
   R0_exp = norm_l(R0);
   R0norm = extract_h(L_shl(R0, R0_exp));
   R0_exp = R0_exp-16;
   ppnew        = pptmin;
   R1max_exp    = norm_l(R1);
   R1max        = extract_h(L_shl(R1, R1max_exp));
   R01Sqmax_exp = norm_l(R01);
   t1           = extract_h(L_shl(R01, R01Sqmax_exp));
   R01Sqmax_exp = shl(R01Sqmax_exp, 1);
   R01Sqmax     = extract_h(L_mult(t1, t1));
   R01max       = R01;
   for(ppt=pptmin+1; ppt<=pptmax; ppt++)
      R1 = L_msu0(R1,ps[FRSZ-ppt], ps[FRSZ-ppt]);
      R1 = L_mac0(R1,ps[-ppt], ps[-ppt]);      
      R01= 0;
      for(n=0; n<FRSZ; n++)
         R01 = L_mac0(R01, ps[n], ps[n-ppt]);
      R01Sq_exp = norm_l(R01);
      t1 = extract_h(L_shl(R01, R01Sq_exp));
      R01Sq_exp = shl(R01Sq_exp, 1);
      R01Sq = extract_h(L_mult(t1, t1));
      R1_exp = norm_l(R1);
      R1n = extract_h(L_shl(R1, R1_exp));
      a0 = L_mult(R01Sq, R1max);
      a1 = L_mult(R01Sqmax, R1n);
      t1 = add(R01Sq_exp, R1max_exp);
      t2 = add(R01Sqmax_exp, R1_exp);
      t2 = sub(t1, t2);
      if (t2>=0) a0 = L_shr(a0, t2);
      if (t2<0)  a1 = L_shl(a1, t2); 
      if (L_sub(a0, a1)>0) 
         R01Sqmax = R01Sq; 
         R01Sqmax_exp = R01Sq_exp;
         R1max = R1n; R1max_exp = R1_exp;
         ppnew = ppt;
         R01max = R01;
   /*               calculate all-zero pitch postfilter              */
   if (R1max==0 || R0==0 || R01max <= 0)
      aa = 0;
      a0 = R1max_exp-16;
      t1 = mult(R1max, R0norm);
      a0 = a0+R0_exp-15;
      sqrt_i(t1, (Word16)a0, &t1, &t2);
      t0 = norm_l(R01max);
      t3 = extract_h(L_shl(R01max, t0));
      t0 = t0-16;
      aa = mult(t3, t1);
      t0 = t0+t2-15;
      t0 = t0-15;
      if (t0<0) aa = shl(aa, sub(0,t0));
      else aa = shr(aa, t0);
   a0 = L_mult(8192, aa);
   a0 = L_mac(a0, 24576, *ma_a);
   *ma_a = intround(a0);
   if((*ma_a < ATHLD1) && (aa < (ATHLD2)))
      aa = 0;
   bb[1] = mult(ScLTPF, aa);
   /*             calculate normalization energies                   */
   Rx = 0;
   R0 = 0;
   for(n=0; n<FRSZ; n++)
      a0   = L_shl(s[XQOFF+n], 15);
      a0   = L_add(a0, L_mult0(bb[1], s[XQOFF+n-ppnew]));
      e[n] = intround(a0);
      t1   = shr(e[n], shift);
      t2   = shr(s[XQOFF+n], shift);
      Rx   = L_mac0(Rx, t1, t1);
      R0   = L_mac0(R0, t2, t2);
   R0 = L_shr(R0, 2);
   if(R0 == 0 || Rx == 0)
      gainn = 32767;
      Rx_exp = norm_l(Rx);
      t1 = extract_h(L_shl(Rx, Rx_exp));
      t2 = extract_h(L_shl(R0, Rx_exp));
      if (t2>= t1)
         gainn = 32767;
         t1 = div_s(t2, t1);
         gainn = sqrts(t1);
   /*    interpolate from the previous postfilter to the current     */
   bb[0] = gainn;
   bb[1] = mult(gainn, bb[1]);
   step  = (Word32)((1.0/(NINT+1))*(2147483648.0));
   delta = 0;
   for(n=0; n<NINT; n++)
      delta = L_add(delta, step);
      ww1   = intround(delta);
      ww2   = add(sub(32767, ww1), 1);
      /* interpolate between two filters */
      bi0 = intround(L_mac(L_mult(ww1, bb[0]), ww2, b_prv[0]));
      bi1c= mult(ww1, bb[1]);
      bi1p= mult(ww2, b_prv[1]);
      e[n] = intround(L_mac(L_mac(L_mult(bi1c, s[XQOFF+n-ppnew]), bi1p, s[XQOFF+n-(*pp_prv)]), bi0, s[XQOFF+n]));
   for(n=NINT; n<FRSZ; n++)
      e[n] = intround(L_shl(L_mult(gainn, e[n]),1));
   /*                       save state memory                        */
   *pp_prv = ppnew;
   b_prv[0] = bb[0];
   b_prv[1] = bb[1];
Beispiel #4
Word16 G_pitch(      /* (o) Q14 : Gain of pitch lag saturated to 1.2       */
  Word16 xn[],       /* (i)     : Pitch target.                            */
  Word16 y1[],       /* (i)     : Filtered adaptive codebook.              */
  Word16 g_coeff[],  /* (i)     : Correlations need for gain quantization. */
  Word16 L_subfr     /* (i)     : Length of subframe.                      */
   Word16 i;
   Word16 xy, yy, exp_xy, exp_yy, gain;
   Word32 s;

   Word16 scaled_y1[L_SUBFR];

   /* divide "y1[]" by 4 to avoid overflow */

   for(i=0; i<L_subfr; i++)
     scaled_y1[i] = shr(y1[i], 2);

   /* Compute scalar product <y1[],y1[]> */

   Overflow = 0;
   s = 1;                    /* Avoid case of all zeros */
   for(i=0; i<L_subfr; i++)
     s = L_mac(s, y1[i], y1[i]);

   if (Overflow == 0) {
     exp_yy = norm_l(s);
     yy     = round( L_shl(s, exp_yy) );
   else {
     s = 1;                  /* Avoid case of all zeros */
     for(i=0; i<L_subfr; i++)
       s = L_mac(s, scaled_y1[i], scaled_y1[i]);
     exp_yy = norm_l(s);
     yy     = round( L_shl(s, exp_yy) );
     exp_yy = sub(exp_yy, 4);

   /* Compute scalar product <xn[],y1[]> */

   Overflow = 0;
   s = 0;
   for(i=0; i<L_subfr; i++)
     s = L_mac(s, xn[i], y1[i]);

   if (Overflow == 0) {
     exp_xy = norm_l(s);
     xy     = round( L_shl(s, exp_xy) );
   else {
     s = 0;
     for(i=0; i<L_subfr; i++)
       s = L_mac(s, xn[i], scaled_y1[i]);
     exp_xy = norm_l(s);
     xy     = round( L_shl(s, exp_xy) );
     exp_xy = sub(exp_xy, 2);

   g_coeff[0] = yy;
   g_coeff[1] = sub(15, exp_yy);
   g_coeff[2] = xy;
   g_coeff[3] = sub(15, exp_xy);

   /* If (xy <= 0) gain = 0 */

   if (xy <= 0)
      g_coeff[3] = -15;   /* Force exp_xy to -15 = (15-30) */
      return( (Word16) 0);

   /* compute gain = xy/yy */

   xy = shr(xy, 1);             /* Be sure xy < yy */
   gain = div_s( xy, yy);

   i = sub(exp_xy, exp_yy);
   gain = shr(gain, i);         /* saturation if > 1.99 in Q14 */

   /* if(gain >1.2) gain = 1.2  in Q14 */

   if( sub(gain, 19661) > 0)
     gain = 19661;

Beispiel #5
void pit_pst_filt(
  int16_t *signal,      /* (i)     : input signal                        */
  int16_t *scal_sig,    /* (i)     : input signal (scaled, divided by 4) */
  int16_t t0_min,       /* (i)     : minimum value in the searched range */
  int16_t t0_max,       /* (i)     : maximum value in the searched range */
  int16_t L_subfr,      /* (i)     : size of filtering                   */
  int16_t *signal_pst   /* (o)     : harmonically postfiltered signal    */
  int16_t i, j, t0;
  int16_t g0, gain, cmax, en, en0;
  int16_t *p, *p1, *deb_sig;
  int32_t corr, cor_max, ener, ener0, temp;
  int32_t L_temp;

 * Compute the correlations for all delays                                   *
 * and select the delay which maximizes the correlation                      *

  deb_sig = &scal_sig[-t0_min];
  cor_max = MIN_32;
  t0 = t0_min;             /* Only to remove warning from some compilers */
  for (i=t0_min; i<=t0_max; i++)
    corr = 0;
    p    = scal_sig;
    p1   = deb_sig;
    for (j=0; j<L_subfr; j++)
       corr = L_mac(corr, *p++, *p1++);

    L_temp = L_sub(corr, cor_max);
    if (L_temp > (int32_t)0)
      cor_max = corr;
      t0 = i;

  /* Compute the energy of the signal delayed by t0 */

  ener = 1;
  p = scal_sig - t0;
  for ( i=0; i<L_subfr ;i++, p++)
    ener = L_mac(ener, *p, *p);

  /* Compute the signal energy in the present subframe */

  ener0 = 1;
  p = scal_sig;
  for ( i=0; i<L_subfr; i++, p++)
    ener0 = L_mac(ener0, *p, *p);

  if (cor_max < 0)
    cor_max = 0;

  /* scale "cor_max", "ener" and "ener0" on 16 bits */

  temp = cor_max;
  if (ener > temp)
    temp = ener;
  if (ener0 > temp)
    temp = ener0;
  j = norm_l(temp);
  cmax = _round(L_shl(cor_max, j));
  en = _round(L_shl(ener, j));
  en0 = _round(L_shl(ener0, j));

  /* prediction gain (dB)= -10 log(1-cor_max*cor_max/(ener*ener0)) */

  /* temp = (cor_max * cor_max) - (0.5 * ener * ener0)  */
  temp = L_mult(cmax, cmax);
  temp = L_sub(temp, L_shr(L_mult(en, en0), 1));

  if (temp < (int32_t)0)           /* if prediction gain < 3 dB   */
  {                               /* switch off pitch postfilter */
    for (i = 0; i < L_subfr; i++)
      signal_pst[i] = signal[i];

  if (sub(cmax, en) > 0)      /* if pitch gain > 1 */
    g0 = INV_GAMMAP;
    gain = GAMMAP_2;
  else {
    cmax = shr(mult(cmax, GAMMAP), 1);  /* cmax(Q14) = cmax(Q15) * GAMMAP */
    en = shr(en, 1);          /* Q14 */
    i = add(cmax, en);
    if(i > 0)
      gain = div_s(cmax, i);    /* gain(Q15) = cor_max/(cor_max+ener)  */
      g0 = sub(32767, gain);    /* g0(Q15) = 1 - gain */
      g0 =  32767;
      gain = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < L_subfr; i++)
    /* signal_pst[i] = g0*signal[i] + gain*signal[i-t0]; */

    signal_pst[i] = add(mult(g0, signal[i]), mult(gain, signal[i-t0]));


Beispiel #6
 * routine  corr_xy2()                                                       *
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                      *
 * Find the correlations between the target xn[], the filtered adaptive      *
 * codebook excitation y1[], and the filtered 1st codebook innovation y2[].  *
 *   g_coeff[2]:exp_g_coeff[2] = <y2,y2>                                     *
 *   g_coeff[3]:exp_g_coeff[3] = -2<xn,y2>                                   *
 *   g_coeff[4]:exp_g_coeff[4] = 2<y1,y2>                                    *
void Corr_xy2(
      Word16 xn[],           /* (i) Q0  :Target vector.                  */
      Word16 y1[],           /* (i) Q0  :Adaptive codebook.              */
      Word16 y2[],           /* (i) Q12 :Filtered innovative vector.     */
      Word16 g_coeff[],      /* (o) Q[exp]:Correlations between xn,y1,y2 */
      Word16 exp_g_coeff[]   /* (o)       :Q-format of g_coeff[]         */
      Word16   i,exp;
      Word16   exp_y2y2,exp_xny2,exp_y1y2;
      Word16   y2y2,    xny2,    y1y2;
      Word32   L_acc;
      Word16   scaled_y2[L_SUBFR];       /* Q9 */

       * Scale down y2[] from Q12 to Q9 to avoid overflow                 *

      for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
         scaled_y2[i] = shr(y2[i], 3);

      /* Compute scalar product <y2[],y2[]> */

      L_acc = 1;                       /* Avoid case of all zeros */
      for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
         L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, scaled_y2[i], scaled_y2[i]);    /* L_acc:Q19 */

      exp      = norm_l(L_acc);
      y2y2     = round( L_shl(L_acc, exp) );
      exp_y2y2 = add(exp, 19-16);                          /* Q[19+exp-16] */

      g_coeff[2]     = y2y2;
      exp_g_coeff[2] = exp_y2y2;

      /* Compute scalar product <xn[],y2[]> */

      L_acc = 1;                       /* Avoid case of all zeros */
      for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
         L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, xn[i], scaled_y2[i]);           /* L_acc:Q10 */

      exp      = norm_l(L_acc);
      xny2     = round( L_shl(L_acc, exp) );
      exp_xny2 = add(exp, 10-16);                          /* Q[10+exp-16] */

      g_coeff[3]     = negate(xny2);
      exp_g_coeff[3] = sub(exp_xny2,1);                   /* -2<xn,y2> */

      /* Compute scalar product <y1[],y2[]> */

      L_acc = 1;                       /* Avoid case of all zeros */
      for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
         L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, y1[i], scaled_y2[i]);           /* L_acc:Q10 */

      exp      = norm_l(L_acc);
      y1y2     = round( L_shl(L_acc, exp) );
      exp_y1y2 = add(exp, 10-16);                          /* Q[10+exp-16] */

      g_coeff[4]     = y1y2;
      exp_g_coeff[4] = sub(exp_y1y2,1);    ;                /* 2<y1,y2> */

Beispiel #7
        for(i=0; i<L_WINDOW; i++)
          y[i] >>= 2;
          sum += ((Word32)y[i] * (Word32)y[i]);
        sum <<= 1;
        sum += 1; /* Avoid case of all zeros */
        if (sum > 0)
      sum += 1; /* Avoid case of all zeros */

    /* Normalization of r[0] */
    norm = norm_l (sum);
    sum <<= norm;
    /* Put in DPF format (see oper_32b) */
    r_h[0] = (Word16)(sum >> 16);
    r_l[0] = (Word16)((sum >> 1) - ((Word32)r_h[0] << 15));

    /* r[1] to r[m] */
    for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
      sum = 0;
      for(j=0; j<L_WINDOW-i; j++)
        sum += (Word32)y[j] * (Word32)y[j+i];

      sum <<= norm + 1;
      r_h[i] = (Word16)(sum >> 16);
      r_l[i] = (Word16)((sum >> 1) - ((Word32)r_h[i] << 15));
Beispiel #8
static void Cor_h(
  Word16 *H,     /* (i) Q12 :Impulse response of filters */
  Word16 *rr     /* (o)     :Correlations of H[]         */
  Word16 *rri0i0, *rri1i1, *rri2i2, *rri3i3, *rri4i4;
  Word16 *rri0i1, *rri0i2, *rri0i3, *rri0i4;
  Word16 *rri1i2, *rri1i3, *rri1i4;
  Word16 *rri2i3, *rri2i4;

  Word16 *p0, *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4;

  Word16 *ptr_hd, *ptr_hf, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2;
  Word32 cor;
  Word16 i, k, ldec, l_fin_sup, l_fin_inf;
  Word16 h[L_SUBFR];

 /* Scaling h[] for maximum precision */

  cor = 0;
  for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
    cor = L_mac(cor, H[i], H[i]);

  if(sub(extract_h(cor),32000) > 0)
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
      h[i] = shr(H[i], 1);
    k = norm_l(cor);
    k = shr(k, 1);

    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
      h[i] = shl(H[i], k);

  * Compute rri0i0[], rri1i1[], rri2i2[], rri3i3 and rri4i4[]  *
  /* Init pointers */
  rri0i0 = rr;
  rri1i1 = rri0i0 + NB_POS;
  rri2i2 = rri1i1 + NB_POS;
  rri3i3 = rri2i2 + NB_POS;
  rri4i4 = rri3i3 + NB_POS;
  rri0i1 = rri4i4 + NB_POS;
  rri0i2 = rri0i1 + MSIZE;
  rri0i3 = rri0i2 + MSIZE;
  rri0i4 = rri0i3 + MSIZE;
  rri1i2 = rri0i4 + MSIZE;
  rri1i3 = rri1i2 + MSIZE;
  rri1i4 = rri1i3 + MSIZE;
  rri2i3 = rri1i4 + MSIZE;
  rri2i4 = rri2i3 + MSIZE;

  p0 = rri0i0 + NB_POS-1;   /* Init pointers to last position of rrixix[] */
  p1 = rri1i1 + NB_POS-1;
  p2 = rri2i2 + NB_POS-1;
  p3 = rri3i3 + NB_POS-1;
  p4 = rri4i4 + NB_POS-1;

  ptr_h1 = h;
  cor    = 0;
  for(i=0;  i<NB_POS; i++)
    cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h1); ptr_h1++;
    *p4-- = extract_h(cor);

    cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h1); ptr_h1++;
    *p3-- = extract_h(cor);

    cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h1); ptr_h1++;
    *p2-- = extract_h(cor);

    cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h1); ptr_h1++;
    *p1-- = extract_h(cor);

    cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h1); ptr_h1++;
    *p0-- = extract_h(cor);

