Beispiel #1
// This puts the special HopFuncs into the MsgDigest. Furthermore, the
// Erefs to which they point are the originating Eref instance on the
// remote node. This Eref will then invoke its own send call to complete
// the message transfer.
void Element::putOffNodeTargetsInDigest(
		unsigned int srcNum, vector< vector< bool > >& targetNodes )
// targetNodes[srcDataId][node]
	if ( msgBinding_[ srcNum ].size() == 0 )
	const MsgFuncBinding& mfb = msgBinding_[ srcNum ][0];
	const Msg* msg = Msg::getMsg( mfb.mid );
	const OpFunc* func;
	if ( msg->e1() == this ) {
		func = msg->e2()->cinfo()->getOpFunc( mfb.fid );
	} else {
		func = msg->e1()->cinfo()->getOpFunc( mfb.fid );
	assert( func );
	// How do I eventually destroy these?
	const OpFunc* hop = func->makeHopFunc( srcNum );
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numData(); ++i ) {
		vector< Eref > tgts;
		for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < Shell::numNodes(); ++j ) {
			if ( targetNodes[i][j] )
				tgts.push_back( Eref( this, i, j ) );
			// This is a hack. I encode the target node # in the FieldIndex
			// and the originating Eref in the remainder of the Eref.
			// The HopFunc has to extract both these things to push into
			// the correct SendBuffer.
		if ( tgts.size() > 0 ) {
			vector< MsgDigest >& md = 
				msgDigest_[ msgBinding_.size() * i + srcNum ];
			md.push_back( MsgDigest( hop, tgts ) );
unsigned int LocalDataElement::getNumOnNode( unsigned int node ) const
	unsigned int lastUsedNode = numData_ / numPerNode_;
	if ( lastUsedNode > node )
		return numPerNode_;
	if ( lastUsedNode == node )
		return numData() - node * numPerNode_;
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
void Element::digestMessages()
	bool report = 0; // for debugging
	msgDigest_.resize( msgBinding_.size() * numData() );
	vector< bool > temp( Shell::numNodes(), false );
 	vector< vector< bool > > targetNodes( numData(), temp );
	// targetNodes[srcDataId][node]. The idea is that if any dataEntry has
	// a target off-node, it should flag the entry here so that it can
	// send the message request to the proxy on that node.
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < msgBinding_.size(); ++i ) {
		// Go through and identify functions with the same ptr.
		vector< FuncOrder > fo = putFuncsInOrder( this, msgBinding_[i] );
		for ( vector< FuncOrder >::const_iterator 
						k = fo.begin(); k != fo.end(); ++k ) {
			const MsgFuncBinding& mfb = msgBinding_[i][ k->index() ];
			putTargetsInDigest( i, mfb, *k, targetNodes );
		if ( Shell::numNodes() > 1 ) {
			if ( report ) {
				unsigned int numPre = findNumDigest( msgDigest_, 
								msgBinding_.size(), numData(), i );
				putOffNodeTargetsInDigest( i, targetNodes );
				unsigned int numPost = findNumDigest( msgDigest_, 
								msgBinding_.size(), numData(), i );
				cout << "\nfor Element " << name_;
				cout << ", Func: " << i << ", numFunc = " << fo.size() <<
					   ", numPre= " << numPre << 
					   ", numPost= " << numPost << endl;
				for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < numData(); ++j ) {
					cout << endl << j << "	";
					for ( unsigned int node = 0; node < Shell::numNodes(); ++node) {
						cout << (int)targetNodes[j][node];
				cout << endl;
			} else {
				putOffNodeTargetsInDigest( i, targetNodes );
Beispiel #4
void Element::printMsgDigest( unsigned int srcIndex, unsigned int dataId ) const
	unsigned int numSrcMsgs = msgBinding_.size();
	unsigned int start = 0;
	unsigned int end = numData();
	if ( dataId < numData() ) {
		start = dataId;
		end = dataId + 1;
	for (unsigned int i = start; i < end; ++i ) {
		cout << i << ":	";
		const vector< MsgDigest> & md = 
				msgDigest_[numSrcMsgs * i + srcIndex];
		for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < md.size(); ++j ) {
			cout << j << ":	";
			for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < md[j].targets.size(); ++k ) {
				cout << "	" <<
					md[j].targets[k].dataIndex() << "," <<
		cout << endl;