Beispiel #1
int numberOfElements(Tree * current){
    return 0;

  return (1 +numberOfElements(current->left) + numberOfElements(current->right));
BOOL MyContainer::setupItems()
 pCnrRecord  pcn;
 HPOINTER    hptr;

 if (isEmpty())

 hptr = WinLoadPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, 0, SAMPLE_MAIN);

 pcn = allocRecords(numberOfElements());

   ULONG         counter = 1;
   pCnrRecord    pcnFirst = pcn;
   pMyRecord     record = getFirst();

     record->Position = counter;
     pcn->recordCore.cb = sizeof(RECORDCORE);
     pcn->recordCore.pszText = record->Name;
     pcn->recordCore.pszIcon = record->Name;
     pcn->recordCore.pszName = record->Name;
     pcn->recordCore.hptrIcon = hptr;
     pcn->Name = record->Name;
     pcn->Position = record->Position;
     pcn = (pCnrRecord) pcn->recordCore.preccNextRecord;
     record = getNext();

   memset(&ri, 0, sizeof(RECORDINSERT));
   ri.cb                = sizeof(RECORDINSERT);
   ri.pRecordOrder      = (PRECORDCORE) CMA_END;
   ri.pRecordParent     = (PRECORDCORE) NULL;
   ri.zOrder            = (USHORT) CMA_TOP;
   ri.cRecordsInsert    = numberOfElements();
   ri.fInvalidateRecord = TRUE;

   // insert them in one shot
   if (insertRecord(pcnFirst, &ri))
     WinSendMsg(parent, WM_CNR_STATUS, MPFROMP("Completed."), NULL);
DistanceTransformNonEuclid(vector<double>& D, 
                           const vector<unsigned char>& L, 
                           const vector<int>& leadingNbh,
                           const vector<int>& trailingNbh,
                           const vector<double>& leadingWgt,
                           const vector<double>& trailingWgt,
                           int ndim, 
                           const int* dims) {

  int i,j;
  int nvoxels=numberOfElements(ndim,dims);

  //construct a subscript representation of the neighborhood
  //for efficient boundary check
  vector<int> vcoordsL;
  for(i=0; i<leadingNbh.size(); ++i) {
    vector<int> vsub = Ind2SubCentered(leadingNbh[i],ndim,dims);
  vector<int> vcoordsT;
  for(i=0; i<leadingNbh.size(); ++i) {
    vector<int> vsub = Ind2SubCentered(trailingNbh[i],ndim,dims);

  //first pass - from upper left to lower right
  for(i=0; i<nvoxels; ++i) {
    double v1=GetData(D,i,(double)0);
    double minV=INFINITY;
    vector<int> vsub = Ind2Sub(i,ndim,dims);
    for(j=0; j<leadingNbh.size(); ++j) {
      if(NeighborCheck(vsub.begin(),vcoordsL.begin()+j*ndim,ndim,dims)) {
        int k=i+leadingNbh[j];
        double v2=D[k]; //trust BoundaryCheck - no array boundary check here

  //second pass - from lower right to upper left
  for(i=nvoxels-1; i>=0; --i) {
    double v1=GetData(D,i,(double)0);
    double minV=INFINITY;
    vector<int> vsub = Ind2Sub(i,ndim,dims);
    for(j=0; j<trailingNbh.size(); ++j) {
      if(NeighborCheck(vsub.begin(),vcoordsT.begin()+j*ndim,ndim,dims)) {
        int k=i+trailingNbh[j];
        double v2=D[k]; //trust BoundaryCheck - no array boundary check here
DistanceTransformF(vector<float>& Df, 
                  const vector<unsigned char>& L, 
                  int mode,
                  int ndim, 
                  const int* dims) {
  int i;
  int nvoxels=numberOfElements(ndim,dims);
  vector<double> D(nvoxels);
  for(i=0; i<nvoxels; ++i) {
    if(GetData(L,i,(unsigned char)0)) {
    else {

  vector<int> leadingNbh=MakeCausalNeighborhood(ndim,dims);
  vector<int> trailingNbh=MakeAntiCausalNeighborhood(ndim,dims);;
  vector<double> leadingWgt;
  vector<double> trailingWgt;