  * Compute elements of: rri2i3[], rri1i2[], rri0i1[] and rri0i4[]  *

  l_fin_sup = MSIZE-1;
  l_fin_inf = l_fin_sup-(Word16)1;
  ldec = NB_POS+1;

  ptr_hd = h;
  ptr_hf = ptr_hd + 1;

  for(k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) {

          p3 = rri2i3 + l_fin_sup;
          p2 = rri1i2 + l_fin_sup;
          p1 = rri0i1 + l_fin_sup;
          p0 = rri0i4 + l_fin_inf;

          cor = 0;
          ptr_h1 = ptr_hd;
          ptr_h2 =  ptr_hf;

          for(i=k+(Word16)1; i<NB_POS; i++ ) {

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p3 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p2 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p1 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p0 = extract_h(cor);

                  p3 -= ldec;
                  p2 -= ldec;
                  p1 -= ldec;
                  p0 -= ldec;
          cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
          cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
          *p3 = extract_h(cor);

          cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
          *p2 = extract_h(cor);

          cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
          *p1 = extract_h(cor);

          l_fin_sup -= NB_POS;
          ptr_hf += STEP;

  * Compute elements of: rri2i4[], rri1i3[], rri0i2[], rri1i4[], rri0i3 *

  ptr_hd = h;
  ptr_hf = ptr_hd + 2;
  l_fin_sup = MSIZE-1;
  l_fin_inf = l_fin_sup-(Word16)1;
  for(k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) {

          p4 = rri2i4 + l_fin_sup;
          p3 = rri1i3 + l_fin_sup;
          p2 = rri0i2 + l_fin_sup;
          p1 = rri1i4 + l_fin_inf;
          p0 = rri0i3 + l_fin_inf;

          cor = 0;
          ptr_h1 = ptr_hd;
          ptr_h2 =  ptr_hf;
          for(i=k+(Word16)1; i<NB_POS; i++ ) {

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p4 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p3 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p2 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p1 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p0 = extract_h(cor);

                  p4 -= ldec;
                  p3 -= ldec;
                  p2 -= ldec;
                  p1 -= ldec;
                  p0 -= ldec;
          cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
          *p4 = extract_h(cor);

          cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
          *p3 = extract_h(cor);

          cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
          *p2 = extract_h(cor);

          l_fin_sup -= NB_POS;
          ptr_hf += STEP;

  * Compute elements of: rri1i4[], rri0i3[], rri2i4[], rri1i3[], rri0i2  *

  ptr_hd = h;
  ptr_hf = ptr_hd + 3;
  l_fin_sup = MSIZE-1;
  l_fin_inf = l_fin_sup-(Word16)1;
  for(k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) {

          p4 = rri1i4 + l_fin_sup;
          p3 = rri0i3 + l_fin_sup;
          p2 = rri2i4 + l_fin_inf;
          p1 = rri1i3 + l_fin_inf;
          p0 = rri0i2 + l_fin_inf;

          ptr_h1 = ptr_hd;
          ptr_h2 =  ptr_hf;
          cor = 0;
          for(i=k+(Word16)1; i<NB_POS; i++ ) {

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p4 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p3 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p2 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p1 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p0 = extract_h(cor);

                  p4 -= ldec;
                  p3 -= ldec;
                  p2 -= ldec;
                  p1 -= ldec;
                  p0 -= ldec;
          cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
          *p4 = extract_h(cor);

          cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
          *p3 = extract_h(cor);

          l_fin_sup -= NB_POS;
          ptr_hf += STEP;

  * Compute elements of: rri0i4[], rri2i3[], rri1i2[], rri0i1[]          *

  ptr_hd = h;
  ptr_hf = ptr_hd + 4;
  l_fin_sup = MSIZE-1;
  l_fin_inf = l_fin_sup-(Word16)1;
  for(k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) {

          p3 = rri0i4 + l_fin_sup;
          p2 = rri2i3 + l_fin_inf;
          p1 = rri1i2 + l_fin_inf;
          p0 = rri0i1 + l_fin_inf;

          ptr_h1 = ptr_hd;
          ptr_h2 =  ptr_hf;
          cor = 0;
          for(i=k+(Word16)1; i<NB_POS; i++ ) {

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p3 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p2 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p1 = extract_h(cor);

                  cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
                  *p0 = extract_h(cor);

                  p3 -= ldec;
                  p2 -= ldec;
                  p1 -= ldec;
                  p0 -= ldec;
          cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2); ptr_h1++; ptr_h2++;
          *p3 = extract_h(cor);

          l_fin_sup -= NB_POS;
          ptr_hf += STEP;
Beispiel #9
void GetExc800bps(
		/* 1 */ short *output,
		/* 2 */ short *best,
		/* 3 */ short scale,
		/* 4 */ short *input,
		/* 5 */ short length,
		/* 6 */ short flag,
		/* 7 */ short n)
	short k, j;
	short D;
	long tmp;
	long ltmp;
	short stmp;
	short *ptr;
	long sum, lscale;
	short ssum, sscale;
	static short Seed = 1234;
	static short Sum[NoOfSubFrames];
	short shft_scale;
	short shft_sum;
	short stemp1;

	if (!flag)
		Seed = 1234;

 * sum is an integer value, not a fractional value.
	/* Get energy of next sub frame */
	for (k = 0, sum = 0; k < length; k++)
		sum = L_add(sum, L_deposit_l(abs_s(input[k])));
	sum = L_shl(sum, 1);	/* correct for scaling */

	if (sum < SubFrameSize)
		sum = fnLog10(L_deposit_h(scale));
		sum = L_negate(L_add(L_shl(sum, 3), 484942745));	/* add (log8)/4 = 484842745 (VALUE ADJUSTED TO BETTER MATCH FLOAT MODEL) */
		lscale = L_mult(SubFrameSize, scale);
		shft_scale = norm_l(lscale); 
		sscale = round(L_shl(lscale, shft_scale)); 
		shft_sum = norm_l(sum) - 1; 
		ssum = round(L_shl(sum, shft_sum));

		 * The following divide/L_shl produced sum scaled down by 64.
		 * sum can have a max value of 40.xx in the sample data.
		/* sum = L_shl(L_divide(sum, lscale), (shft_scale + 7 - shft_sum)); */
		sum = L_deposit_h(shl(divide_s(ssum, sscale), (shft_scale - shft_sum)));
		/* sum = fnLog10(sum); */
		sum = L_add(fnLog10(sum), 141412467);   /* add log (2^7) scaled down by 32 */
		sum = L_add(L_shl(sum, 3), 969485490);	/* add (log8)/2 = 969685490 (VALUE ADJUSTED TO BETTER MATCH FLOAT MODEL) */

	 * Sum scaled down by 4.
	Sum[n] = round(sum);

	/* Quantize if last frame */
	if (n == NoOfSubFrames - 1)

		/* Quantize to 8 bits */
		for (k = 0, sum = 2147483647, ptr = Logqtbl; k < 256; k++)
			for (j = 0, tmp = 0; j < 3; j++)
				 * Sum and Logqtbl both scaled down by 4.
				 * Change Logqtbl to short if Lw not required. 
				D = sub(Sum[j], (*ptr++));
				tmp = L_mac(tmp, D, D);

			if (tmp < sum)
				ltmp = sum;
				sum = tmp;
				*best = k;

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			Sum[j] = Powqtbl[*best * 3 + j];

		/* Get excitation */
		j = FrameSize - ACBMemSize;
		for (k = 0; k < FrameSize - 1; k++)
			if (k >= j)
				stmp = e_ran_g(&Seed);
				stemp1 = k / (length - 1);
				output[k - j] = round(L_shr(L_mult(stmp, Sum[stemp1]), 5));
		stmp = e_ran_g(&Seed);
		output[k - j] = round(L_shr(L_mult(stmp, Sum[2]), 5));	/* last excitation */

Beispiel #10
short e_ran_g(short *seed0)
	static int iset = 0;
	static long gset;
	long rsq, ltemp1, ltemp2;
	short sv1, sv2, rsq_s;
	short shft_fctr, stemp1;
	short shft_fctr1;

/* ======================================================================== */
	long ltmp1, ltmp2;
	short ans = 0;
	short stmp2;
/* ======================================================================== */
	if (iset == 0)
			sv1 = shl(sub(ran0(seed0), 16384), 1);

			sv2 = shl(sub(ran0(seed0), 16384), 1);

			/* rsq = sv1 * sv1 + sv2 * sv2; */
			ltemp1 = L_mult(sv1, sv1);
			ltemp2 = L_mult(sv2, sv2);

			rsq = L_add(L_shr(ltemp1, 1), L_shr(ltemp2, 1));

		if (rsq >= 1073741824 || rsq == 0){
		  /* If condition not met, don't iterate; use */
		  /* rough approximation. */
		   ans = shr(sv1,3);
		   ans = add(ans, shr(sv2,3));
		   ans = add(ans, shr(sub(ran0(seed0), 16384),2));
		   return (ans);
 * error in rsq doesn't seem to contribute to the final error in e_ran_g

		 * rsq scale down by two: input to fnLog must be scaled up by 2.
		rsq = L_shl(rsq, 1);

		/* stemp1 = round(L_negate(fnLog(rsq)));  */
		ltmp1 = L_negate(fnLog(rsq));

		 * rsq must be greater than the log of lsq for the fractional
		 * divide to work. therfore normalize rsq.
		shft_fctr = norm_l(rsq); 
		rsq_s = round(L_shl(rsq, shft_fctr));
		stmp2 = (divide_s(round(ltmp1), rsq_s));

		 * stemp2 must be normalized before taking its square root.
		 * (increases precision).
		shft_fctr1 = norm_s(stmp2);
		ltmp2 = L_deposit_h(shl(stmp2, shft_fctr1));
		stemp1 = sqroot(ltmp2);

		 * shifting involved before taking the square root:
		 * LEFT << shft_fctr. (LEFT because rsq is in the denominator
		 *          of ltemp2 quotion).   
		 * LEFT << 6. (multiply by 2 in original code and multiply by 32
		 *        because output of fnLog scaled down by 32).
		 * RIGHT >> shft_fctr1. (normalization taken before sqroot).
		shft_fctr = shft_fctr + 6 - shft_fctr1;

		 * PROPERTY: sqrt(2^n) = 2^(n/2)
		 * if shft_fctr is odd; multiply stemp1 by sqrt(2)/2  and
		 * increment number of shifts by 1. Can now use shft_fctr / 2.
		if (shft_fctr & 0x0001)
			stemp1 = mult(stemp1, 23170);

		shft_fctr = shr(shft_fctr, 1);

		 * normalize stemp1 for the following multiplication.
		 * adjust shft_fctr accordingly.
		shft_fctr1 = norm_s(stemp1);
		stemp1 = shl(stemp1, shft_fctr1);
		shft_fctr = shft_fctr - shft_fctr1;

		gset = L_mult(sv1, stemp1);

		 * final output is scaled down by 4, therefore shift up by
		 * shft_fctr - 2.
		gset = L_shl(gset, shft_fctr - 2);

		iset = 1;
		return round(L_shl(L_mult(sv2, stemp1), shft_fctr - 2));
		iset = 0;
		return round(gset);
Beispiel #11
void a2lsp(
           Word16 pc[],       /* (i) Q12: predictor coefficients */
           Word16 lsp[],      /* (o) Q15: line spectral pairs    */
           Word16 old_lsp[])  /* (i) Q15: old lsp                */
   Word16 i, j, exp;
   Word16 fa_man[NAB], fa_exp[NAB], fb_man[NAB], fb_exp[NAB];
   Word16 ta_man[NAB], ta_exp[NAB], tb_man[NAB], tb_exp[NAB];
   Word16 *t_man, *t_exp;
   Word32 a0;
   Word16 nd2, nf, ngrd;
   Word16 xroot, xlow, ylow, ind, xhigh, yhigh, xmid, ymid, dx, dy, dxdy, x, sign;

   /* Find normalization for fa and fb */
   /*   fb[0] = fa[0] = 1.0;                             */
   /*   for (i = 1, j = LPCO; i <= (LPCO/2); i++, j--) { */
   /*      fa[i] = pc[i] + pc[j] - fa[i-1];              */
   /*      fb[i] = pc[i] - pc[j] + fb[i-1];              */
   /*   }                                                */
   fa_man[0] = 16384; 
   fa_exp[0] = 6;       // fa_man[0] in high 16-bits >> fa_exp[0] = 1.0 in Q24 
   fb_man[0] = 16384;
   fb_exp[0] = 6;       // fb_man[0] in high 16-bits >> fb_exp[0] = 1.0 in Q24
   for (i = 1, j = LPCO; i <= (LPCO/2); i++, j--) {
      a0 = L_mult0(pc[i], 4096);     // Q24
      a0 = L_mac0(a0, pc[j], 4096);  // Q24
      a0 = L_sub(a0, L_shr(L_deposit_h(fa_man[i-1]),fa_exp[i-1]));  // Q24
      fa_exp[i] = norm_l(a0);
      fa_man[i] = intround(L_shl(a0, fa_exp[i]));  // Q(8+fb_exp[i])

      a0 = L_mult0(pc[i], 4096);     // Q24
      a0 = L_msu0(a0, pc[j], 4096);  // Q24
      a0 = L_add(a0, L_shr(L_deposit_h(fb_man[i-1]),fb_exp[i-1]));  // Q24
      fb_exp[i] = norm_l(a0);
      fb_man[i] = intround(L_shl(a0, fb_exp[i]));  // Q(8+fb_exp[i])

   nd2 = (LPCO)/2;

   /* ta[] and tb[] in Q(7+exp)               */
   /* ta[0] = fa[nab-1]; ta[i] = 2.0 * fa[j]; */
   /* tb[0] = fb[nab-1]; tb[i] = 2.0 * fb[j]; */
   ta_man[0] = fa_man[NAB-1];
   ta_exp[0] = add(fa_exp[NAB-1], 1);
   tb_man[0] = fb_man[NAB-1];
   tb_exp[0] = add(fb_exp[NAB-1], 1);
   for (i = 1, j = NAB - 2; i < NAB; ++i, --j) {
      ta_man[i] = fa_man[j];
      ta_exp[i] = fa_exp[j];
      tb_man[i] = fb_man[j];
      tb_exp[i] = fb_exp[j];

   nf = 0;
   t_man = ta_man;
   t_exp = ta_exp;
   xroot = 0x7fff;
   ngrd  = 0;
   xlow  = grid[0];  // Q15
   ylow = FNevChebP(xlow, t_man, t_exp, nd2);
   ind = 0;

   /* Root search loop */
   while (ngrd<(Ngrd-1) && nf < LPCO) {
      xhigh = xlow;
      yhigh = ylow;
      xlow  = grid[ngrd];
      ylow = FNevChebP(xlow, t_man, t_exp, nd2);
      if ( L_mult(ylow ,yhigh) <= 0) {
         /* Bisections of the interval containing a sign change */
         dx = xhigh - xlow;
         for (i = 1; i <= NBIS; ++i) {
            dx = shr(dx, 1);
            xmid = add(xlow, dx);
            ymid = FNevChebP(xmid, t_man, t_exp, nd2);
            if (L_mult(ylow,ymid) <= 0) {
               yhigh = ymid;
               xhigh = xmid;
            } else {
               ylow = ymid;
               xlow = xmid;
         * Linear interpolation in the subinterval with a sign change
         * (take care if yhigh=ylow=0)
         dx = sub(xhigh, xlow);
         dy  = sub(ylow, yhigh);
         if (dy != 0) {
            sign = dy;
            dy = abs_s(dy);
            exp = norm_s(dy);
            dy = shl(dy, exp);
            /* The maximum grid distance is 1629 =>                                  */
            /* Maximum dx=1629/2^4=101.8125, i.e. 16384/101.8125=160.92~128 (7 bits) */
            /* However, due to the starting point for the search of a new root,      */
            /* xlow = xroot, 1 more bit of headroom for the division is required.    */
            dxdy = div_s(shl(dx,6), dy); 
            a0 = L_mult(dxdy, ylow);
            a0 = L_shr(a0, sub(6, exp));
            x  = intround(a0);
            if(sign < 0) x = negate(x);
            xmid = add(xlow, x);
         else {
            xmid = add(xlow, shr(dx,1));
         /* acos mapping for New lsp component */
         while (( costable[ind] >= xmid ) && (ind < 63)) ind++;
         a0 = L_mult( sub(xmid, costable[ind]) , acosslope[ind] );
         x  = intround(L_shl(a0, 4));
         lsp[nf] = add(x, shl(ind, 9));
         /* Start the search for the roots of next polynomial at the estimated
         * location of the root just found.  We have to catch the case that the
         * two polynomials have roots at the same place to avoid getting stuck at
         * that root.
         if (xmid >= xroot) xmid = xlow - dx;
         xroot = xmid;
         if (t_man == ta_man){
            t_man = tb_man;
            t_exp = tb_exp;
            t_man = ta_man;
            t_exp = ta_exp;
         xlow = xmid;
         ylow = FNevChebP(xlow, t_man, t_exp, nd2);
   /* Check if all LSPs are found */
   if( sub(nf, LPCO) < 0)
      W16copy(lsp, old_lsp, LPCO);

