// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknExQueryContainer::CreateListBoxL()
// Creates listbox object.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknExQueryContainer::CreateListBoxL()

    iHandler = new ( ELeave ) CAknExQueryTimeAndDurationListEventHandler(
                    this );

    TInt flags( CEikListBox::EPopout | CEikListBox::ELeftDownInViewRect );
    iListBox = new ( ELeave ) CEikColumnListBox;
    iListBox->ConstructL( this, flags );

    iListBox->SetListBoxObserver( iHandler );
    iListBox->SetBorder( TGulBorder::EShallowRaised );
    iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
        CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );

    // Creates list items
    CDesCArray* textArray = iCoeEnv->ReadDesCArrayResourceL( resourceId );
    iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( textArray );
    iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );

    // Sets pixel values of width.
    TRect rect( TPoint( KAknExQueryListBoxRectPointX,
        KAknExQueryListBoxRectPointY ),
        TSize( KAknExQueryListBoxRectWidth,
        KAknExQueryListBoxRectHeight )  );

    CColumnListBoxData* columnData = iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData();
    columnData->SetColumnWidthPixelL( KAknExQueryNameColumnIndex,
                                      rect.Width() );
    columnData->SetColumnWidthPixelL( KAknExQueryNameGapColumnIndex,
                                      rect.Width() );

    // Gets current number of list box items.
    TInt numberOfItems( iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() );
    // Gets new height of list box.
    TInt height( iListBox->CalcHeightBasedOnNumOfItems( numberOfItems ) );
    // If new height is less than defined height of list box
    // sets new height to list box height.
    if ( height < rect.Height() )
        rect.SetHeight( height );

    iListBox->SetRect( rect ); // Sets rectangle of list box.
Beispiel #2
String SVGNumberList::valueAsString() const
    String result;

    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfItems(); ++i) {
        if (i > 0)
            result += ", ";

        result += String::number(getItem(i, ec));
        ASSERT(ec == 0);

    return result;
unsigned SVGPathSegList::getPathSegAtLength(float)
    // FIXME : to be useful this will need to support non-normalized SVGPathSegLists
    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    int len = numberOfItems();
    // FIXME: Eventually this will likely move to a "path applier"-like model, until then PathTraversalState is less useful as we could just use locals
    PathTraversalState traversalState(PathTraversalState::TraversalSegmentAtLength);
    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        SVGPathSeg* segment = getItem(i, ec).get();
        float segmentLength = 0;
        switch (segment->pathSegType()) {
        case SVGPathSeg::PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS:
            SVGPathSegMovetoAbs* moveTo = static_cast<SVGPathSegMovetoAbs*>(segment);
            segmentLength = traversalState.moveTo(FloatPoint(moveTo->x(), moveTo->y()));
        case SVGPathSeg::PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS:
            SVGPathSegLinetoAbs* lineTo = static_cast<SVGPathSegLinetoAbs*>(segment);
            segmentLength = traversalState.lineTo(FloatPoint(lineTo->x(), lineTo->y()));
            SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs* curveTo = static_cast<SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs*>(segment);
            segmentLength = traversalState.cubicBezierTo(FloatPoint(curveTo->x1(), curveTo->y1()),
                                      FloatPoint(curveTo->x2(), curveTo->y2()),
                                      FloatPoint(curveTo->x(), curveTo->y()));
        case SVGPathSeg::PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH:
            segmentLength = traversalState.closeSubpath();
            ASSERT(false); // FIXME: This only works with normalized/processed path data.
        traversalState.m_totalLength += segmentLength;
        if ((traversalState.m_action == PathTraversalState::TraversalSegmentAtLength)
            && (traversalState.m_totalLength > traversalState.m_desiredLength)) {
            return traversalState.m_segmentIndex;
    return 0; // The SVG spec is unclear as to what to return when the distance is not on the path    
Beispiel #4
String SVGPointList::valueAsString() const
    String result;

    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfItems(); ++i) {
        if (i > 0)
            result += " ";

        FloatPoint point = getItem(i, ec);
        ASSERT(ec == 0);

        result += String::format("%.6lg %.6lg", point.x(), point.y());

