Beispiel #1
    inline void prepare_waypoints(O const &o, const X& x, W& wpts)
      typedef typename X::value_type itype;
      BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(isempty(o.waypoints) || (numel(x) == 2), "Choose x or waypoints,  not both");
      if (isempty(o.waypoints))
        wpts = nt2::rowvect(x);
      else if (numel(x) == 2)
//         input_t a = x(begin_), b = x(end_);
//         BOOST_AUTO_TPL(w, nt2::cath(nt2::cath(x(begin_), nt2::rowvect(o.waypoints)), x(end_)));
//         BOOST_AUTO_TPL(d, nt2::is_nez(nt2::cath(nt2::One<input_t>(), nt2::diff(w))));
//         wpts = wpts(d);
        itype a = x(begin_), b = x(end_);
        if(a != o.waypoints(begin_) && b!=o.waypoints(end_) )
          wpts =  nt2::cath(nt2::cath(a, nt2::rowvect(o.waypoints)), b);
        else if (a != o.waypoints(begin_))  wpts =  nt2::cath(a, nt2::rowvect(o.waypoints));
        else if (b != o.waypoints(end_))  wpts =  nt2::cath(nt2::rowvect(o.waypoints), b);
        else wpts = nt2::rowvect(o.waypoints);

        wpts = nt2::rowvect(o.waypoints);
Beispiel #2
	 * @brief        Construct FFTW plans for forward and backward FT with credentials
	 * @param  sl    Matrix of side length of the FT range
	 * @param  mask  K-Space mask (if left empty no mask is applied)
	 * @param  pc    Phase correction (or target phase)
	 * @param  b0    Field distortion
	explicit DFT         (const Matrix<size_t>& sl,
				 const Matrix<T>& mask = Matrix<T>(1),
				 const Matrix<CT>& pc = Matrix<CT>(1),
				 const Matrix<T>& b0 = Matrix<T>(1)) :
		m_N(1), m_have_mask (false), m_have_pc (false) {

		size_t rank = numel(sl);

		container<int> n (rank);
		if (numel(mask) > 1) {
			m_have_mask = true;	m_mask = mask;
		if (numel(pc)   > 1) {
			m_have_pc = true; m_pc = pc; m_cpc = conj(pc);
		for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++)
			n[i]  = (int) sl [rank-1-i];

		m_N = std::accumulate(n.begin(), n.end(), 1, std::multiplies<int>());

		Matrix<size_t> tmp = resize(sl,3,1);
		for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
			tmp[i] = (tmp[i] > 0) ? tmp[i] : 1;

		d = tmp.Container(); // data side lengths
		c = (floor(tmp/2)).Container(); // center coords

 		Allocate (rank, &n[0]);

		m_initialised = true;

Beispiel #3
 BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()(Expr& e) const
   result_type sizee;
   sizee[0] =  numel(boost::proto::child_c<0>(e));
   sizee[1] =  numel(boost::proto::child_c<1>(e));
   return sizee;
Beispiel #4
 void inverse(T1& ip) const
   T1 inv(of_size(1, numel(ip)));
   inv(ip) =  nt2::_(nt2_la_int(1), nt2_la_int(numel(ip)));
   assign_swap(ip, inv);
Beispiel #5
void DataChannelMPI::allGather(std::vector<at::Tensor>& output,
                               at::Tensor& input, THDGroup group_id) {
  const auto& group_pair =;
  const auto& comm = group_pair.first;
  if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)

  if (output.size() != group_pair.second.size())
    throw std::logic_error("allGather: number of output tensors and group size does not match");

  for (auto out_tensor : output)
    assertSameSizeAndType(out_tensor, input, "allGather");

  auto recv_buffer = _newLikeFlat(output);
  auto contig_input = input.contiguous();

    contig_input.data_ptr(), contig_input.numel(),,
    recv_buffer.data_ptr(), contig_input.numel(),,