Beispiel #12
 *   scale_st  - control of the subframe gain
 *   gain[n] = AGC_FAC * gain[n-1] + (1 - AGC_FAC) g_in/g_out
static void scale_st(
    Word16 *sig_in,     /* input : postfilter input signal */
    Word16 *sig_out,    /* in/out: postfilter output signal */
    Word16 *gain_prec   /* in/out: last value of gain for subframe */

    int i;
    Word16 scal_in, scal_out;
    Word32 L_acc, L_temp;
    Word16 s_g_in, s_g_out, temp, sh_g0, g0;
    Word16 gain;

    /* compute input gain */
    L_acc = 0L;
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
        L_temp  = L_abs(L_deposit_l(sig_in[i]));
        L_acc   = L_add(L_acc, L_temp);

    if(L_acc == 0L) {
        g0 = 0;
    else {
        scal_in = norm_l(L_acc);
        L_acc   = L_shl(L_acc, scal_in);
        s_g_in  = extract_h(L_acc);    /* normalized */

        /* Compute output gain */
        L_acc = 0L;
        for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
            L_temp  = L_abs(L_deposit_l(sig_out[i]));
            L_acc   = L_add(L_acc, L_temp);
        if(L_acc == 0L) {
            *gain_prec = 0;
        scal_out = norm_l(L_acc);
        L_acc    = L_shl(L_acc, scal_out);
        s_g_out  = extract_h(L_acc);  /* normalized */

        sh_g0    = add(scal_in, 1);
        sh_g0    = sub(sh_g0, scal_out);    /* scal_in - scal_out + 1 */
        if(sub(s_g_in ,s_g_out)<0) {
            g0 = div_s(s_g_in, s_g_out);    /* s_g_in/s_g_out in Q15 */
        else {
            temp  = sub(s_g_in, s_g_out);   /* sufficient since normalized */
            g0    = shr(div_s(temp, s_g_out), 1);
            g0    = add(g0, (Word16)0x4000);/* s_g_in/s_g_out in Q14 */
            sh_g0 = sub(sh_g0, 1);
        /* L_gain_in/L_gain_out in Q14              */
        /* overflows if L_gain_in > 2 * L_gain_out  */
        g0 = shr(g0, sh_g0);        /* sh_g0 may be >0, <0, or =0 */
        g0 = mult_r(g0, AGC_FAC1);  /* L_gain_in/L_gain_out * AGC_FAC1      */


    /* gain(n) = AGC_FAC gain(n-1) + AGC_FAC1 gain_in/gain_out          */
    /* sig_out(n) = gain(n) sig_out(n)                                  */
    gain = *gain_prec;
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
        temp = mult_r(AGC_FAC, gain);
        gain = add(temp, g0);            /* in Q14 */
        L_temp = L_mult(gain, sig_out[i]);
        L_temp = L_shl(L_temp, 1);
        sig_out[i] = round(L_temp);
    *gain_prec = gain;
Beispiel #13
 *  compute_ltp_l : compute delayed signal,
                    num & den of gain for fractional delay
 *                  with long interpolation filter
static void compute_ltp_l(
    Word16 *s_in,       /* input signal with past*/
    Word16 ltpdel,      /* delay factor */
    Word16 phase,       /* phase factor */
    Word16 *y_up,       /* delayed signal */
    Word16 *num,        /* numerator of LTP gain */
    Word16 *den,        /* denominator of LTP gain */
    Word16 *sh_num,     /* justification factor of num */
    Word16 *sh_den      /* justification factor of den */

    /**** Table of constants declared externally            */
    extern Word16 tab_hup_l[SIZ_TAB_HUP_L];

    /* Pointer on table of constants */
    Word16 *ptr_h;

    /* Local variables */
    int n, i;
    Word16 *ptr2;
    Word16 temp;
    Word32 L_acc;

    temp  = sub(phase, 1);
    temp  = shl(temp, L2_LH2_L);
    ptr_h = tab_hup_l + temp;   /* tab_hup_l + LH2_L * (phase-1) */

    temp  = sub(LH_UP_L, ltpdel);
    ptr2  = s_in + temp; ;

    /* Compute y_up */
    for(n = 0; n<L_SUBFR; n++) {
        L_acc = 0L;
        for(i=0; i<LH2_L; i++) {
            L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, ptr_h[i], (*ptr2--));
        y_up[n] = round(L_acc);
        ptr2 += LH2_L_P1;

    /* Compute num */
    L_acc = 0L;
    for(n=0; n<L_SUBFR; n++)    {
        L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, y_up[n], s_in[n]);
    if(L_acc < 0L) {
        *num = 0;
        *sh_num = 0;
    else {
        temp = sub(16, norm_l(L_acc));
        if(temp < 0) {
            temp = 0;
        L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, temp);   /* with temp >= 0 */
        *num = extract_l(L_acc);
        *sh_num = temp;

    /* Compute den */
    L_acc = 0L;
    for(n=0; n<L_SUBFR; n++)    {
        L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, y_up[n], y_up[n]);
    temp = sub(16, norm_l(L_acc));
    if(temp < 0) {
        temp = 0;
    L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, temp);     /* with temp >= 0 */
    *den = extract_l(L_acc);
    *sh_den = temp;

Beispiel #14
 *  search_del: computes best (shortest) integer LTP delay + fine search
static void search_del(
    Word16 t0,                /* input : pitch delay given by coder */
    Word16 *ptr_sig_in,       /* input : input signal (with delay line) */
    Word16 *ltpdel,           /* output: delay = *ltpdel - *phase / f_up */
    Word16 *phase,            /* output: phase */
    Word16 *num_gltp,         /* output: 16 bits numerator of LTP gain */
    Word16 *den_gltp,         /* output: 16 bits denominator of LTP gain */
    Word16 *sh_num_gltp,      /* output: justification for num_gltp */
    Word16 *sh_den_gltp,      /* output: justification for den_gltp */
    Word16 *y_up,             /* output: LT delayed signal if fract. delay */
    Word16 *off_yup           /* output: offset in y_up */

    /* Tables of constants */
    extern Word16 tab_hup_s[SIZ_TAB_HUP_S];

    Word32 L_den0[F_UP_PST-1];
    Word32 L_den1[F_UP_PST-1];
    Word32 *ptr_L_den0, *ptr_L_den1;

    int i, n;
    Word16 *ptr_h;
    Word16 *ptr_sig_past, *ptr_sig_past0;
    Word16 *ptr1, *ptr_y_up;
    Word16 num, den0, den1;
    Word16 den_max, num_max;
    Word32 L_num_int, L_den_int, L_den_max;
    Word16 hi_numsq, hi_numsq_max;
    Word16 lo_numsq, lo_numsq_max;
    Word16 ener;
    Word16 sh_num, sh_den, sh_ener;
    Word16 i_max, lambda, phi, phi_max, ioff;
    Word16 temp;
    Word32 L_temp0, L_temp1;
    Word32 L_acc;
    Word32 L_temp;

    /* Computes energy of current signal */

    L_acc = 0L;
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
        L_acc = L_mac( L_acc, ptr_sig_in[i] , ptr_sig_in[i]);
    if(L_acc == 0) {
        *num_gltp = 0;
        *den_gltp = 1;
        *ltpdel = 0;
        *phase = 0;
    sh_ener = sub(16, norm_l(L_acc));
    /* save energy for final decision */
    if(sh_ener > 0) {
        ener = extract_l(L_shr(L_acc, sh_ener));
    else {
        sh_ener = 0;
        ener = extract_l(L_acc);

    /* Selects best of 3 integer delays  */
    /* Maximum of 3 numerators around t0 */
    lambda = sub(t0,1);
    ptr_sig_past = ptr_sig_in - lambda;

    L_num_int = -1L;

    /* initialization used only to suppress Microsoft Visual C++ warnings */
    i_max = (Word16)0;

    for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
        L_acc = 0L;
        for(n=0; n<L_SUBFR; n++) {
            L_acc = L_mac( L_acc, ptr_sig_in[n] , ptr_sig_past[n]);
        if(L_acc < 0) {
            L_acc = 0L;
        L_temp =L_sub(L_acc ,L_num_int);
        if(L_temp > 0L) {
            L_num_int = L_acc;
            i_max = (Word16)i;

    if(L_num_int == 0) {
        *num_gltp = 0;
        *den_gltp = 1;
        *ltpdel = 0;
        *phase = 0;

    /* Compute den for i_max */
    lambda = add(lambda, (Word16)i_max);
    ptr_sig_past = ptr_sig_in - lambda;
    L_acc = 0L;
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
        temp = *ptr_sig_past++;
        L_acc = L_mac( L_acc, temp, temp);
    if(L_acc == 0L) {
        *num_gltp = 0;
        *den_gltp = 1;
        *ltpdel = 0;
        *phase = 0;
    L_den_int = L_acc;

    /* Select best phase around lambda */

    /* Compute y_up & denominators */

    ptr_y_up = y_up;
    L_den_max = L_den_int;
    ptr_L_den0 = L_den0;
    ptr_L_den1 = L_den1;
    ptr_h = tab_hup_s;
    temp = sub(lambda, LH_UP_SM1);
    ptr_sig_past0 = ptr_sig_in - temp;

    /* Loop on phase */
    for(phi=1; phi<F_UP_PST; phi++) {

        /* Compute y_up for lambda+1 - phi/F_UP_PST */
        /* and lambda - phi/F_UP_PST                */

        ptr_sig_past = ptr_sig_past0;
        for(n = 0; n<=L_SUBFR; n++) {
            ptr1 = ptr_sig_past++;
            L_acc = 0L;
            for(i=0; i<LH2_S; i++) {
                L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, ptr_h[i], ptr1[-i]);
            ptr_y_up[n] = round(L_acc);

        /* compute den0 (lambda+1) and den1 (lambda) */

        /* part common to den0 and den1 */
        L_acc = 0L;
        for(n=1; n<L_SUBFR; n++) {
            L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, ptr_y_up[n] ,ptr_y_up[n]);
        L_temp0 = L_acc;        /* saved for den1 */

        /* den0 */
        L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, ptr_y_up[0] ,ptr_y_up[0]);
        *ptr_L_den0 = L_acc;

        /* den1 */
        L_acc = L_mac(L_temp0, ptr_y_up[L_SUBFR] ,ptr_y_up[L_SUBFR]);
        *ptr_L_den1 = L_acc;

        if(sub(abs_s(ptr_y_up[0]),abs_s(ptr_y_up[L_SUBFR])) >0) {
            L_temp =L_sub(*ptr_L_den0 ,L_den_max );
            if(L_temp> 0L) {
                L_den_max = *ptr_L_den0;
        else {
            L_temp =L_sub(*ptr_L_den1 ,L_den_max );
            if(L_temp> 0L) {
                L_den_max = *ptr_L_den1;
        ptr_y_up += L_SUBFRP1;
        ptr_h += LH2_S;

    if(L_den_max == 0) {
        *num_gltp = 0;
        *den_gltp = 1;
        *ltpdel = 0;
        *phase = 0;

    sh_den = sub(16, norm_l(L_den_max));
    /* if sh_den <= 0 :  dynamic between current frame */
    /* and delay line too high                         */
    if(sh_den <= 0) {
        *num_gltp = 0;
        *den_gltp = 1;
        *ltpdel = 0;
        *phase = 0;

    /* search sh_num to justify correlations   */
    /* sh_num = Max(sh_den, sh_ener)           */
    sh_num = (sub( sh_den , sh_ener)>=0) ? sh_den : sh_ener;

    /* Computation of the numerators                */
    /* and selection of best num*num/den            */
    /* for non null phases                          */

    /* Initialize with null phase */
    L_acc        = L_shr(L_den_int, sh_den);   /* sh_den > 0 */
    den_max      = extract_l(L_acc);
    L_acc        = L_shr(L_num_int, sh_num);   /* sh_num > 0 */
    num_max      = extract_l(L_acc);
    L_acc        = L_mult(num_max, num_max);
    L_Extract(L_acc, &hi_numsq_max, &lo_numsq_max);
    phi_max      = 0;
    ioff         = 1;

    ptr_L_den0   = L_den0;
    ptr_L_den1   = L_den1;
    ptr_y_up     = y_up;

    /* if den_max = 0 : will be selected and declared unvoiced */
    /* if num!=0 & den=0 : will be selected and declared unvoiced */
    /* degenerated seldom cases, switch off LT is OK */

    /* Loop on phase */
    for(phi=1; phi<F_UP_PST; phi++) {

        /* compute num for lambda+1 - phi/F_UP_PST */
        L_acc = 0L;
        for(n = 0; n<L_SUBFR; n++) {
            L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, ptr_sig_in[n] ,ptr_y_up[n]);
        L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, sh_num);       /* sh_num > 0 */
        if(L_acc < 0L) {
            num = 0;
        else {
            num  = extract_l(L_acc);

        /* selection if num**2/den0 max */
        L_acc    = L_mult(num, num);
        L_Extract(L_acc, &hi_numsq, &lo_numsq);
        L_temp0  = Mpy_32_16(hi_numsq, lo_numsq, den_max);
        L_acc    = *ptr_L_den0++;
        L_acc    = L_shr(L_acc, sh_den);        /* sh_den > 0 */
        den0     = extract_l(L_acc);
        L_temp1  = Mpy_32_16(hi_numsq_max, lo_numsq_max, den0);
        L_temp = L_sub(L_temp0, L_temp1);
        if(L_temp>0L) {
            num_max      = num;
            hi_numsq_max = hi_numsq;
            lo_numsq_max = lo_numsq;
            den_max      = den0;
            ioff         = 0;
            phi_max      = phi;

        /* compute num for lambda - phi/F_UP_PST */
        L_acc = 0L;
        for(n = 0; n<L_SUBFR; n++) {
            L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, ptr_sig_in[n] ,ptr_y_up[n]);
        L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, sh_num);   /* sh_num > 0 */
        if(L_acc < 0L) {
            num = 0;
        else {
            num  = extract_l(L_acc);

        /* selection if num**2/den1 max */
        L_acc    = L_mult(num, num);
        L_Extract(L_acc, &hi_numsq, &lo_numsq);
        L_temp0  = Mpy_32_16(hi_numsq, lo_numsq, den_max);
        L_acc    = *ptr_L_den1++;
        L_acc    = L_shr(L_acc, sh_den);        /* sh_den > 0 */
        den1     = extract_l(L_acc);
        L_temp1  = Mpy_32_16(hi_numsq_max, lo_numsq_max, den1);
        L_temp = L_sub(L_temp0,L_temp1);
        if(L_temp> 0L) {
            num_max      = num;
            hi_numsq_max = hi_numsq;
            lo_numsq_max = lo_numsq;
            den_max     = den1;
            ioff        = 1;
            phi_max     = phi;

        ptr_y_up += L_SUBFR;

    /*** test if normalized crit0[iopt] > THRESHCRIT ***/
    if((num_max == 0) || (sub(den_max,1) <= 0)) {
        *num_gltp = 0;
        *den_gltp = 1;
        *ltpdel = 0;
        *phase = 0;

    /* compare num**2               */
    /* to ener * den * 0.5          */
    /* (THRESHCRIT = 0.5)           */
    L_temp1 = L_mult(den_max, ener);
    L_temp0 = L_Comp(hi_numsq_max, lo_numsq_max);

    /* temp = 2 * sh_num - sh_den - sh_ener + 1 */
    /* 16 bits with no overflows  */
    temp = shl(sh_num,1);
    temp = sub(temp, sh_den);
    temp = sub(temp, sh_ener);
    temp = add(temp, 1);
    if(temp < 0) {
        temp    = negate(temp);             /* no overflow */
        L_temp0 = L_shr(L_temp0, temp);
    else {
        if(temp > 0) L_temp1 = L_shr(L_temp1, temp);
    L_temp = L_sub(L_temp0 ,L_temp1);
    if(L_temp >= 0L) {
        temp         = add(lambda, 1);
        *ltpdel      = sub(temp, ioff);
        *off_yup     = ioff;
        *phase       = phi_max;
        *num_gltp    = num_max;
        *den_gltp    = den_max;
        *sh_den_gltp = sh_den;
        *sh_num_gltp = sh_num;
    else {
        *num_gltp = 0;
        *den_gltp = 1;
        *ltpdel = 0;
        *phase = 0;

Beispiel #15
static void Cor_h_X(

     Word16 h[],        /* (i) Q12 :Impulse response of filters      */

     Word16 X[],        /* (i)     :Target vector                    */

     Word16 D[]         /* (o)     :Correlations between h[] and D[] */

                        /*          Normalized to 13 bits            */



   Word16 i, j;