    return result;
Path SVGPathSegList::toPathData()
    // FIXME : This should also support non-normalized PathSegLists
    Path pathData;
    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    int len = numberOfItems();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        SVGPathSeg* segment = getItem(i, ec).get();;
        switch (segment->pathSegType())
            case SVGPathSeg::PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS:
                SVGPathSegMovetoAbs* moveTo = static_cast<SVGPathSegMovetoAbs*>(segment);
                pathData.moveTo(FloatPoint(moveTo->x(), moveTo->y()));
            case SVGPathSeg::PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS:
                SVGPathSegLinetoAbs* lineTo = static_cast<SVGPathSegLinetoAbs*>(segment);
                pathData.addLineTo(FloatPoint(lineTo->x(), lineTo->y()));
            case SVGPathSeg::PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_ABS:
                SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs* curveTo = static_cast<SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs*>(segment);
                pathData.addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(curveTo->x1(), curveTo->y1()),
                                          FloatPoint(curveTo->x2(), curveTo->y2()),
                                          FloatPoint(curveTo->x(), curveTo->y()));
            case SVGPathSeg::PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH:
                ASSERT(false); // FIXME: This only works with normalized/processed path data.
    return pathData;
Beispiel #6
void AbstractDataPlugin::handleViewportChange( const ViewportParams *viewport )
    QList<AbstractDataPluginItem*> orphane = d->m_delegateInstances.keys();
    QList<AbstractDataPluginItem*> const items = d->m_model->items( viewport, numberOfItems() );
    foreach( AbstractDataPluginItem* item, items ) {
        qreal x, y;
        Marble::GeoDataCoordinates const coordinates = item->coordinate();
        bool const visible = viewport->screenCoordinates( coordinates.longitude(), coordinates.latitude(), x, y );

        if ( !d->m_delegateInstances.contains( item ) ) {
            if ( !visible ) {
                // We don't have, but don't need it either. Shouldn't happen though as the model checks for it already.

            // Create a new QML object instance using the delegate as the factory. The original
            // data plugin item is set as the context object, i.e. all its properties are available
            // to QML directly with their names
            QQmlContext *context = new QQmlContext( qmlContext( d->m_delegate ) );
            context->setContextObject( item );
            QList<QByteArray> const dynamicProperties = item->dynamicPropertyNames();
            foreach( const QByteArray &property, dynamicProperties ) {
                context->setContextProperty( property, item->property( property ) );

            QObject* component = d->m_delegate->create( context );
            QQuickItem* newItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>( component );
            QGraphicsItem* graphicsItem = qobject_cast<QGraphicsItem*>( component );
            if ( graphicsItem && newItem ) {
                graphicsItem->setParentItem( d->m_delegateParent );

            if ( newItem ) {
                d->m_delegateInstances[item] = newItem;
            } else {
                mDebug() << "Failed to create delegate";
        } else if ( !visible ) {
Beispiel #7
T64File::selectItem(unsigned item)
    // Invalidate the file pointer if a non-existing item is requested.
    if (item >= numberOfItems()) {
        iFp = -1;
    // Remember the selection
    selectedItem = item;
    // Set file pointer and end of file index
    unsigned i = 0x48 + (item * 0x20);
    iFp = LO_LO_HI_HI(data[i], data[i+1], data[i+2], data[i+3]);
    iEof = iFp + getSizeOfItem();
    // Check for inconsistent values. As all inconsistencies should have
    // been ruled out by repair(), the if condition should never hit.
    if (iFp > size || iEof > size) {
Beispiel #8
    unsigned i, n;
    uint16_t noOfItems = numberOfItems();

    // 1. Repair number of items, if this value is zero
    if (noOfItems == 0) {

        while (directoryItemIsPresent(noOfItems))

        uint16_t noOfItemsStatedInHeader = numberOfItems();
        if (noOfItems != noOfItemsStatedInHeader) {
            debug(1, "Repairing corrupted T64 archive: Changing number of items from %d to %d.\n",
                  noOfItemsStatedInHeader, noOfItems);
            data[0x24] = LO_BYTE(noOfItems);
            data[0x25] = HI_BYTE(noOfItems);
        assert(noOfItems == numberOfItems());
    for (i = 0; i < noOfItems; i++) {

        // 2. Check relative offset information for each item

        // Compute start address in file
        n = 0x48 + (i * 0x20);
        uint16_t startAddrInContainer = LO_LO_HI_HI(data[n], data[n+1], data[n+2], data[n+3]);

        if (startAddrInContainer >= size) {
            warn("T64 archive is corrupt (offset mismatch). Sorry, can't repair.\n");
            return false;
        // 3. Check for file end address mismatches (as created by CONVC64)
        // Compute start address in memory
        n = 0x42 + (i * 0x20);
        uint16_t startAddrInMemory = LO_HI(data[n], data[n+1]);
        // Compute end address in memory
        n = 0x44 + (i * 0x20);
        uint16_t endAddrInMemory = LO_HI(data[n], data[n+1]);
        if (endAddrInMemory == 0xC3C6) {

            // Let's assume that the rest of the file data belongs to this file ...
            uint16_t fixedEndAddrInMemory = startAddrInMemory + (size - startAddrInContainer);

            debug(1, "Repairing corrupted T64 archive: Changing end address of item %d from %04X to %04X.\n",
                  i, endAddrInMemory, fixedEndAddrInMemory);

            data[n] = LO_BYTE(fixedEndAddrInMemory);
            data[n+1] = HI_BYTE(fixedEndAddrInMemory);
    return 1; // Archive repaired successfully
Beispiel #9
bool Menu::wantsEvents()
	return numberOfItems() > 0;