  for (size_t i = 0; i < output.size(); ++i)
Beispiel #6
 * @brief    MATLAB-like meshgrid. x and y vectors must be specified z may be specified optionally.
 * @param x  X-Vector
 * @param y  Y-Vector
 * @param z  Z-Vector (default: unused)
 * @return   Mesh grid O (Ny x Nx x Nz x 3) (if z specified) else O (Ny x Nx x 2)<br/>
template <class T> inline static Matrix<T>
meshgrid (const Vector<T>& x, const Vector<T>& y, const Vector<T>& z = Vector<T>(1)) {

	size_t nx = numel(x);
	size_t ny = numel(y);
	size_t nz = numel(z);

	assert (nx > 1);
	assert (ny > 1);

	// Column vectors
	assert (size(x,0) == nx); 
	assert (size(y,0) == ny);
	assert (size(z,0) == nz);

	Matrix<T> res (ny, nx, (nz > 1) ? nz : 2, (nz > 1) ? 3 : 1);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ny * nz; i++) 
		Row    (res, i          , x);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < nx * nz; i++) 
		Column (res, i + nx * nz, y);
	if (nz > 1)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < nz; i++)
			Slice  (res, i +  2 * nz, z[i]);
	return res;	

Beispiel #7
    inline void prepare_waypoints(O const &o, const X& x, W& wpts)
      typedef typename X::value_type itype;
      BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( isempty(o.waypoints) || (numel(x) == 2)
                      , "Choose x or waypoints, not both"

      if (isempty(o.waypoints))
        wpts = nt2::rowvect(x);
      else if (numel(x) == 2)
        itype a = x(begin_), b = x(end_);
        if(a != o.waypoints(begin_) && b!=o.waypoints(end_) )
          wpts =  nt2::cath(nt2::cath(a, nt2::rowvect(o.waypoints)), b);
        else if (a != o.waypoints(begin_))  wpts =  nt2::cath(a, nt2::rowvect(o.waypoints));
        else if (b != o.waypoints(end_))  wpts =  nt2::cath(nt2::rowvect(o.waypoints), b);
        else wpts = nt2::rowvect(o.waypoints);
        wpts = nt2::rowvect(o.waypoints);
Beispiel #8
    result_type operator()(A0& yi, A1& inputs) const
        const child0 & x   =  boost::proto::child_c<0>(inputs);
        if (numel(x) <=  1)
            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(numel(x) >  1, "Interpolation requires at least two sample points in each dimension.");
            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(issorted(x, 'a'), "for 'nearest' interpolation x values must be sorted in ascending order");
            const child1 & y   =  boost::proto::child_c<1>(inputs);
            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(numel(x) == numel(y), "The grid vectors do not define a grid of points that match the given values.");
            const child2 & xi  =  boost::proto::child_c<2>(inputs);
            bool extrap = false;
            value_type extrapval = Nan<value_type>();
            choices(inputs, extrap, extrapval, N1());
            table<index_type>   index = bsearch (x, xi);
            table<value_type>  dx    =  xi-x(index);
            table<index_type> indexp1 =  oneplus(index);
            yi = y(nt2::if_else(lt(nt2::abs(xi-x(index)), nt2::abs(xi-x(indexp1))), index,  indexp1));
            value_type  b =  value_type(x(begin_));
            value_type  e =  value_type(x(end_));
            if (!extrap) yi = nt2::if_else(nt2::logical_or(boost::simd::is_nge(xi, b),
                                               boost::simd::is_nle(xi, e)), extrapval, yi);

        return yi;
Beispiel #9
static void _check_inputs(std::vector<at::Tensor> &inputs, std::vector<at::Tensor> &outputs, int input_multiplier, int output_multiplier) {
  // len(inputs) == len(outputs)
  size_t len = inputs.size();

  if (len <= 0) {
    throw std::runtime_error("input sequence can't be empty");

  if (len != outputs.size()) {
    std::stringstream err;
    err << "inputs and outputs sequences have to be of the same length, but got input of length " << len << " and output of length " << outputs.size();
    throw std::runtime_error(err.str());