   Word32 s, max, L_temp;

   Word32 y32[L_SUBFR];

   /* first keep the result on 32 bits and find absolute maximum */

   max = 0;

   for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++)


     s = 0;

     for (j = i; j <  L_SUBFR; j++)

       s = L_mac(s, X[j], h[j-i]);

     y32[i] = s;

     s = L_abs(s);

     L_temp =L_sub(s,max);

     if(L_temp>0L) {

        max = s;



   /* Find the number of right shifts to do on y32[]  */

   /* so that maximum is on 13 bits                   */

   j = norm_l(max);

   if( sub(j,16) > 0) {

    j = 16;


   j = sub(18, j);

   for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {

     D[i] = extract_l( L_shr(y32[i], j) );



Beispiel #16
static void Cor_h_D(
    Word16 *H,         /* (i) Q12 :Impulse response of filters */
    Word16 *rr         /* (o)     :Correlations of H[]         */
    Word16 *rri0i0, *rri1i1, *rri2i2, *rri3i3, *rri4i4;
    Word16 *rri0i1, *rri0i2, *rri0i3, *rri0i4;
    Word16 *rri1i2, *rri1i3, *rri1i4;
    Word16 *rri2i3, *rri2i4;

    Word16 *p0, *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4;

    Word16 *ptr_hd, *ptr_hf, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2;
    Word32 cor;
    Word16 i, k, ldec, l_fin_sup, l_fin_inf;
    Word16 h[L_SUBFR];
    Word32 L_tmp;
    Word16 lsym;

    /* Scaling h[] for maximum precision */

    cor = 0;
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
        cor = L_mac(cor, H[i], H[i]);

    L_tmp = L_sub(extract_h(cor),32000);
    if(L_tmp>0L )
        for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
            h[i] = shr(H[i], 1);
        k = norm_l(cor);
        k = shr(k, 1);

        for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
            h[i] = shl(H[i], k);

     * In case of G729 mode, nine cross correlations has to be         *
     * calculated, namely the following:                               *
     *                                                                 *
     * rri0i1[],                                                       *
     * rri0i2[],   rri1i2[],                                           *
     * rri0i3[],   rri1i3[],  rri2i3[],                                *
     * rri0i4[],   rri1i4[],  rri2i4[],                                *
     *                                                                 *
     * In case of G729 on 6.4 kbps mode, three of the above nine cross *
     * correlations are not needed for the codebook search, namely     *
     * rri0i2[], rri0i4[] and rri2i4[]. Two of these three 64-element  *
     * positions are instead used by two cross correlations needed     *
     * only by the 6.4 kbps mode (see D2i40_11() for details).         *

    /* Init pointers */

    rri0i0 = rr;
    rri1i1 = rri0i0 + NB_POS;
    rri2i2 = rri1i1 + NB_POS;
    rri3i3 = rri2i2 + NB_POS;
    rri4i4 = rri3i3 + NB_POS;

    rri0i1 = rri4i4 + NB_POS;
    rri0i2 = rri0i1 + MSIZE;   /* Holds RRi1i1[] in 6.4 kbps mode */
    rri0i3 = rri0i2 + MSIZE;
    rri0i4 = rri0i3 + MSIZE;   /* Holds RRi3i4[] in 6.4 kbps mode */
    rri1i2 = rri0i4 + MSIZE;
    rri1i3 = rri1i2 + MSIZE;
    rri1i4 = rri1i3 + MSIZE;
    rri2i3 = rri1i4 + MSIZE;
    rri2i4 = rri2i3 + MSIZE;   /* Not used in 6.4 kbps mode */

     * Compute rri0i0[], rri1i1[], rri2i2[], rri3i3 and rri4i4[]  *

    p0 = rri0i0 + NB_POS-1;   /* Init pointers to last position of rrixix[] */
    p1 = rri1i1 + NB_POS-1;
    p2 = rri2i2 + NB_POS-1;
    p3 = rri3i3 + NB_POS-1;
    p4 = rri4i4 + NB_POS-1;

    ptr_h1 = h;
    cor    = 0;
    for(i=0;  i<NB_POS; i++)
        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h1);
        *p4-- = extract_h(cor);

        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h1);
        *p3-- = extract_h(cor);

        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h1);
        *p2-- = extract_h(cor);

        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h1);
        *p1-- = extract_h(cor);

        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h1);
        *p0-- = extract_h(cor);

     * Compute elements of: rri2i3[], rri1i2[], rri0i1[] and rri0i4[]  *

    l_fin_sup = MSIZE-1;
    l_fin_inf = l_fin_sup-(Word16)1;
    ldec = NB_POS+1;

    ptr_hd = h;
    ptr_hf = ptr_hd + 1;

    for(k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) {

        p4 = rri0i4 + l_fin_sup;
        p3 = rri2i3 + l_fin_sup;
        p2 = rri1i2 + l_fin_sup;
        p1 = rri0i1 + l_fin_sup;
        p0 = rri0i4 + l_fin_inf;
        cor = 0;
        ptr_h1 = ptr_hd;
        ptr_h2 =  ptr_hf;

        for(i=k+(Word16)1; i<NB_POS; i++ ) {

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            if (sub(CODEC_MODE, 1) == 0) *p4 = extract_h(cor);
            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p3 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p2 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p1 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            if (sub(CODEC_MODE, 2) == 0) *p0 = extract_h(cor);

            p4 -= ldec;
            p3 -= ldec;
            p2 -= ldec;
            p1 -= ldec;
            p0 -= ldec;
        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
        if (sub(CODEC_MODE, 1) == 0) *p4 = extract_h(cor);
        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
        *p3 = extract_h(cor);

        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
        *p2 = extract_h(cor);

        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
        *p1 = extract_h(cor);

        l_fin_sup -= NB_POS;
        ptr_hf += STEP;

     * Compute elements of: rri2i4[], rri1i3[], rri0i2[], rri1i4[], rri0i3 *

    ptr_hd = h;
    ptr_hf = ptr_hd + 2;
    l_fin_sup = MSIZE-1;
    l_fin_inf = l_fin_sup-(Word16)1;
    for(k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) {

        p4 = rri2i4 + l_fin_sup;
        p3 = rri1i3 + l_fin_sup;
        p2 = rri0i2 + l_fin_sup;
        p1 = rri1i4 + l_fin_inf;
        p0 = rri0i3 + l_fin_inf;

        cor = 0;
        ptr_h1 = ptr_hd;
        ptr_h2 =  ptr_hf;
        for(i=k+(Word16)1; i<NB_POS; i++ ) {

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p4 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p3 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p2 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p1 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p0 = extract_h(cor);

            p4 -= ldec;
            p3 -= ldec;
            p2 -= ldec;
            p1 -= ldec;
            p0 -= ldec;
        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
        *p4 = extract_h(cor);

        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
        *p3 = extract_h(cor);

        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
        *p2 = extract_h(cor);

        l_fin_sup -= NB_POS;
        ptr_hf += STEP;

     * Compute elements of: rri1i4[], rri0i3[], rri2i4[], rri1i3[], rri0i2  *

    ptr_hd = h;
    ptr_hf = ptr_hd + 3;
    l_fin_sup = MSIZE-1;
    l_fin_inf = l_fin_sup-(Word16)1;
    for(k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) {

        p4 = rri1i4 + l_fin_sup;
        p3 = rri0i3 + l_fin_sup;
        p2 = rri2i4 + l_fin_inf;
        p1 = rri1i3 + l_fin_inf;
        p0 = rri0i2 + l_fin_inf;

        ptr_h1 = ptr_hd;
        ptr_h2 =  ptr_hf;
        cor = 0;
        for(i=k+(Word16)1; i<NB_POS; i++ ) {

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p4 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p3 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p2 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p1 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p0 = extract_h(cor);

            p4 -= ldec;
            p3 -= ldec;
            p2 -= ldec;
            p1 -= ldec;
            p0 -= ldec;
        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
        *p4 = extract_h(cor);

        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
        *p3 = extract_h(cor);

        l_fin_sup -= NB_POS;
        ptr_hf += STEP;

     * Compute elements of: rri0i4[], rri2i3[], rri1i2[], rri0i1[]          *

    ptr_hd = h;
    ptr_hf = ptr_hd + 4;
    l_fin_sup = MSIZE-1;
    l_fin_inf = l_fin_sup-(Word16)1;
    for(k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) {

        if (sub(CODEC_MODE, 2) == 0)
            p3 = rri0i4 + l_fin_sup;
        if (sub(CODEC_MODE, 1) == 0)
            p3 = rri0i4 + l_fin_inf;
        p2 = rri2i3 + l_fin_inf;
        p1 = rri1i2 + l_fin_inf;
        p0 = rri0i1 + l_fin_inf;

        ptr_h1 = ptr_hd;
        ptr_h2 =  ptr_hf;
        cor = 0;
        for(i=k+(Word16)1; i<NB_POS; i++ ) {

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            if (sub(CODEC_MODE, 2) == 0) *p3 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            if (sub(CODEC_MODE, 1) == 0) *p3 = extract_h(cor);
            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p2 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p1 = extract_h(cor);

            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p0 = extract_h(cor);

            p3 -= ldec;
            p2 -= ldec;
            p1 -= ldec;
            p0 -= ldec;
        cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
        if (sub(CODEC_MODE, 2) == 0) *p3 = extract_h(cor);

        l_fin_sup -= NB_POS;
        ptr_hf += STEP;

    if (sub(CODEC_MODE, 1) == 0) {
         * Compute elements of RRi1i1[]                                    *

        p0 = rri0i2;
        for (k=0; k<NB_POS; k++) {
            *p0 = *rri1i1;
            p0 += ldec;

        ptr_hd = h;
        ptr_hf = ptr_hd + 5;
        l_fin_sup = MSIZE-1;
        l_fin_inf = l_fin_sup-NB_POS;
        lsym = NB_POS - (Word16)1;
        for(k=(Word16)1; k<NB_POS; k++) {

            p0 = rri0i2 + l_fin_inf;
            ptr_h1 = ptr_hd;
            ptr_h2 =  ptr_hf;
            cor = 0;
            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
            *p0 = extract_h(cor);
            *(p0+lsym) = extract_h(cor);
            p0 -= ldec;
            for(i=k+(Word16)1; i<NB_POS; i++ ) {

                cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
                cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
                cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
                cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
                cor = L_mac(cor, *ptr_h1, *ptr_h2);
                *p0 = extract_h(cor);
                *(p0+lsym) = extract_h(cor);

                p0 -= ldec;

            l_fin_inf -= NB_POS;
            ptr_hf += STEP;
            lsym += NB_POS - (Word16)1;


Beispiel #17
 * FUNCTION:  gc_pred()
 * PURPOSE: MA prediction of the innovation energy
 *          (in dB/(20*log10(2))) with mean  removed).
    gc_predState *st,   /* i/o: State struct                           */
    enum Mode mode,     /* i  : AMR mode                               */
    Word16 *code,       /* i  : innovative codebook vector (L_SUBFR)   */
    /*      MR122: Q12, other modes: Q13           */
    Word16 *exp_gcode0, /* o  : exponent of predicted gain factor, Q0  */
    Word16 *frac_gcode0,/* o  : fraction of predicted gain factor  Q15 */
    Word16 *exp_en,     /* o  : exponent of innovation energy,     Q0  */
    /*      (only calculated for MR795)            */
    Word16 *frac_en     /* o  : fraction of innovation energy,     Q15 */
    /*      (only calculated for MR795)            */
    Word16 i;
    Word32 ener_code;
    Word16 exp, frac;

     *  energy of code:                                                  *
     *  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                  *
     *  ener_code = sum(code[i]^2)                                       *
    ener_code = L_mac((Word32) 0, code[0], code[0]);
    /* MR122:  Q12*Q12 -> Q25 */
    /* others: Q13*Q13 -> Q27 */
    for (i = 1; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
        ener_code = L_mac(ener_code, code[i], code[i]);

    test ();
    if (sub (mode, MR122) == 0)
        Word32 ener;

        /* ener_code = ener_code / lcode; lcode = 40; 1/40 = 26214 Q20       */
        ener_code = L_mult (round (ener_code), 26214);   /* Q9  * Q20 -> Q30 */

         *  energy of code:                                                  *
         *  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                  *
         *  ener_code(Q17) = 10 * Log10(energy) / constant                   *
         *                 = 1/2 * Log2(energy)                              *
         *                                           constant = 20*Log10(2)  *
        /* ener_code = 1/2 * Log2(ener_code); Note: Log2=log2+30 */
        Log2(ener_code, &exp, &frac);
        ener_code = L_Comp (sub (exp, 30), frac);     /* Q16 for log()    */
        /* ->Q17 for 1/2 log()*/

         *  predicted energy:                                                *
         *  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                *
         *  ener(Q24) = (Emean + sum{pred[i]*past_en[i]})/constant           *
         *            = MEAN_ENER + sum(pred[i]*past_qua_en[i])              *
         *                                           constant = 20*Log10(2)  *

        ener = MEAN_ENER_MR122;
        move32 ();                  /* Q24 (Q17) */
        for (i = 0; i < NPRED; i++)
            ener = L_mac (ener, st->past_qua_en_MR122[i], pred_MR122[i]);
            /* Q10 * Q13 -> Q24 */
            /* Q10 * Q6  -> Q17 */

         *  predicted codebook gain                                          *
         *  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                          *
         *  gc0     = Pow10( (ener*constant - ener_code*constant) / 20 )     *
         *          = Pow2(ener-ener_code)                                   *
         *          = Pow2(int(d)+frac(d))                                   *
         *                                                                   *
         *  (store exp and frac for pow2())                                  *

        ener = L_shr (L_sub (ener, ener_code), 1);                /* Q16 */
        L_Extract(ener, exp_gcode0, frac_gcode0);
    else /* all modes except 12.2 */
        Word32 L_tmp;
        Word16 exp_code, gcode0;

         *  Compute: means_ener - 10log10(ener_code/ L_sufr)               *

        exp_code = norm_l (ener_code);
        ener_code = L_shl (ener_code, exp_code);

        /* Log2 = log2 + 27 */
        Log2_norm (ener_code, exp_code, &exp, &frac);

        /* fact = 10/log2(10) = 3.01 = 24660 Q13 */
        L_tmp = Mpy_32_16(exp, frac, -24660); /* Q0.Q15 * Q13 -> Q14 */

        /*   L_tmp = means_ener - 10log10(ener_code/L_SUBFR)
         *         = means_ener - 10log10(ener_code) + 10log10(L_SUBFR)
         *         = K - fact * Log2(ener_code)
         *         = K - fact * log2(ener_code) - fact*27
         *   ==> K = means_ener + fact*27 + 10log10(L_SUBFR)
         *   means_ener =       33    =  540672    Q14  (MR475, MR515, MR59)
         *   means_ener =       28.75 =  471040    Q14  (MR67)
         *   means_ener =       30    =  491520    Q14  (MR74)
         *   means_ener =       36    =  589824    Q14  (MR795)
         *   means_ener =       33    =  540672    Q14  (MR102)
         *   10log10(L_SUBFR) = 16.02 =  262481.51 Q14
         *   fact * 27                = 1331640    Q14
         *   -----------------------------------------
         *   (MR475, MR515, MR59)   K = 2134793.51 Q14 ~= 16678 * 64 * 2
         *   (MR67)                 K = 2065161.51 Q14 ~= 32268 * 32 * 2
         *   (MR74)                 K = 2085641.51 Q14 ~= 32588 * 32 * 2
         *   (MR795)                K = 2183945.51 Q14 ~= 17062 * 64 * 2
         *   (MR102)                K = 2134793.51 Q14 ~= 16678 * 64 * 2

        if (test (), sub (mode, MR102) == 0)
            /* mean = 33 dB */
            L_tmp = L_mac(L_tmp, 16678, 64);     /* Q14 */
        else if (test (), sub (mode, MR795) == 0)
            /* ener_code  = <xn xn> * 2^27*2^exp_code
               frac_en    = ener_code / 2^16
                          = <xn xn> * 2^11*2^exp_code
               <xn xn>    = <xn xn>*2^11*2^exp * 2^exp_en
                         := frac_en            * 2^exp_en

               ==> exp_en = -11-exp_code;
            *frac_en = extract_h (ener_code);
            move16 ();
            *exp_en = sub (-11, exp_code);
            move16 ();

            /* mean = 36 dB */
            L_tmp = L_mac(L_tmp, 17062, 64);     /* Q14 */
        else if (test (), sub (mode, MR74) == 0)
            /* mean = 30 dB */
            L_tmp = L_mac(L_tmp, 32588, 32);     /* Q14 */
        else if (test (), sub (mode, MR67) == 0)
            /* mean = 28.75 dB */
            L_tmp = L_mac(L_tmp, 32268, 32);     /* Q14 */
        else /* MR59, MR515, MR475 */
            /* mean = 33 dB */
            L_tmp = L_mac(L_tmp, 16678, 64);     /* Q14 */

         * Compute gcode0.                                                 *
         *  = Sum(i=0,3) pred[i]*past_qua_en[i] - ener_code + mean_ener    *