  switch(mode) {
  case DistanceTransformMode_Euclid:
  case DistanceTransformMode_QuasiEuclid:
    leadingWgt = makeQuasiEuclideanDistanceWeight(leadingNbh,ndim,dims);
    trailingWgt = makeQuasiEuclideanDistanceWeight(trailingNbh,ndim,dims);
  case DistanceTransformMode_CityBlockEuclid:
    leadingWgt = makeCityBlockDistanceWeight(leadingNbh,ndim,dims);
    trailingWgt = makeCityBlockDistanceWeight(trailingNbh,ndim,dims);
  case DistanceTransformMode_CheckerBoardEuclid:
    leadingWgt = makeCheckerBoardDistanceWeight(leadingNbh,ndim,dims);
    trailingWgt = makeCheckerBoardDistanceWeight(trailingNbh,ndim,dims);

  for(i=0; i<nvoxels; ++i) {
Beispiel #5
    int doesDOMcontainResults(void)
	if (isDOMpresent())
	    return ((numberOfElements("result-processor") > 0) || (numberOfElements("result-task") > 0) ||
		    (numberOfElements("result-entry") > 0) || (numberOfElements("result-activity") > 0) ||
		    (numberOfElements("result-join-delay") > 0) || (numberOfElements("result-forwarding") > 0) ||
		    (numberOfElements("result-activity-distribution") > 0) || (numberOfElements("result-call") > 0));
Beispiel #6
void UnstructuredTopology::writeMetadata( xdm::XmlMetadataWrapper& xml ) {
  Topology::writeMetadata( xml );

  // Write the number of Elements
  xml.setAttribute( "NumberOfElements", numberOfElements() );

  // Write the Element type
  xml.setAttribute( "ElementType", mElementTopology->name() );

  // Write the nodes per Element
  xml.setAttribute( "NodesPerElement", mElementTopology->numberOfNodes() );
Beispiel #7
WOPR_battle( int argc, char **argv )
    game *aGame;
    FILE *scenario;

    aGame = WOPR_createGame(  );
    if ( !aGame ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Can't allocate a game structure\n" );
        return FALSE;
    scenario = fopen( argv[1], "r" );
    if ( !scenario ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Can't open the scenario file %s\n", argv[1] );
        return FALSE;

    if ( WOPR_parse_scenario( scenario, aGame ) ) {
        player *aPlayer;

        /* All data is read, precompute some date */
        raceStatus( aGame );
        preComputeGroupData( aGame );

        /* and do battle */
        fightphase( aGame, GF_INBATTLE2 );

        /* remove empty groups */
        joinphase( aGame );

        /* Dump some of the result data */
        for ( aPlayer = aGame->players; aPlayer; aPlayer = aPlayer->next ) {
            aPlayer->pswdstate = 1;
            printf( "%s %d  \n", aPlayer->name,
                    numberOfElements( aPlayer->groups ) );

            /* Only works if you have the correct directories setup in $HOME/Games */
            /* galaxynghome = strdup("/home/chris"); */
            saveTurnReport( aGame, aPlayer, 0 );

        fclose( scenario );
    } else {
        fprintf( stderr, "Parse error in file %s\n", argv[1] );
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #8
void printLastElements(FILE*g,int x)
    int k=0;
    //n gives the number of elements in the list which are not to be printed
    int n=numberOfElements()-x;
    //currentNode is a pointer to the current node
    NODE *currentNode;
    //the list is traversed up to the node starting from which the elements will be printed
    while (k<n)
    //the last x elements are being printed
    while (currentNode!=NULL)
        fprintf(g,"%d ",currentNode->data);
void Benchmark::test(const int algorithm, vector<deque<int>> &out, int n, int m)
	out.clear(); out.resize(queries.size());
	size_t memoryUsed;
	int preparingTime;
	vector<int> searchingTimes(numberOfTestingCycles);
	ms start, end;