  std::unordered_set<int> devices;
  int64_t numel = inputs[0].numel();
  auto type = inputs[0].type().ID();

  for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    auto input = inputs[i];
    auto output = outputs[i];

    if (!(input.type().is_cuda() && !input.type().is_sparse()
	  && output.type().is_cuda()  && !output.type().is_sparse())) {
      throw std::runtime_error("input and output elements have to be cuda dense Tensors");

    if (type != input.type().ID() || type != output.type().ID()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("all inputs and outputs must be of the same Tensor type");

    if (!input.is_contiguous() || !output.is_contiguous()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("all inputs and outputs have to be contiguous");

    auto input_device = input.get_device();
    // inputs must be on unique devices
    if (devices.find(input_device) != devices.end()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("inputs must be on unique devices");

    // inputs and outputs must be on same device respectively
    if (input_device != output.get_device()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("input and output must be on the same device");

    // all inputs must be same size
    if (input.numel() != numel) {
      throw std::runtime_error("all inputs must have the same number of elements");

    if (output.numel() * output_multiplier != numel * input_multiplier) {
      throw std::runtime_error("output must be of size input_size * size_multiplier");
Beispiel #10
    BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type
    eval(A0& a0, A1& a1, boost::mpl::false_ const&, Same const&) const
      BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( numel(a0) == numel(a1)
                      , "Swapping expression with incompatible sizes."

      nt2::tie(a1,a0) = nt2::tie(a0,a1);
Beispiel #11
template<class T, class S> inline unsigned short issame (const Matrix<T>& A, const Matrix<S>& B) {
    if (numel(A) != numel(B))
        return 0;
    for (auto i = 0; i < numel(A); ++i)
        if (A[i]!=B[i])
            return 0;
    if (size(A)==size(B))
        return 2;
    return 1;
Beispiel #12
 static void compute(A0& out,const C& c, const R& r)
   size_t p = numel(r);
   size_t m = numel(c);
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(idx, nt2::_(ptrdiff_t(p), ptrdiff_t(-1), ptrdiff_t(2)));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(ridx, nt2::colvect(r(idx)));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(x, catv(ridx, c)); //build vector of user data
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(v1, nt2::fliplr(nt2::cif(m, p, meta::as_<ptrdiff_t>())));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(v2, nt2::ric(m, p, meta::as_<ptrdiff_t>()));
   out(nt2::_) = x(v1+v2);
Beispiel #13
template<class T> T
rmse (const Matrix<T>& A, const Matrix<T>& B) {

    assert (numel(A) == numel(B));

    Matrix<T> res = (A - B) ^ 2;
    res = resize (res,numel(res),1);
    res = sum(res,0);

    return (sqrt(res[0]));

Beispiel #14
 result_type operator()(Expr& e) const
   const choice1_t & v1   =  boost::proto::child_c<N-2>(e);
   const choice2_t & v2   =  boost::proto::child_c<N-1>(e);
   typedef typename nt2::meta::is_integral<choice1_t>::type c_t;
   std::size_t dim1 = 2, dim2 = 1;
   getdims(boost::proto::child_c<1>(e), v1, v2, dim1, dim2, c_t());
   result_type sizee = boost::proto::child_c<0>(e).extent();
   sizee[dim1-1] = numel(boost::proto::child_c<1>(e));
   sizee[dim2-1] = numel(boost::proto::child_c<2>(e));
   return sizee;
Beispiel #15
    BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()(A0 const& a0) const
      BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( numel(a0) <= 2, "randi: invalid range size");

      std::size_t i = first_index<1>(a0);

      result_type imin = numel(a0) == 2 ? a0(i) : 1;
      result_type imax = numel(a0) == 2 ? a0(i+1) : a0(i);

      result_type that;
      return that;
Beispiel #16
 * @brief              Complex dot product (A'*B) on data vector
 * Usage:
 * @code{.cpp}
 *   Matrix<cxdb> a = rand<cxdb> (20,1);
 *   Matrix<cxdb> b = rand<cxdb> (20,1);
 *   cxdb   dotpr   = dotc (a, b);
 * @endcode
 * @param  A           Left factor (is conjugated)
 * @param  B           Right factor
 * @return             A'*B
template <class T> inline T 
dotc (const Matrix<T>& A, const Matrix<T>& B) {
	int n = (int) numel(A), one = 1;
	T   res = (T)0.;
	assert (n == (int) numel(B));