        L_tmp = L_shl(L_tmp, 10);                /* Q24 */
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            L_tmp = L_mac(L_tmp, pred[i], st->past_qua_en[i]);
        /* Q13 * Q10 -> Q24 */

        gcode0 = extract_h(L_tmp);               /* Q8  */

         * gcode0 = pow(10.0, gcode0/20)                                   *
         *        = pow(2, 3.3219*gcode0/20)                               *
         *        = pow(2, 0.166*gcode0)                                   *

        /* 5439 Q15 = 0.165985                                        */
        /* (correct: 1/(20*log10(2)) 0.166096 = 5443 Q15)             */
        test ();
        if (sub (mode, MR74) == 0) /* For IS641 bitexactness */
            L_tmp = L_mult(gcode0, 5439);  /* Q8 * Q15 -> Q24 */
            L_tmp = L_mult(gcode0, 5443);  /* Q8 * Q15 -> Q24 */

        L_tmp = L_shr(L_tmp, 8);                   /*          -> Q16 */
        L_Extract(L_tmp, exp_gcode0, frac_gcode0); /*       -> Q0.Q15 */
Beispiel #18
Flag Comp_Vad( Word16 *Dpnt)
    int i,j ;

    Word32  Acc0,Acc1 ;
    Word16  Tm0, Tm1, Tm2 ;
    Word16  Minp ;

    Flag    VadState = 1 ;

    static  Word16  ScfTab[11] = {
         9170 ,
         9170 ,
         9170 ,
         9170 ,
        10289 ,
        11544 ,
        12953 ,
        14533 ,
        16306 ,
        18296 ,
        20529 ,
    } ;

    if ( !UseVx )
        return VadState ;

    /* Find Minimum pitch period */
    Minp = PitchMax ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
        if ( Minp > VadStat->Polp[i] )
            Minp = VadStat->Polp[i] ;

    /* Check that all are multiplies of the minimum */
    Tm2 = 0 ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
        Tm1 = Minp ;
        for ( j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j ++ ) {
            Tm0 = sub( Tm1, VadStat->Polp[i] ) ;
            Tm0 = abs_s( Tm0 ) ;
            if ( Tm0 <= 3 )
                Tm2 ++ ;
            Tm1 = add( Tm1, Minp ) ;

    /* Update adaptation enable counter if not periodic and not sine */
    if ( (Tm2 == 4) || (CodStat->SinDet < 0) )
        VadStat->Aen += 2 ;
        VadStat->Aen -- ;

    /* Clip it */
    if ( VadStat->Aen > 6 )
        VadStat->Aen = 6 ;
    if ( VadStat->Aen < 0 )
        VadStat->Aen = 0 ;

    /* Inverse filter the data */
    Acc1 = 0L ;
    for ( i = SubFrLen ; i < Frame ; i ++ ) {

        Acc0 = L_mult( Dpnt[i], 0x2000 ) ;
        for ( j = 0 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ )
            Acc0 = L_msu( Acc0, Dpnt[i-j-1], VadStat->NLpc[j] ) ;
        Tm0 = g723_round( Acc0 ) ;
        Acc1 = L_mac( Acc1, Tm0, Tm0 ) ;

    /* Scale the rezidual energy */
    Acc1 = L_mls( Acc1, (Word16) 2913 ) ;

    /* Clip noise level in any case */
    if ( VadStat->Nlev > VadStat->Penr ) {
        Acc0 = L_sub( VadStat->Penr, L_shr( VadStat->Penr, 2 ) ) ;
        VadStat->Nlev = L_add( Acc0, L_shr( VadStat->Nlev, 2 ) ) ;

    /* Update the noise level, if adaptation is enabled */
    if ( !VadStat->Aen ) {
        VadStat->Nlev = L_add( VadStat->Nlev, L_shr( VadStat->Nlev, 5 ) ) ;
    /* Decay Nlev by small amount */
    else {
        VadStat->Nlev = L_sub( VadStat->Nlev, L_shr( VadStat->Nlev,11 ) ) ;

    /* Update previous energy */
    VadStat->Penr = Acc1 ;

    /* CLip Noise Level */
    if ( VadStat->Nlev < 0x00000080L )
        VadStat->Nlev = 0x00000080L ;
    if ( VadStat->Nlev > 0x0001ffffL )
        VadStat->Nlev = 0x0001ffffL ;

    /* Compute the treshold */
    Acc0 = L_shl( VadStat->Nlev, 13 ) ;
    Tm0 = norm_l( Acc0 ) ;
    Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, Tm0 ) ;
    Acc0 &= 0x3f000000L ;
    Acc0 <<= 1 ;
    Tm1 = extract_h( Acc0 ) ;
    Acc0 = L_deposit_h( ScfTab[Tm0] ) ;
    Acc0 = L_mac( Acc0, Tm1, ScfTab[Tm0-1] ) ;
    Acc0 = L_msu( Acc0, Tm1, ScfTab[Tm0] ) ;
    Tm1 = extract_h( Acc0 ) ;
    Tm0 = extract_l( L_shr( VadStat->Nlev, 2 ) ) ;
    Acc0 = L_mult( Tm0, Tm1 ) ;
    Acc0 >>= 11 ;

    /* Compare with the treshold */
    if ( Acc0 > Acc1 )
        VadState = 0 ;

    /* Do the various counters */
    if ( VadState ) {
        VadStat->Vcnt ++ ;
        VadStat->Hcnt ++ ;
    else {
        VadStat->Vcnt -- ;
        if ( VadStat->Vcnt < 0 )
            VadStat->Vcnt = 0 ;

    if ( VadStat->Vcnt >= 2 ) {
        VadStat->Hcnt = 6 ;
        if ( VadStat->Vcnt >= 3 )
            VadStat->Vcnt = 3 ;

    if ( VadStat->Hcnt ) {
        VadState = 1 ;
        if ( VadStat->Vcnt == 0 )
            VadStat->Hcnt -- ;

    /* Update Periodicy detector */
    VadStat->Polp[0] = VadStat->Polp[2] ;
    VadStat->Polp[1] = VadStat->Polp[3] ;

    return VadState ;
Beispiel #19
*                         PUBLIC PROGRAM CODE
Word16 hp_max (  
    Word32 corr[],      /* i   : correlation vector.                      */
    Word16 scal_sig[],  /* i   : scaled signal.                           */
    Word16 L_frame,     /* i   : length of frame to compute pitch         */
    Word16 lag_max,     /* i   : maximum lag                              */
    Word16 lag_min,     /* i   : minimum lag                              */
    Word16 *cor_hp_max) /* o   : max high-pass filtered norm. correlation */
    Word16 i;
    Word16 *p, *p1;
    Word32 max, t0, t1;
    Word16 max16, t016, cor_max;
    Word16 shift, shift1, shift2;
    max = MIN_32;               move32 (); 
    t0 = 0L;                    move32 ();    
    for (i = lag_max-1; i > lag_min; i--)
       /* high-pass filtering */
       t0 = L_sub (L_sub(L_shl(corr[-i], 1), corr[-i-1]), corr[-i+1]);   
       t0 = L_abs (t0);
       test (); 
       if (L_sub (t0, max) >= 0)
          max = t0;             move32 (); 

    /* compute energy */
    p = scal_sig;               move16 (); 
    p1 = &scal_sig[0];          move16 (); 
    t0 = 0L;                    move32 (); 
    for (i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++, p1++)
       t0 = L_mac (t0, *p, *p1);

    p = scal_sig;               move16 (); 
    p1 = &scal_sig[-1];         move16 (); 
    t1 = 0L;                    move32 (); 
    for (i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++, p1++)
       t1 = L_mac (t1, *p, *p1);
    /* high-pass filtering */
    t0 = L_sub(L_shl(t0, 1), L_shl(t1, 1));
    t0 = L_abs (t0);

    /* max/t0 */
    shift1 = sub(norm_l(max), 1);                 
    max16  = extract_h(L_shl(max, shift1));       
    shift2 = norm_l(t0);                          
    t016 =  extract_h(L_shl(t0, shift2));         

    test ();
    if (t016 != 0)
       cor_max = div_s(max16, t016);              
       cor_max = 0;                                move16 ();
    shift = sub(shift1, shift2);       

    test ();
    if (shift >= 0)
       *cor_hp_max = shr(cor_max, shift);          move16 (); /* Q15 */
       *cor_hp_max = shl(cor_max, negate(shift));  move16 (); /* Q15 */

    return 0;
Beispiel #20
** Function:            AtoLsp()
** Description:     Transforms 10 LPC coefficients to the 10
**          corresponding LSP frequencies for a subframe.
**          This transformation is done once per frame,
**          for subframe 3 only.  The transform algorithm
**          generates sum and difference polynomials from
**          the LPC coefficients.  It then evaluates the
**          sum and difference polynomials at uniform
**          intervals of pi/256 along the unit circle.
**          Intervals where a sign change occurs are
**          interpolated to find the zeros of the
**          polynomials, which are the LSP frequencies.
** Links to text:   Section 2.5
** Arguments:       
**  Word16 *LspVect     Empty Buffer
**  Word16 Lpc[]        Unquantized LPC coefficients (10 words)
**  Word16 PrevLsp[]    LSP frequencies from the previous frame (10 words)
** Outputs:
**  Word16 LspVect[]    LSP frequencies for the current frame (10 words)
** Return value:        None
void AtoLsp( Word16 *LspVect, Word16 *Lpc, Word16 *PrevLsp )

    int   i,j,k ;

    Word32   Lpq[LpcOrder+2] ;
    Word16   Spq[LpcOrder+2] ;

    Word16   Exp   ;
    Word16   LspCnt ;

    Word32   PrevVal,CurrVal   ;
    Word32   Acc0,Acc1   ;

  * Perform a bandwidth expansion on the LPC coefficients.  This
  * scales the poles of the LPC synthesis filter by a factor of
  * 0.994.
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ )
        LspVect[i] = mult_r( Lpc[i], BandExpTable[i] ) ;

  * Compute the sum and difference polynomials with the roots at z =
  * -1 (sum) or z = +1 (difference) removed.  Let these polynomials
  * be P(z) and Q(z) respectively, and let their coefficients be
  * {p_i} amd {q_i}.  The coefficients are stored in the array Lpq[]
  * as follows: p_0, q_0, p_1, q_1, ..., p_5, q_5.  There is no need
  * to store the other coefficients because of symmetry.

  * Set p_0 = q_0 = 1.  The LPC coefficients are already scaled by
  *  1/4.  P(z) and Q(z) are scaled by an additional scaling factor of
  *  1/16, for an overall factor of 1/64 = 0x02000000L.

    Lpq[0] = Lpq[1] = (Word32) 0x02000000L ;

  * This loop computes the coefficients of P(z) and Q(z).  The long
  * division (to remove the real zeros) is done recursively.
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder/2 ; i ++ ) {

        /* P(z) */
        Acc0 = L_negate( Lpq[2*i+0] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[i] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;
        Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
        Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[LpcOrder-1-i] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;
        Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
        Lpq[2*i+2] = Acc0 ;

        /* Q(z) */
        Acc0 = Lpq[2*i+1] ;
        Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[i] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;

        Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
        Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[LpcOrder-1-i] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;
 //       Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
		L_ADD(Acc0, Acc1, Acc0);
        Lpq[2*i+3] = Acc0 ;

  * Divide p_5 and q_5 by 2 for proper weighting during polynomial
  * evaluation.
    Lpq[LpcOrder+0] = L_shr( Lpq[LpcOrder+0], (Word16) 1 ) ;
    Lpq[LpcOrder+1] = L_shr( Lpq[LpcOrder+1], (Word16) 1 ) ;

  * Normalize the polynomial coefficients and convert to shorts

    /* Find the maximum */
    Acc1 = L_abs( Lpq[0] ) ;
    for ( i = 1 ; i < LpcOrder+2 ; i ++ ) {
        Acc0 = L_abs( Lpq[i] ) ;
        if ( Acc0 > Acc1 )
            Acc1 = Acc0 ;

    /* Compute the normalization factor */
    Exp = norm_l( Acc1 ) ;

    /* Normalize and convert to shorts */
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder+2 ; i ++ ) {
        Acc0 = L_shl( Lpq[i], Exp ) ;
        Spq[i] = round( Acc0 ) ;

  * Initialize the search loop

  * The variable k is a flag that indicates which polynomial (sum or
  * difference) the algorithm is currently evaluating.  Start with
  * the sum.
    k = 0 ;

    /* Evaluate the sum polynomial at frequency zero */
    PrevVal = (Word32) 0 ;
    for ( j = 0 ; j <= LpcOrder/2 ; j ++ )
        PrevVal = L_mac( PrevVal, Spq[2*j], CosineTable[0] ) ;

  * Search loop.  Evaluate P(z) and Q(z) at uniform intervals of
  * pi/256 along the unit circle.  Check for zero crossings.  The
  * zeros of P(w) and Q(w) alternate, so only one of them need by
  * evaluated at any given step.
    LspCnt = (Word16) 0 ;
    for ( i = 1 ; i < CosineTableSize/2 ; i ++ ) {

        /* Evaluate the selected polynomial */
        CurrVal = (Word32) 0 ;
        for ( j = 0 ; j <= LpcOrder/2 ; j ++ )
            CurrVal = L_mac( CurrVal, Spq[LpcOrder-2*j+k],
                                    CosineTable[i*j%CosineTableSize] ) ;

        /* Check for a sign change, indicating a zero crossing */
        if ( (CurrVal ^ PrevVal) < (Word32) 0 ) {

  * Interpolate to find the bottom 7 bits of the
  * zero-crossing frequency
            Acc0 = L_abs( CurrVal ) ;
            Acc1 = L_abs( PrevVal ) ;
 //           Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
			L_ADD(Acc0, Acc1, Acc0);

            /* Normalize the sum */
            Exp = norm_l( Acc0 ) ;
            Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, Exp ) ;
            Acc1 = L_shl( Acc1, Exp ) ;

            Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 8 ) ;

            LspVect[LspCnt] = div_l( Acc1, extract_h( Acc0 ) ) ;

  * Add the upper part of the zero-crossing frequency,
  * i.e. bits 7-15
            Exp = shl( (Word16) (i-1), (Word16) 7 ) ;
            LspVect[LspCnt] = add( LspVect[LspCnt], Exp ) ;
            LspCnt ++ ;

            /* Check if all zeros have been found */
            if ( LspCnt == (Word16) LpcOrder )
                break ;

  * Switch the pointer between sum and difference polynomials
            k ^= 1 ;

  * Evaluate the new polynomial at the current frequency
            CurrVal = (Word32) 0 ;
            for ( j = 0 ; j <= LpcOrder/2 ; j ++ )
                CurrVal = L_mac( CurrVal, Spq[LpcOrder-2*j+k],
                                    CosineTable[i*j%CosineTableSize] ) ;

        /* Update the previous value */
        PrevVal = CurrVal ;

  * Check if all 10 zeros were found.  If not, ignore the results of
  * the search and use the previous frame's LSP frequencies instead.
    if ( LspCnt != (Word16) LpcOrder ) {
        for ( j = 0 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ )
            LspVect[j] = PrevLsp[j] ;

    return ;
Beispiel #21
*  Function    : agc
*  Purpose     : Scales the postfilter output on a subframe basis
int agc (
    agcState *st,      /* i/o : agc state                        */
    Word16 *sig_in,    /* i   : postfilter input signal  (l_trm) */
    Word16 *sig_out,   /* i/o : postfilter output signal (l_trm) */
    Word16 agc_fac,    /* i   : AGC factor                       */
    Word16 l_trm       /* i   : subframe size                    */
    Word16 i, exp;
    Word16 gain_in, gain_out, g0, gain;
    Word32 s;
    /* calculate gain_out with exponent */
    s = energy_new(sig_out, l_trm);  /* function result */
    if (s == 0)
        st->past_gain = 0;           
        return 0;
    exp = sub (norm_l (s), 1);
    gain_out = round (L_shl (s, exp));

    /* calculate gain_in with exponent */
    s = energy_new(sig_in, l_trm);    /* function result */
    if (s == 0)
        g0 = 0;                  
        i = norm_l (s);
        gain_in = round (L_shl (s, i));
        exp = sub (exp, i);

         *  g0 = (1-agc_fac) * sqrt(gain_in/gain_out);       *

        s = L_deposit_l (div_s (gain_out, gain_in));
        s = L_shl (s, 7);       /* s = gain_out / gain_in */
        s = L_shr (s, exp);     /* add exponent */

        s = Inv_sqrt (s);  /* function result */
        i = round (L_shl (s, 9));

        /* g0 = i * (1-agc_fac) */
        g0 = mult (i, sub (32767, agc_fac));

    /* compute gain[n] = agc_fac * gain[n-1]
                        + (1-agc_fac) * sqrt(gain_in/gain_out) */
    /* sig_out[n] = gain[n] * sig_out[n]                        */

    gain = st->past_gain;            

    for (i = 0; i < l_trm; i++)
        gain = mult (gain, agc_fac);
        gain = add (gain, g0);
        sig_out[i] = extract_h (L_shl (L_mult (sig_out[i], gain), 3));

    st->past_gain = gain;            

    return 0;
Beispiel #22
void Levinsone(
  Word16 m,        /* (i)    : LPC order                         */
  Word16 Rh[],      /* (i)     : Rh[M+1] Vector of autocorrelations (msb) */
  Word16 Rl[],      /* (i)     : Rl[M+1] Vector of autocorrelations (lsb) */
  Word16 A[],       /* (o) Q12 : A[M]    LPC coefficients  (m = 10)       */
  Word16 rc[],      /* (o) Q15 : rc[M]   Reflection coefficients.         */
  Word16 old_A[],   /* (i/o) Q12 : last stable filter LPC coefficients  */
  Word16 old_rc[]   /* (i/o) Q15 : last stable filter Reflection coefficients.         */