	string algorithmName = "Unkown";
	switch (algorithm)
	case 0:
			  algorithmName = "MinHash (UM)";
			  start = getTime();
			  memoryUsed = getCurrentMemoryUsed();
			  MinHashUM index(text, n, m);
			  memoryUsed = getCurrentMemoryUsed() - memoryUsed;
			  end = getTime();
			  preparingTime = (end - start).count();
			  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTestingCycles; i++)
				  out.clear(); out.resize(queries.size());
				  start = getTime();
				  index.query(queries, out);
				  end = getTime();
				  searchingTimes[i] = (end - start).count();
	case 1:
			  algorithmName = "MinHash (VP)";
			  start = getTime();
			  memoryUsed = getCurrentMemoryUsed();
			  MinHashVP index(text, n, m);
			  memoryUsed = getCurrentMemoryUsed() - memoryUsed;
			  end = getTime();
			  preparingTime = (end - start).count();
			  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTestingCycles; i++)
				  out.clear(); out.resize(queries.size());
				  start = getTime();
				  index.query(queries, out);
				  end = getTime();
				  searchingTimes[i] = (end - start).count();
	case 2:
			  algorithmName = "HashTable";
			  start = getTime();
			  memoryUsed = getCurrentMemoryUsed();
			  HashTable index(text);
			  memoryUsed = getCurrentMemoryUsed() - memoryUsed;
			  end = getTime();
			  preparingTime = (end - start).count();
			  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTestingCycles; i++)
				  out.clear(); out.resize(queries.size());
				  start = getTime();
				  index.query(queries, out);
				  end = getTime();
				  searchingTimes[i] = (end - start).count();
	case 3:
			  algorithmName = "FMIndex";
			  start = getTime();
			  memoryUsed = getCurrentMemoryUsed();
			  FMIndex index(text);
			  memoryUsed = getCurrentMemoryUsed() - memoryUsed;
			  end = getTime();
			  preparingTime = (end - start).count();
			  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTestingCycles; i++)
				  out.clear(); out.resize(queries.size());
				  start = getTime();
				  index.query(queries, out);
				  end = getTime();
				  searchingTimes[i] = (end - start).count();
		cout << "Unkown algorithm." << endl;
	printTestResults(algorithmName, pair<int, int>(n, m),
		vector<int>({ numberOfElements(out),
		(int)(memoryUsed / 1024 / 1024),
		averageValue(searchingTimes) })

DistanceTransformEuclid(vector<double>& D, 
                        const vector<unsigned char>& L, 
                        int ndim, 
                        const int* dims) 
	int i,n;

	for(i=0; i<D.size(); ++i) 

	int nvoxels=numberOfElements(ndim,dims);
	int stride=1;
	vector<int> vsub(ndim); //subscript buffer
	for(n=0; n<ndim; ++n) 
		vector<double> buffer(dims[n]);
		int offset=0;
		for(int m=0; m<nvoxels/dims[n]; m++) 
			//compute the offset
			int m2=m;
			int k;
			for(k=0; k<ndim; ++k) 
					vsub[k]=m2 % dims[k];
			int offset=0;
			int stride2=1;
			for(k=0; k<ndim; ++k) 

			//copy relevant line of data
			for(k=0; k<dims[n]; ++k)

			//do the computation
			vector<double> dst = dt_Felzenszwalb(buffer,dims[n]);

			//update the distance
			for(k=0; k<dims[n]; ++k)

	//take the square root of the distance square
	for(n=0; n<D.size(); ++n)
		D[n]=sqrt(D[n]); //no array limit checking...
LocalMinimum(vector<unsigned char>& M, 
			 const vector<Item>& V, 
			 const vector<unsigned char>& L,
			 const vector<int>& nbh,
			 bool strict,
			 int ndim,
			 const int* dims) 
	int nvoxels = numberOfElements(ndim,dims);
	if(M.size()<nvoxels || V.size()<nvoxels || L.size()<nvoxels) 
		//mexPrintf("An input image does not contain enough data.\n");

	int i;
	//construct a subscript representation of the neighborhood
	//for efficient boundary check
	vector<int> vcoords;
	for(i=0; i<nbh.size(); ++i) 
		vector<int> vsub = Ind2SubCentered(nbh[i],ndim,dims);

	for(i=0; i<nvoxels; ++i) 
		unsigned char lb=L[i];
			continue; //not inside ROI
		bool bLM=true;
		bool b0;
		Item origV=V[i];

		vector<int> vsub = Ind2Sub(i,ndim,dims);
		for(int j=0; j<nbh.size(); ++j)
				int k=i+nbh[j];
					bool b;
					Item v2=V[k];
					if(strict) {// strictly maximum