	LapackTraits<T>::dotc (n, A.Ptr(), one, B.Ptr(), one, &res);
	return res;
Beispiel #17
Solution VDSpiral (SpiralParams& sp) {

	GradientParams gp;

	Matrix<double>& fov = sp.fov; 
	Matrix<double>& rad = sp.rad; 
	double k_max, fov_max, dr;
	Matrix<double> r, theta;
	long n = 0;

	assert (numel(rad) >= 2);
	assert (isvec(rad) == isvec(fov));
	assert (numel(rad) == numel(fov));

	k_max   = 5.0 / sp.res;
	fov_max = m_max(fov);

	dr  = sp.shots / (fov_max);
	n   = size(fov,1)*100;
	r   = linspace<double> (0.0, k_max, n);
	Matrix<double> x = k_max*rad;
	fov = interp1 (x, fov, r, INTERP::LINEAR);

	dr  = sp.shots / (1500.0 * fov_max);
	n   = ceil (k_max/dr);
	x   = r;
	r   = linspace<double> (0.0, k_max, n);

	fov = interp1 (x, fov, r, INTERP::AKIMA);

	theta = cumsum ((2 * PI * dr / sp.shots) * fov);

	gp.k = Matrix<double> (numel(r), 3);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < numel(r); i++) {
		gp.k(i,0) = r[i] * cos (theta[i]);
		gp.k(i,1) = r[i] * sin (theta[i]);

	gp.mgr     = sp.mgr;
	gp.msr     = sp.msr;
	gp.dt      = sp.dt;
	gp.gunits  = sp.gunits;
	gp.lunits  = sp.lunits;

	Solution s = ComputeGradient (gp);
	return s;

Beispiel #18
 * @brief           Create new matrix with the new dimensions
 *                  and copy the data into the new matrix. If the target
 *                  is bigger, the remaining space is set 0. If it is
 *                  smaller data is truncted.
 * @param   M       The matrix to resize
 * @param   sz      New dimension vector
 * @return          Resized copy
template <class T> inline static Matrix<T>
resize (const Matrix<T>& M, const Vector<size_t>& sz) {

    Matrix<T> res (sz);
    size_t copysz  = std::min(numel(M), numel(res));

    typename Vector<T>::      iterator rb = res.Begin ();
    typename Vector<T>::const_iterator mb =   M.Begin ();

    std::copy (mb, mb+copysz, rb);

    return res;

Beispiel #19
  FBNN::FBNN(const Arch_t & arch, std::string activeStr, int learningRate, double zeroMaskedFraction, bool testing, std::string outputStr)
      : m_oArch(arch)
      , m_iN(numel(arch))
      , m_strActivationFunction(activeStr)
      , m_iLearningRate(learningRate)
      , m_fInputZeroMaskedFraction(zeroMaskedFraction)
      , m_fTesting(testing)
      , m_strOutput(outputStr)
      for(int i = 1; i < m_iN; ++i)
 	  FMatrix f = (rand(m_oArch[i], m_oArch[i-1] + 1) - 0.5) * (2 * 4 * sqrt(6.0/(m_oArch[i] + m_oArch[i-1])));//based on nnsetup.m
	  if(m_fMomentum > 0)
	    FMatrix z = zeros(f.rows(), f.columns());
	  if(m_fNonSparsityPenalty > 0)
	    FMatrix p = zeros(1, m_oArch[i]);