 Word16 i, j;
 Word16 hi, lo;
 Word16 Kh, Kl;                /* reflection coefficient; hi and lo           */
 Word16 alp_h, alp_l, alp_exp; /* Prediction gain; hi lo and exponent         */
 Word16 Ah[M_BWDP1], Al[M_BWDP1];      /* LPC coef. in double prec.                   */
 Word16 Anh[M_BWDP1], Anl[M_BWDP1];    /* LPC coef.for next iteration in double prec. */
 Word32 t0, t1, t2;            /* temporary variable                          */
 Word32 tmp;

/* K = A[1] = -R[1] / R[0] */

  t1  = L_Comp(Rh[1], Rl[1]);           /* R[1] in Q31      */
  tmp = L_Comp(Rh[0], Rl[0]);
  if (t1 > tmp) t1 = tmp;

  t2  = L_abs(t1);                      /* abs R[1]         */
  t0  = Div_32(t2, Rh[0], Rl[0]);       /* R[1]/R[0] in Q31 */
  if(t1 > 0) t0= L_negate(t0);          /* -R[1]/R[0]       */
  L_Extract(t0, &Kh, &Kl);              /* K in DPF         */
  rc[0] = Kh;
  t0 = L_shr(t0,4);                     /* A[1] in Q27      */
  L_Extract(t0, &Ah[1], &Al[1]);        /* A[1] in DPF      */

/*  Alpha = R[0] * (1-K**2) */

  t0 = Mpy_32(Kh ,Kl, Kh, Kl);          /* K*K      in Q31 */
  t0 = L_abs(t0);                       /* Some case <0 !! */
  t0 = L_sub( (Word32)0x7fffffffL, t0 ); /* 1 - K*K  in Q31 */
  L_Extract(t0, &hi, &lo);              /* DPF format      */
  t0 = Mpy_32(Rh[0] ,Rl[0], hi, lo);    /* Alpha in Q31    */

/* Normalize Alpha */

  alp_exp = norm_l(t0);
  t0 = L_shl(t0, alp_exp);
  L_Extract(t0, &alp_h, &alp_l);         /* DPF format    */

 * ITERATIONS  I=2 to m                 *

  for(i= 2; i<=m; i++)

    /* t0 = SUM ( R[j]*A[i-j] ,j=1,i-1 ) +  R[i] */

    t0 = 0;
    for(j=1; j<i; j++)
      t0 = L_add(t0, Mpy_32(Rh[j], Rl[j], Ah[i-j], Al[i-j]));

    t0 = L_shl(t0,4);                  /* result in Q27 -> convert to Q31 */
                                       /* No overflow possible            */
    t1 = L_Comp(Rh[i],Rl[i]);

    t0 = L_add(t0, t1);                /* add R[i] in Q31                 */

    /* K = -t0 / Alpha */

    t1 = L_abs(t0);
    tmp = L_Comp(alp_h, alp_l);
    if (t1 > tmp) t1 = tmp;
    t2 = Div_32(t1, alp_h, alp_l);     /* abs(t0)/Alpha                   */
    if(t0 > 0) t2= L_negate(t2);       /* K =-t0/Alpha                    */
    t2 = L_shl(t2, alp_exp);           /* denormalize; compare to Alpha   */
    L_Extract(t2, &Kh, &Kl);           /* K in DPF                        */
    rc[i-1] = Kh;

    /* Test for unstable filter. If unstable keep old A(z) */

    if (sub(abs_s(Kh), 32750) > 0)
      for(j=0; j<=m; j++)
        A[j] = old_A[j];
      rc[0] = old_rc[0];        /* only two rc coefficients are needed */
      rc[1] = old_rc[1];

     *  Compute new LPC coeff. -> An[i]         *
     *  An[j]= A[j] + K*A[i-j]     , j=1 to i-1 *
     *  An[i]= K                                *

    for(j=1; j<i; j++)
      t0 = Mpy_32(Kh, Kl, Ah[i-j], Al[i-j]);
      t0 = L_add(t0, L_Comp(Ah[j], Al[j]));
      L_Extract(t0, &Anh[j], &Anl[j]);
    t2 = L_shr(t2, 4);                  /* t2 = K in Q31 ->convert to Q27  */
    L_Extract(t2, &Anh[i], &Anl[i]);    /* An[i] in Q27                    */

    /*  Alpha = Alpha * (1-K**2) */

    t0 = Mpy_32(Kh ,Kl, Kh, Kl);          /* K*K      in Q31 */
    t0 = L_abs(t0);                       /* Some case <0 !! */
    t0 = L_sub( (Word32)0x7fffffffL, t0 ); /* 1 - K*K  in Q31 */
    L_Extract(t0, &hi, &lo);              /* DPF format      */
    t0 = Mpy_32(alp_h , alp_l, hi, lo);   /* Alpha in Q31    */

    /* Normalize Alpha */

    j = norm_l(t0);
    t0 = L_shl(t0, j);
    L_Extract(t0, &alp_h, &alp_l);         /* DPF format    */
    alp_exp = add(alp_exp, j);             /* Add normalization to alp_exp */

    /* A[j] = An[j] */

    for(j=1; j<=i; j++)
      Ah[j] =Anh[j];
      Al[j] =Anl[j];

  /* Truncate A[i] in Q27 to Q12 with rounding */

  A[0] = 4096;
  for(i=1; i<=m; i++)
    t0   = L_Comp(Ah[i], Al[i]);
    old_A[i] = A[i] = round(L_shl(t0, 1));
  old_rc[0] = rc[0];
  old_rc[1] = rc[1];

Word16 hp_max(
    Word32 corr[],      /* i   : correlation vector.                      */
    Word16 scal_sig[],  /* i   : scaled signal.                           */
    Word16 L_frame,     /* i   : length of frame to compute pitch         */
    Word16 lag_max,     /* i   : maximum lag                              */
    Word16 lag_min,     /* i   : minimum lag                              */
    Word16 *cor_hp_max, /* o   : max high-pass filtered norm. correlation */
    Flag   *pOverflow   /* i/o : overflow Flag                            */
    Word16 i;
    Word16 *p, *p1;
    Word32 max, t0, t1;
    Word16 max16, t016, cor_max;
    Word16 shift, shift1, shift2;
    Word32 L_temp;

    max = MIN_32;
    t0 = 0L;

    for (i = lag_max - 1; i > lag_min; i--)
        /* high-pass filtering */
        t0 = L_shl(corr[-i], 1, pOverflow);
        L_temp = L_sub(t0, corr[-i-1], pOverflow);
        t0 = L_sub(L_temp, corr[-i+1], pOverflow);
        t0 = L_abs(t0);

        if (t0 >= max)
            max = t0;

    /* compute energy */
    p = scal_sig;
    p1 = &scal_sig[0];
    t0 = 0L;
    for (i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++, p1++)
        t0 = L_mac(t0, *p, *p1, pOverflow);

    p = scal_sig;
    p1 = &scal_sig[-1];
    t1 = 0L;
    for (i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++, p1++)
        t1 = L_mac(t1, *p, *p1, pOverflow);

    /* high-pass filtering */
    L_temp = L_shl(t0, 1, pOverflow);
    t1 = L_shl(t1, 1, pOverflow);
    t0 = L_sub(L_temp, t1, pOverflow);
    t0 = L_abs(t0);

    /* max/t0 */
    /*  shift1 = sub(norm_l(max), 1);
        max16  = extract_h(L_shl(max, shift1));
        shift2 = norm_l(t0);
        t016 =  extract_h(L_shl(t0, shift2));   */

    t016 = norm_l(max);
    shift1 = sub(t016, 1, pOverflow);

    L_temp = L_shl(max, shift1, pOverflow);
    max16  = (Word16)(L_temp >> 16);

    shift2 = norm_l(t0);
    L_temp = L_shl(t0, shift2, pOverflow);
    t016 = (Word16)(L_temp >> 16);

    if (t016 != 0)
        cor_max = div_s(max16, t016);
        cor_max = 0;

    shift = sub(shift1, shift2, pOverflow);

    if (shift >= 0)
        *cor_hp_max = shr(cor_max, shift, pOverflow); /* Q15 */
        *cor_hp_max = shl(cor_max, negate(shift), pOverflow); /* Q15 */

    return 0;
Beispiel #24
void A_Refl(
    Word16 a[],        /* i   : Directform coefficients */
    Word16 refl[],     /* o   : Reflection coefficients */
    Flag   *pOverflow
    /* local variables */
    Word16 i;
    Word16 j;
    Word16 aState[M];
    Word16 bState[M];
    Word16 normShift;
    Word16 normProd;
    Word32 L_acc;
    Word16 scale;
    Word32 L_temp;
    Word16 temp;
    Word16 mult;

    /* initialize states */
    for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
        aState[i] = a[i];

    /* backward Levinson recursion */
    for (i = M - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (abs_s(aState[i]) >= 4096)
            for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
                refl[i] = 0;

        refl[i] = shl(aState[i], 3, pOverflow);

        L_temp = L_mult(refl[i], refl[i], pOverflow);
        L_acc = L_sub(MAX_32, L_temp, pOverflow);

        normShift = norm_l(L_acc);
        scale = sub(15, normShift, pOverflow);

        L_acc = L_shl(L_acc, normShift, pOverflow);
        normProd = pv_round(L_acc, pOverflow);

        mult = div_s(16384, normProd);

        for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
            L_acc = L_deposit_h(aState[j]);
            L_acc = L_msu(L_acc, refl[i], aState[i-j-1], pOverflow);

            temp = pv_round(L_acc, pOverflow);
            L_temp = L_mult(mult, temp, pOverflow);
            L_temp = L_shr_r(L_temp, scale, pOverflow);

            if (L_abs(L_temp) > 32767)
                for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
                    refl[i] = 0;

            bState[j] = extract_l(L_temp);

        for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
            aState[j] = bState[j];
Beispiel #25
void agc(
  int16_t *sig_in,   /* (i)     : postfilter input signal  */
  int16_t *sig_out,  /* (i/o)   : postfilter output signal */
  int16_t l_trm      /* (i)     : subframe size            */
  static int16_t past_gain=4096;         /* past_gain = 1.0 (Q12) */
  int16_t i, exp;
  int16_t gain_in, gain_out, g0, gain;                     /* Q12 */
  int32_t s;

  int16_t signal[L_SUBFR];

  /* calculate gain_out with exponent */

  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    signal[i] = shr(sig_out[i], 2);

  s = 0;
  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    s = L_mac(s, signal[i], signal[i]);

  if (s == 0) {
    past_gain = 0;
  exp = sub(norm_l(s), 1);
  gain_out = _round(L_shl(s, exp));

  /* calculate gain_in with exponent */

  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    signal[i] = shr(sig_in[i], 2);

  s = 0;
  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++)
    s = L_mac(s, signal[i], signal[i]);

  if (s == 0) {
    g0 = 0;
  else {
    i = norm_l(s);
    gain_in = _round(L_shl(s, i));
    exp = sub(exp, i);

    *  g0(Q12) = (1-AGC_FAC) * sqrt(gain_in/gain_out);  *

    s = L_deposit_l(div_s(gain_out,gain_in));   /* Q15 */
    s = L_shl(s, 7);           /* s(Q22) = gain_out / gain_in */
    s = L_shr(s, exp);         /* Q22, add exponent */

    /* i(Q12) = s(Q19) = 1 / sqrt(s(Q22)) */
    s = Inv_sqrt(s);           /* Q19 */
    i = _round(L_shl(s,9));     /* Q12 */

    /* g0(Q12) = i(Q12) * (1-AGC_FAC)(Q15) */
    g0 = mult(i, AGC_FAC1);       /* Q12 */

  /* compute gain(n) = AGC_FAC gain(n-1) + (1-AGC_FAC)gain_in/gain_out */
  /* sig_out(n) = gain(n) sig_out(n)                                   */

  gain = past_gain;
  for(i=0; i<l_trm; i++) {
    gain = mult(gain, AGC_FAC);
    gain = add(gain, g0);
    sig_out[i] = extract_h(L_shl(L_mult(sig_out[i], gain), 3));
  past_gain = gain;

 * FUNCTION: calc_filt_energies
 * PURPOSE:  calculation of several energy coefficients for filtered
 *           excitation signals
 *     Compute coefficients need for the quantization and the optimum
 *     codebook gain gcu (for MR475 only).
 *      coeff[0] =    y1 y1
 *      coeff[1] = -2 xn y1
 *      coeff[2] =    y2 y2
 *      coeff[3] = -2 xn y2
 *      coeff[4] =  2 y1 y2
 *      gcu = <xn2, y2> / <y2, y2> (0 if <xn2, y2> <= 0)
 *     Product <y1 y1> and <xn y1> have been computed in G_pitch() and
 *     are in vector g_coeff[].
    enum Mode mode,     /* i  : coder mode                                   */
    Word16 xn[],        /* i  : LTP target vector,                       Q0  */
    Word16 xn2[],       /* i  : CB target vector,                        Q0  */
    Word16 y1[],        /* i  : Adaptive codebook,                       Q0  */
    Word16 Y2[],        /* i  : Filtered innovative vector,              Q12 */
    Word16 g_coeff[],   /* i  : Correlations <xn y1> <y1 y1>                 */
                        /*      computed in G_pitch()                        */

    Word16 frac_coeff[],/* o  : energy coefficients (5), fraction part,  Q15 */
    Word16 exp_coeff[], /* o  : energy coefficients (5), exponent part,  Q0  */
    Word16 *cod_gain_frac,/* o: optimum codebook gain (fraction part),   Q15 */
    Word16 *cod_gain_exp  /* o: optimum codebook gain (exponent part),   Q0  */
    Word32 s, ener_init;
    Word16 i, exp, frac;
    Word16 y2[L_SUBFR];

    if (test(), sub(mode, MR795) == 0 || sub(mode, MR475) == 0)
        ener_init = 0L; move32 ();
        ener_init = 1L; move32 ();
    for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
        y2[i] = shr(Y2[i], 3);         move16 ();

    frac_coeff[0] = g_coeff[0];          move16 ();
    exp_coeff[0] = g_coeff[1];           move16 ();
    frac_coeff[1] = negate(g_coeff[2]);  move16 ();   /* coeff[1] = -2 xn y1 */
    exp_coeff[1] = add(g_coeff[3], 1);   move16 ();

    /* Compute scalar product <y2[],y2[]> */

    s = L_mac(ener_init, y2[0], y2[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, y2[i], y2[i]);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    frac_coeff[2] = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp)); move16 ();
    exp_coeff[2] = sub(15 - 18, exp);    move16();

    /* Compute scalar product -2*<xn[],y2[]> */

    s = L_mac(ener_init, xn[0], y2[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, xn[i], y2[i]);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    frac_coeff[3] = negate(extract_h(L_shl(s, exp))); move16 ();
    exp_coeff[3] = sub(15 - 9 + 1, exp);         move16 ();

    /* Compute scalar product 2*<y1[],y2[]> */

    s = L_mac(ener_init, y1[0], y2[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, y1[i], y2[i]);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    frac_coeff[4] = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp)); move16 ();
    exp_coeff[4] = sub(15 - 9 + 1, exp);  move16();

    if (test(), test (), sub(mode, MR475) == 0 || sub(mode, MR795) == 0)
        /* Compute scalar product <xn2[],y2[]> */

        s = L_mac(ener_init, xn2[0], y2[0]);
        for (i = 1; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
            s = L_mac(s, xn2[i], y2[i]);
        exp = norm_l(s);
        frac = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp));
        exp = sub(15 - 9, exp);

        if (test (), frac <= 0)
            *cod_gain_frac = 0; move16 ();
            *cod_gain_exp = 0;  move16 ();
              gcu = <xn2, y2> / c[2]
                  = (frac>>1)/frac[2]             * 2^(exp+1-exp[2])
                  = div_s(frac>>1, frac[2])*2^-15 * 2^(exp+1-exp[2])
                  = div_s * 2^(exp-exp[2]-14)
            *cod_gain_frac = div_s (shr (frac,1), frac_coeff[2]); move16 ();
            *cod_gain_exp = sub (sub (exp, exp_coeff[2]), 14);    move16 ();