			SetData(M,i,(unsigned char) 1);
			SetData(M,i,(unsigned char) 0);
Beispiel #12
battle         *
isBattle(player *players, planet *p)
  player         *side;
  participant    *participants;
  battle         *aBattle;

  pdebug(DFULL, "isBattle\n");

  participants = NULL;
  aBattle = NULL;

  for (side = players; side; side = side->next) {
    group          *aGroup;

    for (aGroup = side->groups; aGroup; aGroup = aGroup->next) {
      if (aGroup->location == p) {
        participant    *aParticipant;
        aParticipant = allocStruct(participant);

        assert(aParticipant != NULL);
        aParticipant->who = side;
        aParticipant->groups = NULL;
        addList(&participants, aParticipant);

  if (numberOfElements(participants) >= 2) {
    participant    *aParticipant;

    for (aParticipant = participants;
         aParticipant; aParticipant = aParticipant->next) {
      group          *aGroup;

      for (aGroup = aParticipant->who->groups;
           aGroup; aGroup = aGroup->next) {
        if (aGroup->location == p) {
          group          *newGroup;
          newGroup = allocStruct(group);

          assert(newGroup != NULL);
          *newGroup = *aGroup;
          assert(newGroup->ships == aGroup->ships);
          newGroup->left = aGroup->ships;
	  newGroup->next = NULL;
	  newGroup->name = (char*)malloc(8);
	  sprintf(newGroup->name, "%d", newGroup->number);
          addList(&(aParticipant->groups), newGroup);

    if (mustBattle(participants)) {
      participant    *aParticipant;

      aBattle = allocStruct(battle);

      assert(aBattle != NULL);
      aBattle->participants = participants;
      aBattle->where = p;
      aBattle->protocol = allocProtocol();
      for (aParticipant = participants;
           aParticipant; aParticipant = aParticipant->next) {
        group          *aGroup;

        for (aGroup = aParticipant->groups; aGroup; aGroup = aGroup->next) {
          aGroup->canshoot = alloc(sizeof(int) * (aGroup->ships));
          aGroup->alive = alloc(sizeof(int) * (aGroup->ships));
  if (aBattle == NULL) {
    participant    *r, *r2;

    pdebug(DFULL2, "isBattle : freeing  participants.\n");
    r = participants;
    while (r) {
      r2 = r->next;
      r = r2;
  return aBattle;
int main()
    // Part One:

    // FIXME: Declare variables
    // Declare two variables: an integer named "age", and a string named "name" with corresponding values (your name and age)
    int age = 19;
    char name[] = "Stan";

    // FIXME: Print
    // Print the following sentence in the console "You are NAME and you are AGE years old !". Don't forget to add a newline at the end
    printf("You are %s and you are %d years old !\n", name, age);

    // FiXME: Concatenation
    // Create a new string variable called "hello" which value is "Hello ". Add "name" at the end of "hello" (Concatenation) then print it
    char hello[] = "Hello ";
    strcat(hello, name);
    printf("%s\n", hello);

    // FIXME: Array
    // create a new string array called "shoppingList", with three elements of your choice. Create an int variable containing the number of
    // elements in "shoppingList" (using a function of the array/using the array)
    char *shoppingList[3] = {"milk", "a Chevy Camaro", "a life"};
    const int nbOfElements = numberOfElements(shoppingList);

    // FIXME: For-loop - Integer
    // Create a simple for-loop for an integer "i" going from 1 to 10 that print the value of "i"
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        printf("%d ", i);

    // FIXME: For-loop - shoppingList
    // Create a for loop that iterate through "shoppingList" and prints each element with "You have to buy (elemt)".
    for (int j = 0; j <nbOfElements; j++)
        printf("You have to buy %s\n", shoppingList[j]);

    // FIXME: Foreach-loop
    // Do the same with a foreach-loop.
    // The C programming language doesn't have a foreach, but you can look for macros if you are
    // curious.

    // FIXME: If-statement
    // Modify the first for-loop (with i from 1 to 10) such that it prints "(value of i) is even" when "i" is divisible
    // by 2 (You may want to learn more about "modulo" (%)). Else, print "(value of i) is odd".
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        if (i % 2)
            printf("%d is odd\n", i);
            printf("%d is even\n", i);

    // FIXME: Sum Up
    // Create a string variable called "element" with the value of your choice. Then create a for-loop/foreach-loop that checks if "shoppingList"
    // contains "element". If yes, print "You have to buy (value of element) !", and stop the loop (search how to stop a loop).
    // If not, print "Nope, you don't need (value of "element")".
    char element[] = "a life";
    for (int k = 0; k < nbOfElements; k++)
        if (strcmp(element, shoppingList[k]) == 0)
            printf("You have to buy %s !\n", shoppingList[k]);
            printf("Nope, you don't need %s !\n", shoppingList[k]);

    // Part Two:

