face ConstCombinatorialEmbedding::chooseFace() const
	if (numberOfFaces() == 0) return nullptr;

	int k = ogdf::randomNumber(0, numberOfFaces()-1);
	face f = firstFace();
	while(k--) f = f->succ();

	return f;
Beispiel #2
void Tetrahedron::getCubatureJacobianHat(
    Math::MatR43 cJHat[Math::Simplex::Tetrahedron<2>::ncp],
    const Math::MatR44 cJ[Math::Simplex::Tetrahedron<2>::ncp],
    const Math::Real cJDet[Math::Simplex::Tetrahedron<2>::ncp]) const {

    // PURPOSE:
    // See chapter 17.3.1 of Filippa's course on Advanced FEM.
    std::size_t ind[3];
    Math::MatR33 Jred, invJred;
    Math::MatR43 res;
    // Main loop, runs over all simplex coordinates.
    for (std::size_t j = 0; j < numberOfFaces(); j++) {
        // Chooses columns indices that will be substracted from the Jacobian.
        switch (j) {
        case 0:
            ind[0] = 1;
            ind[1] = 2;
            ind[2] = 3;
        case 1:
            ind[0] = 0;
            ind[1] = 2;
            ind[2] = 3;
        case 2:
            ind[0] = 0;
            ind[1] = 1;
            ind[2] = 3;
        case 3:
            ind[0] = 0;
            ind[1] = 1;
            ind[2] = 2;
        // Builds reduced jacobian for all cubature points.
        for (std::size_t c = 0; c < Math::Simplex::Tetrahedron<1>::ncp; c++) {
            // Substracts column j to column ind[c], to build J reduced.
            for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    Jred(k,i) = cJ[c](k,ind[i]) - cJ[c](k,j);
            // Computes reduced jacobian inverse.
            invJred = Jred.invert();
            // Gets Jhat from the summation of reduced jacobians.
            for (std::size_t m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
                for (std::size_t n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
                    cJHat[c](j,m) -= invJred(n,m);
    } // Ends j loop, running over faces.
    // Multiplies by Jacobian determinant.
    for (std::size_t c = 0; c < Math::Simplex::Tetrahedron<1>::ncp; c++) {
        cJHat[c] *= cJDet[c];
Beispiel #3
void Tetrahedron::getCubatureJacobian(
    Math::MatR44 res[Math::Simplex::Tetrahedron<2>::ncp]) const {
    for (std::size_t s = 0; s < numberOfFaces(); s++)
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numberOfCoordinates(); i++) {
            const Math::CVecR3 v = *(getV(i));
            for (std::size_t c = 0; c < Math::Simplex::Tetrahedron<2>::ncp;
                    c++) {
                res[c](0,s) += v(0) * getTet().getCda(i,s,c);
                res[c](1,s) += v(1) * getTet().getCda(i,s,c);
                res[c](2,s) += v(2) * getTet().getCda(i,s,c);
                res[c](3,s) = 1.0;
face ConstCombinatorialEmbedding::maximalFace() const
	if (numberOfFaces() == 0) return nullptr;

	face fMax = firstFace();
	int max = fMax->size();

	for(face f = fMax->succ(); f != nullptr; f = f->succ())
		if (f->size() > max) {
			max = f->size();
			fMax = f;

	return fMax;
Beispiel #5
Acad::ErrorStatus AsdkShellData::setFaceData(int colorIndex)
//  If user overrides this function they must obey the following
//  contract.
//  1.  Allocate memory for AcGiFaceData and point it to mpFaceData
//  2.  Allocate memory for all elements of AcGiFaceData.
//  They are free to set any value to the members of AcGiFaceData.
//  For example, the colors need not be the same for all faces as
//  is shown in this example.

    unsigned int numberFaces = numberOfFaces();

    short*	pColors = new short[numberFaces];

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberFaces; ++i)
        pColors[i] = colorIndex;

    // Set data members for AcgiFaceData to the above.
    mpFaceData = new AcGiFaceData;

    return Acad::eOk;