Beispiel #27
 * Function  Qua_gain                                                        *
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                        *
 * Inputs:                                                                   *
 *   code[]     :Innovative codebook.                                        *
 *   g_coeff[]  :Correlations compute for pitch.                             *
 *   L_subfr    :Subframe length.                                            *
 *                                                                           *
 * Outputs:                                                                  *
 *   gain_pit   :Quantized pitch gain.                                       *
 *   gain_cod   :Quantized code gain.                                        *
 *                                                                           *
 * Return:                                                                   *
 *   Index of quantization.                                                  *
 *                                                                           *
Word16 Qua_gain(
   Word16 code[],       /* (i) Q13 :Innovative vector.             */
   Word16 g_coeff[],    /* (i)     :Correlations <xn y1> -2<y1 y1> */
                        /*            <y2,y2>, -2<xn,y2>, 2<y1,y2> */
   Word16 exp_coeff[],  /* (i)     :Q-Format g_coeff[]             */
   Word16 L_subfr,      /* (i)     :Subframe length.               */
   Word16 *gain_pit,    /* (o) Q14 :Pitch gain.                    */
   Word16 *gain_cod,    /* (o) Q1  :Code gain.                     */
   Word16 tameflag      /* (i)     : set to 1 if taming is needed  */
   Word16  i, j, index1, index2;
   Word16  cand1, cand2;
   Word16  exp, gcode0, exp_gcode0, gcode0_org, e_min ;
   Word16  nume, denom, inv_denom;
   Word16  exp1,exp2,exp_nume,exp_denom,exp_inv_denom,sft,tmp;
   Word16  g_pitch, g2_pitch, g_code, g2_code, g_pit_cod;
   Word16  coeff[5], coeff_lsf[5];
   Word16  exp_min[5];
   Word32  L_gbk12;
   Word32  L_tmp, L_dist_min, L_tmp1, L_tmp2, L_acc, L_accb;
   Word16  best_gain[2];

        /* Gain predictor, Past quantized energies = -14.0 in Q10 */

 static Word16 past_qua_en[4] = { -14336, -14336, -14336, -14336 };

   *-  energy due to innovation                       -*
   *-  predicted energy                               -*
   *-  predicted codebook gain => gcode0[exp_gcode0]  -*

   Gain_predict( past_qua_en, code, L_subfr, &gcode0, &exp_gcode0 );

   *  pre-selection                                                  *
   *  calculate best gain                                            *
   *                                                                 *
   *  tmp = -1./(4.*coeff[0]*coeff[2]-coeff[4]*coeff[4]) ;           *
   *  best_gain[0] = (2.*coeff[2]*coeff[1]-coeff[3]*coeff[4])*tmp ;  *
   *  best_gain[1] = (2.*coeff[0]*coeff[3]-coeff[1]*coeff[4])*tmp ;  *
   *  gbk_presel(best_gain,&cand1,&cand2,gcode0) ;                   *
   *                                                                 *

   *  tmp = -1./(4.*coeff[0]*coeff[2]-coeff[4]*coeff[4]) ;           *
   L_tmp1 = L_mult( g_coeff[0], g_coeff[2] );
   exp1   = add( add( exp_coeff[0], exp_coeff[2] ), 1-2 );
   L_tmp2 = L_mult( g_coeff[4], g_coeff[4] );
   exp2   = add( add( exp_coeff[4], exp_coeff[4] ), 1 );

   if( exp1 > exp2 ){
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_shr( L_tmp1, sub(exp1,exp2) ), L_tmp2 );
      exp = exp2;
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_tmp1, L_shr( L_tmp2, sub(exp2,exp1) ) );
      exp = exp1;
   sft = norm_l( L_tmp );
   denom = extract_h( L_shl(L_tmp, sft) );
   exp_denom = sub( add( exp, sft ), 16 );

   inv_denom = div_s(16384,denom);
   inv_denom = negate( inv_denom );
   exp_inv_denom = sub( 14+15, exp_denom );

   *  best_gain[0] = (2.*coeff[2]*coeff[1]-coeff[3]*coeff[4])*tmp ;  *
   L_tmp1 = L_mult( g_coeff[2], g_coeff[1] );
   exp1   = add( exp_coeff[2], exp_coeff[1] );
   L_tmp2 = L_mult( g_coeff[3], g_coeff[4] );
   exp2   = add( add( exp_coeff[3], exp_coeff[4] ), 1 );

   if( exp1 > exp2 ){
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_shr( L_tmp1, add(sub(exp1,exp2),1 )), L_shr( L_tmp2,1 ) );
      exp = sub(exp2,1);
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_shr( L_tmp1,1 ), L_shr( L_tmp2, add(sub(exp2,exp1),1 )) );
      exp = sub(exp1,1);
   sft = norm_l( L_tmp );
   nume = extract_h( L_shl(L_tmp, sft) );
   exp_nume = sub( add( exp, sft ), 16 );

   sft = sub( add( exp_nume, exp_inv_denom ), (9+16-1) );
   L_acc = L_shr( L_mult( nume,inv_denom ), sft );
   best_gain[0] = extract_h( L_acc );             /*-- best_gain[0]:Q9 --*/

   if (tameflag == 1){
     if(best_gain[0] > GPCLIP2) best_gain[0] = GPCLIP2;

   *  best_gain[1] = (2.*coeff[0]*coeff[3]-coeff[1]*coeff[4])*tmp ;  *
   L_tmp1 = L_mult( g_coeff[0], g_coeff[3] );
   exp1   = add( exp_coeff[0], exp_coeff[3] ) ;
   L_tmp2 = L_mult( g_coeff[1], g_coeff[4] );
   exp2   = add( add( exp_coeff[1], exp_coeff[4] ), 1 );

   if( exp1 > exp2 ){
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_shr( L_tmp1, add(sub(exp1,exp2),1) ), L_shr( L_tmp2,1 ) );
      exp = sub(exp2,1);
      L_tmp = L_sub( L_shr( L_tmp1,1 ), L_shr( L_tmp2, add(sub(exp2,exp1),1) ) );
      exp = sub(exp1,1);
   sft = norm_l( L_tmp );
   nume = extract_h( L_shl(L_tmp, sft) );
   exp_nume = sub( add( exp, sft ), 16 );

   sft = sub( add( exp_nume, exp_inv_denom ), (2+16-1) );
   L_acc = L_shr( L_mult( nume,inv_denom ), sft );
   best_gain[1] = extract_h( L_acc );             /*-- best_gain[1]:Q2 --*/

   /*--- Change Q-format of gcode0 ( Q[exp_gcode0] -> Q4 ) ---*/
   if( exp_gcode0 >= 4){
      gcode0_org = shr( gcode0, sub(exp_gcode0,4) );
      L_acc = L_deposit_l( gcode0 );
      L_acc = L_shl( L_acc, sub( (4+16), exp_gcode0 ) );
      gcode0_org = extract_h( L_acc );              /*-- gcode0_org:Q4 --*/

   *   - presearch for gain codebook -            *

   Gbk_presel(best_gain, &cand1, &cand2, gcode0_org );

 *                                                                           *
 * Find the best quantizer.                                                  *
 *                                                                           *
 *  dist_min = MAX_32;                                                       *
 *  for ( i=0 ; i<NCAN1 ; i++ ){                                             *
 *    for ( j=0 ; j<NCAN2 ; j++ ){                                           *
 *      g_pitch = gbk1[cand1+i][0] + gbk2[cand2+j][0];                       *
 *      g_code = gcode0 * (gbk1[cand1+i][1] + gbk2[cand2+j][1]);             *
 *      dist = g_pitch*g_pitch * coeff[0]                                    *
 *           + g_pitch         * coeff[1]                                    *
 *           + g_code*g_code   * coeff[2]                                    *
 *           + g_code          * coeff[3]                                    *
 *           + g_pitch*g_code  * coeff[4] ;                                  *
 *                                                                           *
 *      if (dist < dist_min){                                                *
 *        dist_min = dist;                                                   *
 *        indice1 = cand1 + i ;                                              *
 *        indice2 = cand2 + j ;                                              *
 *      }                                                                    *
 *    }                                                                      *
 *  }                                                                        *
 *                                                                           *
 * g_pitch         = Q13                                                     *
 * g_pitch*g_pitch = Q11:(13+13+1-16)                                        *
 * g_code          = Q[exp_gcode0-3]:(exp_gcode0+(13-1)+1-16)                *
 * g_code*g_code   = Q[2*exp_gcode0-21]:(exp_gcode0-3+exp_gcode0-3+1-16)     *
 * g_pitch*g_code  = Q[exp_gcode0-5]:(13+exp_gcode0-3+1-16)                  *
 *                                                                           *
 * term 0: g_pitch*g_pitch*coeff[0] ;exp_min0 = 13             +exp_coeff[0] *
 * term 1: g_pitch        *coeff[1] ;exp_min1 = 14             +exp_coeff[1] *
 * term 2: g_code*g_code  *coeff[2] ;exp_min2 = 2*exp_gcode0-21+exp_coeff[2] *
 * term 3: g_code         *coeff[3] ;exp_min3 = exp_gcode0  - 3+exp_coeff[3] *
 * term 4: g_pitch*g_code *coeff[4] ;exp_min4 = exp_gcode0  - 4+exp_coeff[4] *
 *                                                                           *

   exp_min[0] = add( exp_coeff[0], 13 );
   exp_min[1] = add( exp_coeff[1], 14 );
   exp_min[2] = add( exp_coeff[2], sub( shl( exp_gcode0, 1 ), 21 ) );
   exp_min[3] = add( exp_coeff[3], sub( exp_gcode0, 3 ) );
   exp_min[4] = add( exp_coeff[4], sub( exp_gcode0, 4 ) );

   e_min = exp_min[0];
   for(i=1; i<5; i++){
      if( exp_min[i] < e_min ){
         e_min = exp_min[i];

   /* align coeff[] and save in special 32 bit double precision */

   for(i=0; i<5; i++){
     j = sub( exp_min[i], e_min );
     L_tmp = L_deposit_h( g_coeff[i] );
     L_tmp = L_shr( L_tmp, j );          /* L_tmp:Q[exp_g_coeff[i]+16-j] */
     L_Extract( L_tmp, &coeff[i], &coeff_lsf[i] );          /* DPF */

   /* Codebook search */

   L_dist_min = MAX_32;

   /* initialization used only to suppress Microsoft Visual C++  warnings */
   index1 = cand1;
   index2 = cand2;

if(tameflag == 1){
   for(i=0; i<NCAN1; i++){
      for(j=0; j<NCAN2; j++){
         g_pitch = add( gbk1[cand1+i][0], gbk2[cand2+j][0] );     /* Q14 */
         if(g_pitch < GP0999) {
         L_acc = L_deposit_l( gbk1[cand1+i][1] );
         L_accb = L_deposit_l( gbk2[cand2+j][1] );                /* Q13 */
         L_tmp = L_add( L_acc,L_accb );
         tmp = extract_l( L_shr( L_tmp,1 ) );                     /* Q12 */

         g_code   = mult( gcode0, tmp );         /*  Q[exp_gcode0+12-15] */
         g2_pitch = mult(g_pitch, g_pitch);                       /* Q13 */
         g2_code  = mult(g_code,  g_code);       /* Q[2*exp_gcode0-6-15] */
         g_pit_cod= mult(g_code,  g_pitch);      /* Q[exp_gcode0-3+14-15] */

         L_tmp = Mpy_32_16(coeff[0], coeff_lsf[0], g2_pitch);
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[1], coeff_lsf[1], g_pitch) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[2], coeff_lsf[2], g2_code) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[3], coeff_lsf[3], g_code) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[4], coeff_lsf[4], g_pit_cod) );
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[1], coeff_lsf[1], g_pitch);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[2], coeff_lsf[2], g2_code);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[3], coeff_lsf[3], g_code);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[4], coeff_lsf[4], g_pit_cod);

         //L_temp = L_sub(L_tmp, L_dist_min);

         if( L_tmp < L_dist_min ){
            L_dist_min = L_tmp;
            index1 = add(cand1,i);
            index2 = add(cand2,j);

   for(i=0; i<NCAN1; i++){
      for(j=0; j<NCAN2; j++){
         g_pitch = add( gbk1[cand1+i][0], gbk2[cand2+j][0] );     /* Q14 */
         L_acc = L_deposit_l( gbk1[cand1+i][1] );
         L_accb = L_deposit_l( gbk2[cand2+j][1] );                /* Q13 */
         L_tmp = L_add( L_acc,L_accb );
         tmp = extract_l( L_shr( L_tmp,1 ) );                     /* Q12 */

         g_code   = mult( gcode0, tmp );         /*  Q[exp_gcode0+12-15] */
         g2_pitch = mult(g_pitch, g_pitch);                       /* Q13 */
         g2_code  = mult(g_code,  g_code);       /* Q[2*exp_gcode0-6-15] */
         g_pit_cod= mult(g_code,  g_pitch);      /* Q[exp_gcode0-3+14-15] */

         L_tmp = Mpy_32_16(coeff[0], coeff_lsf[0], g2_pitch);
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[1], coeff_lsf[1], g_pitch) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[2], coeff_lsf[2], g2_code) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[3], coeff_lsf[3], g_code) );
         //L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, Mpy_32_16(coeff[4], coeff_lsf[4], g_pit_cod) );
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[1], coeff_lsf[1], g_pitch);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[2], coeff_lsf[2], g2_code);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[3], coeff_lsf[3], g_code);
         L_tmp += Mpy_32_16(coeff[4], coeff_lsf[4], g_pit_cod);

         //L_temp = L_sub(L_tmp, L_dist_min);

         if( L_tmp < L_dist_min ){
            L_dist_min = L_tmp;
            index1 = add(cand1,i);
            index2 = add(cand2,j);

   /* Read the quantized gain */

   * *gain_pit = gbk1[indice1][0] + gbk2[indice2][0];                *
   *gain_pit = add( gbk1[index1][0], gbk2[index2][0] );      /* Q14 */

   * *gain_code = (gbk1[indice1][1]+gbk2[indice2][1]) * gcode0;      *
   //L_acc = L_deposit_l( gbk1[index1][1] );
   //L_accb = L_deposit_l( gbk2[index2][1] );
   //L_gbk12 = L_add( L_acc, L_accb );                          /* Q13 */
   L_gbk12 = (Word32)gbk1[index1][1] + (Word32)gbk2[index2][1]; /* Q13 */
   tmp = extract_l( L_shr( L_gbk12,1 ) );                     /* Q12 */
   L_acc = L_mult(tmp, gcode0);                /* Q[exp_gcode0+12+1] */

   L_acc = L_shl(L_acc, add( negate(exp_gcode0),(-12-1+1+16) ));
   *gain_cod = extract_h( L_acc );                             /* Q1 */

   * update table of past quantized energies      *
 * FUNCTION: calc_unfilt_energies
 * PURPOSE:  calculation of several energy coefficients for unfiltered
 *           excitation signals and the LTP coding gain
 *       frac_en[0]*2^exp_en[0] = <res res>   // LP residual energy
 *       frac_en[1]*2^exp_en[1] = <exc exc>   // LTP residual energy
 *       frac_en[2]*2^exp_en[2] = <exc code>  // LTP/CB innovation dot product
 *       frac_en[3]*2^exp_en[3] = <lres lres> // LTP residual energy
 *                                            // (lres = res - gain_pit*exc)
 *       ltpg = log2(LP_res_en / LTP_res_en)
    Word16 res[],     /* i  : LP residual,                               Q0  */
    Word16 exc[],     /* i  : LTP excitation (unfiltered),               Q0  */
    Word16 code[],    /* i  : CB innovation (unfiltered),                Q13 */
    Word16 gain_pit,  /* i  : pitch gain,                                Q14 */
    Word16 L_subfr,   /* i  : Subframe length                                */

    Word16 frac_en[], /* o  : energy coefficients (4), fraction part,    Q15 */
    Word16 exp_en[],  /* o  : energy coefficients (4), exponent part,    Q0  */
    Word16 *ltpg      /* o  : LTP coding gain (log2()),                  Q13 */
    Word32 s, L_temp;
    Word16 i, exp, tmp;
    Word16 ltp_res_en, pred_gain;
    Word16 ltpg_exp, ltpg_frac;

    /* Compute residual energy */
    s = L_mac((Word32) 0, res[0], res[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_subfr; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, res[i], res[i]);

    /* ResEn := 0 if ResEn < 200.0 (= 400 Q1) */
    if (L_sub (s, 400L) < 0)
        frac_en[0] = 0;                      move16 ();
        exp_en[0] = -15;                     move16 ();
        exp = norm_l(s);
        frac_en[0] = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp));   move16 ();
        exp_en[0] = sub(15, exp);                move16 ();
    /* Compute ltp excitation energy */
    s = L_mac((Word32) 0, exc[0], exc[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_subfr; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, exc[i], exc[i]);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    frac_en[1] = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp));   move16 ();
    exp_en[1] = sub(15, exp);                move16 ();

    /* Compute scalar product <exc[],code[]> */
    s = L_mac((Word32) 0, exc[0], code[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < L_subfr; i++)
        s = L_mac(s, exc[i], code[i]);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    frac_en[2] = extract_h(L_shl(s, exp));   move16 ();
    exp_en[2] = sub(16-14, exp);             move16 ();