    // FIXME: Functions - Ascii
    // Create a function that returns nothing and which doesn't takes any parameter. It should just be named "TriForce"
    // and print the TriForce symbol (one triangle over two other ones, can be found on internet) with "TRIFORCE"
    // Don't forget to call the function !
    TriForce(); //Calling the functions in main()

    // FIXME: Functions - One parameter
    // Create a function that takes a string as parameter and returns "Hello (value of string) !"
    printf("%s", Hello("Stan"));

    // FIXME: Functions - Multiple parameters
    // Create a function that takes two integers as parameters and returns the addition of these two.
    // You can do the same with multiplication, subtraction and division.
    printf("%d\n", Addition(5, 12));
    printf("%d\n", Subtraction(5, 12));
    printf("%d\n", Multiplication(5, 12));
    printf("%d\n", Division(5, 12)); // returns 0 because "a" and "b" are Integers
    printf("%d\n", Division(10, 2));

    // FIXME: User entry
    // Create a string variable that takes what the user enter in the console as value. Then print "You entered (value of string)"
    char userInput[100]; // 100 will be the max length of the input
    printf("Enter a word:");
    scanf("%s", userInput);
    printf("You entered %s\n", userInput);

    // FIXME: While loop
    // Create a while loop that takes a number and divides it by 2 until it is less than 3
    int number = 52;
    while (number > 3)
        number /= 2; //or number = number / 2;
        printf("%d ", number);

    // FIXME: do-While loop
    // Do the same with a do-while loop
    int number2 = 84;
        number2 = number2 / 2;
        printf("%d ", number2);
    } while (number2 > 3);

    // FIXME: Random generator
    // Create a function that returns a random number
    srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // time used for seeding
    printf("%d\n", rdm());

    // FIXME: Random generator with bounds
    // Create another function that returns a random number between two bounds given as parameters.
    printf("%d\n", rdmBounds(10, 20));

    // FIXME: Multi-dimensionnal array
    // Create a two dimensionnal int array of 3 columns and 3 rows. Use 2 for-loops to add a random number
    // between 1 and 9 in each of the 9 rooms.
    // You may use one of the two previously created function.
    // Then print them such that they appear like this (with [x1, x9] being the 9 random integers):
    // {x1, x2, x3, }
    // {x4, x5, x6, }
    // {x7, x8, x9, }
    int multiArray[3][3];
    for (int l = 0; l < numberOfElements(multiArray); l++)
        for (int m = 0; m < numberOfElements(multiArray[l]); m++)
            multiArray[l][m] = rdmBounds(1, 9);

    for (int n = 0; n < numberOfElements(multiArray); n++)

        for (int o = 0; o < numberOfElements(multiArray[n]); o++)
            printf("%d, ", multiArray[n][o]);


    // FIXME: Switch
    // Create a Switch that takes an integer "a" and return a sentence regarding the value of a
    // (Create 3 statements for 3 specific values and a default one)

    int a = 2;

    case 0:
        printf("a is 0\n");

    case 2:
        printf("a is 2\n");

    case 37:
        printf("Who cares about a anyway ?");

        printf("I don't know what \"a\" is... :'(\n");

    // FIXME: logic Gates
    // Create 7 functions for each logic gates (And (0), Or (1), No (2), Nand (3), Nor (4), Xnor (5), Xor (6)).
    // Each function takes two booleans as parameters and returns the result of the logic gate.
    // (or You can do it with a switch and only one function)

    logic_gates(1, 0, 1);
    logic_gates(1, 1, 1);
    logic_gates(1, 2, 1);

    // FIXME - Reverse
    // Create a function that reverse a string

    reverse("Hello world");
    return 0;
Beispiel #14
  TimerEventHandle TimerQueue::add( TimerFunc f, void* functionArgs, uint32_t milliseconds, su_time_t now ) {
    //self check
    assert( m_length == numberOfElements()) ;
    assert( 0 != m_length || (NULL == m_head && NULL == m_tail) ) ;
    assert( 1 != m_length || (m_head == m_tail)) ;
    assert( m_length < 2 || (m_head != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_head && NULL != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_tail && NULL != m_head)) ;

    su_time_t when = su_time_add(now, milliseconds) ;
    queueEntry_t* entry = new queueEntry_t(this, f, functionArgs, when) ;
    TimerEventHandle handle = entry ;
    assert(handle) ;
    int queueLength ;