Beispiel #20
 * @brief           Round down
 * @param  M        Matrix
 * @return          Rounded down matrix
template<class T> inline static Matrix<T>
floor (const Matrix<T>& M) {
    Matrix<T> res = M;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numel(M); ++i)
        res[i] = floor ((float)res[i]);
    return res;
Beispiel #21
void maxpool3d_cpu::bprop()
  // create dX at input port

  // dX at input port
  float* const dxx = (float*)dX.getDataBeg();
  // dY and index at output port
  float* const dyy = (float*)dY.getDataBeg();
  int*   const ii  = (int*)ind.getDataBeg();

  // iterate over dY, set dX
  int num = static_cast<int>( numel(dY) );
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
    int ix = ii[n];
    ix -= 1; // matlab 1-base -> C++ 0-base

    // accumulate! there can be overlapping ix!
    #pragma omp atomic
    dxx[ix] += dyy[n];
Beispiel #22
  template<class TAG, class F, class X> BOOST_FORCEINLINE
  typename details::integration<F, X, TAG>::result_type
  primitive(F f, X x)
    typedef details::integration<F, X, TAG>        i_t;
    typedef typename i_t::input_t              input_t;
    typedef typename i_t::result_t            result_t;
    typedef typename i_t::real_t                real_t;
    typedef container::table<input_t>           itab_t;
    typedef container::table<result_t>          rtab_t;
    typedef typename details::h2_t<input_t>::ab_t ab_t;
    typedef typename i_t::result_type      result_type;

    size_t nbres = nt2::numel(x);
    rtab_t res(of_size(1, nbres));
    real_t  err = Zero<real_t>();
    size_t warn = 0;
    size_t fcnt = 0;
    if (numel(x) == 0)
      result_type r = { nt2::zeros(nt2::of_size(1, 0)), err, 0, true, 0};
      return r;
    res(1) =  nt2::Zero<result_t>();
    for(size_t i=2; i <= nbres; i++)
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(r, (details::integration<F, ab_t, TAG>::call(f, nt2::cath(x(i-1), x(i)))));
      res(i) = res(i-1)+r.integrals(end_);
      err  = nt2::max(err, r.errors);
      warn = nt2::max(warn, r.warning);
      fcnt += r.eval_count;
    result_type r = { res, err, fcnt, warn == 0, warn};
    return r;
Beispiel #23
 * @brief           MATLAB-like round
 * @param  M        Matrix
 * @return          Rounded matrix
template<class T> inline static Matrix<T>
round (const Matrix<T>& M) {
    Matrix<T> res = M;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numel(M); ++i)
        res[i] = ROUND (res[i]);
    return res;
Beispiel #24
template <class T> inline static T mmin (const View<T, true>& V) {
    T mx = 1e-20;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numel(V); ++i)
        if (V[i] <= mx)
            mx = V[i];
    return mx;
Beispiel #25
 * @brief           Create new vector
 *                  and copy the data into the new vector. If the target
 *                  is bigger, the remaining space is set 0. If it is
 *                  smaller data is truncted.
 * @param   M       The matrix to resize
 * @param   sz      New length
 * @return          Resized vector
template <class T> inline static Matrix<T> resize (const Matrix<T>& M, const size_t& s0,
        const size_t& s1, const size_t& s2, const size_t& s3, const size_t& s4) {
    assert (numel(M)==s0*s1*s2*s3*s4);
    Matrix<T> res (s0,s1,s2,s3,s4);
    res.Container() = M.Container();
    return res;
Beispiel #26
	 * @brief        Swap a ranges order
    void SwapRange (const Matrix<size_t>& sol, Matrix<size_t>& nsol) {
		size_t i, x, y, pos, nr = numel(sol);
		// copy the current solution
		nsol = sol;
		// pick two places do not touch start 
		x = gsl_rng_uniform_int (m_rng, nr-1) + 1;
		y = gsl_rng_uniform_int (m_rng, nr-1) + 1;
		// Swap
		if (y < x) {
			pos = x; x = y;	y = pos;
		} else if (x == y)
		// Create a temporary array that holds all the values between place1 and place2
		size_t len = y - x + 1;
		container<size_t> cut (len);