    /* Compute energy of LTP residual */
    s = 0L;                                  move32 ();
    for (i = 0; i < L_subfr; i++)
        L_temp = L_mult(exc[i], gain_pit);
        L_temp = L_shl(L_temp, 1);
        tmp = sub(res[i], round(L_temp));           /* LTP residual, Q0 */
        s = L_mac (s, tmp, tmp);

    exp = norm_l(s);
    ltp_res_en = extract_h (L_shl (s, exp));
    exp = sub (15, exp);

    frac_en[3] = ltp_res_en;                 move16 ();
    exp_en[3] = exp;                         move16 ();
    /* calculate LTP coding gain, i.e. energy reduction LP res -> LTP res */
    test (); test ();
    if (ltp_res_en > 0 && frac_en[0] != 0)
        /* gain = ResEn / LTPResEn */
        pred_gain = div_s (shr (frac_en[0], 1), ltp_res_en);
        exp = sub (exp, exp_en[0]);

        /* L_temp = ltpGain * 2^(30 + exp) */
        L_temp = L_deposit_h (pred_gain);
        /* L_temp = ltpGain * 2^27 */
        L_temp = L_shr (L_temp, add (exp, 3));

        /* Log2 = log2() + 27 */
        Log2(L_temp, &ltpg_exp, &ltpg_frac);

        /* ltpg = log2(LtpGain) * 2^13 --> range: +- 4 = +- 12 dB */
        L_temp = L_Comp (sub (ltpg_exp, 27), ltpg_frac);
        *ltpg = round (L_shl (L_temp, 13)); /* Q13 */
        *ltpg = 0;                           move16 ();
Beispiel #29
 * procedure Calc_exc_rand                                   *
 *           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                   *
 *   Computes comfort noise excitation                       *
 *   for SID and not-transmitted frames                      *
void Calc_exc_rand(
  Word32 L_exc_err[4],
  Word16 cur_gain,      /* (i)   :   target sample gain                 */
  Word16 *exc,          /* (i/o) :   excitation array                   */
  Word16 *seed,         /* (i)   :   current Vad decision               */
  Flag flag_cod         /* (i)   :   encoder/decoder flag               */
  Word16 i, j, i_subfr;
  Word16 temp1, temp2;
  Word16 pos[4];
  Word16 sign[4];
  Word16 t0, frac;
  Word16 *cur_exc;
  Word16 g, Gp, Gp2;
  Word16 excg[L_SUBFR], excs[L_SUBFR];
  Word32 L_acc, L_ener, L_k;
  Word16 max, hi, lo, inter_exc;
  Word16 sh;
  Word16 x1, x2;
  if(cur_gain == 0) {

    for(i=0; i<L_FRAME; i++) {
      exc[i] = 0;
    Gp = 0;
    t0 = add(L_SUBFR,1);
    for (i_subfr = 0;  i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR) {
      if(flag_cod != FLAG_DEC) update_exc_err(L_exc_err, Gp, t0);


  /* Loop on subframes */
  cur_exc = exc;
  for (i_subfr = 0;  i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR) {

    /* generate random adaptive codebook & fixed codebook parameters */
    temp1 = Random(seed);
    frac = sub((temp1 & (Word16)0x0003), 1);
    if(sub(frac, 2) == 0) frac = 0;
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 2);
    t0 = add((temp1 & (Word16)0x003F), 40);
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 6);
    temp2 = temp1 & (Word16)0x0007;
    pos[0] = add(shl(temp2, 2), temp2); /* 5 * temp2 */
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 3);
    sign[0] = temp1 & (Word16)0x0001;
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 1);
    temp2 = temp1 & (Word16)0x0007;
    temp2 = add(shl(temp2, 2), temp2);
    pos[1] = add(temp2, 1);     /* 5 * x + 1 */
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 3);
    sign[1] = temp1 & (Word16)0x0001;
    temp1 = Random(seed);
    temp2 = temp1 & (Word16)0x0007;
    temp2 = add(shl(temp2, 2), temp2);
    pos[2] = add(temp2, 2);     /* 5 * x + 2 */
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 3);
    sign[2] = temp1 & (Word16)0x0001;
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 1);
    temp2 = temp1 & (Word16)0x000F;
    pos[3] = add((temp2 & (Word16)1), 3); /* j+3*/
    temp2 = (shr(temp2, 1)) & (Word16)7;
    temp2 = add(shl(temp2, 2), temp2); /* 5i */
    pos[3] = add(pos[3], temp2);
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 4);
    sign[3] = temp1 & (Word16)0x0001;
    Gp = Random(seed) & (Word16)0x1FFF; /* < 0.5 Q14 */
    Gp2 = shl(Gp, 1);           /* Q15 */

    /* Generate gaussian excitation */
    L_acc = 0L;
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
      temp1 = Gauss(seed);
      L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, temp1, temp1);
      excg[i] = temp1;

    Compute fact = alpha x cur_gain * sqrt(L_SUBFR / Eg)
    with Eg = SUM(i=0->39) excg[i]^2
    and alpha = 0.5
    alpha x sqrt(L_SUBFR)/2 = 1 + FRAC1
    L_acc = Inv_sqrt(L_shr(L_acc,1));  /* Q30 */
    L_Extract(L_acc, &hi, &lo);
    /* cur_gain = cur_gainR << 3 */
    temp1 = mult_r(cur_gain, FRAC1);
    temp1 = add(cur_gain, temp1);
    /* <=> alpha x cur_gainR x 2^2 x sqrt(L_SUBFR) */

    L_acc = Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, temp1);   /* fact << 17 */
    sh = norm_l(L_acc);
    temp1 = extract_h(L_shl(L_acc, sh));  /* fact << (sh+1) */

    sh = sub(sh, 14);
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
      temp2 = mult_r(excg[i], temp1);
      temp2 = shr_r(temp2, sh);   /* shl if sh < 0 */
      excg[i] = temp2;

    /* generate random  adaptive excitation */
    Pred_lt_3(cur_exc, t0, frac, L_SUBFR);

    /* compute adaptive + gaussian exc -> cur_exc */
    max = 0;
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
      temp1 = mult_r(cur_exc[i], Gp2);
      temp1 = add(temp1, excg[i]); /* may overflow */
      cur_exc[i] = temp1;
      temp1 = abs_s(temp1);
      if(sub(temp1,max) > 0) max = temp1;

    /* rescale cur_exc -> excs */
    if(max == 0) sh = 0;
    else {
      sh = sub(3, norm_s(max));
      if(sh <= 0) sh = 0;
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
      excs[i] = shr(cur_exc[i], sh);

    /* Compute fixed code gain */

    /*** Solve EQ(X) = 4 X**2 + 2 b X + c                     */

    L_ener = 0L;
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
      L_ener = L_mac(L_ener, excs[i], excs[i]);
    } /* ener x 2^(-2sh + 1) */

    /* inter_exc = b >> sh */
    inter_exc = 0;
    for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
      j = pos[i];
      if(sign[i] == 0) {
        inter_exc = sub(inter_exc, excs[j]);
      else {
        inter_exc = add(inter_exc, excs[j]);

    /* Compute k = cur_gainR x cur_gainR x L_SUBFR */
    L_acc = L_mult(cur_gain, L_SUBFR);
    L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, 6);
    temp1 = extract_l(L_acc);   /* cur_gainR x L_SUBFR x 2^(-2) */
    L_k   = L_mult(cur_gain, temp1); /* k << 2 */
    temp1 = add(1, shl(sh,1));
    L_acc = L_shr(L_k, temp1);  /* k x 2^(-2sh+1) */

    /* Compute delta = b^2 - 4 c */
    L_acc = L_sub(L_acc, L_ener); /* - 4 c x 2^(-2sh-1) */
    inter_exc = shr(inter_exc, 1);
    L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, inter_exc, inter_exc); /* 2^(-2sh-1) */
    sh = add(sh, 1);
    /* inter_exc = b x 2^(-sh) */
    /* L_acc = delta x 2^(-2sh+1) */

    if(L_acc < 0) {

      /* adaptive excitation = 0 */
      Copy(excg, cur_exc, L_SUBFR);
      temp1 = abs_s(excg[(int)pos[0]]) | abs_s(excg[(int)pos[1]]);
      temp2 = abs_s(excg[(int)pos[2]]) | abs_s(excg[(int)pos[3]]);
      temp1 = temp1 | temp2;
      sh = ((temp1 & (Word16)0x4000) == 0) ? (Word16)1 : (Word16)2;
      inter_exc = 0;
      for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
        temp1 = shr(excg[(int)pos[i]], sh);
        if(sign[i] == 0) {
          inter_exc = sub(inter_exc, temp1);
        else {
          inter_exc = add(inter_exc, temp1);
      } /* inter_exc = b >> sh */
      L_Extract(L_k, &hi, &lo);
      L_acc = Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, K0); /* k x (1- alpha^2) << 2 */
      temp1 = sub(shl(sh, 1), 1); /* temp1 > 0 */
      L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, temp1); /* 4k x (1 - alpha^2) << (-2sh+1) */
      L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, inter_exc, inter_exc); /* delta << (-2sh+1) */
      Gp = 0;

    temp2 = Sqrt(L_acc);        /* >> sh */
    x1 = sub(temp2, inter_exc);
    x2 = negate(add(inter_exc, temp2)); /* x 2^(-sh+2) */
    if(sub(abs_s(x2),abs_s(x1)) < 0) x1 = x2;
    temp1 = sub(2, sh);
    g = shr_r(x1, temp1);       /* shl if temp1 < 0 */
    if(g >= 0) {
      if(sub(g, G_MAX) > 0) g = G_MAX;
    else {
      if(add(g, G_MAX) < 0) g = negate(G_MAX);

    /* Update cur_exc with ACELP excitation */
    for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
      j = pos[i];
      if(sign[i] != 0) {
        cur_exc[j] = add(cur_exc[j], g);
      else {
        cur_exc[j] = sub(cur_exc[j], g);

    if(flag_cod != FLAG_DEC) update_exc_err(L_exc_err, Gp, t0);

    cur_exc += L_SUBFR;

  } /* end of loop on subframes */
Beispiel #30
void Decod_ld8a(
  Word16  parm[],      /* (i)   : vector of synthesis parameters
                                  parm[0] = bad frame indicator (bfi)  */
  Word16  synth[],     /* (o)   : synthesis speech                     */
  Word16  A_t[],       /* (o)   : decoded LP filter in 2 subframes     */
  Word16  *T2,         /* (o)   : decoded pitch lag in 2 subframes     */
  Word16  *Vad         /* (o)   : frame type                           */
  Word16  *Az;                  /* Pointer on A_t   */
  Word16  lsp_new[M];           /* LSPs             */
  Word16  code[L_SUBFR];        /* ACELP codevector */

  /* Scalars */

  Word16  i, j, i_subfr;
  Word16  T0, T0_frac, index;
  Word16  bfi;
  Word32  L_temp;

  Word16 bad_pitch;             /* bad pitch indicator */
  extern Word16 bad_lsf;        /* bad LSF indicator   */

  /* for G.729B */
  Word16 ftyp;
  Word16 lsfq_mem[MA_NP][M];

  /* Test bad frame indicator (bfi) */

  bfi = *parm++;
  /* for G.729B */
  ftyp = *parm;

  if(bfi == 1) {
    if(past_ftyp == 1) {
      ftyp = 1;
      parm[4] = 1;    /* G.729 maintenance */
    else ftyp = 0;
    *parm = ftyp;  /* modification introduced in version V1.3 */
  *Vad = ftyp;

  /* Processing non active frames (SID & not transmitted) */
  if(ftyp != 1) {
    Dec_cng(past_ftyp, sid_sav, sh_sid_sav, parm, exc, lsp_old,
            A_t, &seed, lsfq_mem);

    Az = A_t;
    for (i_subfr = 0; i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR) {
      Overflow = 0;
      Syn_filt(Az, &exc[i_subfr], &synth[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, mem_syn, 0);
      if(Overflow != 0) {
        /* In case of overflow in the synthesis          */
        /* -> Scale down vector exc[] and redo synthesis */
        for(i=0; i<PIT_MAX+L_INTERPOL+L_FRAME; i++)
          old_exc[i] = shr(old_exc[i], 2);
        Syn_filt(Az, &exc[i_subfr], &synth[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, mem_syn, 1);
        Copy(&synth[i_subfr+L_SUBFR-M], mem_syn, M);
      Az += MP1;

      *T2++ = old_T0;
    sharp = SHARPMIN;
  /* Processing active frame */
  else {
    seed = INIT_SEED;

    /* Decode the LSPs */
    D_lsp(parm, lsp_new, add(bfi, bad_lsf));
    parm += 2;
       Note: "bad_lsf" is introduce in case the standard is used with
       channel protection.
    /* Interpolation of LPC for the 2 subframes */
    Int_qlpc(lsp_old, lsp_new, A_t);
    /* update the LSFs for the next frame */
    Copy(lsp_new, lsp_old, M);
     *          Loop for every subframe in the analysis frame                 *
     * The subframe size is L_SUBFR and the loop is repeated L_FRAME/L_SUBFR  *
     *  times                                                                 *
     *     - decode the pitch delay                                           *
     *     - decode algebraic code                                            *
     *     - decode pitch and codebook gains                                  *
     *     - find the excitation and compute synthesis speech                 *
    Az = A_t;            /* pointer to interpolated LPC parameters */
    for (i_subfr = 0; i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR)

        index = *parm++;        /* pitch index */

        if(i_subfr == 0)
            i = *parm++;        /* get parity check result */
            bad_pitch = add(bfi, i);
            if( bad_pitch == 0)
                Dec_lag3(index, PIT_MIN, PIT_MAX, i_subfr, &T0, &T0_frac);
                old_T0 = T0;
            else                /* Bad frame, or parity error */
                T0  =  old_T0;
                T0_frac = 0;
                old_T0 = add( old_T0, 1);
                if( sub(old_T0, PIT_MAX) > 0) {
                  old_T0 = PIT_MAX;
        else                    /* second subframe */
            if( bfi == 0)
                Dec_lag3(index, PIT_MIN, PIT_MAX, i_subfr, &T0, &T0_frac);
                old_T0 = T0;
                T0  =  old_T0;
                T0_frac = 0;
                old_T0 = add( old_T0, 1);
                if( sub(old_T0, PIT_MAX) > 0) {
                  old_T0 = PIT_MAX;
        *T2++ = T0;

         * - Find the adaptive codebook vector.            *

        Pred_lt_3(&exc[i_subfr], T0, T0_frac, L_SUBFR);

         * - Decode innovative codebook.                         *
         * - Add the fixed-gain pitch contribution to code[].    *

        if(bfi != 0)            /* Bad frame */

            parm[0] = Random(&seed_fer) & (Word16)0x1fff; /* 13 bits random */
            parm[1] = Random(&seed_fer) & (Word16)0x000f; /*  4 bits random */

        Decod_ACELP(parm[1], parm[0], code);
        parm +=2;

        j = shl(sharp, 1);      /* From Q14 to Q15 */
        if(sub(T0, L_SUBFR) <0 ) {
          for (i = T0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
            code[i] = add(code[i], mult(code[i-T0], j));

         * - Decode pitch and codebook gains.              *

        index = *parm++;        /* index of energy VQ */

        Dec_gain(index, code, L_SUBFR, bfi, &gain_pitch, &gain_code);

         * - Update pitch sharpening "sharp" with quantized gain_pitch *

        sharp = gain_pitch;
        if (sub(sharp, SHARPMAX) > 0) { sharp = SHARPMAX;  }
        if (sub(sharp, SHARPMIN) < 0) { sharp = SHARPMIN;  }

         * - Find the total excitation.                          *
         * - Find synthesis speech corresponding to exc[].       *

        for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR;  i++)
            /* exc[i] = gain_pitch*exc[i] + gain_code*code[i]; */
            /* exc[i]  in Q0   gain_pitch in Q14               */
            /* code[i] in Q13  gain_codeode in Q1              */
            L_temp = L_mult(exc[i+i_subfr], gain_pitch);
            L_temp = L_mac(L_temp, code[i], gain_code);
            L_temp = L_shl(L_temp, 1);
            exc[i+i_subfr] = round(L_temp);
        Overflow = 0;
        Syn_filt(Az, &exc[i_subfr], &synth[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, mem_syn, 0);
        if(Overflow != 0)
            /* In case of overflow in the synthesis          */
            /* -> Scale down vector exc[] and redo synthesis */

            for(i=0; i<PIT_MAX+L_INTERPOL+L_FRAME; i++)
              old_exc[i] = shr(old_exc[i], 2);

            Syn_filt(Az, &exc[i_subfr], &synth[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, mem_syn, 1);
          Copy(&synth[i_subfr+L_SUBFR-M], mem_syn, M);

        Az += MP1;              /* interpolated LPC parameters for next subframe */
   *  For G729b
  if(bfi == 0) {
    L_temp = 0L;
    for(i=0; i<L_FRAME; i++) {
      L_temp = L_mac(L_temp, exc[i], exc[i]);
    } /* may overflow => last level of SID quantizer */
    sh_sid_sav = norm_l(L_temp);
    sid_sav = round(L_shl(L_temp, sh_sid_sav));
    sh_sid_sav = sub(16, sh_sid_sav);

  * Update signal for next frame.                    *
  * -> shift to the left by L_FRAME  exc[]           *

  Copy(&old_exc[L_FRAME], &old_exc[0], PIT_MAX+L_INTERPOL);

  /* for G729b */
  past_ftyp = ftyp;