    if( entry ) {
#ifndef TEST
      DR_LOG(log_debug) << m_name << ": Adding entry to go off in " << std::dec << milliseconds << "ms" ;
      //std::cout << "Adding entry to go off in " << milliseconds << "ms" << std::endl;

      if( NULL == m_head ) {
        assert( NULL == m_tail ) ;
        m_head = m_tail = entry; 
#ifndef TEST
        DR_LOG(log_debug) << m_name << ": Adding entry to the head (queue was empty), length: " << dec << m_length+1 ;
        //std::cout << "Adding entry to the head of the queue (it was empty)" << std::endl ;
      else if( NULL != m_tail && su_time_cmp( when, m_tail->m_when ) > 0) {
        //one class of timer queues will always be appending entries, so check the tail
        //before starting to iterate through
#ifndef TEST
          DR_LOG(log_debug) << m_name << ": Adding entry to the tail of the queue: length " << dec << m_length+1;
          //std::cout << "Adding entry to the tail of the queue" << std::endl ;
          entry->m_prev = m_tail ;
          m_tail->m_next = entry ;
          m_tail = entry ;
      else { 
        queueEntry_t* ptr = m_head ;
        int idx = 0 ;
        do {
          if( su_time_cmp( when, ptr->m_when ) < 0) {
#ifndef TEST
            DR_LOG(log_debug) << m_name << ": Adding entry at position " << std::dec << idx << " of the queue, length: " << dec << m_length+1 ;
            //std::cout << "Adding entry at position " << idx << " of the queue" << std::endl ;
            entry->m_next = ptr ;
            if( 0 == idx ) {
              m_head = entry ;
            else {
              entry->m_prev = ptr->m_prev ; 
              ptr->m_prev->m_next = entry ;

            ptr->m_prev = entry ;
            break ;
          idx++ ;
        } while( NULL != (ptr = ptr->m_next) ) ;
        assert( NULL != ptr ) ;
        if( NULL == ptr ) {
#ifndef TEST
          DR_LOG(log_debug) << m_name << ": Adding entry to the tail of the queue: length " << dec << m_length+1;
          //std::cout << "Adding entry to the tail of the queue" << std::endl ;
          entry->m_prev = m_tail ;
          m_tail->m_next = entry ;
          m_tail = entry ;
      queueLength = ++m_length ;
    else {
      //DR_LOG(log_error) << "Error allocating queue entry" ;
      //std::cerr << "Error allocating queue entry" << std::endl ;
      return NULL ;

    //only need to set the timer if we added to the front
    if( m_head == entry ) {
      //DR_LOG(log_debug) << "timer add: Setting timer for " << milliseconds  << "ms" ;
      //std::cout << "timer add: Setting timer for " << milliseconds  << "ms" << std::endl;
      int rc = su_timer_set_at(m_timer, timer_function, this, when);
      assert( 0 == rc ) ;

    //DR_LOG(log_debug) << "timer add: queue length is now " << queueLength ;
    //std::cout << "timer add: queue length is now " << queueLength << std::endl;

     //self check
    assert( m_length == numberOfElements()) ;
    assert( 0 != m_length || (NULL == m_head && NULL == m_tail) ) ;
    assert( 1 != m_length || (m_head == m_tail)) ;
    assert( m_length < 2 || (m_head != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_head && NULL != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_tail && NULL != m_head)) ;

    return handle ;

Beispiel #15
  void TimerQueue::doTimer(su_timer_t* timer) {
    //self check
    assert( m_length == numberOfElements()) ;
    assert( 0 != m_length || (NULL == m_head && NULL == m_tail) ) ;
    assert( 1 != m_length || (m_head == m_tail)) ;
    assert( m_length < 2 || (m_head != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_head && NULL != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_tail && NULL != m_head)) ;

#ifndef TEST
    DR_LOG(log_debug) << m_name << ": running timer function" ;
    //std::cout << "doTimer: running timer function with " << m_length << " timers queued " << std::endl;

    if( m_in_timer ) return ;
    m_in_timer = 1 ;

    queueEntry_t* expired = NULL ;
    queueEntry_t* tailExpired = NULL ;

    su_time_t now = su_now() ;
    assert( NULL != m_head ) ;

    queueEntry_t* ptr = m_head ;
    while( ptr && su_time_cmp( ptr->m_when, now ) < 0 ) {
      //std::cout << "expiring a timer" << std::endl ;
      m_length-- ;
      m_head = ptr->m_next ;
      if( m_head ) m_head->m_prev = NULL ;
      else m_tail = NULL ;