		i = len;
		while (i--)
			nsol[x+len-1-i] = sol[x+i];
Beispiel #27
	 * @brief           Calculate the trajectory length 
	 * @param  k        K-space points 
	 * @param  order    Order of positions
	 * @return          Trajectory length
	double Lengthiness (const Matrix<double>& k, const Matrix<size_t>& order) {
		double length = 0, x[3], y[3];
		size_t j, nr = numel(order), nx, ny;
		// calculate the total length of the traj
		for (j = 0; j < nr; j++) {
			nx = order[j];
			ny = order[(j == nr-1) ? 0 : j + 1];
			x[0] = k (nx,0);
			x[1] = k (nx,1);
			x[2] = k (nx,2);
			y[0] = k (ny,0);
			y[1] = k (ny,1);
			y[2] = k (ny,2);
			length += sqrt(pow(x[0]-y[0],2) + pow(x[1]-y[1],2) + pow(x[2]-y[2],2));
		return length;		
Beispiel #28
 void compute( const FUNC& f, const X & x, const o_t & o)
   real_t tmptol = tol_;
   init(o, x);
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(dif, nt2::abs(nt2::diff(nt2::rowvect(wpts_))));
   real_t tol1= tol_/nt2::globalasum1(dif);
   size_t l = numel(dif);
   res_(1) = nt2::Zero<value_t>();
   tol_ = tol1*dif(1);
   res_(2) = compute<true>(f, wpts_(1), wpts_(2));
   for(size_t i=2; i < l; ++i)
     tol_ = tol1*dif(i);
     res_(i+1) = res_(i)+compute<false>(f, wpts_(i), wpts_(i+1));
   if (l >= 2)
     tol_ = tol1*dif(l);
     res_(l+1) = res_(l)+compute<true>(f, wpts_(l), wpts_(l+1));
   tol_ = tmptol;
   if (!o.return_waypoints)
     res_(begin_) = res_(end_);
     res_.resize(nt2::of_size(1, 1));
Beispiel #29
static std::vector<Tensor> expandByteTensors(const Tensor & self, TensorList indices) {
  // Expands byte tensors (masks) into the equivalent indexing by LongTensors
  std::vector<Tensor> result;
  for (auto & index : indices) {
    if (index.type().scalarType() == kByte) {
      // The sizes of the ByteTensor mask must match the sizes of the
      // corresponding dimensions in self
      for (int64_t j = 0; j < index.dim(); j++) {
        int64_t srcIdx = result.size() + j;
        if (index.size(j) != self.size(srcIdx)) {
          invalid_mask(self, srcIdx, index, j);
      // Replace with nonzeros
      auto nonzero = index.nonzero();
      auto is_empty = nonzero.numel() == 0;
      for (int64_t j = 0; j < index.dim(); j++) {
        if (is_empty) {
          // We can't call select on an empty tensor so we just create an empty
          // tensor.
        } else {
          result.emplace_back(, j));
    } else {
  return result;
Beispiel #30
/* @brief            1D Interpolation
 * @param  x         Original base
 * @param  y         Original values
 * @param  xi        Interpolation base
 * @param  intm      Interpolation method @see INTERP::Method
 * @return           Interpolation values
template <class T> inline static Matrix<T>
interp_1 (const Vector<double>& x, const Matrix<T>& y,
		const Matrix<double>& xi, const INTERP::Method intm = INTERP::CSPLINE) {

	size_t  nx = x.size();
	assert (nx > 0);
	assert (nx == size(y,0));
	size_t  nd  = numel(y)/nx;
	size_t  nxi  = size(xi,0);
	Matrix<double> xx(nx,1);
	xx.Container() = x;

	Matrix<T> yi (nxi,nd);
	for (size_t j = 0; j < nd; j++) {

		PolyVal<T> pv (xx, (T*) y.Ptr(j*nx), intm);

		for (size_t i = 0; i < nxi; i++)
			yi [j * nxi + i] = pv.Lookup (xi[i]);


	return yi;