      //detach and assemble them into a new queue temporarily
      if( !expired ) {
        expired = tailExpired = ptr ;
        ptr->m_prev = ptr->m_next = NULL ;
      else {
        tailExpired->m_next = ptr ;
        ptr->m_prev = tailExpired ;
        tailExpired = ptr ;
      ptr = ptr->m_next ;

    if( NULL == m_head ) {
#ifndef TEST
      DR_LOG(log_debug) << m_name << ": timer not set (queue is empty after processing expired timers), length: " << dec << m_length ;
      //std::cout << "doTimer: timer not set (queue is empty after processing expired timers)" << std::endl;
      assert( 0 == m_length ) ;
    else {
      //std::cout << "doTimer: Setting timer for " << su_duration( m_head->m_when, su_now() )  << "ms after processing expired timers" << std::endl;
#ifndef TEST
      DR_LOG(log_debug) << m_name << ": Setting timer for " << su_duration( m_head->m_when, su_now() )  << 
        "ms after processing expired timers, length: "  << dec << m_length ;
      int rc = su_timer_set_at(m_timer, timer_function, this, m_head->m_when);      
    m_in_timer = 0 ;

    while( NULL != expired ) {
      expired->m_function( expired->m_functionArgs ) ;
      queueEntry_t* p = expired ;
      expired = expired->m_next ;
      delete p ;

    //self check
    assert( m_length == numberOfElements()) ;
    assert( 0 != m_length || (NULL == m_head && NULL == m_tail) ) ;
    assert( 1 != m_length || (m_head == m_tail)) ;
    assert( m_length < 2 || (m_head != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_head && NULL != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_tail && NULL != m_head)) ;
Beispiel #16
  void TimerQueue::remove( TimerEventHandle entry) {
#ifndef TEST
        DR_LOG(log_debug) << m_name << ": removing entry, prior to removal length: " << dec << m_length;
    //self check
    assert( m_length == numberOfElements()) ;
    assert( 0 != m_length || (NULL == m_head && NULL == m_tail) ) ;
    assert( 1 != m_length || (m_head == m_tail)) ;
    assert( m_length < 2 || (m_head != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_head && NULL != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_tail && NULL != m_head)) ;
    assert( m_head && m_length >= 1 ) ;

    int queueLength ;
      if( m_head == entry ) {
        m_head = entry->m_next ;
        if( m_head ) m_head->m_prev = NULL ;
        else {
          assert( 1 == m_length ) ;
          m_tail = NULL ;
      else if( m_tail == entry ) {
        assert( m_head && entry->m_prev ) ;
        m_tail = entry->m_prev ;
        m_tail->m_next = NULL ;
      else {
        assert( entry->m_prev ) ;
        assert( entry->m_next ) ;
        entry->m_prev->m_next = entry->m_next ;
        entry->m_next->m_prev = entry->m_prev ;
      m_length-- ;
      assert( m_length >= 0 ) ;

      if( NULL == m_head ) {
#ifndef TEST
        DR_LOG(log_debug) << m_name << ": removed entry, timer not set (queue is empty after removal), length: " << dec << m_length;
        //std::cout << "timer not set (queue is empty after removal)"  << std::endl;
        su_timer_reset( m_timer ) ;
      else if( m_head == entry->m_next ) {
#ifndef TEST
        DR_LOG(log_debug) << m_name << ": removed entry, setting timer for " << std::dec << su_duration( m_head->m_when, su_now() )  << 
          "ms after removal, length: " << dec << m_length;
        //std::cout << "Setting timer for " << su_duration( m_head->m_when, su_now() )  << "ms after removal of head entry"  << std::endl;
        int rc = su_timer_set_at(m_timer, timer_function, this, m_head->m_when);

    //DR_LOG(log_debug) << "timer remove: queue length is now " << queueLength ;
    //std::cout << "timer remove: queue length is now " << queueLength << std::endl;

    delete entry ;

    //self check
    assert( m_length == numberOfElements()) ;
    assert( 0 != m_length || (NULL == m_head && NULL == m_tail) ) ;
    assert( 1 != m_length || (m_head == m_tail)) ;
    assert( m_length < 2 || (m_head != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_head && NULL != m_tail)) ;
    assert( !(NULL == m_tail && NULL != m_head)) ;